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tv   [untitled]    October 17, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT

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to be ethnically tense region is over control of border crossings into neighboring serbia. syria again swept by protests people are furious the arab league hasn't to be jacked to damascus from the organization as it presses for negotiations between warring parties this comes as president assad tries to appease some of the resentment against his regime drafting a new constitution and announcing multi-party elections next year and. would their own people who as you mentioned criticize me and to be diminutive they say that if your humble servant in the election that would mean that there would be no election perhaps that would be the case for them but an ordinary citizen always has a choice to make. in the hands of the people meet the press to speak about his bid to return and russia's president twenty twelve russian prime minister also talks about his plans for the economy and why political stability is vital for the country. that wraps it up for me but my colleague treasurer will be had about
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thirty minutes now we're heading back to our washington studio for the second part of the only on the show. it's time for you said it i read it take time to respond to my brilliant engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i listen now first i want to respond to a viewer who although in the minority has taken issue with our coverage of occupy wall street movement keith sh said on facebook why are you giving this unwashed group of no hopers and ne'er do wells so much coverage they are less likely to achieve anything with their so-called protests than they are to find work or a bar of soap and a shower. now keith let me respectfully disagree with you in pretty much every way possible i cover the occupy wall street protests because i think this is an important movement that is not properly properly or accurately covered by the
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mainstream media and i actually went down to occupy wall street myself last week and i assure you the people of zuccotti park are not just a group of i'm showered freeloaders as you like to believe this is a group of americans who are sick and tired of the policies and the system that they felt have left them out in the cold and as i said on friday's show these are people who still see hope for changing that system and that's something worth covering so keith you could write them off with the rest of the media is a bunch of hippies who have no chance of creating change but i want to tell you i saw myself on the ground a group of concerned citizens who have the eyes of not only washington and wall street but now the world and that's certainly worth covering the next i responded viewer who watched our interview last week on hank skinner a man set to be executed in texas on nov ninth despite serious questions about his guilt you who have been a six six said on you tube i'm conservative but opposed to state sanctioned murder and i think that after the execution of troy davis or hearing the sentiment expressed more often and more vocally by conservatives all across the country those who actually believe in the idea of small government small government and all of
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its forms including in the way the government carries out justice and the numbers reflect it to see last week we reported to you that approval for the death penalty has reached a third. a nine year low with only sixty one percent of all americans supporting the death penalty so as more cases like those of troy davis and hank skinner become known to the public one can only hope that americans will start to see that our justice system is far from perfect the death penalty especially now finally i want to respond to a viewer who watched our coverage of occupy wall street on friday board ambrose said on facebook alone and thanks for the great coverage of occupy wall street i always learn from you keep up the great work this will just get bigger and hopefully change the way politicians represent now i responded to a viewer who wasn't so happy with our coverage earlier but let me say that on the whole we received an overwhelmingly positive response to our show from friday so thank you so much for watching and we hope to get out of the studio report from the ground more often in the future that's it for my rantings tonight i'll be back with more later this week. now on saturday the associated press reported that the u.s.
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troops still stationed in iraq were going to come home. the obama administration is dropping its plans to keep u.s. troops in iraq past a year end withdrawal deadline this despite ongoing concerns about iraq's security forces and overall stability and will effectively end more than eight years of u.s. involvement in the iraq war. a.p. report of the plan to keep thousands of u.s. military members in iraq have been scratched and instead only one hundred sixty troops would remain at the u.s. embassy in baghdad due to a breakdown in negotiations between the two countries rather shocking revelation considering that had been reported that the obama administration was heavily leaning towards keeping thousands of troops in the country after the original withdrawal deadline of december thirty first that by the way is a date that was decided that in two thousand and eight so in the past we've heard gates state that the u.s. would keep troops in iraq if requested by the iraqi government most recently we are
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panetta had signed off on keeping training forces in iraq past the deadline as well that on top of statements made less than a week ago by prime minister prime minister maliki saying that u.s. military trainers might stay in this country past the deadline so all of that combined made the a.p. report all that much more of a surprise but just after the a.p. reported the troops were leaving iraq officials in the pentagon moved very quickly to deny those claims pentagon press secretary george little said suggestions that a final decision had been reached about our training relationship with the iraqi government are wrong those discussions are ongoing so the hot topic right now is whether or not the u.s. troops assigned to training iraqi security forces would be granted legal protection that's something the pentagon says is necessary in order to keep the forces there meanwhile iraq's political party leaders have already said that they're not ready to give us troops those kinds of safeguards so i hate to say a but looks like it's too early to be celebrating the end to an unnecessary war because it looks like the u.s. still doesn't know what the hell they're going to do after how many years of
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dedicating american efforts to rebuilding that country helping to stabilize their government it looks like. u.s. still can't negotiate a deal with the government that they support so i say let's just get the forty one thousand troops back home at the end of the year just like the original plan. and now this weekend we saw a lot of herman cain as the media cannot stop obsessing over his place in the polls which is currently at number one but perhaps the reason that he should be everywhere is to show you just what today's republican party has become an extreme version of what it once was take a look at herman cain's latest statement on immigration and then how he tried to walk it back. over. where he. wound. up in the south this is. what it
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is is it is this is it it is with the speech. this is. now he later claimed that it was a joke but joke or no joke what happened to treating this like a human issue how much further could the rhetoric possibly go joining me is and sanchez contributor at daily dot com i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and so herman cain i mean you could say he's just the flavor of the week why even bother paying attention to this man but unfortunately at the moment he is number one in the polls and so to have somebody who is a presidential contender who at the moment is number one saying stuff like that joking joking or not joking about electrocuting immigrants or trying to cross the fence doesn't make you feel. well i think what's really going on here is he may say that he was joking just as he was joking when he suggested that we should build a moat around the border and the alligators and it what's really going on is that
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there's no way for him to present a rational immigration policy to the rabidly right wing anti immigrant tea party and still expect to have their support so for me what's the most troubling about the tape that you just played despite the fact that he may be joking i don't hear people laughing and i hear people clapping yeah well if we want to give you an example of the people out there that might be clapping or saying that you know about herman cain has a good idea let's take a look at something that sheriff joe arpaio who by now become a household name from arizona what he had to say about it. they aren't sure he was joking but he's probably going to syria has to do something at the border it's illegal immigration. so yeah it's a joe arpaio who thinks this means that herman cain is really taking the immigration issue seriously in this country what do you think has happened why has it moved so far to the right why is there this rabid type of language if you think
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about it we hear all the time right from our politicians about how big of a threat terrorism is how big of a threat al qaeda is but you never even hear the rhetoric there talk to you know escalate to the point of you say just electrocute the damn people. right well i think part of the problem is that republicans think it's ok because immigrants can't vote and therefore it's ok to scapegoat them it's ok for someone to say what herman cain said it's ok for a republican to say that we should see the clip on undocumented immigrants as one satterlee or this year or that we should shoot them like feral hogs as another one said but the fact of the matter is it's not ok and it's not ok because it has consequences and one of those consequences has been a string of hate crimes against the latino community about has been linked to this kind of anti immigrant vicious rhetoric so it's not funny it's not a laughing matter it's vitriol and you know aside from i think some of the violent language the vitriol that we're hearing out there you also have this idea of
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comprehensive immigration reform which even george w. bush tried to pass with completely gone out the window now you know if you want to talk about overhearing at our presidential republican debates i'll give you an example. i would build a fence on america's southern border i'm every my own on every yard and every foot on every inch of the southern border. because you're going to be. for twelve hundred miles and then go eight hundred miles more. than it does not make. it so big guys you have rick perry there who you know unfortunately in this situation comes out to be the more normal one but still when you have a presidential debate it's all talk about whether we need a fence or not what happened the comprehensive immigration reform thing. well i actually think it's surprising that rick perry is the when it comes off as supposedly soft on immigration his immigration policy is actually quite
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a center right and it's quite ironic that mitt romney of all people is the one attacking him when he supported comprehensive immigration reform up until two thousand and seven and his own family benefited from the generous immigration policy of mexico back when they were fleeing u.s. anti polygamy wise so what happens well i think for the past few years republicans have obstructed immigration reform because they know that if that happens it's a win for obama and they're not about ready to hand that and i think instead they focus on animating their right wing anti immigrant base and you know that may work in local elections or state elections it may work in the primaries but i'm doubtful that it will work in the general election where they're going to have to win the votes of. well i wonder what you think about that too you know come two thousand and twelve we've heard a lot from the community that they're really unhappy with president obama because he hasn't delivered what they've wanted in terms of comprehensive immigration
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reform in terms of even getting the dream back to pass so while they still vote for him just because the republicans are worse. well i think what obama has to do is remind latinos of what he stands for and how the g.o.p. has obstructed it he stands for comprehensive immigration reform and a path to legalization he stands for the dream act and republicans have done nothing but pull every stunt to try and obstructs him from doing that i also think well ultimately man's up happening is what happened in two thousand and ten and that's really didn't necessarily vote for democrats that they still came out in record numbers to vote against republicans and i think it's very likely that we'll see that happen again in two thousand and twelve are andrew and i thank you so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me. presidential candidate comparison self to abraham lincoln and yes he told time that happy hour of the muppets are into porn. and lady gaga serenade upon the president back in just
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a. wealthy british style. sometimes splits. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports . from the days of the manhattan project in one thousand forty two the university of california has been involved through the science of its provision and scientists and their relationship to the university you see since day one has been in charge of researching designing and testing nuclear weapons and to some extent producing weapons every single nuclear weapon inside a as arsenal was designed by university of california. we don't want those. little person to california was selected as the because the army needed scientists to lead their diversity
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position. a group of protesters interrupted a university of california board of regents meeting to demand the school's severed ties with the nation's nuclear weapons program. at a time for type two a time of war and tonight it goes to rick santorum and the g.o.p. presidential candidate has the euro of chances of winning the nomination one of the things to extreme even for the republican party and that's saying a lot the at almost every debate and campaign event he launches into an attack on marriage equality rick is actually made gay rights a central issue of his campaign i support a constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage i think that it marriage should
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be a consistent thing across the country marriage is the union of one man and one woman it's essential for the family it's essential for the stability of our of our culture to to make sure that children are given the best hope which is a mom and a dad and now all rick has a right to voice voice his hateful opinion his positions on gay marriage or on obsession over the course of the campaign he's made several strange analogies on the issue on attempts to convince the american people of the institution of marriage is just not compatible with gay people. marriage is what marriage is marriage existed before there was a government like you know painting up this and saying this glass of water is a glass of beer well you can call it a glass of beer but it's not a glass of beer it's a glass of water and water is what water is marriage is what marriage is. yeah luckily for us his analogies are so nonsensical if there is no chance they convinced anybody of his position whatever that might be but over the weekend rick santorum had another interesting comparison to make about gay marriage after g.o.p.
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front runner herman cain appeared on meet the press this weekend santorum took issue with cain's stance on gay marriage thinks the issue should be decided the state level not at the federal level and that sent rick off on a tirade he said in the statement i have been a long time advocate for states' rights however i believe as abraham lincoln did that states don't have the right to legalize moral wrongs so rick santorum is actually comparing himself to abraham lincoln sixteenth president president of the united states the man who freed the slaves i mean come on don't flatter yourself and let's not forget of course the abraham lincoln was fighting against the moral wrong of slavery is actually laughable that rick santorum is trying to compare his fight to keep gay people from getting married to freeing the slaves while lincoln fought a war for freedom rick santorum is advocating just the opposite he's trying to keep a group of people here in the u.s. from having equal rights and protections just like everybody else now rick santorum went on to say in this statement mr cain congresswoman michele bachmann and
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governor rick perry all believe fifty different definitions of marriage is fine i strongly disagree will continue fighting for traditional marriage between one man and one woman now we're used to santorum waging an assault on gay rights but for him to then say fighting against equal rights for all puts him on the same moral standing as lincoln for his fight against slavery i think it's fair to say that that's just insane rick santorum is a hate monger plain and simple he's a small man who has dedicated his life to fighting against the equal rights for a minority group here in the united states he could not be farther from abraham lincoln so it's no wonder he's been the target of gay activists for years. and so the baby decided he didn't carry gay sex to incest and polygamy how dare he did it and they had gone to our own little. jihad against rick santorum says. here's a thought rick stop attacking gabe over political gain maybe they'll stop their jihad against you now for his latest comments on gay marriage and comparing himself
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to lincoln we are giving tonight's tool time award to rick santorum. hi guys time for happy hour tonight and joining me this evening our team producer jenny turtill and j. crew or strategist at mission strategy mission strategy you would have to realize a deal as i had like i really wanted it said i said i surrender no no i did i would just totally i was unprepared but as i write he said there were perfect. ok so he spoke a little about herman cain what he thinks about immigrants just electrocute of all apparently but we also know that herman cain has little bit of a voice like we we play the old gospel album that he had before here on this show and now it's somebody dug up this gem from nine hundred ninety one where herman
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cain took the song imagine and made it about people that take a look. goodness gracious you know i got to say after seeing that i like him a little more love that's the thing about the ghetto i mean i like a to know god like i like those are a lot about what i'm going to bring is sense of humor right house and i think people like that and then they just totally forget about the fact that he. but i don't like muslims that i can work in my administration and i think i want you around to be electrocuted in the right israeli border he's one of those terrifying
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crazy people who passes a semi-normal and likable like charismatic and then you'll say something. like you know and also i have to say this isn't even my favorite herman cain story from the past week my favorite is that his nine nine nine plan came from some city because apparently in one of the sim city version that was the tax plan that. actually i learned a lot of i loved it and it was a very this shop simular in that version of some city i mean it's all adding up his love makes a lot more sense no good that's right yeah well i mean if you're right but this one on twitter. herman cain the song tweets the third just not coming to me right now but the good ones wherever out there that was waiting good for you to go cross to know those well played ok so speaking of people that are. dating that was herman cain but lady gaga there unaided former president bill clinton kind of marilyn
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monroe style for his birthday take a look. you know the bill was long. and she's saying kind of bill romance but i wonder if part of it is like seriously like he got marilyn monroe i got to go with this yeah i mean she kind of does look like the most busted marilyn that ever and i'm sorry that wig has some issues there's some teeth there she was just not her face not her i don't think she's dead but oh my god that marilyn lake was you ever see a performer somewhere in there kind of bombing. and makes you feel really uncomfortable no lady gaga didn't bob but every time i see hillary in one of those scenarios you always like i just feel show bad for her i know and then you know the
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one saving grace was there charles was kind of going into it a little. earlier. that of save the moment there i did you know what so awkward how did that weird look at your face or inciting the newshound we have the run slowly want to build hiking up with her after the show well actually i think of this where she just you sort of the right i mean this is the she's got to have it there you know that every time i feel really bad i agree. but if i was your mom or held if that was your mom and you got there and yeah this is to get her to write the book. ok let's let's move on to something way more fun let's talk about porn. so it's sesame street's apparently at their website got hacked and so somebody put a bunch of porn on it and i think it only took like twenty two minutes until they figured out and took the thing down but the thing that i found about this is we've done stories about sesame street on happy hour before and you know when parents
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freaked out over katy perry being on sesame street and being to have sex. now if you don't remember take a look again. you. are so verily that i was too skanky very sad isn't going story and he says straight up book poured out the website i love it i don't know why i just cracked i mean how many kids do you think actually watch sesame street online is that how i was well you know i was i to read maybe more and then we went. yeah i'm mostly scared about you know a little kid is going to try and see big bird and he gets like a snuffle off or guess of a whole other story and i think that's the burden earnestly. but i mean give you two probably twenty two minutes faster than an ambulance will get to your house and you called nine one one and a lot of these it's i think that's an error i know that's easy they can turn it off
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immediately what happened was it took someone twenty two minutes to notice it was there either every single video ever took out to a community was there and they took it down it was a very impressive i think you know yeah i actually was because when i saw that sesame street got hacked i thought it must have been that guy we had on the show ben shapiro who thinks that sesame street's like a left. school i forget the name it was porn and i was like oh no no that wouldn't be at they would have put like bed would go there yes. but you know there are a lot of sentences should end with and then i heard it was born. that reason or if there's a bad after everything right makes makes every sentence better ok so. california berkeley i don't know this i'm from california and i just found this out today eight months eight months left until it's banned take a look. look to see.
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when the luxuries of life. that is less appetising to behold even as it's become a staple of fine dining in america three quarters of adults here say they want it banned what bothers them the force feeding process that makes the ducks flaw or liver gras or fat. pigs really upset because i really love it. like i. i like i like good delicious. delicacies and good food for that watching that just makes me miserable and i don't know but then they do you know their problem with our farming practices the way they treat the chickens and what they do with the towels and they're just the thing that kills them and i think that that's a question that a lot of people have is so you start with words that it was a slippery slope go all of us i mean look at took thousands and thousands of years for us to get to a point a society where to worry about ducks and now we're going to worry about their livers i'm not so sure though that it makes sense in the middle of the biggest budget crisis that you know for us because almost you know very few close friends
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are serving what we should be going to take your head you know i'm sorry you know you are i mean that's the least of your like yeah this is yours and we shouldn't be worrying about for a draw is my point i don't live in a garage and i sadly even with you there that i think bigger issues. but however banning me and it's not going to go to shout out and say i've never seen him for that was disgusting i was actually very narrow know that restaurant this is really are we going to get you know we all want to stand here and be like peta sucks you know we have to i don't i don't want you know i'm going to get it and i think you know even at that big you for joining me tonight as it did i say oh thanks for turning and making the come back on wednesday we're not to have a show tomorrow due to some station life scheduled maintenance i mean time to forget it and be a lot of people on facebook kind of follow us on twitter you missed any of tonight's or any other nights you can we meet you got tom last you want to kill and coming up next he's going to.
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we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from around russia. we've got the future covered. in vietnam ots available in international hutto. photos of the intercontinental hanoi westlake hotel shirts in hanoi hilton family oprah. sedona sweet.
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book royal saigon hotel a tour of a hotel sheraton hotel in times hotels in the ninety's available in poland resort and spa. their release is eminent of captive israeli soldier an exchange for palestinian prisoners but other captured soldiers families asking why israel doing nothing to bring them all. the ships as regards my return nothing is decided until the people have voted ordinary citizens always have a choice to make leaving the last word with the people here putin says it's premature to assume he'll win the presidential election in his first interview since confirming he'll stand again for russia's top job.


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