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tv   [untitled]    October 20, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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sure you defeat was not going to be. his promise is russia call the like it sees it this as prime minister putin question the purpose of nato mission in libya back in april so in light of moammar gadhafi has done this killing the libyan leader what nato really had in mind all along. and once upon a time he was the western world's best friend from meetings with some of the world's top leaders now an enemy so one change of heart. and the crowds keep growing this as more people sympathize with the occupy wall street protesters who are of what is funding the movement. and the things that more americans are being hurt by the economy the more they're joining forces with the occupy wall street movement and as it grows unfortunately so does america's income gap so in the end what will happen to the rich will they soon have to hide or well golden cage.
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it's thursday october twentieth four pm in washington d.c. and christine for you watching our team talk story this afternoon court colonel moammar gadhafi who ruled libya for forty two years has been captured and killed in his hometown of sirte and all the long have been conflicting reports about exactly how this happened but the very latest is that it was done when a u.s. drone fired a hellfire missile i could off his convoy now all day this picture captured from a cell phone video has been shown to people around the world with rebel flight fighters claiming victory it obvious death comes two months after libya's capital tripoli was taken over by those rebels and seven months after united nations security council resolution called for a cease fire and authorized military and. invention to protect civilians this
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action was taken over by nato and that is how involvement in libya started but certainly things began to change and then of course from today's news of gadhafi killing and let's listen to his speech given by russian prime minister vladimir putin back in april in denmark where essentially lashed out at the changing nature of the mission in libya and questioned who have the right to make that call take a listen to the coalition say destroying the defeat was not they go all. his promises some officials have claimed eliminating him as was in fact their goal who gave them the right to have a fair trial returning to the new floor assume the buildings and destroying the country's entire infrastructure when the so-called civilized world uses all its military power against a small country destroying what's being created by generations i don't know if that's good a lot about here we want to look deeper now into the history of this and how
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gadhafi is relationship with this country has changed joining me now for more is michel chossudovsky director of the center for research on what was a sham hey there michelle i want to get your take on the relationship between gadhafi and western leaders over the last decade libya's oil supply has not dried up but let's talk about what has changed because as we know you know back in two thousand and two two thousand and three for. reasons i have a few years ago he was meeting with you know u.s. senator other people so what happened here. so this is a very long and complex story and there were additions within the leadership but i think the crucial issue which has motivated this or is that libya has three point five percent of global oil reserves that's more than double those of the united states of america it's the largest oil
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a collie in an african continent it is also the gateway to central africa i think we should understand this is a war of conquest it is a war to confiscate. all your it is a war to confiscate the financial and spend. of the libyan regime and it is going to war with poland and or some kind of proxies with a baby or those and i think that is really the issue this is a country which has not followed the walk of the line. whether we like the or not. the president the united states the road runner his speech this afternoon is an absolute. cracker blind he's having
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a little issue of the humanitarian disaster which was created by nato. with the right folks multiply that by the number of planes and then tell us that that goes with million casualties there were powell who was working there and a lot of the images that you just showed by the group of all it was a cut off it was not. by by you know by these rebel corpus which attacked documents largely integrated by al qaida. michel let me ask on the flip side of this question certainly as you know i hear what you're saying in terms of the u.s. wanting to have control of that oil reserves but why now certainly there was plenty of oil there back in two thousand to when these mass atrocities these killings going on in libya under gadhafi you know why didn't the u.s.
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get invent one why now. well i do. question of who's got the grenade there is i think it is a separate issue if you if you go back to what general wesley clark stated. way he discussed the rules by the sequencing of countries which which was the candidate for military intervention and that included syria libya iran iraq and so on and part of the. part of the military road but it is the country could become. as the go permitted under us. if once. and as this oh god it's part of the same war now we should understand something which is very important we don't have a blog which expense will look at this renewed right through to central asia so
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this is the this is the fourth war period of the gone wrong iraq was by and no the coalition is talking about humanitarian operation which would be directed against the area of the war on the military agenda and when we talk about this this global agenda how this how the world is being run and by whom it's not just decisions like what we saw today at let's talk about occupy wall street i know you've written about this and in particular about your concern about how this movement may be defined and by whom one of the symbols we often see at occupy wall street is this clenched fest this is an image that has been associated. we keep seeing it and occupy wall street but this has been associated with movements and ukraine iran serbia georgia i'll kind of different different countries around the world you can see these examples just how similar these symbols are and i know you
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wrote a little bit about this talk to me about if this is a coincidence. no it. was just being subject back of education and maybe related to what happened back. we all i know those various economic social christ would be well free and polluted the grass roots of the people and the three who are committed i believe. solidarity with one another and i know that there is impoverished it's about the promise but. i have. something quite another thing about the occupy wall street movement is that the leaders are invisible and settled and i think paul has. an arm of the b.b.c. anonymous but we don't know who they are and. there's another organization
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which is. a potentially not an organized nation. which often goes by the name of cannabis. but. it was gone. in the van in back in the us to power through the law for this but then it has created. overnight they should be broken and well and expense paid which you see. is especially the symbol of our call and this to me back in but it has been you've been very kind of revolution now the fact that you've been in. the united states and the occupy wall street i think you have to be a government run ability to that organization. not of age
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but in fact bought in the united states and was actually a threat being the. new york but michel i mean we have had numerous protesters on our show and they all want to make clear that the reason that you don't see the leaders is because there are no leaders they say this is a leaderless movement what if there are you know just speaking the truth that the reason you don't see any leaders is because there aren't any. you know when the repeal of car color. and then it changes to be implemented you need you need an organization and you need a program you need a leadership which maybe eventually will emerge but we have to look at who is behind the start with this commission to organize. it was the result very we're planning a book. that was submitted on and i. can going.
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off was involved as consulting and to see i. i could see some of that out of the purpose of this honesty and then the when the whole process went on then it sounded both allies and people at the grassroots now compare that group and it's a little bit in the breeze but the dent in the wall street. i think is a very you know creative movement in that people can experience that view but ultimately if we want to run an economy have to question the general or of those not only the wind power and all the little below three and who comes to support of his. dad are very comical individuals such as warren buffett al gore they whip through but warren buffett binondo are. not with the so should there be a problem there are other names and there are other names being mentioned as well
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michel george soros of course another one that whether or not you had anything to do with what we've seen so far with occupy wall street a lot of people predicting that he might step and and help with the funding do you think that could happen. well i call speculating go to log book look both of these claims do do. you know in the next few weeks the dr say that you cannot wage a war against italy and i are. both three because it helps you think iraq through all three makes sense you know what we're running out of time and i want to get in one more question you were mentioning greece and what's going on there a lot of changes i know that you summit there's been some changes in terms of a possible delay on the live markel has just said in terms of making any decisions just last question real briefly what do you see as happening in the coming days and weeks in terms of greece and really the chaos that that's happening in that country
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right now based on their honey the result of a very difficult but if we draw analogies with pride what. are the roots of a brief that's very disparate probably is based on already ballerinas with the new york and bases one is an organized strike which in effect refuses the policy agenda which is the liberalism in. the measures which i voted on and it is. station again. political bar which. they think. both about. again this all has it so i know it. is the very best of our business or is it wrong we must look at all the gore surprises local financial. and warren buffet were feeling the results of all. we're going to.
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hear dollars but is going to change are we going through bankruptcy. if we walk through the we have to thank god. directed against france rolls of all these laws. which is good for. you you are right michel foucault dot the when we get you on here we always like to pick your brain on a wide range of subjects we felt after that he is the director of the center for research on globalization thanks so much for joining us. i want to get back to you as we do nearly every day here at r.t. with a look at the latest in the occupy wall street movement along in the short of it is that the movement is still going on and it's still growing but i want to add them and one of those issues that so many people have taken to the streets to fight against and that is the growing gap between the rich and the poor in this country it is a result many protesters say of a broken system are the corresponding gynecologic on takes
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a look at the system and this report. a class war seemed impossible in a country were being both east part of the national green put us thousands marched on wall street and in other parts of america protesting against the system that they claim works only for the benefit of those super rich individuals and corporations many ask whether america is facing a class war that it's only when the rich are getting rich you all the little class is collapsing a class war is being waged in america today unfortunately the wrong side is winning the so-called one percent of winners are the nation's top corporations which this year in the economy is very slow growth and non the less may record profits the thanks to various loopholes many of these corporations pay little or nothing in parts of the corporations say they need the tax breaks to be able to invest more in to hire more america's second largest energy producers chevron is
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now lobbying not to let the government tax them more and so my question how many americans as chevron hired since the tax breaks were introduced in two thousand and four the c.e.o. of the company says beach there were up slightly a few thousand in our upstream business over the years but not significantly not significantly on our chevron payroll a few thousand jobs for the billions of dollars in tax stimulus that the government gave the economy same erika's largest corporations are sitting on more than three trillion dollars and not investing in the economy unemployment in the us remains over nine percent when we live in a nation where corporations can profit off a child dying at the same time with their parents into bankruptcy to they're trying to pay for these kids medical bills. what does that say about our country the wall street answer to people's rage if you kill wall street will be nobody held great jobs but as one of the protesters try to put
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a word of objection call on all. on hold on it's not your show i'm talking to these people although i look though if you. like. personal success and money have always been part of the american dream the aspiration to become rich is deeply ingrained in american society and widely promoted by pop culture but those who took to the streets have made it clear that the situation when the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer is not their idea the american dream and partly could be the end of it and the beginning of a class war i'm going to check on reporting from washington r.t. all right so let's dig a little deeper into this idea of a class war that may have scoffed at this notion or of suggested the war is being waged against the wealthy the job creators by those out of control unemployed people who have nothing better to do than start fights well joining me now to see for more is richard asco senior fellow at the campaign for america's future hagar
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richard you know the occupy wall street movement has been going on for more than a month now and the pentagon where you turn to coverage you often see and hear some different interpretations you know some more conservative networks implying suggesting whatever that these protesters are a bunch of communists so richard i think you support this movement are you carrying around your economy of the communist manifesto right now. you know it's going to because what these guys are really doing whether they intend to or not and yes i do support them what they're really doing is pushing for changes in our economy that would actually be great for the kinds of businesses that we think of as the typical american success story you know the someone with a better idea that steve jobs in a garage building a new kind of a computer or somebody you know because what we have now is a system where wall street has forty percent of our corporate profits and they make
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a lot of that money by not lending or by betting against the success of certain businesses so we have an unproductive economy based on speculation and money for money's sake as opposed to what we always think of as the good old american such success story where you build them a better mousetrap in the world comes to your door if you both of the better mousetrap today you probably not be able to raise the money to start your company and if you did that people are so strapped because of wage stagnation and unemployment that they wouldn't be able to buy it so if you really believe in the american dream you also believe that what these guys are pushing is the right thing to do for the country let's talk about the american dream i mean you know on one hand everyone likes the good rags to riches story of people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps you mentioned steve jobs that's a great example of presidential candidate herman cain likes to talk about his story but not about richer people who literally drip with wealth you know their family
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for generations have been wealthy in so many countries it seems that wealth is not flaunted in the way that it is here people might have money but they don't necessarily you know buy suddenly jobs are over fancy cars now is the case here do you think richard that in this country who are wealthy are looked down upon by the masses are they hated or are they just nyeri. well you know i think it's changing and i think that one of the reasons that the we were wealthy as you call them were able to get so many tax breaks and so many other privileges over the last few decades has been because of the culture kind of idolize them you know one oliver stone made his movie with gordon gekko the michael douglas character he wrote him as a villain in it and he says he was horrified because i was on wall street then and all the guys there thought he was a hero because he didn't care about anything except making money and he thought it was great so we had about twenty years of either wising the most flagrant extreme
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well even if you didn't do anything to deserve it kind of the way we think about celebrities now so you know i think it's come to the point where yes everybody seems to pretty much agree that steve jobs did a very impressive thing but when it comes to let's say lloyd blankfein at goldman sachs or jamie diamond or j.p. morgan chase they're not building anything they're not hiring people they're not creating jobs or making our lives better they're getting bailed out by the government so that they can trade off other people's gains or losses and seize more and more control of the economy that's wrong and it's got to stop i think that's an interesting point that you think perhaps at one point it was ok and people were worse if that were extremely wealthy but that things are changing and i think that if i had taken gas one of the main reasons would have to be this growing gap about the inequality in incomes in this country you know i think once in
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a while though and we talk about this all the time the rich in america getting richer the poor getting poorer once in a while it is good though to see how this country compares to other countries in terms of wealth on a global scale and i want to put this graphic up on this basically shows all trial high net worth individuals we're talking people with net assets of bug fifty million dollars out of all the countries out here the u.s. totally. being home to forty two percent of the group i want to get your take richard what do you think we should clean from figures like that you know certainly we can talk and talk about how this country of the u.s. is suffering our economy is suffering but when we see death we still have a lot of rich people there. well we have plenty of rich people but you know the interesting thing is there is even massive inequality in this country now among rich people we talk about we are the ninety nine percent but if you take the ninety ninth percentile the that average tax form shows five hundred thousand dollars in
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income according to the study but if you go to the ninety nine point nine percent file it's more than four times as much and if you want to be on there i'm sure it would continue to get more and more and even you know the top four hundred families in wealth in this country in one thousand nine hundred five they paid thirty percent of their income in taxes which is much too low and at last report they paid sixteen percent so we're allowing this massive accumulation of extreme wealth and you know we're not doing anything about it well there's enormous need and enormous unemployment so people are wondering why. people are wondering that i don't know that but it's funny people do wonder why the department of treasury seems to be running dry and i guess that could be one of the reasons i want to take something for your rich or this is something that junk you are host of the young turks said at occupy wall street he was down there gave a speech play a little bit of it and we can talk about it. this boy.
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was seriously. we want to meet. the fourth one. who are not. paul it's. all right thank you down there using of course that human microphone saying that this country needs an amendment to declare that corporations are not people do you think this is the gist of the movement. well i don't think it's the gist of the movement but i think it's a great idea i think it's going to aspect of the movement and i think it reflects the movement's fundamental concerns i mean first of all jenks friend of mine he's a great guy but he's absolutely right look the movement is a reaction to the fact that the wealthy and corporations have taken over our political process and his analysis of that is absolutely right and one of the
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things that should come out of the movement is absolutely what's he says should come out of it which is no more massive contributions from corporations no more big contributions from the wealthy get private money out of the election process public financing corporations aren't people because if they were people they'd be psychopaths so let's root it so i'm all for what yanks doing and his was pac i think he called it a c. i support it i think it's a great idea and it's certainly part of what this movement is all about thirdly i know one branch of government that would disagree with you that is the supreme court of course giving the green light to citizens united going to be hard to get that overturned we do want to thank you for joining us richard usko senior fellow at the campaign for america's future. well from anger over inequality in the u.s. to greece or folks there are more than angry over the latest austerity measures so calling for revolution just how serious are these protestors are he sara sara firth
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is on the ground and in the thick of things including tear gas ourselves. people like get me back very quickly all syntagma square as we call it take gas being used in the crowds we're not sure exactly who was setting off that everyone's just trying. to get this back by the riot police now there. are already troops. oh it's all the director of the of the muscle to. come order for. a lot of people that they wanted today to be peaceful once again. in the crowd this these here really very shocking we seem to visions of months of protests and styles today everyone united completely in their opposition to the government have tried to forget all the political system of groups and. people here do you feel it's truly angry seeing that anger reaching boiling point
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finally and here on the streets of athens. it's an extremely volatile situation that the rest of europe and the usa needs to be watching this very closely because this isn't just a problem that affects greece it is a situation the thanks the entire you. argy correspondent there are further reporting on the ground in the midst of a very chaotic athens greece and that is going to do it for now but for more on the stories we covered there are a few dot com slash usa our check out our you tube page at youtube dot com slash r.t. america you can also follow me on twitter at frowsy and be turned in to say it keep it right here on ars the up next in the capital account with more on the search will be delving into everything from how to solve the eurozone debt crisis to why you shouldn't get too excited when you read that people in the u.s. are holding wall street accountable for now and christine for exactly.
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wealthy british style. sometimes the tireless. markets finance scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds
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a report on r g. h.


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