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tv   [untitled]    October 21, 2011 8:31am-9:01am EDT

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the u.s. and its allies the late libyan leader was for many years a major customer for western weapon exports. labor unions call for more protests in greece as the parliament approves harsh cutbacks a bit mass chaos and violence across the country the new measures are the government's latest attempt to stave off a debt default. or russian so used rocket successfully makes its very first afore the launch carried europe's new satellite navigation system on its way to rivalling america's g.p.s. . and now it's all about flight this week sky high a moscow out as host march of andrews and his team explore the history of russian aviation that's next here on r.t. .
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montero. historic. friendly. dynamic. code. hello i welcome to the moscow outside on this week's episode of exploring the subject of flight taking
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a look at the history of aviation in russia to the latest simulator is across designs and airport terminals so joey lost it on his as we journey from the soviet skies to modern day developments starting off here at the place telecommutes him in moscow. the museum has several exhibits showcasing assumption flight models of. alice and you mechanics you can see how the aviation industry developed in the largest country in the world. the history of civil and linus in the soviet union can be traced all the way back to the russian revolution in one nine hundred seventeen when the new bullshit governments saw rick as one of the main ways to modernize the country. then you communist leaders believed and travel would be the most efficient way to transport both people and supplies across the vast country in one thousand nine hundred three the first soviet ally of the lot was created several other small companies were
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formed and nine years later the name at a flight was officially adopted for the entire service civil air fleet air flows went on to become the largest airline in the world with to pull off and illusion and craft making up the majority of its massive fleet as the aviation industry flourished around the world the u.s.s.r. was no exception. back to the museum along with the space race and technology as a whole day you can see how the soviet era through secrecy success and failure was a melting pot for ideas innovation and development. moving to our next location and it's time to look at modern day akaash training simulators here are used for a variety of reasons the design and development of aircraft and to research into a cough movement and stability people also come here to share entertainment if you have a dream to flying a plane well this is as close to the real thing as you will ever get. with the
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level of your interest here we have a cockpit of a seven thirty seven energy legion aeration which is open for everyone eager to experience being apply it is a full scale cockpit and provides the same conditions as a real pilot deals with you can choose any just a nation around the world and try to control the plane in any weather conditions we welcome children as our guests do they just love this why experience love. on the walls you can see various photographs taken from cockpits cloud formations difficult landing strips and breathtaking skylines images of chic cabin crew and well groomed pilots adds to the atmosphere but for many actual is the opposite a terrifying horrific ordeal. so with that in mind the center runs training programs for people wanting to overcome the fear of flying not something that i need and i'm not late it's my time to try my hand being a copilot gate eighty two ready for boarding after several preflight checks the
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engines are advanced to ninety percent of the hydraulic movements mimic the plane racing down the runway and we take to the happy just like a real flight and density turbulence clouds disposition every bump a movement can be found. in today is take a short flight from moscow has dominated the airport fly around and then return to the same landing strip. easier said than done fortunately i have expert help at hand. just make sure you don't make any dramatic maneuvers you'll soon hear the produce disapproval in your headset. travelling three hours south of the capital by tom we've arrived at our next destination here a small flight club specializes in aerobatics the practice of making of the flying maneuvers the training recreation and the. aerobatics all taught to military
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fighter pilots to develop flying skills and for tactical keeps in combat today i've been invited to take to the skies will be a roller coaster at ten thousand feet good job i haven't eaten. now the first flying club as it's known in this has been here for two years previously the f.a.a. back in the u.s.s.r. for aircraft but pesticide other planes the guys use here are they yak eighteen the fifty two and the fifty four which you see here a lot of experience were roughly lost between twenty and thirty minutes or more cost between four thousand and seven thousand rubles that's roughly around one hundred thirty two hundred dollars not bad and am i nervous. yes. with. the use of less planes were originally introduced to train arafat pilots they've recently gained popularity as
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a sports plane both inside and outside the former u.s.s.r. anyone can come here to experience what zero g. feels like to barrel turns and the loops aeronautical experience isn't necessary you just need a little courage and trust the pilots know what had touring and once in a lifetime experience that has been enjoyed by many russians and foreigners. a lot of people. laws on these airplanes like you know they're a fighter you're going to hear the powerful engine so it's very good a bright yellow propeller plane he went missing in the sky and after meeting my pilot into the aircraft i go and on my honest to goodness knows what i have got myself into i have a feeling this is not the faint pulse is. one thing that is apparent straight away is the noise from the monster of an engine if i take the headset off i can hardly
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hear my self speak. moring down the runway because we feel every single bump and crack in the surface of a stomach churning roller coaster in the sky as we banked to an incredible sixty degrees the views from above are impressive it feels very different to a typical commercial flight though that's for sure all aerobatic maneuvers demand training and practice to avoid accidents luckily today my pilot mike seems is the main instructor and trainer at the center. g. forces are being seriously pushed here with a high pitch and a sub nose dive it's time to experience brief weightlessness zero g. . they said drill in field experience. everything i'm used to the human body can cope with everything but it's a positive nine g. i've not even reached of that yet. good to know how was the experience.
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time for landing and the easy easy a little wind to the left and we have contact with the ground again and over shaking i live to tell the tale. thrill seekers eat your heart out that's what experience i will never forget. moving on and we have arrived at our final location should a mess of course almost thirty kilometers to the northwest of moscow let's look at modern commercial flight and the airport's new terminals launched the world's largest airline arafat today is at the forefront of development training and technical support in the aviation industry in russia. in the maintenance hangar here you can see examples of first class engineering and here it's certainly out with the old and in with the new the rest of the airline industry has undergone a major revolution over the past twenty years as some of the major players such as
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era flight s seven or trans there are upgraded their fleets to the likes of airbus or boeing a major international refigure from a i know from personal experience the majority of the aircraft used up not running spanking new and often a great safe and comfortable flying experience in two thousand and ten sure metapad and the almost twenty million passengers the new terminal d. has one hundred number of awards for planning and design they can get one of the best passenger experiences in europe by the year twenty fifteen share a mess of a expects to increase traffic to thirty five million people and become the best in europe in terms of customer service with glittering arrival and trickles this is a. wonderful example of change in russia a massive reconstruction of the terminals is still in the way resulting in state of the officer or even plans for a third runway. a highly guarded locations and security
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is the priority but sometimes there is a chance to see what's behind the usually closed doors occasionally moscow sheremetyevo organizes the so-called plane spotting event. journalists and bloggers get access to their response part thanks for taking pictures of aircraft in action . just a cross-posting ampoules is popular in many of the world's biggest airports open their doors and access the runways to both amateur and professional photographers plane sponsors very much enjoy the opportunity and share their pictures with the whole world so everyone can have a closer look at the world of flying. expanding wishes aviation industry is paramount to the country's future. radical changes to aircraft fleet you terminals budget and lines infrastructure new technology and next time you pass through one of those cars and you too will see those dramatic changes and regardie entertainment but you want to learn to fly
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a simulator that will speak to the skies and the couple of stunt plane there are dozens of places that will satisfy planes and adrenalin lovers of ages in moscow one thing's for sure the sky is the limit. i just love them but of course me that's all the time we have on the program on the subject of flights so you get the same time next week and so that for me and the rest of the crew from the second runway here i'd fare best spare parts by now. great. comfortable. journey.
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so different but the. moscow. it's a life long dream for many many. months brave real loon is not enough to steer the ship malec hidden dearest and genuine love to the mother lands history are required. people who revive the ancient craft are sailing through the centuries on archie. in india the buildings the grand central shirts and the. polish president mubarak. which resulted beatrice will. go to go and haul her toe ridges cement her toe to toe toe. in the radio the lead up to the hotel's church and.
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baby her toes clearing collection among the clothes of the maidens hotels paul. robeson shift it was promised but they promise. is a martini of the missing link that you would call for an investigation into the death of colonel gadhafi after gruesome footage of the media fails to pinpoint exactly where or how the alsa david leader lost his life country's interim government claims he died of wounds sustained during his commentary of the city of sirte on thursday. and us western leaders fear the colonel stood by his claims of her trip there a secret believe that all people who spilled the beans about his current. dealings with the u.s. and its allies the libyan leader was for many years a major customer for western exports. labor unions call for more protests in greece as the parliament approves harsh cutbacks amid the mass chaos and
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violence across the country the best version of the government's latest attempt to stave off a debt default. or russian soyuz rocket successfully makes its very first foreign launch carried europe's new satellite navigation system on its way to rivalling america's g.p.s. . i'll be back in about fifteen minutes but first all the latest in sports for dimitri. you know there this is this tentative thanks for joining us and in the sports it. takes a braun's bits in rugby world cup semifinal is defeat wales twenty one eighteen to finish in the sports biggest international tournament. but so it's homecoming rushes jim the owner of the pawn they were turned from the artistic
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world championships the place finish remains a sore point. and just to warm you up for the busy weekend in the russian premier league had our traditional goals go all addition. so the biggest rugby match for four years gets underway on sunday new zealand versus france in the twenty eighteen world cup final australia and wales have already finished their battle for the bronze medal a celebratory cock. ending seven thanks to an early draw from barry bonds but shane williams was brilliant and up and down for the break to give the broad blades their last promise making a difference for spotting them early twenty eight twenty one eighteen and it quiets out qualifying their best. finish last in our. new zealand and france will meanwhile decide the best under the what comes in sunday's final
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house the all blacks keep the same line up for the semifinal win of australia against a clear underdog opponent so the pressure is on the coase and coach graham henry to avoid a shock and seal only their second world cup since nineteen eighty seven. this french team we're not sure who's going to turn up quite frankly and so we've got a piece of that got me the place in the world. and certainly got the individuals to do that it's just whether they can produce that it's a side and. or wait is it that paid well and they're very focused and they're enjoying the underdog tag. the n.b.a. lockout talks between tim elena's and the players' union same tobago in no way thursday's latest talks again breaking down the league second and come on saying he recognizes the damage done with two weeks' worth of regular season games already having been scrapped our discussions did break off earlier this evening
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i think from the n.b.a. standpoint and from our labor relations committee we felt we made several significant compromises proposed compromises an attempt to get a deal done we understand the ramifications of where we are we were sad and we have to be game we recognise that we're disappointing millions of fans not just in the united states. internists fear as an arrow is trying to make it into the kremlin's cup semifinal state seed russian is going to pull together to make it simple slovakia us and i know it took the opening set six four but lost the second by the same scoreline in the decider it's four opponents to enter this night is already through to the last four as the french were patrol that were tied to the language and. also helped to advance into the senate that play later today. in the men's
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game american qualifier jeremy chargin needed early two sets to stand on phillip paul shy but packing another american alex but from all of this now taking on troitsky nicola detect and metres from the play they call one of matches late. ever to emerge appear now where spanish. dross has dominated during practice for the malaysian grand prix the so honda rider was the fastest at sepang national circuit in all the conditions to draw circle the better of his teammate and newly crowned world champion casey stoner the honda team were not lies the leading positions their absence of the house of the renter the sidelined due to an interest suffered last week in australia. now the russian artistic gymnastic team have been ordered on their return to more scuba countries sports chiefs raising concerns about the judging at the recent world championships in tokyo russia finished third behind
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china and the united states for a month course or if not takes up the story. only thirty three thousands of a point separated russia's viktoria comal from the american world champion jordan weaver the tears were flowing out of despair after the judges awarded her just enough to win a silver medal in the women's all around final the three time junior olympic champion camilla already had a senior world championship medal at this event in an even bohr's. that feat despite not being in thought shape after an injury is expected to be one hundred percent at the olympics in two thousand and twelve weeks or a coma will present a real threat for the rest of the competition. we still have a lot of work to do on our basic skills and flawless execution but we did really well overall and all of us are ready for london men's team captain anton gold suits golf was quite happy with his partner's performance after all four out of seven gymnasts were experiencing in major senior events for the first time he won an
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individual silver medal in the vault while russia only managed a fourth place in the team event however on dawn feels that the guys were robbed of a bronze world championship medal which we did great and i think our performance deserved a bronze medal but the judge's decision was unfair or it will be different to lympics where the judges will not be able to take away points from us so blatantly russia's national team coach on that he already won in call believes the issue is not with any one particular judge it's rather a systemic problem a solution to which is way overdue it's not a mistake because the opinion just is but it has been chipped binion it's still paying the difference between them so i have to this and visible difference of course will work better but i'm sure olympic games will have to grow with teams like. and of course we'll be subjected refereeing is nothing new with artistic jim
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. six clark from the only sport where certain decisions seem controversial the issue is now under a close watch by russia's sports authorities and the country's sportsmen assert it's all in what's called promised to discuss it with the head of the international gymnastics federation. of the world i'm certain that the i.o.c. should pay close attention to such things and we have to speak with all the nations that sponsor major sports and make sure that objective refereeing is in place for everyone involved this is global problem and not just in gymnastics. while it looks like once again we will be looking forward to not just a political event of the upcoming olympics in london but unfortunately also all the drama that will surround the judging in the last object of events at the games room on call sorority moscow. now a football game with twenty eight of their russian premier league gets underway on saturday with three games taking place across russia. back from tomorrow having
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a rest of today's games in the european cup so a chance for the chase and back to that point in the game of the day will save all that taking on. terror in the chechen capital. place and to take on the other. and just for there with canada had all the goals scored during the previous game week so enjoy our traditional goals addition. luck lenora. luck lists
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list the luck lists lists lists
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. lists. the slug. live. live. live. live. live.
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live i know more sports news from around the globe for. what is next but now. there is that so much. different. countries this is. our.
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i think. the missing a link of the un calls for investigations of the death of colonel gadhafi after gruesome footage of the media fails to pinpoint exactly when or how the ousted libyan leader lost his life. and as russ readers cheer the colonel somalia's claims emerge that they're secretly relieved gadhafi won't be spilling the beans about his previous dealings with the u.s. and its allies. labor unions call for more protests in greece as a problem approves harsh cutbacks amid a mass chaos and violence across the country. or russia has so.


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