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tv   [untitled]    October 15, 2011 10:01am-10:31am EDT

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it is good to have you with us here on r.t. we're broadcasting live from moscow i'm a recent shine we've had enough that's the message being sent from many around the world to big business and government as people in almost a thousand cities are taking their anger to the streets let's try and get our heads around exactly where this all began the occupy wall street movement started in new york quickly spreading across the u.s. to l.a. denver and washington then global to asia joining in with the demands for change there and europe as well hundreds of cities taking part in the protests and let's have a closer look at what's happening in some of them. we've got our correspondents now either bennett in london daniel bushell in brussels a rino in a merger and thank you all for coming on the program let's start with ivor
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obviously a high level of public discontent all around the world what are people there in london saying to. the slogan of the protests here in london is paid back and they are of course referring to the trillions of dollars paid in bonuses to senior banking executives over the last decade or so as now in a time when taxpayers continue monies is continue to be used to bail out the banks at this time of crisis so that's what they're angry about now they've taken their protests to the center of london in the financial district the stock exchange the bank of england and here outside st paul's cathedral over here because they're actually being hamdeen by police called and we having some trouble covering the event actually because even though we have press an accredited pressure not actually being allowed through and understand from twitter there are three other police cordons in place they're being branded this case is that's the that refers to the controversial police tactic hemming in the protesters now these other cordons are in place outside the bank of england the london stock exchange they call. there's
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a there's thousands there. are the news reports are saying is about five hundred protesters here on the steps of supposed seadrill is around five hundred they're sitting there camped out with rucksacks tents sleeping bags they say they're not going to go away they're going to stay for as long as it takes to go placards here . campaigning for no cuts and things like that but as i say i can't get through the moment to actually cover the. event because the police are not letting us through their points in quite as strong arm tactics as they try to. dispel what is in large peaceful protests but it is actually adding fuel to the flames now i'm joined now by author and journalist afshin rattansi to talk more about this now ashton there's no much coverage from media and the media that is here is having some problems i was wrong with the coverage of this event in the british media is it getting enough london of course one of the epicenters of financial global capital demonstrations not just years djoko soul manila all the way to rome paris london of
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course wall street at this this demonstration very different from london like the demonstrations of the late by today cheese because they are targeting capitalism avatar the city of london far more powerful arguably than the houses of parliament where we normally have demonstrations because he's the people that pay the elected representatives of the people in this country would you saying this event was getting the coverage it deserves as you alluded to a very dangerous tactics by the british police they are not allowing people through their living journalists through so that we get minimize numbers being covered in the mainstream media across the country to limit the understanding by the british people of how there are people supporting the ninety nine percent as they call them very dangerous tactics certainly no freedom of the press today in the city of london helicopters overhead police kept laying trapping the protesters in and not allowing protesters to grow more protesters were rather clearly also there's a little. more protests in the recently was planned and to begin with the media was
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in britain is actually ridiculous do you think the government now will start taking note of people's concerns is a lot more serious than they thought it would be surely i think the british government both parties why do discredited we mustn't forget that in britain we don't have a technically an elected government no one voted for the government that is currently in power here they go on regardless bailing out bankers and so forth supporting capitalism just as the other major parties do this movement will grow and grow as it has done in the united states and we'll be watching as we see have politicians around them selves slowly more and more irrelevant do you think they'll actually achieve anything here what will they actually get out of this it's difficult to see how demonstrations themselves in themselves are going to change and change things because the nature of democracy is so destroyed in this country we know from the rupert murdoch scandal the way the british police were paid off by the media themselves their civic society in this country is now so corrupted so
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destroyed and so out of touch with the lives of ordinary people who are suffering because of the obsession the religious obsession with catching the cutting the debt rather than keynesian even keynesian economics. it's difficult to predict exactly. if you july's for these protests but they're serving and just quickly this police tactic is that going to. could protect perhaps possibly more violence that we saw with the riots in the last months ironically the deputy prime minister sporadic did riots because of cuts before the general election i think we're going to see more and more civil unrest on the streets of london and beyond in this country afshin rattansi thanks very much for speaking to us a. from london at the moment we'll continue to try and cover this event at the moment the police on allowing us to. bring you more updates from not only london stock exchange but also bank of england where thousands of protesters are now being handed by. police indeed i've already as i come down on you many protesters and
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journalists being barred from entering this gathering let's go from the protest central in london now to the political heart of europe over to daniel bushell now in brussels daniel people around europe have been blaming the e.u. for their economic troubles any and the sign of concern among the lawmakers where you are. where protesters oh no marching here to the central park of brussels from the european parliament building where they've been protesting they want to create an alternative poland what they call a people's parliament serves the financial elites it comes own news the latest banking outrage belgium's one of belgians biggest banks dexia has been bailed out by the government to the cost an estimated cost to the taxpayer of five thousand euros per person and people who are furious that the c.e.o. of the bank was promised a six hundred thousand euro bonus for last year despite leading the bank to this crisis now there's a huge police presence here we're seeing them on horses. in fact and they've
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actually closed off several roads as well. saying they've banned the meeting of this group here of this poem of this alternative problem on the grounds that there's no grounding water for them now the protesters who are skeptical they think that this is just an excuse to use the meeting because this is an international protest people here have come from all across europe as for was the coast from spain. all right daniel bushell from brussels as you were saying daniel protesters not just in london but where you are also being stopped from trying to get into this whole gathering here let's cross over to madrid where madrid spain as a whole area has seen a very troublesome year for the whole euro zone how much momentum is there among the activists there you know i think you're on a rooftop you can look down and see tell us what's what's the scene.
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well i have to say that in four of four the spanish residents the protests are actually things a means things as usual they have been essentially protesting since may fifteenth of this year in fact for several months protesters were camped down here in the main square off the spanish capital put them sold the have disbanded that camp but for months they were out here and they were demanding that the government do something other than implemented a severe a sturdy measures because those have left people that would jobs without homes without any opportunity for essentially a normalized people have been evicted from their homes because thousands literally have been losing their chance to pay rent the chance to pay their mortgage loans. spain has one of the highest unemployment rates in the eurozone in fact it is the highs the twenty one percent it has an immense unemployment rate for the e.u. citizens it's over forty five percent so of course that means that the most energetic part of the population the young and educated people are left without
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jobs and what does that mean that means that they're going out on the streets and they're making their voices heard they are just starting to get together from different places from different neighborhoods in madrid in fact it's not just the spanish capital that's going to participate in these marches it's basically several dozens of towns and cities across the entire country but here in madrid people are meeting in their various neighborhoods because they have. special orders that up all over the place and they're going to walk down to the center to the start it's more or less conradt now there are still some people out there of course but there's going to be thousands literally thousands as there were months ago were going to come here and they are going to voice their their opinion on what the government is doing or rather not doing loud and clear so we're still ahead for a very busy and very interesting day in madrid of course we'll bring you more as we as we get from this spanish capital so. coverage is growing old day long here for this global movement that we're going to show in madrid. you bush will in brussels
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in london thank you. well as the occupy movement goes global let's let's try and track exactly what's going on where people in almost a thousand cities eighty two countries from asia and the americas to africa and europe all united in protests that it's a cross live here these are live pictures right here on are coming to you from the italian capital of course rome reports of two hundred thousand people marching right now we have reports also though of getting a bit of violent protesters smashing up some shop windows or some cars have been torched as a demo against corporate greed and austerity measures. and we've seen plumes of smoke earlier belittling right there as you can see there is the coliseum also smoke in other parts of the capital we hear the police are out arrests of being made here and we will continue with these live pictures from right now as we turn our attention to hong kong crowds have gathered in its central districts where
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multinational corporations have offices protesters have also taken to the streets of tokyo decrying big business and income inequality as well as directing their anger at nuclear power companies as well. in germany as well thousands marched through frankfurt to the headquarters of the european central bank while others joined demonstrations in munich and hundreds turned out all across australia as well saying there are fundamental problems with corruption and the country's democracy not to be left out taiwan taiwan's capital taipei also played host to an occupied movement people were rallying outside the city's financial tower which they see as a symbol of corporate greed also here pictures of protesters in manila in the philippines as well this is without any question a world wide event. and as it continues to go global let's turn our attention now stateside to the. us where the occupy wall street movement was born
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just a month ago in new york protesters are on saturday planning a mass march on a branch of chase bank to close their accounts followed by a rally at the military recruitment center in times square on friday scuffles broke out between police and activists hundreds marched through lower manhattan at least fourteen people arrested as they headed to wall street fresh accusations of heavy handedness were leveled at the n.y.p.d. and footage emerged of a man being run over by a police another being punched in the face of all fours claims of police brutality last week when officers were seen pepper spraying protesters in new york and beating them with batons for more on the impact of this massive phenomena let's talk now to robert david steel a former american intelligence officer joining us live from washington d c thank you for coming on the program so these protests in the u.s. are probably going to play a huge part in the two thousand and twelve presidential campaign or how do you think they could affect obama's hopes for
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a second time. well the key thing to understand about these people is they're against parties they're against institutionalization of corruption we have a two party tyranny of the united states and they have been discounting the public treasury they have basically been selling ninety five percent earmarks for five percent contributions to political campaigns. so obama is not going to leverage these people and the extreme right is completely wrong and nancy pelosi is very mentally challenged when they saying that they're going to co-opt that the democrats are going to co-opt this movement this movement is against both parties there are sixty five parties in the united states only tools of them are in power and this is a similar position around the world and i think what people are starting to realize now is that the industrial era institutionalization of what some call rule by secrecy has basically destroyed not just the middle class but the blue collar class
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and the it should be an oxymoron the working poor so these people are an alternative to the existing system they will not help obama right if we can if we can to step back and take a more global perspective from the effects this movement this global protest might have on american politics we've seen many clashes all over america but also spreading among rallies in rome with a ton that we've we've seen a eruptions all over europe as a possible these protests simply going to turn into a massive wave of disorder across europe two thousand and eleven has been a terrible year for the eurozone well you're raising a very important point and let me say first off i don't think that the violence has been instigated by the protesters i think they've been penetrated by provocateurs remember that in italy they read banned was actually a cia nato operation to abrogate terrorism in order to push italy towards fascism. i don't believe that violence is coming from the demonstrators they are being
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provoked in the united states may. or bloomberg was forced to back down on closing the park when the occupation people out did him by cleaning by ordering in a dump truck basically keeping the place cleaner and more orderly than the government itself was able to that is the key to success for these groups that cannot be violent they must demonstrate that governments have sailed and that they are superior how do you think i do think governments should react to what's going on here i mean we're looking almost world wide at protests we're constantly getting calls and messages from people and major capitals all around the globe would approach any kind of action among thora is it likely or just of these these these protests will last on the weekend then those who do have jobs will go back to the monday job in this way just fade away and dissipate. well hi i am worried about the winter coming on and i am worried about the groups being slow to understand that electoral reform is the only it's the one thing that all groups can demand and
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through the threat of a general strike actually and source most governments around the world are if not deeply corrupt deeply myope they are rooted in industrial era still with barry and concepts of top down bureaucracy. there are some governments like the netherlands singapore and sometimes the nordics and these governments these governments if they are attentive to the movement and if they are willing to to move and can change now let me point to a book review i just did it's the book is called manifesto and it's on amazon and it really explains the difference between traditional governments which are institutionalized bureaucracies that try to stovepipe and hoard knowledge and the alternative. in my view represents the emerging alternative for both capitalism and democracy it reflects the idea of capitalism is something that is done among
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individuals with moral strong ethical standards and it represents democracy as it should be rather than the inverted to tella tarion democracy that we have now in the united states i mean if i may just jump in it's interesting how you talk about this democracy here you know you look at the arab spring over the past year here and there you know that trying to get democracies that but what does it show from the west is that a warning what those in the arab world could come to expect a former u.s. intelligence officer robert david steele live in washington d.c. thank you. what i throughout the day here on our to our team of correspondents in europe and the u.s. all around the world i will bring you the latest on the occupied together brownies i do stay with me for our special coverage. growing poverty and other. countries waiting for you as well cutting jobs and social spending people across the globe against their government's
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economic policies follow the worldwide action against austerity live. twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow to some other news now here after seven months of the regime demonstrations over three thousand killed in crackdowns the u.n. has warned that syria is heading for a full blown civil war with the rumors of defectors joining the opposition the gap between the two sides in the conflict appears to be widening. reports while people in the capital they're calling for dialogue other parts of the country are demanding an end to the rule of president assad. well here in the center of the syrian capital it is very quiet today it's a day off for most people but of course beneath that calmness the conflict in the country goes on between the government and its supporters and the opposition now what it one thing is clear though when we try to approach people here and bring up the issue because you could almost always turns into a heated debate a very emotional discussion depending on the stand that they take. when i see.
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positions we don't know who they are yet syria is under attack but we will not give up. our position comes down be rational and go into dialogue with the regime that was the government position and be more open minded. but again we are in damascus opinion we hear most here is that people are asking who is the opposition who is causing this instability and many of them bring up the words armed gangs think these are just people who want to do. stabilize the country of course this is a position that the government had taken from the very beginning of the conflict but it is a different story when you go outside of the capital we went to the city of understand it was decided five days of fighting between security forces and anti-government protesters and we felt the tension there there were still a lot of armed forces according to of course again the government they said that they were fighting against armed groups who were trying to create trouble for the
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local city that according to some activists so they are saying that these are not armed groups that these were peaceful protesters as well as army defectors with a strong army defecting defector contingent in the restaurant is very difficult to verify the exactly what happened in the city because people are very hesitant to talk and get to resell a lot of military the army still in that city a but that is what's happening on the ground it's not very clear it's hard to get the truth on each matter but on the political level though president bashar al assad has said that he will set up a constitutional committee within the next couple of days to debate with the opposition various sides of the opposition on constitutional reform. that dialogue should have a program and a timeline we must clearly understand what kind of results we want to achieve now one of the sticking points of the constitutional reform is article eight which states that the ruling baath party is the leader of the state and the opposition says that this no matter even if a multi-party system is introduced without repealing this article it won't change
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anything but again that depends on the dialogue that both sides are going to have to take and both sides pro and anti governmental sides always say at the end of the day it's not what is said it's the sincerity of both sides in doing what they say they will do so it's down to the action in the next few months. reporting right here with all to you live from moscow president dmitri medvedev has addressed his supporters today telling them russia's course of modernization will continue he is preparing to take over as head of the ruling united russia party for december's parliamentary elections. over listening. these meeting could be described as an informal gathering of the president with what he describes as his supporters and those ranged from musicians and bloggers to the hads of such companies as call quiver representatives from oil and gas companies those who support change support me this was the key message of the president and the change
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according to dmitry medvedev is modernisation these informal meeting with journalists and interpret nurse was actually the first evolved to dmitry medvedev announced at the united party congress that he would not be running for a second presidential term he did so in a weight was the place and the time to cross the t.'s and dot the i's so why would a politician whose popularity ratings with the voters are still so high give up the country's top job. i don't want to underestimate my own potential which is not yet i believe been realized to the full that's when i can trust rate the hopes of millions of people who brought me to power and you voted for me who pinned their hopes of change on me as well as those people who believed in the need for our country's modernization of our economies modernization and our societies modernization i feel that i'm responsible for it and i've taken a decision to stay in politics to continue my work and the ruling party strategical on with me from the bed as its new leader aims to show that the country would want
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to reduce its direct presence in a quantum you would want to reduce its state always shirts and promote independent professionals to the board of directors of state owned companies. are reporting right there now let's get to some other headlines for you from around the world in brief a time for the world update here on our take at least nine demonstrators have been killed dozens injured in violent protests across the yemeni capital sanaa security forces reportedly used live rounds tear gas and water cannons right in the city center president saleh has been battling street demonstrations for months now resisting sustained international. told him to step down. meanwhile fighting continues the lengthy battle for the city of sirte drags on several people were also injured when gunfire broke out in tripoli for the first time since being taken by the national transitional council eyewitnesses say the shooting began when
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a man was seen raising the green flag of khadafi is regime on a rooftop the new government is still facing pockets of resistance across the country. so natural leaders from the world's twenty richest nations are meeting in paris to try and find a fix for the world's financial woes the ministers are debating how europe should deal with this escalating debt crisis also on the agenda whether the i.m.f. should cough up more money after it's already funded about a third of the cost of bailing out struggling countries markets have seen some growth on the hope that eurozone nations will come up with a working solution to the debt crisis in time for an e.u. summit in late. ukraine is cleaning up ready to host next year's euro two thousand and twelve football tournament but i think ludes the burning of stray dogs immobile incinerator with locals claiming in some cases the defenseless animals of burned alive you may find some images in the next report.
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president michel platini was all smiles while inspecting cleaves new stadium the ground of the huge twenty twelve football championships final match but a box of a much smaller size has been delighting the authorities in will ukraine several months ago a local t.v. in the town of capital reported a purchase over twenty thousand dollar mobile crematorium for destroying biological waste namely the dispensing of dead stray animals. we put this crime of tory among wheels and are now able to cover large areas including neighboring towns we had many objections but they all come to nothing in our fight against bites from stray dogs and the spread of infection tens of thousands of stray animals roam the streets of ukraine cities in this a chance cologne hundreds of residents are bitten by dogs every year the towns of plants to first shooting animals dead and then destroyed their bodies in the morgue
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. but in reality it turned into gruesome killings sparking outrage among the animal protection societies. the locals believe that the dogs are still alive but we don't have any evidence of what poison is used to kill them so we cannot say for sure the only officials way of regulating the number of these animals is to sterilize rather than to kill them and we will stop demanding this happens in europe over the past few decades stray animals tragically disappeared their. the animal lovers outcry had a massive response on the internet an online petition was signed by almost two hundred thousand people some of them suggesting you are twenty twelve should not be held in a country that is so cool to its creatures that it. demands to cancel your two thousand and twelve is not unexpected as a rule letters from citizens don't work back in two thousand and ten animal defenders addressed officials of mr platini who then as deputy prime minister kalashnikov to stop this outrage against animals it's been
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a year and we haven't seen any results so far and it has been a sustained campaign at getting you a force chief to use his influence to stop this cruelty animal rights groups have been staging small protests against school two for three years but the multiplying number of those signing the petition now would alarm european football's governing body at first there had been strong doubts about ukraine's ability to host the championship some had even suggested it be moved elsewhere now with all the new stadiums in airports springing up it seems there is no going back even with all the calls to deprive ukraine of the tournament but animal rights activists say they will continue putting pressure on the authorities both in kiev and at u.a. for to have their voice heard alexi russia of ski r.t. reporting from kiev in ukraine. to stay with us for our global coverage of the escalating occupy together protests happening right now all around the world we
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live. on the money business russia is.
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here with. the headlines now protests against corporate greed have gone global hundreds of cities across america europe asia and africa all say no to a culture of big business control the movement was born out of the occupy wall street protests which started just a month ago in the heart of new. divided syria the regime supporting it's ready to wait for reforms outside of damascus.


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