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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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riggs near zero wraps up its campaign hailing a free libya after colonel gadhafi is killed but disturbing images of his final moments raise questions about the nation's future. to teutonic. and be all concerned who's to blame either leaders brainstorm ways to save the euro zone and slash greece's massive debt after another round of i water rate cuts to secure a bailout leads to violence in the streets. mayor uses tear gas it serves and tries to dismantle their barricades at a disputed border crossing in northern cost. and on board the safest rocket in the world the first part of the e.u. satellite navigation system is successfully sent to orbit ready to give america's g.p.s. some competition. its
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a.t.m. the russian capital you're watching r t i'm marina joshie today we take a look at the week's top stories and this week marked the end of colonel could obvious grip of libya but the mystery surrounding his death in captivity has sparked international calls for an investigation well the official account that he was killed in a crossfire widely questioned media is now looking to hold elections within eight months but as our season he's now reports from tripoli there's much cynicism over whether things will change gadhafi. not too long ago it with handshakes and hugs now it's his. feet and his family and a lot of. foreign involvements and fact that he was always going to trade is a great guy who you also played a lot of banking with the western powers. graphic gruesome footage of the time he
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went viral as the news of his death spread after months of being number one nato it must come to the banner humanitarian mission. we came we saw the guy. with you and the claims he was killed in crossfire i didn't really you know begs to differ so clearly wiping one from his leg then the league that took a look at them with the footage shown on t.v. proves that he was captured alive and wounded and also that he was killed. so the pressure is growing for an investigation find out if it's down from the guy as clinton put it or was executed the u.n. human rights organization should all push not only for investigation. and certainly the. many other libyan members of the. that
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support. but also the bombings that they thought inflicted in libya that destroyed so many of libya's infrastructure and also so many libyan civilians who died in the u.s. who were killed in these rights alliance officials claim the mission in libya is coming to the no fly zone will be reviewed at the u.s. security council but many believe this is only the end of the feat and the beginning of a new era of crisis libya is in for a period of horrendous chaos after the needle. i mean the us brought parts of libya back to the store to something the race for the country's oil has kicked around france is already demanding thirty five percent of libya's gross national gross oil production and i suspect that the people of libya will be furious and outraged that they are paying france for having bought the infrastructure having destroyed the
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schools the hospitals the the water supply and if one tree united in hatred for gadhafi might not stand together now that he's gone all these these different groups and we were held together by one thing and there was a. way you can redirect their anger at each other and if you get paid us and susan political instability good people looking back on libya and the fear of. change you go back now and that is not a great celebration continued throughout the week crossing the country and it seems few people here are really thinking about the future going to libya without gadhafi it really means for them a country with no leader a lot of weapons and even more oil reporting from tripoli and he's now a r.t. . and you can also follow our correspondent in leaving a nice and always twitter stream is bringing you the latest developments from the
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country so take a look at how the u.s. greeted the death of could offer you was jubilation president barack obama calling it a strong reminder of america's leadership and the world of the u.n. has expressed concerns about that obvious death however london based journalist and author of the says it should have been more involved in monitoring events from the beginning. bit late for the united nations human rights council in the beginnings of this war they relied on media reports and i hope to get on to the media manipulation of the war because they should have been relying on u.n. fact finding missions the u.n. human rights council report will no doubt be delayed and we'll see what happens as to what the americans think. the u.s. secretary of state thinks about beginning frank prisoners of war i'm going to tell you that on the mainstream media and no one is saying that nato and its allies want to get. a prisoner of war as international crime i presume into the
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criminal court will be on the heels of all those major leaders who are being responsible for this you know that they're presumably liberalism will be brought to be attempted to be brought because we've got to remember that there are also islamist factions there in libya as well we can assume that the libyan population with. what it is to live in a capitalist country. greece for the epicenter of the eurozone debt crisis this week and you sort of a staring measure this was voted in by parliament all but securing the next installment of bailout cash from the e.u. however there resulting violent protests in athens and beyond show the public is at breaking point r.t. sara first is in the greek capital. process and become a regular occurrence theory behind the five things thing that's growing public angry because of there's a lot that means that people hair in the country has been cut from their wages by around the three percent in most cases on top of that. the pensions the public
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spending i'm finding here in the country is crippling a high within the americans of a new generation of homeless these messages really peace things have affected everyone here in kuwait. i can. hear. that. there are young and. old some five of the nation of the people who are going to fight peacefully because we want our lives. the young and the o's people from all walks of life to institute a protest and largest squeeze to seen since the crisis began one of the nice violent preferred chris very far it's the wilsons to be thank you once again boiling eva with fights breaking out not just with the police there in the us the
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protesters the cells british society is facing a social disaster for the past two years we've received austerity package after austerity package people are beyond sir breaking point we cannot stand it anymore. it's not just the phrase has is with an appetite for change the debate was passed on top government officials did applies in a position then to saying he's think of an asia business struggling with his conscience he's not the only one speaking to police major after the protest and starts them and tell me it's a question teeth of the riot police involved in these events you know the school of business it is very hard to describe the feeling. of the policeman because there are two way social and professional group who are suffering very very comic measures of the government has to take sometimes it is really hard for them to take part in these protests as a working people but once more they have to take to the streets to playtest is the
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days he wanted to make their points peacefully the rest yes the i think it's going to be watching this very closely because this isn't just a problem that affects great didn't think right should not affect you if you could see what the people in the country right now are willing to go through that have. the people here are going to have to wait a while longer see if anyone's now be ready to listen so if. there is are negotiations in brussels are trying to solve the euro zone's death crisis e.u. leaders the banks have to raise more than one hundred billion euros to withstand possible losses to indebted countries such as greece but not a callous and author michael ross believes it's already too late for the eurozone. they keep turning it's sinking and the orchestra is still playing this is a situation that we have of them at the moment it's a politicians for the euro is
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a result of politicians is a political way it will to create this common currency but the fact that it was ill constructed was clear right from the beginning no yana mess everybody saw it coming it is very very difficult at the moment to solve this. problem in my opinion you can only divide the euro will take the northern countries and the southern countries and you create kind of northern europe but this is not your course alone it's worth a once a power having the euro means having power and i don't want to lose the power sold we will go all into this boat you cannot solve a debt crisis by producing more debt at the end everybody will be drowning everybody will go under and this i see coming in one or two years here in the eurozone. so i have for you this hour here on r.t.e. triumphant return. to the government and the country for
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not doing enough for my son and the rest of those. israeli soldier gilad shalit comes home after being shamed for thousand palestinian prisoners leaving some families to feel their lost children have been forgotten. and and how wall street protesters warned that americans are under attack from banks fattening out their profits while they are tightening their belts. and nato led forces in kossovo have failed to remove barricades put up by ethnic serbs at a disputed border crossing serbs set up the roadblocks back in july when cause of our authorities began to install their own customs controls art is more if an ocean of has a story. has months of tension between serbs and this niggle bettencourt's worse continue roads in northern cos they remain closed for some serbs of four to find their very kate and see themselves again as victims of history these cartoon reads
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we defeated your grandad we defeated your father's will win again local serbs compare the nature led peacekeeping force in kosovo ok for the discussion occupiers of the past they will then why do they think they can come and take our land serbia is our home we don't want to live in albania one of the little bottle look how they're armed. but we have nothing but flag and then go and some two hundred meters away they took a four soldiers keep watching i would with. my dog bite agreement which i did all this in the last week but if that is not to be reached i have to be on my own i have to. god be. no surprise the generals. and military ones the status quo in northern course of the remains the standoff between k. four soldiers and local serbs civilians is no closer to resolution but people from
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both sides of the barricades are glad to avoid any further violence but away from media where hostility is commonplace. this twenty three year old syrian man was with his father when he was shot just three weeks ago visiting ben pillaging courses the south western observe minority living in time and place i was waiting for i'm a car i saw him coming out of your being in capital area and i heard gunshots and my dad fell down i watched him but i was worried he died immediately i didn't even say goodbye to him. nobody would shows us his wounds he was shocked when his father's killers tried to eliminate the only witness i will never return to the points he'll cheat me i'm worrying about my family and myself in a separate incident just last week another unarmed serve who was killed in a confrontation with the local these two men together with their friend mir drug
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they follow the family and went to see what used to be served land now owned by ethical variance since service flare ups nature's nine hundred ninety nine bombing . they were stopped by the new york hire them we talked for five minutes and he said he needed to come back to his car to take his cell phone but came back and stand with a kalashnikov do you want your man back he shouted and started firing as drug was killed. by a man who just lost their friends they there is only one reason he was killed. just because we are serbs periods eleven years after the end of major conflict here and despite the presence of international peacekeepers violence seems to be still part of everyday life for some in this troubled break with province and there is little sign that's like change or if nationality. ok for troops
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resorted to tear gas and pepper spray to disperse the crowd of serbs guarding the blockade in the north of costs of being canadian documentary or a small group of ski things that by meddling in an internal conflict nato is pursuing its own agenda. k. four is acting as a force to further nato's goals in the province of kosovo and this is something that is just a continuation of their policies for the last ten years the serbs who remain in kosovo or they're living in horrible conditions basically living in a ghetto and they have been there and their presence there is a form of silent protest against what is happening there as they do not want to leave their homeland they want to stay with us they were the aryans thing in the country in which they were born and which they believe was there is the serbs there are saying no to the west and if this was happening in a country where nato and the west supports the regime of that country they will be hailing the serbs as freedom fighters and fighters for human rights of course
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because the west does support the government are seen after all they installed in their criminalising way the serbs and human eyes and once again and presenting them as criminals the people who want to make a profit out of this wild west and in fact those who want to make a profit out of the poison you know customs over there. it's been hailed as a historic middle east prisoner exchange with over a thousand palestinians being swapped for just one israeli soldier gilad shalit was freed following five years of captivity and a massive campaign for his release in israel and he's homecomings left many jewish families bitter as falsely or found out. if you date not be comes to a place that looks after israeli soldiers who are alone in the country who come from difficult backgrounds but being here is often more of a comfort to him than the youngsters he hopes because it brings him that little bit closer to his son just appeared one year before he naturally it was taken hostage
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might have said this over and over again the government and the country are not doing your mom for minority leaders the media you know has the option to give to disown the family there are at the moment seven israeli soldiers who've been kidnapped or who missing in action. now as we sun magically disappeared while hitchhiking to his army base major want to ride was captured twenty five years ago after his a craft was shot down of eleven on these of the last pictures of him alive taken in a prison in iran that i haven't disappeared fourteen years ago he was last seen at his army base one kilometer from the syrian border. it's infuriating it's an acceptable that after fourteen years the government still has nothing to tell us our demand is that the government bring us any information alive dead here and lebanon and syria just bring it up but they've brought us nothing. also. certain her son is still alive and while she's pleased to be allowed is coming home
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she's disillusioned in a government that made it possible for him but not for her son. it's about media attention p.r. how do lots nearly succeeded in marketing their son we saw it as a family this was a growl as we thought it was enough the guy was an i.d.f. soldier in uniform but we were wrong very very wrong america. this is a country that depends on its army for its survival is an unwritten code that every soldier who goes to war must be fought back home that's what the heartbeat of the free gilad shalit campaign for nearly two years here were in his family it's a little out here in front of the prime minister's office every morning when netanyahu clif his home he was reminded about the soldier who could not return to his beloved will usually be a man bears to say that the government and the country are not doing enough for my son and the rest of those missing in action it is important for us to bring our
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soldiers on a spiritual similar stance toward we need to knowledge and will do everything possible to get them back or it's done just that in the case of gilad shalit but at what cost. well militants now be empowered to kidnap and nothing is really soldier and will israel be willing to pay this price again. the war in doubt coverage an exclusive food a chatter web site r.t. dot com. and iraq's refusal to grant u.s. soldiers an extended stay with diplomatic immunity means the troops are heading home you'll find the details online. also in the heart of moscow illuminated in brandy oza laser show check out the spectacular video on r.t. dot com and our you tube channel. now earlier in the week around five hundred people marched through new york against tough police tactics in
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dispersing anti-corporate protests on friday over thirty occupy wall street activists were arrested demonstrators complained police are taking to having approach to their continuing peaceful rallies it's week five of the occupy wall street protests against low banks and washington's inability to do something about it and the growing gap between rich and poor something which could cost the government here as governor she can explain. a class war seemed impossible in a country were even wealthy east part of the national green but as thousands marched on wall street and in other parts of america protesting against the system that they claim works only for the benefit of the few super rich individuals and corporations many ask whether america is facing a class war better to toy with the rich are getting richer while the little course is class war is being waged in a burka today fortunately the old saw is what in the soup called one percent of
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winners are the nation's top corporations which this year the economy is very slow growth of nonetheless made record profits of things to be various loopholes many corporations pay little or not. in taxes the corporations say they need the tax breaks to be able to invest more and to hire more america's second largest energy producers chevron is now lobbying not to let the government tax them more and to my question how many americans has chevron hired since the tax breaks were introduced in two thousand and four the c.e.o. of the company said huge there were slightly a few thousand in our upstream business over the years but not significantly not significantly on our chevron payroll a few thousand jobs for the billions of dollars in tax stimulus that the government gave them economy same erika's largest corporations are sitting on more than three trillion dollars and not investing in the economy unemployment in the us remains
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over nine percent where we live in a nation where corporations could profit off a child dying at the same time with their parents in a bankruptcy could their trying to pay for these kids medical bills. would do what does that say about our country the wall street answer to people's rage and if you kill wall street will be nobody held great jobs but as one of the protesters try to put a word of objection we call it all done all done it's not your job might be i'm talking to these people hold on and look though if you think you can hug told me a few personal success and money have always been part of the american dream really should you reap the aspiration to become rich is a clique ingrained in american society and widely promoted by pop culture but those who took to the streets have made it clear that the situation when the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer is not their idea of the american dream in fact it could be the end of it and the beginning of
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a class war i'm going to shift our reporting from washington r.t. . now seek a look at some other stories from around the world lisa says stuart vote for its constitutional a sample nine months after the first arab spring. evolution saw a long time to taper banal the step down to reasons are faced with overwhelming choice more than one hundred parties and ten thousand candidates are competing for one hundred ninety nine seats in the sample the first duty once the bodies are like that will be the redrafting of tunisia's constitution. turkish soldiers have killed at least forty nine kurdish rebels in a massive air and ground stance of near the rock border as i read a lot of races were launched earlier this week as a response to the death of twenty four soldiers killed by fighters of the kurdistan workers party turkey has reportedly mobilized and thousand troops in southeastern turkey and across the border in iraq. thailand's prime minister says the worst
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floods to hit the country in sixty years will likely take six weeks to recede at least three hundred fifty six people have lost their lives so far the number which has been growing day by day over one hundred ten thousand have been displaced from water logged homes the country is also faced with a heavy price tag of rebuilding the cost of damaged factories homes and farmland just made up of billions of dollars. doctors overseeing venezuelan leader hugo chavez say he's in good health after undergoing cancer treatment they were responding to comments from certain salvadoran already has said todd is out last two years to live the president's doctor said now already does not have access to the relevant data confirmation and his comments are responsible he has since fled the country. on friday a russian soyuz rocket lifted off from a space base in the tropics carrying the first parts of
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a european satellite navigation system at powered through having a raid after one date a light hearted in a bushel rush to go. with the launch of a new era in russian space history the first ever liftoff of the school used booklet in the west position as the leader in the field it's one thousand seven hundred successful takeoffs way ahead of any other rival so when the french team began plans to send galileo satellites into orbit it was first choice when we needed. to go from here we immediately thought of so you galileo is europe's america's g.p.s. navigation system promising much greater accuracy and reliability with so used to launch it that you use confident so use is one of the best launcher on these on the size so we put together the best competitive team and together we can be the best
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and beat all the old all the open and the soyuz and it's just simply have had to be specially adapted to handle the challenges brought by the tropical climate of four croyde from its sister sites in russia's north of the spitzer kazakstan. to needed some work including clearance of one hundred twenty hc does of jungle forest for the launch under a new agreement. so use this to send many more satellites for europe into orbit from the site with much of the equipment being built in russia and then shipped to french guyana a massive boost for the russian space industry as for the future well speaking only about range gran and crew. there's a contract country for fifteen or so years can you imagine fifty or so years which means that for the minimum six seven years both summer and the moscow
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factories they will be fully engaged in their lots of work to do this success cements the reputation of soyuz as the world's top space launch program but it also turns a new page in relations between the european union and russia senior figures with it and expressed optimism for the new corporation to deliver satellites into the albeit without a glitch to the cheers of a lot team in guests in russian soyuz means union of both the e.u. and russia will be hoping the project will indeed mean a union of interests and close a partnership the new bushell r.t. french guiana. is the occupy wall street movement going to change the face of america well that's the question we're asking in our interview a few minutes but for that all day to the week's top stories here in our city stay with us.
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but. there's a strike or so that you are sorry i didn't know. there's nobody going to see that the among the trees here if you want to have sex go and have sex.
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susan. says.


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