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tv   [untitled]    October 25, 2011 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT

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in the desert to prevent his grave becoming a shrine for sympathizers all being vandalized bodies and he said now he is in tripoli keeping across developments and this is how i report. the cries of liberation are loud and clear. looks like a state of euphoria here i mean everybody is happy and you know. even though there is no formal you know long order but are they ignoring the price paid for freedom in libya some thirty thousand civilians are said to have been killed with four thousand still missing this house was one of nato's misses a single family lost five people including children. their poll joy is top government but no one toss it in who is going to rebuild my house who will compensate honest follows much of the country's infrastructure has been destroyed finding water is now a serious challenge in the capital and we don't have running supplies and try to
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collect what they can. and the family with six kids we knew what to do leave and to come here every day and get water is very difficult. they bombed the electric station in ben walid for ten days they haven't fixed the problem at least we can come here for now. but maybe not much longer. before the war libya could boast one of the best living standards on the continent with high life expectancy and low tide mortality rates but after months of heavy bombing and fierce fighting the country's social and economic achievements have been brutally reversed its people now betting on a heavily armed and inexperienced group to govern them through a fresh start in the wake of destruction ali asked us not to reveal his face during my pay for saying this. that if you talk or see anything positive about gadhafi
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you will have serious problems with the rebels there is no government speaking out on to the end of you he tells me if people were truly happy about the end of gadhafi and the way he was killed there would be millions not thousands on the streets to get their free movies i'm sure some sixty to seventy percent of the country does not approve of the way gadhafi was killed we expected him to be tried as a prisoner of war not killed like what we are told a new libya there would be justice when he was the head of this country and it was not justice in the way he was killed i have no hope for the future but it's just the beginning don't you think that it could get better with time but things will take time to change in the country. i think there will be a lot of fighting in the future right now and tomorrow and tomorrow there is fighting going on between tribes and anyone with a weapon as power who can do what they want. so many celebrate this new era in libya's history people like me are quietly bracing for the worst. and he's now
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a artsy tipperary. organizer join the need to live there in tripoli and these are the bodies of kind of gadhafi has been a top aide of finally. being buried off the dais on public display what do libyans make of the way they were treated to death what do those who you've been talking to make. first of all some libyans that we've been speaking to understand that barry get back we are his secrets of his connections and dealings with the west which is very active in close relations really if you just look back a couple of years before many countries decided that he was the number one dictator and had to go with that said the whole world watching crude in libya those brutal pictures that we saw over the weekend of how gadhafi was killed still argument over whether or not he was killed in crossfire as the m.t.c. says clearly the footage there makes it look like he was in fact executed it's a very strong statement but
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a lot of people when looking at that footage go as far as to say that an investigation is being promised by the end to see another world organizations but the people we've been speaking to a lot of them are afraid to say it but horrified by the way gadhafi was killed even those who despise him and his forty decade rule really feel like we've heard just now from i'll leave that i spoke about the way he feels about gadhafi that he should have been trying to at least as a prisoner of war and that if the n.c.c. really wants to run this country as a new democracy and according to a law and this was not the way down the should have gone so very different views on the situation here but most certainly for those who do want to speak out about gadhafi they feel like they don't have the right to do that they're afraid for their lives really a lot of our contacts that we were dealing with during the war we can't get in touch with their phones or switched off and some of my colleagues that have already confirmed that many of those people in fact have been killed and another thing
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we're not hearing a lot of talk from the n t c about their plans to rebuild the country what they're going to do infrastructure completely destroyed people are celebrating very much so in tripoli and across the country but very few. people it seems are really thinking about what gadhafi his death really means for stability and the future of the bia what about nato now its situation it said it's going to leave by the end of the month but what is its role. in the country. it did say that when we first heard news of get down to these deaths almost immediately nato officials and other european and westercon when western countries basically said the thirty first they would be out today a request from the national transition committee for later for nato to stay a longer so it doesn't look like they're going to be in post gadhafi libya longer than the end of october an exact date has not been given but in terms of the infrastructure no no words from nato or official so far as to how they're going to
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help rebuild why they're staying in the country most likely of course because of security there are a lot of weapons in this country many of them although again conflicting reports on how how these weapons were given out some say came from nato themselves there in the country there are huge warehouses we travel today with some of the you see military if you call them a field commander who took us to checkpoints to see them checking for weapons and we're just talking about hand weapons here we're not talking about any kind of major arsenals in terms of hand weapons there are a lot of weapons on the streets of tripoli. i should point out that you do feel safe there's no kind of aggression with them so far but a lot of weapons out a lot of this is the first night we actually don't hear any any shooting celebrate sorry shooting i might add but still a lot of weapons out on the street there checking for those weapons but we went to the place where the m.t.c. is is demanding that people bring back their weapons and throughout all of today there was only ten or so automatic a k forty seven that have been returned so so
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far their plan of getting back these weapons at least from what we saw today is not working out they really need to to come together and somehow convince the population to give up their lisa thanks very much indeed for that live update from tripoli that's aunties and lisa natalie. well you can log onto our website r.t. dot com to have your say in our poll we're conducting at the moment asking you what's the worst thing libya could have in store for the world but so far the vast majority believe that more bloodshed is to come because the civil war hasn't finished thirteen percent think that gadhafi family could use the late dictator's goal to buy revenge on the west almost the same amount believe that was looted weapons may end up in terrorist hands the new islamist government may cancel gadhafi era oil contracts good to hear what you have to say. dot com. well for more on the story let's now live to calm down and he's a columnist for u.s.
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based think tank foreign policy in focus good to have you with us here now libya's interim government has asked nato to stay at least one more month in the country just two days after it declared liberation nato says it's going to leave at the end of the month why do you think we see once nato to carry on with its presence for another month. i'm not sure that they really think that situation is entirely stable. air is stable in libya at this point i think one of the surprises in fact that nato commanders were were very explicit about it they expected when nato when the end very quickly the khadafi forces would basically run for the desert roll up and and and nurse surrender well they did it went on for at least thirty five weeks and i think that that was a shock and i think it also became clear that it wasn't just the fact that they were up against a dictator and that there is a division in the country it's really partly
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a civil war partly it's between west and east partly it's between different tribes there's also ethnicities involved in terms of cells in the north it's much more complex than most people were led to believe and so i think that they're asking nato to stay because they the interim government does not have control over the militias as your reporter said the place is absolutely a swamp with weapons some of those weapons extremely dangerous and if they get outside of libya then to cause a distressing amount of damage and a lot of different places of course libya's interim leader and of course the whole of the n.t. see have said look we're here as an interim government transitional government we're promising elections in about eight months from now even before those elections are imminent they're now talking about building a democracy with an islamic overtone is this really what the west wants to see that in the bia. probably not. i think you know one of the problems was that there were
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no. nato when the end when they went to the united nations they said we're going to protect civilians and we're going to build democracy well the first thing they did was that they they drop protecting civilians and one for regime change. they didn't mention. the islamic part of it all the way along and now suddenly we're talking about an islam a government what kind of islam a government however you know makes a tremendous amount of difference is it going to be like turkey for instance or what looks like it's a developing to tunisia at this point or you know or will it be. a government more like iran or more like saudi arabia or the gulf state we don't know at this point the fact is we don't know who these people are we've made up a lot of kind of fairy tales about who they are and now their reality is is coming home and some of it looks pretty grim if you use the. well let's quickly
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talk about a point raised by our correspondent he said now in tripoli allegations that some western leaders like nicholas accorsi an expert in pm tony blair they profited from their relations with the gaddafi regime how many secrets do you really think he took with him to the grave something that many people are speculating about and i think that there were tremendous sighs of relief all over capitol so in western europe i don't think it was misspeaking when the hillary clinton us secretary of state said that he should be killed or captured in what forty eight hours forty eight hours later he was killed this is a guy who knew quite literally where to where the bodies were buried this is somebody who cut all sorts of deals with the french but also the british and the italians and to a certain extent the americans as well i think they did not want him put on trial
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for any reason and i am not misled just bit surprised that he was captured alive and he very quickly ended up death. very briefly you're talking about the different scenarios we're seeing in tunis here at the moment and other countries do you hold any optimism whatsoever we talk about these elections and of course in. actions involve a lot of different political parties but of course off that whatever forty years of a gadhafi regime there's been no real political opposition able to develop but do you see any glimmer of hope whatsoever for the future so many analysts are talking about more civil war and division i'm not i'm not pessimistic i tend to be probably overly optimistic i do think that what did happen here was that there certainly was. a majority of the libyan people rose up against a coffee and they certainly played a key role nato played the other key role in always throwing coffee and so i have
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to take a certain amount of optimism from that i mean i think that people have seen the power of their own power expressed politically and that one hopes very much that something is going to come out of that if i'm being a hard headed realist i have to look at and say you know there really is no center in the country which of course was deliberately that was created by kind of a free that there was no center there are a lot of tense ethnic relationships during the berbers in the south in the arab speakers in the north i think that there are a lot of tribal differences and i think there's a always been very much there's always been a division between the western part of libya in the eastern part of libya how are those things going to get together you know it's true or early to say but i am an optimist and i think that you know one can only hope that this is what happens on always interesting to talk to you thanks so much your time calm
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down and calmness for us based think tank foreign policy in focus joining us live there in the states thank you pleasure. we're staying in called this part of the world a moment because police in oakland california of arrested seventy five occupy wall street protesters and torn down that and camp in front of the city hall police say no one was injured despite two gas and rubber rounds being fired into the crowd the protest movement is gearing up for more global run is this we continue to consult on the upcoming g. twenty summit these latest protests and pressuring world leaders to introduce a so-called robin hood tax on what many say is the virtually unregulated global casino of financial transactions. not reports it won't be easy to achieve. six weeks into the occupy movement nearly one thousand unarmed activists have been arrested in new york city. thrown to the ground beaten netted like flies and pepper sprayed. the n.y.p.d.
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east tactics have been harshly criticized yet the most profound and public condemnation recently came from the u.s. marine sergeant shamar thomas while defending demonstrators in times square. the lone man that stood up to dozens of new york cops comes from a family of honor my stepfather he was he went to ghana stand in two thousand and six see my mother were actually in iraq the same time sergeant thomas completed two tours in iraq before returning to his homeland where he now aligns unself with the activists he says are being targeted by aggressive authority in uniform have a scene and watch t.v. . take on a person one on one it's always
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a few of them you know three four five of them or one person these are you know protests as. this is police will tell you hands down the twenty five year old war vet says it's come to a point where iraqi activists are treated with more respect and humility then their american counterparts he recalls an incident when hundreds of iraqis got violent with us soldiers a few people started throwing rocks and everybody kind of started on rocks and we actually had a marine hit in the face he was on back of a truck but at that ad you know the people were free to go you know what i mean we didn't arrest anybody we didn't go beat up on anybody so to see the police officers doing this to on our civilians in our own country was just it was you know stuff like i was amazed like i was in shock visiting the protesters he stood proudly to defend sergeant thomas received something of a hero's welcome in zuccotti park for so yes you know what blessing really you know we've been gestures of appreciation towards the marine that completed combat in
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baghdad but just began his battle against police brutality here at home sergeant thomas's public lashing of the n.y.p.d. have from what we can fire the birth of a new called off the primaries it calls on us veterans of all military branches joining anti-war street protests and with roughly forty thousand soldiers coming back from iraq by the years and international grass roots movement may grow even mightier arena for niamh party new york. we're covering. today. these are.
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the day. the. heads of state will still meet but. differences. chairman of the german parliament told me earlier that he's urging europe to get. a soon as possible. we want to create problem and i'm quite sure that we are on the right pass first of all we have to acknowledge we have to know that there is a lot of problems with greece crease is not really competitive at all and there is a lot of money going into crease but i think at the end of the day we will find a suitable solution which will safeguard first of all the situation of other
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european countries because we have to ringfence other countries in case of any default and the german share is two hundred eleven billion and there will be no single euro send more then two hundred eleven billion it is create cannot pay back loans it stabs at all it is will be there will be a certain haircut where talk about maybe sixty percent or even more and i see the euro as such is a good kind see the only problem we have is some countries in the euro zone but i have the feeling each and everybody has understood that they have to change and they are on the way to change and they are doing who forms which is necessary in order to have a smaller national debt. and as the situation in europe worsens the once from the unity of the european union is cracking a little wave of euro skepticism sweeping the blog. tell me why we should work till
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the age of seventy two or seventy three to pay for stuff ross who lives in downtown athens jury trial fifty eight we shouldn't we're not going to it's the end and you can catch that full interview with me and john gaunt as want to share your opinion on it war at r.t. dot com. the high court in london is to hear a case over the use of uranium enhanced weapons by u.s. led forces during the infamous iraqi battle of fallujah in two thousand and four this fall in the number of reports alleging their use was much more widespread than originally thought well earlier i spoke to christopher busby who co-wrote two of those reports we found extraordinary high levels of found very high levels of birth defects and we also find a change in the sex ratio in the ratio of boys to girls which appeared to begin after the battle of fallujah and two thousand and four and what we found was we looked at fifty two elements with all the possible elements that could be in the
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air and we found high levels of strontium. calcium and i would mean human and various. substances but what we did find was a high level of uranium and that high level of uranium was it from from depleted uranium. well though this was what was surprising it was not from depleted uranium it was actually slightly enriched uranium which was what it was was fairly astonishing as far as it was not something that we really expected and it led us to believe that the. modern military systems use a whole new set of weapons i mean one suggestion is that the people using this weapon have been covering their tracks because there's been a lot of talk about depleted uranium and its effects and i can actually be measured using sophisticated instruments and so if you use slightly enriched uranium or not for the rain and then you cover your tracks and then you cannot be sued afterwards when people come along and make measurements that's one possibility we did find
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patents which showed the existence of a whole new type of uranium weapon not like the ones that used to be used where they just fired projectiles tanks or tank battles we found patents for directed charged weapons and a new type of explosive which contains uranium powder mixed in with explosives in order to cause a very powerful directed charge and this is this is an anti-personnel weapon which which answers the other question why they would have used such a thing in fallujah because there were no tanks in fallujah many of the ngos in the world have been busily trying to have depleted uranium weapons banned and of course that's quite right they should be banned because they cause all these a face but of course then the military say well of course we didn't use depleted uranium and that inwardly laughing i guess because they've been using these new weapons which are not anti-tank weapons which are anti personnel weapons which are thermobaric weapons which cause huge pressure waves and collapsed lungs or char the victims and they've been a lot of very very peculiar injuries being discovered on modern battlefields that doctors have never seen before and quite can't quite figure out when i think that
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with recap the top stories very shortly that will be brought up to the business update with the mitri. thanks bill harlow and woman welcome to business r.t. in less around the world are banking on a solution to europe's debt crisis hoping for a comeback of growth from world markets e.u. leaders will be meeting on wednesday but the effect is already being felt by russia's banking sector with moody's giving it a negative downgrade even though we would say that russia today is relatively better than many other countries in the you as an international i mean partner to many of the e.u. countries russia will feel the pressure from countries that are suffering more and that has an impact on the owners of the international banks in russia and on the russian banks as well in terms of international wholesale lending or also the
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founding so unfortunately the general bust but this will be a worldwide banking segment has an impact on russia as well that's why i think moody's s. s. made these. notes. that of russia's oil pipeline operator transnet says china will settle with seventy five million dollar bill for oil deliveries from russia within a fortnight the money is owed to russia's top well company ross nafta and pipeline operator transnet in return russia promised to consider the price of existing and new oil contracts with china that he'll follow as prime minister putin's visit there earlier this month problems between the countries arose in march when china decided russia was over pricing its oil by two to three percent and car payments according. speaking of world circular going to how it is trading vis our w c i is rising to trade at the highest in twelve weeks on signs that improving the signs of improving u.s. the montoyo has gained more than twenty percent in the last three weeks light sweet
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is up to two dollars sixty eight cents this brant is correct twenty five. u.s. markets are trading lower after a poll showed consumer confidence declined in october investors also moving out of stocks and into t.v. bills due to the uncertainty over the meeting of european leaders sergio wednesday video rental provided netflix is down thirty five percent i'm in brokerage downgrades following its pessimistic fourth quarter. and this is the closing picture in russia where the r.t.s. in my sex will so close to declines of point six and one point four percent respectively most energy majors and down with new coil one point two percent in the red despite high oil prices the company said it plans to invest one hundred billion dollars in the next decade producer while carly was also down in plans to spend five point eight billion dollars to boost production capacity by eighty percent in ten years and that russia's the largest power make up the vase is one of the few
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gain as its first off net profit more than doubled to two hundred eight million dollars the company also said it plans to buy its rival. by the end of next month. in other news russell british oil joint venture to p.s. posted record high financials for the first three quarters of this year the company is net income grew seventy five percent almost seven billion dollars is chief financial officer jonathan moore says results were helped by high oil prices and he believes this will remain the case next year. you will be looking for a game production growth year on year probably in the one to two percent area we've got some integration of our international assets to do terms of vietnam and that is where. we hope to see again a strong environment which will allow us the to maximize our net backs that's all from the business desk for today john my colleague will be here at eight twenty am moscow time joint if you can of course.
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wealthy british style the sun. is not on the tires. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. morning news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are all today. he's happy with the. top stories. may be laid to rest but the controversy
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surrounding him lives on amid speculation he could have taken the truth of potentially damaging secrets to his desert great. california police race to the ground and to wall street tent camp. peaceful demonstrators. and the eurozone as the promised solution to the crisis becomes modern political and leadership rivalries. and the fierce fight for resurfaces as a new study accuses u.s. led forces of deploying secret uranium and constant weapon systems during the infamous iraqi police and that's the consequences of radiation still being felt. in the meantime financial. and discuss a rather unusual way of making gold and all the news that wall street doesn't want you to hear because a report is next.


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