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tv   [untitled]    October 19, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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and then something else here sees some other part of it and realize that everything is. welcome to the big picture.
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mr. right it's time for you said it i've read it takes time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube because we've got something to say i listen now first i want respond of you who watched our story on conflicting reports from the pentagon and the associated press about when the united states will be leaving iraq chemical eighty three said on youtube if only allegedly leave iraq last year and yes i seem to remember that too it was actually
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a little bit over a year ago when the media made a massive spectacle of the last combat troops in iraq leaving and b c news went on for hours and hours of live coverage obama took to the airways to declare the end of the war yet long after the official combat mission was over thousands of americans troops remain and they continue to lose their lives but i didn't have quite the same ring as the rolling out of the take so the media just pretty much ignored it i think at this point it's pretty clear that the u.s. is fighting tooth and nail it with the iraqi government to make sure their troops remain in iraq along the official end of the combat mission and that pesky december thirty first deadline of this year that was sent years ago so all the media and the government can declare whatever milestone they want the bottom line is the american troops are still fighting and still dying in iraq and next non-responder viewer who watched our coverage of the occupy wall street movement on monday and obama's tacit endorsement of this movement are not kotex said on you tube if obama wants to occupy wall street crowd he should go there and speak you know that's an interesting proposition but i don't exactly see it happening obama and other
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democrats in the capital are doing their best to try to ride the coattails of the occupy wall street movement without being too closely associated with it was to be used against them in the future so obama democrats guess why you can't have it both ways you can try to co-opt occupy wall street movement and its energy without any meaningful action to back it up if you support occupy wall street and put your money where your mouth is listen to what the people have to say and take some action but other. not the occupy movement would even accept obama that's a whole other story they see him as part of the problem and finally i want to respond to a viewer who watched our mainstream miss from monday to james said i love the m.s.m. bashing but it's almost too easy isn't it and you know what yeah sometimes it is but just because they see the doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize them for it the media in this country has a job to do and they're failing us at my rantings today i'll be back with more next week as usual. well the new york times predicted earlier this year and now it's become official according to the federal reserve bank of new york americans now
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more than a trillion dollars in student loans which is a truly staggering figure considering that the u.s. census bureau reported in two thousand and ten that the combined credit card debt for this country is only eight hundred eighty six billion dollars so student loans now take the cake as the single largest source of outstanding that in the u.s. even more than all the outstanding credit card debt so now we know how enormous this problem is it's take a step back and look at how we got here shall we and twenty ten a full time undergrad students barbe an average of four thousand nine hundred sixty three dollars per person was the sixty three percent increase from just a decade earlier if you take inflation into account now along with the rising debt per student comes a rise in defaults on student loans which occurs when individuals over nine months behind on their payments so in two thousand and seven the default rate was six point seven percent in two thousand and nine it grew to eight point eight percent and these defaults come disproportionately from a specific type of higher education back in april i spoke with universities and
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hysteria about for profit colleges. just to give you an idea of how often students default on their loans after they graduate school for profit colleges keep in mind that only twelve percent of students go to these institutions that includes university of phoenix. tech to drive all these for profit institutions are popping up all over the country only twelve percent of students go to these institutions but you also have to keep in mind that nearly fifty percent of all student loan defaults in the united states are from students who attend these colleges are it's now that you have some of the figures let's remind you why student debt is so detrimental side of the stress that comes with handling that kind of debt it also affects the students credit score it's not only will graduates have more trouble paying off their debt but they also face a scary reality that there may not be as many jobs out there is a lot of students and. dissipated when they took on those massive loans now huge amounts of student debt often delay young adults plan of buying a home a new car even starting
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a family since they're now going to be sending money to the banks to pay off their debt and so it's a pretty dismal outlook for those who have taken out large loans to get a degree and it looks like things are going to get better any time soon. now since the arab spring began we've heard a lot of back and forth rhetoric hypocritical rhetoric in many ways as to which government crackdowns were considered human rights abuses worth going to war for think libya and where the u.s. foreign policy team decided to go easy on the critique think bahrain syria and yemen now take into account another element that shows just how mixed this u.s. response to the yesterday was a part of the u.s. diplomatic confirm that a fifty three million dollars weapons deal between the u.s. and have been finalized then today it was announced by the state department that after a number of u.s. senators had expressed their concern this weapons deal be put on hold until a special investigation of alleged human rights abuses in bahrain will be completed on october thirtieth and not something to make a final decision now at this point time it's estimated at least thirty five people have died since bahrain's protests began in february so how do we look at this
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postpone it is a good sign that our policies are starting to shift or is it just a symbolic move to quiet critique to everybody moves on and then the weapons deal can still go through joining me from our studio in new york to scott horton contributing editor on legal and national security matters for harper's magazine so i want to thank you for joining us tonight and so i just want to ask you that same question i mean how do you see this is this a step in a positive direction in the now suddenly we're interested in doing a human rights report we definitely didn't see that we made a six hundred billion dollar weapons deal with saudi arabia or do you think that the intentions aren't necessarily true here. well i think it's a mixed and complex situation and i think it reflects the tensions and the debate that's being played out inside the beltway in washington today. i think there's no question but that when we deal with bahrain its position from the american perspective is as a military outpost this is where the fifth fleet has been centered the u.s.
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has had a special relationship with bahrain for some time it's also been viewed as effectively the u.s. military front line with iran on the other hand this is got to be squared with the obama administration's policies concerning the arab spring and remember president obama spoke and now very strongly very forthrightly about his embrace of this popular movement and the accord to limit bahrain is very simple that is if the people in bahrain have their way the khalifa family that has ruled that. nation dictatorially for generations would be out of the regime that might come in certain might not be so pro-american although we don't know and you know i think that you bring out some of the statements here to which is that we've seen this president criticize point fingers at iran saying that they're being hypocritical because
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they're supporting the arab spring but at the same time they're still propping up assad's regime in syria and yet are we doing kind of the exact same thing except for different actors. so we're doing exactly the same thing i mean i think by the way i think that quote this is in the u.s. levels of the rand this correct there hypocritical and i think by the same analysis you can call the u.s. defense arrangements with bahrain hypocritical the slight saving grace only slight i guess is the fact that obama personally has been vocally critical of the regime in their crackdown our state department has called them out not only on the people killed by the war so on the mock trials that were held by the force convictions that were rendered the abuse of people in prisons now right now the state department has said this deal is being held up to october thirtieth so that we can get the report from this independent commission in bahrain about human rights
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abuses. that strikes me as wrong frankly because i mean this is a bit commission isn't an independent commission it's a government commission a government funded and it's not frankly terribly credible i really don't particularly care whether it's going to say i think we know the facts we know what happened we know that the government was highly abusive and all that would suggest that the u.s. government should be putting a freeze on this military aid package yeah i'm wondering why we choose to question it here in terms of needing an entire report but i want to switch gears really quickly and also speak about yemen and other places. is in a lot of violence over the last couple of months between of course the leaders between president saleh his forces and those that are protesting and same thing we've heard kind of gentle proclamations of support for a democratic movement there but ever since and while a larky was taken out by a drone strike a couple of weeks ago it seems like suddenly the obama administration is now just
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showering regime also with a very positive note so if you think that all that's going to change now we're going to go back to sally's side since we've only beefed up our counterterrorism operations there in the last couple weeks. yeah we really need to be studying this more carefully i mean after he was killed there's been a series of other exam fact the there was one yesterday in which i was larky sixteen year old son that also in the american citizen was killed and you many government sources are saying that this was another u.s. strike and they're suggesting that this was coordinated with the yemeni government so there clearly is a fairly high level of counterterrorism cooperation between the government and the and the obama administration that's focused on all these military actions so there's criticism but there's also close collaboration in this is collaboration with the regime that's killing hundreds an indiscriminate violence in the streets
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of sana and other major cities and it's a regime that i think most observers give it a few months i mean it's not viewed as having a particularly long shelf life that at this point it's now i'm doing a bit of a mixed bag here and say the last time we were on our program it was just the day after the justice department had announced that apparently a terrorism thought have been foiled planned by everyone using mexican drug cartels to take out the saudi ambassador to the united states i'm just wondering since we last spoke if you feel like you've seen any new bits of information that have come out that could explain the situation a little more tell us whether it is real or whether it's a fake i know that some people of iran has claimed that one of the man is a member of any k. and that might prove problematic for seventy u.s. politicians that in trying to get them off the terrorist organizations let's. well i think you know i think we see statements from the u.s. government from the f.b.i. and others that present their case with
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a lot of certitude very forthrightly but they're still rather weak on the specific evidence to shore it up and i guess when that when this announcement was originally made i was in london when the papers there and on the continent and what i saw in all the european coverage was that they repeated everything the u.s. government said they repeated the iranian denials and they said look we have to view all of this in the context of a longstanding ongoing feud between washington iran and we also have to take into account that there are a lot of people inside the beltway in washington d.c. looking to make out a case for war with iran and i think you know that skeptical analysis i think the skepticism is warranted frankly and i think the u.s. government's you know i think there's no doubt that there was a plot to assassinate out a larger bear the question is to what extent this was really driven by a high level government direction and iran that that's where the evidence is weak
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and i guess we're just now to keep waiting to see if any more of that evidence scott thank you so much for joining us tonight. great to be with you. let's charge the people of iraq for all the death and destruction that we caused their last concert of presidential candidates night school time of war and happy hour the real world i lost. for the second time in recent weeks a lot of political crap just. means i don't wear it with the mechanisms to deal with justice or. i have every right to know what my government would you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you. see some other part of it and realize that everything is. part of the big picture. mr.
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to believe the record. what a fantastic nobody seems to know. that never a pepper sprayed the face but part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic. i did sacrifice fools on award tonight because michele bachmann actually made a few crazy statements during last night's debate and let's face it she was also annoying as hell she kept interrupting every hand that abit of a host anderson cooper i was too but when she was referenced but anderson ok.
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you know what like. you. know a lot of things because. i was welcome anderson your campaign to tell us we have game but it's time and. if you want to you know you can be a good guy and go. our it's our friends over talking points memo but that clip together and well we decide to play it back to the reason the congresswoman bachmann is tonight's tool time winner she was asked a question about cutting foreign aid and it's typical fashion launched into a non-related tirade about how president obama is put daylight between the u.s. and israel and then she said this cutting back on foreign aid is one thing being reimbursed by me sions that we have liberated is another we should look to iraq and libya to reimburse us for part of what we have done to liberate these recent.
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did you hear those cheers in the background michelle and the g.o.p. crowd think that we should charge iraq in libya for liberating them where even begins here i mean let me remind michele with the things we invade iraq based on faulty intelligence read by warhawks yes the us now the coalition forces got rid of saddam hussein who is by all measures a bad man let's not forget used to be our friend at one point but whenever he was contained he posed no threat to the united states so now we have that straight let's look at the price of the iraqi people have paid for their liberation that's as limits put the number of iraqi civilians killed by u.s. and coalition forces above one hundred thousand now it's a low figure because exact number since the war began in two thousand and three are hard to find over four million citizens have been displaced in iraq many their homes have been damaged and basic services like water and electricity have been disrupted and says the u.s. began training iraqi troops to protect their own country more than ten thousand have been killed so michel do you really still think of the iraqi people oh the
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u.s. money for their liberation i'm going to live and say that they've suffered enough already thanks to u.s. forces that invaded their country under a false pretext and subsequently pushed the country into years and years more of sectarian violence so it's night's tools i wonder is michele bachmann or her really absurd comments on charging victims of war for their liberation by the u.s. . ok guys time for happy hour and joining me this evening is archie correspondent christine for sour and then capitol hill reporter for talking points memo hey guys thing is going to be. ok so we've obviously been doing a lot of occupy wall street coverage here on our show we were just down there on friday but here's something that's really hilarious the real world as in m.t.v.'s reality show the real world is apparently looking for occupy wall street cast
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members they put out a craigslist ad and set apart. occupy wall street real world twenty seven it wants you. this is i just this makes me you know this makes me worried i'm right out t.v. has now stepped in like they're worried about democrats co-opting the movement and used by i'm totally all for this because as a former real world fan when you actually had intelligent people that were on the show to deal with like real issues in their lives it turned into this thing where all the housemates would just hook up with each other and they got very smart the when's the last time you saw intelligent people on the real world because now they just get people that are like i don't know what he was. just and he was looking for people who care about what's going on in the world hopefully they're not just like the hockey bear in mind a lot of real world people have run for office there's a congressman somewhere way sean duffy maybe not the moshiach example good back in the day he's back in the day you know i mean. maybe i'm just being optimistic but maybe this is m.t.v.'s attempt to try to get some interested people who care about what's going on in the world back on the show. i hope you're right for some reason
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i'm just. more skeptical i think they just want somebody who looks like they're from occupy wall street and look like if you're sitting in jersey shore's it i'd be more worried. ok fair enough now let's take a look back at just really i'm no awkward. moment this kind of just made me uncomfortable last night at the debate this is a little exchange we saw between anderson cooper who's supposed to be moderating it was supposed to be in charge and rick perry take a look. the obvious question governor very good record fourteenth amendment allows any anybody patrol that illegal immigrants who's born here is automatically american citizen should that change let me address. the issue that should all be ready to be rather yes question without understand that you get to ask questions i get to answer like i want you to know how i mean. that's actually a response to what is really a good issue. i mean here that is the obvious unspoken truth as to how debates
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work as you asked somebody question and then they get to answer however they want nobody usually go to lies is bad and says it out loud and then anderson cooper for a guy was just like i actually. said well i was glad he actually said hey i want you to actually answer my question to so many times these moderators just let people give their bullet points and get away with it like one of the only instances very actually did that last night i thought he was getting you know letting them get away with a lot without asking the follow up questions the one time he tried to do it he got trampled on i bet he didn't try again poor guy did i hear boos there he was getting booed it sounds like the audience to i mean you're going to i mean some of the audience really didn't like the american. things are pretty little bit around the crowd there and about oh yeah definitely was i don't know i thought anderson did a pretty good job last night considering the crazies ok so you think it was booze not use but i guess. i still think it was. to
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do exactly but. go back to high school with just a means for me critique earlier in the show ok let's move on to another story speaking of the media so we all know that fox news also now has the fox business network were supposed to be the business news element i guess are supposed to try to compete with the c. apparently they're really miserably failing when it comes to the ratings and so fox business news actually ends up being politics a lot of the time when the exact same thing is regular fox news so they actually had to send out a memo turn from time to everybody. says i get asked to remind you all again that they are separate channels the more you make fox business network look like fox news channel the more disservice we do to ourselves i understand the temptation to imitate our sibling network in hopes of imitating its success but we cannot if we give the audience a choice between f. and c. and the almost seven c. they will choose f.n.c. every time earnings taxes jobs etc give us plenty to chew on. i can just cracks
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me up with a little infighting like within fox like i know that you want to work for for the real fox so you know where you get the real bucks and you get to do the real crazy stories they can just try to do business it's also you never see those ads for coke zero where they're mad at coca-cola coca-cola is mad at them for stealing their taste is the same thing it's the point the whole point of fox business is that supposed to attract people who like the fox brand so who i don't know exactly what it says there it's kind of nice to know that the seemingly perfect fox family does have a little infighting in it but yeah it's kind of strange that that's going on i just think it's really funny to have to remind everybody like ok obviously you know maybe they're seeing the exact same stories every single day on fox business that they are seeing on the regular fox news channel you know maybe they're sending out the exact same stories in all the e-mails and it's like on people you can't just turn on the channel steal a story and i think you came up with it yourself but interesting interesting and let's move on to a story today that well i think everybody priced out there watching news but here's
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a little a little overview. christine romans schools are closed after a brief. break out how he got a handle on police taking them down right now. this story is really awful in so many ways because it turns out that the owner committed suicide before he did that he let them all go and so they were just wild animals lions tigers and bears on the loose and so they ended up having to cut a lot of them down and kill them so they didn't pose a danger to the humans. one funny thing. is that apparently there is a monkey on the loose and the sheriff worried that this monkey probably has i'm really torn on this monkey because on the one hand he's sympathetic right i mean he has no clothes he's been unjustly imprisoned as a preexisting condition you know the police are after me like the ninety nine percent but on the other hand i mean i know that
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a lot of these apocalyptic movies you know where there's some disease that wipes out the world this is how i would have it it's a little later in planet of the apes i think outbreak was the same story yes indeed always the runaway monkey was some kind of herpes thing it's this is our desire that you're freaking me out i just thought it was a little you how does he get herpes i mean i was very muscular where there is nothing funny about a runaway herpes infected but he had to have her be in the middle. of the monkey i looked up herpes monkey on the international because i was curious and there were these pictures of monkeys like holding their mouths down with like yeah it was pretty gross there are also some really good tweets out there today because somebody set up a fake account and let's just look at three of them we picked out once who baldrick's work on all primates. i think john boehner is address no reason not. to worry that this is a. really quick before we go let's show you one more ad for some reason people keep putting us in our political ads take a look. when i believe. that.
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the stimulus plan that will save or create up to two point four zero. million jobs here oh jobs jobs zero jobs were created you got that morocco obama. and verizon i think i'm wearing the exact things that he said this is a video but you know firstly rick perry. and i we got the same thing hey it's nice to know that everyone's watching number one i think you're good thank you why no i guess this means that we made it i had no idea how much you hated the failed job killing stimulus until now but i mean just look at the video taken out of context or whatever yeah got a really heavy thanks guys thanks for joining us for night still make sure to come back tomorrow and despairing from the entrance beyond meantime all of us on twitter and on facebook take everything out into the last few undersell them coming up next is the news.
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guitar sometimes you see a story and it seems so. think you understand it and then he limps something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. a very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on the walls streets they have. ladies and gents a good chance to choose things to get with the status of the human experiment to be just sitting with the weakest you know groups in this rap music or was it just goes
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to the movies lately trying to make sense of global economy and it's all changelings us financial temples the research clambering to maintain our confidence in markets and think you don't want to be seen trade imbalances recession look to the nations close to collapsing a subprime loan foreclosed homes. to fail circulates again feel a little like there's a us crisis and imminent smashed ceiling it seems to me there's a place called the classes in athens three feet from me i'm just programs increase the total economy.


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