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tv   [untitled]    October 19, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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arkwright wall street broke to the size of the protests and lost your mind boys when you ask people who will street with a war they don't know it's another mainstream media mess boy they're getting good at this and keeping the employed well while they continue to miss the mark and that's it with the occupy wall street protests we are busy on the ground in the middle of the action questioning the war. and speaking of questioning more who exactly are the protesters blaming who do you think is to blame for the american nightmare of wall street or washington. and from that you last degrees another protest this one being called the mother of all strikes so what exactly is sparking the fire is this a sign of worse things to come and will anyone come to rescue this greek tragedy.
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it's wednesday october nineteenth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching artsy welcome coast to coast protesters voicing their fury over the economic system occupy wall street protests have grown exponentially and have spread to cities around the globe they're protesting corporate greed and corruption which they say as line the pockets of a privileged few at the expense of the masses but the mainstream media doesn't seem to be getting the message some continue to portray it as a nuisance dominated by hippie is that with no direction let's take a look at an example. if you put every single let's win cause into a blender and hit power this is the sludge you get there are some of the most.
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for more on this joining me now for more is adam klugman host of mad as how america thanks for joining us adam thanks for having me was i you say that the mainstream media as part of the problem why do you say that well i wouldn't even say they're part of the problem i would say that they are the problem that's why they can't see the problems for the last thirty years they've been dominating in terms of the political debate in this country and now that some of us are trying to take it back they like to pretend that being confused best or attacking worst of what i think they really are is afraid i think they're afraid of losing control of the conversation i think they're afraid of complexity quite frankly i think they're afraid of losing their jobs ok so what is what is their driving force what is the what drives the mainstream media i think what drives the mainstream media is their complicity with book courage political conversation that we're having in this country for example
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a couple of weeks ago or this week with has shown almost tore george will pick a new and. donna brazil we're having this conversation comparing the tea party to the occupy wall street movement or all of a sudden george will comes out and says you know i wish them ample publicity and long life because they represent the spirit and the intellect of the american love you know i am not sure when george will started caring about the spirit of the intellect of the american left at some level he feels like unless he starts serving up a little less bloody red meat on the conservative menu where he might lose his job so he said serving up the war he can fair i think and that you know as you had mentioned that some have compared the occupy wall street movement to the tea party movement do you think the media is more sympathetic to the tea partiers. well i do i mean i think that there are a lot of people inside the tea party movement that were fooled that are genuinely
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angry as a government and the corruption that we're seeing for a lot of the same reasons that we're seeing on occupy wall street and all over the country but the tea party that we saw on television was much more like a political product than it was a political movement i could call it a populist rage party but it fits neatly between commercials for kentucky fried chicken and the season premier of american idol you know it was sold like a product like a a nifty new gadget that they could sell and barter in exchange for ratings and revenue and of course political power and you know adam that made the media our responsibility is to get to keep viewers informed about what's going on how do you think the mainstream media coverage of occupy wall street affecting public perception of the movement. well i think i like to have faith in the american people and they do and i think that they get it and this whole notion of the ninety
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nine percent you know if you look at the polling information you see that people are really can favor of the wall street movement of what's going on all over the country it's in hundreds of cities all over the country and i think that in the end the american people and popular opinion is going to win the day but if you have to say on behalf of my own complicity i mean the reason i'm here is because i put up a blog on huffington post but i often post right now has a boycott going on they're having labor disputes and so i've decided that you know i can position myself as a cure and then be assimilated by the disease so i've decided i'm not going to post anymore on huffington post and i'm looking for another place to start writing so i think it's also about an individual stand up we take in the media just not to get caught ok and you know you're saying the mainstream media they're part of the problem what is the solution and how do we turn this around
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a really good question. i've been down to general assemblies here in portland oregon i've been a part of the movement i've had a lot of people on my show i'm trying to immerse myself in it i don't want to stand apart from it so my recommendation to people in the mainstream media and this is a recommendation i continually make to myself as well is is to go down there and to leave a microphone at home and send the camera crews to lunch and just sit and do something really revolutionary like to listen and i think that they will find is that there's something truly democratic going on here and that democracy is alive and well in america and that's there's adam thank you so much for your thoughts on that foul was adam clinton and how it's mad as how america. and the movie had once ignored and mocked my political leaders and the mainstream media is now being taken seriously by some we're even seeing republican presidential candidates changing
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their tune when it comes to the growing movement mitt romney for example first call the occupy wall street movement dangerous class warfare when asked about the protests during last night's presidential debate here's what he had to say we've had a president responsible for this economy for the last three years and he's failed us he's failed us in part because he has no idea how the private sector works or how to create jobs every single issue he's made it harder for our economy to reboot and as a result we have twenty five million americans out of work or stopped looking for work or part time work and can't get full time employees home values going down you have median income in america that in the last three years has dropped by ten percent americans are hurting across this country and the president's out there campaigning why isn't he governing. so who is to blame wall street or washington well tell me answer that i spoke to iraq that a number of the party for socialism and liberation michael prisoner along with
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conservative conservative political commentator and strategist heather sermo to kick things off i asked michael whether whether or not protesters taking their anger out on if they're taking their anger out on the wrong people and should they be protesting and washington instead. well i think absolutely people who are protesting are not just on wall street but the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands who have come out all across the country of course should be angry at washington and should be directing their anger at washington for being the loyal servants of that one percent you know the beautiful politicians for the rich but i think that we need to go beyond that and i think that's actually what's happened in this occupy movement is they've gone beyond the politics and be on the politicians and realize that it's the economic system that is the cause of so much hardship it's the system of capitalism that is incapable of meeting the needs of people like system that must have unemployment that must have budget cuts that must of people hungry and people struggling and so i think people are making the correct
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connections that we are angry at these millionaire politicians who really don't represent our interests that represent the interest of the one percent there's been the real qualitative change in people's consciousness and understanding that the current system we live under this system of profits over people is really the root of the problem and you know herman cain is also placing the grandma in washington let's hear what he had to say on last night's debate. they might be frustrated with wall street and the bankers but they're directing their anger at the wrong place wall street. failed economic policies wall street didn't spend a trillion dollars that didn't do any good wall street isn't going around the country trying to sell another four hundred fifty billion dollars they ought to be open from a riot how they're going to frustrate. heather herman cain says well thirty didn't put in failed economic policies but loss rate
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seems to be one of the few that is doing better financially they got valid out but they still got their big bonus says there's no question that they influence decisions in washington doesn't make them doesn't make sense that protesters are angry at last very well i think that it makes sense that there is. a lot of unrest on both sides of the aisle you know you have to a lot of comparisons to tea party and occupy wall street or d.c. or los angeles or whatever you want to say because people are frustrated and let's not forget that the occupy wall street crowd has changed it started off kind of being a small group of anarchists and it's changed into with money from move on dot org and other liberal organizations have changed into a big left sort of rally so the demands of change and the direction is changed i think there are similarities and key party and occupy wall street in that we want change there needs to change we recognize that the question is is it
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bigger government or is it less government and that's so that we need to have wall street though let's not forget that wall street is the creator of a lot of jobs as well it's not just you know a lot of people who are millionaires who keep all the money for themselves but they reinvest that money to create more jobs so yes there are some fat cats obviously the people who abuse the money that they make they're also logical who are reinvesting that and getting people jobs that were so desperately need it's not washington that creates jobs it's the private sector michael do you agree do you agree that it's wall street that they're at their job creators. well look i mean it's ridiculous to say that somehow the movement has grown because of the influx of funding by left wing organizations this is a spontaneous uprising of people from all walks of life from all sectors of society who are being forced and pushed into political motion into action because of the experience that experiences that they are living under from college students who get a degree and can't find
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a job to unemployed who have lost their jobs after decades of work and get no assistance to families who are struggling to to make their health care bills i mean this is a unanimous a feeling among people that the system isn't working for them and they're coming into the streets not because some paid organization is mobilizing into the streets but because people today have no other option but to fight back because the attacks have been coming on men for years and years and years and to say that wall street somehow is a solution to this is absolutely ridiculous look with the unemployment numbers counting those who are web stop looking for work counting those who are severely underemployed we have forty million people in the united states who are out of work or who are severely under severely under point forty million people not unemployed because they do not want to work not i'm unemployed because they are lazy or they don't want a job they are unemployed because capitalism this system is incapable of providing them jobs because the rich the bankers the wall street c.e.o.'s they are not hiring
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them despite making record profits for themselves despite getting billions in bailout money they are continuing to lay off workers because they are speculating that it will cut into their own private profits and their own bonus checks that is the system we live under and it doesn't matter how you manage the system doesn't matter which political party is the one that is in control of the system of capitalism capitalism cannot exist without masses of unemployed and without people who are hungry and struggling but we have at least one presidential candidate that believes that the american dream is not so handle anymore at let's take a rest rick santorum fab and last night's debate. we are not so it isn't done to show that in western europe people the lower parts of the income scale actually have a better mobility going up the ladder now than in america so do people have a better shot at of the abbey american dream and europe now is that what it's come to wasn't that's the real question that's the real debate that we need to be having
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and i'm greg i'm glad that rick santorum brought that up last night and i hope that more discussion goes on about that because that's what really is at stake the american dream not whether the middle class is threatened but whether people can still move up you know whether you're still stuck in your current situation and i think that is at least partly what is fueling a lot of these these protests around the country is that people feel stuck my question for michael would be you know what is the solution is it bigger government providing jobs that people or you know the capitalist system that we have is really the foundation for the american dream michael and i think you would say that there are there definitely needs to be some change as well let your response about how there are just that. well you know the system of capitalism the system we live under the way society is organized right now is a dictatorship of the rich it is the interest of that one percent that reign supreme doesn't matter if you're a republican or
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a democrat those are the interest that you're representing and i think what people are realizing is that this system is not meeting our needs and what the solution is is turning that equation on its head of this one percent that has all of this money that we create that working families create that union members create this fifteen trillion dollar a year economy that siphoned into wars that most people oppose that siphoned into being fellows that siphoned into the private profits of not even really a one percent but a point zero one percent of the population the solution is saying that the wealth of society in the richest country in history should be used to meet human needs that right now today if we redirected the resources in this country could provide every single person with free healthcare every single child with free healthcare we could put every single young person through college up to a doctorate for free we could provide every single person with a home we could provide every single person with the right to a job all of these funds are actually there we already create all of the wealth but
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the system is set up so that a tiny group of the population are the ones that make the decisions and how our wealth is spent and i think that i would does it matter. that's what i would say that what you're advocating is a totally different foundation that what we are our nation with founded upon the people came over to create a system where you could actually move from one economic level to another that you could achieve your dreams and what michael is advocating is pretty much a socialist society which i know he does he wears that moniker so he's not ashamed to say that he would be for that and that's completely different from what america was founded as we are founded as a nation that allows people to achieve their. and so that's what's really present right now i think that's why we're having this debate and i do hope that more presidential candidates talk about how our american dream is at stake and i think that a lot of people on both sides of the aisle would not agree that we need to change
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the fabric of our nation to make it more socialist ok well i want to hear from both both of you in a moment but i want to turn now to our to one of our correspondents was that oh it takes to grassroots movements to see if folks on the street can really tell the difference between the two. with all the hoopla surrounding the relationship between the occupy wall street movement and the tea party and hit the streets to find out can people you can tell the difference number one they derive power and wealth from their access to our money in taxpayer dollars they used to be a lot their friends on wall street and their corporate cronies there's a name for this is called corporate crony capitalism. i would say that probably is going for the wall street folks. i would guess the tea party but i don't know for sure it is the same position that both take but i do believe very capitalism sounds like our survival. sarah palin and sarah palin and
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she's the mistress of family capitalism number two it's not a choice of the lesser of two evils it's often the choice of the evil of two let's . go for a run. if that's the tea party no. anybody could say that. that sounds like a tea party thing to. genuinely think it's. i'm usually a couple of signs and they're either going to be from the tea party rally or not very wealthy really spooky number one. that would be the occupy wall street correct second one. that looks like tea party thing correct. that i would assume to
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be the occupy wall street but just because of this. you know i think it's occupy wall street with. shops like tea party. activists wall street next to last. well that's going to be to teach correct. last one i think it's a softball. i think that's actually the model for all both of them going you. know when. they're very very similar there is a very similar. well there you have it it seems the occupy wall street movement and the tea party managed to fit more in common if they care to admit a breach of washington i'm not around and said oh r.c. well you can't deny that there are some similarities between the two groups but what is the fundamental difference between the two well like i said before i think that the main similarity is that people are mad as hell as one of those signs
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showed that the main difference is that the occupy wall street crowd now but not the original one but the one now that is much more liberal than the original one is saying that they want more government they want government to take care of their needs whereas the tea party would say that no we need less government and the way we can operate better and the way we can make some positive changes our society is having less government interference in our lives michael is occupying wall street it's the party of the last. no i would say absolutely not i would say that you know the american dream that heather mentioned is a nightmare for most americans which is why so many people have been coming into the streets you know the when this country was founded on a system of capitalism under some of slavery really you know the gap between the rich and the poor since that point has constantly been growing and now we're at the biggest gap between the rich and the poor ever in u.s. history this is a crisis that is global that is hitting every single capitalist country in the
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world showing that it systemic it has nothing to do with how that individual governments are running their capitalist country even you know good joie economists and pro-capitalist economists will talk about the boom and bust cycle of capitalism this is the crises like the one that we're in today are built into this system and capitalism cannot exist without these crises and every time there's a crisis there are tens of millions of people who lose their livelihoods who were kicked out of their homes who lose their jobs for no other reason other than the the way that the system is set up and so the occupy wall street movement and people that are saying that we are the ninety nine percent directing our anger against the one percent was the rule of the one percent over the ninety nine percent that's capitalism that is a system of capitalism and turning that on its head and saying that the ninety nine percent the ones who make all the money should make all the decisions and decide how that money is spent and rule over that one percent that is socialist and that and well that hasn't been
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a very clearly expressed area i think those are the formulations i people are beginning to me than that percentage that michael keeps on mentioning that ninety nine percent versus the one is very misleading and gives the impression that you know ninety nine percent of them americans are for what occupy wall street is advocating for and we're not i mean yes as we see more news stories about what is going on and more people on the streets there are improvised i empathize with what's going on i empathize with them the question is how do we solve the problem it's. more government it's not changing government not anarchy the how we do it is we minimize government governments become too big or too many abuses and we've seen you know government bail out wall street and that was not helpful either at that was the reasons why we had so much thanks against ross st we have both believe lupul in the clothes we do need to have a better tax code a simpler tax code we're not asking lawyers to help us get us out of a bind so i agree empathize what's going on with occupy wall street just like you
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did with the tea party the question is how to address problems all right and i'm going to have to end the debate there thank you both for joining us that was iraq war that a member of the party first botia looked at him and liberation michael prysner and conservative political commentator and strategists heather karma. still ahead here on our feet from protest of the u.s. to protest in greece violence around an app and us thousands take to the streets and what's being called the quote mother of all strikes a lot far in the fire and will anyone do willing to help put it out the answers next. before rushing. but what about that nobody seems to know. but never
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published read the paper but the argument that they're being overly dramatic. violent riots in greece as hands of thousands of people protest a proposed austerity plan they you when i am off are demanding deep cuts in exchange for a bailout package in order to fall there is fear that without the bailout the rest
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of the euro zone will spiral into economic collapse meanwhile greece faces of rising unemployment and massive government debt legislators are hoping are voting on bills that would hike taxes and cut salaries but protesters don't want to pay and they're taking their fury so the streets of athens forty eight hour strike is shutting down the country government agencies close their doors to take part in the strike like it's have been grounded and services are at a standstill more than one hundred thousand workers and students gathered in the streets of the capital and in front of the parliament building the demonstrations turning ugly as police fires here gas up the mobs protesters fired back at them with petrol bombs and stones. well it's obvious people are angry about what exactly is sparking the fire there is a feeling there that things are not fair why should the public have to carry the
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burden of a debt why does the everyday worker have to suffer downsizing the government will save money too will directly downsizing the government to save money will affect the quality of life for people there but are these all ferrety measures and violent rising protests a sign of worse things to come are the correspondent there for it is on the ground to bring us the latest. with the riot police still moving to clear the remaining protesters that are here on syntagma square no where near the amount of people we saw earlier when hundreds of thousands turned out is the biggest protests we sustained since the beginning of the financial crisis and we saw more of these violent clashes that we've seen before but i really i can't quite describe here i mean of three seen the pictures by now the scenes that we saw head of devastation really as the violent clashes broke out you can still see is very dark at the moment that there are a lot of riot police still on the streets we do have sort of more advocates
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movements that remain on the streets they're still having those run ins with the riot police precisely they've managed to calm the situation a little bit as we said scenes of devastation just devastation on the streets of athens the streets just been destroyed they had a lot of the buildings on fire earlier although when they fancy being smashed there was a very large me meet and then they were saying you know they're trying to live under these conditions are watching their parents struggle in his job losses in the country with these continued trackside it's incredibly hard to saying today this is a country in the future that they're going to inherit you know it's very concerning earlier when we saw the chaotic situation very very quickly these things always escalate quite fast and just the sheer number of children that we've seen a sixteen seventeen years old had been down there telling us thank the thousands of obligation to fight this battle as well and it really is a castle here though battle scenes that we saw earlier today as the violence broke
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out very disturbing indeed and who's really now fear is a need is to find a different approach to criticism right from the start has been that they it's with that to the situation that's the year is saying quite as we've heard analysts say that they believe their own rhetoric they didn't think that a crisis would ever happen in the usa and it did and the institutions in the mechanisms. do it it has simply not being in place and so it's like we still see a small outbreaks of protections bubbling away ok people so basically had enough they called welcome to these conditions and evil and they will think. that was artsy correspondent sarah ferguson reporting from athens greece well if you want to see what's going on in the world be sure to watch our t.v. while the mainstream news channels such as the end and fox and imus n.b.c. continue to cover major stories from the comfort of their own studios just as you saw we are on the ground in the middle of the action our intrepid reporters sarah ferguson was in the line of fire in greece this morning and had to run from her
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post during a live news shot as you can see here so when we're not on the air for the latest real action greets you can follow my colleague sarah ferguson on twitter and for everything in between you can also follow me at liz wahl i'll be right back here in thirty minutes see that. from the days of the manhattan project in one thousand forty two the university of california has been involved through the science of its provision the scientists and their.


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