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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2011 7:01pm-7:31pm EDT

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claim is supported by a post-mortem was discovered to put holes in the colonel's body the country's analogy to hold elections within the next eight months draft a constitution and form a new government while the cries to get out the future looks as sad as african tribal divisions imagine long even is once united in revolution he's a nice trip and he was. not too long ago it with handshakes and hot now it's his head. and his family and a lot of tales to tell about foreign involvement factor though he was always portrayed as a great guy who also played a lot of footsie and hanky panky with western powers. graphic gruesome footage of gadhafi went viral as news of his death spread after months of being number one and nato hitlist under the banner humanitarian mission. we came we saw he died. didn't have anything to do with.
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libya and t.c. claims he was killed in crossfire but edited video begs to differ shown here clearly wiping blood from his head then clearly dead look at the footage shown on t.v. proves that he was captured alive and wounded and after that he was killed. global pressure is growing for an investigation to find out if gadhafi died as clinton put it or was executed the u.n. human rights organization should all push not only for investigation. and certainly the lynching of many of the libyan members of the. support. but also the bombings that they thought inflicted in libya the droid so many of libya's infrastructure and also so many libyan civilians who died. the
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who were killed in the first three alliance officials claim the mission in libya is coming to remand the no fly zone will be reviewed at the u.n. security council but many believe this is only the end of gadhafi and the beginning of a new era of crisis libya is in for a period of horrendous chaos after the nato bombing that it's brought parts of libya back to the stone age some say the race for the country's oil has kicked off france is already demanding thirty five percent of libya's gross national gross oil production and i suspect that the people of libya will be furious and outraged that they are paying france for having bombed the infrastructure having destroyed the schools the hospitals the the water supply and a country united in hatred for gadhafi might not stand together now that he's gone all these these different groups that we were held together but one thing that was a good look at our feet and that's gone away you can redirect their anger at each
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other and i think that's a yes and susan political instability there's a lot of people looking back on libya. and we change and we're back where now and that is not the great celebrations continued throughout the week crossing the country and it seems few people here are really thinking about the future going to libya without gadhafi it really means for them a country with no leader a lot of weapons and even more oil reporting from tripoli and he's now a r.t. . and he says also keeping us updated with the latest from tripoli online just head to his twitter page to keep track of how account of developments in post gadhafi in libya. meanwhile political analyst adrian things the conflict in libya highlights a new type of warfare that wish the west uses to get its hands on the natural resources of other countries this is
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a message for the whole world i don't think this is just about libya this is a message to the world of how this new world order model actually works i will be decided to take only regime they do so with the utmost violence and it's a whole model based on the well we in the new speak so to speak first they target a role a country by calling it a robe state they do support local terrorist and call them freedom fighters rain death and destruction upon civilians and they call the un sanctions then they spread lies and call it the international community's opinion expressed by the western media then they invade and control the country full of liberation and finally they steal appetising oil and call it foreign investments and reconstruction. in syria now they death of kind of gadhafi has sparked fresh anti-government protests with five more reported shot dead by the army the u.n. estimates over three thousand civilians have been killed by thier own security
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forces since march in response the u. has threatened tighter restrictions with u.s. senator john mccain even raising the prospect of libyan stand in a tree intervention but as. reported by the government and opposition have blood on their hands. this is the office of the traitor it's one of the messages on the wall these rail and the u.s. were able to buy you with a thousand dollars says another. this is where several opposition leaders work. he had been a vocal critic and had spent fourteen years in jail a very bad time he recalls like many opposition members he thinks there's really very little room for because alleviation under the current environment. army cause troops must be withdrawn their backs clear voices and a regime that i know. listening to people. he insists peaceful protesters were forced to respond to attacks by security forces
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but he acknowledges that now it's simply not black and white responsibility for the violence goes both ways. killing civilians but some civilians killing. soldiers son was one of the first soldiers killed since protests began in the country he was killed in on march twenty three. foreign media acknowledged that too many of the army and national guards have lost their lives so how can some people say that on groups didn't exist . these civilians and members like my son members killed other members this is impossible the media that says it is plainly lying. and therein lies the problem the moment. there is confusion about what's really going on in the organization is taken by each side and used to defend their position so if you hear only arguments from one side. amid this atmosphere of confusion and misinformation the push for
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the forms continues what's the enduring very forms this is another question whenever a new legislation is made we see an escalation of the security situation in syria and the killing by the guns but we come up absolutely put the blame on the government as i mean some circles trying to propagate all voices from both sides are calling for dialogue to sit down and talk to the syrians themselves agree that if this crisis is to be resolved that foundation of trust should be first laid down but with each direct order syria will spoil the rise in an already widening political gap. does or so your r.t. damascus. coming your way this hour the class god virenque you once. more raised in new york against wall street despite peaceful demonstrations as have
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the hundreds police time takes appeared to be really inspired when more protests across the are. european leaders have been holding crucial talks in brussels aimed at resolving the region's debt crisis and keeping another recession at the bay they are pressing buying stocks that greece's debt will never be paid in full and to write off at least fifty percent of what's owed with new capital to be sold to deal with the losses instead choose daniel bushell hostile. the national debts of greece will reach one hundred eighty one percent of g.d.p. next year and of course that's completely unsustainable so they're not charities so they're obviously resisting these moves they say that if some. loans just like that then the world lending market will simply draw up that's why you leaders knew there wouldn't be an agreement crisis meeting and already before this summit took place was saying that there will be an extra extraordinary summit by wednesday and
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according to a leak that we've received leaders have agreed to create a european economic government with regular eurozone summits to enforce it is to control countries like italy there's been a blazing row here between prime minister silvio berlusconi who reportedly refused any more national laws there are measures also the public realm between france and germany is worrying investors france wants a bigger bailout port it's already it's hundreds of billions of euros but it wants more to rescue any potential any potential failures in the eurozone. they could be more countries next whereas germany germany's angela angela merkel is well aware that the german taxpayers will have to pay for any such bailouts and the german officials here are saying this whole eurozone project is starting to look like a single one way flow of cash from berlin to solve and europe ordinary greeks see
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differently of course they are having to put up with very difficult cuts in public services in greece enforced by enforced in brussels as our correspondent sara first reports from athens. because they're right there. behind these things that's why. it's a vote that means that people here in the west bank in that way it is by iran that the president may stay on top of that. the cantons the public spending unemployment here in the country is cripplingly high and we see in the emergence of a new generation of homeless these measures this seem to have affected everyone here in great oh i've been. here almost up to that good. and us to our young and. old sort of five one of the nation
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of the people who will fight peacefully because we want our lives. the young and the people from all walks of quick life to end the today protest the largest police to seen since the crisis began one of the nice violent referred police very far it's it wasn't to be the anger once again boiling eva with fights breaking out not just with the police but amongst the protesters themselves the greek society is facing a social disaster for the past two years we've received austerity package after austerity package people are beyond third breaking point they cannot stand it anymore. and it's not just the phrase has is with an appetite for change and they did they cost some top government officials did a plays on a position then the saying he thinks that the business struggling with his clinicians he's not the only one speaking to
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a police major after the protests at the start of the month tell me it's the pressure teeth of the riot police involved in these events you know this. it is very hard to describe the feelings of the policeman because there are two a social and a professional group who are suffering by the economic measures to the government has to take me sometimes it is really hard for them to take part in these protests as a working people but once more they had to take to the streets to piss playtest is even they still wanted to make their point p. . the rest of europe and the usa needs to be watching this very closely because this isn't just a problem that affects great it is a situation that affects the entire year right so you can see what the people in the country right now willing to go to train to have their voices heard the people here are going to have to wait a while longer see if anyone's now be ready to listen. see things. and learn a professor of political science at paris western of
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a stain on thailand to friends says the extreme popularity of european governments imposing austerity cuts could have a dramatic consequence. europe seems to be going from one summit to the next unsoldering and nothing or the with the new discussion and debate around this summit it seems that european leaders are edging closer to becoming relisted on some points notably. under stare into programming greece it's impossible for greek greece to pay back its debt but if there's osteria to a program in greece and italy in spain and portugal everywhere in europe i mean there's we know there's going to be no consumption anywhere and the u.s. and china are pushing europe to words. adopting a solution because they're american banks are also exposed expose you know european banks insurance in the u.s. and so on so there is the possibility of international travel but right now are
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what. liberals have come up with at the local of europe is more of a stereotypic for everyone so the greeks more financial toll more than what he's before it to me the government is terribly unpopular. slain the government is also a popular and you have movements that are in our minority movements but there are people protesting in the streets making getting stronger and stronger so they could be political turmoil on top of the financial turmoil. at least one hundred protesters were arrested by police during the occupy chicago demonstration for refusing to leave a city park this comes to days after dozens of protesters were arrested in new york actually say please respond to that peaceful rallies that unnecessary force has been over a month since they protest against fat cats and corporate greed erupted in the u.s. as a chicken explains the expanding gap between rich and poor old could have died consequences
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for the country. a class war seemed impossible in a country where being wealthy east part of the national dream thousands march on wall street and in other parts of america protesting against the system that they claim works only for the benefit of a few super rich individuals and corporations many ask whether america is facing a class war that at a time when the rich are getting richer while the middle class is collapsing class war is being waged in america today unfortunately the old saw eye is winning the so-called one percent of winners are the nation's top corporations which this year amid the economy's very slow growth of non the less made record profits but thanks to various loopholes many of these corporations pay little or nothing in taxes the corporations say they need the tax breaks to be able to invest more in to hire more america's second largest energy producers chevron is now lobbying not to let the
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government tax them more and to my question how many americans has chevron hired since the tax breaks were introduced in two thousand and four the c.e.o. of the company said there were up slightly a few thousand business over the years but not significantly not significantly on our chevron payroll a few thousand jobs for the billions of dollars in tax stimulus that the government gave them economists say married his largest corporations are sitting on more than three trillion dollars and not investing in the economy unemployed. in the us remains over nine percent where we live in a nation where corporations could profit off a child dying at the same time with their parents in the bankruptcy to their trying to pay for these kids medical bills. what does that say about our country the wall street answer to people's rage if you kill me will be nobody home three jobs but as one of the protesters tried to put
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a word of objection call an old on hold on it's not your show i'm talking to these people hold on i'm not talking to you you can. talk personal success and money have always big part of the american dream the rich the aspiration to become rich is deeply ingrained in american society and widely promoted by pop culture but those who took to the streets have made it clear that the situation when the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer is not their idea of the american dream in fact it could be the end of it and the beginning of a class war i'm going to reporting from washington r.t. . this is once in the head in the foreground our correspondent reports on why nature warnings and tear gas on turn out to get ethnic serbs to remove the barricades next to the disputed so there kosovo border. and right now more world news for you this hour after a thousand people i feel to have lost their minds are powerful as quick struck
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eastern turkey here saudis have confirmed that the quake estimated at seven point two magnitude has claimed one hundred thirty eight lives so far scores of buildings including apartment blocks of towns understood and dormitory were destroyed around the epicenter near the city of banda close the iranian border with reports also of a prison break out in the chaos that followed may change the name reaching the magnitude of up to six months. nearly seventy percent of voters in tunisia have turned out to cause the ballot in the first elections and they are. nations become trees electing at two hundred and seventeen see the assembly that will appoint a government and draft a new constitution after the toppling of president ben ali in january no violence has been reported with the military keeping order the first results are expected on monday with the islamist party and not expected to come out on top. afghan president hamid karzai has said his country would back pakistan if it ever went to
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war with the us the statement was made during an interview with pakistan's private television station g o and this contrasts with karzai as harsh criticism afghanistan's eastern neighbor during the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton's visit to kabul so both clinton and cons i have accused the pakistani government of providing safe haven to terrorist groups launching attacks in afghanistan. to colombia now where at least ten soldiers have been killed in ambush by far leftist rebels in the north east of the country the top comes just before nationwide election next week just a few days ago another time on colombia's border with ecuador left ten soldiers dead after their vehicles had roadside bombs both incidents are being blamed on fox rebels despite the group being the focus of a recent on the offensive. major lead peacekeepers trying to remove roadblocks in northern course of a have been prevented by their parents who sat on the roads guarding the disputed so because of
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a border crossing so i've set up the barricades in july to stop kosovo from extending its control over the part of the country populated mostly by ethnic serbs are if the notion reports now on the continuing stand up. as months of tension between serbs mystical ben and course words continue roads also remain closed for some serbs of the very creates and see themselves again as victims of history these call to reach you defeated your granddad we defeated your father's will we know again. local service compare the nature led peacekeeping force in kosovo ok for the fascist occupiers of the past they are then why do they think that they can come and take our land serbia's our home we don't want to live in albania look how they aren't we have nothing but flag and think they're gone some two hundred meters away they took a four soldiers keep watching i would prefer
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a peaceful solution by talk by an agreement judge it all is the last week but if that is not to be reached i have to be on my own i have to do fall back on my own needs. some of them are. going to be no surprise the generals only means a military once the status quo northern kosovo remains the standoff between pay for soldiers and local serbs avila's is no closer to resolution that's people from both sides of the barricades glad to avoid any further violence but away from media glare hostility is common place. this twenty three year old syrian man was with his father when he was shot just three weeks ago visiting an old ben village in courses south where syria was a minority living in time and place i was waiting for him in a car and i saw him coming out of the albini and cafeteria when i heard two gunshots and my dad fall down i rushed to him but i was worried he died immediately
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i didn't even say good bye to him. nobody voice shows us his wounds he was shocked when his father's killers try to eliminate the only witness i will never return to that place they'll chase me i'm worrying about my family and myself in a separate incident just last week another unarmed serb was killed in a call from taishan with a local these two men together with their friend mir drug the father the big family went to see what used to be served land. now owned by ethical variance since service fled after nature's nine hundred ninety nine bombing of yugoslavia they were stopped by the new occupier we talked for five minutes then he said he needed to come back to his car to take in some form but came back instead with a kalashnikov do you want your man back you sheldon started farming out on drug was killed at the scene the men who just lost their friends say there is only one
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reason he was killed bucks just because we are serbs period eleven years after the end of major conflict here and despite the presence of international peacekeepers violence seems to be still part of everyday life for some in this troubled break with province and there is little sign that's like change roof nationality course or. tony blair has been engaged for have to lead to help because our stan improve its image in the west mr blair will reportedly be paid twelve point five million dollars for his services by the former soviet republic political analyst jim brown the former british prime minister has been keen to capitalize on his political career. blair has that reputation of being quite you know extremely mercenary and he has his finger in so many pies as soon as he left office he went to work for g.o.p. morgan buying. some astronomical sum like half a million or
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a million and yes his own company tony blair associates he's got his finger in other pies and as far as being middle east envoy i suspect that. he's run out of code just a little and i think he's probably kept on as a middle east envoy because the embarrassment of sacking him would be greater than the barest mother keeping him on but he's so overtly pro israeli for example in many people's eyes he whenever he goes back to iraq inquiry because it's going on in london he simply uses it as a platform to promote. dealing with iran the urgency of dealing with iran so i think he feels he can just go off and make lots and lots of money and he might be the right person to advise people how to make lots and lots of money. and for more news stories and videos go to our website on home and here's just a taste of. prominent russian designers present their latest creation as a glamorous of the city's fashion week arrests at. that also online more than three
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hundred fifty multimedia shows and now live from a fan's transform to skate a fitting in a summer day international set up like. it's come the south nor the special report on the controversial wall of the university of california and the development of the american nuclear arsenal that's a quick look at the week's headlines. if.
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it's to life long dream for many. but bring a real loom is not enough to steer the ship malec endures. genuine love to the motherland history or require. people who revive the interim craft are sailing through the centuries on archie.
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i am. just. from.
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beatrice. welcome back and this is the latest news on the week's top stories going on leave it to liberation is out stained by the bloody accounts of the death of a played leader as education has emerged colonel gadhafi was executed by lynch mob
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rebel points as they posted a future looks and sounds of ethnic and tribal divisions a major monkey begins once united and revenue from. wall street violence in greece this week the country's government approves more tax hikes as well as cuts and wages the building of the easy on the i.m.f. meanwhile the european leaders have been wrangling at some length in brussels mazing over resulting the crisis but have put off talking in the major decisions until another summit on wednesday. fossil of a barricade nature forces to remove roadblocks the disputed serbia kosovo border as ethnic serbs gone they've located to stop the peacekeepers it wants. to of a special report where he brings to light the development of the u.s. nuclear program on the role that the university of california has played in it stay with us for that and there were people started dating.


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