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tv   [untitled]    October 18, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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review the latest in science and technology from the realms. we've got this huge earth covered. what's an artsy life from moscow the headlines over a thousand palestinian prisoners in exchange for one israeli soldier gilad shalit returns home after a massive media campaign and other israelis who have had family members missing for years asking what about the. law and disorder a new york police officers could face punishment for harsh tactics used against anti corporate campaigners on wall street. and move or be moved the deadline approaches for postal service to leave their border barricades after a demand by nato protesters out to stand for. next hour to spotlight
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focuses on why the occupy wall street movement gaining so much traction after a very short break. plan. to. bring you the latest in the science team six months from around the clock. we've got the future cover. to. play. hello again or welcome to spotlight the unfinished out on the hot seat i am al green album which they were talking about the basics of childbirth revolution in
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the united states which is called occupied lost america is rocked thousands of people marched through the country's main cities protesting against corporate greed social inequality and big money moving into the demonstrations began several weeks ago and although they are mostly peaceful several hundred people have been arrested around the country the process have spread outside the u.s. in a fading of europe and asia what's the latest from the occupied wall street scott writes you know it's needed there for. the occupy wall street movement started just over a month ago with a thousand participants marching through new york people's anger was aimed at the financiers who the protesters believe caused the recession but got away with it by being bailed out by the government. the movement's website says it was inspired by the arab spring which initiated
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a series of revolutions in north africa this year. i'll keep my wall street slogans targeting economic. bridge greed if he had to have great appeal with near a movement springing up in major cities across the us before long occupy wall street when global last saturday vents inspired by american protesters took place in one hundred fifty cities in eighty countries around the world. the movement's been most enthusiastic cream braced in crisis heat europe demonstrators that protested over unemployment and the stairway to cards imposed in exchange for e.u. and i.m.f. bailouts the most violent really happened in the room where tens of thousands took part seventy people were injured and to believe you reserve damage was caused to the historic city.
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so that was you know the media with the latest from the occupy wall street and i guess in the studio today i director of the institute for global research and social movements boris coverless he and joining us via skype from san francisco california is kevin that are her the co-founder of the global exchange human rights organization. in there in the united states first of all and also joined by people the other countries can we call it can color the the great act so we're socialist revolution people are they actually do want socialism do they well it's it's it's very it's a littlest in syria it's a catalyst here in the united states sometimes not is explicitly using words that you know name capitalism or in your illusion but it's very much against the bad of signing an sec there all of our wealth has gone sucked up into new finance sector and they're not spreading it around they're not investing it they're not lending
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you know and that's part of the economic crisis and united states and i think we're seeing it everywhere is that as your introduction said eighty. and trees now on saturday we had protests all across the united states we were going to say she was involved in the one and here in san francisco and it was thousands of people out in the street we marched from the federal reserve bank city where the city government is headed back down to the federal reserve bank which controls the interest rates and united states a very nasty institution for us what does wonders a global research say is anti-capitalist today this is it means a pro socialist away or pro-communist well definitely not pro-communist at least not as old as we remember the trans and nine hundred seventy is but i think yes there is a tendency towards bracing there laughing when you use their socialist measures
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proly in their limited test of costs. and of course people are concerned with their welfare state i guess and they're limiting the power of corporations. to much less extent they discuss the possibility of nationalizing them or for operating the property or anything like that i think so far it's not of their gender at least explicitly so i think in the long run that means that the left is coming back as the global force and that also means that their society is changing their the geminis different and that's has people who lived in the values of liberal capitalism they don't believe in these values anymore kiran ed what's the what's the principle goal that they're there that the movement wants to reach is there or go yeah i think the main thing is that people want to be heard people feel left out of the system the richest one percent of american families all more
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wealth stocks bonds real estate the stuff that matters the richest one percent own more wealth than the poorest ninety percent of men. little class what used to be a fairly large middle class is getting crushed and getting squeezed out we have college students who are coming out of college with a college degree and a whole bunch of debt to be paid off that they had to take on debt to pay their tuition and now they can't get jobs so there's a lot of anger and frustration but it's not just young people it's guys like me with gray hair out there and i think what we're seeing is this is a result of all the educational work that guys like boris and myself and all the books we've written over the years and all the public speeches and the environmental movement the civil rights movement the women's movement it's all culminating in this where people realize this is the beginning of the first ever global revolution we can't solve these problems on
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a nation state basis the problem is trans national capital movements are trans national the average stock in the united states is owned for less than ten seconds it's computer algorithms switching big capital around so the small investor or the person trying to invest their retirement money doesn't have a chance of standing up against these big financial institutions they crashed the economy with a lot of crazy instruments based on real estate they created a real estate bubble burst they cut bailed out by the federal government trillions of dollars and then they get when they got bailed out they didn't lend them they're not lending no money to us there are all sorts of really good companies that can't get loans now and can't get the economy going again the money is all concentrated up in the top one percent of the population and that's why the movement has taken
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this ninety nine percent slogan as one of their key slogans we're are the majority it's supposed to be a democracy but more. just what washington d.c. even with. a liberal democrat wall street has control of its policy. with. well it seems to me that in the twenty first century the world is going i mean it's all upside down all the former socialist countries all the eastern bloc countries including russia they want their building capitalism they want capitalism in their countries now the western countries they seem to do once they do want capitalism and you saw that slogan five minutes ago capitalism does not work it's not working so they want socialism so. do you really feel that we are on the threshold of a global revolution as kevin just put it well i actually agree with kevin how we would tend to agree with karen almost every time we discuss things we fight over
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little truly discuss little children what kevin is saying today and what ninety nine percent of americans are telling us today is what we read in our communist textbooks not exactly what. i learned in marx ok i don't ok with god not britain ok with landmarks i'm not ok with brushing them and one thing which is very important for karen and for myself and for most people who are involved in the movement is democracy it's very much about democracy it's not true we leave the bureaucracy in charge you know it's not about. resources from. corporations and getting them into the hands of centralized bureaucracy russian style no it is very much about this terrorist mind of a democratic system of control over resources and that's this is not like this sort of style communism neither it is of course capitalism in the corporate sense
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a corporate form as we know no it's a god creating a new democracy which is allowing people to. trawlers office kevin when you know when you started this movement were you ready to face the fact that pretty soon he would be joined by why so many supporters around the country and around who own well we've actually had this experience before i did a lot of work on the international monetary fund and the world bank that so orson i first met each other doing a global economy work in trying to explain to people look the finance sector is turning the economy into a casino it's all about gambling it's they're not investing in productive investment they're creating all these financial investments in english we use the term securitization securitization is when capital itself becomes a commodity so you have
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a shifting of the wealth into this finance sector and it's not getting invested in creating jobs and you know building houses and you know creating things that we can actually use shoes and cars and airplanes and it's going into financial speculation so that's why you have so much stagnation so much unemployment and this was going on i should point out the crisis instead affecting europe and the united states it's been going on in third world countries in the global south for decades and you have the i.m.f. and the world bank coming in bankers on the outside coming in saying to third world governments ok we'll lend you money we'll give you a whole bunch of money but you've got to follow our policies we want you to devalued currency we want you to sell off we want you to privatized your net national resources we want you to open your economy up to let big corporations come in and extract well we don't want unions we don't want your people to be able to have environmental or safety regulations now that's hat that's coming home to roost
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to countries like the united states and we're getting a little taste of what the third world. yet or nations have been yelling with for decades and people don't like it so the way that we're framing it global exchange the way we're framing this transition is we're going from a world where money values ruled over the life cycle social justice and the environment and we're moving to a system where life used will be over the money cycle where yes will do commerce and use money but social justice and environmental restoration will be all over that money cycle it's a big global transition and we have to accelerate this transition or the planet's ability to support human life is going down right now all the biological systems are collapsing so this is kind of an emergence. of the the popular slogan of the
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movement is we are ninety nine percent is it true or is it an exaggeration or are well maybe there is a bit of an exaggeration but i mean just how many percent is a great obviously nine hundred eighty seventy you know a lot of time different here what i mean is that when people account on a hair for example. start of their campaign in seattle which was nine hundred ninety nine that it was definitely minority movement it was a very attractive very exciting wary young minority movement and now for the first time you see that the majority of americans are supporting these people and around europe of the same picture and by the way speaking about russia i think russians are very passive so far back in terms of passive support so to speak russians are sympathetic with the move of the majority of people are sympathetic or at least
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interested or at least trying to understand what's happening because we thought normal good capitalism was there in our capital it was wrong it was an odd normal bad capitalism bots. capitalism existed somewhere and that it was in the west that it was an american then you see these people in the streets rioting thing and fighting with the police and then i think. it's something more general than just being our problem and i think of that says that dramatic change is happening now in the majority i mean maybe it's not made in a percent by the majority is now with this movement for the first time since. his or whatever say kevin danaher the co-founder of the global exchange at national human rights organization who joins us from san francisco california and boris cargo lidsky director of the institute for global would you say some social move spotlight will be back shortly after the break we turn to you since you say with us in the.
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mornings today violence is once again flared up. these are the images gogol's been seeing from the streets of canada after. trying to look for a shelter or to to get. the emission free cretaceous three per. three per still prefer
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the old city block can plug in video for your media projects a free car. player . play. welcome back to spotlight i'm not a good lover i'm just a reminder that my guests on the show today are boris congorilla who was the director of the institute of global research and kevin there is joining us from san francisco california and he is the global exchange. chief of the organization called the global exchange. well we have been talking about what's going on in america in some other countries of the world i mean the
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occupy wall street movement well many people say that it has been influenced by by the so-called arab spring or is do you think that there is a connection with what happened you know there was one hundred really different and that was said by the activists in the united states and in european countries a lot of course it's a much more interesting interconnection because in many ways for example the protests in france which started in two thousand turned protests against pension reform there influenced massively people in. in tunisia because you know how many arabs live in france and how many. people have relatives in france none of those who live in tunisia for example and of course then for ascot or exported unrest exported revolution to tunisia lantern usually exploring region and finally from
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egypt it was rick's porter to the west so that's us it's really a global process. kevin you mentioned that the main goal of the movement is that is that people want to be heard people people they want to be airflow at least two thousand years but. one of the main things that made the socialist revolution in russia work nearly a century ago. is there that lenin and the bolsheviks they were not only wanted to be heard but they were ready to take responsibility to take the country to take the finance take a bureaucracy in their own hands and actually to start running the country other people are nestle's today ready to take that responsibility or they just want to be heard and to continue to collaborate with the existing government i think part of learning his brilliance was he was able to it was a good sociologist if you look if you look at his book the development of capitalism in the soviet union he was
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a good sociologist and he could look at where the mass movement was going and then come up with demands and positions that put the bolshevik party at the throat of that movement and what so what's going on with groups like global exchange now is we're trying to give some skill sets to these people in terms of how to organize how to run a meeting what is the analysis of the financial system and the fact that it's a global problem it's not going to be solved on a national basis or rock obama is not going to solve our problems one of the issues that we've got going on in united states is there is a break in the feedback loop nature always works on feedback loops we have people making policy regarding mass transit we never ride the bus we have people making policy in washington about the school system their children go to private schools
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so the public schools are going down in quality the health system is going down in quality because the people who control health care policy they have very good health care we have over forty million americans with no health insurance and that's getting worse all the time so it gets to a certain point or back up and back up and back up and they're willing to take all this garbage and then they get to a point where they're. not going to back up any more and they say ok this is it we're going out in the streets so those of us who have a little bit of professional experience at organizing these things like the protests in seattle against the w.c. oh back ten years ago we're trying to bring some professionalism and some training and some analysis and submit educational tools into this movement so we can grow and spread and reach out and bring in the police bring in the trade unions bring in the environmental groups and grow the movement and i think that's going to happen i think this movement is going to keep spreading burress you know lennon's work
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better than kevin i guess it would have been not always ready rather generator worse than we are studied the when we you know high school the new university well how would you if i ask you to analyze what kevin just say what would you say what does the movement lack to really become a revolution that will likely lead and will say working class involvement par are not to a certain extent yes by the trade unions are there but again it's need unions as let him talk to us are not the working way that they are do work in class version was a high policy go back if i think is good but let's be clear i think the movement is just in its initial stage you know though it's a growing very fast and it's liking a lot of things but the first problem here is that of course people were used to work through traditional institutions or western liberal democracy parties part is
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trade you know and elections are what our courts and so on and that didn't work in the night and seventy's for example and now the problem is of these institutions they don't work for the people the way they used to work is the way people expect of them to to work and that's the confrontation not just with the gun mantra or with the ruling class it's also confrontation with existing institutions . which are losing their appeal losing their credibility and legitimacy so that's one big problem wish has to be addressed and this is very serious and that's why everything is happening in the streets not in the parliament not through the election and for the second thing of course is that the real political force is lacking and it has to be built up but the part is that of course in reality the movement he's going to par through through the stages through the experience to build up of these movements into political forces it will take some time and that's
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why i think it's not on i was going to happen or not by that will happen can't bear question to both of you gentlemen to kevin and to worry is do we want this movement to to succeed do we want. this movement to ruin the american political system instead of building a new one or do we want the system itself to to to sell through or guys in some out change to me to to to to to meet the demands are those who are protesting well what part of the idea of democracy is that informed citizens are capable of getting together in public and reforming the system demanding that the government we dress their grievances united states for all its flaws and all its there and period has policies did a very brilliant thing when this country was set up it was the first political system where government was it was described as a derivative institution
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a secondary institution it rives its authority from the informed consent of we need to people it's why our founding document the us constitution our basic law starts with the words we the people and if you look at people like thomas jefferson two term president third president the united states he said on the altar of. god i pledge undying hostility to any government restriction on the free minds of the people the free minds of the people were supposed to be the bedrock of democracy and now reminds of the people who have the internet so they can see what's going on around the world they can hear from the people protesting in egypt and other countries and we start to realize wait a minute this is not a us problem this is an international problem it's a global problem we're either going to have it leak globalization it's about guns and money or we're going to have people's globalization that will be about social
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justice saving the environment those are two very different agendas and i think that's why you see if you look at the press in the united states and the media in the united states the big corporate media and the corporate politicians they're denouncing this movement they're lying about it they're saying oh it's a bunch of here piece there are drugs you know all this kind of stuff we have ph d.'s we write books about this stuff we're not uninformed we're more informed than those members of congress so this is this movement is going to keep growing and that's a good thing thank you thank you very much kevin thank you barry send us through the mind of them i guess on the show today where kevin barry the co-founder of the global exchange international human rights organization who is joining us live from san francisco california and boris coverlets director of the institute for global research and social movements and the fed for now from all of us would be back with
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more first hand comment on the rocks going on in and outside russia until then they are party and taking. place in. the also. the latest in science and technology from the ground forces. the future covered.
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