tv [untitled] October 21, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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finally be willing to give him some credit for his foreign policy achievements the friday big picture rubble panel will take on that issue and much more after the break. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions completely break through the sort of people who can you trust no one who is in view with a global mission it's only hurting state controlled capitalism it's called satchels we know the deal is to read you are a key question more. are
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you ready to rumble it's friday night so that means it's time for the weekly news rubble here on the big picture on our panel tonight brian darling contributor to human events red state dot com big government dot com and director of government studies at the heritage foundation but the benjamin coder co-founder of code pink and global exchange and jamie weinstein senior editor at the daily caller let's get started last night the republican proved that they'd rather protect millionaires and billionaires then have four hundred thousand teachers cops and firefighters on the job fifty votes this actually got fifty votes which is a majority in the senate if you if you believe. the vice president former vice president cheney the by. president
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a member of the senate was actually one hundred one members it could have passed in the fifty votes could have passed but the republicans said no we're going to obstruct this as a consequence the president said the second time in two weeks every single republican in the united states senate as chosen to obstruct a bill that would create jobs and get our economy going every american deserves an explanation as to why republicans refuse to do what's necessary to create jobs i think the explanation is really clear they're trying to crash the economy right that's that's what you guys are totally up to one it's not clear it would have no clue we would have passed tester and prior said they voted to have it go to the floor to vote but to break the filibuster but they weren't sure they were going to vote for it number two is that if you think you can you can pay for these things every time by just taxing the millionaires this is an impossibility this this was one half of one percent and it wasn't even a tax on the first million dollars it was a tax on the first dollar after you make a i don't i don't see how they can give you i don't know i can't justify it tom i
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think they're crazy at or not i don't understand why they think that that will get them both among the electorate i mean you look at polls people want to tax millionaires they also tend to like and when you're a mother and you see a fifty students in the classroom you might think it is good to have more teachers and the right friends you your party and it's of political suicide you know i think my party is doing a good thing for america because the first stimulus didn't work this stimulus isn't going to sort of three million jobs since obama was inaugurated the economy's lost two million jobs unemployment at a loss of live millions if we hadn't had the first. contract that consensus of a lot of those voices because those are good liberal economists go above eight percent but it's important to know that you're saying that oh the republicans blocked it in the senate the fact of the matter is is that it wasn't going to pass the house anyway so even if it passes senate it was going to pass the house and there's a constitutional process of there. publicans in the house are going to block something
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then the democrats in the senate should just say yeah let's go let's go home we know wasn't going to this is all a political exercise i mean the president all symbolic to show that you guys just love millionaires and you wanted to go with this idea this syntax millionaires because everybody wants to be a millionaire this is the billionaires the job creators we don't like tax reasons all of this is this is the this is ridiculous and if you're wondering because education start with the teachers' unions steve jobs where we're learning now in the new book about to be released he complained about he's going to see islington jobs did so your status of teacher unions if you're giving a temporary aid to teachers for one year what's going to happen next year so this is really to keep these teachers that you suggest you've got to make a tenure bill work with ten times that if you put four hundred thousand people to work and you put enough money in their pocket that they've got a decent pay for a year let's say it's a year that's going to stimulate the economy people are going to buy things from the local stores are going to buy things from local small business people who are
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going to be site here's another one like this the billionaire millionaires who is going to keep their money in these hands for years if you can if you're going to indicate actually longest in or just opposite side of this let me let me finish with the tea party nation activist author and business owner melissa brookstone she wrote tea party members begging them fellow business people small business people around the country begging them not to hire anyone until president obama is out of office to hurt him in the two thousand and twelve election according to moody's the republican counterproposal this is modi's the rating service will quote likely push our economy back into recession i mean it is so obvious what the republicans are trying to do and the internet is very good and we're just we're just we're just as a matter of fact last time we try to do something like this soon after start up again we call it the congress we're going to try to pass a bill through to hire teachers we call the daily caller a bunch of our school districts or we look into it and a lot of them are going to hire like psychologists because they do. rooney teachers
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are things i think i or think it is a series of exercises here it is not like the same teacher is going to help and in some cases they did they were they were going to pass a time where they could even hire teachers and subjects of it should get a college just in sentiment with the heritage foundation. and we know mary a lot of you know. this already i'd always been into the iraq war big news in the iraq war here's what president obama had to say this afternoon. today i can report that as promise the rest of our troops in iraq will come home by the end of the year after nearly nine years. america's war in iraq will be over the next two months our troops in iraq tens of thousands of them will pack up their gear and board convoys for the journey home the last american soldier will court process the border out of iraq with their held heads held high proud of their
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success and knowing that the american people stand united. you know support for troops that is how america's military efforts in iraq will end so this is democrats and wars i remember when jerry ford when the vietnam war ended it was a little messier the last to link up with the us embassy in saigon so so he's ending the iraq war he's on a path to ending the afghanistan we'll see how it works only he killed the little bit let me go to some of the question here i graduated here i notice that he killed bin laden. no terrorist attacks on us soil we participated in toppling gadhafi them to feel about them and you know any way to egypt he said tear down these dictators and began a wave of the arab spring at what point are republicans going to acknowledge that president obama might have had some foreign policy victories or at the very least his foreign policy over the last three years was nowhere near as screwed up as george bush's was pretty much the goal is we can at least agree on that yeah but
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can we focus on iraq or this focus on this one subject i think three points have to be made one this is not a good thing i wish we actually were stablish ing agreements where we could have bases there to to thwart iranian interference in iraq we need no empire over there number number number two that this quarter the exit that you're suggesting that a president obama's presiding over would have been possible without president bush's surge which which which created the atmosphere for a number three tom this is where i think this is possible the president bush you know the no no no he was represented by this iraq this is this is the most important point and i think it sends a stark contrast to what a lot of people media benjamin's of the world and other people said that this was an occupation that we're imposing a puppet government youngest country we know it's this is the most benevolent occupation the history of the world where they ask us to leave and we leave can you imagine any other occupation in history where the were there was a puppet government they ask you to leave and you leave that's what we're doing did by hearing you say this is a benevolent occupation this is an occupation they took a country yes run by dictators but
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a middle class country that had educate. for everybody that had health care where people live once in a middle class lifestyle i was there but under saddam you. know i was a genuine thing if you go to hell i go to the n.p.r. because their education system is better than everywhere and now it is a shambles and we have millions of iraqis who have had to flee their country responsible for the death of millions of iraqis were responsible for the destruction of an entire country where which i am so i disagree with obama when he says people are going out of there with their heads held high aware of our success this is been no success this is been just a tragedy but the way it played at the place i want to disagree with you time is that i think the bush administration the obama administration actually wanted to keep more troops in iraq and it was only because of the status of forces agreement imposed on the bush administration by the iraqis that he was for i agree with you he we we we would have stayed if they would have given us some unity that's the bottom we're not going to know if this is true success and so on. the story is if
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you are sort of receipts i mean if there's some political benefit to working with democrats you know how to sell goods we're not going to know we're not going to know if this is a success until six months a year down the line to see if iraq goes into a revolution and all of a sudden we have warring factions we have the uranium sponsored faction fighting with al-qaeda fighting with others if you look at obama's foreign policy it has not been a success look at egypt egypt is not a democracy what's going to happen in libya. or is it. much worse yet when we look at our new kid growing up with what's going to happen in libya over the next year we don't go there i don't know what's going to many of these countries and obama fell down flat in his face when the arab spring almost started. let's not be a success in iraq because it just it will never come out which is it's not my question still stands and it's important question to suppose that again for the
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some of the answers we actually go through a lot of mixed up. and we've got a republican darling marco rubio has a little trouble telling the truth apparently he's been building he's built his entire political career on the fact that his family fled communist tyranny when in fact they got out of the country two and a half years before you know back when when castro was still living in mexico and trying to get on the on the yankees baseball team so what's the deal is this as good as he totally blown it is a peek at it first of all these are just about how it was his parents went back and tried to go back to cuba and when eventually wanted to go back to cuba and they were refugees i mean they left before castro took over but he couldn't go back i mean he admits that he made a mistake and he stated the wrong date that his parents left condit more than the middle of the night in the city nine it's like watershed year you know it's like saying were you there when the berlin wall fell were you there when the soviet union this is he was here where you know it's like a year that everybody knows right and you have to be cuban to know the difference between fifty six fifty seven fifty and fifty nine he got it i mean he's
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a big one and he wanted to do this i would brag about this is a second look at it look it up what i offer i actually thought he was a his family fled castors cuba because that's what. you know you know let's let me in fairness i went back and look at pretty clearly he had said different dates throughout fifty seven fifty eight did not he wasn't sure the exact date i want to ask you want to ask by the miami herald last month was he did they flee before or after the revolution he admitted that he said it was before now there were times he probably could have corrected the record but he never said he what he was running for office he never once said never once said that his family came after the revolution years ago ok so we. are going to think you're over fifty six fifty five am crazy data and it's honestly it's the same as the republican presidential candidates go to this romney's to lose i'm curious just being a moving along in the republican discussion here is this romney's to lose as herman cain running for president or is he just trying to sell books like gingrich and sarah palin are doing and in fact a cain spokesman said clearly there's
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a synergy between the book tour and the campaign. which republican is the real republican. and restate is this romney's well i think if you look at president obama his quest for the presidency and as far as we were out from iowa well the republican right and i'm saying democrats nobody would have given president obama a chance to win that election to beat hillary clinton in that primary republicans are kind in the same situation where they haven't settled on a candidate mitt romney seems to be stuck at twenty seven twenty eight percent he can't get above that number you've got herman cain going up in launching himself to do one of the front runners rick perry was a front runner and fell back i think you're still seeing republicans looking at the field trying to understand which one may the light the most and they haven't settled on a candidate yes there are republicans in the field they're all lousy i think and feel sorry for the republicans trying to flake you know obama's doing so badly and you can't find one but you're right in terms of ads they are obama's
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a lot worse i mean his poll numbers are so abysmal whoever wins the republican primaries are going to one of the i know you had where you have been good with i mean as bad as it is charlie manson could be the nominee and he would have a very it's a while but i just don't think that there's a you know if they answered my own question i don't think there's a republican in the race i think the last republican was wise to go by and there's a real democrat maybe richard nixon was you think obama's a real democrat anyhow yes i do eric cantor for better and for worse eric cantor was supposed to give a speech to the income inequality and he thought that it was going to be a control audience you panel wanted and say no anybody is welcome and the occupy wall street folks showed up or said that they were going to all of a sudden out of time eric cantor turns and runs so isn't this what a real grassroots movement looks like and i thought republican party really frightened because there's no koch brothers behind it we have just one minute are you kidding i mean these are hundred kind of like a lease here not by d.c. kind of disoriented people in the streets don't really know what oriented yet they
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don't even even sure what they're supporting i. i've been down and i'm not but i pretty clear this is not a grassroots movement be able probably definite hating on different areas if you read the new york post the residents of new york are complaining about that rupert murdoch's publication probably dog somebody that was there it's it was it was they were putting on a con council meeting where people were complaining about it in their local area you know this is like a grassroots movement like we've never seen him come in since the sixty's with people so excited that they can take over a town square start talking about politics saving people out there there's like blood there's twenty one hundred people that have been down two hundred six hundred people here many people you can't even get a beer in in ten leap in the place hence i mean you've been in boston how people in chicago are going to hear the facts and intense actually these two occupation if you don't is one of the anti-war voices and there's a limited time variable and there's probably about two hundred maybe if you want you in the evening decisions are going to try nine hundred cities around the world yeah nine i mean this is this is an awakening right it's extreme is that our
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anti-capitalism. yeah i've been asked to join and i've heard any less of you but i do agree with the israelis that. their law breakers i mean they love to go to the police and the fights and me love them i want the police and then they complain about a good way to do the opposite and i'm sure some people who are asking is just more on the basis of lies maybe the airlines are going to torture people if you're like i guess we've got to get to a quick question here republican new jersey senator can senate candidate bill mitch should've kept his one particular this particular one piece of advice to himself how women can keep their men from cheating on wednesday and it's not a doozy of a tweet same women you increase your odds of keeping your man by being faithful a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom and she has since apologized for offending anyone particularly women of the street that got me thinking what other advice should republicans be giving to fellow republicans by a if you notice your husband walking around
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a lot with his shirt on check out his. sure just be if your husband was buying your clothes make sure he hasn't tried them on first or see if your husband if you knows your husband has a wide stance and i mean go out and use public restrooms or ideas of your own. anthony weiner show that it's a bipartisan problem i mean it's not just republicans in the i was one of the wives i chopped down their facebook and twitter account because it seems very dangerous for politicians of both parties i give the advice to the husband that if you want to keep your lovely wife you better not cheat on a prediction mitch will not be headlining the republican national convention. line is neil horsley was a major republican who once ran for governor of georgia one of the biggest leaders in the anti-abortion movement he's the guy who ran the website that had the abortion doctor pictures that be ecstatic every time one got murdered and a while back he had this conversation with my colleague alan colmes. oh i don't.
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want to do it. for you to be. i'm not so sure. you know. who you're going to show you. you know. why. so my advice to republican wives is if your husband spent a lot of time to hang around oh you know a bar for your girl for mr. anyhow it's good for her terrible. for him to do you know jamie thank you very bank you think coming out what's the real reason why president obama's jobs bill failed in the senate last night i'll tell you my dear. what drives the world with the euro mongering used by politicians who made
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before senate majority leader harry reid brought legislation. floor last night put four hundred thousand teachers firefighters and cops back to work the american people weighed in on what they wanted to happen plan was simple give thirty five billion dollars in federal aid to states across the nation to hire mostly teachers as well as cops and firefighters and pay for it by levene a one half of one percent tax on millionaires that's it really simple and remember that a want to add one percent of that tax would be an income over a million bucks as in people who make nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars a year it wouldn't affect that at all people who say make one million one hundred thousand dollars as joe biden pointed out they pay an extra five hundred bucks a year that's it so c.n.n. asked people what they thought of the plan and a lot being seventy five percent said they approved seventy five percent wanted
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congress to pass the bill and when it comes to that new surtax on the millionaires alone the american people support that too according to a poll this week by the national journal sixty eight percent of americans support a surtax on millionaires only twenty seven percent oppose so let's recap this on thursday night the senate considered legislation that seventy five percent of american supported legislation that's most controversial provision a one half of one percent surtax on millionaires also had the support of sixty eight percent of americans seems like a no brainer right well the legislation failed. and not because it didn't get enough votes to pass because it didn't get enough votes to pass a majority of senators all democrats voted for it but it failed because it didn't get enough votes to overcome a unified republican filibuster that's right every single senate republican
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filibuster the bill a bill that had the support of seventy five percent of americans but not the support of a single republican senator republican senators turned their backs on four hundred thousand teachers firefighters and cops and most importantly they turned their backs on what the american people wanted in order to protect millionaires and billionaires from a one half of one percent tax increase on their money after they've already made a million dollars so how does this happen how can this happen in a democracy in a government of representatives not leaders but representatives who are supposed to represent their constituents the answer is an equal influence there's an equal influence in our government a topic i explore in my book on equal protection it doesn't matter that seventy five percent of americans support
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a particular piece of legislation because that seventy five percent doesn't have powerful high priced lobbyists working for them but the one percent people who don't feel like paying an extra few hundred bucks a year in taxes every year so the teachers can go back to work they have lobbyists and all it takes now days are a few strategic campaign contributions and you too if you're rich enough can own your very own lawmakers in particular because on your very own republican line or there are some democrats that are for sale too and you can make them vote any way you want them to vote. and it's not just about jobs or taxing millionaires and billionaires unequal influence is pervasive everywhere according to an n.b.c. wall street journal poll earlier this year seventy four percent of americans want to cut off billions in taxpayer subsidies to big oil corporations but because big oil has lobbyists and does more influence congress has done nothing to end that
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corporate welfare huge majorities of americans oppose the bailout of wall street back in september of two thousand and eight so much so that capitol hill switchboards were brought down they were flooded with millions of people calling in members of congress asking them to vote no constituent phone calls are no match for check writing wall street lobbyists when it comes to influence so congress passed that stomach turning bailout anyway poll after poll after poll shows most americans wanting fundamental reform of our health care system even though fifty three million americans are uninsured premiums are skyrocketing and our health outcomes are embarrassing compared to other developed nations universal health care system is completely off the table in congress it's a nonstarter why because millionaires in the health insurance industry want more more more money it doesn't matter what the people are it doesn't matter what idea
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makes the most sense or well policy will benefit the most people it's all about who has the most influence and since the supreme court ruled the corporations are people and that money is speech and corporations now have the most influence and they will until this nation has a revolution not a violent revolution but a revolution in a sense that a new generation of leaders rise up to fundamentally change this unfair economic and political system a revolution that ends corporate personhood and gets money out of politics. back in two thousand and one is george w. bush was pushing his outrageous tax cuts for the rich through congress senator bernie sanders saw this trend of unequal influence and he wrote an article on his website saying at a time when more and more americans are giving up on the political process and when the wealthy and multinational corporations have unprecedented wealth and power it is imperative that we lacked launch a grassroots revolution to enable ordinary americans to regain control of their
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country exactly ten years and one month to the day when senator sanders wrote that article on september seventeenth of this year people began camping out near wall street to protest an equal corporate influence in our political system the occupy wall street movement was born and like with dog movements standing on the shoulders of the giants who preceded it. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered this in our web sites tom hartman dark on free speech dot org. also check out our two you tube channels the links of tom parker this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free trial hartman i phone or i pad out at the app store you could sort of speed back to twitter it's all others who are facebook or to others who are on blogs message boards and telephone comment line at home. and don't forget democracy
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begins with you get out there show up get back to your it will see tomorrow. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who made decisions including break through paid for people maybe who can you trust no one who easing you with a global mission would see we are we heading state controls capitalism is called sanctions we nobody dares to me do our t. question more.
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