tv [untitled] October 25, 2011 9:01am-9:31am EDT
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on this tuesday in secret four witnesses swearing on the koran that they will never reveal the site obviously the entity afraid that it could become some kind of a shrine to the late leader but also i think it's fair to say we'll hear this from analysis throughout the day that with him to the grave when a lot of the secrets of his wheeling and dealing as they call it with the west's very close ties with a lot of western countries before they decided that this dictator needed to go down with him being buried today it needs to be pointed out that it was completely not in accordance with islamic law and he was on display for some of those days in a shopping center after being kept you know walk in refrigerator for days you see these pictures coming out of that site people actually wearing masks because obviously the smell despite the fact that he was being refrigerated was getting to the people that he's been put to us now and the first some of the first announcements that we're hearing in fact from the most. that he sees the country
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moving towards should be a long which of course is a very hard by no islamic way of leading the country at the same time just recent elections in tunisia where official results are expected to come in that later on tuesday but so far it looks like believing a party that will take over most of the positions in parliament will be and is for mr hardee the ennahda party so really is something that in a way is ironic i think it's fair to say the west very strongly pushing for these so-called democracies to be born and it may not play out the way they actually wanted but again huge challenges ahead for libya and most people here are certainly basking in the celebration of the town he says few of them it seems seems are really thinking about what that means for the future of libya the cars of liberation are loud and clear. looks like the state of euphoria here everybody is happy. you know. even. no there is no formal you know
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law and order but are they ignoring the price paid for freedom in libya some thirty thousand civilians are said to have been killed with four thousand still missing this house was one of nato's misses a single family lost five people including children in. their poll joys top government but no one toss who is going to rebuild my house who will compensate honest follows much of the country's infrastructure has been destroyed finding water is now a serious challenge in the capital when you don't have running supplies and try to collect what they can. i am a family with six kids we knew what to do live and to come here every day and get water is very difficult. they bombed the electric station and been worried for ten days they haven't fixed the problem at least we can come here for now. but
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maybe not much longer. before the war libya could boast one of the best living standards on the continent with high life expectancy and low tide mortality rates but after months of heavy bombing and fierce fighting the country's social and economic achievements have been brutally reversed its people now betting on a heavily armed and inexperienced group to govern them through a fresh start in the wake of destruction ali asked us not to reveal his face fearing he might pay for saying this. that if you talk or say anything positive about gadhafi you will have serious problems with the rebels there is no government speaking out on to the end of you he tells me if people were truly happy about the end of gadhafi and the way he was killed there would be millions not thousands on the streets. i'm sure some sixty to seventy percent of the country does not approve of the way gadhafi was killed we expect them to be tried as
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a prisoner of war not killed like dot com we are told a new libya there would be justice he was the head of this country and there was no justice in the way he was killed i have no hope for the future but it's just the beginning don't you think that it could get better with time but things will take time to change in the country. i think there will be a lot of fighting in the future on right now in jamal and warner there is fighting going on between tribes and anyone with a wet on his power who can do what they want. so many celebrate this new error in libya's history people like me are quietly bracing for the worst. and he's now a r c tripoli. and he's here is continuing our coverage our from libya online on a personal twitter feed in one of our latest tweet. she posted images of libyan children kids that is a rummaging through what's left of colonel gadhafi is arsenals and lots of a twitter updates are coming from marty's carrier and he said he was still in
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germany for us. but since the fall of gadhafi the true nature of his revelations and relations with western leaders has led to uncomfortable questions mark almond a visiting professor in international relations at bill kent university in ankara turkey believes the late dictator could have blown the cover off some murky deals if indeed he was still alive to two basic types of secrets the rule the obligations of his in booting terrorism movies the. never knew what he would say were going to the truth of the liver his test and then of course he was restored to two thousand and three and what business deals with the response of the divinest bushes to anybody who's even from those who do you believe. we must ask how was your solution to. his great seasons with. the. dealing with his
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constant titian's of. group go away and precisely the kinds of this one sort of situation was sufficient to prove the group shrinks it may not be a great relief for these western leaders who is gadhafi and he's disappeared from the sea it could lead to a situation. there and this is. how it will offer more of the story i'm joined live now by so kind of chandan a spokesman for british civilians for peace in libya and a freelance journalist i live in london thank you for joining us today so there's peace in libya now you must be happy. peace and human rights watch is not exactly my favorite human rights organization has just said today in the newspapers that where is the where is the inquiry about put that eunice who was there and he sees a rebel military leader who was killed in benghazi several months ago there's no peace in libya there's been no running water in tripoli my sources tell me and when there is this salty water there is dozens and dozens of schools of rebel factions
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and all the media are being very clear that that actually into the civil war between the rebel factions and the sea is all about to blow up and even the leadership of the n.p.c. are saying this very clearly and so there is no peace in libya the wall as you say as you say that there's no peace in libya that will continue so it's curious you say that because the hot off the press here at r c we've just heard that an n.t.s.c. minister a minister from the national transitional council has formally asked nato to continue the bombing campaigns for at least one more month what does that mean to you why. it's clear that there's deep divisions in the rebel council that probably it's a rebel council and people like mr julian jabril are very keen that nato intervene on their behalf against other factions which they which which they don't support or obviously the thing about marma gadhafi is still a running story as well and more of the gadhafi the nature of his death has had more impact perhaps on people then you know most of his life i know
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a lot of arab friends who are very hostile to him but the nature of his death i mean you know there was a chinese a very famous trying to revolutionary who said that to die for the enemy is lighter than the further but to die against against western foreign policy is a wait here than a mountain and i think that doctors death has been very weighty and has a deep profound impact on the arab psyche of many arabs are just absolutely just disgusted by the new truths definitely expose the nature of the rebels as well. i'm sorry to interrupt one of our reports my correspondent in eastern hour he was there on location she spoke to one person who said that if indeed there was such overwhelming support for his death they would be millions of people on the streets not just several thousands but if i may just just brought out a little bit here i understand that they are saying that the way the khadafi was treated in his death was was distasteful to say the least and has had a big effect on the arab psyche but let's talk about the fact that western leaders in recent years have certainly cozied up to you when he was for quite some time. do
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you think western leaders would have preferred to have seen khadafi stand trial at the hague will is it possible that they would have been worried about him exposing secrets we spoke to a guest earlier who said they could major political revelations to the grave. on the one hand and you know the most of indictive of western leaders perhaps that hillary clinton advocated his death anyway days before. he was was was lynched so that was a clear signal that went out from the empire secondly on this issue of secret i don't think there are any particular. great secret everyone knows that gadhafi had a report with the west in the last seven to ten years everyone knows that he collaborated in the rendition program against those factions which the west were using always against him which the west of again use now particularly the libyan islamic thank you so much sorry but you said you say you say there are no secrets here that people don't already know about what's about what about a recent story saying that gadhafi helped to finance french president nicolas sarkozy's a presidential campaign is that common knowledge but that wasn't
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a secret the saif al islam he said that right the beginning of the conflict that they had the papers to prove that that they had financed. election and so that's not a secret so i think i think what this this speculative about sequence that he took to the grave is a way of really belittling the way that libya managed to actually get reparations the only african country that has managed to get reparations from the former colonial power that's really really in third world nations have every right to have full diplomatic relations with the west so i think this whole story about just taking secrets to the grave i just don't think it's a story at all personally i'm running very long time here but i must quickly ask you very quickly that is the libyan population is still very heavily armed even with kids playing with guns and what you think could be done to disarm the nation and forgive me without running very low on time here. no no no no problem i think we need to have a central government that brings security in order which they had under gadhafi for forty two years look at iraq and they were security and there was some semblance of
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safety for the people under saddam hussein and now it's the wild west it's completely an acoustic but i think the resistance will grow and let's see what happens nato was stuck in libya and they cannot go in syria because of russia and china so. one can only hope who has a sense of humanity that things will improve for the libyan people and for mission as a report or on twitter as you just mentioned that the people she spoke to on the reports that they have been killed so this is the state of affairs right now the people of libya are faced with. a spokesman for the british civilians for peace in libya many things. all right out later today here on our financial guru max kaiser and co-host stacy but they discussed what would have happened to colonel gadhafi if he was pushed not to the wall but to wall street is a preview of what's coming your way in a couple of hours. if moammar gadhafi had got nonna jet and landed on wall street so at some point the last three months he would have been immediately put on the board of directors of j.p.
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morgan they would have given him a multi billion dollar bonus and he would be doing fantastic he would be on all the talk shows talking about his plan to monetize this country's assets in the greater good of a global oil kleptocratic dream state of never ending gusher of profits for the top one tenth of one percent now the occupy wall street movement and the global insurrection against banker occupation has to ask themselves why the justice was selectively served against gadhafi and not tony blair or jamie diamond or lloyd blankfein how come those guys are not hiding in a spider hole somewhere. quarter past the hour here in moscow the occupy wall street movement is gearing up for another round of global rallies this week intended to coincide with the upcoming g. twenty summit these latest protest aimed at pressuring world leaders to introduce
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a so-called robin hood tax some what they say is the virtually unregulated global casino of financial transactions but it's not his marina portnoy reports it will not be easy to achieve. you know six weeks into the occupy movement nearly one thousand unarmed activists have been arrested in new york city. thrown to the ground beaten netted like flies and pepper sprayed. the n.y.p.d. stack kicks have been harshly criticized yet the most profound and public condemnation recently came from a u.s. marine sergeant shamar thomas while defending demonstrators in times square last.
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night. the lone man that stood up to dozens of new york cops comes from a family of honor my step father he was he went to ghana stand in two thousand and six and my mother were actually in iraq the same time sergeant thomas completed two tours in iraq before returning to his homeland where he now aligns and self with the activists he says are being targeted by aggressive authority in uniform have a scene and. take on a person one on one it's always a few of them you know three four five of them on one person these are you know protests as much as this is hands down the twenty five year old war vet says it's come to a point where iraqi activists are treated with more respect and humility then their american counterparts he recalls an incident when hundreds of iraqis got violent with u.s. soldiers a few people started throwing rocks and everybody kind of started throwing rocks and we actually had a marine get hit in the face he was on back of
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a truck but at that ad you know the people were free to go you know what i mean we've been a rest anybody we didn't go beat up on anybody so to see the police officers doing this to an all civilians in our own country was just it was you know stuff. well i was amazed like i was in shock visiting the protesters he stood proudly to defend sergeant thomas received something of a hero's welcome in zuccotti park so yes i think it really you know we can gestures of appreciation towards the marine that completed combat in baghdad but just speaking and his battle against police brutality here at home sergeant thomas the last thing i'll be on my feet high for what we inspired worth it when you hold off your pipe dream it because i knew it's not or it's all military friends join me and i wall street protests and with roughly forty thousand soldiers coming back from iraq by the years and it's international grassroots movement may grow even mightier
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arena for nigh on r.t. new york. in about a five minutes time is the business news here on r t but for now the british parliament has struck down a motion calling for a national referendum on leaving the european union the vote was initiated by a public petition signed by a one hundred thousand people and back by a minority of m.p.'s tired of what they see as the meddling by the e.u. and suffering british a fast misgivings culminated in eighty one m.p.'s from prime minister david cameron's own party rebelling but despite government orders to vote against the measure and a warning that this is the wrong time to abandon the e.u. but john gaunt from the vote u.k. out of the e.u. campaign says it's simply not britain's responsibility to pay for the mistakes of others. just still sting attack on democracy and the whole i'm the mother of all parliaments where these m.p.'s are not voting with their conscience or with their constituents opinions they're voting for the way their leaders tell
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them to because if they don't they'll get the sack that isn't democracy it's an absolute disgrace i don't actually think we need to be part of a political super state no one signed up on fifty it's anybody in the age of fifty four has not a vote on this and certainly my dad when he voted for a common market he didn't vote for the united states of europe that's what british people are upset about there's a disconnect between the political elites in our great country and the people the political elite in westminster might try and stop us but eventually we will get our referendum and we will get out of the and let me tell you it's not our problem to sort out the problems in greece and tell me why we should work to the age of seventy two or seventy three to pay for staff ross who lives in downtown athens to retire at fifty we shouldn't we're not going to it's the end this euro state is club scene as we speak. and we've got plenty more opinion on the euro skeptic mood
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gripping britain including the outspoken views of nigel farage from the u.k. independence party. the question now in a deep recession with unemployment at the seventeen year high is not can we afford to leave the e.u. it's can we afford to stay you can catch the full interview as well as our show your opinion on it all that dot com also. wiki leaks is silenced the whistle blowing web site pauses publishing after several financial bodies pulled the plug on donations of a founder says it's political and balanced it was best to stay on line for the full story at r.t. dot com. but it turns out that politics in georgia is not for everybody when one of the country's richest men announced that he was starting an opposition party and would run for the government he and his wife suddenly found themselves without citizenship and an appeal was rejected in court. examines the case. the man who could challenge back us really billionaire bidzina ivanishvili is
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entering georgia's political battleground according to his lawyer that's frightened to make else really the president of eight years. when he said he's going to create a political party has gone into politics and he's starting to get ready for elections the government panicked they panicked so much they took away a vanished willy's georgian citizenship officials did point out that he had french citizenship as well which is against georgian law and that he might be deported he says it's politically motivated and he's appealing the decision. our government has a way of accusing people of treason the authorities violate their power and then use their position as an excuse for their actions the georgian government has also raided a bank of vanish really owns amid accusations of money laundering designed and removed some of his security guards and arrested people close to him they vanished
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nearly as famous as one of georgia's richest businessmen he's funded the building of churches and theaters and now he's funding the return of a well known georgian satirical t.v. show the show's director says he has confidence in a banish really but he's still new to politics. he's learning how to be a politician he used to be a very significant businessman but now the methods he used in his business have to be changed because he's a public politician but he adapts very quickly. and he'll have to because while of that issue he himself is confident he'll win the next election many around him aren't even sure if he'll be in it. it's hard to tell if it's inner ivanishvili part of george's political future or not but it's easy to see his case as a metaphor for the overall state of politics here the wall coming him to form a political force to be clear evidence of the democratic spirit that so often talked about in georgia that's not so often show tom watson our chief tbilisi
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georgia. all right now let's get to some other international headlines headlines for you let's get an update now on turkey where officials have started burying the more than three hundred fifty victims of sunday's powerful earthquake over a thousand others were hurt rescue teams are carrying on the search for survivors trapped under collapsed buildings with hundreds still missing thousands for the meantime are homeless and are spending the night outside a bit forecasts of low temperatures and snow flurries. human rights activists claim that patients in syria's state run hospitals are being tortured in an attempt to quell the opposition it follows reports that at least six people were killed in fresh clashes with government forces in the city of homs china is increasing pressure on syria by sending a special envoy to the country to urge president assad to fulfill some of the demands of protesters and syria's foreign minister has told us here at r.t. that the government plans to carry out reforms within six months. of the country's
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leadership is not slowing down reforms and the deadline set by the syrian president are very short lived in less than six months but the country will see these reforms carried out that is why i'm asking if the opposition really cares for the future of this country why it wouldn't begin dialogue got some serious approaches to creating a new syria as for the bloodshed well let me ask you whether there's a regime anywhere in the world whose purpose is to kill its own citizens or rather it isn't its direct purpose to protect its own citizens from terrorists when we are confronted with an orange terrorist groups who have nothing to do with record. the syrian foreign minister's exclusive interview with us here at r.t. is coming your way next hour here but for now the business with dmitri.
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and welcome to the program the head of russia's oil pipeline operator transnet says china will settle all of its debt for oil deliveries from russia the seventy five million dollars debt will be repaid to russia's top oil company rosneft and trans nabbed within two weeks in return russia promised to consider price terms for existing and new world contracts with china the deal follows prime minister putin's visit to that country earlier this month problems between the countries arose in march when china decided that russia's overpricing in soil by two to three percent and cut its payments. and russia's pipeline monopoly trans nafta and investment group so my capital are discussing a possibility to create a joint venture to ship russian oil from rotterdam last week so in a branch of oil trade a veto one intended to build an oil terminal in the dutch city the fifty five had to facility is planned to start operation in four years and expected to take a significant share of the global oil trade earlier this year so my capital and
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trans nafta purchased the port in the black sea to create russia's leading crude export operator. speaking of oil secular at the current prices it is mostly rising in america on science at the highs and twelve weeks actually on. demand in the us is improving boyle has gained more than twenty percent in the past three weeks light sweet is now up two and a half dollars this hour brant is however down around forty five percent. european stock markets moving from losses to gains traders a digesting a string of earnings reports and are awaiting the outcome of tomorrow's summit so for euro zone leaders drugmaker novartis is among the decliners with the shares falling three point three percent and zurich earnings missed expectations boil major he is. more than three percent this hour in london after a reported third quarter net income nearly tripled and in frankfurt deutsche bank
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is up two percent of the reported third quarter profit beating and this is expectations. this is the picture in russia we're seeing at the moment it has gone deeper into the red to my sixes one percent lower this secular watson moving shares energy majors are actually mostly down down one half percent despite high oil prices producer carly is also down plans to spend five point eight billion dollars to boost production capacity around eighty percent in ten years and russia's largest car maker after is gaining one of the few stocks which is posting gains of the moment its first half and profit has more than doubled to two hundred eight million dollars. to other news now canadian developers are aiming to invest around six hundred million dollars in russian real estate in five years over five years better missed the newspaper says the trinity development group and shanklin corp are to create a new company which will invest in building retail parks in the moscow region
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nurses are counting on long term contracts for up to twenty years. plus a british oil joint venture t m k b p has posted record high financials for the first three quarters of this year the company's net income group seventy five percent to almost seven billion dollars now its chief financial officer johnson says the results were helped by high oil prices he believes this will also remain one of the drivers next year. you will be looking for again production growth year on year probably in the one to two percent area we've got some integration of our international assets to do terms of vietnam and venezuela. and we hope to see again a strong environment which will allow us then to to maximize our net backs and. our abilities back around fifty five minutes time what up.
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in moscow only is available in some areas grand hotel ritz carlton royal marriageable rooms renaissance. room. encircled the king holiday inn holiday inn. hotel national in the region country club so gloomy sure to find this piece of the first book sure can pinsky switzer till closing the whole. five thirty pm on tuesday here in moscow you with a summary of the headlines now maybe laid to rest but the controversy surrounding him lives on amid speculation he could have taken
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a trove of potentially damaging secrets to his own mob to desecrate. a georgian billionaire and critic of the current president is stripped of citizenship and threatened with expulsion from the country but all of this off it simply announcing plans to run for the government. by wall street movement are ready for yet another round of worldwide protests to mark the g twenty summit and calls for governments to crack down on the global casino of currency trading. now could be unscrupulous traders on wall street have initiated the european crisis to weaken the rival currency we ask the head of the think tank created specially to help overcome the global financial turmoil that discussion on spotlight is now. please. please liz.
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