tv [untitled] October 20, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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attacking police lines leading up to the death of one man after he was hit by a rocket. and reports are coming in that nato forces have started to remove barricades arrested by ethnic serbs at a disputed border crossing that with serbia on thursday peacekeepers used tear gas to disperse ethnic serbs fighting to keep control of the checkpoint pristina tried to seize control of the crossings during the summer sparking the current standoff during which locals erected the makeshift barricades. and now back to the show this time to take a look at the latest on the occupy wall street movement stay with us. all right it's time for show and talents a night's program the last time we told you about the democrats and republicans coming together to pass a free trade agreements one of these types of agreements help or hurt u.s.
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economy it's going to produce a patrice and send you to find out what you had to say. this friday president obama is expected to sign trade agreements with south korea panama and colombia making the group of agreements the biggest trade deal since nafta ninety four now the u.s. department of commerce website says that free trade agreements have approved one of the best ways to open foreign markets to u.s. exporters but seventeen years later now it is as controversial as ever so we want to know what you thought do you believe that these trade agreements will help or hurt the u.s. economy well miles said any as the u.s. is a lose lose situation the u.s. is importing stuff it doesn't need and looking to export other stuff to other countries that can make it even cheaper large grain of salt said great now we get to compete with a country where people are killed for trying to organize unions and corporations will get to hide their money and not pay us taxes all this while moving more jobs out of the country ken told us it will hurt the economy there is no free trade in
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america that helps people only the rich tommy idle added if you think free trade agreements help the us economy then you show move to china and work in a sweat shop because that's the only way we would be able to say that our products are american made so the majority who wrote in did not think more free trade agreements were going to help the us economy in fact back in november of two thousand and ten a pew research study found that kills thirty five percent of americans who said free trade agreements were good for the u.s. well forty four percent said they were bad basically the majority of americans surveyed felt the same way as the. those who wrote a free trade agreements are not going to help the u.s. economy so then the question is if these new trade agreements are being signed tomorrow whose opinion are the politicians in washington really listening to. now as always thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you earlier in the show we spoke with gene healy of the cato institute about the u.s.
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intervention in uganda that was announced last week so i want to know what you think should the u.s. be sending troops to uganda you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows response just might make you know there. now ever since occupy wall street started a little over a month ago we've seen spin off movements pop up all over the world just yesterday we told you about occupy the board room which was launched over the weekend and today the same magazine that helped start the occupy movement proposed a tax idea and the classic tale of robin hood took from the rich gave the poor well let's imagine for a second that the banks represent the rich in this situation not that hard to imagine i know and the tax plan is called the robin hood tax plan so the proposal is a one percent financial tax on all financial transactions and currency traits adbusters is calling for a global march on october twenty ninth the day before the twenty leaders summit in france to demand that leaders impose that tax immediately so an open statement from the vancouver based magazine it said let's send them
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a clear message we want you to slow down some of that one point three trillion dollars in easy money that's sloshing around the global casino each day and not cash to fund every social program and environmental initiative in the world if anyone out there is wondering if they've heard this concept before well they probably have economists to propose similar financial taxes in the past and the new york times last year economics professor nancy fold predicted a problem policy like this would raise one hundred seventy five billion dollars in revenue a year and as the website out of the u.k. called robin hood tax dot org and that discusses how this concept could be beneficial to everyone and even had a few famous faces take part in a series of spots to promote that idea. it's just part of. the world who spend it well.
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all right so i know a lot of you probably thinking if this concept has been around for awhile then what difference would it make to stage a global march for it now well the occupy wall street movement finally has the attention of the world so argue that now seems like a better time than ever to start making concrete demands but somehow get the feeling that a tax that would fundamentally alter our financial system that's one that's going to make a lot of people in this country like republicans scream bloody murder. now much of today's news cycles focused on the news that moammar gadhafi has been killed let's not forget that there is a movement going on right here in the u.s. on the you could say it was in some respects inspired by the arab spring the revolutions in egypt and tunisia that also inspired uprisings in yemen bahrain syria and libya strange all that works isn't it but what are the things that we've seen most of the arab spring has unfolded are clamoring examples of hypocrisy where to intervene where to stand idly by but of course i guess none of that chalk us because we know that politicians do hypocrisy best take for example president
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obama's attempts to invoke occupy wall street while on his jobs tour have a senior advisers going cable television tell the people the president is on their side all of that without getting too close or endorsing the movement too much and all of that while taking in huge swaths of cash from wall street just days ago the new york times reported that mitt romney had taken in more wall street money than president obama had so far in campaign donations today the washington post refuted that report said that in fact president obama had more wall street cash because he also has the d.n.c. funds but at the end of the day does it really matter who has more as long as everybody keeps playing the same game joining me from our studio in los angeles to discuss it is and is fairy and co-host of the young turks and i want to thank you for joining us tonight and what do you see here right now the one hand sure it matters at the end of the day how much money who gets from who but isn't this part of the problem that no matter what party you're a part of a democrat or republican if you're obama or mitt romney you're still going to take all the wall street cash you can get and never say no to it. absolutely it's the
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number one problem in our political system and i would argue it's the number one reason why we're seeing so many people protesting not only in this country but we're seeing people protesting and supporting the occupy movement in other countries it's because politicians are easily bought and it doesn't matter how much obama was able to raise from wall street versus how much mitt romney was able to raise from wall street these politicians are bought easily and you know a couple thousand dollars goes a very very long way with them so one of the things that we need to find a way to change is big big corporations in politics we need to take the corporate money out of politics well actually i know that's something that you know the janky to the young turks with has been very vocal about and i know that last night he went down to occupy wall street the park and made an announcement during the general assembly said can you tell us a little bit more about that. sure. has created something known as wolfpack and
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what he wants to do is he wants to create a constitutional amendment that would take corporate money out of politics because it's like an infection and what you see right now is that our politicians are not representing the people who elected them they're representing corporations and big business so what he wants to do is limit the amount of money that corporations can donate and he also first of all wants to overturn citizens united because he does not believe that corporations are people who are protected under the first amendment and also when it comes to contributions we would like to see the contributions limited to one hundred dollars now that might seem like a tiny amount of money but it makes more sense to have publicly funded campaigns as opposed to having these private corporations fund these campaigns with hundreds of thousands of dollars because in the end as i mentioned you see people who are not being represented in the government and you see representatives passing deregulation and passing policy that is favorable to the big banks and to the
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corporations and it has completely infected our governor. it destroyed our democracy i'm just curious what was the response from those occupy wall street guys got e-mails about that because one of their things is to not have demands and so here's a very specific plan of action. you're absolutely right about that it's a very clear and concise goal and that's what i love about it and i think that's what most people love about it because it's something that you can look at it has very specific details and you can actually take part in it and make real change in the country so so far the response has been amazing you know we have this saying at young turks the army is too strong you know anyone who is supportive of our cause and of our show is part of the army and you know people in our army are just so riled up about this and it's a really inspirational moment for me personally to see all of these people become politically active you know donate their funds to this wolfpack you know whatever they can donate it doesn't have to be a significant amount of money and you know volunteer i think that's another
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important aspect of this we have thousands of people who have already made a pledge to volunteer to this movement and we're asking people to occupy state houses until you know this constitutional amendment gets considered and i think that it's it's not going to be a easy thing to do but i do believe that is too strong i do believe that there are people out there who are fed up with corporations taking over our political system and i think that in the end we will come out victorious you know there's definitely something going on right now in the country and people are waking up and we see that by the fact of the occupy movement has spread all across the country but you know one of the main things is that they think that our political system is broken the both parties are you know to blame here and so it's really interesting to keep hearing this back and forth rhetoric from the obama administration the wants to say that it supports the protesters and understands the taking all the wall street cash while he has a bunch of guys from wall street working in his administration and i'm just wondering do you think about actually fools anybody or do you think that those. you
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know that there are some people out there there was a poll for example yesterday that said that fifty nine percent of americans agree with occupy wall street maybe it do you think that's going to affect the people that are sitting on their couches that you know i haven't actually gone out to join a protest but just kind of like the sound of it. i think so i think that these protests are slowly but surely starting to inspire more and more people like keep in mind that when occupy wall street first began a little over a month ago people didn't take it too seriously you know there were maybe a couple thousand people at occupy wall street the media was making fun of it or not covering it all covering it at all you see a lot of people be little ing it but now all of a sudden you know you see thousands of people and more than four hundred cities in the united states having an occupy movement happening right now and also it's inspired people in other countries with which i think speaks volumes and you know a lot of people have attempted to co-opt this movement which is so maddening even
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members of the republican party have tried to co-opt this movement you have mitt romney and you also have. you know newt gingrich at first you know they're very sure about this movement they're very i guess they brush it off their shoulder and they think it's not a big deal in fact mitt romney called it dangerous and now all of a sudden they're saying oh well i understand their frustrations absolutely i'm on their side please so i think that it's starting to become highly influential and that's good news in my opinion why i think that you know about the fact that we've obviously seen a lot of mockery go towards a wall street movement but there's also been a lot of vilification i feel like you know now there's a scandal because the hash tag symbol that they put and tape on their arms somebody compared it looked like a swastika because now they're all communists because the socialist party in the united states that they support the movement and what do you think of those types of attacks i mean does that show you that the right wing is is actually scared here or is that i guess just typical i mean i don't think it's fair to equate entire
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movement with a couple of people because we heard the same thing when it was the with the tea party. you know first of all i think that it's asinine that the right wing would make such accusations of course they're doing whatever they can to smear occupy wall street and it makes me sick to my stomach but it's also unsurprising another thing that's very surprising about this is the fact that it is being covered by the mainstream media as if these are legitimate claims at the same time the tea party just recently urged small business owners to not hire any employees under any circumstances so they can hurt obama's campaign and you know the elections in two thousand and twelve so they can show that barack obama is destructive to the economy why isn't that a big news story they're asking small businesses to make sure that they keep people unemployed you know that i think is something that is rightfully should be rightfully vilified but the mainstream media doesn't cover it no one talks about it in fact we're talking about a hash tag looking like
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a swastika how ridiculous is that i mean it's maddening it's maddening and you know you have andrew breitbart you have the right wing you have all of these people who are against occupy wall street trying to smear them in one way or another people accusing them of being there for free food it's stupid it's asinine and you know what to be honest with you i think that if anything it's probably encouraging people and motivating people more it occupy wall street because the more you try to put them down the stronger they're going to be and i love that all right and i thank you so much for joining us tonight and you're right there in terms of that tea party nation story i want to make everybody suffer so a single party can weigh in which tells you how much they're thinking about the greater good thanks so much. and don't go anywhere there's still a lot more to come tonight working for you tonight school time when are and are happy hour movie fans found their own occupy movement to follow and south park takes attachment with people.
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it was the. so much not a lot of people at my area will stand the cold war in the first presently fifteen hundred occupy protests occurring in eighty two countries worldwide this is a global protest movement with staying power. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are only day.
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a very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on the. street they have. the decent chance to get a chance to try to get the status of the human experiment. with. weeks you will see this rap music in which it. was allegedly trying to censor political economy and it's all came to us financial template. to maintain our confidence in hmong kids and don't want to be seen trade imbalances recession looks the nation's close to sing a song like moon feel close. to fail sleep belabor this again feel a little like think is us crash and seven. feeling just like ultimate justice and treat the sparks we'll just programs increase the total economy.
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all right it's time for tonight's told time award tonight it goes to national public radio for hurting the career of a radio host all in an attempt to quell a controversy said that there was actually no controversy at all just fake outrage being peddled by roll call the daily caller and of course fox news because of what a manufactured scandal be without fox news and i want to get back to the story the roll call the daily caller and fox already with a story that a host of and. n.p.r. talk show was acting as the spokes person for the october two thousand and eleven protests that's the anti-war movement that's being held here in washington d.c. which we've covered on this show and simeoni was in fact participating in these
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protests and actually here's a clip of her expressing what exactly she was protesting for. not war not slaughter not mayhem not destruction but life peace justice that's what we want that's what we're going to demand. now the implication of the stories put out there was that the host leases from the oni was participating in p.r. work while being employed and p.r. something strictly forbidden for n.p.r. employees there's one little problem here lisa simeoni is an n.p.r. employee she's the host of two shows which have nothing to do with politics one called sound current which is aired on an n.p.r. affiliate and world of opera which is produced by an n.p.r. affiliate so you would think that n.p.r. would simply brush the folk on diversity away she doesn't work for them she doesn't get paid by them and she hosts a show which deals strictly with culture with opera not with politics but you would have thought wrong because n.p.r. did exactly the opposite they fired off an e-mail to staffers saying if they of
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course take this issue very seriously we've really they're taking a freelancer a staffer at an n.p.r. affiliate who does not work for them is not paid by them participating in a protest very seriously why i think somebody actually put it best when she said what is n.p.r. afraid i'll do insert a seditious comment into a synopsis of madame butterfly now apparently they are and so is one of the stations who simeoni works for she was fired last night from her role on the show sound print and thankfully the affiliate who produces that show world of opera did not fire simeoni and they've stated that while they respect n.p.r.'s mission to serve as a leading news provider they exist on the other hand to serve as a leading provider of arts and cultural programming so i commend the for not buckling under the pressure of n.p.r. in their absurd concern for an employee of one of their affiliates participating in an anti-war protest i do still have a tool time to fill out so tonight still time award it's going straight to n.p.r. for being so paranoid about a fake right wing controversy they're actually willing to get a woman fired over it.
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and you guys time for happy hour and joining me this evening as i. producer jenny churchill and alex science while assistant editor for think progress to or thanks for joining you guys so you know the campaign season full of fags rick perry mitt romney apparently hate each other as we all figured out this last debate so now they're having a lot of attack ads that go back and forth and so first let's take a look at this anti perry ad that the mitt romney campaign put out and then basically have just painted him as a total moron and they actually pulled it but we have a little clip. ever spent my life in politics. i don't think i've ever hired an illegal in my life. and they had illegal immigrants who are working there. i'm
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running for office for pete's sake that there are legal system their credibility you should lose or you should know. a lot of reasons not to like me. ok just kidding we're going to be anti perry when next that was the anti romney ad that he put out talking about what misleading so lying the s.o.b mitt romney is and i think that's kind of doubt the misleading i like about the define it though it's like that so american like misleading in the dictionary definition of conflict. i mean i didn't say anything that wasn't true in that ad and the person they had to fight it kind of confirms mitt romney's point that rick perry's and his campaign might not be the smartest might be kind of a let's let's get to the perry campaign ad and show the clip. to ok so they. understand rick perry plunking the ball rolling the guy he would get he seemed to
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be able to lower the last debate. he needed somebody to take on the something he was sure the smile he lived. with the other republicans he's going to have a hard time against barack obama. it's a visit with him a don't look as stupid as they could but what is like the before and it was before i mean you have so much good material how could you not use that in there i completely disagree i thought every bit of that ad was wonderful and it was the first time i've been really excited about the possibility of him what advantages the pool i get for i think it's wonderful because now this is the first time i've thought s n l is going to be amazing again you know if he wins the nomination we're in for months worth of awesome entertainment you know i think it's kind of this. mitt romney's part to elevate repairing the people already think he's done the washington post in a poll and the third most associated words with rick perry was so americans are no
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one and now they pulled the ad so now of course it's only getting more attention which is kind of interesting if they actually back down and decided to get rid of it and interesting like they had no balls to produce and there are no balls to roll with the whatever go big or go home that's a lesson now let's take a look at something the adult who is in maroon five decided to tweet and he tweeted to fox news he says dear fox news don't play our music on your evil f. ing channel ever again thank you which i just really like that i actually tweeted that to them and then fox news had a little response or little discussion about that to take a look. at. i know what that is. it's crap i'm literally yes if you go to i tunes and search under the category called crap that comes up because that makes sense i do know
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chris morton once you know about being in farrington for making coldplay seem edgy . thing ok who wins here. never go no i mean i just i love that business model we're going to use your song because it's good enough for us to plan our crappy television show to talk to you rather you know we're going to talk about how crappy. i think they're both i mean i'm not a fan of either and i really have to give some points here but otherwise it were a five but i kind of like that he called it you know you're evil effing channel yeah and i would like to point out that if you change a few words that tweet could have been from you like dear g.o.p. candidates please stop using my clips in your f. ing crappy commercial if you're. an ad campaign ad ok i think you should a song about fox news and then he would definitely win. and i bet you could do a better job than like hank williams jr did because it might make
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a little bit more sense i think you could actually string logic together. behind you know that other story here south park apparently did a little i love south park love it love it love it by the way so they were able to insert we take a look. meaning you can't get back in our e-mails and phone calls. hello stupid rat is in charge of eavesdropper. it says here its name is. it's not bradley manning it's just a little rat you guys didn't you know no i didn't actually this was news to me and i get all of my news from south park so i do like what they're like but the times out of you know i'm not a big chance i have to say you should be pretty happy about the rap portrayal of him it's one of the best betrayals is god and the mainstream media yeah i did i
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found it interesting that they hadn't touched on it until after july and kind of fall and. i kind of grew that what took them so long are we got to do this last story really quickly. basically some people out there for put out a thing for occupy more doors because one ring should not be allowed to rule them all and this is just shows you how far the wall street is really is really going to now you have like the lord of the rings fans of the gamers out there playing word or i'm totally down i am too i'm a little concerned about how they're going to execute because if you know anything about lord of the rings you know that one does not simply walk into mordor so i don't know how they're going to occupy i'm a little concerned excellent point i mean if they can do it in wall street but you know the occupy protests are because hippies they've been called trust fund there's turns out maybe they're just nerds. i don't think about maybe they're just maybe they're just geeks ok and then really quick breaking news update for you it turns
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out that the herpes monkey is still on the loose i guess things are joining you tonight that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back tomorrow lawrence wilkerson former chief of staff to colin powells from back on the show and meantime don't forget to become a fan if you want to show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of the night's show or any other nights you can raise cash telling you to promise slash ilana show where you'll find interviews as well as the show in its entirety and coming up next it's. wealthy british style. sometimes it's priceless. and some of their. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on archie.
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say. cut off is death all plotted around the world but questions are being asked about his execution at the has of an angry mob and the broadcasting of the person images of his body. jaeger of thousands of greeks spill onto the streets for more violent clashes with police as lawmakers agree to deeper cuts in an attempt to stave off a debt default. and nato peacekeepers used tear gas and pepper spray against ethnic serbs to remove barricades at a disputed border in northern kosovo.
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