tv [untitled] October 25, 2011 11:01pm-11:31pm EDT
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what can they learn or show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mersey or can we live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take a look at how the tax plan suppose by republican presidential candidates will really shift the burden to the middle class also take a look at the signs of the economy isn't getting any better as consumer confidence levels of follet to two and a half year low then last night police clashed with protesters occupy oakland and seventy five people were arrested we're going to speak to somebody who was there
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and talk about the long and complex history between police and the protesters in oakland overall then the obama administration promised to be the most open entrance parent in history of the d.o.j. is trying to change the rules of the freedom of information act to allow the government to lie to you so we're going to have all that for you tonight and more including a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. all right so at this point the majority of republican presidential candidates have released their individual economic plans for how they're going to get the country out of financial ruin forget about the fact that the chances of them actually getting congress to pass that legislation and not those tax programs is slim to none but hey they're still running for president right they want us to know that they have ideas and so rick perry who has been blowing it to say the least lately when it comes to the debates he's finally decided to join the club and release
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a flat tax plan of his own. rick perry lays out his plan to fix the country's economy perry announced his cut balance and grow proposal the focus his proposal for a flat tax option this is the size of what we're talking about right here taxpayers will be able to fill this out and file their taxes on the texas governor says he can balance the budget by twenty twenty a ten year budget cycle it is optional twenty percent flat income tax that people could choose to replace the existing i.r.s. tax code that includes giving taxpayers a choice stick with the current rate or take a flat rate of twenty percent a flat tax would preserve some popular deductions might mortgage interest and charitable contributions for families earning less than five hundred thousand dollars this is all part of a rick perry reboot you can call it perry two point zero. you see the problem here is that rick perry's flat tax of twenty percent the taxes you can fill out on
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a postcard because they are so simple well it's really not a simple or flat or fair at all what kerry's plan does as do the other plans of many of the other candidates is again lower taxes on the wealthy in this country shift the burden to the poor and the middle class perry's plan would call for deep cuts in federal programs the ones that lower income family lower income families need most they would also raise the retirement age for social security and raise the eligibility age for medicare it eliminate a state capital gains taxes and the wealthiest americans would instead of thirty five percent pay only twenty percent but then again his plan doesn't actually say whether or not it's going to raise revenue and the idea is that well lower taxes make people invest more but that isn't exactly happening right now so probably that moves going to mean a lot less revenue for the country hence the counter of lowering taxes with cuts in programs that americans so desperately need you know i really wish that he'd consider cutting federal spending on weapons systems we don't need wars we shouldn't be fighting but i guess that's just silly especially with the republicans
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with the exceptions of course of gary johnson iran paul now. let me also be the bearer of bad news for just one moment remind everybody that perry's twenty percent flat tax rate that's just optional you can opt out so once again it doesn't actually simplify anything but then think about that for a moment banks are sitting on cash they're not giving out loans ten million americans have homes that are underwater more than sixteen percent in real terms of americans are unemployed businesses are flat out not hiring they're just making employees work longer hours all while wages are stagnant and in wall street the one percent if you will they're making record profits and getting higher bonuses so again we see why people are protesting all over the country right now because of their frustrations their feelings that things are just not fair and what does some of these presidential candidates offer to solve all of our problems to make it more unfair to cut more taxes for the wealthy and they're shielding it all by acting like they have these really really simple plans really catchy catch phrases nine nine nine cut balance and grow do taxes on your postcard give me
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a break but the problem here is that the mainstream media think they're actually fooled by it you know these people they don't like to get bogged down by specifics annoying little details and in real analysis so they actually just regurgitate the plans of these candidates try to sell were gurdjieff the simple slogans and then they conveniently leave out of the lower middle class are going to end up shouldering most of the burden to let me just remind you one more time mainstream media you're supposed to be informing the public you're supposed to be the government watchdog at all times not just when it's convenient for whatever party it is that you're toeing the line for but you are the establishment and in order to divert people's attention from the fact that you worship the power structure in washington d.c. and in new york you repeat lame catch phrases and simple numbers but you're not fooling me you're not fooling our viewers so we can continue highlighting everything that you choose to miss.
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now as we consider the various economic plans that are being proposed by republican candidates who say that lower taxes are going to get people investing in the economy again let's take a look at a bit of information that just might throw a wrench into that see today the new york times is reporting the banks are currently flooded with cash because americans have taken their money out of risky investments and they've decided to just keep it all in bank accounts instead where it's safe but where it does little to stimulate the economy the banks meanwhile are not lending despite the large amount of cash and consumer confidence of the economy has now fallen to a two and a half year low so what's it going to take to get money moving again discuss this with me is pack a rough low economic policy and therefore think progress to or want to thank you so much for joining us tonight ok so what do you make of this right of first we know that the banks had a ton of cash that they were sitting on are not lending because it was their cash now we know they have you more cash because more americans are deciding not to invest keep it all in bank accounts you know at one point can we expect
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a few loans to actually be made can we expect this iron grip on cash reserves to be loosened well i mean this actually makes sense if you think about what the problem is in the economy right now the problem is there's no demand so customers aren't going out and buying things for the good reason that they're unemployed they have a ton of debt they see no reason to go out and purchase things and therefore businesses are going to expand because they have no customers and are not going to hire more people because it's not worth it to them and so therefore you have this backlog of things sitting in a backlog of cash sitting in the bank it all makes perfect sense so you have to do is stimulate demand those are the sort of things that democrats have at least most of the time been trying to do things like public works projects to put people money in people's hands so they can go out and spend it things like tax cuts for the working class so they have more money to go out and spend it and then you get businesses who think hey we have some customers will try to expand and then they go to the bank to get a loan but right now that whole chain is clogged up. there is no demand no one wants to go out and spend any money nobody wants to go out and spend any money and there's no confidence like i mentioned right we also this report that consumer
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confidence has suddenly fallen or not suddenly but it's fallen to those two and a half year low and you know what do you think that's going to mean for president obama clearly those of the two and a half years that he's been in office that's not a good sign it's a bad sign particularly heading into the holiday season which is kind of one of those times when you count on the economy picking up a bit but again people don't have much of a reason to feel good about what's going on unemployment is high and going in the wrong direction people if they have a job or worried about being laid off they're buried under mountains of debt we actually saw that student loan debt is going to hit a trillion dollars soon for the first time ever and none of that looks good and so it makes perfect sense that people aren't going to go out and spend their money or spend the cash that they have but that's bad for the economy as a whole we know it's interesting we bring up this the student loan debt i has not already reached a trillion dollars didn't officially reach a trillion dollars but as of last week only is quite there yet it's really objecting it's on its way it's on the threshold there and so at the moment we have the president who's been touring along the way as to make a stop in las vegas yesterday announce this new revamp of the housing program might
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tomorrow he's going to announce some new plan when it comes to student loan debt and this is a really huge problem in america right americans are saddled with debt because the student loans credit cards because of their homes but there was a really interesting rasmussen poll that came out asking americans if they think that the one trillion dollars worth of student loan debt that they hold should be forgiven and above sixty percent actually said no so do you think that that is that shocking or are we now in just this anti bailout mentality no matter what it is or who it is and what it's for i think that's part of it and i think americans kind of have a visceral reaction to forgiving someone else's debt but if you look at the things that are weighing down the economy that's a huge one housing debt credit card debt student loan debt and in a lot of instances it was people who didn't really think that they were taking out that much debt or they were taking it out at a time when the economy was much better and so if you. i want to get back to what we're talking about for get people spending again one of the best ways to do that is to get the debt burden off their back but the thing that day you say that people
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obviously want to forgive other people's debt isn't this the one thing that everybody in america has in common is it is in debt the most american thing of all absolutely i mean if you look at where this debt was coming i guess you're european and now you can talk about it too but let's stick with america for the money look at where the debt was coming from on the mortgage side a lot of it was coming from people who fell victim to predatory lenders people who are now underwater on their mortgages through no fault of their own and so if you're going to forgive debt i feel like that's the sort of debt you should be forgiving people who didn't do anything or just going about their lives and had the financial crisis come down on their head and when they woke up they had all this debt that wasn't there before and that's you know that is an idea out there that some economists are actually floating around but let's start talking about some of these plans from these economic plans that we're seeing from presidential candidates trainer harry implants perry announced today what is this this current obsession i guess you could say or the recent reinvigorated interest in a flat tax you know the flexibility is the kind of hangs around through every
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presidential election you had steve forbes you had mike huckabee so it's one of those things that fringe candidates have supported for the last bunch of elections but it's never really gained this much prominence from candidate who is at least fought to be a big time guy like rick perry has a lot of appeal to conservatives who think that or have deluded themselves into thinking that it's a fair way to design a tax system not realizing the practical implications of putting a flat tax in place let's talk about those practical implications are you with me here by the way in terms of my of my little rant i just want to know we have three i think that i feel like they fall for this trap of the ninety nine nine cut balance and grow your credit the new york times headline on rick the rick perry story today was rick perry unveils a huge tax cut for the wealthy so everyone i don't want to know they just did it on t v not so much because that's where the really catchy phrases and slogans seem to work so to talk about it like you know they said look at. these tax it sounds like a flat tax that comes out there and says twenty percent and that's it but for rich
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people they make most of their money from investment income you think of a guy like warren buffett he's not getting a salary he pays himself a little tiny salary but the overwhelming majority of the billions of dollars he makes are from investments which under perry's flat tax are exempted entirely you pay literally zero tax on investment income so wealthy person who isn't making wages but is making everything through investments is going to pay a miniscule tax if they pay any tax at all it's the exact opposite of the buffett rule because he's probably paying even even less in taxes now than that he was before he was paying less the taxes than his secretary was right and i mean even people who are in the top tax brackets of some like le bron james who's making his money from a salary is getting paid by the team his tax rate is only going to go from thirty five to twenty percent whereas people in the lower income tax brackets who are paying two three maybe their fall getting up into the ten percent bracket suddenly see there's a jump to twenty ok what's the thing about that is you know if you look at any recent public opinion polls it will tell you that americans think that the wealthy
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should pay their fair share in taxes that they're ok with taxes being raised on the wealthy so every single republican plan that's out there does not raise taxes on the wealthy quite the opposite right. but i'm just wondering you know do you think that obama is really stuck in a rock and a hard place right now right he can't get anything passed which i feel like he's kind of conceded to that fact that he can't get anything done he's blaming it on congress but at the same time this week trying to find a few little things he can do just trying to break up the jobs plan into little pieces and already that isn't even working for him but at the same time are americans actually going to be willing to just try somebody else that's new even though they disagree with what their policy is because obama's been doing so badly it's possible with unemployment as high as it is you really can't bet on the incumbent i would think but if a obama's come try to use the harry truman blame an act of congress trick and absolutely if you look at the polls overwhelming majority it's not just americans were. republicans support raising taxes on millionaires so hopefully you can get that message to filter through and be like really these tax plans that the
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republican candidates are putting out are massive massive massive giveaways of the sort that we've tried for the last decade plus and it's not going to work but he definitely has a tough hill to climb is he going to get anything else died in and a little more than a year that he has left and i'm going to get small things done a little housing bit that he released yesterday is something that he can do outside of congress the student loan stuff that he's hopefully releasing tomorrow is little stuff that he can do outside of congress but it's really tweaking on the margins these are the sorts of things that will certainly help but are not the big bold ideas that you need to create the number of jobs that we need to create just to get back what we've lost from the recession never mind keeping up with new people coming into the labor force thank you so much for joining us tonight thank you. or taking a break but here is what's coming up open became the latest purposely a large number of arrests we're going to get details on exactly what happened from somebody who was there and it looks like fox news has a growing list of enemies we're going to tell you about anonymous this threat and
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starters activist organization anonymous is announced plans to take down the fox website on november fifth now that date ring a bell to you because it sure would if you're familiar with anonymous his favorite historical figure that's right anonymous is synchronizing their attack called operation fox hunt with guy fox day which is not surprising considering that was a day off by fox attempted to blow up the u.k. parliament and the now iconic guy fawkes mask has become somewhat of a symbol for the hacktivist movement and there are plenty of valid reasons to go after rupert murdoch's media organization but this operation anonymous specifically is defending the occupy wall street movement and the coverage of fox news has given to it. anonymous intends on destroying the fox news website because their continued right wing conservative propaganda can no longer be tolerated they use words and still disgusting and dirty to describe the protesters since they will not stop
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belittling the occupier we will simply shut them down. now anonymous has a good point there fox and its talent have been working very hard to discredit the roots of the movement calling them dirty disgusting hippies ranting about how scary the idea of free love is but let's make sure to remember that fox isn't the only ones that are doing that we've shown you the clips of erin burnett but back to fox do the absence of any official structure an anonymous it's pretty hard to tell how real the threat is this time around or even where it's coming from we've seen other hats which haven't quite lived up to their hype before like the attack on the new york stock exchange which didn't actually pan out but i think it has to be said that as many hacks that didn't live up to the hype there's that many more which did it so maybe fox news should try to prepare and like i said before there is more than just one group of targeting murdoch's company right now you see since fox news has no problem attacking the occupiers it's only a matter of time before the. actually spread to the media headquarters itself that's right there's now an occupy fox news protest underway in los angeles and
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they're concentrating their attacks on the media giants leader rupert murdoch so when fox had a shareholders meeting to discuss the recent phone hacking scandal whether or not they would kick were partners son james out of the company the media was banned from the conference room so they just stayed outside ultimately the protesters became the real story of the shareholder meeting but i think that it goes to show that americans are waking up and they're realizing the fox news simply shares the narrative that it wants you to hear whether it be about the occupy wall street protests or the murdoch phone hacking scandal so it is that the fox news is aware of the planned anonymous attack how truly out of touch they are for mocking the occupy movement because one thing's for sure the occupiers aren't going anywhere. and speaking of the occupiers things got ugly between police and protesters occupy oakland last night reports say that hundreds of police from ten different law enforcement agencies arrested seventy five people and some reports and tweets on the ground so the police used all tools at their disposal to disperse this group
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things like tear gas flash grenades and rubber bullets and they started first at frank ogawa plaza outside city hall and then a second smaller camp nearby and the police tore down intense they tore down wooden stalls that housed medical aid and food city officials have been warning that a vixen of the camps was coming due to sanity and public sanity and public safety concerns but the occupiers in oakland like those in other cities around the country refuse to go so it's yet another clash in another city so let's get some details from somebody who is there joining me to discuss it is rachel jackson occupy oakland participant and longtime oakland activist rachel i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and if you can start by just giving us a few details as to what you saw when the arrests were happening. thanks ana. first of all i mean what we've seen is what's happening right now is an outright militarization essentially essentially martial law in oakland things have died down for a little while but we know that it's going to start up again at four o'clock which
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is the next meeting place and everyone is being asked to come out come back out. or pm but it's just it's been a major military onslaught from the hours until until now. and i just want to make a couple of points in the process one is to say that. when you look at the amount of force that has been brought out for what was essentially one hundred to two hundred peaceful protesters who were doing basically a traditional sit in and to be met with the kind of force and you've got some of the video to be to be met with the kind of force that they have is just going to bring over reaction and the mare is really a disgrace and an embarrassment for her overseeing this kind of an operation and also for commending the police and saying that they done a good job that's the myriad of rachel let me interrupt you for one minute hearing
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can you give us details because some of the reports that i saw were conflicting or some of them were from people that were tweeting because they were there did the police use rubber bullets and flash grenades and pepper spray and tear gas is that all part of it pretty much all of that and for people who don't know they also many many of the police departments in california have tanks and the oakland police department has a tank that is out on the street union city has a tank that is out on the street there are many helicopters there are dozens of officers on. on motor site. schools and just just overwhelming force in terms of riots and as you can see here and. the claim that this city had city officials had to take action for the good of the public for public safety somehow is just absurd because what the police are doing now and what
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they did this morning far more dangerous than any amount of rats or or or. complaints that was dirty. korda potties ten be cleaned you know water stations and hand washing things can be provided all of those things can be done really what was least on the people of oakland and especially really courageous young people is absolutely inexcusable and more dangerous than anything that could have happened if. you know what we know is that the media has just been a joke and has repeated like like the w m d's that we've heard of in the past in the in the lead up and drum roll. in the invasion of iraq we see the same thing here when the media has basically regurgitated the mayor's office and the police
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department's public information officers and their press releases saying that you know that the that the camp is so dangerous they had to take action and it's absolutely not true the tempest in a beautiful thing really in fact it's been one of the most diverse camps in the country and one let me ask you a few questions about that because i went down to the cotton park just the other week and we went and then the show from there and we happen to be there the night that everybody was preparing because they thought of the big cleanup is going to happen next morning they're preparing for the police and so what is the kind of part occupiers decided to do with star a massive cleanup operation themselves so they. prove you can complain that this is about sanitation because that place was was spick and span i must admit especially if you compare it to other streets in new york did we see those types of efforts in oakland or is there a little bit of a different reaction and i guess you could say relationship with the police. no and
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i'm glad that you brought that up because you know we're seeing the exact same excuse being used over and over again around the country really this year you could take these press releases and these these statements from mares and police officers and public information officials you know you can take them and shuffle them up and rearrange them you know redistribute them all others different cities with they're all going to stay the same thing and you know when we see that kind of stock that of excuses and justification or really a great palate and intimidation that has a chilling effect on free speech you know when we see that the same ones you don't read over again i think we have to be just as skeptical as many of us knew to be. on the eve of the invasion of iraq let me let me ask you more too about oakland you
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know so far obviously we've seen some clashes between the protesters and police in new york we've seen in chicago as well and we've seen it in boston with there been mass arrests but you know i know that you're an activist there in the bay area i know that you are an activist that was very much a part of a lot of the anger that surrounded the oscar grant trial and do you think that there is a different relationship let me ask you that again between the protesters in oakland and the police force there because at the end of the day right the things that we keep hearing from the occupy movement is that the police are part of the ninety nine percent that they should be on the exact same side they're also the people who are losing their homes or getting laid off but are the tensions higher there. absolutely i mean even just and in fact in california we've had least killing civilians almost every week. san jose where they've also cleared out been arresting people in san jose california there i think six shootings in two months. similarly
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here in oakland there are particular officers that are responsible for many for a high proportion of the shootings that have occurred in oakland where police have shot unarmed civilians and these guys are actually out on their out on the police lines right now and you know people know who they are people are constantly reminded of the day to day brutality and abuse that folks experience in in communities and especially communities of color in oakland. and it's not going to that's going to hurt the occupy oakland movement and whatever change. well i think that unfortunately i think that people are want to include the police as part of the ninety nine percent people want to defend their
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well being as public servants. but what we see happening instead is that the police are are protecting the one percent that their job is to protect the one percent and that being out here that they're really willing to she just mow down roll over whoever that they have to in order to the cozily restore order and you know the sad thing about it is that these are people who are fighting one of these people are like you know the generation of these police officers children and are fighting even for the well being of public servants including police officers as it is our great i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and we'll catch back up with you to see how the open movement there is going thanks great thank you alina. coming up next we have our tuesday edition of show and tell and then the d.o.j. is trying to change a few rules when it comes to the freedom of information act to put it simply they
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want to lie to you coming up. wealthy british sign off on the same spot on. the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy cars report on our. own welcome back this is a must see the headline. the body of colonel gadhafi is finally laid to rest in a secret doesn't burial and there are so many questions about the way he was killed
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some libyans are also fearing more bloodshed as the future of the country remains unclear. fears rise that the tide and government could collapse with internal disagreement over further budget cuts demanded by eurozone leaders and meeting of finance ministers is cancelled ahead of a crunch e.u. leaders summit on wednesday with dials it will solve the deepening debt crisis. continues study says u.s. led forces secretly use new types of weapons and reached with uranium during the battle for fallujah in iran seven years ago huge incidences of cancers on the says and birth defects been found in the city's population. plus right schools to get tough on and he will treat protesters in california and arrest more than seventy people as demonstrations continue across the u.s. to pull for them to be promising more one is world wide if i don't the upcoming g. twenty summit in france next we. go back to they're going to shout from the washington.
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