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tv   [untitled]    October 26, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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cheering the killing of one man while ignoring the deaths of thousands of civilians in libya analysts point out the problems of the u.s. media's approach to gadhafi his demise. plans on saving a euro are at risk as a crucial meeting of e.u. finance ministers ahead of wednesday's summit is cancelled constant doubts over the prospects of wanting a solution to the deepening debt crisis. genital illness is an iraqi city of fallujah being caused by the use of ukrainian and wished munitions by the us seven years ago according to a new study we talked to an author of the report. and anti corporate rallies spreading across the us see dozens of fresh arrest in california where riot squads used tear gas to clear the city area and.
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they are watching r t world news and comment twenty four hours a day on kerrigan's. libya's new rulers are increasingly being accused of the kinds of abuses that were rebelling against and through colonel gadhafi insert the number of people actually executed with their hands tied behind their backs as risen to three hundred but this comes on top of criticism that but on his own it was on public display inside a meat market fridge for five days he's and he's in our reports from tripoli. first of all some libyans that we've been speaking to understand that barry we get back we are his secrets of his connections and dealings with the west which is very active in close relations really if you just look back a couple of years before many countries decided that he was the number one dictator and had to go with that said the whole world watching food in libya those brutal
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pictures that we saw over the weekend of how gadhafi was killed still argument over whether or not he was killed in crossfire as the m.t.c. says clearly the footage there makes it look like he was in fact executed it's a very strong statement but a lot of people believe the king out that footage go as far as to stay in an investigation is being promised by the end to see another world organizations the people we've been speaking to a lot of them are afraid to say it but horrified by the way kentucky was killed even those who despise him and his forty decade rule when we first heard news of it down from his death a most immediately nato officials and other european muster conquest's western countries basically said that by october thirty first they would be out today a request from the national transition committee for later for nato to say a longer so it does look like they're going to be in post the jaffee libya longer than the end of october an exact date has not been given there are a lot of up ins in this country many of them although again conflicting reports on
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how how these weapons were given out some say came from nato themselves there in the country there are huge warehouses we travel today are with some of the t.c. military if you call them a field commander who took us to checkpoints to see them checking for weapons and they were just talking about hand weapons here we're not talking about any kind of major arsenals in terms of hand weapons there are a lot of weapons on the streets in tripoli and another thing we're not hearing a lot of talk from the n t c about their plans to rebuild the country what they're going to do infrastructure completely destroyed people are so liberating very much so in tripoli. across the country been very few people it seems are really thinking about why kentucky's death really means for stability and the future of libya. and they can get and he says reports from libya first hand one only on twitter blog her latest tweets she's posted a picture of it's just part of the drive to collect firearms really and truly isn't
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having the success of the hoped for. on her personal freedom or something underscore com is a return to. the mainstream us media reacted to gadhafi his death with a wave of cheers and approval but he's going to change you can reports from washington on what looked like a brutal lynching was trumpeted as the start of a new era in libya. it started with cheers. the joy of killing the african leaders spread like wildfire in the us it was just a trillion dollars to get saddam and a billion dollars to get gadhafi in libya says we're going to pay back the billion that we spent to so it's going to end up being sort of free for free for nothing so let's get in on the ground there's a lot of money to be made in the future in libya there's lot of all to be produced no american soldier killed probably great opportunities ahead seems like the perfect new word favorable one that's meant to be
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a lesson to others but i think it's sense of an important message to other leaders in the region but i tell you that these are big theaters very not very original just like saddam hussein caught amid a whole new market he was a bad guy although many of us would argue how bad he was for them considering we're duffield down the social welfare and women's rights but i think the eye of the western audience as presented by the media he was the ultimate evil it's a demonization every step of the way against gadhafi in the media today always one one man becomes a justification one leader of a country becomes a justification for destroying an entire country. for a few days the media savored the bloody medusa's. and laughed at similarities between his character in the beach and that of saddam hussein all the cheering about his killing in the eye of the public effectively or grazes
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a bad taste after the nato campaign no mention of even civilians killed in nato strikes not much talk about the destruction in the country caused by those strikes could out this killing is presented as a triumph a triumph which can create a perception that somehow it's perfectly ok to invade a country and help its leader be lynched but if it's presented as such a success doesn't it become more tempting to try the same methods somewhere else i'm going to check our reporting from washington our key. well the role of the alliance and it's also the topic of debate for peter bell and his guests in its edition of crosstalk as a preview coming your way throughout the day. i just don't think there's any sign that there is a war crime involved here i don't think it's murder i think it's it's part of an ugly process that we call war the murder was in the ambulance so far as i can tell
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by young libyans and you know maybe he should be he should be held responsible for that but i just don't think that the attack on the convoy here in the situation ever lose him this was a drug american drone plane that attacked his convoy alongside a french one warplanes and peace to do so really this was a joint french nato u.s. and murder could other people the fact that he was technically alive as he got out as he scrambled out of his convoy hardly negates the role of the united states in his murder of. the solutions of the european debt crisis promised by e.u. leaders has been left in serious jeopardy so after a key meeting of finance ministers before the this summit on wednesday was
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cancelled many now doubt that the heads of state will be able to come up with a rescue package on their own well hopes for a political way out of the crisis of baiting some of the inspiration elsewhere. as the talks continue to try to find a resolution for the financial crisis we've met some people who are cutting through the political rhetoric and telling it how it really is. meet soul sister and the greek hip hop great he's political rap lyrics have been striking a chord with people of the force of the love of the future and paul who's willing to protests and swears the situation in greece is really tough everything is reversed from what we used to north few years ago we use our own lyrics to show how we perceive things that are happening in our society. was the
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feeling in unison may come naturally to the greek using leaders have increasingly been failing to sing from the same page you can all take twenty seven different countries with twenty one different languages all with their own different histories and different forms of government you cannot take them and force them into one unitary form of government the european project actually is dying as we look at it as the battle continues to come up with a rescue plan for the e.u. to be marred by declaring a month and then the states. we know have the greeks abusing the germans they'll burn the flags openly with swastikas drop on them and we have the germans slagging off the greeks as being lazy and useless and the irony of this project is far from us all becoming friends together in this new european house actually we're
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beginning to argue and bicker in the most extraordinary way. this week's struggle to do with the sturdy measures including cuts to jobs wages and pensions protesters in the streets claim is in power in brussels in athens it's a blame it seems. it gains flooding needs and the people all the politicians have to speak it's rather not budge because that's the big problem that's the big problem. everybody do everything he wanted from his party the left. and nobody here only there are people who says that this has major political decisions and talks continue to take place behind closed doors some system and to try to take the discussion back to the streets. in the us if we get our message across to people and help them understand we feel we've succeeded in something we don't know where the situation is going we know why this started but we don't know
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and. this man is here using crisis mumbles on his assertions that they can find a solution and this left him standing some like a breaking records. of the spy the u.k. parliament voting against a proposal to hold a referendum on leaving european union there remains strong and essential and in the country so the party was well told r.t. that the structure simply doesn't fit the global financial environment anymore since he was a later this hour but his next at. the european and one hundred fifty is political structure it's an outdated architecture for a modern continent when we joined the european union or what became the european union in the early one nine hundred seventy s. western europe at that time accounted for thirty six percent of global g.d.p.
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today the european continent accounts for far less than that by twenty twenty it would account for a mere fifteen percent of global g.d.p. we joined what we thought was a prosperous trade bloc it turns out we shackle ourselves to a corpse i think we're better off. well china has repeatedly called on the e.u. which is beijing's the biggest trading partner to get its house in order with more on what role the country could play in the eaves and t. crisis struck let's cross now to a move by saying it moves from the university of international business and economics in beijing thank you for joining us here in r t now china's calls for the e.u. try to deal with it problems are becoming i've been down to how worried is beijing at this stage do you think. well i think now from the chinese top leaders it is very clear that china will not stand and spend
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a long time a will land its a wall in the hand as they have expressed about right now china is still waiting for the final decisions of the summit in the meantime a more specific proposal from those individual countries that need the money that to come made is that they do have a hole through. the plan through the privatization program through the effective measures in pacifying the social disorder so that china could have a reasonable hour for as best this money is going to be fat this in the meantime this money will be returned and it will have a purpose and on the other hand there are also talks in china. are there any other better away still how is the situation. for example merely buying the bonds may not be the objective but rather to help the
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economy to a halt created job two through collaboration several more of a direct investment from the chinese businesses instead of simply loaning the the government money to the government bond he it could be a better solution in the meantime yes i mean as you mention worrying so i just would just ask you very quickly you mentioned austerity measures that what this chart i actually think s. of a and t. crisis nash's the e.u. is taking fire. well so far i think one is china is not very satisfied satisfied with the fact that those that the austerity plan didn't come on the right right time and there are still the poor. between different stakeholders within within this format and on the other hand the in the size of this and the slow pace in. the the of the members
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particularly those leading members in solving those issues come they don't really come in a very the size the way so that really saves sever ties to a number of people in terms of their patients to come out to the rescue plan. so could china become the savior then do you think. road china will join the band of all the saviors project i know it will not be our white knight in this regard because the understanding is that it is those individual countries who are having the problem will be also their problem solvers in the first place and then what will be the neighboring countries or the community of the of the eurozone can come up with a specific solution in which china can draw in to help and also china would also
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like to leverage more only i am half as the special vehicle instead of the past p.v. that the european is proposing because this way china. increases the voice with the united mass and also i americans in the same time serve the buffer for the potential exposure but china may have to face ok we have to leave it there for now professor who by a chain from the university of international business and economics in beijing thank you very much for joining us. now the u.s. used secret new weapons in iraq that caused increases in cancer and congenital illnesses and since billions that's according to a new international study and research has found that he saw a few brain and hunts on american forces in infamous battle for the region two thousand and five was much wider than previously thought. christopher busby when the authors of the report may find that some of the images in this disturbing. we
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found extraordinary high levels of cancer very high levels of birth defects and we also find a rare a change in the sex ratio in the ratio of boys to girls which appeared to begin after the battle of fallujah in two thousand and four well in the latest study what we did was we looked in the hair of twenty five mothers and twenty five fathers of children with congenital anomalies what we did find was a high level of uranium it was not from depleted uranium it was actually slightly enrich uranium and it led us to believe that more military systems use a whole new set of weapons which contain or producing enriched uranium for various reasons which are not entirely sure about secret weapon it and it does cause these indiscriminate effects on populations which are really quite horrifying and poison the united integrity of the whole area where they are used and possibly travel around the globe also there's been a tremendous cover up of the use of this stuff because the people who are using are
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perfectly aware that it's a kind of poison gas that has a delayed effect now you're not allowed to use poison gas is in modern warfare and all sorts of conventions and it is easy to argue in court that this is a kind of poison gas it has indiscriminate effects these effects are not immediately apparent but they're much more terrifying for that because they echo down the whole generations of the people who have been exposed and these are not people who are converts and these are people who are non-confidence who live in the area but also the troops themselves i mean we know that the americans the gulf war veterans have got a high level of congenital malformation in their own children with the urine measurements that have been made on them so no depleted uranium so the idea that these congenital malformation have been caused by uranium has been discounted and this needs to be revisit it. well you can log on to our website and see more on our top stories also online few right now concrete the cold shutdown fields an eight billion dollars plan to build the first ever city in the continental climates in the arctic. we bring you our first look at moscow's. also like
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two days before its grand reopening was that other picture galleries that. up to eighty five people have been arrested in the u.s. city oakland they refused to take down their tents out of the occupy wall street protest police went into the city center site and fired tear gas and rounds of minutes before removing dozens of demonstrators can campaign against corporate greed has been ongoing for more than six weeks now attracts increasing numbers of people as honest as the children are. from riches to rags an american fairy tale gone sour eric smith walks by
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a luxurious manhattan hotel and chef here for six years he whipped up posh meals for the rich and famous we did a banquet for five thousand. we did parties for the past three presidents there are some really high end of the recession changed everything today eric is jobless and broke after being laid off or non collecting unemployment which is. about three months isn't really answer changed to we worked with a lot of high and. now it's lettuce and tomatoes for simple vegetable draw in a brooklyn soup kitchen where he volunteers as one of the cooks for occupy wall street protests the thirty eight year old. made of dreams of starting his own business a taco truck but doesn't have the money you know it's been a struggle. and he has made me think about how other people are struggling even more than myself the realization that one in six americans are living in poverty.
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they're not because lead eric to the occupy wall street protests calling for change i've seen it just go from bad to worse teevan worse and it's really happening all over the country he and other volunteers cook a soup kitchen chairs everybody in the revolution. gets delivered to the protesters who spend day and night camping out hours eric also sleeps here at the end of the night when there's a bunch of people here i'll go to the comfort zone and for myself a sleeping bag right on the ground usually even though the chef is penniless in this revolution he says he's been waiting for it his entire life cooking for the rich fat cats in manhattan and trying to get their food out as fast as possible and make sure it's all perfectly for the core of the experience so separated and always felt that. this is something that really did make
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a difference literature and even though life is tougher than ever before eric says he would not choose to be anywhere else but here relatively well off to flat out broke is not an exceptional biography to have in the west these days eric's story is one of millions but he is one of only hundreds that have found their way here so far this year churkin party new york. from protests against economic inequality across the globe. and watch footage shot. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world
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seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. but a quick look at some other international stories for you now. the shock of the deadly earthquake in turkey and they are sparking riots in the present instance and you know inmates reportedly set fire to the jail because authorities refused to let them out of the prison a supporter of the state who came as the turkish government requested foreign aid to shelter thousands of homeless families three days after the deadly quake there were four hundred people to have. an explosion in the western swiss city of dawn this man has left one person dead and ultimately last struck the fourth floor of an apartment block in the city center eight of the wounded were taken to hospital for treatment they say they're still trying to determine the cause of the explosion. what it said take
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a look at the business news we create. hello welcome to business is the south thanks for joining me dozens of this man from finland are looking for deals with local companies they see opportunities in the country and every year at least six new enterprises but according to russian presidential aide arkady it's not a one way street. and you make no real frame crumpled simple changes so no number of you can say it is working with his computer from going to destruction from my chip industry is so cool she macross see him me both industry and also in the h.e. business in the me my weight is also be pulled to a pinch professional so you'll be in even more equipment are showing you know all kinds of insane work with a few minutes of experience in contention as it used to. be used to improve
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business climate so more people will be coming from peanut production to working. let's have a look at the markets now oil is trading close to a twelve week high it market is pressured by news that european finance chiefs council that meeting today head of these summits of national leaders that's aimed at tackling europe's debt crisis in addition the american petroleum institute reported that crude stockpiles are climbing in the u.s. that's the world's biggest consumer commodity stocks in asia sliding lower ahead of a key european summits tapan snake is down two thirds of a percent overnight losses for the us dollar said it's going to close record world war low against the again a strong yen is hitting exporters sharp corp and honda are both losing two percent and sang is also in the red over half a percent down. and less than two hours ahead of the opening bell here in moscow their russian markets closed in the red on tuesday with investors waiting for the al come on the european leaders meeting the r.t.s.
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crowd goods on the fifty one hundred points level while the market polls around one point four percent. so monday for about could see investment bank names other factors that may drive the markets apart from me in meeting later in the day. i had of a of us big important u.s. numbers on thursday and the market will have an eye on g.p.s. concessions for the u.s. in the first quarter that best they're looking for a decent set of numbers a pick up from you know from the second quarter. if we get reasonable news flow from europe. that will compound the good news and i would be very supportive of excellent garment clearly rockets will be on soundex and so the results we hope and some a clue. this burbank shares are benefiting from the abnormals of. the last two weeks this stock covers forty five percent of all trading volumes of voice price has risen almost twenty percent experts double down it could provide the private investors which make up only ten percent of the market and say it could be
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a foreign company buying up the shares trade as estimates sales of about one billion dollars or slightly more than one percent of the back according to its current capitalization two years ago and investing in new zealand managed to increase its stake if they're back to more than three percent. that's out there for this hour but don't forget you can always log on to our website r t dot com site and find one starts. the.
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message. for syria on. the un mission with. the monks. if you want to have sex go and have sex.
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please. it's six. it's six it's. examine. coming. from. six six. six .


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