tv [untitled] October 19, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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oh i'm so marvin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture a wall street movement has big plans to hold a national assembly next summer addressing our nation's greatest issues including ending all wars so has this grassroots movement officially turned into a force to be reckoned with and sin city is known for hosting huge fights and hosted one last night two republican presidential debate so while the fireworks and just how out of touch were the candidates on stage from the ninety nine percent of the rest of us watching it on. it's wednesday night when i'm alone liberal and go up against two conservative political commentators to debate the week's biggest stories so far on the panel
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tonight another servo inserted strategist and so is it a blueskin solutions currently blogging and other sort of mode and vince colonies page editor of the daily caller dot com as for me i'm not the thanks for joining us and both of you and so let's get started before the debate there were one hundred occupy las vegas protesters outside the debate trying to get ignored i guess and it seemed that on stage it was the battle for who's going to support the one percent the most you know tax that someone. here was a question asked of herman cain about occupy wall street. what do you want to be your last religious week there was a train wreck you had your chance let me strange the cracks you had your chance let me speak to you at your own real time yeah we got it from new orleans we'll use you had of her to run as an interviewer wasn't willing to lose is not true you did not get that from me or any of the heritage foundation and you've never ever said i was going to agree with him had been just saying when you said here's what he says now
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the plan would include i'm looking for defining your facts on that because that is as he would suggest all rick again you had to ignore you on a spirit is not a good enough favor i was thinking for you did you have thirty you get thirty seconds answer is no way the way the rules work here is that i get sixty seven how about them and here they are not as good for the service respond right they were on anderson or you started a new york your hey she'll you please weigh in he's going to he's going to let me finish tonight i have to say. my apologies that was just our general. arts our sense of what happened last night here in much shorter form is. i got to ask you you said oh don't do it two weeks ago he said don't blame wall street don't blame the big banks if you don't have a job you're not rich blame yourself it was two weeks ago the movement has grown do you still say that. yes i do see this. so you know really two questions given that we had two. videos in their first well actually
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let's go to the first one first. let's look like last night the gloves came off by the food we were in vegas you know where the fights happen but i think you know that we're seeing more of the personalities of the candidates come out i think we're seeing where they differ or where they are at the same and you know i think that romney end up looking pretty good at the end of the night i think cain still is strong as well and perry and santorum are really just way too combative they were i mean obviously you know at this point in the game there's a sense that this field has to be whittled down so these guys are somebody else's business romney's to lose business romney's to lose well yeah i think i think to some extent you know romney i will say tonight he sought to bring in a strategy of combativeness and i think chris christie rogoff on him after this that he actually thought that he could perhaps come in and be governor christie i don't think it works quite as well for romney and matter fact at that point where he put his hand on rick perry and followed that and kind of it kind of seemed like
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a little high pitched like come on let me talk it just didn't sit well for romney at that point but i think overall he probably had a level performing. angry well and i think it was nice in my opinion it was nice to see romney come across as more human because a lot of times his responses are just so holliston so almost robotic you know those nice reason emotion actually you know i don't disagree with that herman cain talking about the occupy wall street thing you know with the second clip we saw are going to really to blame for their own fate as he says. it's just a makes a matter of drug creation this is the point is when i mean says that when you listen for a moment when cain says that and he gets the applause line he does it means that the audience in attendance and what cain intends to tell the audience and tell the viewer is that it's not government by which these jobs should be created it's by you know. what the siren will play this is that has applauded executing people but has has a very fair wasn't a water therapy it's. the only really consistent secular that audi's all ron paul
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supporters they travel all around with some very bizarre i mean a million people god has sixty thousand jobs a million people showed up for five million people are looking at five people which is we are looking for every one job opening america right now i mean who's really to blame i think though and herman cain's defense if you do here is a whole story which you know kind of goes into he said let me explain why you could argue you didn't let him explain why but you know he does have an amazing story he's not you know a golden spoon guy and he really worked his way up and you know he he had a heart he has a life of hard knocks so you know if we were allowed to hear his whole story we understand where he's coming from but you know he's he's being rhetorical obviously he's using some rhetorical. instruments to get his point across the reality is you could argue we are for the crews the robot well yes but the reality is that i empathize with what's going on i can fire wall street i mean the there are
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a lot of the same complaints that tea partiers had as well as occupy wall street people now now the origin of all the occupy wall street that's completely different but what we have right now we have a lot of the same complaints we have people who are upset about what the status quo but we were just solution the solution though is not is different the tea party the tea partiers i would say that what we need is more jobs not created by government but by free enterprise we need government downsize what occupy wall street says now and i quote the beginning but now. is that we need bigger government and we need it . but especially well what you're hearing more and more that you know as move on within and they're getting more money from the outside is that it's more of a liberal message i'm not saying it's the original message but what it is what's coming out is a matter about voices now contribute to this because there are movements that have decided this is ours whether they like it or not and the democratic leadership has decided to wrap its arms around this movement and there are democrats and the new republic even is skeptical of this idea of in the recently when you also when you
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poll tea party sure grassroots tea partiers not dick armey and you know the. big shots but when you poll the grassroots you find basically the same the same things where they want strong social security and they don't want cuts and they're and they'd like to see the cap lifted they want a national health care program sixty seventy percent of tea party years would like it you know of a single payer national health care program you guys know these numbers they would they want the right to unionize they want i mean you know just the score stuff they want the banks held accountable and for example ronald reagan put a banks years in prison prosecuted sixteen hundred people in the us and as went down three years after they were deregulate the four years five years after the banks get the regulated they go down and george bush says we're not going to put him in jail we're going to be a well known the common thread the common thread between these two movements is frustration you're absolutely right on that point but when it comes to the way that they actually view the rich or the one percent of the occupy wall street movement
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this is not some sort of tea party doesn't create distance between themselves and these individuals they say look we're all americans and actually they'd like to be in the position that these so-called one percent are in fact the one percent are paying with the overwhelming share of tax revenue as we have for a minute i don't believe that i think that the american dream is not to be david koch i don't think that the american dream ever has been to be the american dream is to be is to have a good solid middle class life well that's what's been stolen from i don't know if either. i'm not sure that's true i think the american dream is actually have to have upward mobility so the the freedom to move from the lower class to the middle class or perhaps the upper class not to be stuck at any point class so to say that we want to do all we can to protect them a class i don't think that is the american dream and what's right with what we have become the least mobile says. there's a nice mobile society you have to hurry cd we have enough because their owners reaganomics but our history this goes back to having the point that you talk about
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injecting government in order to solve the solution of income disparity what it does is it creates a separation it drives a wedge it actually creates this this is the situation where people who become dependent on government services become apathetic so you'd rather have the good side of. our sample in your own willpower. and their ability to use jobs just the way our grandparents did a lawyer but tommy herman cain's offense it's interesting n.p.r. did a study to find out you know what people think about the candidates the three top ones cain romney and perry and the first word that comes to mind when i think of cain is nine nine nine which is very interesting use not black top five responses no where with black well you know you and then romney you know romney is a mormon and rick perry of texas so herman cain is a great job of getting his policy ideas out there was the other two you still have the other thing he's got extra baggage guys with otherwise very low as actually policy out there well any man he's a good base a good brand manager and that's. what the rudiment charge of put him in charge of
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godfather's pizza and ultimately he bought with an l.b.o. there was also a debate you're speaking of dividing people about immigrants this this is the end quote from last night with the federal government has failed miserably to defeat and secure that border. states to do what the federal government is not doing. i think the person who really has a problem with illegal immigration. and the country is president obama. this is this really baffles me because obama got bashed for this last night reagan was the guy had to be amnesty first of all and secondly obama has deported four hundred thousand people more than any other president literally in the history of the united states since george washington obama has been harder on illegal immigrants than any other president. and everybody's picking up what's going on this is just just politics well i mean mr cotton was only one who wanted to point him out you
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know i think the reality is we've had a failed immigration policy for a long time and we need to come up with a solution and we don't have any consensus right now as we saw last night there's no consensus on the left or on the right and we need to find one because we still have a big problem the immigration i mean they've read that last night that was one of the most interesting and contentious issues i mean you saw rick perry go after mitt romney for hiring illegal immigrants because you know you were rick perry's goes on probably sure i mean and hundred thousand all that's right and he's got the texas dream act to deal with so you know there's actually a lot of a lot of issues because we're just going to the night though was herman cain between two different statements he made on c.n.n. . and that was that there was no quite a she was completely different but he talked about the electrified fence and he's consistently been asked about this question of whether or not he should have it and i think it was poor form for herman cain to walk away from it say he was joking then come back and say he was serious i mean you know as i actually said i know if you notice that when voters like to see some consistency if you're going to say it believe me the right would be ok with you being principled on that issue well and
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it's interesting that rick perry has also walked away from from the dream act in texas you know he's he's no longer saying you don't have a heart if you don't you know right mitt romney and rick perry both have records with us to attack each other we've been a romney is success we expect in any case here's what here's what newt gingrich had to say about where but this was pretty just how can you have judgment if you have no faith and how can i trust you is hollow. and you know this raises the question i mean here's here's a guy who calling for something that completely constitution article six the constitution says and i quote there shall be no religious test no religious social be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the united states what i think it was speaking personally he was not saying that there should be a requirement that people be of faith he's saying from a personal. he cannot personally trust somebody who does not pray and the issue of religion for the president has always been relegated to the court of public opinion
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if the public will judge whether the constitution or any other form of documentation within the government dictates that the public will judge the religiosity of the candidate that decide whether or not it means something to them that they're an atheist or that they're a christian so at the end of the night he's he's actually right he's right on the issue that you know that americans care about the religiosity of the individual republicans are so concerned about religion and particularly christianity. why is it that they flip to the stars of. the five pointed star upside down so that it's the sign of see. the american flags on their logo by the view that. it's still there even i can't even speak to that yet and i don't even know about that actually going to go to god or i mean it's i know you're not i don't even. desires and the point you know as a christian i was all concerned with more of romney's mormonism i should say though now i'm not as concerned about it you know it just because from a theological respect respect it kind of bothers me they realized wait a minute you know if he's president and doesn't exactly mirror my beliefs is that
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ok and i realize yes it is i was with a time to think it was really sure that i did you know need a catholic but i'm just baffled you know the stars herman cain michele bachmann pointing out six six six and then and then in fact. here's the world that's what that's how it started out in two thousand that's what it became i don't understand see the stars the star on the left is the star of the flight where you've got the book point at the top that's right and that's really how true that is not for the forums that they go but years are on the side to change maybe you know what maybe the republican party is a great state and we don't know but. i did says that if there are other media outlets little as it was who belong to our court for question the. last question what part of herman cain's nine nine nine plan is under fire particularly because it's going to make poor people spend more on food with a nine percent consumption tax. came created a loophole for food purchases take a look. you would make an exemption you know where food and clothes know no
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exemption usually sales attendance of those who will be the person isn't paying the same amount of tax on groceries as i am right now sat sounds fair to you just in a vacuum yes it does sound spirit but because the other point about the make if they need to buy a car or hold some hard who is that used they paid no taxes. so used food is not tax so what exactly does herman cain mean used food is that a lady gaga is meat dress and target war be scrapped as mashed potatoes from middle school food fight they've already been thrown or see but already but only on it's already been chewed. thoughts i think the problem will hold. i think you could get a few other issues out of it. at any rate the point is that he means that the tax system can change i mean entirely it's not just going to be a matter of lumping on. most cases and it would be more fair i mean i'm ok more fair too but i would say i would you know league god does need to us is used but i
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mean it might be to you said ok all right i don't know what he meant but some said the entrepreneurs are already getting ready to make some money from it. come on down to used foods imho thanks to president king all of our use foods are now one hundred percent tax free this week specials or assorted sun dried mammals only ninety nine cents a pound you can't resist that crunchy goodness. be sure to visit the produce department for fresh by own fruit from neighboring grocery store dumpsters we have the softest apples in town that's a fair window for all of your use to or one hundred percent tax free used to some who are now with nine hundred ninety nine convenient location hurricane finally has a jobs plan thank you for giving it probably last and only then how did he apparently now remember those you. think it is. coming out
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how a new case could give corporations blanket immunity to commit mass atrocities across the planet. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through get through people have made who can you trust no one who is in view who would it be over mission to read see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question morning.
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is the supreme court about to give corporations the right to commit genocide believe it or not that may happen the high court has agreed to appear here the case of killable versus world dutch petroleum which could give corporations immunity from any lawsuits for their employees murdering raping or torturing people in areas where they're drilling for oil or fielding mercenary armies as long as they're carrying out the atrocities under the heading of corporate business according to the alien tort act law private parties are responsible and can be sued for violations of international law however recent second circuit court decision ruled
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that corporations are not considered private parties and thus cannot be sued or held liable for breaking international law so if the supreme court decides to uphold this ruling and the consequences could be mind boggles. second circuit court judge pirro evolved as censored in the ruling even corporations of it and he wrote about the effects of what that decision would do he said the new rule offers to unscrupulous businesses advantages of incorporation never before dreamed of so as long as they incorporate businesses will now be free to trade in or exploit slaves and play mercenary armies to do dirty work for despots perform genocide or torture prisoners for a local dictator or engage in piracy all without civil liability to victims. so how can that be and which way might the high court win in ohio is turning and policy analyst at the center for american progress action fund a blogger think progress dot org joins me now in great to have or could be back.
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what sort of the beginning what is this case killable if i'm pronouncing that right or is this role does shell but what is the what's the essence of the case so that like you said this thing called the alien torts statute that says for the very worst kinds of violations of international law and that's what we're talking about here we're not a run of the mill stuff we're talking about things like when exxon allegedly hired the indonesian military and then the indonesian military went out and killed and tortured and used cattle prods on people as part of their work while they work for exxon so truly horrific stuff the second circuit like you said that but if you're a corporation this alien tort statute that allows you to be held accountable just doesn't apply to you and i don't know where they got that from there's nothing about corporations in the statute there's nothing in or that was hurting. this the law has been developed you know the law was actually passed in the seventeen hundreds and in one thousand nine hundred eighty s.
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we began to see a very robust doctrine of how it applies to these private parties and human rights cases the lead opinion has a footnote which says that corporations and actual people are treated differently in the under the alien toward statute so i don't know where the second circuit came from but given the roberts court's record on corporate immunity i'm really worried you're going to go the wrong way here this is this is the truly truly bizarre. word act is at the center of this and you explain what that is sure thinks so the basic idea here is that again this applies to the most egregious violations of international get on a tor is is a harm is a harm like when someone harms you so i hate you you've been harmed by me so you can sue me for say and so i can i can i can do it work. exactly and this just says the same thing for mass human rights atrocities in this case so exxon hires the indonesian military and then the indonesian military goes off and shoots my wife
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that's a torch now and i world of shell though i mean exxon at least i think is headquartered in the united states show is headquartered in holland so does the under the alien torts act does that allow a foreign victim to sue a foreign corporation in american courts that's a fair point so there's two cases that are going on right now that deal with this problem one is the world at shell case which is the one the supreme court's going to be hearing and then there's another case in the d.c. courts that was just decided that's why i keep bringing up x. on because that's the one involving axon in the indonesian troops the d v if the supreme court agrees with the second circuit which didn't go into any of the reasons that you brought up with a legitimate reasons to say the statute might not apply if the supreme court says oh we don't have to get into that corporations are just immune from the law then that's going to apply to exxon it's going to apply to all these cases where there's no question that it's a u.s. corporation in america and all should apply it's
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a sleeping invalidation of the law with respect to corporations well and we have situations now i mean we can we can talk about child labor rights or you know bad labor conditions in countries all over the world but in some countries you know colombia is probably the most notorious case recently maybe go back a generation it was. where labor leaders people who speak out about working conditions about things that have to do with corporations are routinely murdered their families are murdered their children are murdered in front of them their wives are raped in front of them i mean you know i mean just really brutal brutal brutal stuff as a business practice right and so it is my understanding correct that if the supreme court rules that the alien tort act. cannot be applied against a corporation that an american corporation could be doing business in panama and simply hire local guys to continue those kinds of practices it would mean that the
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corporation itself would be immune now you could maybe go after the individuals who committed the crime or you know who committed the tort but that's very difficult to do because you know you might be able to find the local decision maker on the ground in panama who you know made a mr burns rub of his hands and decide to go hire someone to commit him an atrocity but how are you going to trace it back to the senior people in the corporation the people who are really wielding the power how are you going to get that evidence to see how high that decision how high that decision went negative in the the wall provides when you have a situation where a corporation in the course of its own business is breaking the law if you get to go after the corporation itself you get a whole behold entity accountable and it gives an incentive for that corporation to comply with the law because they're leaders and go that if they cross the line the whole entity gets smacked on the other hand though doesn't it give a certain level of immunity to people within the corporation or that we were
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constant was in cases where corporations simply pay fines right you know for. exxon and or b.p. rather in the gulf where we go after them to having people die you nobody want to curse you should you can go after them too under the early and torts and so the question in this case is whether or not the corporation is i mean you can still expect tension to go up to any individual the problem is that's not a very good remedy a lot of the time you know if it happens on foreign soil you can have to rely on the foreign government to bring a criminal case against them if it's a low ranking individual within the corporation and may have had a wink and nod from the executives but you can't tie the executives to the decision and the only people that you're going to be able to get you know it's like the abu ghraib situation where you can get the troops who were there in abu ghraib ok you get the actual high level. decision makers it's very very difficult well yeah it might have been a little easier if they had destroyed all those videotapes and then if somebody had decided to prosecute jay bybee and john yoo but that's
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a whole nother conversation that they're into tomorrow if they indeed they have your job i actually wouldn't be great if it was for tomorrow and there is i've a feeling that that's a fish the ship has sailed thanks for being with us thank you we're keep tabs on this case needless to say the corporation formerly known as blackwater must be salivating and i'm expecting clarence thomas to be wined and dined again any moment . it's the good the bad in the very very elbow simply ugly the good. sky is natural yarn store or perhaps gains as news new zealand copes with a devastating oil spill there are thousands of oil slick and ones in need of help and skeins is there to do just that store's knitting many anglin sweaters it burns warm until they're well enough to be clean and to prevent the birds from plucking
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out of all out all of their oil soaked feathers so far there are numerous what it is ions in purple total next c.e.o. pattern sweaters even charlie brown look at sweaters skeins is calling on others to lend their knitting skills to make even more penguin sweaters for the affected birds troubled by the bad executives at goldman sachs the bank reported a loss of four hundred twenty eight million dollars but a half a billion dollars in the third quarter of this year only its second loss since going public in nine hundred ninety nine however through the first nine months of this year goldman also set aside ten billion in compensation front and also to cut back checks to executives like lloyd blankfein which is on thirteen million bucks last year that means of goldman only set aside nine and a half billion to compensate the fact that says you know the company could have actually been profitable lies for but as the wall street culture grows banks get
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their millions regardless of whether or not their company's making one once again as they win tails everybody else's and a very very ugly happy camp and it sure is curmudgeon wrote an op ed for c.n.n. as news dot com to hype his new book the suicide of a superpower the promise of his book and the promise of his. is that america is in decline no not because of failed surprise side economics but instead because of the end of the white race being overtly racist buchanan writes about immigration the majority of immigrants little legals come from third world countries and do not bring the academic or professional skills of european americans but applied and i could ever test scores here at home and international competition is likely to continue as more and more of the children taking these tests will be african american and hispanic well pretty harsh so much for america being the great melting
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pot i guess pat buchanan only likes white vegetables and soup and that's very period. coming up the occupy wall street movement may soon be making their demands loud and clear he feels that they were. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to create through get through it increasingly who can you trust no one who is in view with global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. fun. for.
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