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tv   [untitled]    October 17, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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welcome to the lower show or get the real headlines with none of the mercy from the live in washington d.c. now it's time we continue our coverage of occupy wall street parties are losing cavanagh is going to fills in with the latest including the three hundred thousand dollars that's been donated and collected by those in new york so what are they going to do with all that money and the meantime the president is on a jobs bus tour in north carolina and virginia symbolically staying away from wall street but with figures coming out about how much his campaign and romney's campaign of taken in from the financial sector for anybody really cool then herman
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cain supposedly joked about a border fence electrocuting people over the weekend to look at the rise in crazy violent rhetoric from the g.o.p. and ask if it's extreme or have all that for you tonight and war including those of happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. well it's primaries being moved up to what could be as early as december and a twenty four hour news cycle to fill the mainstream media is continuing on as election coverage overload despite the fact that the actual election still more than a year away. well you poll numbers show about two thirds of us and it made up our mind yet for the two thousand gold presidential race let you know it's really close should be mitt romney and herman cain it ronnie eating his campaign on track but many republicans are waiting to pull the publicans may not have a candidate yet for president but whoever it is it go seem to be a sense of optimism as you ask republicans who they want for president
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a lot of them will say anybody but president obama. he sees a day they did take a minute out to look at a very important piece of the puzzle how much money the candidates are raking in which let's face it is a huge deal because today's elections are all about who has more cash not necessarily better ideas and they actually took a look at who's getting more from wall street why easily the biggest financier's of our elections romney is pulling out a lot of money from the big banks millions hedge funds investment bankers three times more from wall street rick perry six times more than what they gave to president obama does that mean that i'm romney. you know just for a minute there i thought that there was an ounce of hope the big show those numbers and then get into some real analysis like pointing out that our president for starters has been nothing but good to good to wall street and all the rhetoric that he's anti-business is a load of crap but also that our president who is now trying to claim that he's on
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the side of americans that are protesting as well as mitt romney who flip flop once again now supposedly supports the occupy wall street movement because he understands our frustrations with the banking sector both of these people despite what they say it still takes in plenty of laws free cash they're hypocrites and they're part of a larger problem the larger system that is at work here which is the wall street often picks are the leaders for us but instead of making those connections well the mainstream media then moved on to a totally separate piece of their programming to bring us the story of occupy wall street turning one month or. one month of protests today and a campsite in lower manhattan and here in new york where the movement just chillen one month old battle against so-called wall street fat cats picking up some more steam game ology one month anniversary of what he's here to call people of a month where if you just protest out your new york city all the white house knowledge selling support for the cause with more than one hundred cities around the world joining the cause is hoping because this week you say.
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wait a minute here so now you're actually covering occupy wall street and might i add pretending like you've been doing it for the whole month which is a blatant lie but anyway now they're covering it but they don't draw any connections between this movement that's spreading around the world literally and the numbers they just put up on our screen about campaign donations as a consumer stories are wholly separate have nothing to do with each other and you've got to be kidding me and then they're going to sit around with their all star panel banter about the fact that this movement has no clear demands or goals or message the message is in front of your very own eyes are just too stupid to connect the dots republican voters don't even like romney but now that the establishment is getting behind him because they feel like he's their only choice we're getting back to the same thing a candidate being chosen by the moneyed interests after president obama begins was very obvious double messaging on whether he wants to take on wall street or not in just a moment but the problem here is both parties both democrats and republicans the
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entire system that runs on wall street's passenger cash injections the revolving door between wall street and washington the loopholes the corporate welfare the double standard when it comes to any form of justice or prosecution those numbers that you just showed are perfect indicator that you can change the face of the white house but it doesn't matter as long as you don't change the system and that's of occupy wall street is all about but the mainstream media the beltway politics and the massive movement are rising up are just totally totally separate issues that's what they choose to miss. so guess what president obama is up here over the next three days he's taking a bus tour stopping north carolina and virginia to tout his jobs plan which at this point is being broken up into different pieces and of course he's also going to campaign saying as he barely won the two normally red states in two thousand and eight now immediately we also saw the president time to channel the occupy wall street protests saying of the first opera north carolina that the republicans idea
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of a jobs plan is to get regulations on that wall street do whatever it wants but who is the president here right now republicans may taking baby taking in more of the wall street cash is definitely flowing his way as well so it's clearly co-opting occupy wall street is a goal for two thousand and twelve but is it going to work and when it comes to occupy wall street's goals resisting the party work of this process with me is dean baker director of the center of economic and policy research and thanks so much for being here tonight is for me so what do you think first starters of this little jobs bus tour that the president is taking in north carolina in virginia but yet he wants to invoke the spirit of wall street while he's there is anybody really bold well it's not clear what he said the end of the day going to try to do here no use pushing measures that would create jobs so if you get a tax cut some ideal tax cut by any means but that would help create jobs he's talking about money state local governments going to lay off workers money for infrastructure who are good parts of bill yosses pretty money for work sure and
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which again something i think scrape work very well in germany but he's thus far been very reluctant to do anything that challenges the wall street financial institutions which obviously is what wall street occupy wall street's about front and center he's backed away from that is he prepared to stand up to the citi group goldman sachs will have to see why you and like i said in my main three ministers now i always find it comical we hear that he is business friendly of he has to you know do a little kissing up to them because he has been very friendly to wall street let's face it he hasn't done a whole lot to hurt them and i believe the last time he was in new york he was holding a fundraiser. tens of thousands of dollars a plate just to get in so i'm just wondering too do you think that if you now went to new york and tried to go around the park you know would that be about make a bigger difference so that really make it seem like you supporting a movement it was good to say you know if he's going to come here and say feels their pain probably not if he's going to say ok we're time to tax wall street we're going to have a financial transactions carrick's and we have a big deficit problem or so he says let's deal with
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a lot of if you want to have trillion over the next decade by taxing financial speculation it would be a great thing i think you'd get a great reception on wall street by wall street you would not get a great reception from goldman sachs and citigroup but do you think that it's still fundamentally missing part of the issue and we actually we haven't had on the program since the start i watched movement began and we've been covering it since day one so i'm really curious to find out you know what it is that you think about it because to me there is nothing that obama can necessarily say that would satisfy the movement because he's very much a part of the problem is part of this two party political system that you know works off of who gets more money but i believe in redemption know if he's going to take an anti wall street position and he's going to say i'm going to tax these guys and be serious about it you know if you're that you say i'm going stop taking their campaign donations as well i'd love to see you know let me put this way if he's actually serious about taxing them he won't have to say he's going to stop taking your campaign donations are not going in the money that they don't give someone money you want to put them out of business well and i guess we're already seeing that a little bit if you look at the disparity between romney and how much wall street
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is remarkable how sensitive they are and you know you hear the constant criticisms about he's anti-business this in there you go what does that mean concretely well he said a few things about fat cats isn't that good these guys who are making money hand over fist millionaires billionaires but he did upset the guy made a couple negative comments about them because yeah he's been about as generous to wall street because that would be ok so you didn't answer my last question though what do you think about by wall street movement are you supporter oh i think it's fantastic i mean it's strange politics already in this country i mean nothing's been done yet but i mean the spirit you know what was going on here in washington what we'd all be talking. right now is how much are they going to cut medicare medicaid social security all the other things that are on the chopping block with this super committee no one's talking about they're totally quiet keeping everything secret i think they're scared to death they have to make their reports about two weeks out and if they come out saying oh we want to cut medicare medicaid social security all these other programs that people are dependent on they don't want to do that with people occupying not just wall street but all these other students around the country they do not want to do that so it's hard to get your
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congress is scared right out of there with let's talk about something else that came out today you know we've heard so much about herman cain his nine nine nine plan i mean literally all day that i asked everybody breaking down the details and seeing how it might work either presidential candidate released an economic plan today and that was ron paul he released his plan for how you would cut one trillion dollars which obviously in ron paul's world means dismantling a number of federal agencies also means really taking a big axe to defense spending what is not being talked about everywhere i'd love to talk about i mean on the one hand cutting a trillion dollars in two thousand and thirteen as you propose a great recipe for another great depression on the other hand taking x. to the military budget he wants to talk about you know maybe you don't agree with them but be great to see that i actually did another thing you proposed which he said he wanted the federal reserve board which holds one point seven trillion in us to just get rid of the well there's a little probably not exactly what to do with it but the idea of having the fed reserve board. rather than put so back to the public that could save us somewhere in the order of a trillion dollars in interest over the next decade people should talk about that
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yes some interesting ideas and so this is the right thing you can see. it get a little bit blurred in the little bit of a gray area when it comes to some of these you know libertarian views towards the economy and the occupy wall street movement because a bunch of people on occupy wall street would support auditing the fed maybe even getting rid of the federal reserve they would support obviously cutting defense spending but medicare social security getting rid of you know the department of education the department of energy what do you think i don't think they want to get rid of those there's actually you know across the country essentially a wide base support for a lot of our economic agenda so keeping its. so security medicare medicaid the strong support from tea party conservatives you know so there's a lot of support reigning in wall street has a lot of support i think what you have is actually most of the public against in the lead so the idea of the ninety nine percent versus one percent i think it really does capture to a very large extent what the political debate is about people confuse by getting very often minor differences but the reality i think a very large extent does often boil down to the ninety nine percent first one
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percent so we've heard the term class war be thrown out there's a lot of first of his racially thrown at the president's tax plan when it comes to the buffett rule but now class war is also used to describe occupy wall street he think of it that counts i mean if it's ninety nine percent against the one per se there's a whole lot of class is a lot of your differentiation because let's say one percent you know when they brought the economy to its knees they made sure they got bailed out and let's be very clear about this goldman sachs side business absent government aid morgan stanley out of business actually there are many bank of america citi group all out of business out some government aid a lot of those guys on wall street who are millionaires and billionaires today would say have seen most of money disappear absent a government bailout no doubt about that so we've had class warfare they've been sure all the money goes up that's been going on for the last three decades or so you know it's people saying no that's not the way things should work now lastly i just want to ask you so one of the things that we've seen from this occupy wall street movement while at the moment there aren't any clear demands or calls is
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people saying take your money out of the big banks right put your money and local banks on friday when people are protesting we saw number of people going to citibank to try to close their accounts which they weren't allowed to do or do you think but a run on the banks might actually have a woman that look like well individual actions are hard to see having that much impaired to me if you all are spear time going to it's very hard to see now if you do a dramatic event everyone gets there half an hour before the bank opens and you do a ceremonial thing you know it gets the press there and on the other hand they've been very much obliging the protesters by arresting them for trying to take their money out and so when you have incompetence on the other side it may make a big scene. i don't. buy that we had a video. getting arrested or being thrown out for trying to close their accounts.
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so that only. the.
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if you believe anything. nobody seems to know. it will. be
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all going to get being overly dramatic. all right and today is october seventeenth exactly one month since the occupy wall street movement began let's take a look back at some of the biggest clashes the biggest developments that's fart on september seventeenth there was a call to the general public to stand up to the big banks the corporations the e.u. the hold so much of the country's wealth power over washington the group called we are the ninety nine percent they asked the twenty thousand people come to last free occupies a coffee cart and they didn't get the number right off the bat in fact in the first week when only about one hundred fifty protesters stayed and occupies a cot a lot of people thought they would quickly fizzle out and since then you and i both know that my movement is gaining momentum and we've been covering it since day one during our first week of protests some shared their anger towards the one percent
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with our tea. to get these braces or to pay no tax i pay more tax and. i spent a lot of years a lot of money working very hard to get a degree that agrees with this bill and right now a truly. bigger employer is ever been this very spot. is the site of the crime is the perpetrated by wall street bankers. who instead of gowdy people's money speculating with reckless abandon incompetence. so after that first week the chance of complaints by demonstrators continued on a daily basis so the loci police involvement that on september twenty fourth one officer seem to take what can only be described as a vicious approach against the occupiers or pepper spray.
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that was around the same time that the mainstream media finally decided to start focusing on what was happening as a park should note news outlets only mention the excessive force used by cops at that point they still in explain the message of the demonstrations but when it came clear the cops were going to fight back and of arrest hard to climb by the end of september eighty seven people have been caught and this is also around the time of the rest of the world started taking note of what was happening big names like roseanne michael moore they all went down to talk with the demonstrators occupy wall street but they weren't the only ones indorsing the message a few labor unions also pledged their support international brotherhood of teamsters declared their solidarity and the new york transit workers union represents more than two hundred thousand airline train anxiety workers also voted for the wall street movement now with the backing of these groups is becoming hard to ignore those who occupies a part let's fast forward to october first protesters took their message to the
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brooklyn bridge where their initial efforts to march along with a straight rock place and with them being corralled into the lanes of traffic and that's when the arrests began. rallies against wall street getting more intense and going national in new york city this weekend police arrested over seven hundred people police arrested more than seven hundred protesters on saturday when they marched on the brooklyn bridge. so the n.y.p.d. arrests seven hundred people pretty hard to the mainstream media to ignore that kind of news but the message of the protesters was still lost behind the video of all the people being handcuffed and on news networks continue discussing the arrests the message the movement started spreading across the country with out that october first is also the data occupy l.a. started people shot after i file a city hall and they've been there ever since there's also a handful of demonstrators who taking over banks like the individual rests after hosting a sit in an l.a. bank of america and at the end of the first week in october similar occupy protests popped up all over the country all to more seattle portland chicago boston even
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here in washington d.c. and all these movements share this in a message to end the corporate greed to turn our country around something died opportunity discuss in depth with chris hedges. they recognize the political system is broken the personal process the judiciary elected officials. are essentially wholly owned subsidiaries of the corporate state and were seen reaction and so of course for those of us who have been calling for civil disobedience and physical defiance of the corporate states deeply. now at last count four hundred forty seven cities across the u.s. were engaging in these demonstrations and a lot more people support the ideals of occupy wall street despite the fact that they couldn't be there for the protests in fact a recent gallup poll from the wall street journal n.b.c. news shows that thirty seven percent of people favor the sit ins to protest the
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influence of corporations and that what they had on the government meanwhile only eighteen percent opposed and the rest were simply undecided or didn't know what to think about the protests now is the media attention towards this now a national movement grew on october fifteenth or also calls to make a global statement the goal was to be united in one voice just like we witnessed with the arab spring earlier this year declaring that the bankers the politicians do not have the people's best interests in mind looks like demonstrations are pretty successful the occupy wall street is more than eighty countries just look at this right here. according to all the lodgers from you all to the netherlands. wall street and the world. now while the majority of those international protests stay peaceful rome is an entirely different scene court the reuters cars were
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torched banks were attacked the demonstrations quickly turned violent as police broke out water cannons forcing the crowd to disperse some news outlets are calling it the worst riots to hit rome in years so they are keeping all that information in mind so that a difference a month makes the national and now international news outlets pick up the coverage of these occupy movements there's one source of step to inform from the beginning i see a lot of shall we started from day one with our coverage we're dedicated to continuing watching this movement which takes us to our next story. now while the rest of the country and the rest of the world may be slowly catching on my wall street movement in new york is now officially one month old over the weekend thousands came out to march on times square and throughout the day more than seventy protesters in new york were arrested forty of those in times square and we also got the news today the occupy wall street has three hundred thousand dollars in the bank donated to the movement's web site and visitors who came to the park according to the associated press they were needed goods ranging from blankets and sleeping bags to cans of food and medical and hygenic supplies are all being stored in space
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terminated by the united nation of teachers so with three hundred thousand dollars donated to the cause what i'm going to do with it and are we finally have a point where we'll hear some official demands joining me from our studio in new york is our team producer. lucy thanks so much for joining us tonight now you've been down there for a while now and you know we just left on friday but today is officially one month since the protests going on in zuccotti park so what's the mood like there to be celebrating are they saying you know good for us we made it i had george soros is down there popping pills of crystal and spoon feeding caviar it's all the protesters and i'm joking of course the mood is fairly optimistic but i wouldn't say it's an overall celebration i think it's more of a mark for the mainstream press that it never really expected this movement to last that long and i think a lot of the folks that i've spoken to at least said you know they're not surprised that it's the strong and they're not surprised that it's continued this long and they personally expect to stay here
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a lot longer all right so tell us about this weekend i know that there was a massive march on times square and other parts as well seventy people were arrested so you were there tell us what you witnessed. it was actually one of the first times that i've been down here that i felt unsafe and uncomfortable as a journalist reporting on the story and i think probably the somber mood following the mass arrests is really contributing to the lack of the champagne popping i guess down in zuccotti park today the planned rally for five pm in times square on saturday was supposed to take place they had a permit to gather there i was actually part of a group of several hundred protesters that have marched from washington square park to times square. probably ten people arrested along the way for various things crossing the street the wrong way stepping accidently off of the curb very violently arrested in fact it was actually rather surprising to witness that firsthand once we got to times square the police had taken out those infamous
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orange netting prevented us from going to forty second street to meet up with the march instead they made us go down forty six street at which point i once we actually got to seven thousand you were times square was we were effectively corralled and prevented from moving for about two to three hours it was a really really uncomfortable experience i was standing right next to the barricades they had taken out and we saw a unit of riot police officers appear they were instructed to put their hands on to the barricades in front of us and i have to tell you standing face to face with several hundred police officers who are shoulder to shoulder you know full military get up it is not a pleasant experience especially when you have a very nervous crowd of thousands of protesters behind you we saw several instances of police officers on horseback essentially plowing into the crowd injuring some of the protesters i saw several folks arrested in front of me some of the protesters were violently slammed down onto the ground face first before getting taken away in handcuffs and mind you again this was for the most part
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a peaceful protest i have not personally witnessed any protesters disobeying the law or sort of being on ruly it was really seemed to me at least like it was perpetuated by the police. and what followed afterwards was actually even more disturbing we after the times square march finally got cleared out it was very difficult to leave because again they were bradbury hitting most of the streets about a thousand five hundred protesters gathered in washington square park to decide whether they wanted to occupy that space several dozen remains decided to risk arrest to sort of make a political points that they needed more space they needed more locations to to make their demands heard and we saw the entire park this is a large area surrounded by a bright police they had rolled out five buses that i counted school buses with n.y.p.d. logos on them presumably for the arrests the police officers then cleared the entire park forced the journalists to leave as well arrested those remaining protesters and the most shocking part to me was when i was trying to film on the
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sidewalk not disobeying any sort of law me and several other journalists next to me were blinded by these really powerful police strobe lights that prevented us from actively filming what was going on behind the police had lined up in sort of military formation and marched towards us as we were walking backwards it was clearly marked as press i had my press pass in front of me i virtually identified myself as press and still they continued to essentially blind the video and prevent us from filming the action that was going on really disturbing set of events i have to say now despite what happened over the weekend i feel like a lot of people treated the news that they have three hundred thousand dollars in the bank rate of money donated to the occupy wall street movement as fairly good news today so is there you know are there any discussions as to how do they use that money do they keep it you know for their supplies and how does that process work. right it's really interesting actually i mean they have these general assembly meetings where they sort of try to decide how to appropriate the money for
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now they're storing it in two different banks one of them is the amalgamated union branch which is one hundred percent union owned they it's a sort of a tedious process though you know last week i witnessed an hour long debate about whether they should appropriate one thousand seven hundred dollars or puppets an army of puppets which eventually got voted down but yet the donations are pouring in i don't think they ever expected to get as much as they have they're coming in online they also have these gallon buckets sort of set up across the park where they get about a thousand dollars donated in cash per day what they're going to do with that remains unclear some of it is going to supplies but they're actually getting a lot of supply donations that have been stored by a space that was volunteered by the local teachers' union everything from tampons to to goggles to prevent from injury from pepper spraying to blankets and clothes and other canned goods and food so it's pretty interesting i mean they're certainly getting the donations and the item donations pouring in all right well looks i guess at least physically in terms of the amount of gear they'll be able to stay
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for a while there we thank so much for filling us in. thank you. just ahead we have our monday edition of news that i read it and a presidential candidate says of the u.s. david electric fence along the border with mexico one that would electrocute immigrants a while later they're looking at the latest harsh rhetoric you know you feel forgotten about topic and. ensure that only you would treat mechanisms and do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know this.


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