tv [untitled] October 22, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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again this is our signature go to headline. libyans luger head of the dawn of a new era but the murky circumstances of kind of the doc is brutal to have cast a blond rain shadow over the nation's future they from government claims he died in a shootout but a leaked video shows an empty sea of rebel fighter posting here executers the former leader of. the anti covert movement in the us to build support across the world as new york sees your breath peaceful demonstrations as precious in the big apple become more and more organized the police presence is also increasing. as a youth run as chiefs meet again in brussels for their latest round of crisis talks and euro skeptics in the case before a nationwide referendum for britain to put be union they can a e.u. membership undermines british sovereignty and cause the country to watch. around
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the region all the late the russian agent alexander one co who died from poisoning in london five years ago has admitted in an interview to a british newspaper that he had worked for british intelligence the coroner in london who has agreed to hold an inquest into his death which has been the cause of a major rift between russia and the u.k. it was repressed or former k.g.b. agent or the extradited has been rejected by. the internet as part of everyday life now for many people but if you may be aware of the lurking dangers to privacy posed by use of the web find out more in our special report up next. with just one telephone call any to learn many things about you the british privacy and greater real. yourself. using a search engine browsing just a couple of sites registering with a social network every one of these actions is firmly embedded somewhere in a global data base. releasing this information completely is all.
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you know that now when you're online you have no privacy. you know there's not a lot of ways to protect your identity. credit card details your home address and your every move could land in anyone's hands sitting in my office i can find out. your name your address your phone number and there's only one way to escape. who tracks internet users is it possible to remain anonymous online or is disconnecting from good the only method of ensuring you'll pretty. son and i a us artist born in bangladesh couldn't have imagined that his life would be forever changed by the nine eleven terrorist attacks in two thousand and two he was
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detained to detroit airport and told that he was suspected of helping terrorists. it all started with an f.b.i. investigation where i was erroneously reported as a terrorist suspect there was a report that an arab matt had fled on september twelfth was hoarding explosives. now nevermind i'm not arab nevermind there was no explosives there but in the fear they decided well that guy looks a little differently must be arab and if he's arab then he must have explosives. later it transpired that her son had been put on the list of suspects by mistake nevertheless the f.b.i. continued to track the artist he feared that sooner or later he might end up in prison but kuantan him obey that was when his son decided to make life easier for the special services he set up a site called tracking transience where he posts every single bit of personal
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information about himself in real time. so you see here you can see that there's a red arrow with some boxes and you can see a city in the image well ok so where's the city or let's say there's a river nearby and there's lots of green let's go a little bit further and we're in this building right here next to a church. as the days and months went by a constant information feed of this one person's life became an artistic project when i first started this project people thought i was out of my mind why would you want to tell everyone every little detail of everything that you're doing. why is it why do you want to do that well not even. seven eight years later we have seven hundred fifty million people on facebook. that essentially doing the same thing. if any has best skill is one of russia's most successful businessman his computer security company because
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perske labs was founded in one nine hundred ninety seven it's now the country's leading producer of antivirus software the company has offices around the world for years kaspersky has campaigned for the introduction of unified laws for the internet ifill safeguarding personal information should be the prime objective. is or with the with the going to be able to play suppose you have created a program and want to launch it on the internet or you log on to a banking page or want to do something else that may potentially harm of the users in that case you're welcome to present your internet passport their passport might come in a variety of forms which. would russia's leading specialist in online security seems powerless in the face of a flying criminals on an april morning in twenty eleven because their skis son event was on his way to work as usual passing an old industrial area two criminals
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were lying in wait they overpowered evac bundled him into a car and took him to a location in moscow. in the evening if gainey has best be received a phone call the kidnappers demanded a ransom of several million dollars as it turned out the abductors had gleaned yvonne's personal information from his page on russia's most popular social network it included his phone number home address and daily routes to work. the senate it enabled social network should encourage uses that post that sort of information if a site all six for private information in criminal charges should be brought against it in the event of a leak. if any kaspersky agreed to talk to us on the condition that he would not be asked to comment on his son's abduction. even so it prompted russia's leading computer security campaigner to come up with codes of conduct for firms dealing in people's private data. like
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a little social networks or public space like cafes and restaurants that's where people get together as a family see the respect and it's normally the organizations that run such places work for profit kids where the global social networks are commercial stretches the responsibility for the security of a guest should be on their heads and wallets. right event especially was being held in the basement of a house in the moscow region is far better than police were trying to figure out his abductors whereabouts an intercepted phone call to help police detain the kidnappers during the handover of the ransom. the incident sparked fears that such websites were becoming a gold mine for criminals but internet security specialist maintain the kaspersky case is the exception rather than the rule. of muscle with the thought that in this case the fact that social networks are used by a huge mass of people plays
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a positive role if there were only a hundred users disclosing information about themselves there is no doubt that they would be the primary target but today the threat is spread over millions of users this means that what was dangerous several years ago is far less risky today are you ago. than maybe there is not that there's people out there that are big brother your privacy and want to sell us this is all about money it's not nefarious it's not sinister this is all an attempt the engine of that they want to serious stuff they want to know everything about you so they can so. stephen ramba is a private investigator who runs an online investigation service he's told the united states holding discussions on his report they get straight to the point prissy is dead get over it at every stop along his tool he repeated his message
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over and over again the true meaning of the word previously was lost a long time ago i'll tell you the biggest the biggest privacy and war. through cell phone this has changed everything it tells me where you or it tells me who your friends or who tells me who's important to you it's always me where you work because we were you live it tells me where you eat it tells me everything that i need to know about you yandex is russia's leading internet search engine the company's motto of here you can find anything you want became even more significant in the summer of twenty eleven at that time thousands of private s.m.s. messages sent via the website of a russian cell phone operator ended up being displayed in the yen deck search engine anyone could read the private correspondence. as a matter of fact there was
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a mistake made by that size developers in any case those messages were in the public domain what a d.m. exe do it simply found those pages that's all there is to it with with. them with it's now known that search engines are a very simple method of finding a lot of personal information security specialist remind people that online communication is never a private conversation even if you think you are talking to only one person. any information that is available to all can and will be indexed and that's for sure search engines are being improved all the time progress never goes back it always was forward to acknowledge is don't become worse but search engines are always being improved. one of russia's most popular blog services live journal is
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housed in these offices the company's major problem is the growing number of users who are turning to popular social networks. so how are we coming along with security. but live journal stuff think the tide will turn they say that in five years time those users will be terrified by the thought that they have revealed too much about themselves to the world of an america most users are not aware of the fact that they are at risk they now know that social networks are fraught with security frets following media reports about users being robbed after revealing their personal information online that's when the anonymity era will set in everybody will begin purging their profiles and leaving social networks it's true that live journal is a social network but with a difference most of it uses a cane to hide personal information under nicknames without revealing their true identities put simply they've created online personas for their online lives.
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content is the all important principle of live journal we are concerned with what people write about but who the writers are is not so important. to facebook as a social network it is important to know who you and your friends are with us it is not that important you know right martha going to live journal users do identify their journal somehow but they are not amiss in the sense that a journal is not a person. hello please send a book for dina until recently the well known russian fiction writer said again looking at a live journal page like most authors he hid his identity under a nickname. his page was one of the three most popular russian blogs but when comments on one of his entries erupted in scandal and he started getting death threats he decided to close his account. realizing for the nature of privacy because internet is
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a priori outside of privacy people need to understand that but artist has santa live he has no intention of closing his all well and projects instead he wants to share more information with the world. i figured in my way with is not just information that i share i live an incredibly anonymous and private life. and i wouldn't be able to do that if there wasn't all this information about me in the public because that's really just noise at the end of the day the sun expects most people to follow his example very soon and usher in an era of total information transparency the american artist insists that it will be a world without secrets. today
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ogust twenty eleven was a turbulent month in london the fatal police shooting of a young man from an ethnically tense suburb sparked disturbances on a scale the british capital had not seen in decades. small shops and ordinary londoners suffered most of all in the standoff burglaries skyrocketed over a week of disturbances. so i walk in my apartment first thing i notice is that the door was open so i look around my flat was completely rampage it was like a tornado went through all these drawers were. closed and things are spread all over the place that's when i noticed that the window was open and that the bars had
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been would stay open. all the damage to the window thieves ransacking the flats of programa craig martin took away what he treasured most a laptop storing his personal information and numerous projects personal my work laptop and all kinds of software and files on it although it was encrypted i felt safe about that i just didn't lie in the wrong hands. at that point the police came and did their forensic work they were dusting for prints i couldn't help but think that i was in the stone age i was like ok that they're never going to find this stuff it's gone. craig had little faith in the police's ability to catch the culprits any time soon so he decided to launch his own investigation social networks and a special program he didn't stored on his computer proved helpful and since lee how
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it works is. go to the website and then your laptop is and stolen and the laptop next time it's online will start sending reports. containing location pictures of the person if you have a built in webcam as well as shots of what's going on on the screen at that particular time it to create just a few hours to find out all that he needed to know about the man who stolen his computer he knew his exact location facebook provided him with a thief's account on the laptops web camera took pictures over a google search later i knew where he went to high school whose family was all kinds of information about the person since they built this dossier of information and turned it over to the london metro police they were able to pick him up within twenty four hours after that. through his job craig has been tracing changes in our private lives the details on the internet for quite some time he maintains it's impossible for anyone who's been online to hide anything this into you have to know
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that now when you're online you have no privacy and you know there's not a lot of ways to protect your identity specially people that use facebook and have information on blogs or twitter all you have to know as is personal information to find the whole enchilada. game and steadily go because arguably the most eccentric figure in russian business he was russia's first dollar millionaire and founded the first commodity exchange now still a gold lives in a village he calls on his countrymen to reject the accomplishments of progress. so this is a freezer. we didn't have one until earlier this year. and it's a dream come true because now we have a no nonsense freezer. we can pack it with big lumps of me to noice when the cold comes around you i mean. all year long.
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stanley of moved his family into a big timber house that has no freezer no cooker and no internet access. if this thing is a spy you're going to become a monster and sooner or blankets then they'll be complete dependence on it and if you want to escape there's only one way or house. nevertheless still a god has to remain in tune with the times a couple of years ago he launched a new business project he needs to make daily trips to moscow where he spends ten hours in his skyscraper office. sellitto feels it's too late for him to worry about his information previously too much information is already on the internet but he doesn't allow his children to even approach a computer let alone go online. here whatever poses
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a threat to children's health isn't benz it's actually the other way around asphalt is far less dangerous than the t.v. set and even chemicals are not as dangerous as the internet. to program as tampering with the new i phone in the spring of twenty eleven stumbled upon a file they'd never come across before. as it turned out the phone was storing information about its owner's movements for the past month. now apple explain this was fairly sort of innocent and that may well be the case but you can certainly see it happening in the future where this is less innocent and people start using this information for example in court cases you know if you're accused of doing something you might say i demand to see this file on your phone which will prove your where i said you were later the owners of other smartphone brands also complained about snooping telephones many spoken ernest about the arrival of the
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big brother era people don't want they made it through the company and best thing to do is not necessarily use those services that are ok the internet or you know just to put that data right out there on the internet or something that like the internet like a smart. program a semi kanka is a security expert he's one of the most prominent whistleblowers of major corporations such as apple and google he's sure that the recording of all i phone users movements is just a trial step subsequent developments will be more sophisticated. marketing specialists are not the only ones who reap the benefits of information transparency social networks have also made life much easier for recruitment agencies it wasn't that long ago that human resources staff would rely exclusively on the candor the told them about themselves and recommendations from previous employers now they have details information. we can find out where
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candidates have been employed before where they spoke in interviews what communities they belong to or what conferences they have attended that's what we need to know above all if we see accessible online information about somebody being a member of some old community we will have doubts but his or her adequate behavior . before making a final decision a recruitment agency today checks all information that's available on the internet . this way please we'll start with a brief interview. something there was an incident at one major company a person in question was the former head of h.r. and was not particularly well liked one day security decided to investigate him and they looked through his browsing history they came across the questionnaire results that he had filled out on
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a dating site it turned out that he had made no attempt to hide the fact that he was a paedophile needless to say the man was thrown out of the company in disgrace activists from the russian tyrant party believe it is possible to be anonymous online in the spring of twenty eleven they created a site called room which looked similar to the notorious wiki leaks project. the system developed by the russian pirates makes it possible for anyone sending information to remain absolutely anonymous. for. whatever you do on the internet who used against year. every bit of information you spread through social networks and blogs in the history of your search where is all that is stored. with that information shapes a true profile so much so that it's possible to model your psychological portrait.
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even so there are systems out there that can make it anonymous and secure. a private detective agency paul stephen round i'm always concludes his public addresses with the same message be humble. of global openness and universal information transparency began a long time ago. his advice to those who want to have at least a measure of protection is simple make your visits to the internet less frequent. i post just often enough to let people know that i'm aware of. possibly once or more. i'm very careful that i keep location aware programs turned off so it doesn't report where i physically i'm at that moment and i don't reports what i'm doing or or who are where they are things. but the artist has sent a large he advocates a different strategy here just people not to hide anything and share information
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about their every move with the entire world the reason that information has value is that no one else has that has to it. but by cutting out this middleman and giving it directly to the public the information that this agency has has no value whatsoever. so therefore devalues the currency and the currency being intelligence but if hundreds of millions of people started doing this we would have to rethink the entire system from the ground up and we would have to in that fact and as a matter of fact that there isn't it's not that far from that day. social networking sites continue to be relatively quiet on the issue if they use a security but with so much information readily available criminals will continue to exploit it cases like craig margins and event kaspersky won't be the last. it seems the only true solution to maintaining your privacy is to completely go.
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in india g.'s available in the grand central shirts in mumbai the taj mahal bowling coach president combining the shoulder pain which results from mono beatriz's public flows are going to go on the whole her tone changes be a show some of her time photo. on the radio to leave the show to hotels church in new delhi hotel. babyhood tones clearing collection ramona plaza among maidens photon's believe that most of the edo medicine shift in the last congress to taper cush comments. this week stocks.
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