tv [untitled] October 21, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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the missing link the u.n. calls for an investigation into the death of colonel gadhafi after gruesome footage in the media fails to pinpoint exactly when or how the else did libyan leader lost his life. we came. back he died. as western leaders cheer the colonel's demise claims emerged secretly relieved to get that he won't be spilling the beans about his previous dealings with the u.s. and its allies. labor unions call for more protests in greece as the parliament approves harsh cutbacks amid mass chaos and violence across the country. and also this hour a russian soyuz rocket successfully makes its very first for north carrying europe's new satellite navigation system on its way to rivalling america's g.p.s. . and business investors are looking forward to be viewers the bailout fund discussion will there be passed relief we'll find out in business in twenty minutes
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. international news and comment live from moscow this is good to have you with us this hour libyans are celebrating the end of the colonel as they turn a new page in their country's history the interim government says gadhafi was taken alive in the city of sirte only to die later from wounds inflicted during his capture but some are now questioning that claim with the u.n. human rights office even calling for an investigation into could have his death have a bennett has more into his report contains graphic bloody images of the country. this frenzied mob is about as far as it gets from a trial at the hague. for the death of gadhafi is now being cheered around the world yes we came we saw our guide. but even by those who
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champion democratic justice. people in libya today have an even greater charles after this news of building themselves a stroll and democratic future i'm proud of the role that britain has played in helping them to bring that about and i pay tribute to the bravery of the libyans who've helped to liberate their country we will help them we will work with them a long way from cameron's insistence they could definitely be put on trial and to see fighters were even dissuaded from a shoot to kill policy and bring in august bill taking a line i don't think it'd go particularly for trial. in any case but i mean nevertheless the what is basically i guess a kind of summary execution of what may well have been a summary execution is a kind of fairly barbaric into what i believe was a very proper operation from the start and as a side you know this was not this was never supposed to be about regime change this
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nato operation but that's that's really what's been the outcome of the backslapping has been fuelled by this gruesome footage of it that these bodies splashed across headlines pleaded for world and people power is not going to be put back here in libya thanks to the u.s. and its nato allies this video shows could actually was still alive when captured clearly didn't last long some suggest an execution and question why this is now being applauded he was assassinated after he was caught when the this is a very heavy us crime against a one hundred man and the public will see it as such i've talked to people who dislike the iraqi who dislike. the way he was killed they think that this those are something of the moral of the of the so-called revolutionaries this is also shared by many on twitter there are several posts here already concern about the coverage questioning the need for such graphic images and why the bapi is there the danger
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or not is being reported with such jubilation the images have been labelled her if in this tweet says the b.b.c. wouldn't have used the images for anyone else another suggestion although having a competition sally bercow a prominent activist in the u.k. says she sees where the same wasn't done for bin laden back then obama refused to release the images saying it could incite more violence or be used as propaganda for gadhafi the vultures are too quick other than its arty. goes raise questions surrounding the circumstances of colonel gadhafi his death russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov says nato his role in the incident should face scrutiny along with the alliance his entire mission in libya largely he has more. poor minister said bad smaller qaddafi's regime as long lost its legitimacy but moscow will be pushing for an international investigation to be held looking into the circumstances of. his death since. the videos
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published and spread across the world from libya show that the international war may have been violated since there are various international human rights conventions including the geneva convention which clearly state that all prisoners of war have to be dealt with special attention have to be provided with medical aid if they are in need of it and these videos don't really show if one want to go that he was given this necessary assistance russia also says that he will be pushing for is russia to be sure looking into nato has a role in this entire operation as what the footage shown on t.v. proves that he was captured alive and wounded and after that he was killed and later there were reports that a convoy carrying macondo was attacked by nine hundred planes and after that the rebels captured members of that convoy and it has been repeated numerous times that
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nato claims are only have a u.n. mandate to ensure a no fly zone over libya and the convoy wasn't posing any threat to civilians on the ground and could be a legitimate target sorry nato actions pose a number of questions as well alliance members also stressed that when they began the campaign in libya the goal was to protect civilians and not to get rid of gadhafi but now they're saying different things saying maybe achieve their goal in libya although the u.n. security council never set out with such goals it's not only russia but the united nations also wants to see. to be held to looking into the circumstances off got a fuse death definitely go a lot of questions at the moment which need answering but russia also says that it will be closely monitoring watching hell the situation unfolds in libya now hoping that the new of tories will be able to build a proper effective political system in the country and of finally bring peace to
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the libyan people. one of colonel gadhafi sons would tarsem was also captured alive in sirte only to be declared dead shortly after libya's interim government claims he also died of his wounds but the latest video we're showing you now clearly shows that the late doesn't get up smoking a cigarette as he leans against a wall and then he simply traits sprawled out on the floor completely lifeless well let's get some more reaction now on those latest developments there in libya with journalist and author returns he thanks very much indeed action for being with us here on r t now get up he's gone so is this the start of a new era for a free libya. new era well if it's anything like the what we've been seeing over the last few days or like how hillary clinton put it in your headlines what sort of era is it going to be north of the nine hundred thirty s. and economic crisis as we've seen world powers act like this in
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a killing a prisoner of war is an international crime i presume the international criminal court will be quarterly or as of all those major leaders who are responsible for this because we've got to remember there were special forces were there there were special forces from britain and so forth with the busy trying to protect the prisoners of war so how do you see. for libya what's going to happen now in the immediate future. well libya a very rich country relatively small population under gadhafi his rule. a life expectancy of any country on the continent a free health care system a educational system that when free education to tertiary level that one of the lowest in for mortality rates and one high street if you capitalist of the continent you know that you're presuming your liberalism will be brought to libya or will be attempted to be brought because we've got to remember that there are also islamist factions there in libya as well we can assume the libyan population
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will learn what it is to move in a capitalist country by all accounts there are many who were saying they didn't benefit from the oil revenues that's after all in those areas which were close to god he could have clown or indeed to tripoli and that was indeed the cause of this revolution and those of course are now saying this is a new start for them but are you seeing that there's going to be a lot more violence now retribution between those who oppose going after you know support of them and if that's the case should nato carry on with its presence there . well nature is there on the u.n. resolution ninety seventy three and if there are going to be threats to civilian populations surely they should still be there i think is the russian foreign minister implied so again lover of implied that the resolution was completely abused by the united states and its allies there will be a united nations resolution passed in quite a while that implies any sort of force i would assume now is china and russia will realize that they have to veto resolutions that even slight resolutions at the u.n.
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security council as for the future of easy nato won't be there but i knew of military forces of the bretton woods institutions for western oil companies seeking concessions that the world would have to look at the terms of the deal but i presume the terms of the deals we will companies will be rather better than they were be daffy and i also assume that lots of other contracts will have been done certainly the head of the national transitional council and his deputy said they intend to resign shortly and presumably they'll take good jobs let's quickly talk about the nature of their human rights office is now calling for an investigation in the way he got also the u.s. saying they would like an account are they just making what they seem to pretend to be the right sort of words and the right questions every step do they really care. bit late for the united nations human rights council in the beginnings of this war
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they relied on media reports and i hope to get on to the media manipulation of the war because they should have been relying on u.n. fact finding missions the u.n. human rights council report will look at the delayed and we'll see what happens as to what the americans think we saw what the you have and it would be us secretary of state thinks of the killing of prisoners of war and as has been said many times at least on some channels i will tell you that on the mainstream media and no one is saying that nato and its allies wanted good af we did one which is in bed and one safe al gadhafi who we don't know where he is at the moment they want him dead to really all him talking about his deals and he tried to turn his father's legacy what message does this send to other leaders under pressure i'm thinking of course of a sad in syria i think the message is clear around the world to any dictator get lots of w m d and there will get
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a free hug only blair and gave up his weapons of mass destruction the moral is the international forces actions international forces because all around the world is being viewed very differently major when are allies and those on the u.s. or germany will say it will. be saying look if you don't have the b. and b. we will we will contravene any internet or we will use whatever means necessary for our economic interests just finally be empty seats a transitional government interim government when do you expect to see elections conducted in libya under the banner of democracy. they said two years i think we're already seeing rather dangerous problems occurring in egypt at the moment as the united states seeks to show some power there. be no doubt that the americans
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european powers will be desperate to ensure the elections go the right way they have forewarned this of course because they didn't allow algeria to have free elections so those elections two years that in a way takes two years to organize elections in libya i guess population a country that's sizeable violation of london maybe and maybe it's a coastal balance that's always a little interesting to hear your thoughts actually i'm actually return to live there in london thank you very much indeed for joining us here on r.t. . other news now greek labor unions are threatening more strikes next week a day after the parliament passed a new round of austerity measures have advantage protests on the streets of athens and one hundred fifty thousand people came out in a two day national strike to voice their anger knotty sarah ferguson the greek capital. processes become a regular occurrence during free time the five things thing that's growing public.
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service there's a lot that means to the people here in the country has been cut wages by around thirty percent in most cases on top of that. the function of the public funding unemployment here in the country is cripplingly high within the emergence of a new generation of homeless these nurses pretty decent have affected everyone here in great. i can. hear. that good. and. you come up close sound five hundred of the nice one of the people who will fight peacefully because we want our lives conned by. the young and the o's and people from all walks of clique life joins the today protest the largest police is seen since the crisis began one and they say violence to be true for christmas eve riots and it wasn't to be the anger once again boiling
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aver with fights breaking out not just with the police but amongst the protesters from cells greek society is facing a social disaster for the past two years we've received austerity package after austerity package people are beyond third breaking point they cannot stand it anymore. he was in leaders had announced an agreement an arrestee policy would be decided as a nice summit this week and that's now been pushed back in its internal disagreements yes now the play to the credibility that they continue to search and so they can provide a solution. so what people are going to are becoming poorer and poorer they're seeing public sector services hospitals schools universities they're phasing out i mean stream deterioration of their living state of their living conditions and it's not just the protesters with an appetite for change they've of
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eight was eventually passed and top government officials did a pays when opposition then the saying he favored in asia it was now struggling with his conscience he's not the only one speaking to police major after the protest at the start of the month tell me the pressure t. for the riot police involved in these events. it is very hard to describe the feelings of the policeman because there are two a social and professional group of course often bring their comical measures to the government has to take sometimes it is really hard for them to to part of these protesters of working people once more they had to take to the streets to protest is even days he wanted to make their points peacefully the rest and yet in the i think it's going to be watching this very closely because this isn't just a problem that affects great situation it affects the entire year right so you can see what the people in the country right now are willing to pay for that have. the
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people here are going to have to wait a while longer see if anyone's now be ready to listen. let's talk more on the greece and eurozone debt crisis with economic analyst and author michael ross he's in berlin the greek parliament has passed new austerity measures but what it actually be able to implement and considering those intense protests we're seeing from what looks like the majority of the population there in greece. i mean economically they have to put in these assertive measures but austerity measures always hard hearted people the people have to suffer. for the from the mystics politicians made in the recent years they had a big party everybody saw it coming exactly people know they have to pay the price and that price will be very very hard i hope that greece will not fall apart or goal more into where you kill solutions but michael can you quickly explain why you
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think austerity measures are necessary surely austerity measures actually restrict economic growth and that's what you need at the moment. you have no idea not any other choices. but to install authority measurements so i mean if your neighborhood is over there if you want to. help him is it a solution to give him more money is it not a better solution to see that his neighbors helping him by restructuring and seeing if you have made some mistakes greece's neighbors who want to keep on giving out yet more money we see many of those eurozone members miffed at the fact that having to bail out those economies that's been propagated but therefore would it be better just to throw grace out of the eurozone. this is totally not possible at the moment i think many economical advisers have
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a wrong view on it the only one who can pull out of the euro zone is germany germany has to pull a lot and bet it would produce a grade we leave along the southern hemisphere if greece for example would pull out it would still have to get in euro and that means thirty new greek currency will be evaluated and the europeans will be still there they will appreciate it so they're in double trouble if germany would pull out and it would be the other way round you have a relief in the zone and germany could live with a higher currency so you suggesting that is the actual solution for germany to pull out of the year is there in effect for the eurozone to collapse. in my opinion it's a solution but germany cannot politically do this if germany would do this it would mean more or less a declaration of war and everybody knows that because they need germany they need the savings of germany in order to make the euro will survive and that what
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brussels is doing and planning now is nothing else and nothing less than why not to create a second but printing money in the central banks are seanie central banks like e s if s.f. and that means at the end we will have an inflationary tendency but it will end in a hyper inflationary supernova like we hated it already in germany in one thousand nine hundred twenty three and this is what also german politicians at the moment realize and this is also the reason why it is so difficult to find a common solution in order to cope this crisis so that for this division there is no unity amongst the politicians in europe isn't it the politicians fault this is happening rather than the bankers and big business. i mean at the end of the day it's a politician's fault the euro is a bully is he result of politicians is
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a political weight will to create this current this common currency but the fact that it was ill constructed and it couldn't work right from the beginning was clear what was clear right from the beginning no yana most everybody saw it coming it is very very difficult at the moment to solve this. problem in my opinion you can only divide the year all the northern countries and the southern countries and you create kind of northern europe but this is not work or school once the once a power having the ural means having power and i don't want to lose the power so all we will go all into this boat and then the boat will sink and we will all go under after one or two years or so is that what you're predicting for the outcome of this eurozone leaders meeting on sunday in brussels although they won't actually set reading between the lines you're saying we're all going to be jumping onto a sinking boat and there's actually no solution and this is this is exactly this what they wanted i mean it's another question if germany could survive alone if
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they pull out of the euro but on the other hand everybody knows that this boat is already seeking you to town eke is sinking and the orchestra is still playing this is a situation that we have of them at the moment you cannot solve the debt crisis by producing more debt at the end everybody will be drowning everybody will go under and this i see coming in one or two years year in the eurozone but also in america because there are lots of objects to gloomy picture you paint but it's still good to talk to you thank you very much michael ross economic analyst and author talking to us live there in berlin always a pleasure to talk to you thank you. well europe has successfully launched some good news from europe and healthfully is actually successfully launched its first satellite navigation system into space using a russian soyuz rocket as a carrier he made satellites will later become part of galileo and that's a system promising to rival america's g.p.s. technology in artie's daniel bushell witnessed the launch from the space base in
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the tropics a historic moment for office space program with the first takeoff of village interests in the west despite torrential rain which began just poised minutes before liftoff everything went perfectly as planned there were cheers from the crowd as they want to look at roy's into the sky it was second time lucky with the launch postponed for twenty four hours after the european side reported a minor valve problem in its ground operation just a few hours before liftoff europeans here have been full of praise for the hundreds of russian engineers who've worked through the night to make sure everything goes well it cuts the root of a unit goshi asians to get so used to it spaceport here in french guyana in the middle of the south american rain forest they've cleared one hundred twenty hector's of jungle so the soyuz can recreate as exactly as possible the conditions that it's broken or base going to so many successful soyuz launch is it comes as
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the united states retires much of its space launch program the world increasingly relies on russia and its work it launches for travel it's been an exciting time for many foreigners who get to see the celebrity launch a close up for the first time. well i was our correspondent daniel bushell there reporting from french guyana we've got the business news coming up shortly but first let's check out some world news in brief this hour justice caught on to the cross syria after friday prayers calling for the end of president assad's regime and cheering the death of former libyan leader moammar gadhafi. people were killed after security forces opened fire trying to disperse demonstrations in the cities of hama and ongoing uprising in syria started in march and is claimed the lives of an estimated three thousand. washington as water pakistani leaders that they will act unilaterally if necessary to end the militant threat the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton says the country will face serious consequences
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if he continues to tolerate safe havens for extremist groups relations between the two nations deteriorated after the u.s. killed osama bin laden on pakistani soil something is now about slanders a breach of its sovereignty. to tackle insurgents bin years especially her cunny network responsible for a series of recent attacks in neighboring afghanistan and i'll bring you the recap of our top stories we in a moment that'll be after the business update with. how long's a very well welcome to the business program the e.u. leaders say the eurozone bailout fund discussion on sunday would be followed by a second meeting to later then later than wednesday to global investors are anticipating the currency union to increase the chance type power to fight the crisis it's not a creepy far from releases capital is sure the decision won't be as fast as many
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expect. i think that the starter with european birth will be warm people are priced a lot of positive staff before it is me but i don't think that there will be break for. seventeen nations trying to have the one. they will always be december at least one. a quick look at the markets european stocks rallied on friday of course the makers discussed unleashing one point three trillion dollars in funds to help contain the euro area's debt crisis as they seek to break a deadlock between germany and france the russian markets are high as you can see the country still makers rebounded and commodity demand won't be heard by europe's debt crisis let's take a look at some of the individual show moves in the my sights and also clinical last one percent on speculation the governmental commission is going to check whether it's four and a half billion dollar buyback is in line with the russian legislation call him
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a job gains a point two percent it was the company's last day in the russian market it's moving the listing to losers starting from that sweet telecom end of the month the first before was that the company's considering a buyback of its shares from the market. today was quite a while for i'm very i mean drugs in the market remained the same for quite awhile i mean questions or almost every market is spent whether the european officials will agree on measures to break the big crisis in course else or they're questioning whether the european central bank will provide additional liquidity to the banks in respect sold for different types of pressure but security which until the square shines on visual markets remains unpredictable. the russian government aims to invest opposite two hundred twenty billion dollars to develop energy in the country's continental shelf commerce tom de lay says the investment
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just close to come by. in the next twenty years with one seventh to be provided by the federal budget the government is struggling to improve the efficiency of cost but top to reach to close its it hopes and milk production from the shelves will make up one sixth of the country's current oil output and two thirds of the gas which the major russian shelf because of simpler settling fills in the pacific i'm stuck on in the opposite. that's all the business from all your up to date stories .
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