tv [untitled] October 21, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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either time for tonight's poll time award and tonight it goes to a louisiana lawmakers they apparently cash is a king in the state mean more. cold hard cash it's good everywhere you go right you can use it for anything for anything but that's not the case here in louisiana now it's a law that was during this year's. that's right in the state of louisiana the legal tender of the united states is no longer welcome everywhere they can no longer be used in buying and selling goods and second hand dealers and louisiana h.b. one ninety five was signed into law by the governor on july first but businesses and residents are just learning about this issue and was so proudly written that
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has everybody can see it's for example let's listen to a line in the bill that defines a secondhand dealer it's anyone other than a nonprofit entity who buys or sells trades in or otherwise acquires or disposes of junk or used or secondhand property more frequently than once per month from any other person other than a nonprofit entity shall be deemed as being engaged in the business of a second hand dealer what so if you are a yard sale for two days that makes you a second hand dealer flea markets sound like you're totally out of luck as you can imagine this new law has business owners pretty upset basically house bill one side says those who buy and sell second hand goods cannot use cash in those transactions and it flew so far under the radar that most businesses don't even know about it we're going to lose a lot of business. and all of this cash transaction if you take it away from us i mean it's an everyday transaction all right so why on earth would a state want to ban cash transactions and we have enough of
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a credit problem in this country well lawmakers say that it's their way of cracking down on criminals who traffic in still the goods. the bill is told the clintons anything from copper to televisions in so doing for a quick buck having a paper trail would make it easier for law enforcement mechanism to be fully support you could be able to go on. ok so while i applaud lawmakers for trying to stop the sale of stolen goods they feel that they have to be banned citizens from freely using united states legal tender to anybody up or think this bill through and now the government wants an electronic way to track people who buy and sell anything more civil liberties flushed down the toilet but there's a bigger issue here to see this new law is once again going to target the poor a lot of them don't have debit or credit cards they live paycheck to paycheck and they often pay in cash so i guess the bear just getting screwed here so congratulations the easy out with the analog makers you actually started down the
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slippery slope in which the government can place restrictions on individuals trying to buy and sell their own private property and that's why we're giving tonight's tool time award to louisiana politicians who actually voted for this ridiculous law which targets the poor. and i was here all eyes have been focused on the texas prison system which is notorious for the number of executions carried out each year according to the death penalty information center the lone star state carried out seventeen executions the most out of any state just in two thousand and ten but fast forward to this year texas death row inmate lawrence brewer and broke his right to a last meal before he was set to die over brewer found a way to stick it to the man right before he was set to die by not eating a single bite of that huge final meal here two chicken fried steak a cheeseburger fried okra three status ice cream and barbecue peanut butter out of pizza and then three repairs to wash it down and he didn't touch any of it so
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now texas will no longer offer her death row inmates a special last meal. that's right rather than plaything that special last meal before a texas death row inmate dies he will now just eat whatever is on the regular menu that day and that's an issue for which there's some debate in this country to death row inmates deserve a special request or not let's talk about this new measure that's coming up now the state needs to cut two point eight million dollars from the two thousand and eleven budget for a criminal justice department state prison inmates are going to lose one of their weekend deals so rather than texas inmates receiving three square meals a day during the week and now they're just going to get two meals a brunch and an early dinner and this new eating schedule affects about twenty three thousand inmates and thirty six prisons and that's not the only way they're cutting costs milk is going to be replaced with powdered milk hamburger and hot dog buns will be replaced with slices of bread kind of gross doses in the first state to cut down to two meals a day similar weekend schedules are also place in ohio arizona and georgia and we
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should also note that texas has a law against keeping prisoners from eating three meals a day but that apparently only applies to county inmates not those of the state so it looks like they found a way to get around even the barest of protections for the state's prisoners and the a.c.l.u. is currently fighting this move saying if the food cutback is a violation of the federal constitution but if the behavior of texas in the past is any indication the think we know they're going to fight back because just when you think of the texas justice system can't get any worse it does as of killing the most people of any state this country isn't enough they will want to make sure that prisoners don't have to eat all for the sake of saving their budget maybe one day they'll realize that the criminal justice system cost so much because you lock so many people up but rather than take a look inward at your own policies they're just going to kind of deal. now recently we haven't heard too much from the activist collective anonymous except for their support for the occupy wall street movement that's going around the country but that hasn't stopped the government from labeling them
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a dangerous threat just this week the department of homeland security released a bulletin warning that anonymous that may be interested in crippling critical infrastructure and the news has caused a lot of news outlets report of the possible dangers of perhaps it is but where exactly is all that coming from our guest tonight says it looks more like a dire move to discredit and undermine anonymous by the government than analysis of a real threat so joining me from our studio in new york is dan kaplan executive editor of the magazine dan i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and if you can start by just telling us a little bit more about this bullet in that the department of homeland security put out do they have some kind of evidence some kind of proof as to why anonymous would target critical infrastructure sure but this was something that was circulated internally at department of homeland security and it appeared on a public website called the public intelligence website this week and to be honest with you it's really based on some sort of you know some pretty scant evidence around you know aligning anonymous with one to cripple critical infrastructure and
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you really need to take it with a grain of salt i think any kind of details any way you know what is there that evidence there has to be i don't know is there like an e-mail a tweet something in a chat room that was said. yeah well one of the big pieces of evidence is a tweet that i suppose that anonymous member posted giving some information to some reconnaissance work that he or she did into some of these control systems a particular piece of software to be exact and you know when you talk about the control systems and you know skater systems and these things that power industrial controls. power plants and that sort of thing a lot of the research community even the good guy researchers are poking at this stuff so everybody is looking at it because you know it's rather it's a rather new research area it's a lot of this stuff is getting connected now to the internet so everyone is really looking at it and the fact that one suppose
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a member of anonymous is looking at i don't think it's much of a deal big deal i'd say you're not buying that i'm in a homeland security's argument here in fact you think maybe they're just trying to discredit and and that's why they want to do that. i mean that's what it looks like i mean you have to you know you have to consider the motivation behind something like this right so the apartment of homeland security wants to discredit undermine subvert the actions of anonymous because anonymous has made no really about their distrust of government about their distrust of corporations and so it would make perfect sense to me for the department of homeland security to you know lean on something like critical infrastructure in order to sort of you know name and shame and get the public to be opposed to a group like anonymous now even when writing about this at least compared it somehow to the way that the government is going after waking beekman do you think that you are synonymous. i think so i mean again the both of those
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organizations certainly want to bring to light the corruption that may be taken place in governments within corporations and anonymous certainly has infiltrated a lot of organizations or launched an isle of service attacks making you on able to reach some of these websites of corporations and government agencies so it makes perfect sense the da just wants to sound the alarm that they're going after a critical infrastructure and that's really scary thing to do i think because when you talk about what scares the daylights out of people within the security industry people i talk to on a regular basis it's the possibility that somebody is going to break into critical infrastructure into power plants into oil and gas pipelines into waste water treatment facilities and things of the public really relies on to survive and do some serious damage so you know a lot of headlines this week you saw anonymous wants to critical wants to cripple critical infrastructure according to the h.s. and i think that's a dangerous road to go down i don't think anonymous is in the business of.
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disrupting human life if anything i mean given their support of wiki leaks and occupy wall street there are kind of a human rights organization now i think that you know they would like to see themselves that way to you in terms of who it is that they're standing out for and that would be for the most part the little guy for transparency doesn't seem to me like they would go after you know resources that everybody needs but i'm curious because you mention of course you know some of the style of the attacks and the things that anonymous has done including the tats and i had a conversation with you on this show with someone who thinks that those actually should count as protected speech the you can just consider it a virtual setting what's your take. i mean that's certainly a gray area and i think that's something that is going to come up and within the court system going forward i think the dangerous thing to do you know especially when you're talking about creating laws in stiffing penalties against these denial of service attacks is dangerous because a lot of people lying d.
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dos attacks with hacking in there are two entirely different things you're not actually breaking into a corporate network and pulling out data and that sort of thing you're simply sending a tool to shut down the ability for people to access web sites so they're two different things so i think it's important for lawmakers to understand the difference presented to as further the possibility that it could be considered a could be considered a digital sit in i think that's really interesting and i think it's something that a lot of people you know might be thinking it isn't is what it should be you know is in fact a sit in and i think that's something that's going to be you know determined possibly by the court system so yeah i think that we're definitely going to see that you know be carried out in the courts soon and maybe some of those questions will be answered down to thank you so much for joining us tonight and good to know least what the d.h.s.s. putting out there and whether it's not so much my pleasure.
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the kind that we have our friday and then i had a happy hour and then i think eighty think cobb actually the death of the last we're still waiting on the rapture thank you does not. thanks. to the police corruption i. think what a protester nobody seems to know. but never a pepper spray to face but already argument that they're being overly dramatic. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then
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mr. to tonight's. speech. this week we are blessed with a whole new boat load of statistics to show us just how dire the economic situation is in this country and just how to move our political establishment is from it all you see officially you will hear the recession ended last year but the millions of americans simply doesn't feel that way then those data released yesterday shows that poverty rates rose in two thousand and ten in almost every single state in the country in mississippi and in mexico more than one out of every five people are now living in poverty and remind you what living in poverty actually needs for
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a family of four that's just over twenty two thousand dollars to live on a year and here is an even more depressing thank you for you the depth of poverty also increased from twenty so that means when i was six point eight percent of people have incomes that are no more than half of that threshold or half compared about of course the back of the richest people in this country keep getting richer the bank bonuses are only getting bigger and you understand to this point this country isn't what it used to be the middle class is shrinking in a society where everybody can make it just doesn't apply anymore. the most striking contrast that we see is right here in washington d.c. so in this city where the most powerful people in the country gather more political decisions are made that affect not only americans but the entire world where poverty grounds that's here one in ten people had incomes that were less than fifty percent of the government's official threshold for what counts as poverty but here in nation's capital we also have the lowest poverty rate overall in the nation and
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that's thanks to those very wealthy suburbs that surround the city center say according to other figures provided by the census bureau washington d.c. is now the wealthiest u.s. metropolitan area to go house or earning more than eighty four thousand dollars a year and federal employees average more than one hundred twenty six thousand a year so now you can see a little better how big. the problem is how deep inequality runs in the fact of the biggest disparity of wealth here in the nation's capital. this is why it isn't often by movement it's rising up around the country because it's no longer a fair society because the government plays pave roads and surprise surprise those favorites are often the ones with the most rational throw their way along the street is definitely one of the biggest problems when you think of all the lobbyists for various corporations various industry defense contractors they're all based right here in washington and why would anybody care about poverty rising unemployment all across the us when it contracts flowing right here in washington d.c. and if you need any more proof of just how unconcerned your elected representatives
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are about the money take a look at the super committee gets five more weeks until their deadline for a plan and at least one point two trillion dollars they pick those negotiations completely secret and the only details that have leaked out from insiders is that they're not getting any growth they're stuck there in gridlock they haven't even decided on the basics like where to start they are in no rush to put the pieces of this country back together to help average americans get out of the gutter because in their view everything's going just fine you can't depend on a good nothing congress or the contractors the corporations that actually get something out of that congress to care it's time for americans to take this into their own hands and not the occupy wall street was the.
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time for happy hour and joining me this evening is archie producer jenny churchill and matt welch editor in chief of reason magazine and co-author of the declaration of independence thanks for your i mean i think you've got a generator joe already know you are. all you know. matching smiled. and it works when you have a lot to be smiling about because guess what the world was supposed to end today and it did and everybody i think you remember harold camping take a look at em. you. are three already harold camping because he told us a couple months ago the rapture was coming he was so sure those people like sold their homes took their kids to school. it was it's really really sad how many lives a bigger probably completely disrupted by the fact that the rapture didn't actually
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happen so according to harold camping the rapture is going again today and it i mean for people to stop believing him at some point if we have it like a time certain we have a certain moment when he was like kind of because he didn't want to. defend it in a lot of times. it's not over oh. yes. oh no get me a break the last time he said i was going to die. i think to the other thing that we need to know if the rapture didn't happen right now would we really know because i think we're all kind of sad here we're going to be left behind with her martinis. anyway. i'm not going to miss out on the rapture let's move on to something else that projection may have actually been kind of a fake prediction but kind of came true take a look at. this is from one nine hundred eighty seven matthew perry was that it was
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short lived this so-called was called second chance and it may or may not have predicted mark or off. thank you. it seems that you know. thank you oh come on you must come. the jokes and games. then you know it's going to die again this year it did and twenty eleven it was hard that clip didn't exactly go that mean right really it predicted that he was going to die at some point that's crazy oh and now you know that twenty eleven where you guys wait for a contradiction because at least now we would have people who actually look like moammar gadhafi that look like john sure. like the little bit like younger it could be though you don't think the sort of toll dangly contrasts you know you can never
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have and they're really you know he wasn't even mc hammer like there was in the green book in his hand green questions everywhere. clearly. if they would throw his here he would tell us that that was another thing that we could learn from the one nine hundred eighty s. but it's nothing today today predictions all the time. ok let's move on to pepper spraying thoughts so you know we've been covering i was removed one of the things that originally really got a lot of media attention because for a while they were just completely ignoring this was an incident where a police officer went up to a group of women in new york pepper sprayed them basically out of the blue it just seemed like a really vicious attempt at one time to just walk off and everybody saw this. pretty uncomfortable video take a look. all
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right so we have to remember of course that not every single cop is a bad guy and there are definitely bad thieves involved this guy really seemed like way and then now he basically has just confirmed that he's kind of an a hole he said that he's been he's been really tortured since this incident his name by the way is anthony baloney like me and. so he's really suffered since this incident because people been angry at him but he still believed that he used the proper amount of force and said he would do things the same way if given a second chance i hate him now i have had no reason to go out and pepper spray those girls they were corralled and he would like from all the accounts that i read he just walked up. and walked away it shows how totally out of whack police kind of protests have become i mean i've covered the last i think six major party
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presidential commission conventions right nominating conventions and i mean including in new york in two thousand and four there's two hundred thousand people marching in the streets against the war which is mediately forgotten but it's a pretty great deal of time and cops don't know how to act i mean there are people there are not armed you know they're not waving guns and. various people they might be annoying they might be insulting you or whatever but they're not threatening in any way at all and cops completely overreact we saw that the execution that happened already forgotten the guy's name because we have so many executions in this country troy davis right i mean they had complete like riot gear cops down there for something that was going to happen right yeah it's actually i mean something talks about a lot of the show about the militarization of police and it's really desire. but i have to say to me at this point it seems like that was clearly a plant in occupy wall street plants because there's no way that some will be as dumb and then tony. too much or immediately follow the loony well
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i hope so he's a plan not a real person that just really likes pepper spraying people let's talk about tennessee really quick because they have his brilliant idea that they want to expand the t.s.a. take it out of just their airports and also make it to their interstates. we've known t.s.a. agents are on the interstates fighting terrorism we've visible interim only prevention and response or viper operations the tennessee highway patrol is checking trucks with drug and bomb sniffing dogs during random inspections. i'll tell you why those cracks we have lawyers about this morning are like this tendency to really have a huge terrorism problem there why does everyone sitting down and those are immigrants so i can see the other passing anti shari'a legislation now they have to expand the t.s.a. like i didn't realize that it was kind of all law all homeland security money like this has just been overall disproportionately spent in places were no terrorist is ever going to go i mean it's a it's
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a way for local police agencies to get fancy quickly being the perfect example of that well and also i will note that all kind of people would blend in really well with the people in the appalachians. ok you know you got a lot of europe we showed you like kind of a campaign ad from a girl the other week now take a look at this baking hat czech republic. you know i wish banking was like that for me you know every every day it's you know they're like oh now i'm fairly baking in the czech republic is every day orgasmic awesome experience you'll strangely triumphant right now powerful after having watched the czech republic is the best country in the world i think this is proven
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again when i used to live there they had a political party called the friends of beer where their program was to serve a few beer and every rally had like topless girls having a beer so. great country this is a commercially punkah commercial but by. that would be the name of it but you know i know you're not showing you're not sure you're the male version or is there an obvious larger than the male version just far away it wasn't as sexy but i don't know karen lee when the banks grew in the czech republic it actually feels good thank you i have a great weekend will be sold i'm going to but he starts hitting him make sure you can back on monday we're going to bring you the latest on occupy wall street movement it's spreading across the country i mean time don't forget you can a fan if you want to show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's or any other night you can stash you tube last a lot of shell and coming up next to me.
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a story and it seems so poorly you think you understand it and then you've lived something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything is ok . i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. more news today violence is once again flared up the families are the images. from the streets of canada. operations or the day. to come. after nearly.
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