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tv   [untitled]    October 25, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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trust no one. is imbue it with the global machinery of city where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasol so when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour the whistleblower website wiki leaks is on financial life support all thanks to you guessed it wall street so julia songes supporters be able to break through the financial blockade at home the banks years old was off to begin with and i imagine a world without muslim fear mongering or obama bashing or biased corporate ideology sells for no it's the internet is really take all dream about a world missing one particular new. wiki leaks is in trouble in a press conference yesterday wiki leaks founder julian assange announced the site will no longer be publishing material so we can break through what he calls
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a financial blockade imposed on the site by american banks signs claim that ninety five percent of wiki leaks revenue has been destroyed as a result of blank banks and blocking funding to the site. and if this blockade isn't ended by the end of the year wiki leaks will go dark a sign said the us government itself found that there was no lawful grounds to add wiki leaks to a u.s. financial blockade but the blockade of wiki leaks by politicized u.s. finance companies continues regardless oddly though what banks are blocking donations from flowing into wiki leaks coffers are turning a blind eye to similar donations flowing into the coffers of known hate groups as in cut off the spigot of the whistleblowers open the spigot to the hate mongers so this is just another disturbing fold in the banks to morality that seems to be running the show in america and the world here offer their takes are founded by the rector of the government accountability project and mark potok director of the
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intelligence project at the southern poverty law center mark great to have you both with us tonight thank you very much for joining us howdy. thomas if julia songe is silence what will it mean. but most likely will happen is the be a lot fear disclosures that are inspired. changes in the course of history like the arab spring and that are irresponsible and destructive such as those that expose confidential sources or people who oppress their wives for legitimate purposes in other words we'll be going back to a more normal routine where we know it's not some of which we have a right to now and we need to and from what we probably should. interesting analysis mark the council of concerned citizens or excuse me of conservative citizens i was looking at their website that and they say that they are in there
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with their core principles that they are against mixing races and that the white race is the superior race. you know and you can donate money to them with master card visa or. why them and not julian assange and wiki leaks. well there you can a little worse than you suggest i mean the council of conservative citizens is a group that says things like you lack people are a great species of humanity quote unquote this is the group that in fact is directly descended from the right citizens councils of the one nine hundred fifty cent sixty's that in fact were formed to resist school desegregation so that. it is surprising and surprising to me that they have not been cut off by pay pal because the reality is that occasional has actually tried to cut off a lot of it so it's not unusual to find them. alland there are
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mechanisms and used by groups that are named in an obvious way spread sense to the american nazi party certainly cannot kick a paper one of the american nazi party as website today and they say that they only accept money orders or well concealed cash is that a result of that i've not heard of them do the same is that some extra operators that because they they actually said if you sent a personal check they will they will they will shredded or eat it or they made some joke about it they won't they want it's a personal checks they're only they don't want to well a trail back to people with that view. well i think what they're trying to convince people of is that they want to eat given up some out of that if there's a federal investigation out say the american nazi party that their names were on end up in the newspaper i think that's essentially what's going on now on you know it's worth noting that in fact a power has moved against some of the religious right organizations in fact if you were going to say she's we just named eight groups in the last year or so so they
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didn't seem to be making something up in efforts or but then when you go to an organization that's not obviously name i think the council conservative citizens might be one of merriment although it's quite well known what are we going to say she's for instance like american border patrol which is most definitely a national policy institute on these groups in fact to use pay pal but my own sense of it is is that it's because it's not so easy to tell you after well actually it's not about work looking at these websites and trying to figure out what the groups are perhaps tom. first of all how did this thing how did it come about the wiki leaks you know the banks wiki leaks i understand that the government court enjoy the size of government actually no big deal here a and b. . as much as as mark and i may be offended by some of these groups i put banks isn't isn't the bank's business to be a banker not to be a judge of morality if if it's legal to be
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a nazi. why not be able to get a credit card if it's legal to be wiki leaks and there have been no criminal charges against them why not allow them to take records. we have to go behind the green door to know what really happened but what i can say is i've been working with. parsons nineteen seventy nine about five thousand and three in retaliation in its forms and this is the first time that we've seen this kind of a shadowy partnership between the government and the banks in the financial services industry it's unprecedented and preparedness. the facts in this particular dispute this is a very dangerous precedent but they have these sort of under the table alliances between government and the goodson's. mark is there in your mind any kind of connection between the obsession with secrecy that some of these hate groups have
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and some of the banks and the obsession with transparency that we can leaks as that might be causing this collision is this that make any sense to you well i'm having a slightly hard time hearing you who are straight connections but. you know i'm not sure that there really is an action you know as far as i can tell from looking over what shaped our own particular just as i said earlier in the piece seemed to make an out of sorts you know that said oh it's not fortunate to see them allowing the tape out to nations for instance something called by treaty minister said you know this is a outfit. claims that. were sir i'm sorry to get the people responsible for the nazi party you know how. are your scrape is breaking up on us now to do so and we have to wrap this up tom your book i should've mentioned the opening all just pick it up here the whistleblowers survival guide by
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tom divine and on terror. yeah yeah thank you very much for being with us tonight thanks for having it mark thanks so much for being with us keep up the great work. it's the good the bad in the very very candid gela full bickley ugly. good. hotels tennessee hotel was slated to host the innocuously named preserving freedom conference next month that was until the hotel discovered that the conference was actually an anti muslim fest sponsored by the most popular islamophobia in america from frank gaffney to pamela geller executives of the hotel's parent company cancel the contract saying that they want nothing to do with the subject matter of the event namely muslim fear mongering well done so it looks like gaffney and geller
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may have to find a new venue to spew their hate would be defiance and friends coach the bad but the atlanta police department winterreise a call pepper nosed truck had been stolen she called the lot of cops to report it a few minutes later she was the one behind bars why because to reset the same first name as another woman who was wanted on charges of aggravated assault but that's just it that's that's all it was just the same day the birthdays between the two theresa's were different the addresses were different the physical descriptions were different even their last names were different yet police for some reason thought they'd found their fugitive and lock to resell for get this. fifty three games. per turn he says the only thing called harper has in common with the suspects is that they're both african-american women and their first main research the ages differ i mean it's not the same they're on they were born in the same
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decade they are in this part weighs about thirty pounds more than the skull cap or from the description on the police reports she's also about five inches taller than the skull proper they don't live in the same. part of town and i did run one just you know i was in the south and thought a moment if mistake now only to me to any. trees was finally released after a lawyer was able to prove it was a case of mistaken identity by bringing the assault victim into court to testify that the woman behind bars was not the person who would have factored meanwhile a local news station tracked down the real fugitive teresa who said she hasn't been arrested. we found the woman who said she didn't want her face shown but that she is actually the theresa painted document says committing the assault but you would never risk so they risk it to research. saying it was you that was wrong she says she is speaking out to right a wrong but doesn't believe she should be arrested either because of extenuating
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circumstances right and theresa culpepper is now seeking legal action against the atlanta police she may just have this one back and the very very ugly rick perry here's how you go from being a crazy alert to making it to the good bad and ugly list perry has now given his second interview in which he hypes murtha resume his time speaking to see him b.c. perry admitted that while he may not be worried about the president's birth certificate he does think it's a good issue to keep alive as perry said it's fun to poke at him a little bit and say i'll see your grades your birth certificate. of all the important issues to keep alive right now from wars to the economy to global warming kerry wants to keep alive the birth of the issue because it's gone yes this guy actually is running as a republican for president let me guess getting americans back to work involves some sort of point i think. that's where we're. coming up anonymous
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says a new target ideally take all imagine how the world would look if anonymous were successful. drives the world of fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through get through to me who can you trust no one who has you view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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your take my take is the segment of the show where we give you the opportunity to have your questions comments criticisms and opinions heard here on the big picture our first comments a night is from the viewer rant line i think these protesters seem to take a good hard look at our current administration and realize that we have a president here who voted in the senate for bail out wall street the biggest contributors in two thousand names were goldman sachs j.p. morgan chase citigroup and and it's not just two thousand and eight this election cycle about forty seventh out from bank of america forty nine fountains
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from goldman sachs and eric connection we need to get rid of the crony capitalism and put in a more effective system now well good luck on trying that chris carney capitalism has captured america you're absolutely right ed this is certainly not unique to president obama and in fact actually wall street is the largest funder right now for mitt romney's campaign. but back to crony capitalism and this whole thing of money is speech and corporations are people all that stuff that is driving it it has never been voted for by any legislature ever in fact the opposite in one thousand seven its own app was passed which said that it was illegal for corporations to give money to political parties let me share a quote with you this is this is problem a president of the united states to just show how long this has been going on we
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discover this in grover cleveland from his state of the union address in eighteen eighty eight he said we discover that the fortunes realized by our manufacturers are no longer soley the reward of sturdy industry and enlightened foresight but that they result from the discriminating favor of the government and are largely built upon undue extractions from the masses of our people the gulf between employers and the employed is constantly widening and classes are rapidly forming one comprising the very rich and powerful all in another our pound that's willing to work as we view the achievements of aggravated aggregated capital we discover the existence of trusts combinations and monopolies while the citizen is struggling far in the rear or is trampled to death behind beneath an iron eel corporations which should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people are fast becoming the people's masters again that was eight hundred
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eighty eight two years after the first time the supreme court allegedly said corporations are people we've got to roll back this doctrine that was brought to us citizens united the most recent incarnation of it from the supreme court as i said in the legislature a voted for it no president ever asked for it we need to amend the constitution and just remember that despair and disillusionment will not change anything and not participating is not an option we'll. i have to get active on this corporations are not people money is not speech moved to amend org so to see how it can be done our next comment is from the message boards it thom hartmann dot com last week i explained how the latest version of the senate democrats' jobs bill which included a want to add a one percent surtax on income over a million dollars starting in january two thousand and thirteen would really only cost the super rich pretty much nothing really or raise enough money over the next
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ten years to cover the thirty five billion dollars caused of irene retaining about four hundred thousand teachers and emergency responders. what president obama and what joe biden and. the democrats are proposing is that somebody who makes a million dollars does not pay an extra penny of taxes on their first eighty five hundred homes they still pay only ten percent on that they will pay an extra penny in taxes on their next thirty four thousand dollars they start their only pay fifteen percent on that so this is a marginal tax rates where they pay the same taxes as if somebody only made thirty four thousand up to thirty four thousand but are going to pay an extra penny on their first eighty three thousand dollars i would expect from thirty four thousand to three thousand and twenty three from three percent of it hundred seventy four thousand dollars and i can pay an extra penny on that and i would be taxed at twenty eight percent from the hundred seventy four thousand three hundred seventy nine thousand dollars that i pay an extra penny on that would be taxed at thirty three percent and from three three hundred seventy nine thousand to
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a million dollars they're not going to pay an extra penny on that either but if they made one extra powers in dollars or one hundred thousand dollars or actually be ten more of these then they would pay five hundred bucks half a cookie actually not even that a fragment of a cookie. budget that's a little bit not at all the way down the cookie monster to. when course there was unanimous opposition of the bill from republicans and senate and they succeeded in blocking the bill even though there was a majority they voted for it scott wrote ridiculous that anyone would argue against fairness it's obvious they just want to go to fail well scott here it is in the words of the top republican in the united states senate mitch mcconnell. our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny president obama's second term and our final comments tonight is again from the viewer and line it is
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. interested in trying to find out how i think you know that it's a compliment played on the seventh day about our problems straight group anonymous part it was all from and i'd like to see hakon get it and share it with my friends thank you. a in case you missed it here's an excerpt from the video put out by anonymous last week that the caller was asking about their. street for years they could use it with that the country was political and you saw that it was right for the taking and so you did you shouted the country and you connected the fragmented pieces to mine your pockets we stand here united and strong four years late we stand before your britches before us slow train hands did you think that the people who would not come to know what you have done you see it for your
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trading screens and for your analysis of the plays of thinking and you play very well here rick the game even better you can have very little for the lives of average americans. but you have strongly misread the world complete lack of compassion for your fellow man business she read a great era the game is over when st you forget the full video and my thoughts from the segment of the big picture that aired on october seventeenth are available over at the big picture you tube page under the heading anonymous produces their poetry pay attention that's what we call the site and i agree that video should be shared far and wide but i was has a message for wall street and we should all know it by heart that's it for your take my take if you'd like your comments and questions heard on the segment the big picture listen up we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page by a twitter at tom underscore apartment or in the champ room on the message boards
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your blog at tom hartman dot com you can also leave a message on a rant why it's good to buy three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound it's all welcome to remember that your comments may be used on the year. imagine i can't say you know when i got a tribe. in a world without fox news it's easy if you try. the hacktivist group anonymous is allegedly planning to launch an attack on the fox so-called news website. taking it down on nov fifth here's a video supposedly released by anonymous regarding their latest operation. for the friends of the world and the internet we are anonymous. new thieves now a target of anonymous because of their continued propaganda against the occupation
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anonymous introduces operation hunt i'm not i'm of in cannes on destroying the box right because their continued right wing conservative propaganda can no longer be tolerated they use words and filthy. and dirty to describe the protesters and they will not stop at the link the occupier we will please shut them down on nov fifth we're all we can know for sure if this is really anonymous or if the five so-called news website will really be taken down but we can imagine your magic what it would be like if there was no fox news in the world but it would be like if millions of americans went to work in the morning without listening to carlson kilmeade to see millions of americans beginning their days without fear of shari'a law and the new black panther party or the muslim brotherhood or the
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millions more are going to sleep without fear that president obama's proud shirts are coming to get them as sean hannity has warned if there was no fox news millionaires would just be called millionaires and not job creators christmas would come and go without anyone saying the war is been declared on it's in a world without fox news ron paul might actually have a chance to win the republican nomination though fox news means no job for sarah palin and he's no jobs right around the country in american great play a great boss. without fox news the price of gold plummets as new sales of survival kits as does tea party rally attendance thirty down pretty bad dropping from about four people maybe down to two because without fox news there really isn't a keeper imagine there's no fox news and suddenly occupy wall street
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is a legitimate organization with clear goals and grassroots support john lennon says imagine there's no war well without fresh news is constant drumbeat there may not be a war after all a world without fox news is a world that is clearly warming up as a result of manmade carbon pollution and a world where america is leading the way in doing something about it it's a world free from government death panels and it's a world where wall street is to blame for the fourth financial crisis by fox news means by by two zero zero obama czars and by by slanderous scandals of bye-bye to bill ayres no fox news means no t.v. shows for future republican presidential candidates are changing governors are
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obsessed egomaniacs or watergate felons or gambling addicted or allies are. no fox news means no g.o.p. t.v. the name the roger and ailes and vision when he wrote a memo to richard nixon nixon's chief of staff in the early stage seventy's suggesting the administration invest in creating a television channel to put forward republican talking points under the guise of news a world of fox news is frankly a better world it's a world where voters will have the polls next year without being frightened by spin doctors like frank luntz unfortunately that's not the world we live it. even if anonymous shuts down fox news as website on november fifth it will only be temporary and the t.v. talking heads will continue anyway but for one day maybe just one day a fox news less world could exist and will remember what it was like
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before bill o'reilly told us out of thing before fox and friends thought it was what to be afraid of and before hannity told us what it means to be an american and we'll all wait out the november sixth right back into a world with news but decide to turn the channel some may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one. that's the big picture of hers a night. for more information on the stories we covered visit our web site that's all part of drug free speech dot org and archie dot com you can also check out your review channels there are links at on our. in tears shows also available for free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free time when i phone and i've had at the app store it's in a speed back of twitter a ton of us were on facebook a ton of us were blogs message boards and so from comment line it's hard enough and
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don't forget democracy begins when you get out there show up occupy something bad your it sibyl. mission free couldn't take should free zones for judges free. range month
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free risk free studio type free. download free blogs just plug in video for your media projects and free media and on the hard teton tom. i. i. i. i i. i. i i. i i i .


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