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tv   [untitled]    October 17, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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know told. the meridian country club so boring sure to find this piece of the first earth oh sure can pinsky switzer chill close the whole hilton let me let's go. to tea culture. so i start see police move into move occupy protesters own actions taken against camps in seattle for me criticism america's media is failing to explain what's really driving people on the streets. nato forces in northern kosovo extend the deadline for ethnic serbs to remove the barricades an important checkpoints all they say they'll do it themselves. and a new wave of anger erupts in syria against an arab league decision not to suspend the country from the organization. plus young lives hanging by a thread r.t. reports on the postcode lottery which means russian kids suffering a rare genetic disorder left to die if they live in the wrong place.
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welcome you're watching r t from moscow with me kevin zero in our top story the eleven pm for you that the fired occupy wall street army has vowed to fight on against the grip of big business following a weekend of a rest and scuffles with police across the u.s. the movement is now a month old is building widespread support on four continents artie's garniture can has more now on the latest flare ups. some alarming news coming from seattle police there began addicting occupy seattle demonstrators who were camping out in one of the city's parks this monday morning police told the protesters they had to move their hands those who refused to comply were arrested and detained in the park were all brought down we're getting reports around half a dozen people were arrested in seattle this monday morning protesters have to
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fight for space essentially for their right to be out protesting in other major cities in the united states in san francisco five were arrested after a confrontation with with police over a parking campaign we've seen a lot of action over the weekend in chicago an estimated one hundred seventy five people were arrested in new york an unprecedented number of people marched in times square to march itself was peaceful however once it arrived at times where a group of protesters were trapped by police barricades and held for several hours unable to move to the right or left or get out of the police force the crowd back nearly trampling some of the protesters and we scooters ran over several people are total of ninety two arrests were made in the course of the occupy wall street actions in new york over this weekend the protesters who have taken to the street and dozens of students in the u.s. say they will stay as long as it takes to and economic injustice each and every one of these protesters is out there with their own grievances but the general theme is take money out of politics they feel their government represents the interests of
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the very few wealthy rather than the ninety nine percent is the demonstrators call themselves since last year corporations have been allowed to funnel as much money as they want into political campaigns in the u.s. the new legislation means they don't even have to disclose the amounts they spend and also the new law political donations effectively gives the corporations even more influence in washington leading many americans wondering whether their voice is being heard now on different ways and means through which the protestors are trying to get their message across here is my report. their discontent loud. and graphic thousands of americans have resorted to banners and t. shirts to get their message across their frustration with what they see is the government acting on behalf of big corporations rather than the people message which the protesters say their media failed to deliver the media feels like these
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kinds of events don't deserve coverage sometimes all you get when you do something this is a photograph and so it's very important for the message to be seen those simple oftentimes hand written messages that people carry on their chests and often being subject to mockery what is the sign. by wall street rather than most of the five out of the people i would say that what does that mean. it seems the only fault of these people is presented in the american media is that they don't all have a degree in economics and finances and are not able to explain their grievances in professional economists terms various groups and told to cheer the end of the greatest system known to man and replace it with what who cares let's nap their protests on wall street or mindlessly when you ask people in wall street what they want they don't know acts that took place over the last thirty years with regards to national debt within the system generally all of these things are very
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complicated and difficult for the general public to understand and people in the media and people on wall street like it that way because if you don't understand it then you know you don't get what happened but the american people know that they've gotten close it was their jobs they've seen them offshore to china they watched their houses they saw a huge run up in home prices that are collapsed in people are saying you know what i know that i've got all of this but i don't know how i got screwed but americans who took to the streets are looking to express themselves by means other than motivational pieces. it's an banners which as graphic as they are hardly convey the full message and from movement the demonstrators are spreading their own paper now called occupied wall street journal which details what their are happy with and makes it clear that they are not rooting for one particular party it also works against political machines and their p.r.
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slick's taking control of the protest message one word to describe these ongoing protests from the beginning is frustrating. for its own cardboard on the backs of pizza boxes as we've seen people express that frustration that is the movement grows the ways of getting their message across also much more and as people here say this paper is just the beginning i'm going to check our reporting for last part . time around two hundred protesters inspired by the occupy wall street movement are refusing for a third day to leave the heart of london's financial district like their fellow campaigners across the atlantic are i guess directed at corporate greed and state cutbacks a square in front of suppose cathedral source standoff between several thousand activists and police over the weekend protests to also continued in front of the european central bank in frankfurt germany the demonstrators there of set up a tent camp and say they plan to stay until their demands for restrictions on global financial institutions are met don't get the latest developments on this
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ongoing protest movement on our web site. but you can find more first hand reports from the u.s. and beyond expert opinion about it and a timeline of events. battered by growing poverty and hunger. by their countries waiting for hours putting in jobs and social spending people across the globe rise up against their government's economic policies followed a worldwide action against austerity live on our t.v. . nato forces have extended the deadline for the serbs of northern kosovo to remove barricades near the border with serbia been told to clear the road early tuesday or face forced removal riff an option has been following the border dispute. the clock is ticking for the serbs living in cost of a on tuesday the ultimatum passes for them to remove the barricades they erected on
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the main roads of this serve dominated north protesting against christian as attempt to set up customs in this area and to prevent cost of and police officers and custom officers and officials from reaching the checkpoints at the northern border with serbia which we haven't seen any sign of the removal work so far roadblocks are still there where they've been for the last two months and tensions are boiling as people are getting more and more exhausted and aggressive the deadline to take away these barricades as well as others was announced by the kosovo peacekeeping force known as k. for all saturday its commander general troops met with the mayors of four northern cos of a towns claiming k four need these roads as it needs access for its troops in the north it's currently transporting its soldiers and delivering food fuel and water for those of them stationed in the northern part of kosovo by helicopters which is a very expensive mean of travel last month some of the barricades poor. results and
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violence peacekeepers used rubber bullets and tear gas against the serbs the circumstances are right now very complicated and what may look peaceful for now could explode at any time. you can follow twitter feed from the latest over the. course of oh she's been tweeting about rising anger among serbs the barricades over the ongoing deadlock as nato forces proposed to and follow. for all the latest updates. i spoke to political analysts xander provigil belgrade he told me he thinks if people dismantles the barricades it would contradict its stated peacekeeping mission. they're there to enforce the peace and that's all but k. four for since the end of july has actually been undertaken to help the albanians all round out their own sovereign state against un resolution twelve forty four so
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they've overstepped their mandate if they weren't doing it that they would have absolutely no problem with the serbs anywhere in course or before july twenty fifth there was really no reason for k. for to be in the north everything was peaceful it was only when the albanians sent a very special police forces up north to establish a border between our cultural and serbia that came forward decided to assist them and this is why they need freedom of movement to actually assist her cause there are billions in building their illegal state belgrade is trying to keep it all peaceful they can they can try to they can only appeal to individual countries and to world wide problem opinion because everyone is very resolved in belgrade and in northern costs of war to have this resolved in a peaceful way and i think the important thing is that we can see that who is actually using force for no reason at all and if ok for moves there they'll be the
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ones using force the course or service of that explicitly said that they would not use force and if there are barriers are removed they would just put up new ones but they will all do it peacefully so it's really public opinion is the last i guess defense of the peaceful demonstrators in northern cross from now on our website you give us your thoughts on who's to blame for the conflict in kosovo as northern border this is what you're telling us is i would suspect you have to see the call most two thirds of you put the blame on washington for boosting kosovo's independence fourteen percent accused of not protecting kosovo says this change but over the last twelve percent of you say the e.u. can't keep things in order six percent say prishtina allows the prosecution of says what do you think you've not taken part in this so it's. if we are the pilot from the home page r.t. dot com. washington has to deploy around one hundred special operations troops to uganda to help local forces there fight the lord's resistance army widely considered the terrorist group regional authorities been trying to get rid of the
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leader of the organization for decades now let's get some reaction to this u.s. move and talk to john blaze's assistant editor of the website antiwar dot com john thanks for being on r.t. international some i could see now the authorities a new guy and this aid only they didn't ask for american support on this but nonetheless they welcome it but if you think washington has decided to get involved this time. well first of all we need to do is eliminate all dharmas justifications for going in first of all he said it was a humanitarian mission because the l r a are very violent people that's true but the united states is it minister ring in this party too and is ignoring comparable atrocities in other parts of the world so we know that humanitarian is not real. sudan many other places and the other justification he said was that it was in our national security interest but that's only true if you use his orwellian version of
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that word that phrase what it really means is that it's in the interest of ugandan president who is rightly considered to be an illegitimate sort of dictatorial power in the in the ugandan government. and the ugandan military has been fighting. in somalia which is sort of one of america's main missions in somalia right now and we've basically been bribing him with millions of dollars and military equipment to help fight in a proxy war against al shabaab that's really the reason we were going in to help him with the problem he has with with the l r a doesn't have anything to do with a direct threat to the american national security or of a humanitarian for what he says president to this measure is only a short one he says america doesn't get bogged down in another conflict will he be able to one of the pledge. you know what this has all the ingredients of
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a prolonged military quagmire it's possible that the one hundred combat troops some of the most elite american forces around can go in there cut the head off the snake of joseph koni the leader of the ira and then leave but what's more likely especially if we think about previous interventions in that region is there more bloodshed occurs and mission creep could possibly come in and start to change the mission into stabilizing the region or you know training the ugandan military to fend for themselves the way that we're doing in afghanistan supposedly so all of this leads to questions about exactly how long this will last and i think that we're better we'd be good to be skeptical of exactly this limited mission in the short time period on this frame for other broader picture here at the same time as all this the pentagon confirming troops will remain in the region and surrounding
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countries south sudan the central african republic the public of congo how do you think the local populations in those countries and the broader region as a whole feels about the american presence there. well i'm totally occupation forces from. ten to frustrate people tend to cause a lot of hatred but i mean this is an example so in two thousand and six we intervened to fight the l r k but we intervened by sending a proxy force that was. forces that were trained by the u.s. those guatemalan forces were killed and their leader was beheaded by the. fast forward three years in two thousand and nine we intervened again by coordinating multiple raids on eller a encampments with the ugandan army and it was a disaster the ugandan the l r a this went through many escape routes avoided those
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raids and then that i'm going on a killing spree that led to around six hundred to nine hundred extra civilians being killed and raped and pillaged and it was it was sort of. compared to poking and prodding a hornet's nest. got very angry and one hour on a killing spree so if people have any sense of the possible consequences of angering the way in creating more bloodshed vill be very concerned about u.s. forces or a joe glaser thanks for your thoughts on school programs for the web site antiwar dot com. syrians are out in protest of not oblique decision not to suspend their country from the organization footage released by the opposition shows hundreds of the streets in the southern province of. countries have whoever called on the syrian government to start negotiations with the country's opposition that follows a promise from president the sad draft a new constitution within four months allowed multi-party parliament the key
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demands of protesters results he says damascus so we had no. change. in the forms seven months in. one of those courses to create a real thrill is a political system since one nine hundred seventy two politics was only open to parties of knowledge the supreme ruler of the room back party and drive to school wishing another school bashar al assad issued a decree passing the multi-party law. resign or side al-din this is the moment he has been waiting for a chance at a new voice to syrian politics what some of the country last year were applying to become a political party so we can be more effective we can influence parliament access and help create laws defend our sham president this is the new law allows parties that are open to all syrians regardless of ethnicity and religion and are not affiliated with organizations outside of syria but the newly formed internal
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opposition the national coordinator council or n.c.c. will not participate it's not about us not wanting to participate it's about them not being serious about legal forms there's no environment for dialogue the violence must stop political prisoners must be released even though they passed a multi-party law and will draw up a new constitution take all that under their conditions and it recent deadly clashes in cities like understand and live the president appointed a committee to draft a new constitution within four months one sticking point is article eight which states that the bath party is the leader of the state and society the opposition argues this undermines the essence of multiple parties you know some some people in the in the party leadership have come to the conclusion that article eight and more dangerous articles in the constitution that article eight are going to be under review we should have almost a new constitution where the new multi-party system will be achieved without any
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difficulties perhaps change is coming to syria but the street protests and violence passions have been dragging on for months some vowing they will not. started to push on the side steps down so is it simply too little too late. meetings like this happen on a daily basis for various international development partners out there in the final stages of the out with the process of becoming an official political party here in syria well after a decade of listening to promises of reform they now feel that this could be real let me start to think for us are still your heart to damascus syria. let's take a quick look at a few stories from our culture with online in more detail tonight at r.t. dot com for most of the story about a pot nightclub big attack you waited for a burst pipe filled the dance floor with boiling hot water it left five critically injured heads website to find out how people turn tables in the lifeboats live. on
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the deadly game follow the story of a russian double agent who played ball with british intelligence could be tales of exam of the death of marriage to. some illnesses here in russia where you live visit matter of life and death one debilitating genetic disease suffered by children's very treatable but only if your postcode is the right word artie's examiner boyko reports. for most parents there's hardly anything more sickening and seeing their child in a hospital bed but not for exxon or average drop that france through these i.v. line outs to her hold her son peter will have a chance in life very few people believed would find the money somewhere deep down i think i knew that everything will be fine. one bottle of this drug costs more
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than exams husband makes in a year and their seven year old boy needs four bottles each month diagnosed with hunter syndrome pedia lacks a crucial and sign that how to channel the toxins out of his body is not cure but with the treatment that's available patients can leave well into their thirty's and beyond eight years without this therapy has already damaged his organs but now we have hope of not only stemming the negative symptoms put also reversing some of them they are now the region in a very perilous family leaves is an impoverished subsidized area in central russia the only other patient here with conscious syndrome died earlier this year after his mother's frantic search for funds a son who was at the funeral so as it drove their decision to move to treatment providing when is the quality rather than count on the generosity of the local administration it now did the region is on board she's terrified that her
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relocation idea will strike other unfortunate families the local authorities have rather over one million dollars to buy drugs or appear it should last till the end of that year this is a huge lifesaving news for the boy's parents and for doctors to get very reluctant to talk about the not superstition this brave the parents of children with pain condition from generous regions of russia tried to move their kids here and in russia the huntress is low. very supportive karen says on strickland the girl agreeing the order number of children for completing. since the city of moscow started providing treatment for this rare condition a few years ago the number of patients has tripled mainly through might reachin and it will continue to rise cessna jan and regional unless russia introduces country
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wide coverage for huntress syndrome his son was the first in russia to get the drug she believes all sick children should be entitled to it regardless of where they happen to be born we knew it was a war i was lucky to live in the city that are going to take care of my child with cringe every time i have to talk to mother whose babies don't know the treatment i do realize the love my child costs a lot but i didn't choose this illness if we could i would definitely have something cheaper. an hour after the procedure here he is beaming with energy a fan of action figures shows me his favorite hero if you are lucky and because he is strong you can take down all the monsters he goes on to model it in clearly at one point he's plus the sign hero falls flat on his back please quick to prop it up the kind of reaction many parents dealing with huntress syndrome still waiting to get from their country and some good aren't see our role region in central russia.
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overturns ok for him over the head in a couple of his time people of all his guessing spoil wardrobe occupy wall street protesters and on the streets to spread the revolutionary favor all over the world first of us culture with what our business units here. i know him very well welcome to the business program for ing direct investments into russia have grown twenty percent so far this year the results have been outlined by russia's prime minister vladimir putin at a meeting all the forget investment advisory council which is more in of course or has the details. this is an opportunity to review the success of foreign investment in russia as well as pray some how to improve the climate i must say you say there and courage but russia is a growing domestic market but are still concerned with the lack of transparency in the political legislative and misfits of and firemen's now they want the government
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to make it easier for foreigners to invest here they mention the migration policy the customs union and taxes all areas that still need some more work to be done dozens of recommendations were handed over to prime minister vladimir putin and he answered and promised to speed up the process of modernization and that was the case not the economy but also simplify bureaucratic procedures and longer and minutes of sorts of barrier such track more investments you know what it can mean we are getting ready to start a common economic zone of russia belarus in kazakhstan next year this deeper integration will allow us to coordinate currency policy will unify customs rules and he's bureaucracy we will continue to support both domestic and foreign investors improve the business climate and see the substantial increase in investment activity doesn't do a credit rating so that we have to to insert that this year the russian economy won't make up for the loss during the financial crisis defines how i kept it off
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why it remains an issue but there's only one way out and nasa developed the mastic markets and last years here said that there remain optimistic about russia's future and the majority of them believe that russia will become more attractive water company in the next three years and more than half are all. really considering expanding their operations. that's not a look at the markets well has slipped from his ties point in a month as gemma described toves first with president bush unsure of step on his ass on the real estate branches losing more than one dollar to trade at one hundred ten dollars per barrel writes we describing that in two states thomas apparel. in the year out of stock so low off to wells fargo the largest to his home lender slumped on germany dumped optimism for a quick fix to europe's debt crisis. in europe stocks closed down with the dax one point eight percent in the red that says the german government spokesman said gerty in letters will not provide if we can do to the debt crisis they're meeting next
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weekend london's footsie finish top of something low one. hundred in russia the markets closed deeply in the red after seeing strong gains last week they are just most to one hundred percent while the my six and a trove of two percent in the rise let's take a look at some of the individual shampoos in the my sigs for funkier we raised a king's ending two percent down the bank has confirmed which will alliance lives insurance business and russian find them to be here talking to trans was full of metal the company has started a road show for an additional share issue after it put a listing in london on the rules committee gold was in the negative territory off trick reported twenty two percent decline in past net profit tovar provincetown from i've seen natural cool says investors are stuck in between two conflicting trends at the moment. one is the expectation of. serious action on the part of their european union governments and markets is awaiting the details of the plan
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that will address the eurozone the issues which are of the details should be. held in the course of the week so that pushes the market higher than the other hand there was a profit taking which basically a result of a very strong market rally last week so these two tendencies they were basically ford with a child under a lot of kuranda as a result the market could move much higher to good thing for there are some argue that the commodity prices have pretty much stand the levels where they closed last week which are required. that's wraps up the business program as local control websites are key to off com slash business.
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culture is that so much was made we're going to be able to get a lot of people carrying up our look at the era of great discontent all across the globe people are protesting against the political economic and financial status quo is this because of. wealthy british style. sometimes the tires. why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy because a report on our. morning news today violence is once again flared up.


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