tv [untitled] October 19, 2011 11:01pm-11:31pm EDT
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orated when christine attempted to take full control of the border leading to the deployment of peacekeepers to the ethnically tense region. on the brink thousands stage a rally in damascus in support of president assad while activists say at least seventeen more people have been killed in fresh clashes the u.n. warns of the country is edging towards civil war with the death toll of over three thousand since the start of the unrest in a bid to end of the protests president assad has already pledged to rewrite the constitution and hold multi-party elections next year. and now we head to our washington studios for the only on a show where the occupy wall street movement is once again dominating the news. welcome to the lower show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mersey with
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me live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to speak with former new mexico governor and g.o.p. presidential candidate gary johnson about last night's debate and about occupy wall street johnson made a trip down to the park himself last night we're also going to catch up with allison kilkenny who's been on the grounds of cloudy since day one to bring us the latest on the occupiers demands to not have any demands and a new poll that shows that americans blame the government more than wall street for the financial mess that we're ahead then scott horan is going to join us to discuss the weapons deal between the u.s. and bahrain on tuesday was reportedly finalized today it was announced that they're awaiting a human rights report results to make the final decision so are we finally using discretion with who we sell arms to or is this just a temporary distraction we're going to all that morphy tonight clinical dose of happy hour but first take a look with the mainstream media has decided to miss. all right so last night c.n.n. hosted another g.o.p.
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presidential debate and this time it was in las vegas so i can imagine all the journalists covering it are loving that one but anyway last night we finally saw the debates break down into the personal attacks that eventually start to take over so the mainstream media who would much rather talk about who yelled at who rather than the substance of the answers well naturally they went wild. did you watch last night they were aggressive they were nasty they got personal the most heated exchange from last night's debate came when rick perry called out mitt romney over illegal immigration is stepped all over each other with accusations one of the hottest moments in the debate came as rick perry and mitt romney bloodied heads over the issue of illegal immigrants in another situation we might have since of fisticuffs out there brat it looked you look at the firing of those two men's eyes maybe it was the fight night atmosphere in las vegas but those candidates came out swinging on health care and immigration when the governor romney reached out to go to the shoulder i really did look out and i drop the dogs here buddy.
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dropping dogs what does that even mean seriously though the pows debate coverage is like watching a bunch of newscasters do a play by play of a boxing match they just love the drama and basically they start drooling over it so welcome back to high school everybody problem is when they only focus on the drama they completely ignore all the other crazy stuff that was said that actually matters not just who spoke within their time limit who did it but like what their economic plans are for the whole country what they plan to do about the housing crisis and believe me when it came to those actual issues there was a lot of crazy last night not only that but anderson cooper first let them get away without asking any follow ups and then the mainstream media as a whole let them get away with it by not even bringing it up in their post-debate coverage because they were too busy focusing on mitt romney's hand touching rick perry's shoulder now take for example this response by michele bachmann as to what to do about the housing crisis but i was wrong bobby does the federal government
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have a role in keeping people in their homes people from foreclosure misstating about it he says a real issue it's got to be solved president obama has failed you on this issue of housing and foreclosures i will not fail you on this issue i will turn this country around we will turn the economy around we will create jobs data tell you hold on to your house hold on. just hold on i resell thanks that's inspiring but it's also completely unrealistic she said nothing in that response would address the foreclosure crisis she just spoke in platitudes where this woman is actually trying to be the president of the united states and you let her get away with that now even worse i think that despite the endless bickering over who's tax policy is better republican candidates who think that cutting government spending should be a priority they didn't actually talk about what they would cut when it came to defense spending everybody but ron paul of course said that it should stay on touched and then they went off on how foreign aid is apparently the biggest problem
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in our world today. the american people are suffering in our country right now why do we continue to send foreign aid to other countries only need all the help we can get for ourselves absolutely i think it's time for this country to have a very real debate about foreign aid as a matter of fact i think it's time for us to have a very serious discussion about defunding the united nations i happen to think it doesn't make a lot of sense for us to borrow money from the chinese to go to another country for humanitarian aid going to the chinese to take care of the people. less people foreign aid it makes up less than one percent of our budget if you really think that cutting government spending is the key then that is just a tiny little drop in the bucket and you can't just act like we should keep spending on defense and wars all over the world all we want to pretend that foreign aid is the real problem here not to mention of course the ridiculous logic that
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these candidates have aside from ron paul who actually gets it if they want to continue our global war on terror and lower taxes at the same time sorry it just doesn't work that way but where were the tough questions on what they would do with defense in title meant spending anderson where was the critique about that in the post debate coverage it was nowhere to be found and just one more thing here if you look at any public opinion poll it will show you that the number one issue on americans' minds is jobs but you would have gathered that from last night's debate either because once again we just heard the majority of the candidates speak in platitudes without offering any real solutions and the mainstream media who has access to these candidates who did follow up interviews with many of them last night this morning they just let it slide they're like a bunch of children who get distracted at the slightest hint of drama and forget that their job is to inform the public and to ask hard questions so grow up people but compared the infighting between the candidates when it comes to what their solutions are to getting the economy working again what they actually have to offer since they're trying to become the president of the united states all of that
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that's what the mainstream media chooses to miss. so while c.n.n. was holding another republican debate last night in las vegas one candidate who wasn't included in the debate decided to go to the park and check out wall street and the cabinet is somebody who's been on our show before somebody who is a republican and yet supports what the occupiers in new york and across the country are fighting against so joining me from our studio in new york is carrie johnson former two term governor of new mexico and republican primary presidential candidate governor johnson thank you so much for coming back on the show and like i said you were at the debate last night and we're going to get into some of the things that were said or weren't said there but first tell me what you found when you went down as a party part. well i found outrage over the fact that there's inequality in this country that. government. favors well connected individuals
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groups corporations as opposed to. a government that's supposed to create a level playing field for all of us to be able to live in in prosper. i do you think that that is a that that's a good message that's an understandable message we've heard from so many critics of the movement so far that they don't have the message they don't quite understand what's going on but is that pretty obvious clear to you. yeah yeah. it's pretty clear to me and and i share in that i share in the outrage over the fact that really it isn't a fair system it should be but it's not an i think. in many cases i mean i talked to the whole spectrum of people on wall street last night but you know for the most part it's about. it's it's not about criminality in my opinion on wall
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street it's about the fact that they were not allowed to fail so. like i say i saw the whole spectrum last night i'd like to just summarize it by saying everybody is outraged over the inequity and i hope it gets focused on the fact that government perhaps is that the root of all of this politicians are at the root of this certainly they have it pegged right that money is plays a big role that you know what if you're if you're a corporation if you're an individual and you spend enough money that you can garner special influence in washington and that's absolutely correct but why do you say that criminality is not an issue here after all i think that there has been a pretty broad consensus that some of the practices on wall street leading up to the financial crisis were not legal and yet nobody has been held accountable. well perhaps nobody has been prosecuted because perhaps there were there was nothing
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criminal that took place what did take place was some incredibly bad decision making that wasn't true warded with failure that was rewarded with a bailout and on top of the bailout of course bonuses continue which outraged me look any of these guys on wall street would have liked to have spent time in jail as opposed to losing all the money they add well they don't have to go to jail and they didn't lose any of their money and we got to pay em bonuses on top of that that's the outrage and i share in that same outrage ok now i want to go to something that we heard last night from herman cain who was at the presidential debate and he's made this statement before but i just want us to listen to his take on the issue the way the audience responded and i want to get your response for it . i got to ask you you said don't play a couple two weeks ago he said don't blame wall street don't blame the big banks if
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you don't have a job you're not rich blame yourself i was two weeks ago the movement has grown do you still say that. yes i do say that here is the. guys to come on stage. so there seemed to be a lot of support at least in the crowd last night that you can't be mad at wall street you can't be mad at the banks and that it's your own fault you know if you feel like the system is unfair or if you're not doing well we've heard a lot of people say that this movement is anti-capitalist therefore anti freedom how do you feel about that. i guess i just don't see it that way. look i think the focus ought to be on the fact that they're using many on wall street are using their money and their influence to garner unfair treatment and that what we really want is equal treatment and if we were and so
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trillion dollars in bail out. i advocate implementing the fair tax i advocate throwing out the entire federal tax system replacing it with the fair tax which by all free market economists reckoning treats all of us the same i think that's what we want is to be treated the same i don't think we've been treated the same and that's that that that money talks and it buys influence it buys influence from of politicians it's an age old story and it continues today well that's the thing right i mean this isn't solely about whatever tax code we may have in tax loopholes is the fact that there are lobbyists on capitol hill that money influences our elections in these days thanks to you know the supreme court's citizens united ruling there is a lot of mining it coming in from corporations to candidates and we don't even necessarily now who it's coming from but i'm wondering if you think that that part
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of the system can actually be changed i know that you had a conference call earlier today and you said that you yourself when you were governor of new mexico were part of that you know are guilty of that type of crony capitalism because you decided to give breaks to hollywood. well i signed legislation that gave hollywood tax breaks and in signing the legislation i said so yeah i was guilty of the same thing there wasn't any payola involved in my doing that and in signing that legislation i said in new mexico doesn't everyone see the irony here that we could be doing this for all businesses as opposed to a business that doesn't even exist in the state so i took on the dialogue and yet i found my like to say no payola involved in doing that but that's what politicians do and you know in that in that particular instance i pointed that out you know i
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was i was guilty of that myself but so do you think now right now you're out there and you are a president candidate and you're actually supporting by wall street movement so do you think that the system is actually capable of change the occupy wall street might bring that about. i certainly hope so i do think it rests on electing politicians that understand this and aren't subject to taking money for for making making decisions i happen to believe that this is a system that is based more on politics than it is on issues and it should be the other way around it should be about issues first it should be a buddy quality it should be about creating. an equal opportunity for all of us that fundamentally this country is about liberty and freedom and personal responsibility that goes along with that so from the personal responsibility standpoint hey given
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a level playing field what else can you ask for now it depends on your initiative it depends on what you've done and what you intend to do as to whether or not you'll be successful or not nobody's going to hand you that. now governor i want to switch gears for just one moment here as we wrap up this interview one of the critiques that i've been making at the entire time that we've been watching these debates over and over again is that when it comes to foreign policy i feel like a lot of these candidates are just a lost and i think that we especially witness this last night when they were talking about the idea as to whether somebody might negotiate in a hostage situation and we saw a majority of the candidates say no herman cain said no and after he had said yes a couple hours before and then said that he misspoke and then there is something that congressman ron paul said to bring them all back to earth let's play that role quick. for you all willing to condemn ronald reagan first changing weapons for hostages out of iran we all know that was done. you know that's not iran was
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a sovereign country it was not a terrorist organization of or want to live there are good friends and they're not to know whether they're a sovereign country just like the palestinian authority is not here for engineers you go shit for hostages. i guess that's almost blasphemous there to remind everybody about something that ronald reagan did that they don't agree with now supposedly but do you get the impression that the other people that want to be the president united states know nothing about foreign policy. well what they do know is they want to get elected and they think that by by pointing out all of the threats that we have across the world and that by electing me i'm going to save you from all those threats at the cost of our own money and the worst of all the worst of all the cost of a men and service women that end up losing their lives that's how we get engaged in all of this say whether it's the drug war whether it's illegal immigration terrorism. health care look elect me i'm going to save you that's politics
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and give me your money elect me keep me in office i'll make things a ok. i just i think that's the root of all evil and i guess his clothes rise and clothes he wears and pretend like you didn't notice that maybe i make a few mistakes when it comes to history or what's been done in the past governor i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight look yeah i'll take your fence across the border all add a second fence all put a moat in between all put barbed wire on top of the fences and all electrified the fence i mean that's that's the debate that we have now why not so much at thanks so much for joining us tonight. has got to come occupy wall street continues to grow its night with a look at it with its rise and impact with alison telekinetic host of citizen radio and reporter for the mission.
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could you take three. or charge three. three. as occupy wall street begins its second month of demonstrations against corporate greed and the u.s. government's questionable relationship with the big banks there's another movement we'd like to tell you about this just began on saturday but occupy the board room
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has been has a creative approach to letting those corporate c.e.o.'s know how the average american field store feels towards them these days the on the group's website occupied or it informs you of two options that you have option one you can choose an executive from the list provided and make them your pen pal and once you pick your bank buddy you can vent all of your anger and your frustration their way or you can go for option number two where you choose an executive to take a little bit of a more cheeky approach let them know how good they are at their job or just let them know that you feel for them being so lonely and labelled as the one percent now despite the fact that it's like just launched it's already received about four thousand submissions from the angry ninety nine percent of america we should also know that the site was founded by about eighty people from former labor groups and organizers who consider this effort the next stage in true movement building now before any questions about the legality of this process. by the boardroom doesn't provide the public with the actual email address for these bankers but rather you
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submit your videos your letters to the website and then they deliver a batch of the best of the best rants to that lucky executive now even though we haven't heard a direct comment from the c.e.o.'s there was a memo that was leaked to freedom plaza from the national association of corporate directors and it shows the corporations are doing everything that they can to protect themselves from this feedback on the memo written by corporate consultant shows just how fearful those in corporate america are of the occupy the border movement and the author of the memo suggests the board members and corporate councils prepare themselves for a bumpy ride by future proofing their companies she also suggests the company use social networks to gather intelligence on the occupy movements to help executives keep stay one step ahead in protecting their boardroom so it looks like the banks are doing their best to fight the ninety nine percent but if the public keeps finding ways to let those well protected c.e.o.'s know how they feel on the. country could get one step closer to the change it needs. now we've been reporting to you for weeks on the insults the mockery that's been hurled the occupy wall
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street protesters by many in the media specially the right wing but what about how average americans feel about it well take a look at a new united technologies national journal congressional connection poll it shows that fifty nine percent of respondents surveyed either completely agree or mostly agree with the protesters only thirty one percent mostly disagree or completely disagree and ten percent of those surveyed didn't know or refused to answer so that's much higher approval rating than congress or the president have right now if you think about it but keeping that in mind let's look at another interesting poll a new gallup polls found that americans are more than twice as likely to blame the federal government in washington for the economic problems facing the united states i'll be sixty four percent of people and they're more likely than blaming the financial institutions on wall street which received thirty percent so how do the occupiers feel about having such a large swath of americans on their side and what do they say to those who think that they should take their protests to washington instead joining me to discuss this is allison kilkenny co-host of citizen radio active tribune reporter for the
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nation i want to thank you for joining us tonight before we get into these polls i know that last night some of the protesters went to post events where they wanted to talk to governor cuomo and even naomi wolf the author got arrested there were you there can you tell us what went on. i was there during the initial march to the d.a.'s office which was in response to those terror police brutality than seeing from the n.y.p.d. pepper spraying individuals beating them with billy clubs trojan horses into the crowd really anything you can imagine merely running people over actually running over a person in one case with a motorcycle but after they were at the d.a.'s office they found out that governor cuomo was. being a game changer award at huffington post of that which is really ironic considering that governor cuomo refused to to a tax millionaires so i'm not quite sure how you changing the game in that respect but because he refused to tax millionaires. even came
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a target for occupy wall street so when they found out he was going to be nearby they decided to shift the target of the march to this event and when they arrived naomi wolf became aware of their presence she actually to her credit engaged with them said let me take your demands inside to the huffington post event and then it was when she came back out and tried to assemble with them on the sidewalk that she and along with a companion well timidly arrested and now from what i understood from reading her account today it was there was some technicality that they claimed that the pub or the side walk had been rented out so that it couldn't be used by the protesters i mean i'm just curious right because of that seems like some crazy technical thing how many times since you've been covering this protest since day one have you found your understanding of the first amendment right of the freedom of assembly of the freedom of speech just be completely blurred or flipped upside down from the way that the police have been treating everyone. i would say every protest i've covered
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with occupy wall street it doesn't seem like they are permitted to assemble anywhere certainly not it led to use a bullhorn you need a permit to do anything and so i would go more into tomorrow so i can live with public space i mean they've tried to kick them out of the park crimes you know as rights freedom of speech goes it's pretty much insurmountable obstacles that the city has put up which is right occupy wall street is so exciting in the sense that i don't protest side cover about it taking place in new york city you need to get clement months in advance permits by the way can be tremendously expensive i'm going people show up for an hour with their sad little cardboard scions and then they leave and nothing gets accomplished and occupy wall street has has sort of turned all this whole thing on its head because they're not leaving and the city really doesn't know what to do with that but in their refusal to leave it be really you know made a profound statement and they're actually getting
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a lot more media coverage they're getting a lot more attention and they're they're actually you know accomplishing something whereas if they had just left after an hour or a bit you know no one would have ever thought twice about well they're definitely complicating something in terms of getting the attention of course of the media of the rest of the world of politicians but a lot of the critique has been that they don't have any specific demands here and you know from what i understand they're only demand at this moment is that they don't want to have any demands is that right are they just going to stick to them and get their guns in that sense well i think in that criticism what people are actually saying is they don't have any specific policy ideas yet and the reason that's the case is because let's say they did get together and they had a democratic vote and they said here's our ten super progress of policy ideas we're going to march to d.c. and we're going to end to liberate them the congress those policy ideas would die in congress because i keep my ranch here stands that the government system that we
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have right now has been. really hijacked by corporate interests so that is why they've chosen walsh as their target they're not confused about who the enemy is they know who the enemy it's the economic one percent they keep saying this over and over and over again if anybody is confused by that message at this point it's just lazy journalists who haven't done the basic amount of research i've done the reason they haven't come up with policy ideas is because you know you don't read this and that sentence and they realize that the only power citizens have in this country anymore and when acts of simple so who are so beating you know it doesn't matter if they vote for corporate shill a or for corporate shill be allowed to mislead truly progressive ideas die in the congress so that's why they've chosen to embrace the legacy of martin luther king jr of gandhi and they have taken their message directly to the public but appealing directly to the ninety nine percent and that's really what occupy wall street is all about but so then we have this poll that came out today right there is the one poll that says that a large part of americans actually agree with them which i guess is good news for
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the occupiers but in the same time we have another poll that says that more americans you know almost two to one would say that they blame the government more than the last three for this financial mess and so i'm just wondering what your take is on that do you think you know you say that they're really because they realize that nothing is going to be done legislatively but is anything going to be done from occupying wall street either it's not like the bankers are going to come out and say we're sorry. right exactly i am you know remains to be seen we never know who or how or will the. revolution you know well and. if anybody is saying right now that they are one hundred percent certain what's going to happen with occupy wall street they're all lying or they're incredibly foolish i have no idea where this movement is going to go i have no idea how big it's going i know that of mayor bloomberg is we're going about it's going to go away and the next week he is sadly mistaken and i'm in regards to that second or when you mentioned you know i think a lot of americans sort of see when street and the government operating hand in
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hand so when you know a majority of americans are saying that they blame the government more than wall street i mean those two things are not mutually exclusive as we've seen from president obama's own administration i mean how many goldman sachs executives that you need to hire before people realize i don't think these two things are really separate i think there's a little bit we're grabbing door thing going on that's very much part of the problem alison thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. i still have we have our wednesday edition as you said i read it and then a planned weapons sale of bahrain has raised eyebrows is this yet another example of the u.s. prison to work with dictators certain regimes despite the fact that they have horrible rights records going to have the topic interesting.
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will. bring you the latest in science and technology from around the world. the future of harvard. and welcome back you are watching our team live from moscow with take a look at. a country in crisis furious throughout things overpressure government caught during a forty eight hour general strike that leaves the country paralyzed and least seventy thousand gathered in the capital as a fierce clashes broke out near the parliament building where rioters threw petrol bombs at police who responded with tear gas the new austerity package could be voted on as early as thursday ahead of a new crisis summit to hammer out a second bailout for greece. to move or be moved.
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