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tv   [untitled]    October 16, 2011 12:01am-12:31am EDT

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eight am in moscow i'm at treasure bring you today's top stories and a look back at the week's news here on our t. thousands of people in hundreds of cities around the world have been venting their fury against the greed of the big banks and the debt management inflicted by their governments inspired by the occupy wall street movement in manhattan protests took hold in europe asia and around the u.s. some turning violent in new york there were dozens of arrests as police moved to contain the rally artie's lucy caffein out has more. i'm here in times square in new york city where this was the scene of a massive standoff by the occupy wall street protesters who are here on a peaceful demonstration trying to take their message nationwide as other cities have joined in the protests now what we saw here over the past few hours was a massive stand up between the police and the protesters we saw all kinds of police
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officers out here riot police police on calvary we saw in fact here at city police counterterrorism unit officers which was very confusing for the crowd again this was a peaceful demonstration several thousand protesters have marched here when we came here down to forty six street were essentially blocked off by the n.y.p.d. corralled in an area moved weren't able to move for several hours i saw several protesters arrested reportedly by the police department there was approximately seventy arrests this evening three of them i witnessed right here on forty seven forty six and seven to protesters and sitting down peacefully the police had to handcuff them slam them to the ground and their faces in the ground they were not moving not really resisting arrest so it's confusing why the actions were so severe so tough. the standoff between protesters and police but extremely tense when the police officers doubled up the barricades we were prevented from moving left or
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right we couldn't go up or down we could meet up with the bigger march which was actually taking place on forty second street now while things have calmed down there were several arrests as i said earlier it's very unclear what will develop from now but the police again extremely tense extremely aggressive but the protesters at one point we saw the group of protesters that were fighting at the first amendment to the police and still still we were told to get out of here even though there was no place to actually go things have gone down now but we will be on the ground reporting for our team from times square this is lucy kaplan of. and what started in wall street spread worldwide this weekend europe's major cities saw hundreds of thousands echo the protests against their government's austerity measures iran riot police used tear gas and water cannons after a violent protesters hijacked a peaceful demonstration smashing bank windows and torching cars plumes of smoke were seen at billowing near the coliseum and other parts of the city in britain
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police in london thwarted protesters efforts to set up half outside the stock exchange several hundred activists heckled officers for preventing them or people from joining the rally in berlin scuffles broke out outside the german parliament building when police moved demonstrators tents and food stalls. above the global protests are a clear sign of citizen a hanger at having to endure pain of painful cuts and tax hikes in order to keep the wealthy banks from having to suffer will take a closer look at government policies that sparked such a massive outcry in the heart of the ongoing campaign in the us. public theory over what's being thought of as corporate gluttony looks set to grow even further for some that means more violence may be likely there is going to be some kind of martyrdom in the near future we are going to see violence or rob we could argue that we already have the violence in this country with the police pepper spraying protesters with you know innocent teenage women and be you know but
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taunted you know on camera this is what the alternative media is showcasing right now again this is a revolution this is this is a change in psychology this is an evolution in human consciousness the people are waking up and we're demanding change this is no different from what we saw overseas in the middle east and northern africa the revolution has now come to the united states of america but earlier i spoke to an occupy wall street activist in the u.s. who tells us it's high time for changes in how major corporations are treated because he says people's patience is running out. what we're facing now in the united states is a critical situation a dangerous situation where break ins are truly running the country they're very blatantly out politicians and that's why we're out on the streets all over america to say no to this corruption and graft within the business community that ronald's over into the political situation it's a creative time it's
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a time for people to really look closely at what the pressure points are on these politicians and on the corporation says as obama said you know he said some of the things they're doing is not illegal but they're immoral and that's really the the crux of it when you have these immoral greedy pigs that are taking billions for their personal wealth and don't care when we have homeless all over the world that we have kids that don't have good education anymore that we have roads set of and yet the green pigs at the top just keep sucking up more and more billions of dollars just for their pockets. our correspondents are keeping on top of developments as people make their feelings about them around the world parties lucy kavanagh in new york has tweeted that there are hundreds of people camping out right now in the city center and hundreds of police have been lined up to watch them we'll bring you the latest on the rallies from across the world throughout the day so stay with us for. all the pain is not over for former ukrainian prime
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minister yulia timoshenko new charges were raised against her only two days after being sentenced to seven years in prison for abuse of power and gas deals with russia her conviction to drew international anger from russia the e.u. and the united states are he likes airships he was following the case. judgment day for ukraine's democracy that was how some dubbed events in a key of court this week where former prime minister yulia timoshenko was awaiting the verdict over her alleged shady dealings in a gas deal with russia her supporters took to the streets in her defense before being dispersed by the police. three months of nonstop protests surrounding the case culminated in the biggest reminder yet of the orange revolution the two thousand and four uprising which made him a shango a household name. now as then there were tens of thousands in the streets naked
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anger and even naked activists this group staging another topless demonstration against all sides in the dispute but the main drama was inside the court especially after the judges country of our show verdicts when the good has ruled that you need to mission can it's guilty under three six five three of the criminal code of ukraine and sentences had to seven years imprisonment and denies have the right to hold positions in government for three years just last year it to a shank it was one of the most influential female politicians in the world but having lost her power and now her liberty to go was furious. that now all the retiring regime or it's not it will stop me the trial showed that the constitution and justice had been trampled under throughout i urge you to begin the struggle it's a very difficult and important moment we have to protect ukraine against the authoritarian regime don't give up. the prosecution claimed she abused power while signing gas
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deals with russia in two thousand and nine the accusation has raised eyebrows in moscow which insists the contracts were completely legitimate but we cannot accept that the legitimate acting contract which remains in force which was never legally challenged. could become the reason. for the good decision. which took place to do the e.u. also dallas's president viktor yanukovych has assurances that the case had not been politicized and lashed out at ukraine's leadership experts say kiev now finds itself in a very difficult position potential membership the european union is some years away and i think we shouldn't pretend otherwise but we do once the countries in europe cease to to get closer to europe not just in terms of membership in terms of european values like the rule of justice and this is clearly an extraordinary
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setback and i do think it is quite possible that the invitation for president. to come here on the twentieth of october will now be withdrawn another criminal case was launched against him a shank or two days after the verdict was announced accusing her of shifting her own dirt to russia's defense ministry on to ukraine's budget fifteen years ago this only added to her image of a monster a symbol of freedom supported by the masses and few doubt she would hesitate to capitalize on that status even if she has to wait seven years to do so just hours after a simmering tension in central kiev is back to quiet and normal again it is unclear whether unity mustang cause fate has been sealed as x. parts are now speculating that a presidential pardon is still a possibility but these protesters here are determined to stay here for at least another week in any case let's see russia party reporting from kiev in ukraine.
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alexei's reporting tempers ran high outside the court as the judge read out to mission to go sentenced and he documented what happened right in the thick of the action is pictures online at facebook dot com our jeanne moos we have put it of the angry response in here of our you tube channel as well. violence toward syria is a slow move towards reform has taken another step closer this weekend president assad has started the process of drafting a new constitution within the next four months as one of the kid demands of anti-rejection protests that have been reaching this march and playing more than three thousand lives the u.n. warns the country might be headed for a food war and so there war assad still seemingly enjoys big support with tens of thousands rally in support of the government in the syrian capital those are his tests are so you spoke to people from both camps and filed this report. but voices of support was continuing dissent some
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and deadly clashes polar opposites in their demands but in some way united by the newfound zeal to take a stand for here the fact that the syrian capital our lives have gathered at show their support for the government that is going is a far cry from the images we've been seeing in other cities around the country where there have been reported righteously security forces that have had any government protests edition however one think it's really about where in this country the let me call discourse in some type of intensity that's echoed out over the very day for you look at the notting hill over oh allah her husband and young children one of many families who braved the heat and joy the crowds in downtown damascus on friday it's true that we knew nothing about politics before but now we take a stand even if i'm a sunni muslim i'm pro this president. ever
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since most people started revealing their political stance openly some people would mock me in saying since when do you know about politics what do you know there are divisions among family members some are paralysed son some are anti but that's how it is. it appears that apathy is becoming less of an option for citizens of this nation now under intense engine. national scrutiny i never watched news i never cared you know i never i never had any interest in politics but. i think most of us get it books we watched news video i posted on facebook on a no one pick up and then you have the right background and other issues of a kid until you can think. yeah there are those like the new i hissing who are no strangers to picking a side and making it known he's long been voicing his discontent and what he calls a repressive regime and today facebook is one of his main tools in cordoning to dissent coalition activism has evolved in syria for me i feel that my voice goes
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further now back then it started with stating an opinion that i'm going to jail that hit a good dad and no one would even know about it that his changed now that people are more politically aware that hussein has been thrown in jail says he was tortured and finds himself constantly looking over his shoulder i was detained for spreading the word on the violent crackdown in daraa but i'd feel like a coward if i didn't risk my life while those on the streets are doing so asking for the regime to fall a call staunchly opposed by those on the other side yet if it was. me to get to the gym. at the time. while political curiosity and activism among syrians are growing whatever side of the divide they're on people here see the future of their country is at stake but all are adamant that future is firmly in their own hands. that's our cilia r.t.
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damascus. turning to libya's civil war as more of a reality than a threat resistance against new leaders flared in tripoli this week for the first time since revolutionary forces seized the capital in august several people were injured in gun battles between gadhafi supporters and former rebels after an attempt to raise the. regime's green flag over in syria could offie loyalists mounted a fierce counterattack forcing back revolutionary fighters who were trying to take control of the colonel's key remaining stronghold for a month now the national transitional council says of all we declare the liberation when certain falls but investigative journalist simon a soft tells r t that pursuing that goal may mean even nora the high human costs. i think what's happening in so is really quite shocking i mean if you remove yourself from saying i support one side or support the other side what we see is a full scale assault on. you know very densely populated area
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in which civilians are paying a very very heavy price now the reason why this is important is because the whole basis on which nato imposed a no fly zone at the beginning of this was precisely to defend civilians against military attacks and now we have if you like. allies of nato doing what their enemies were doing a few months ago and you have to begin to ask where is nato now why is nato not saying these are civilians under attack by a ministry force we have to stop we have to stop this attack and i think what we're beginning to see is if you like is that on a reemergence of the double standards what's happening in libya now is going to be a war crime. is a war crime and i think it has to stop immediately has to be negotiation they have to be allowed to surrender but more importantly i think if they don't surrender then you put the city under siege and allow the civilians to flee and they're not and they're not doing that. egypt also endured an outbreak of violence this week
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the worst since the february revolution that toppled president hosni mubarak more than twenty were killed and hundreds injured as clashes erupted between coptic christians and security forces in the capital cairo it started as a peaceful rally calling for justice over attacks on christian churches by muslim extremists military vehicles were seen charging through the crowds plowing into the protesters while troops fired rubber bullets and tear gas state controlled media blamed christian protesters who despite witnesses saying that unconnected troublemakers were behind the violence middle east water hole sharon says the country's military rulers are scapegoating the religious minority. this is a very cynical attempt by the defacto rulers of the country the military to portray a. minority of the population and religious minority as troublemakers when in fact all they're doing are trying to seek some justice and overturn institutionalized
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discrimination that's the. residue from them time of what barak and his policies so this is absolutely cynical kind of the way it's covered by the military council and it's media are let's look at what the bucket on that we're looking at is here in egypt because some people got carried away after mubarak stepped down and declared that evolution over in fact what we are facing is a popular uprising that was a poor aboard that by a military coup leaving a pretty much a political and security vacuum in place and that's the context for what's happening in egypt and all the kind of sides involved from the emerging secular parties to the more established parties to the military to the civil administration transition administration don't seem to have enough authority to control the emergence to ation egypt so that void within the vacuum i mean thing is possible. at the moment. for more outline and analysis on the trouble still resonating
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through the arab world r.t. dot com footage and video reports from the region including a historic swap as a thousand palestinian prisoners held in israeli jails are due to be freed in the coming days in exchange for one israeli soldier gilad schalit. also online president obama sends troops to central africa but there is growing concern that the u.s. a growing global military presence may be turning into a military pressure. russia and china boosting their cooperation to balance out the economic and political dominance of western countries prime minister vladimir putin's visit to beijing was the first since declaring he'll run for president next year deals worth seven
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billion dollars were signed on the trip investment specialist francis long thinks that strengthening their alliance could pave a new way for a for a new axis of global economic influence. u.s. and europe joined together is really dominating global politics i think of china and russia join to get to. wait and not let them dictate the. world europe and you would not be happy if i don't think the brics bloc we'll be a political power even though most probably be a economic power because india is china so there is no way india can cooperate with china their hand is sent to asia china and russia canpotex this for a teacher interest in political interest and would not lead. to to mount
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a staging post as god so this is very important for both countries the connection between china and russia goes deeper than just economic deals r.t. here in about ten minutes from a veteran observer who explains the country's long held cultural ties. trial of russian businessman and suspected arms dealer victor boot got underway in new york this week he's accused of trafficking weapons to terrorists and was arrested in thailand three years ago before being extradited to the u.s. in two thousand and ten if found guilty bhoot could face life behind bars investigative journalist daniel estulin though believes that the u.s. determination means that blood may have a little chance of a fair trial even though the ever get the evidence against him is thin. the united states government is going to have a very very hard time proving that their target is guilty and it's going to
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a very difficult time making the label of merchant of death stick in the court of law and unfortunately for the united states government there is very little verifiable evidence they will be able to present most of it is hearsay most of what he should say it's he said she said about things which no one has ever seen and this is something that again unfortunately the team representing him right now was not in the position to deal with because they're simply not up to scratch he's not going to get a fair trial he's in the united states. the evidence that you know how can we get a fair trial well the united states government has done everything in their power to bring him to the united states up to two years in thailand and now they put him up on trial in the united states only to have blood women embarrass the united states i don't think is going to happen later today on our t.v. we document the chase to capture and kill the world's most infamous drug baron. the longest b j how did she strike. she was trying to stall and day to. what sprung the traps they laid for him. on the radio we'd have the the surge walks
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around the. always through the always missing. one shot turned to take. out the global drug industry's godfather became the most one to trophy of the world's bounty hunters. the escobar to grace hunt and. the e.u. is investigating whether russian gas giant gazprom violated competition laws despite the distrust brussels says it wants a free flow of gas supplies into the e.u. something observers see as somewhat contradictory artie's daniel bushell reports. this event still to be one reason behind the e.u. raids on gazprom offices are the beginning of october european energy giants electricity de france and b a s f said to join russia sell stream pipeline to europe said to be the death warrant for the bucco an e.u.
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bugs rival their successive. tore through long last miles and the commission of law for example it's their pet project but why would the e.u. want these raids to spook russia a reliable supplier to renegotiate any contracts brussels must prove irregularities in its deals with gazprom to european subsidiaries and that seems unlikely nobody really believes that the e.u. has a strong case for proving their point we see this more as a measure to increase pressure on gazprom in russia the e.u. says it wants cheaper gas and more players on the market but his strategy may have one crucial flaw i'm going they say sell our gas to another company when it gets to europe but that company must make a profit on the deal and that will immediately raise the price of the homes pay analysts say they use being influenced by several anti russian hardliners many of
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whom are upset missing out on the opportunity to take part in big energy ventures especially baltic nations which the north stream pipeline bypasses taking russian gas straight to germany instead of complaining gas experts say they could have moved on the world with russia gnashing lithuania's and her russian inertia will undermine their society politically and economically at the moment little when it is pursuing a one dimensional policy that given the problems in the euro zone will leave it regretting it did not pursue a more constructive policy with russia garrett for example signed a new deal with gazprom which will generate income and contribute to a canonic stability emotions that are also running hoyer my. some pura pm politicians who want to end their reliance on russian gas despite efforts by moscow to diversify routes. brussels but also that's all governments european union. seem to think the other thinkable in my view we don't need
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russian gas. fortunately you live still in. the cold war which with no immediate alternative to russian gas those stereotypes could only affect the long term relations between the europeans and the chief market and its biggest supply of the new bushel auntie brussels. back with adeline's in a few minutes stay with us here on r.t. .
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feel. you. feel.
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from the days of the manhattan project nine hundred forty two the university of california has been involved through the science of its provision and scientists and their relationship through mercy you see since day one has been in charge of researching designing and testing nuclear weapons and to some extent producing weapons every single long nuclear weapon inside a is arsenal was decided by university of california. we don't warm go. to university of california who was selected as the contract because the army needed scientists to leave their versity positions. if. a group of
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protesters interrupted a university of california border regions meeting to demand the school's severed ties with the nation's nuclear weapons program. downplayed the official antti application to on the phone called. from the. video. and. in the palm of your.
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little. eight thirty am in moscow we're bring you today's top stories and a look back at the week's news here on our. growing anti-corporate protests in new york police response as the standoff leads to more than seventy arrests the occupy wall street movement against the role big banks and corporations play in the u.s. economic plight. but they're just getting going elsewhere with calls for economic equality resonating in similar protests in cities across the world in some european capitals violent scuffles broke out as police as people lashed out over government stifling austerity.


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