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tv   [untitled]    October 22, 2011 9:01am-9:31am EDT

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a very warm welcome to you this is artie live from moscow with me rule research libya's interim government is expected to announce the symbolic liberation of the country this of course following the death of colonel gadhafi on thursday nato says it will wind down its military intervention in libya by the end of the month after an alliance airstrike stopped a convoy carrying the colonel in the city of sirte allowing him to be captured alive by the unclear circumstances of how we ended up dead shortly after have sparked international calls for an investigation with some reports suggesting he was executed in cold blood in eastern iowa now has the latest from tripoli. the n.t.s.b. is saying that gadhafi was killed by a bullet wounds also conflicting reports as to where exactly those shots were in his stomach in the right side of his head and the left side of his head it's
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looking very shady and then this brutal video that went viral the mainstream media showing it more than twenty four hours constantly of gadhafi whether or not he was dead or alive very unclear at first in the first couple of shots that he did it appears that he's alive he actually goes and touch his head wipe some blood away and then there's a time and it seems that he was clearly dead in those later which is the same thing with one of his sons that was captured in syria first pictures of him standing against a wall smoking a cigarette very clearly alive then the video cards and all of the sudden he's dead so really pressure coming from around the world both from the west and other countries that we've been very critical about neighbors mission here in libya by that something needs to be done about an investigation the u.n. is planning on launching an investigation and russia's foreign minister was very clear that russia and many of many countries and officials around the world feel like the way gadhafi was killed in these pictures that we saw were perhaps not the best possible way to go because. it's the footage shown on t.v.
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proves that he was captured alive and wounded and after that he was killed later there were reports that a convoy carrying the kano was attacked by nato planes and after that the rebels captured members of that convoy it has been repeated numerous times that nato planes are now have a u.n. mandate to ensure a no fly zone over libya and the convoy wasn't posing any threat to civilians on the ground and could be a legitimate target so nato actions pose a number of questions as well. as speaking of that no fly zone which is of course how this mission began back in march the u.n. looking into when it will officially and russia pushing for that mission to end this soon as possible in the days when you know it is october thirty first but it has to be said officially nato mission. it's very much alive here in libya gadhafi is body is in a walk in refrigerator now in misrata and already way beyond the twenty four hour mark to have who had been buried by muslim tradition the official liberation
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ceremony will take place in benghazi were very able to take place there that of course was the original rebel stronghold where their whole fight for freedom began it will take place there instead of the top level because the security situation here is still very tense just a couple of days ago there was a shootout between m.t.c. troops and feel loyalists are low mostly celebrations have been taking place obviously officials the interim officials are worried that there could be some kind of violence here in the capital very few people obviously were on the streets asking what's next for libya and they couldn't answer that question my god so world analysts are certainly looking into what will happen will there be chaos here one of the main fears is that libya could break out into some kind of tribal war that there's going to be this hour showing the world community has begun to think what will we see happen here in the upcoming months and years. now reporting right there from tripoli and she's also a keeping us totally updated with the developments in libya on line as well just
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head over to our twitter stream to get the latest from now as the international community tries to get to the bottom of could after his death a leaked video could very well provide the answer that everyone is looking for it shows a man calling himself a national transitional council fighter claiming he was the one who killed the colonel suspect says he personally beat khadafi before putting two bullets into him at point blank range because he didn't like the idea of taking the colonel to life he also flaunted what he calls khadafi bloodied shirt and golden ring that he claims to have taken from the dead dictator demands comments are not yet confirmed author and journalist afshin rattansi thinks the international criminal court should bring the colonel's killers to justice. late for the united nations human rights council in the beginnings of this war they relied on media reports and hope to get on to the media manipulation of the war because they should have been relying on u.n. fact finding missions the u.n.
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human rights council report will no doubt be delayed and we'll see what happens as to what the americans think well we saw what the u.s. secretary of state thinks about the killing of prisoners of war and as has been said many times are these drone some journalism going to tell you that the mainstream media and no one is saying that nato and its allies wanted to get out free day one. killing a prisoner of war is an international crime i presume the international criminal court will be hot on the heels of all those major leaders who've been responsible for this now that presumably neoliberalism will be brought to libya or will be attempted to be broad because we've got to remember that there are also islamist factions there in libya as well we can assume that the libyan population will learn what it is to live in a capitalist country. this is artsy and still ahead for you in the program here that of double trouble british intelligence faces all questions on the mergers that poisoned the former k.g.b.
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agent alexander louis live an anchor was also working for m i six. new york has seen yet another series of anti corporate protests which were followed by another round of arrests activists accuse the police of being heavy handed towards those who were peacefully expressing their opinion. catherine offer points . as the numbers of the protests continue to increase so does it seems that heavy handed tactics by the new york city police department we witnessed several arrests about thirty two activists were arrested for demonstrating peacefully outside a police precinct to bring attention to the so-called stop and frisk policy that is widely used here in new york where many innocent civilians can be stopped on the street with very little actual suspicious pas searched and eventually taken to jail if something is found on their physical body. we saw high level high profile activists taken away in handcuffs purnell west coral
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dix among others several members of the ministry the several religious leaders were also taken away again just for performing what they say are simply acts of civil disobedience nonviolent disobedience standing peacefully silently in front of the police precincts now we saw the police actually target a reporter a journalist who had been trying to film the events just like we were the police officers went after him physically at which point several activists and philip tipped them with their bodies to try to protect him and keep him from getting arrested those who activists were then handcuffed rather violently and taken in the back of the police truck and taken away now what this signifies is that the numbers of these protests continue to grow perhaps putting some sort of fear into the system here where officials don't feel like they can control movement that seems to have spread wide across the world not just here in the united states. reporting
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right now israeli is inspired by american activists have spent three weeks protesting and calling for social justice on the streets of tel aviv but now that the rallies have ended people are left wondering when the reforms promised them by the government will start to emerge. reports. anger outrage and protests on the streets of new york a throwback to the same scenes different streets around ten thousand kilometers away the politicians in the united states exaggerated in the same way as the the politicians. they went too far in taking for granted the citizens occupy wall street it wasn't that long ago israelis were calling to occupy what's told boulevard new mill a bit joined the protests from the beginning she was inspired by what happened in cairo and called her tamed. car but here people were standing and were playing
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music every evening and people are priming and talking to our as you know watches events unfold in faraway new york she misses the six weeks she lived here and wishes she could be part of the wall street rallies are the first time that we were tired i really knew that right i'm going. to base and seventy how the protests in new york have strong parallels with those in israel in how they came about and why the similarity between the protesters just uncanny. the way they started on facebook the way they chose a location very close to where. the center of power is where the center of greed is for in this case wall street but many are wondering what exactly that struggle in israel achieved recommendations made by government committee still need to be implemented and that could take a long list looks like any other street in tel aviv but the focal point of social change of the revolution i think its role of attaining the payment made with
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michael. and the first with him on a still waiting to me. like many american is rabies many is watching the u.s. rallies closely and says they are an inspiration to many in israel he's proud people are taking a stand against corruption and the protests the struggle and the anger is in the people still and the struggle is still going to go on a view that more and more people around the globe seem to share police here on t.v. tel aviv. we're coming to you live from moscow are still ahead for you this hour the passion behind the protest. little going to comic reform the whole of both parties i think we want to party parties in new york resident laurie harkness to find out what's new what the uniting message rather is that's driving all the people together for the occupy wall street movement. the british euro skeptics are pushing for the right to vote on
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a referendum on whether the country should leave the e.u. the people's pledge campaign believes that the e.u. undermines britain's sovereignty and is costing the country too much the demand for a nationwide referendum will be discussed in parliament on monday the group is open to congress in london we can actually across live there now and talk to a conservative m.p. steve baker. thank you for coming on on the program today why do you believe that britain needs this referendum now at the time of not just european but global economic upheaval. well this is about democratic self-determination which is a fundamental rights if politics is about nothing else it's about being able to dismiss our government peacefully about ballot box but i'm afraid the european union is isn't democratic in that way now i know that there's a lot of turmoil around the world but people have signed up to a petition to parliament saying that they want this debate there now and the debate cools for a referendum so i'm happy to be responsive to the british people if they want this
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debate but some of this debate now you say this is more about principle the. as of democracy here the people should speak and actually have action and ears are from politicians but if it's if it's more about democracy than anything else then really what is the point of having a vote on a referendum i did speak to a lady earlier from the people's who said that the referendum would never come into effect and it wouldn't any would have been for years anyway so it is just a lot of posturing behalves. was no posturing as far as i'm concerned i want a referendum and i want it to be on our membership of the european union it is about democratic self-determination but the idea that it's posturing well that's not true as far as i'm concerned and it's about more than europe you know i love europe i think most of us love europe where most of most of us an international of an international outlook but the problem is that we've ended up with this all encompassing government you can't get rid of at the ballot box we get legislation through parliament we just can't scrutinise if we do like it we can't say no to it it's just not right and i can see from my inbox that the public do external expect
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their members of parliament to be able to represent them and have power over the rules which affect our lives unafraid the european union is in breach of these kind of fundamental principles what are the fundamental flaws of the european union and that of the eurozone have been mismanaged when you know when you look at the past number of months of greece and italy and portugal and so on and so forth what is what are the main fundamental flaws of the eurozone here many people say that the euro zone eyeing. the euro zone for me was fundamentally set up to fail after bretton woods collapsed with nixon closing the gold window the system of money that we have emerged but if you tried to find one way of making the system of money worse after bretton woods it would have been to bring together several nation states and give them the same currency but without fixed fiscal union because what they've been able to do through central banking is use monetary redistribution so a country like greece issues bonds the bonds are then used to get loans from the
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central bank. that creates new money but new money goes to greece and they end up that what they're doing is monetizing debts everybody else's expense now this is quite a complex process but the truth is that the eurozone has allowed monetary redistribution for its whole existence and people didn't notice so they didn't mind but what you see now is a kind of worrying jingoism between the greeks and the germans about who's paying for whom who's had one legacy and actually i want to transcend all of that i want peace and cooperation between all the nations of europe and what we're seeing is that the european union isn't delivering that it's delivering economic problems it's actually delivering conflict and crucially it's not delivering democratic self-determination so that's what's what it's all about for me today so about letting the people decide not just politicians now right now and as as we both know the finance ministers from all twenty seven year opinion states a meeting in brussels right now and more what they call another round of crisis
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talks but the u.k. chancellor of the exchequer george osborne has said that the eurozone debt crisis is quote a real danger to all of europe and he compared to these little bailouts or not little bit for example the next tranche to greece of eight billion euro is in effect just putting a plaster on a small cut on a rather large cut it's a temporary fix what is the solution. well i think he's right to say that but for me the solutions of the free market solutions if we keep applying temporary sticking plasters when people are living beyond their means and using what for me is a broken system of money a system of money that has to be bailed out the bankers do well everybody else pays this is not a free society we need to fundamentally reform money we need money that holds its value on this money we need free trade and we need pace and afraid we're going to have to have a correction that's going to have to be to fall there's going to have to be bankruptcy there's going to have to be failures and it's going to have to be living within our means nobody wants the tough times that are ahead but for me if we keep
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applying sticking plasters things will just be worse. let's shift our attention further east if we could china china's offer to save europe by buying its debt do you think britain should be worried by china's growing influence on the global economy. well. i don't i'm all in favor of free trade but i'm sure there will be many people who are concerned by that let's face it china doesn't have the greatest human rights record it's not a democracy in the way that we want it to be or we would want to be so i think it's a subject we need to consider extremely carefully but let's face it we've been using our inflationary money to buy real goods from the chinese they've got every right to expect to spend the money that they have justly received from us in exchange for those goods so we should not now stand in the way of them spending the sterling but they say they've obtained through contract and through free trade now mr becker i'm running rather low on time here forgive me for that but my last question regarding the eurozone the e.u. if all e.u.
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nations return to their national currencies and abolish the euro do you think that could ultimately save the e.u. . i think it could save the nations of europe whether it's a fee year i think is another question just to take you back a little bit at the time when the euro the euro was being considered friedrich high it came up with the idea of nationalizing monies and in one nine hundred eighty nine him treasury had the policy of allowing currencies all of the european currencies to compete with one another right across the you and the idea there was to try and preserve the value of those currencies by giving people a choice of if people have had a choice then they'd use a good money and i think actually that just as high as that would have been more practical and more successful than the euro maybe it's time to go back to national currencies and to let those currencies compete with one another so the people of europe can find the money that suits them best conservative and many thanks indeed . you're welcome. this is r.t.
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now as an inquest into the death of former russian agent. alexander litvinenko is granted by the u.k. his widow admits that he was working for british intelligence services the long stretching investigation was launched five years ago when litvinenko died of radiation poisoning in london ati's other bennett now reports on how recent discoveries could harm britain's reputation. according to britain this is a man on the run and very lugovoy hasn't left russia since two thousand and six because of an international arrest warrant he's accused of murdering alexander litvinenko in london almost five years ago both former k.g.b. agents but lugovoy says he's got nothing to hide so as a critic of the british nobody really expected me at the pre inquest hearing even though british officials claim that i'm hiding from justice my lawyers annoy found out about it by sheer chance had we not found out about it i think the british press would have accused us once again of hiding from justice we're going to go and
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look at always lawyers last week echoed calls from live in yonkers widow for a full inquest which is now finally been ordered but that's prompted yet another twist in a case already steeped in intrigue in order. my lawyers and i put ourselves food as an interested party so live in yonkers we don't i was forced to admit her husband was a paid agent of m i five and m i six but he worked for britain's intelligence and not just as a consultant she had no other choice she realised if i get involved in the inquest this will be revealed anyway because i know a few facts that will force the british court to ask m i five an m i six a few questions. until now marina litvinenko has always denied any such link she says he was out of loyalty to her husband she refused to speak to us this is mission leaves m i five facing awkward questions in an inquest they were the only party trying to limit and they did take it for granted that they can just
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brush and barack with a carpet and i said if it had been consulting for them or working with them and he died in highly. the tourist circumstances on their patch then you have of course they would be our questions about not offering protection to people and also not offering protection to the london public you know if that's what travelling into ten left across the city living in could died a slow and painful death. caused by the lethal radioactive substance polonium two ten the unsolved case has been the thorn in the side of british russian relations with moscow refusing to extradite abundance chief suspect but some claim britain's pursuit has blurred the line between fact and fiction there's a whole host of unofficial allegations. how we go from a death which i were horrible to an accusation that mr lugovoy was responsible
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is is ludicrous i mean it's all looks very fishy joy an unbiased observer but the diet that we are being fed in britain through the media. short circuits a lot of that this is where it all began the millennium hotel in central london and it's what happened in here remains the biggest question mark living yankee met lugovoy for breakfast here the day he fell ill and that's when he's alleged to have been poisoned forensics to find the contaminated teapot but the link from that diluted boy is still unproven it's hoped the coroner's inquest will determine once and for all what exactly went on behind these walls something c.c.-t.v. missed the police say they have new evidence but won't disclose it until they conclude their own investigation as for lugovoy he says he'll answer any questions they've got not in person of course but via video link i have been it r t london. now twenty three minutes past the hour here in moscow the russian foreign ministry
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has compiled a number of american officials blacklisted from visiting the country this comes in response to a similar line up of russians banned by washington from entering the u.s. the route was sparked by the death of businessman sort of gave magnitsky in a russian jail two years ago when he was being held on tax evasion charges the u.s. blamed moscow for the death and is now refusing to grant visas to several russian officials moscow says the americans it is now blacklisted in response rather suspected of crimes against russian citizens in the u.s. including kidnapping and torture moscow warns it makes them believed which is not yet been publicly released unless washington drops its sanctions against russian officials. ok time for the world update here on r.t. some of the headlines from around the world for you this hour the heir to the saudi arabian throne a prince abdullah's these are saad has died and he was in the eighty's and in two thousand and four diagnosed with colon cancer the crown prince was traveling abroad
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for medical tests at the time of his death it brings into focus the health of saudi arabia's aging royalty especially king abdullah who is now eighty seven officials say funeral services will be held in the capital riyadh on tuesday. troops reportedly killed thirty two kurdish rebels near the iraqi border and hundreds of soldiers also pursued fighters in northern iraq a clash in a car a province came after the government launched a massive anti rebel operation in the area involving ten thousand troops so he's conflict with the kurdistan workers party or p.k. k. has killed tens of thousands of people since it began in one nine hundred eighty four. the un security council has unanimously adopted a resolution calling for yemeni president ali abdullah saleh to immediately step down it also strongly condemns excessive use of force against anti-government protesters but first the mandates. since the unrest began in january says the leader must transfer power to his deputy and the escalating violence but it was
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criticized by human rights activists saying it opened the way to granting immunity for the president protesters claim saleh is clinging to power and pushing his country into civil war. well with the occupy wall street movement surpassing its one month anniversary now many are wondering what exactly has united so many people in protest. our own resident in new york went to the center of the action to ask people what brought them to. a month into the occupy wall street movement is there a unified method this week let's talk about that there isn't a centralized message a lot of people say that's the problem and i think that's actually a strength that we currently have. as a movement were we're just over a month old. october seventeenth was or one month anniversary and and i think it's
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it's early to to be issuing any statements or anything along those lines any any sort of movement major movement or revolution or anything like that throughout history has issued a statement within the first month it feels a little absurd to me to expect there to be one core message when this is a movement that's wanting to be inclusive that wants everyone to have a voice and everyone has their own life they have their own struggles is it i mean today's world is the sound bite no one has attention at eighty world and they need a sound bite or they're off of the current dominant paradigm and we're looking to give examples of what alternative paradigms could exist for a lot of people don't seem to really understand why they're here they can articulate it so you know if this sort of makes them think about why they're here well they're in the alternative do you think that that's a problem with the movement is that there isn't a unified message not necessarily i think there's a profiling theme to it everybody's disenfranchised with something you're saying
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education and health care some guy over there just said shipping jobs out of the country to the stuff we part of it i mean there's not one thing i said it's not just one thing and there's a bunch of different reasons other part of that too i mean i definitely agree with that the fact that they're shipping jobs in the country we don't need any more so so how would you sum it up in one clear sentence what the messages here. political and economic reform the whole of both parties i think we want to party so it seems like everyone here feels like there is a unified message and that is there isn't a unified message which they feel like is the very strike of the movements. and more coverage of the protests that are shaking up the united states waiting for you on our website. including one marine voices policeman an army sergeant becomes an unintentional spokesperson of the occupy wall street movement learn more about the dot com.
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legend relaunch right here russian soyuz rocket sets off from a french space space in the tropics it's carrying the use of satellite navigation system any to become a arrival of america's g.p.s. . oh i dunno just a few minutes here and scandal behind the weak suffer national headlines of course the usual kaiser report follows a recount about top stories coming your way in just a. wealthy
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british style sun. sometimes. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our g.
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now at five thirty pm here in moscow your headline. libyans look at head to a country without nato but the shady circumstances of the colonel's. blood stained shadow over the nation's future the libyan interim government claims he died in a shootout but in the video shows a man boasting that he executed. new york season dozens of new arrests during peaceful demonstrations as the occupy wall street movement. inspiring more people across the world to call for economic justice. ministers gather in brussels for another round of crisis talks euro skeptics in the u.k. are pushing for a nationwide referendum on britain's membership of the e.u. . all right just some headlines there and to stay with us next.


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