tv [untitled] October 25, 2011 3:01am-3:31am EDT
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it looks like a state of euphoria here and everybody is happy and you know. even though there is no formal you know law and order but are they ignoring the price paid for freedom in libya some thirty thousand civilians are said to have been killed with four thousand still missing this house was one of nato as misses a single family lost five people including children but in the meeting it pulled me by with their poll joy's top government but no one toss it in who is going to rebuild my house and who will compensate i circle follows much of the country's infrastructure has been destroyed finding water is now a serious challenge in the capital and we don't have running supplies and try to collect what they can. and the family with six kids we know what to do leave and to come here every day and get water is very difficult. they bombed the electric
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station in ben walley for ten days they haven't fixed the problem at least we can come here for now. but maybe not much longer. before the war libya could boast one of the best living standards on the continent with high life expectancy and low tide mortality rates but after months of heavy bombing and fierce fighting the country's social and economic achievements have been brutally reversed its people now betting on a heavily armed and inexperienced group to govern them through a fresh start in the wake of destruction ali asked us not to reveal his face fearing who might pay for saying this. that if you talk or see anything positive about gadhafi you will have serious problems with the rebels there is no government speaking out on to the end of you he tells me if people were truly happy about the end of the daphne and the way he was killed there would be millions not thousands
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on the streets to get the free movies i'm sure some sixty to seventy percent of the country does not approve of the way gadhafi was killed we expected him to be tried as a prisoner of war not killed like not only or told a new libya there would be justice and he was the head of this country and there was no justice in the way he was killed i have no hope for the future but it's just the beginning don't you think that it will get better with time but things will take time to change in the country. and i think there will be a lot of fighting in the future right now and jamal there is fighting going on between trying and anyone with a went on his power who can do what they want. so many celebrate this new era in libya's history people like me are quietly bracing for the worst. and he's now a artsy tipperary. and an isa continues her coverage from levy on line on her personal twitter feed she's posting pictures of the damage done. into the capital and sharing her firsthand impressions while we are also retrieving her at r t
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underscore. meanwhile human rights watch has called on the newly being authorities to investigate what they think could have been a massacre of khadafi loyalists in syria fifty three dad bodies mannie with their hands tied behind their backs were discovered at an at an abandoned hotel in the city but a log or call shallow says the interim government has little control over fighters on the ground you can see the tension between that and to see. some of the more islamist groups on the ground and in fact if you see some of the fight there's the ground they have the characteristics of islamist fighters the long. history of from afghanistan on wards so. he has full control on the ground is not actually correct maybe another party in libya could have presented the evolution of the aspirations that's the villages to a patient for change better that and then in d.c.
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that still has a lot of former gadhafi associates and cronies within it so that's that is the number of the problem. and if you want to have your say on our top story then log on to our website artie dot com where we're asking why hurdle could off he was killed while the vast majority so far believed could obvious dead because you could have exposed dirty dealings in media buying western governments and corporations twelve percent think nato just ran out of money for more aerial strikes a slightly larger number of people believe gadhafi is to blame for his own death because of the way he treated his people while others say he was killed because many m.d.c. members were his former subordinates so he let us know what you think on this issue by logging on to our website r t v dot com. here in just over twenty minutes time next geyser and his co-host her discuss whether colonel gadhafi could have found safe haven in an unexpected place. oh mark gadhafi.
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got nona jet landed on wall street so at some point the last three months he would have been immediately put on the board of directors of j.p. morgan they would have given him a multi-billion dollar bonus and he would be doing fantastic he would be on all the talk shows talking about his plan to monetize this country's assets in the greater good of a global oil kleptocratic dream state of never ending gusher of profits for the top one tenth of one percent now the occupy wall street movement and the global insurrection against banker occupation has to ask themselves why the justice was selectively served against gadhafi and not tony blair or jamie diamond or lloyd blankfein how come those guys are not hiding in a spider hole somewhere. the
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british parliament has voted overwhelmingly against holding our friend a man leaving the european union a petition of over one hundred thousand signatures from the public had a cold for the debate the government earlier ordered its employees to vote against the motion or face penalties despite is dozens of david cameron's party members defied the order in what's been the biggest internal challenges faced as prime minister john gaunt from the vote u.k. out of the campaign says britain never signed up for what turned out to be. god just still stinging attack on democracy in the whole new member of the oval parliament square these m.p.'s are no vote with their conscience well with their constituents opinions they're voting the way their leaders told them to because if they don't they'll get the sack that isn't democracy it's an absolute disgrace i don't actually think we need to be part of a political no one saw and obama fifty cent in the age of fifty four has not
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a vote on this i'm certainly my dad when he votes. for a common market he didn't vote for the united states of europe that's what british people are upset about there's a disconnect between the political elites in our great country the people the political elites in westminster mark shaw and stuff was but eventually we will get our referendum and we will get out of the let me show you it's not our problem to sort out the problems in greece and tell me why we should work to the age of seventy two all seventy three to pay for staff ross who lives in downtown athens to retire at fifty we shouldn't we're not going to it's the end this euro's state is club scene as we speak meanwhile in the heart of the e.u. leaders are desperately trying to fire ramey for the raging debt crisis if promised to come to a clear a solution a final meeting in brussels on wednesday but now i know for rajan am appeal from the u.k. into panels party believes that far from being a uniting force the e.u.
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is quickly becoming a catalyst for conflict. but the strange irony with the whole eurozone project is that what it's done far from bringing people closer together it's pushed people further apart not just with soccer you need to cameron we now have the greeks abusing the germans they now bernie you flags in athens openly with swastikas drawn on them and we have the germans slagging off the greeks as being lazy and useless and they are really of this project is far from us all becoming friends together in this new european house actually we're beginning to argue and becca in the most extraordinary way you can all type twenty seven different countries with twenty one different languages all with their own different histories and different forms of government you cannot take them and force them into one unitary form of government without first getting their approval that approval has never been given and the
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european project actually is dying as we look at it oh it may take many years just as the soviet union did but it's dying as we look at it because right across europe voters are saying we don't want this more we reject and more on a wider fall from young going to mates in the e.u. in our business bulletin. and in europe global markets when between gains and losses as investors await the results of this european summit where leaders to hammer out details of containing the region's bailout fund will bring in more on that and the business parts and in twenty minutes. but i. was struck with that idea. there's no
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think. occupy wall street for tast ers are planning another global rally later this week ahead of the g. twenty summits to demand world leader is imposing a robin hood tax on financial transactions the movement against economic inequality that started in lower manhattan has gained widespread support around the globe but
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as any worth a peaceful protest have seen most arrests as well as allegations of police have a hand in this is more in a fortnight has more. well six weeks into the occupy movement nearly one thousand unarmed activists have been arrested in new york city. thrown to the ground beaten netted like flies and pepper sprayed. the n.y.p.d. east tactics have been harshly criticized yet the most profound and public condemnation recently came from u.s. marine sergeant shamar thomas while defending demonstrators in times square. tonight. the lone man that stood up to dozens of new york cops comes from
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a family of honor my step father he was he went to ghana stand in two thousand and six and my mother were actually in iraq the same time sergeant thomas completed two tours in iraq before returning to his homeland where he now aligns himself with the activists he says are being targeted by aggressive authority in uniform have a scene and p.d. . take on a person one on one it's always a few of them you know three four five of them or one person these are you know protests is my size this is police will tell you hands down the twenty five year old war vet says it's come to a point where iraqi activists are treated with more respect and humility then their american counterparts he recalls an incident when hundreds of iraqis got violent with u.s. soldiers a few people started throwing rocks and everybody kind of started the rocks and we actually had a marine get hit in the face he was on back of a truck but at that ad you know the people were free to go you know what i mean we didn't arrest anybody we didn't go beat up on anybody so to see the police officers
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they want us to and also being in our own country was just it was you know us. i was amazed like i was in shock visiting the protesters he stood proudly to defend sergeant thomas receives something of a hero's welcome in zuccotti park yes you do you really you know we've been gestures of appreciation towards the marine that completed combat in baghdad but just began his battle against police brutality here at home sergeant thomas' public lashing of the n.y.p.d. has more formally inspired the birth of a new movie called all the primaries it calls on us veterans of all military branches to join the anti wall street protests and with roughly forty thousand soldiers coming back from iraq by the years and the international grassroots movement may bro even mightier. more niamh r.t. new york we've got plenty more on the protests sweeping america including a true taste of revolution occupy pizza t.
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shirts pens only a few of the three thousand pieces of merchandise offer with occupy wall street turning into a successful brand for businesses to stir up sales. while georgia's richest man who is known for his harsh criticism of president saakashvili is facing some strong obstacles as he tries to endure of the country's political fray his plans to run for high office haven't been welcomed by the current authorities they revoked a new port tanner's georgian citizenship and now a court has refused the decision are based on bargain reports from tbilisi. the man who could challenge sacrifice really billionaire bidzina ivanishvili is entering georgia's political battleground according to his lawyer that's frightened
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to make else because really the president of eight years. when he said he's going to create a political party has gone into politics and he's starting to get ready for elections the government panicked panicked so much they took away a vanished belief georgian citizenship officials did point out that he had french citizenship as well which is against george law and that he might be deported he says it's politically motivated and he's appealing the decision. our government has a way of accusing people of treason the authorities violate their power and then use their position as an excuse for their actions the georgian government has also raided a bank in vanish really owns the middle of money laundering dissolved and removed some of his security guards and arrested people close to him ivanishvili is famous as one of georgia's richest businessmen he's funded the building of churches and
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theaters and now he's funding the return of a well known georgian satirical t.v. show the show's director says he has confidence in a banish really but he's still new to politics. he's learning how to be a politician he used to be a very significant businessman but now the methods he used in his business have to be changed because he's a public politician but he adapts very quickly. and he'll have to because while advantage very himself is confident he'll win the next election many around him aren't even sure he'll be in it. it's hard to tell if it's in or ivanishvili part of georgia's political future or not but it's easy to see his case as a metaphor for the overall state of politics here the welcoming him to form a political force will be clear evidence of the democratic spirit that so often talked. ga that's not so often sure tom watson oxy tbilisi georgia now let's take
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a look at some other stories from around the world funerals are already being held for some of the victims from sunday a powerful earthquake that hit the eastern turkish city of van almost two hundred eighty people have been confirmed dead with over a thousand injured in the seven point two magnitude quake rescue teams are now struggling to find survivors trapped under the debris thousands of people whose homes were destroyed are spending the nights outside with temperatures forecast to plunge below zero and snowfall expected. american in north korean diplomats are in geneva discussing their resumption of six party nuclear disarmament talks pyongyang agreed to stop its nuclear program six years ago in exchange for aid and a peace treaty with washington but then withdrew from talks in two thousand and nine north korean leader said his country is ready to return to negotiations which also include u.s. russia china south korea and japan during his visit to russia earlier this year. tunisia's islamised party and is claiming victory in the country's first democratic
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elections official results are to be announced later on tuesday for a limb an area results a chance the group will win most votes its main rival a secular center left party has admitted defeat former president ben ali was overthrown nine months ago after a mass demonstrations have been in power for twenty three years. well another country affected by the arab spring is syria still a long way from holding elections but the government has promised to implement crucial reforms within six months or a record short period of time according to syria's foreign minister and his exclusive interview with r.t. is coming up next hour but here is a look at what he had to say. i the country's leadership is not slowing down reforms and the deadline set by the syrian president are very short and in less than six months the country will see these reforms carried out that is why i'm
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asking that if the opposition really cares for the future of this country why it wouldn't begin dialogue as lay out some serious approaches to creating a new syria as for the bloodshed let me ask you whether there's a regime anywhere in the world whose purpose is to kill its own citizens or rather isn't its direct purpose to protect its own citizens from terrorists when we are confronted with an armed terrorist groups who have nothing to do with record. well time now for the business and a curious here. i don't welcome to business here in r t thanks for joining me russia's natural gas monopolies eyeing to buy the german energy and telecom company and of a call the company produces electric power using green green energy and sells natural gas and internet services the talks have been going on for several months but no final decision has been made so far last week the german authorities
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approved the sale of a portion and were calm to gas problems if the deal is complete is it will be the first time gazprom will get access to the end users of natural gas in germany and mccall is an independent energy provider with a turnover of around seventy five million euros. let's have a look at the markets now oil prices are struggling for direction after reaching a two months high in the previous session investors are waiting for the details of europe's plan to cope with the debt crisis light sweet is trading nine hundred two dollars row of brant is it around one hundred dollars the european markets open slightly lower as traders digesting earnings reports and also awaiting the outcome of the summit of the eurozone leaders now asian stocks swinging between gains and losses as and as investors await the same decision from the europe the
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nikkei is losing under a percent chinese markets again with the hang sang as a point four percent this hour here in russia markets are following global trends stocks are trading mixed at the opening with the r.t.s. up over a quarter of a percent while the south percent and the grads banking stocks are lower. let's have a look at some individual moves most of the blue chips are trading in the red bank is losing more than one percent hydro is trading slightly better the company has consolidated stakes of five more at. just the appliance russia's largest car maker as among the main game has outraised more than doubled net profit for the first half of the year compared to the same period a year ago there is no accept yourself from the metropole i have seen. complaints in the oil sector or even metals. can show good potential girls is the way oil is one of the one that hasn't corrected march i think it's all said that it could be
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a difference of story who invest it speaking both metals mining companies it's main exporters from russia can show good growth some of the russian ruble depreciation also it's a high but the stocks which usually are bond for us. in the market. now the news canadian developers are aiming to invest around six hundred million dollars in russian real estate over five years venemous to newspaper says twenty development group and shank one corporation are to create a new company which will invest in building we tell parks in the moscow region the best is counting on long term contracts for up to twenty years. and russia will be producing champagne for another ten years at least that's the time a local sparkling wine makers can keep the word champagne on their bottles the move is part of an agreement between russian producers and those from the french champagne region a twenty twenty two deadline may be extended if we're branding the russian bubbly
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proves more difficult than first thought a fight over the champagne a palatial started in two thousand and nine the french insist the champaign is a joke graphic location and can only be used for wines produced and that which. as a business update for this hour headline news our next hour stay with us.
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to try to get the status of the human experiments get. this right here's what it goes to trial. and it's all came things as financial attempts. to maintain a confidence in monkeys and. trade imbalances recession look to keep the nation's close to collapsing in such close. to fail so we play banks again like to see us crash. three stocks people just programs increase the total economy.
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killed and the future of the country remains jubilant. giving way to fear. out of the g. twenty summit. attacks financial transactions and currency that's is a growing number. but supporters in new york criticized police for their fierce response to demonstrations. and a georgian billionaire is stripped of his citizenship after voicing political ambitions in which he vowed to win next year sparling manchuria lections his announcement was preceded by a harsh criticism of president saakashvili who he helped to stop from stay in power . up next financial guru max geyser and co-host of her or discuss her rather unusual way of making gold and all the latest news wall street would rather you didn't hear the kaiser report is next stay with us for that.
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