tv [untitled] October 23, 2011 7:31pm-8:01pm EDT
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deeper and deeper they discovered that. a lot of things had been lax on the security front i can go through the guard station here to access t. eighty three in my ford ranger truck and i will not be stopped i will well you briefly stop you get waved through there's no search of those vehicles i could have hundreds of pounds of plastic in my vehicle and once in a three i can park it pretty much anywhere i want as a lot of security for its laboratory. they were not pressed into prosti that stuff that these things are practiced was to sweep it under the rug right now never more putting together a new eternium foundry in the eternium building that very deal where the mock terrorists were able to get apps out and they're going to be experimenting with
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boring that when tony am i and where i am trying to develop robotics worried production line for a full scale manufacturing capability out was our most who made the plutonium peds the n.s.a. is requiring the los alamos laboratory to ramp up the production plutonium hits a compound and functional bombs they were very proud of having produced i or was it ten or eleven last year or something and they want to produce something like eighty per year and you could ask why it's about pork real nuclear weapons or just them they swear to get pork. they're nice because nobody can question what you're doing me unless they don't have a security clearance mean you can't go up and say show me how you make your stupid
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bits because they won't let you see the people that run you know that the defense industries in this country that are they are connected to people in washington that are you know that just do you know have a power of command over agency policy that cannot really be altered even by the president why we need more nucular weapons or even to maintain the current stock well that we have and spend the resources of the money on that is beyond me i think those are political decisions and i don't think they are well thought out.
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the prophet also addressed to the nation from his office in the white house january seventh eight nineteen sixty one. good evening my fellow americans. three and a half million men and women are directly engage in the defensive stocks. we have nearly spending on military security alone more than the net income of all united states corporation. we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportion in the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or run sought by the military industrial complex. the more classic version of the military industrial complex which is still very much a part. of the united states military and economy is it refers more to
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the meshing of industrial conglomerates corporations with the us military and this serves as some people said the serves as a kind of the facto centralized state planning of the us economy whereby industrial policy is determined by the defense department in the allocation of their you know several hundred billion dollar budget every year so long term decisions about where whole industries go in the united states is determined by the defense department there's an illusion that the united states and other western societies are markets is. based on free enterprise and so on that's on a very marginal true if you take a look at the core of the. it's based on the state. the pentagon controls about five hundred billion dollars of funding a year and it uses that to control all of high technology industry the
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costs of the initial stages of technological development are all subsidized by the taxpayers through this system because the pentagon is a publicly funded institution obviously you know half of the federal budget now is devoted to things that are either military or intelligence or homeland security and all those bureaucracies feed a lot of contractors and people making large amounts of money and why would they want to stop why would they not want to feed at the trough anymore the british historian e.p. thompson once said that it was misleading to say that the soviet union in the united states had military industrial complexes he said it was more accurate to say that they were military industrial complexes. in the u.s. casey could just as well have said military industrial like adenike given the role
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of the university of california where you see her as a very important role with and the military industrial complex some gauze fires calling that the military industrial complex you see became involved in a general context of universities becoming more tightly involved in those who are industrial complex during world war two the people who ran harvard the people who ran and. the people who ramberg really. all of these people were basically. realizing it was in their interest. to attach themselves and more permanent ways to the military the u.c. has received billions of dollars over the years so the federal government put it into the nuclear weapons development that's happened at these laboratories and has basically served as the ultimate. group that legitimates for the weapons in the
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united states now this is interesting the scientists at the laboratories. benefit from the university of california man if you in the sense that the university of california provides a fig leaf of academic respectability for their design of weapons of mass destruction the. louds don't like to say your nuclear bomb site labs we create that knowledge of armageddon and that's not how they sell themselves where they sell themselves as they serve it we are multipurpose national science laboratories we work on everything from the human genome project to helping to offset global warming to all kinds of other benign popular and the science and we also did. there are weapons. you know.
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universally is basically doing science it so happens that eighty percent of their research and funding. that the department of energy provides them with is for their weapons programs. the weapons laboratories are incredibly powerful lobby and interests on behalf of nuclear weapons development and i look at that phenomenon as being part of something that the generalist philosopher lewis mumford called the new pentagon of power that emerged around the time of world war two and that he recognized there is a new priesthood. within the ruling elite of the united states that new priesthood was scientists elite scientists like nuclear weapons scientists especially the labs
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come up with ideas and sell them to the military there's a kind of idea that the customer you know wants this of the customer wants that and the customer being in the military but historically it's the labs that have by large come up with the ideas and then they get the customer to be interested in here you are you're in position where you're the only people what have the nuclear weapons design expertise you can tell what do do you. about what you consider the nuclear you can speculate about the russians and their nuclear weapons establishment so you're in your the driver's seat you can you're controlling your own money supply is pretty nice you don't have absolute control over but you're going to hell what more control over it than you ought to have it would be really hard to over estimate the historical influence that the us nuclear scientists have had on the global proliferation of nuclear weapons you see scientists have
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been some of the most outspoken advocates of the nuclear weapons program. a very key moment arrived during president reagan's administration when president reagan was on his way to a summit with the soviet premier corba chap to discuss a comprehensive elimination of nuclear weapons by those two states and by the world . and hey do you see nuclear weapon scientists and would successfully lobby president reagan and convince president reagan not to demonise edward teller you see scientist said we need to continue and in fact expand the nuclear weapons program. or edward teller or actually say if later from one to needing to that there was no possibility of killing more than if he put it a quarter of the earth's population a year later he had a cell phone to consider the possibility which remains of destroying all advanced
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life on earth if you think crazy nuclear weapons policies it isn't that they're doing that they are the loyal service to the deal being the deal would be and they're simply making nuclear weapons which is what they claim we're the oil service they are making that crisp us. because it keeps nuclear weapons for them as being right these are precious you mustn't stop using these things because if you do. the budget maker to. eat lions jr from us i was like you see it really worked and senator domenici is office for many years at a function as his laboratory legislative aide. but actually he was interested california lawyer lobbyist was working as a staff in
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a powerful senator's office so pete lyons can draw on. the entire resources of the los alamos lab and the other labs and then feed it to domenici from within his office. it's a lot of power. right now you've got some people whose purpose who's whose sole centered interest is to maintain. nuclear weapons as a viable option. that is their own selfish interest even though you and i would say that if there's if there's any weapon on earth right now that puts her our society or risk its nuclear weapons because they can bring our six sided crashing down one morning at the end of the cold war there was a hope that at least a core part of the nuclear threat would be reduced maybe eliminated namely the soviet american confrontation with the very dissolution of the soviet union u.s.
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leaders saw an opportunity not to change the world in the direction of nuclear abolition which they could have and which you know many americans saw that as a possibility instead of doing that they saw the possibility of being a hedge a monic world empire such as the world had never seen. issue of nuclear weapons is kind of dropped off public radar in a lot of ways because the u.s. population doesn't feel as threatened by nuclear weapons anymore people thought the nuclear problem danger had. disappeared that was wrong the problem the nuclear war was never a deliberate attack by either side against the other and it was never entirely the problem of all of the war. the problem of an accidental war launched by a false alarm but forces still does exist.
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if you look over the history there have been very close calls just by accident we don't have the russian records but we have the us real lot of the us records and it's appalling i mean there's been case after case probably dozens if not hundreds of cases where the automated response systems were on the verge of launching missile strikes. when human intervention for ended and human intervention means like the minute or two. these things are right at the edges destroying the world and it could happen to not by accident or by computer error or by heck as all by an ordinary fallible human psyche america has five now how to stop a night from that meeting. and russia got two and a half thousand and when you think about the fact they're on each or had forty major cities in the northern hemisphere to such or a dynasty there are forty eight spots targeted on new york as we speak and indeed
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if you look at the situation that was that ferry great maybe the danger is. more so now you know emanuel other seen this the sociologists who. was around a lot of globalization and he said that he thinks that you know in the next twenty years there will be twenty new nuclear states. he sees the end of the cold war is actually an opening up for mass deliberations nuclear weapons nuclear material and expertise has become dispersed in the world so widely by. this point the we are i think on the verge of widespread proliferation the belief that the threat of nuclear war to extremely serious is substandard among them leading strategic analyst takes a robert mcnamara former sort through the fence with the kennedy and johnson he thinks his estimate is that it's not only the threat was imminent he calls for the
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haka loops any international rate tense situation and. face up a situation where the weapons could be dumped. was going to be more nations going for nuclear weapons especially because the united states and russia still have them and still use them. to try to. to try to intimidate smaller nations. like what we're doing in the world right now running around the world. and were threatening people with weapons that we have and the door. we want to fire in helicopters and shoot precision missiles of people who are current it's. the only balance that comes into that is when they all sort of helicopters are you also are reduced to only having rifles once you're reduced to equal weaponry then you're ready to talk. probably less just great fun killing people. here we are in the position of trying to urge the most of the countries of the world except
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for nine. not to have a single nuclear weapon. while we're not only telling them that we intend to keep thousands indefinitely then we will not assure them we will not use them against them going to effect making a threat. the way the united states particularly is behaving it is providing incentives to other countries to develop nukes and they look at the case of iraq united states accused you rock. having nuclear arms an attack dog the didn't have nuclear arms and i and surely the united states knew that you wouldn't have attacked it if it didn't have nuclear arms but on the other hand north korea actually developed nuclear arms and the united states negotiated so the demonstration to the world is that having the nuclear weapons makes you
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a lot sing for from us threats from the kids of the world actual attack. what is the united states really number one. unchallenged. where nobody can come even close to our level of dominance or love of. food growing oil production. human capital is only one thing and that is the. problems are left to the insiders and the insiders on the whole are committed to the us empire. and to run the world. they want nuclear threats. and so long as the leaders in the us are are to committed to the use of nuclear weapons the rest of the world is going to keep theirs or get their. and the prospects for human survival are not great.
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and almost shouted again usually in the surging of this university of forty three years. but i believe it was over the shape of the employer the u.c. system and until i bring his promoting weapons for a little activity. i think it's absolutely wrong for any university to be involved in making weapons of mass destruction weapons that are illegal under international law weapons that by any definition of morality are immoral weapons that kill indiscriminately weapons that could destroy civilization ok seriously stop think about our our cards a sedation in fear the liberation of doesn't lend lease and how it exercises this chance of survival university should be pressing forward with the. engine
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of understanding and doing it to because the topics are worth pursuing. they should not be doing it because of external institutional pressures of citizens and these are the results we want. so they should not be at the bidding of the state or of corporations or of any other group and so they should be investigating the frontiers of understanding and trying to spend and with careful attention to the transfer points that were. i know people up there who have minds like counselors and. that they won't turn to looking out what part of the surge of the nation sick and such a committee in the city the slum i roll to address that but it's not their will to trust that. there are we done for. him and were right back to all the things we
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refuse the germans of nuremberg. they're all saying this law marvels addressed. time and money instruments and destruction just ahead yet if you can be sure he and he are best we're both human activity and improving the union and indeed. today you are both here you testimony of the survivors of the future if you taught all of us. this is the employee of the engine will that you get. that i don't know you don't want a lot easier know who i am that we have several years or so years so it is the looking you are. just another many started so you are. the only mice he's did he knew it was very good at them and don't think you are
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right the almost thing was. a university of men to cultivate. it all to find humanity every syrian i have here and am. it's a shame. the human somebody's life . so beautiful wife. so many chance to create give a good thing not making at the bottom that will wipe us. out is more in our city martin does a lot of foreigners writing or writing is troops and guns the troops who are you going to sell the fact to. who doing these things. with no concern and so with uses up on the crew there. is
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a serious ethical and moral issue. and i think it's one of the most in moral and ethical institutions in the country. they want more investment they want more money thrown down the black hole nuclear weapons development they want to expand the nuclear weapon labs they want to continue the program and they have been advocates of this since the very beginning of this program and so it's up to us it's up to us those of us who have a conscience and who are watchdogs to stand up and say no because if we don't do it no one will. the syrians are meeting next thursday and san francisco. we're going there on my. site. we really care and we're going to put our necks. and tell people that we need to be to be
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democratized and we need to stop building their weapons. the students have a right to demand that they receive that. we don't warm but it's. what we need in this field are more people with fresh. because there's so much to be over. there already. a group of protesters interrupted a university of california border regions meeting to demand the schools sever ties with the nation's nuclear weapons program it's time to get my principle or wrong it's very embarrassed to see only the first letter b.
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cold the imperial queen's full cotto married results in sponsor to shuras in toto new supply and spoke to said family who had to go to cliff resort and spoke. to a one year old research on a tour of discovery beach hotel children between the resort the sea entrepreneur results to sixty two barracuda build a magickal herdsman ok renaissance photo ok real sweet toto from specific children resort and spa. in israel which is available in cinema hotel to a big hotel jerusalem. needs hands on the week's top stories are not see this celebrations out stained by bloody accounts of the death of a played leader as a negation as a match he was executed by a lynch mob of flying to. protest the wrath of this weekend greece of the government box more stares he concentrates on to find
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a national event is this comes as he needn't have gathered in brussels trying to stop europe from sinking deeper into recession. and continued tension at the disputed city of kosovo border as nations peacekeepers fail to dismantle barricades erected by sabs. welcome to all seize weekly review my name is your. story they've been interim government has declared this. liberation of the country from the forty two year rule of colonel gadhafi he was gunned down under suspicious circumstances while fleeing the city of sirte or thursday the incident sparked international calls for an investigation with immigrations the ousted libyan leader was linked lynched by a mob of rebel fighters links video called treys amman boast.
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