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tv   [untitled]    October 22, 2011 1:31am-2:01am EDT

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agent alexander litvinenko admits her husband worked for u.k. intelligence services the revelation made out a whole inquest launched five years after lupin and co died of radiation poisoning in london. with protest movements in full swing in europe and the us kaiser report takes a look at what ramifications that could have for governments and banks it's coming up. but come to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser stacy herbert talk to me a bit i understand this is our two hundredth show it's the bicentennial and for it the global insurrection against banker out the patient is raging this week there in athens on the streets ten percent of the population is out there max for the two hundredth episode well it's fantastic and you know the whole point of it is to bring about
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a global insurrection against banker occupation and you know of course it started in north africa middle east then it heated up in europe then it swung over to new york under occupy wall street and these other occupy movements and now it's i think really reaching back to europe and i think athens could be the first country to trip a banking collapse and the european banking collapse if these unions stay out long enough they will trip banking catastrophe and that's what we want well for our two hundredth episode of the kaiser report there are some more presence here max giago makes it to the urban dictionary that's the global insurrection against banker occupation giago is a movement and soon to be pac that advocates for the people against the large banks that have come to occupy every level of government and influence around the globe let's go g l vo destination however you and i have permanently transformative a cabbie larry of what people use according to urban dictionary which of course is
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the people's dictionary so global insurrection against banker occupation we introduced a term on this show now it has become part of binocular of this global insurrection against banker occupation well i also put out there on facebook and twitter for inviting people to send in their artwork and this image here is from michael denning. every revolution needs a man with a vision kaiser report and you see the r.t. logo down there on the left and you also see two hundred twelve our team deserves big kudos because they have covered this global insurrection unlike any other network in the world you know it's becoming really their signature and they are transferring the competition because they were totally out of the crowd now the mainstream of the us in the u.k. is just waking up to it our team has been covering for months well let's talk about why there is a geologist why there is a global insurrection against banker occupation eurozone pushing for tougher
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policing of greece according to this reuters article some euro zone countries want to european commission task force to be given extra powers to oversee the sale of greek state assets and the country's civil service under a far reaching plan to tighten supervision of athens the source said there was a need to take over some of the sovereign functions of the state to get the machine running the proposal would involve sending hundreds of these austerity police force is what you can call it to greece this is exactly what we warned about when we were down in greece we told the people directly face to face that they were going to lose their sovereignty that the outside banking collective would take their assets based on debts that they themselves imposed on to greece that greece never imposed on themselves and now they're going forward and they will use force this is worse than the and the troika is much worse than the hunter well exactly and the protests
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this week in greece were bigger than the ones in one nine hundred seventy four when the junta was forced to leave but listen this source told reuters the idea is living in some capitals this idea that there needs to be an austerity police force there is no alternative oh hello margaret thatcher remember. during the beginning of the reagan factor era which incidentally in the us was the beginning of the bailouts for banks reagan and initiated this whole bank bailout initiative at the time he said all will never happen again but of course it became the precedent for how america does business going forward but margaret thatcher said this there is no alternative tina as it became known and this was a false hood then it was merely a pretext to bring in financial ization to replace manufacturing the economy put millions of people out of work and if they complained star wars and said i want the foreign countries getting blown apart and now they're repeating tina there is no alternative there was an alternative then and there is an alternative now it's
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called insurrection well exactly lady liberty should go beat the crap out of tina because she is with the monarchs of the global financial system tina is the one telling us there is no alternative but subjugation and slavery can still and the people of greece now the ball is going back into their court on the globalists are action against banker occupation and they have it within their purview within their wherewith all right now to term banking catastrophe in europe to save their sovereignty get to it now if americans think they are not going to be confronted with tina bank of america takes sleaze to a new level yes bank of america quietly moved fifty three trillion dollars in derivatives from its holding company to its subsidiary that holds one trillion in
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customer deposits and isn't sure by the f.b.i. see if any part of these three bit is blow up the taxpayer will then be on the hook for the one trillion deposits this is just another example of abusing all the non-existent banking regulations to benefit insiders in the banks like bank of america of course now it's. of merrill lynch and a couple of other banks they threw in there and they're using this technique of playing musical chairs with trillions and trillions of debt the goal of course is always to get the debt lined up with depositors and then reap the depositors unmercifully and with extreme prejudice well tina there is no alternative margaret thatcher and ronald reagan who set in motion this banking catastrophe we have were also present during the collapse of communism where the system collapsed because
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the people just stopped working and then rebelled against the the oligarchs who were taking everything well we see that same situation happening today max here are some really interesting headlines for america toll of heavy drinking on u.s. economy rises so heavy drinking is costing the u.s. economy more than two hundred billion dollars a year mostly and lost workplace productivity a u.s. health agency said on monday this is nearly twenty one percent higher than the last time they did the study in one thousand nine hundred eight the cold war ended and russia won because effectively america continued its cold war economic policies of price fixing and crowding out of productive economic activity in favor of the oligarchies federal reserve banking economic known entity well the fact is max if you look at the charts of u.s. productivity since tina arrived on the scene every single dollar of productivity
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every single one of those dollars went to the top one percent so why be more productive in your work why not show up drunk why not stay home with a hangover why turn up to work when the oligarchs are only going to take that money and use it to increase their power to bottom. more ronald reagan stood by the next politician well yes when i was working on wall street i was at a firm called oppenheimer and famously when i was there one of the brokers fell over drunk and hit the floor and passed out of the manager at the time by the initials d c simply walked over picked him up put him back in his chair put the phone to sam and dial the phone and said keep dialing son so in other words drunk a drug addled automatons whose sole purpose is to financially right people is a model and it's continuing unabated because nobody in washington or no regulation
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is stepping forward to stop this propaganda and this article continues that seventy two percent of this alleged lost one hundred eighty billion dollar cost was due to lost productivity and most of the cost was borne by the drinkers themselves in the form of lost income but like i said that lost income you should just lose that income continue to drink more if this is the way that americans can respond like the greeks and take down the banking system then just staying home drunk but remember the cigarette companies their argument for why they should not be forced to outlaw cigarette smoking is that cigarette smoking killed so many people per year that the economy ultimately would say save on health care costs now yes if people drink themselves to death they're going to save money in health care costs that's true if people are sent to foreign occupations and get murdered for no reason other than to make bankers a few bucks so yes that i suppose could be the basis of your economy but how is
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that different than let's say running a concentration camp or pol pot or anybody of these other dictators how is hank paulson a lloyd blankfein and jamie diamond not a mass murderer it sent me an e-mail right now to explain that to me i don't see the difference well in fact max you could call lloyd blankfein here's a headline call goldman sachs c.e.o. lloyd blankfein on his cell phone and cheer. i'm up the number is nine on seven seven four three zero nine thirty nine i'm sure he has a new one by now but apparently somebody released his cell phone number into the public domain and the reason why they're saying you should cheer him up is because goldman sachs just reported a nearly half a billion dollar loss in the third quarter some of the suggested messages are i know you just lost half a billion dollars but look on the bright side you set aside ten billion in bonuses to pay out to your thirty four thousand two hundred employees or they just do what i do when i run out of money head over to the feds discount window and borrow more at no interest. well it's amazing that goldman can lose any money i think they just
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do that for show because for example we know through high frequency trading they steal one hundred million dollars a day on the new york stock exchange floor gratis and the cost for that whatsoever and all the other government programs they get bailed out on and all the risk arbitrage positive interest rate cash flow currency spreads that they put on every single day or the volatility spreads that they get paid on every time they announce false rumors or manipulate the market in some way so these losses are just for show they're hoping to keep their heads attached to their bodies while at work i doubt it if they're going to live by the fraud they should die by the fraud but one more sign of this the collapse of america just one in seven u.s. workers are normal weight without chronic health issues so gallup estimates that four hundred fifty million days of work a year are missed because of weight and other health problems resulting in an estimated cost of one hundred fifty three billion in lost productivity again that's
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good you don't want that money going to lloyd blankfein anyway he would just use it to hire a mercenary army to go overthrow some other government somewhere and steal their oil and resources well in order to have a competitive economy you need to attract the competitive elements in the economy let me explain something people in america who would be competitive and create jobs create companies create growth. are not doing so because it's not competitive it's so easy to just put on an algorithmic trading program and make a few billion dollars that it doesn't attract any real competitors i mean myself for example i could be over there doing jobs creating companies and hiring people if it was competitive if it was interesting but it's an interesting that it's not even worth my time how to make it interesting start raising interest rates this would read out all of the posers and the lloyd blankfein and the jamie diamond suit don't really compete they're just sucking on the on the government teat and it
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would bring in real competitors people like myself for example but until that happens i'd rather just sit by the sidelines and watch the whole thing collapse well apparently a lot of people are showing up at work and just sitting on the sidelines is called presenteeism and they said if you counted that that the the losses of productivity to the us economy could be half as high as one point one trillion dollars trillion here trolling there eventually has up to real money ok stacy you're coming back for part two aren't you i was going to occupy kaiser report as a special giago episode but you let them know right stay tuned.
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max kaiser welcome back to part two of the kaiser reports special global as a reaction against banker occupation show number two hundred special. double header with stacy ever yes max occupying prize report for the second half yes. so i also did you know invite comments and questions and images an artwork for the special kaiser report episode two hundred and we have a statement on our facebook page facebook dot com forward slash kaiser report from john michael or he said the kaiser report is the best show in any form of media
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period i hope you and c.c. can become anti wall st john and yoko we already are heading in that direction there's a film we're making in amsterdam room seven zero two of the after them hilton hotel we're going to have a bed in we're going to give financial peace a chance max and stay in bed finally and this will be the topic of a special cause a report coming up in the not too distant future let's talk about amsterdam a little bit more there was occupy amsterdam and i wanted to call your attention to this video that was sent in to us from occupy amsterdam and you see there you notice that sign there in the background max it says crass j.p. morgan by silver that is of course something we launched here on the kaiser report the beginning of the global insurrection against baker occupation in the west that's right we've launched the crash j.p. morgan by silver campaign the price of silver doubled now it's up about fifty percent from where we launched that campaign we talked about another very important
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campaign how to leverage the global insurrection against banker occupation without actually spending any money at all but by focusing very specifically on a global boy that would be capitalized one of the biggest companies in the world coca-cola and then inviting hedge funds to simultaneously so short that stock to create a pincer movement to a blitter rate the company that's another action the occupy movement could take without spending any money but going back to the crashed. p. morgan by silver j.p. morgan is the federal reserve j.p. morgan is involved in manipulation this is the heart of the global financial crisis this is the banner under which they all fly the team there is no alternative but our fraud so this is why buying silver we remove a weapon in the arsenal of the global banking fraudsters which is the u.s. dollar and the derivatives the amount of unlimited shorts they can place on silver
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well let me just follow up on that because there is a movement there is an idea circulating amongst all the various global occupy chapters to pull money out of the bank and put it into maybe a credit union or a bank that's not part of the too big to fail banks that's november fifth they're doing that pull your money out of the banks now we've already seen people try this a couple of times and it doesn't really work so well because you're just shuffling deckchairs on the titanic aren't you it would only make sense if you pulled out that cash and bought silver or gold then you you've actually done something that threatens the system but you also remove yourself from a fraudulent system so for example occupy wall street has raised donations of three hundred thousand dollars now terry bool who we have on the show often she's in her investigations learned that amalgamated bank the community bank in which occupy wall street has placed their money is now under f.d.i.c investigation for creative
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accounting but this is the problem and like i said deck chairs rearranged on the titanic ok so here's another image sent in from john kraus in florida and it combines these two things the silver liberation army and the global insurrection against banker occupation history made fresh daily rise up max keiser dot com and r.t. excellent artwork keep it coming yes fenmore so i want to turn to you know we were talking about for. god and i want to talk turn to this little clip with william k. black who we've had on this show he's the former banking regulator who saw fifteen hundred plus bankers sent away to prison for fraud in the one nine hundred eighty s. the beginning of a teen on the scene and let's turn to this clip here on the dylan ratigan show only about a month ago the federal housing finance and ministration filed fraud complaint civil ones against seventeen of the largest banks in the world in which it said there is
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a paper trail that demonstrates the fraudulent intent of these banks well where is the justice department and for that matter where is paul krugman who can't be bothered to use the f. word yeah well. bill black our buddy bo black good point new york times paul krugman how come they're siding with the terrorists also it puts into context the recent comments by barack obama that the banks committed a moral transgression but did not break the law here's a top government regulator bill black from the one nine hundred eighty saying it's definitely fraud they definitely broke the lead letter of the law and obama if you are down with so and breaking the law that's an impeachable offense why is he still in office you have a max this guy phil black is saying that it is the economists like paul krugman who provide the systemic propaganda for the population he's the one who refuses to use
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the f. word if you're not going to use the five letter f. word paul krugman you might as well use the four letter one who dug. ok well let's move on to the for all that dares not speak its name q.e. pushes families into debt warns bank of england governor serving king so max kaiser what do you think about this this issue savers versus speculators and here is mervyn king saying that in fact quantitative easing which is meant to cover the fraud of the banks toure's in fact will make the situation worse for the average population because it encourages them not to save and in fact to spend more financial oppression that's what it's called the bank of england has adopted a policy that is purposefully oppressive yes that's not in keeping with what you'd expect in a representational democracy you don't vote for dictators whose purpose is to oprah
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and repress you to benefit their kleptocratic brothers and sisters mervyn king kleptocrat in chief and what do the likes of mervyn king and the top one percent that he represents what do they keep saying about those ninety nine. percent that are now complaining they said you are the one that took on this debt you are the one therefore who should be responsible for it well here is mervyn king who is telling you i am forcing you to either take more debt or die yes this is a classic case of scapegoating and we've seen this before during repressive oppressive regimes they steal the money form one group then they say oh those groups are rats those groups deserve to be in a concentration camp after we stole all their money now mervyn king is saying ok we've stolen all your money now we're going to call you rats we're going to put you
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in concentration camps and then you rise up like in london when the looters quote unquote suddenly spring out of the woodwork we'll just hire more comes never mind the fact that the entire economy is based on looting and if you really want to grow the economy where you have given each one of those letters a banking license and a job with goldman sachs and told them get on the phone and start making us money not only do we have a new round of seventy five billion pounds and quite intake of easing but shock jump in inflation in the u.k. to five point two percent well here's a tweet u.k. inflation should fall back sharply early next year bank of england governor sir mervyn king says so this is a constant extend and pretend monetary policy because i'm going to show you a headline from january of two thousand and ten nearly two years ago when inflation first jumped to two point nine percent in the u.k. shock jump and inflation is a real poser for mervyn king in the article it says the bank reckons the current
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spike in inflation will be short lived and will fall back below target of two percent later this year suggesting it isn't no rush to put the brakes on just yet but he's lying because his actions are guaranteeing more inflation so it's like saying he just punched people the face and saying that it didn't hurt and that should about. the bother of a punch in the face again look i was on b.b.c. five live i think two months ago three months ago i told the presenter point blank that the policies of the u.k. are going to cause this spike in inflation in the way that the end of the interview was well thank you for the gloomy assessment so in the u.k. of course if you speak the truth is characterized by the b.b.c. as a gloomy as a downer meanwhile the people are being absolutely. up to shrink shrink by mervyn king and his policies of death what about just saying the truth baby sitting. mervyn king here is saying just another quarter i promise is all going to get
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better and it doesn't take it doesn't get better because there is no alternative but financial terrorism and what is the same thing that you see in the political system people seek a political solution to this banking terrorism and they keep on saying oh just four more years of george bush and then we'll get a democrat in there oh now it's just four more years of barack obama and it will all get better but it never does and you can see this in the final headlines here max romney top ten campaign contributors whose number one goal and sachs number two credit suisse then morgan stanley bank of america and then rounding up the top ten p. morgan write more of the same and they use every crisis to rewrite the laws to make it easier to commit more financial fraud yes but what i'm saying here by showing this is that barack obama is the front runner for the democrats his number
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one contributor goldman sachs. romney mitt romney is the number one for the republicans who is his number one contributor goldman sachs so choose either one of them you're going to get the same there is no alternative tina is the rule of law or about the sermon can character his past includes a job actually at the kansas city fed and this final headline here max the only hope on the horizon report obama podium teleprompter stolen so a truck carrying president barack obama's podium teleprompter and audio equipment was stolen and richmond virginia sources say that about two hundred thousand dollars of presidential quitman was stolen from richmond marriott hotel and the max this is just perfect karmic justice that the spokes man for the banking industry the one that just mouths whatever the bankers say the podium and the teleprompter are stolen so if we can find a way to prevent any of our political candidates in america or the u.k.
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or wherever from actually talking but actually speaking the words that bankers give them to tell us the lies that they give them to tell us this is why i'm very hopeful about what's happening in greece they have it within their ability right now today to collapse the european banking system in the us the global banking system so let's give us their support all the occupy movements around the world focused on greece what's happening in athens and hopefully they can engender a domino effect to collapse the banks are all we are saying is let the banks fail well thank you stacey rumored for being every single one of the two hundred cars the reports so far and i hope we do another two hundred or two thousand. if you want to send me an e-mail please do so because a reported r t v are you until next time this is nice guys are saying well you know .
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how did they get dock fees dive you one wants an answer after images released following the capture of libya's dictator and his son suggests they were killed while away while in captivity. meanwhile the if is so liberation ceremony will take place in benghazi later today that as global pressure grows to find out whether gadhafi was killed in crossfire or executed joining me and he's now in tripoli for words you tell. me. new york's occupy wall street protests go on despite more arrests inspiring copycat protests to call for social and economic.


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