tv [untitled] October 24, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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as many libyans celebrate the country as a player liberation questions remain over whether the price they've paid in the form of lost lives is growing infrastructure was too high. the search for a solution to the ease debt crisis at a summit in brussels brings no breakthrough while in the u.k. there are growing calls to leave the blog altogether as a parliament prepares to vote on whether to hold a referendum on the issue. plus we visit once was the world's largest nuclear test site in council stand which still bears the scars of its atomic legacy despite the program's closure twenty years ago. when r.t. coming to live from moscow a marina joshua welcome to the program why was a blood stain image which marked the end of the old regime but which some fear also
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hints at a bloody future a graphic footage of colonel cut out of his demise and questions over his death continue to cause controversy that says libya's interim rulers rushed to call for a celebration of what they call the country's final liberation watches and he's now joins us live now from tripoli fellow tunis and bring us the mood from tripoli what are the people there are saying and what's life there like post gadhafi. well it's still early of course to completely assess the situation hosted taffy's down here certainly people celebrating across the country as the official so-called liberation was announced on sunday celebrations very windy here in the capital tripoli and very few people we go out now ask them what they want now from the end to see whatever comes in right now of the organization from seeing the elections
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within eight months but having listeners say that of course is not a for sure thing because the population is very heavily armed even up the celebrations although there are lots of games and things for the kids to do there there's a lot of weapons out on the streets at least as i've been seeing here in the capital and so their next step now is of course to disarm the population because there are fears that first of all there could be conflict between different tribes across the country and then within the end to see another officials these were the rebels that began this fight for freedom in benghazi earlier this year that there will be a power struggle in fact between them and most of those groups from very well armed so that's one of the security one of the security challenges that the country is now facing among other things much of the country has been destroyed and those people are celebrating in just a full of elation that exactly is finally gone few people here at least the people
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we've been speaking to a really thinking about what that means for the future of libya. would just over the weekend saw the food edge that came out of tripoli with people rejoicing they are but of course when the high spirits subside all the hard work will have to be done there but is there a realization obvious huge challenges that lie ahead. there are tremendous challenges let's not forget that pre-board libya had one of the best living standards on the entire continent some people said that in fact you have the best in terms of life and spread expectancy child mortality rates there were great social benefits and secure in style house care program and so once the dust settles and people start realizing for instance sixty percent of the country right now doesn't have running water we're going to rush on for five months at least here in the capital and i'm sure it's much much worse in other parts of the country there's no running water and it's about starting to happen today we're planning to travel
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to one of the country's main our water systems which was completely destroyed and still being disputed who destroyed it whether it was nato worked exactly why it was but this is one of the problems that people will be facing and once they stop celebrating and start trying to go back to their normal minds and they realize they still don't have water by the way internet has been completely cut off in the last few days it's very difficult for here once these people start realizing and comparing perhaps what their lives were like free could be and post the daffyd we might see people who are upset about it in fact right now though it's very difficult to find people to watch the talk about that that's one of our major challenges here this week is try to find people and have them analyze the situation for us a lot of people afraid to talk about the jaffee in any kind of positive light my colleague we have some notion all of the people that she interviewed just a couple of months ago have been killed all of my contacts that were given to me from london their phones are switched off so this is
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a real challenge for us to try to find people who are willing to open the talk about gadhafi and i know why it's three and a whole situation here in libya over the next couple of days that's what we're trying to do here to make sure we hear all sides of the stories but so far it's proved to be a very difficult challenge all certainly sounds like there's a tough situation there and certainly a very complex and challenging but do stay safe and we of course are keeping an eye on what's happening there through your twitter updates and he's now a thanks very much indeed for bringing us the latest from tripoli. well we are always keen to know your opinion as well on our top stories today our website or t. dot com we are asking why the way to levy an out of colonel gadhafi is dead well let's take a look at the side votes so far the vast majority of respondents believe the country will now to sand into chaos but will the oil fields guarded by western countries while about
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a tanf the respondents think wavier will undergo years of slow and painful recovery the rest of you are split between two options whether there will be baghdad style green zone in tripoli with tribesmen taking control elsewhere or that the country will eventually see political reform and perspired so log on to our t. dot com and cast your vote. the e.u. summit in brussels has yet to produce a deal on the continent's death crisis but has resulted in conflict between nicolas sarkozy and david cameron appears exchange happened when the british prime minister said all e.u. leaders should be involved in final talks and finding an economic solution for the french president said he was sick of cameroon trying to influence the eurozone despite not being part of it or he's daniel bushell has more on the crisis talks from brussels. the e.u. leaders are putting pressure on to cancel on their huge loans to greece and they
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are huge the latest news is that the national greece will reach one hundred eighty one percent of g.d.p. next year and of course that's completely unsustainable and so they're not charities so they're obviously resisting these moves they say that if a. loan is just like that then the world lending market will simply draw up e.u. leaders have agreed to create a european economic government with regular eurozone summits to enforce it is to control countries like italy there's been a blazing row here between prime minister silvio berlusconi who reportedly refused any more national measures germany says that spain has taken these spending cuts so why should italy do the same to get their house in order also the public realm between france and germany is worrying investors france wants a big bailout part it's already it's hundreds of billions of euros but it wants more to rescue any potential any potential failures in the eurozone or
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on worries that there could be more countries next where of germany germany's angela angela merkel is well aware that her voters the german taxpayers will have to pay for any such bailouts and she's pushing for those countries to try and get their house in order on their own it's all in all german officials here are saying this whole euro zone project is starting to look like a single one way flow of cash from berlin to southern europe ordinary greeks see it differently of course they are having to put up with very difficult cuts in public services in greece. reporting live from brussels well the european debt crisis showing no signs of damning there is growing support within the u.k. to reconsider the country's membership aga struggling blog on monday the country's parliament will vote on whether to stage a referendum on being part of the e.u. a u.k. conservative party m.p. patrick mercer assess membership harms britain sovereignty on his full interview is
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coming your way in about twenty minutes time. you know for the good to be any warm words of praise from me about the european union dues damaging as you know to keep them we are a sovereign nation and sometimes when there's sovereignty but still show most european forms of history as opposed to what i food is that part of the same way that we very sensibly stayed out of membership of the euro itself i hope that we continue to be skeptical first of all but here. the white house says ties with russia have significantly improved since the obama administration came to power but despite a warming in relations some political groups in the us are actively pushing for a more aggressive stance and not only against russia are just going to count takes a look at the reasons behind the hawkish mood in washington. the cold war is long
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over but not in the minds of some influential american lobbies and politicians the so long magazine has looked into the expense records of one lobby group in washington and revealed a few years it has courted groomers to adopt distinct anti russian standpoint by arranging interviews for them and paying for their trips and dinners one of those reportedly wooed by the lobby called the orient strategy is that you're only named allie lake from the washington times he wrote a series of pieces undermining that we said between russia and the u.s. one of his articles focus on allegations that russia masterminded last year's explosion near the u.s. embassy in georgia accusations he took from georgian investigators of course as it turns out the lobby that approached the leak is officially contracted by the georgian government we try to get in touch with mr late he never responded but analysts say it's not so much the georgians agenda that a lobby like orian strategies is pushing forward but rather that of washington hawks the head of orient was in each to former defense secretary ronald rumsfeld he
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actively rooted for the war in iraq then he was an h. to senator john mccain well known for his hawkish foreign policy views senator mccain never concealed his desire to see russian leaders over throat and not just washing their taters all over the world including bashar assad maybe even mr putin . and maybe some chinese maybe all of maybe a little bit more nervous because clearly the people of libya rose up we assisted them this group of people. has a large number of institutions that they work through they have a large number of think tanks they have law they have magazines they have newspapers to push this idea of the supremacy of the united states washington has never been short of war mongers the most visible one these days is the republican presidential candidate mitt romney. he has already delivered tough words to the likes of ukraine pakistan and china he also called to boosting america's military
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spending ending the reset with russia and unfolding the robust missile defense program in europe america is not destined to be one of several equally balanced global powers america must lead the world around these pitching himself as the candidate of the military industrial complex hoping that they by. america's best military industry will be first to benefit from the strong rhetoric of washington's warhawks some of the biggest corporations and transnational corporations that make weapons that benefit from an ideology that states that the us united states most exercise military supremacy and have an endless arms race and those big companies are tied to the biggest banks on wall street there is a military industrial complex and it is facilitated by having pretax for endless war so when president obama said we'll push the reset button with russia this whole lobby and growing industry say well no that's bad because any relaxation of
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tensions means less of an excuse to produce more and more weapons the u.s. is the world's number one weapons producer and exporter and countries like georgia are looking to become the next market for american weapons we are quite familiar with u.s. politicians influence groups in washington that call for the end of the reset with russia but it's not just washed away pensions are being ramped up the same people are doing a lot of fear mongering against countries like china iran believes this pretty long actually while experts agree the only side that could possibly benefit from a potential confrontation is america's military machine definitely not the people in those countries involved i'm going to check our reporting from washington our team at least one hundred say wall street protesters have been arrested by police during the occupy chicago demonstration for refusing to leave a city park this comes two days after dozens of people were. arrested in new york it's been over a month since the protest against fat cats and corporate greed erupted in the u.s.
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since then they have been repeated your asia and australia are finally sick of keeping a close eye on protests follow all the updates on her twitter feed and later today are these people of values crossed out yes discuss what role the internet why isn't this and other protests around the world. you know there used to be the term armchair revolutionary it will not know there is even more widespread phenomenon which is the mousepad revolutionary. which is somebody who's sitting in his computer you know probably in the basement with mom on the first floor. thinks that he's actively engaged in the revolutionary struggle when all you're doing is tweeting about it and i've been somewhat guilty of that i suppose i mean it's a very nicely hundreds of thousands of people are in the streets putting their ponies in the and secondly you know if this had revolutionary what we could
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free. free. free volunteer video for your media. c.e.o. gargi talk time. twenty years since castle stan van at its nuclear test side from his style as a side with republic the country's atomic arsenal has gone from being the world's fourth largest to nothing but decades on from seeing hundreds of explosions environmental and human cost is still being felt on cattle stand artie's peter all over now reports. over more than forty years around five hundred nuclear tests took place right here on the comeback step one hundred sixteen of those taking place above ground including the testing of the first saw the hydrogen bomb well ground zero for those tests is just behind me over there now that's around two kilometers
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away here is as close as it is safe to get you to the high radiation levels that exist ground zero however experts have told me that if i was to pick up anything from the ground even where i am here it would still be potentially dangerous due to the radiation that it is being exposed to. more than one point five million people were affected by luke luke asked the combined power all the explosions of the summit to light instead side was a cooling to around two and a half pound hiroshima's the semi nuclear weapons test site was the largest in the world to get an idea of just how vast it actually is it must be seen from the air affecting an area of around three hundred thousand square kilometers roughly the size of germany. stretches out further than the eye can see in every direction each square kilometer bearing the radiological scars from decades of tests radiation
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emitted scarred more than just the landscape there was a huge increase in cases of cancer and serious defects amongst the local population the effects of these tests still being felt three generations after the first explosion all those people who live nearby who witnessed the first test in one nine hundred forty nine still remember the impact it had on the local population. if there yeah. but you look as i was going to the pool store for a powerful stream right in front of me i was completely shaken and some of the others were not. in an institution building we were really scared. ok all reporting here from castle stadium for much more on all our stories log on to our website let's take a look at what they are afraid of now and how the russian spy scandal this time in germany with a couple arrested on suspicion of working for russia's foreign intelligence service
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for two decades. plus two to lodge a sixty seven thousand dollar price tag a spot on the ticket for the ball when it opens next week after years of refurbishment at a full story on our web site. during her visit to pakistan u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has the man of the country steps up its fight against insurgents argues military analysts again thanks america should put a stop to lecturing others and try to cooperate rather than confront. the trademark of u.s. foreign policy when it comes to pakistan and afghanistan is to do more of this scene and expect different results if it were otherwise then u.s.
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secretary of state would rather refrain from the same release during remarks these are pakistan on her way from kabul to islamabad the airborne general currently the cia chief director petraeus will whisper into hillary clinton hears about the fact that is absolutely counterproductive in fact he would discreetly offer her that washington should apologize to islamabad for the old its negative legacy and only women after pakistan will accept american apologies for all what in deed to pakistan are actually against pakistan. then the road will be open for the transparent and mutually beneficial partnership agreement between the united states pakistan and its neighbors.
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now as you look at some of the stories from around the world more than two hundred people have been killed after a seven point two magnitude earthquake hitting eastern turkey the highest number of casualties are reported to be in the town. and the city of van were dozens of buildings collapsed turkey lies in one of the world's most active seismic zones scientists say sunday's disaster if you claim up to a thousand lives with many people still trapped under the rubble. kenyan police suspect the grenade blast in a nairobi early on monday was a terrorist attack the explosion of one did at least fourteen people becomes a week after somalia's most feared militant group warned of attacks and site khania police say they're linking the explosion to those threats believed to be a retaliate or kenyan military incursion into somalia last week. ballot
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counting is underway in tunisia following the first three polls since the arab spring began president ben ali was toppled in january following weeks of popular uprising the country's now electing a two hundred seventeen seat a sample which will draft a new constitution and appoint a government official count is due on tuesday but early results show these lamas party and is leading. time now for the business of date with kareena stay with us. you're welcome to office the subject the russian ruble has been to appreciating for the last two weeks have to shop full at the end of september but analysts say the trend is likely to be short lived. we can see some adverse so in in there in blue in the reserve i think in the sense that google may strengthen a little bit but i think this is going to be a short term phenomenon only i think it will be supported by the fact that people
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who. supported by the fact of the economy before the reality of the beginning of this year but become citizens is moving in a direction they're probably not be seen acutely united states as a consequence or regard for global assets including russian assets broadly who are not going to be seeing a lot of speculative capital chasing chasing global assets including google and this could be another reason why in the beginning of next year we may not see a lot of pressure on google to appreciate which is again another reason why it's really difficult to find very many factors who really knew reasons to be positive only on do books starting from the beginning of next year. and russia's become the world's ten fastest growing economies consultants ernst and young estimated that the pace of expansion over the past ten years russia's annual g.d.p. growth grew by five percent on average the rating is led by qatar with thirteen percent growth just to compare the world's largest economies like the u.s.
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and the u.k. developed an average of around two percent aaronson young says emerging economies will provide half of the global g.d.p. and about nine years. take a look at the markets now oil prices are heading up after european leaders fly progress on a plan to resolve a single currency zone that crisis like sweets is trading at eighty eight dollars a barrel and brant is one hundred and ten dollars a barrel most asian markets are gaining in technology stocks are among the best performers on the nikkei take a was up seven and a half percent watch up in his wireless major soft bank is over three percent on the back and hong kong's hang seng is now gaining over four percent after a preliminary survey of manufacturing conditions in china showed a five months high in the club. stocks in europe are on the rise board by news that the user leaders are making progress on the sovereign debt crisis bank shares posted particularly strong gains b.n.p. party gain six percent societe generale surged five point two percent in paris in
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frankfurt commerzbank advanced three point eight percent and deutsche bank rose nearly three percent. here in russia stocks are higher and heading for the strongest level in more than a month by high oil prices all mages are on the rise after is gaining over two percent noise is also higher third quarter niko production has increased twenty three percent over the second quarter and retailer seven continents is adding over ten percent in its first half net profit has rocketed from thirteen thousand dollars to fifty nine million. russia a doubling the required minimal level of bank capital to five point seven million dollars starting from next year it also wants to bring the benchmark to nine and a half million dollars by two thousand and fifteen the move is aimed at motivating small market players to grow and increase the financial stability of the sector analysts say if the plan is approved up to
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a third of russian banks will have to choose between boosting capital or quitting the business. piece kelly to the crease in a comic to get to russia a lot of companies scurrilously are facing difficulties with approaching funding shortfall in the world and with opening new pretty lawrence and more russian banks so inability to be in financial sector in short and long term credit to we'll soon. become a big problem for every also for russian companies. russia's energy giant gazprom is churning grain and agreed to create a bio gas joint venture with dutch firm gas uni and russian companies that sell investments in the project is estimated at one hundred million euros with the first supplies planned for two years time at the start ups annual production could reach up to thirty five meters of gas made out of organic materials analysts say by gas
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