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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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welcome back you're watching r.t. live from moscow and these are the week's top stories nato is preparing to leave libya saying it's achieved its goals after the killing of colonel gadhafi but there are fears the country could now be plunged into a chaos of mob rule. you leaders are meeting in brussels to brainstorm ways to save the euro zone slash greece's enormous debt it comes after the greek government approved another round of eye watering cuts to euro bailout leading to today's strike and clashes with police. and i think surfer and nato from dismantling their barricades at a disputed border crossing in northern possible on friday peacekeeping troops used tear gas to disperse hundreds of locals sal the road to stop. the occupy wall street movement is now well it is six week and it is not slowing down talks to author and blogger james cussler about the phenomenon and how it could influence
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america's future. i. archie sitting down with author blogger and public speaker james howard kunstler so thanks so much for joining us it's nice to be here let's get started with the occupy wall street movement is seen many media outlets try to ridicule them marginalize this movement as something that's temporary and really anarchist teenage behavior and you've essentially called this bogus in your blog let's talk about what is your take on occupy wall street well first of all it's hilarious that all of these scolds in the media are shaking their fingers at these young people and say oh you don't you can articulate your position you would have any agenda we're living in a time in the united states when the consensus about reality is so fractured even among people who are supposed to go what's going on that we cannot construct a coherent story about what's happening to us and what we're going to do about it
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so to expect the young people to be able to construct a coherent narrative when nobody else in the culture is capable of doing that i think it's a little unfair. what's more you can tell just from the placards that they're carrying around we know where their heads are at the the most significant or telling one that i saw said. i have seventy thousand dollars college debt twelve thousand dollars in medical bills i'm twenty two where's my bailout that's a good enough reason to be out there i think so and i think what it represents is very clear it's the idea that this younger generation feels like their future has been sold out from under them but with major unions joining we've seen a much more kind of mature and knowledgeable group of people come out onto the
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streets thousands of people do you think that's reason enough for the media and politicians to really start. seriously i don't know if we're capable of really interpretating what's going on politically in our country right now you know i have a pet theory that the more social and economic distress a culture goes through the greater the delusional thinking gets so that you know that as the social stress rises the crazy ideas and delusional ideas tend to increase it's not a very. good it's not a very good set of conditions for you know arriving at a picture of reality if we compare occupy wall street to the arab spring we saw american politicians on the mainstream media lauding the arab spring yet this is somewhat of a similar beginning of summer pricing along those lines isn't cool double standard a little bit too obvious yeah it's amazing it's amazing that we were cheerleading
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for all those people in the street in tahrir square you know anderson cooper was down there and you know all the other. usual media suspects were there cheering for the protesters in spite of the fact that there was a very good chance that the outcome of the revolution might not be so good let's put it this way you know the outstanding feature of the politics in the last three years has been that nobody on wall street has had to sit in a court room to answer for the tremendous amount of misbehavior in banking and you know this includes pacts that can only be described as swindles and frauds well people have been talking about the lack of accountability ever since the financial meltdown took place three years ago but we haven't seen anybody come out onto the streets why now and do you think that this movement could end up
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taking america to a. better place at least in terms of pushing college politicians to hold someone accountable if just i do think there's a reason why we haven't seen a lot of protests the kind of things that have been happening to americans are very shameful they lose or draw up they lose their income they can't support their families they can't feed their families their house gets taken away from them you know these are things that tend to be humiliating and shameful and i think that because of the way our system works where you know this is the land of freedom and liberty people blame themselves and they internalize the lot of the bad feelings and then you know they suppress it because it's shameful the combination of the shame and the anger that's all kind of mixed up with that has not really expressed itself and it may take a bit more to shove it over the edge it may take you know
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a bit more hardship now in one of your articles you say they're hoping vested in obama will end up in a museum of lost hopes along with the integrity of t.v. news i want to ask you if this were to be obama's only term as president what would he be remembered like in history well i voted for obama i think that he's probably all said and done he's probably a decent chap but it also appears that he's either a hostage to history or a hostage to a certain faction most in our culture and economy like the wall street bankers. remember over a thousand people were successfully prosecuted for the misdeeds in the savings and loan scandals of the late one nine hundred eighty s. and early one nine hundred ninety s. no significant figure from the banking community has really been that it's even sat in a courtroom and had to answer for any of their their deeds you know there have been
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a couple of fluky cases including bernie made off. you know these are outliers these are the marginal cases but really the heart of the system hasn't been touched i think that. mr obama will be remembered as kind of a spectacular failure and i also think that this is a period of history that is comparable to the eight hundred fifty s. in the usa that was the period that preceded the civil war and it was a period in which political institutions were failing you know an interesting thing happens in situations like this institutions lose what's called legitimacy with mysie a reason to exist and the faith among people who have subscribed to that their beliefs that they are worth believing in and you know we're seeing a grand failure of legitimacy now in the political system in the usa and it's and
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rather frightening you really sort of forecast every year for the year ahead what the united states should await i mean your forecast for twenty eleven you said that the number one question really is can a political economy be floating like a when he who will loon off gusts of sheer fakery. well i think that the air is been going out of it steadily but surprisingly slowly for three years and you know we're the whatever pin prick in this balloon you know where we are it seems to be located at the moment is over europe with tremendous questions about the legitimacy of the european union and the banking sector more more generally but you know all of the banks in europe and north america are. interrelated and there's no chance that what happens on one continent is not going to affect another i think that there are sooner or later we're going to see similar
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problems. in the usa the air is going out of the balloon. it's been remarkable that the fabric of this bubble was so strong but when all is said and it's a fabric of faith and confidence that the system is meaningful and sustainable and people are beginning to doubt it that it is if we could return to the role of the media you return to this issue in your blog quite often you've written that they shout down invited guests commentators pander to their demographic and despair rivals for ratings what role do they play these days well you know culture goes through cycles when institutions. take various forms acquire a certain legitimacy and then blow it throw it away and i've seen it happen in my lifetime where you know the the authority of the evening news on the networks was
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unquestioned but what's happened is that you know i think that the media has lost its confidence it's certainly in a great state of. convulsive transition we do know that younger people tend not to really get their news from t.v. at all you know they mostly get it from the internet. there are very few kind of vested legitimate authorities on the internet who are trusted news bringers they all appear to have an agenda of some kind or another whether it's a left wing right wing capitalist socialist you know we never won it is and you know i think we have a long way to go before any of these things are sorted out and it's one of the reasons that we can't construct a coherent narrative about what's happening to us do you think the united states could face its own person i prefer to call it
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a reset because i don't think it's the end of the world or the end of culture. or the end of america i think it's a reset of culture but it but it can be very very painful and you know there will be a lot of losses involved of property and status. and you know things that were important to people that they're going to lose and so we have to somehow be prepared for this period of history that's very difficult what i think we're seeing is something that i did expect that we would mount a campaign to sustain the unsustainable because of our tremendous psychological investments in the stuff that we've got running you know we put all of our national treasure into building freeways and building these massive suburbs and building all of the accessories and furnishings for them you know the strip malls and the malls and all the you know all the stuff that comes with them. that's where our national
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wealth has gone and you know we're not going to just kick it into the garbage can without a struggle. but i don't think that it's going to work very well for us anyway so the final in the final analysis what i think is going to happen is america is going to be dragged kicking and screaming into a reset of daily life james howard kunstler thank you so much a little time. from the days of the manhattan project and maintenance forty two the university of california has been involved through the science of its provision and scientists and their relationship to the first city you see since day one has been in charge of researching designing and testing nuclear weapons and to some extent producing
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weapons every single long nuclear weapon in surveys arsenal was designed by university of california. we don't warm. to the city of california was selected as the closer because the army needed scientists of their versity positions. a group of protesters interrupted a university of california border regions meeting to demand the school's temper chimes with the nation's nuclear weapons program.
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this week's top stories here in our t.v. i was preparing to leave he is saying his achieve his goals after the killings curled up there are fears a country could now be plunged into a chance of mob world. leaders are meeting in brussels to brainstorm ways to save the euro zone slash reeses of enormous debt and it comes after the greek government approved another round of i water and costs your bailout the church today stride and clashes with police. as they search for a manmade or from dismantling their barricades in a dispute of war across the enormous cost of a friday fees keeping troops use tear gas to disperse hundreds of locals to stand on the road to stop them. from the top stories of the week here on artsy such a clue what's happening in the world sports.
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hello there welcome to the sports on day ten of seeds good telecom and again this of thirst let's take a quick look at what's making the headlines around the world. no more russians moscow scrambling cough will not see any home representatives in the women's singles final. disagree or to spend it jennifer draw still will lead an old rap still on the front row at the malaysian moto g.p. off the sexing cos it's called upon and sockets. use it against france because the coup is repeat that success of my team eighty seven when they beat the frenchman to claim back but as a rugby world cup. but let's start with football where in the russian premier league for matches have been played on saturday all of them involving struggling sides the title chasers given an extra bare breast following their european games during the week in the l a match f.c. cross and picked up all three points in legion over a beach ball by two on aussie goals it is the spokesman sixty minutes into the game
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threw out on much the lot that following a mistake from bogus depends on the international euro misses sound still the final result in the dying minutes of the match and made all the right moves in the box. now said sarah registered a narrow victory against i turn our ballot bowl the ball straight seventeen minutes past to the ground will break the streak to put state church in some of the level of the table with tight eight points as many games. to let match of the day seventh place and thrown the ball some creates a better chad point same person dar is a juvenile come milenko scored for the sum our team wants a bit of the equaliser for the hosts. now let's move on to the english premier league where informed newcastle are now just three points or three top as the defeated wigan by a single girl the last thing standing there on the start of the transfer ships will
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have turned drew against swansea city as the home side managed to come back from two girls down our civility belt to stand was a position to go down to ten man two one to the visitors they finished struggling bolton have now lost their seven game out of nine percent opponents sunderland and now both points at their reebok stadium. but it's on sunday when one of their biggest games of the season is due to take place to match the giants and the league current leaders city and united will go ahead hope it all transferred and enters arts but it draw is expected that. if we leave the old trafford will. do i think it is good for them as a marker he is not they were meant. to see for united. united in the seat you play always a game. another premier league favorite chancy will have new boards queens
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park rangers for their opponents the blues manager and journalist pose it's more important to win his team's london darby than to rely on the outcome of the kunin one. just the. seaward of what is most important for us this week and if you want to do to shorten into a little good news for us to get through it once and we doctors do we live nothing nothing that happens there will please support or it's important but for us. now russia's interest in the women's singles crank up has ended as in everything i was knocked out in straight sets by dominika. it sort of dropping just two games in a comprehensive six love six to victory and chill out play. in the final richard not pull through it was a man courtside. it was a sixth of the kremlin camp in moscow and russian interest on the inside of the draw was the last remaining podium of this and i was crashed in straight sets six
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six two point zero five here is. obvious the mass was maybe a double specialist had done really well to reach the semifinals here in moscow but she'll be just really disappointed that she went out and she didn't really put up much fight against her slovak opponent and this is great to be in the semifinal and in moscow in the home tournament and. it's yeah there was it's really peter that played really not my best tennis today against dominika and i was trying. i was trying to do everything to do what i can and i was fighting till the end and i believe that i can change the magic till the end i had the feeling that it can change because. the money going to times she was out through a lot in the third set and i won both of that matches so i knew that everything can happen in the situations and it was an exemplary performance. and structure with every game if you please here in moscow and especially after three hour marathon
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encounter going to be it was one of the organ with all finals on friday all of the noise was able to take and things slightly easier feelings before i know i started were you know i was just playing too fast for her and that's why she was making the mistakes you know when it's never easy if you're in such a setting and then you just have to bump yourself. into being out a second saying i was a little bit late to sleep you know and i had jaw jaw get back into imagine just started dating again because the same russians were from the winning side of the draw all the way from now on for another year and four years since i last won the ladies' singles. the nominee visible he's never won the w.c. age old men still get another chance trying to win her maiden flight on sunday when she plays kaia kanepi in the final. people being. in another finals in in two weeks you know and it's just just a great feeling in and of course i know i don't have any ability title but i'm sure
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sooner or later it will come so i don't want to make a big deal about it and in just trying to go out there in and play my play my best tennis is over them plenty of twists and turns and see a strip club just one of course the russian made these will be a new name and a trophy because it's a big about six i'm tired i may be missing. out see. new zealand rugby free thought hoping fortune will be on the can we start on sunday when the mates france in the world cup final that match up a repeat of the first ever decider back in ninety eight seven one new zealand have ever won the cavies were involved in a bruising battle against australia in their same final the house turned out to be just to go for the eventual bronze medalists have now that same line up will test the french on the biggest stage and reason men have long been favorites for the competition and they're trying to six victory press confirmation for that but the sport is well aware the french part the last of them to hold seven what are called
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fight. they enjoy having the underdog. and i think that when the french team strangers. i think in two thousand and seven leading into they will follow and see what they came came out and produced so for us to just focus on how we prepare and what we want to do in the game. the french meanwhile did what it took to be a power for wales to win the final mark of ramon's never looking truly solid in the nine to eight state three david ellis who is in charge of the team's defensive scheme says attack confirms. that the for the all blacks are after all a superior team they have a great chance to win and we'll try to do the same if only gives the kiwis for the entire eighty minutes is impossible so we will have to go on the afghans of ourselves and cause problems for their defense. and not a g.p.
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dennet with ross has claimed pole position for the malaysian grand prix the spaniard setting the fastest lap of ten minutes one point four six two seconds but the surprising circuit to draw so late and i saw on the throttle at sunday's race as a start is close his travels and teammates cases down and hundreds of his heels are back second and third spot respectively ghana has qualified what's the phantom on the main street with a fourth place finish ahead of not so and charlie. would not only under suspension only just you do to get the best. possible for more of race and train hire only on the ball i was in one section i was coming faster by going to get some traffic will improve my lot then but feel able to do a second time is good but hoping to do even better tomorrow in the race well that's it from me on the sports desk for now thanks to watch basketball.
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from the days of the manhattan project nine hundred forty two the university of california has been involved through the science in its vision and scientists and their relationship to percy you see since day one has been in charge of researching designing and sustaining nuclear weapons and to some extent producing weapons every single long nuclear weapon in surveys arsenal was decided by university of california. we don't warm goal is. to get a versity of california was selected as the contract because the army needed scientists in their first positions.
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a group of protesters interrupted a university of california border regions meeting to demand the school's severed ties with the nation's nuclear weapons program.
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plain live. bringing you the latest in science technology from the realm of rush limbaugh the future of coverage.
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in. bangkok so. i'm call. the cruise hotel. children. in israel he's available in. jerusalem.


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