tv [untitled] October 25, 2011 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT
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but finally buried after five days on public display inside a meat market fridge the graves location is being kept secret to prevent it being vandalized or turned into a shrine stand on the country continue to celebrate questions remain over how gadhafi was killed and the huge cost the reconstruction of the civil war and intense nato bombing aussies and he said now reports from tripoli. first of all some libyans that we've been speaking to understand that barry we get back we are his secrets of his connections and dealings with the west which is very active in close relations really if you just look back a couple of years before many countries decided that he was the number one dictator and had to go but with that said the whole world watching food in libya those brutal pictures that we saw over the weekend of how gadhafi was killed still argument over whether or not he was killed in crossfire as the m.t.c. says clearly the footage there makes it look like he was in fact executed it's a very strong statement but a lot of people when looking out by footage go as far as to say that an
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investigation is being promised by the end to see another world organizations but the people we've been speaking to a lot of them afraid to say it but horrified by the way gadhafi was killed even those who despise him and his forty decade rule when we first heard news of get down to his death and most immediately nato officials and other european and leicester conklin's western countries basically said that by up to over thirty first they would be out today a request from the national transition committee for later for nato to say i won't go so it does look like they're going to be in post gadhafi libya longer than the end of october an exact date has not been given there are a lot of weapons in this country many of them although again conflicting reports on how how these weapons were given out some say came from nato themselves there in the country there are huge warehouses we travel today with some of the you see military if you call them a field commander who took us to checkpoints to see them checking for weapons and
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we're just talking about heavy weapons here we're not talking about any kind of major arsenals in terms of hand weapons there are a lot of weapons on the streets of tripoli and another thing we're not hearing a lot of talk from the n t c about their plans to rebuild the country what they're going to do with infrastructure completely destroyed people are celebrating very much so in tripoli. cross the country but very few people it seems are really thinking about what death is death really means for stability and the future of the bia the cars of liberation are loud and clear. looks like a state of euphoria here and everybody is happy and you know. even though there is no formal you know law and order but are they ignoring the price paid for freedom in libya some thirty thousand civilians are said to have been killed with four thousand still missing this house was one of nato's misses a single family lost five people including children when. their poll joy is top
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government but no one toss it in who is going to rebuild my house who will compensate honest follows much of the country's infrastructure has been destroyed finding water is now a serious challenge in the capital when you don't have supplies and try to collect what they can. and a family with six kids we knew what to do leave and to come here every day and get water is very difficult. they bombed the electric station in ben walid for ten days they haven't fixed the problem at least we can come here for now. but maybe not much longer. before the war libya could boast one of the best living standards on the continent with high life expectancy and low tide mortality rates but after months of heavy bombing and fierce fighting the country's social and economic achievements have been brutally reversed its people now betting on
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a heavily armed and inexperienced group to govern them through a fresh start in the wake of destruction ali asked us not to reveal his face fearing my pay for saying this. that if you talk or see anything positive about gadhafi you will have serious problems with the rebels there is no government speaking out on to the end of you he tells me if people were truly happy about the end of gadhafi and the way he was killed there would be millions not thousands on the streets to get their free movies i'm sure some sixty to seventy percent of the country does not approve of the way gadhafi was killed we expected him to be tried as a prisoner of war not killed like what we are told a new libya there would be justice when he was the head of this country and there was no justice in the way he was killed i have no hope for the future but it's just the beginning don't you think that it could get better with time but things will take time to change in the country. i think there will be
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a lot of fighting in the future right now and jamal and tomorrow there is fighting going on between tribes and anyone with a went on as power who can do what they want. so many celebrate this new era in libya's history people like me are quietly bracing for the worst. and he's now a artsy tipperary. and joan research based on the will coalition in london says that nature's actions in libya will bring about a government which will not be in the interests of. the western powers intervened in libya not to protect the revolution but to colonize the revolution and they succeeded they succeeded in doing that and the t.n.c. is requests for continued military help underlines that fact very clearly. the events in libya show the revolution which started off as a general expression of the libyan people's desire was taken over by the west has now got a t.n.c.
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leadership which is wholly dependent. economically politically on the west that what is being driven through in libya is a government which in the end of the day would be in the interests of most libyan people the people who have been using this kind of language by. the world from. the people who conducted the wars in afghanistan and iraq they are now the people who have a foothold in libya and that will be a situation in which destabilize is the entire middle east. so we're going to our web site to have your say in our poll and we are asking you what he wants thing pose could have believed it could have in store for the world and stuff on the vast majority believe more bloodshed is to come because the civil war hasn't finished eleven percent of you think a duck his family could use than they dictate is gold to fund revenge on the west its inputs and many weapons looted during the war way and up interest and others say a new is in his government and they council khadafi era oil contracts so piece
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of meat at all. what we know now hundreds of protesters have marched through this central streets of oakland city in california following a day of arrests and scuffles with riot squads and their pleas detained more than seventy five protest is told on that tent camp in front of the city hall offices say no one was injured despite gas and other rounds being fired into the ground this comes as the anti course work movement ratings for yet another round the world wide brush as jim on the upcoming g. twenty summit and information protests are aimed at pressuring world leaders to introduce so-called the good times for bay state is a virtually under regulated a global casino financial transactions but as all cheese were enough for now records aggressive police tactics the only trick of the. six weeks into the occupy movement nearly one thousand unarmed activists have been arrested in new york city. thrown to the ground beaten netted like flies and pepper
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sprayed. the n.y.p.d. is tactics have been harshly criticized yet the most profound and public condemnation recently came from u.s. marine sergeant shamar thomas while defending demonstrators in times square. i married. i married the lone man that stood up to dozens of new york cops comes from a family of honor my stepfather he was a he went to ghana stand in two thousand and six and my mother were actually in iraq the same time sergeant thomas completed two tours in iraq before returning to his homeland where he now aligns himself with the activists he says are being targeted by aggressive authority in uniform i haven't seen it and watch t.v.
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. take on a person one on one it's always a few of them you know three four five of them all one person you know these are you know protests as much as this is police will tell you hands down that twenty five year old war vet says it's come to a point where iraqi activists are treated with more respect and humility then there are american counterparts he recalls an incident when hundreds of iraqis got violent with us soldiers a few people started throwing rocks and everybody kind of started throwing rocks and we actually had a marine get hit in the face he was on back of a truck but at that ad you know the people were free to go you know what i mean we've been a rest anybody we didn't go beat up on anybody so to see the police officers doing this to on our civilians in our own country was just it was you know stuff like i was amazed like i was in shock visiting the protesters he stood proudly to defend sergeant thomas received something of a hero's welcome in zuccotti park on the street yes blessing really you know we can
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gestures of appreciation towards the marine that completed combat in baghdad but just began his battle against police brutality here at home sergeant thomas in the last week of the life he had for what we inspired the birth of and we were called off the primaries because i knew us veterans of all military brats join me as i was speaking wrote and with roughly forty thousand soldiers coming back from iraq by the years and into. a national grassroots movement may grow even mightier. r.t. new york. channel you can find plenty of british journalist and protesters in line from the streets well to plan actually voicing doubts it was so long going to. a base and other stories we're covering for you.
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the news today. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. joint operation through the day. the eurozone crisis has taken a new twist with the consolation of a finance ministers meeting before wednesday's summit aimed at resolving the e.u.'s debt to daybreak. debacles rather government leaders will still need but there is growing doubt over whether the e.u. officials can overcome wide differences and pave the way for a solution before one of those who has a crisis today would be a time in coalition government of cd discone teetering close to collapse of ija monster budget and austerity concentrating raising the pension age to sixty seven and my call of every chairman of the german parliament says it's
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a critical time for the. we want to solve the creek problem and i'm quite sure that we are on the right pass first of all we have to acknowledge we have to know that there is a lot of problems with greece crease is not really competitive at all and there is a lot of money going into crease but i think at the end of the day we will find a suitable solution which will safeguard first of all the situation of other european countries because we have to ring fence other countries in case of any quick default and the german share is two hundred eleven billion and there will be no single euro's and more then this two hundred eleven billion it is create cannot pay back loans it stabs at all i think it will be there will be a certain haircut where talk about maybe sixty percent or even more and i see the euro as such is
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a good can see the only problem we have is some countries in the eurozone but i have a feeling everybody has understood that they have to change and they are on the way to change and they are doing who forms which is necessary in order to have a smaller national debt the high court in london is to hear evidence over the use of figuring in enhanced weapons by u.s. led forces in fallujah in iraq seven years ago it's left a render slightest chance of illnesses and birth defects in the city trades and which the rainy and fog will detonate and toxic depleted uranium are found according to christopher who co-wrote the polls. we found extraordinary high levels of cancer very high levels of birth defects and we also find a rare change in the sex ratio in the ratio of boys to girls which appeared to begin after the battle to falutin in two thousand and four and what we found was a high level of uranium it was not from depleted uranium it was actually slightly enrich uranium which was fairly astonishing i mean one suggestion is that the
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people using this weapon have been covering their tracks because there's been a lot of talk about depleted uranium and its effects and so if you use slightly enrich uranium or not for the rain and then you cover your tracks and then you cannot be sued afterwards we found patents for direct to charge weapons and a new type of explosive which contains uranium powder mixed in with explosives in order to cause a very powerful directed charge and this is this is an anti personnel weapon which which answers the other question why they would have used such a thing in fallujah because there were no tanks in flew jets and many of the ngos in the world have been busily trying to have depleted uranium weapons banned and of course that that's quite right they should be banned because they cause all these a face but of course then the military say well of course we didn't use depleted uranium and that inwardly laughing i guess because they've been using these new weapons which are not anti-tank weapons which are anti personnel weapons which are thermobaric weapons which caused huge pressure waves and collapsed lungs or char
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the victim and they've been a lot of very very peculiar injuries being discovered on modern battlefields that doctors have never seen before and quite can't quite figure out. just some other stories making headlines around the world at least fifteen be killed in yemen jury in clashes between anti-government protesters and troops loyal to president saleh violence broke out in the country's second largest city tez as well as in the capital sana'a what the president's forces opened fire at a demonstration and to this comes just by the legislation was ceasefire between the president and his opponents dictator something was going to our three decades with western backing but has for months refused to step down ignoring massive protests and international pressure to write. traffic on the border between northern kosovo and serbia has been reopened as ethnic serbs have dismantled one of the barricades and hundreds of to western peacekeepers is the vast amount of go
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break between nato led forces and also one serbs an ongoing standoff another seventeen growed goal to remain in place however being thwarted guarded by serbs that barricades were built to stop cos when authorities installing customs it's. human rights groups and see international says their cost is injured in crime downs by syrian security forces are being tortured in state run hospitals it's training that abuse has been taking place at least for medical centers this fall as your pools are at least six people were killed in fresh clashes with government forces in the city of homes china is increasing pressure on syria by sending a special envoy to the country to president assad to bringing good things and also protest as a reasonable dinner offer and also. one of georgia's richest man is no to raise a harsh criticism of president saakashvili is facing some rather tough obstacles i see tries to enter the country's political fray he and his wife have suddenly found
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themselves without citizenship while a cool so also thrown out the appeal all she's told boston reports from the country's capital tbilisi. the man who could challenge sack us really billionaire bidzina ivanishvili is entering georgia's political battleground according to his lawyer that's frightened to make l. seconds really the president of eight years. when he said he's going to create a political party has gone into politics and he's starting to get ready for elections the government panicked they panicked so much they took away a vanished lilly's georgian citizenship officials did point out that he had french citizenship as well which is against georgian law and that he might be deported he says it's politically motivated and he's appealing the decision. our government has a way of accusing people of treason the authorities violate their power and then use their position as an excuse for their actions the georgian government has also
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raided a bank in vanish really owns amid accusations of money laundering designed and removed some of his security guards and arrested people close to him ivanishvili is famous as one of georgia's richest businessmen he's funded the building of churches and theaters and now he's funding the return of a well known georgians to to recall t.v. show the show's director says he has confidence in a banish really but he's still new to politics. he's learning how to be a politician he used to be a very significant businessman but now the methods he used in his business have to be changed because he's a public politician but he adapts very quickly. and he'll have to because while a vanish when he himself is confident he'll win the next election many around him aren't even sure if he'll be in it. it's hard to tell if it's inner ivanishvili with part of george's political future or not but it's easy to see his case as
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a metaphor for the overall state of politics here the world coming home to for political force will be clear evidence of the democratic spirit that so often talked about in georgia it's not so often show tom watson our to tbilisi georgia. our web site has plenty more stories for you so no one to ask for more details and analysis like russia is to build the first of a city with an artificial climate where its plans that five thousand scientists and work as well. and also turns out the creation in the developed tundra applies not just of political will but also improved harvesting to check out that combine driving skills and how much more exactly they gathered you're going to ask. and i'll be back with a recap our top stories in about ten minutes time up next after months of protests in which the u.n. says over three thousand civilians have been killed in a quiet down against under a regime government protests in syria she talks to the country's foreign minister
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to get the view of he's got. much but we need to do we're talking to syrian minister of foreign affairs mr vali done more thank you for joining us. molly was a huge reserve of the last meeting of foreign ministers of arab states in cairo and the situation in syria where is the opposition welcomed them do you think the arab
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league has been playing a constructive room. unfortunately due to the so-called arab spring some countries that had been playing a significant role in the arab league's operation are now busy with their own domestic issues and this doesn't help consolidated solutions hopefully this issue ation will be resolved in the short term and these countries will become a sufficient again in consolidating the common arab cause this is first do you think it would be reasonable to discuss a country's problems without its participation second a proposal was made at this consultative meeting to free syria's membership of the arab league this is very dangerous and most participating countries spoke against this proposal how can one imagine resolving common arabic problems without syria. and thirdly this proposal contradicts the leaks charter as the board of the arab states leaders' has the power to suspend or freeze membership at this power was
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breached when making a decision on libya and we're all well aware of what happened then to have the u.n. security council use the arab league's decision when adopting its resolution and then nato used this decision for its purposes when arabs to speak up with such proposals they understand the purpose of these actions which is to undermine what remains of the common arab cause. might it was the lord the opposition states that the syrian leadership has little time left see implement the reforms announcement president bush. there saying that the syrian people are paying with their blood for delays in these reforms why is there such a delay in implementing them. they said on october first of all there is no delay on the contrary a universal reform program underway in syria will be implemented in a record six months compared to other countries including russia where reforms lasted for several years i repeat that this is a record short period of time those who speak about reforms know that certain laws
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should be passed to see them through they include laws on political parties and parliamentary elections slated for next february there are also elections to local self-government bodies a law on the media should also be passed a commission has been set up to draft the country's new constitution you know how fast should these things go these are crucial issues solutions to which will determine the face of the new syria a pluralistic a democratic country a model example to other nations in the region is hasty action reasonable these are serious problems that require serious approaches based on experience and international law judging from that i would say that the country's leadership is not slowing down reforms and the deadline set by the syrian president are very short in less than six months the country will see these reforms carried out that is why i'm asking if the opposition really cares for the future of this country why it wouldn't begin dialogue and lay out some serious approaches to creating
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a new syria. as for the bloodshed let me ask you whether there's a regime anywhere in the world whose purpose is to kill its own citizens or rather isn't its direct purpose to protect its own citizens from terrorists we are confronted with arms terrorist groups who have nothing to do with reform these groups are being armed and financed. from abroad every day syrian television reports new arrests of these groups members which are sowing terror what objectives do they have other than how to earn more money therefore we should differentiate the national opposition which is in favor of political and economic reforms from these armed groups by the as the of the idea of god that it seems that turkey is close to recognizing the national council how will syria respond if this takes place. but i don't want to get ahead of events but turkey knows the scope of syrian turkish relations we signed fifty intergovernmental agreements followed by growth in trade and cultural exchange and the end goal is to establish strategic relations
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between the two countries we have been working towards this which in practice means that citizens of both countries can visit each other under a visa free regime hopefully we won't go as far as to destroy the result of all our efforts over the last ten years. by the us and. could we move to a different subject now did damascus suit any preconditions before agreeing to receive palestinian prisoners it's known to the west has been putting pressure on syria for hosting to hamas leadership or did syria any specific conditions before agreeing to receive palestinians released from israeli jails. first and we have to remember that syria has been part of the palestinian issue we handed over the golan heights in an attempt to resolve the issue it's impossible to break this strong link between syria and the palestinian problem which is manifested both in our support for the resistance movement and in attempts to resolve the problem at regional and international levels therefore it's natural that there could be no
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leaders are also fearing more bloodshed as the future of the country remains unclear. ride schools get tough on and he will treat protesters in california and arrest more than seventy people as demonstrations continue across the u.s. . from missing more than is world wide ahead of the upcoming g. twenty summit in france next we. also feel is a ride that the italian government could collapse with internal disagreement over further budget cuts demanded by a eurozone need is the finance minister this console to the head of a crunch e.u. leaders summit on wednesday with doubts that will solve the deepening debt crisis. under new study says u.s. led forces secretly use new types of weapons and reached with uranium during the battle for fallujah in iraq seven years ago huge incidences of cancer illnesses and birth defects have scenes been. stood. up next for.
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