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tv   [untitled]    October 21, 2011 4:31pm-5:01pm EDT

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custom for western weapon exports. labor unions call for more protests in greece as the parliament approves harsh mass chaos and violence across the country the new measures of the government's attempts to stave off a debt default. and a russian soyuz rocket successfully makes its very first foreign launch carrying europe's new satellite navigation system on its way to rivalling america's g.p.s. . be back with more news for you or comment in less than half an hour from now in the meantime we set sail through a russian naval shipyard to see the ancient craft of timber boat building. in our special report next here on alt. petra's of all it's because a city on the bank of lake in russia's northwest. saw peter the great found it in the early eighteenth century as
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a supply base for the russian navy today just one of the leading centers the wooden boat making. tons of books. roger laps and turning to pour some of the. cheesy island just a short distance from the trees of old school nothing has changed in the past two hundred years. the island looks like an open m.e.c. and. once a year it becomes a meeting point with vessels to belong to a bygone era. puzzle mark to call set up a private shipyard more than twenty years ago. since then the shop has been crammed with wooden boats even under construction already for sailing. for pavel each
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launch is an exciting and festive occasion. the shipyards owner is unlikely to ever get bored with sending vessels on them maiden voyage. joy it's their success for the wooden boats have been built throughout human history three years here and i don't see any reason why we should ever stop making them. after all was the only building material that actually has a life of its are still true. today in a boat which was built on the request of a group of scientists it will help researches muster universities biological station situated by the white. of son of part of his back in his hometown of petra zawacki following the trip to st petersburg educated as an engineer he spent a good deal of time there in the libraries he was looking for suitable blueprints
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for a new project. technical expertise and the experience of a historian but equally important these kind of ship building. the great founded petra's of old skin seventeen o three literally a month after he established st petersburg. created for the purpose of manufacturing cannons and cannon balls for the fledgling russian navy. however peter didn't build wooden boats here on his ship yards where elsewhere. there are several private shipyards and. they operate just like the ones owned by the mach two calls. and says it times a local plant built wooden minesweepers for the navy it was shut down in the one nine hundred ninety s. but some of the stuff when fuz yes taken off to set up businesses of their own moreover they passed their interest in wooden boats on to their children. are we
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going to make the steering or. the boats quite small so let's take a look at design forty five. it is. what a. nice overlook. i think for us we should take this design forty eight where it's a bit smaller the construction is the same as for two. months this has come to petra zawacki from the volga region he has ordered the construction of replicas of russian boats dating back to ancient times the monk keeps a watchful eye on the progress of the work. ring will be here. and ten dollars over that. are you going to cover it up there's no this stays open at this level of that it should be covered up. you know you'll get access through this
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opening. it will this be closed. that will be open you'll have a hard time getting anything through there if the hole is positioned to los. cabos shipyard stand side by side with the wall known by the demetrius. the st nicholas is about to set out from the payer of the arctic odyssey club victor demetrius sees off his son alexei. donkey lino with his side to reduce to strong. safety first. the st nicholas was built in petra's of all skin one thousand nine hundred one such boats were used by paul most people who lived on the russian coast of the white sea in the fifteenth through to eighteenth centuries similar boats to pummel merchants to every part of northern europe. over the past two decades maritime festivals made to st nicholas
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a familiar sight all the way from bergen and norway to bristol in britain. we sailed past france and norway which travelled across the northern seed to new castle. in england we've been in swedish and danish waters we've covered practically the whole of northern europe. the ship will cover some forty north to cool miles before it reaches keiji island by lake the new guy. nearly all local ship builders meet there once a year the key she regatta is a traditional boat race in russia's northwest it takes place on the first weekend of oldest. in the city skip the historical buddha is like a time machine when you get on board dressed up accordingly or even just wearing your regular clothes a bit you find yourself in the atmosphere of a life that is no more. to dmitri have built his first sailing vessel more than
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thirty years ago since then private enterprises have sprung up going to. defer it was called the pull more little army than bush was in one nine hundred eighty seven when we went to spins bergan aboard that vessel at that will get a foothold in we naturally we experienced first hand the pleasures of going to history boarded into each boat. film companies often turn to petrus of boats ship billed as. one of the scenes from the blockbuster pirates of the caribbean beach is a sailing vessel built puzzle much you called shipyard. pavel has warm memories of another occasion when he got a request from british filmmakers. of alpha rommel. well into the telephone call and the caller said he represented a film company would you. rather go to build some models for a film but he didn't say exactly which film it was going to be.
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shortly before the phone call pavel had read the hornblower a novel by the british author sessile scott forrest it was clear from the list of ships that he was being asked to do his bit for an adaptation of the book. going to go with it but he said reiser way though that it was about see battles cheering the napoleonic wars so were there no more to. serve even that small bit of information narrowed it down for us and forrester was the first name that sprang to mind to receive forward. the customers were impressed by the ability of petra's of old shipbuilders to identify the historical background by word of mouth alone the boats for the whole blow a sequel which will build in petra's of one two emmy awards. it's an old. building rowing boats as well as models was quite
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a challenge to force whether we had to handle a lot of archive material to be able to make english and french vessels. if you're a mom and we were also told that british audiences can be quite sophisticated. but they have no difficulty telling an industry it from a french one. into puzzles shipyard less than a year to build eleven replica vessels and four full scale rowing boats dating back to the late eighteenth century. the collingswood done by restores the keiji museum . yourself a year to complete the job and we build models with sales. and carvings. since. some of the ships launched in petrus or votes in the past years are already part of
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modern history a museum in the siberian town of circuit is playing with the idea of enriching its collection with a replica of a boat it was made in victor dimitri of shipyard in petra's avoids almost twenty years ago at the request of a russian film company. the vessel is an exact copy of a sixteenth century cost but. so you have replaced this part here yes excellent now the blanks here please. replica was featured in a film about the legendary. the man who conquered siberia. this is a natural will sew it up into four sections then separate it in the meat section and then put it all back together in the museum. sometimes victor and compete for clients on other occasions they combine forces on joint projects.
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one of the employees is showing the monk how the project is progressing. a song stylo good day i was a go and not mine everything's fine. have you finished in the deck cabin. let's install the gas tank here but maybe let's put it there we go. all the other equipment has been linked up. like the engine control. right now demetrius company is working on boats ordered by theodore to the monks idea was to use three replicas of ancient russian boats to retrace the waterway that links russia to the balkans in the eleventh century. life has lost that precious kernel that used to be at its very core the joys of creation
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learning and discovery is what we hope to be able to revive those values by organizing what we call the journey from russia to the land of the serbs. since then they turned to me to have has built some fifty vessels the shipyard launches new boats on a reg. a basis in petra's of victories known by the nickname admiral. some of the monks specially ordered boats are ready to test on the water accompanying the monk on his trip historical enthusiastic their aim is to reach the shores of keiji island to take part in a special performance. from
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the days of the manhattan project in one thousand forty two the university of california has been involved through the science of its provision and scientists and their relationship through versity you see since day one has been in charge of researching designing and testing nuclear weapons and to some extent producing weapons every single long clear weapon in cities arsenal was designed by university of california. we don't warm don't use. the university of california who was selected as the contract because the army needed scientists to leave their versity positions. a group of
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protesters interrupted a university of california board of regents meeting to demand the school's severed ties with the nation's nuclear weapons program. at the beginning of the season they ought to go to see shipyard that has launched to pall mall but. they have been ordered by the government of russia's northeast region of to cook which is less than one hundred kilometers from the sky. but your own mouth well why is the opposing blades will. be on shifted so it won't get in the way. the wind is picking up quickly it would. in the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries european explorers would busy looking for routes leading to asia and africa. meanwhile the russian
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counterparts explored the northernmost parts of the asian american continent the authorities of chukotka now want to send an expedition retracing those very roots as a reminder of the discoveries made by russian seafarers. there's just no forage around . seven such boats he set out from the arctic ocean and ended up in an a deer where the boats were taken apart while the expeditions members return to their base in yet on foot. seven replicas of pommel boats that you just set out on an expedition retracing the route only two of them have been built so far. they have been tried out in both the white sea and in two of europe's largest lakes. and lot of alexei vala boy but took part in both trials. at
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a friend's a completely unique experience it's nothing like what you're used to back in town you don't need to take ten calls or write five hundred emails a year you need to know how to set a sale in the nick of time or refloat your vessel if it runs aground well with all that completely changes your mindset and even helps you to find your purpose in life or for. the st nicholas to safely reached kishi island with tourists on board. tomorrow one of the main events of the year the kishi regatta will take place. here yeah hang the ladder up to the right side. seven old men from to cut are going to take part in the first key she regrets. they're building a traditional church she cut back on
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a nearby island. these days to use only small car yards for hunting at sea but in the old days large kayaks like this one were used for to hunt for whales and walrus like. this one here is the bee gaia. and six companions spent more than two days on that journey from to cut cut to keep they traveled by f train and steamboat the team had brought with them one hundred fifty kilograms of war skin which they were going to use to make a boat but they were in for a disappointment at the end of that journey. unfortunately. because we didn't stored properly. nevertheless the churchy craftsman managed to find an alternative. they replaced the natural skin of a common chook she wore us with plastic. kayak was ready to use
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a day before the race. so we turn it around no will turn around when we get to the water. she is an island on lake an egg and. here is a unique museum of would not the texture. the collection includes dozens of structures some of them are more than two hundred years old. one of the buildings dates back almost five hundred years. more recent structures are found on the coast guard such as appear to visitors. but for the most part the island looks just like it did one hundred fifty years ago. outsiders can only come here either as tourists or as participants in the t.g. regatta which is held once a year. the participants in the balkan expedition being organized by
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a monk clip to insist on historical friend to city their sporting armor and learning how to wield mediæval weapons. wooden boats and sailing vessels standing side by side with three hundred year old wooden churches strengthen the illusion of a journey to the times when timber was the principal building material here. that's another of our traditional. russian i could texture reasoning this is because the main constructions have been made without. peasants so to make do without because they cost a lot of money. that artists such roofs for instance were part of the church's.
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bonds of houses and the like adi barney. this is the source of the legend claiming that the keys e churches were built without a single nail in the in reality only the walls and roofs were made without using nails they were indispensable church. nowadays children play with building blocks know only too well how the walls were built this technique makes restoration much easier damaged parts of the transfiguration church of being gradually replaced since two thousand. now the church is almost suspended in the air because of the restoration work on its foundation. this to begin with we needed a good foundation the lower part was taken away to be restored we put up
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a new stance and disassembled part of the church this is the lifting system a complete with lifting jacks. it works just like this. so through with and with but this means that the building as such doesn't get in the way as we work on the foundation says it's just a fundamental. one of the first bell ring isn't post communist russia is cycling briskly to make sure he reports for work on time. these hundreds the bells and three of the t.g. church for almost two decades there are only a few places in the world where the sound of bells can spread far and wide without echoing off of the surface since it is impossible to confuse the chime of bells with any of. this everything here now is just as it
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was in the eighteenth and nineteenth century there's no noise of the kind you find in the city. today the bell sound as they did a hundred or two hundred years ago because they're not drowned out by noise. and the water also helps the chinese travel over long distances. china is different depending on whether the secular holiday is being celebrated igor who says that villages sometimes even danced to the sound tells. us that this is an improvised nation on the theme of best of choice but i mean normally this stall is not intended for people marching in a religious procession or rather it's adopted to the stroke of an old. think that. it is only natural that chime from the belfry signals the start of the keys.
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thirty participants. three. additional wooden boats and modern sports but each category has a subgroup with the number of all xmen ranging from one to six. after a brief deliberation the panel of judges decides to class the true cheek kayak as a traditional timber but. stroke one stroke. stroke free stroke for. the races are expected to cover one nautical mile with each boat going at its own pace as a rule half an hour is enough for even the slowest but. even over that short distance accidents still happen the rudder of the. brakes. the rudders come loose. harder stroke one. stroke.
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stroke free. but neither the tiresome journey the ruined wall riskin all the failed . of the other can stop the check races they take first place in that category with a record sixty minutes and forty seven seconds. stroke for stroke five strokes six strokes seven. son of the ship builder from petra zawacki has taken part in the p.c. regatta for the first time his vessel in the modern sports by category came second many generations of people to call his ancestors lived on the shores of the lake. another key easy regatta has come to an end. guests and participants
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bid farewell to one another and prepare for departure. the kishi rules astringent everybody with the exception of museum staff is required to leave the island before eight pm. to send nicholas to say goodbye to everybody by firing a shot from its cannon. the boat's crew gets ready for another voyage. and see people are put to the test and it soon becomes abundantly clear what sort of person they are. is notorious for its character selling there is sometimes more treacherous than an open water indeed locals often regard it as a see how strong is the way in westerly wind ten meters per second roger. the
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crew of the cent because he set sail for the lake. pass in the book. are you frightened no not yet. it's. called the rudder. the fool they reach home they will have to cover some fourteen multiple miles through rough waves.
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sure is that so much as a lot of people will listen. to for roughly fifty occupy protests occurring in eighty two countries worldwide this is a global protest movement with state power. the
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missing link the un calls for an investigation into the death of colonel gadhafi off the gruesome footage in the media fails to pinpoint exactly when or how the else did libyan leader lost his night. became very sorry that he died but that. was western leaders cheer the colonel's demise claims emerged that secretly relieved to get death he won't be spilling the beans about his previous dealings with the u.s. and its. labor unions call for more protests in greece is the parliament approved compaq's amid mass chaos and violence across the country our top stories this hour .


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