tv [untitled] October 26, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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cheering the killing of one man while ignoring the deaths of thousands of civilians in libya analysts point out the problems of u.s. media's approach to get off his demise. plans on saving the euro as a push to meeting of european finance ministers is cancelled at a wednesday's believes summit casting doubts on the prospects of a solution be found to the deepening debt crisis. international study says the us you see could you bring based weapons in iraq posing high levels of cancer and birth defects i think calls for an awful lot. and anti corporate rallies spreading across the u.s. see dozens of pressure arrests in california where riot squads used tear gas and rubber bullets to clear the city of tents.
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you're watching r.t. and much more welcome to the program libya's new rulers are increasingly being accused of the kinds of abuses they were rebelling against and only through colonel gadhafi inserts for the number of people it is the executed it has risen to three hundred he comes on top of criticism that that office body was put on display inside a meat market fridge for five days and he saw no reports from tripoli. first of all some libyans that we've been speaking to understand that very good saffi are his secrets of his connections and dealings with the west which is very active in close relations really if you just look back a couple of years before many countries decided that he was the number one dictator and had to go but we found the whole world watching food in libya those brutal pictures that we saw over the weekend of how gadhafi was killed still arguments over whether or not he was killed in crossfire as the n.c.c.
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says clearly the footage there makes it look like he was in fact executed it's a very strong statement but a lot of people and looking at that footage go as far as to say that an investigation is being promised by the n.c.c. another world organizations but the people we've been speaking to a lot of them afraid to say it but horrified by the way gives up he was killed even those who despise him and his forty decade rule when we first heard news of the towns these death most immediately nato officials and other european investor confidence western countries basically said the past two or thirty first they would be out today a request from the national transition committee for later for nato to say it won't grow so it does look like they're going to be in post the jaffee libya longer than the end of october an exact date has not been given there are a lot of bump ins in this country many of them although again conflicting reports on how how these weapons were given out some say came from nato themselves there in
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the country there are huge warehouses we travel today are with some of the and t.c. military if you call them a feel for a man who took us to checkpoints to see them checking for weapons and then we're just talking about him weapons here we're not talking about any kind of major arsenals in terms of hand weapons there are a lot of weapons on the streets of tripoli and another thing we're not hearing a lot of talk from the n t c about their plans to rebuild the country what they're going to do infrastructure completely destroyed people are celebrating are very much so in tripoli. cross the country but very few people it seems are really thinking about what exactly is that really means for stability and the future of libya. and you can get and he says reports from libya first hand by following on twitter one of her latest tweets she's posted a picture of an office which is one of the drive to collect firearms from civilians in tripoli this is something that success. on her personal feed was part of
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underscore calm is returning. the mainstream us media reacted to gadhafi his death with a wave of cheers and approval energy can reports from washington on how what looked like a brutal lynching was trumpeted as the start of a new era for libya. it started with cheers. the joy of killing the african leaders spread like wildfire in the u.s. because there's a trillion dollars to get saddam and a billion dollars to get gadhafi in libya says they're going to pay back the billion that we spent to so it's going to end up being sort of free for free for nothing so let's get in on the ground there's a lot of money to be made in the future in libya there's a lot all to be produced no american soldier killed probably greater opportunities ahead seems like the perfect you were the one that's managed to be a lesson to others but i think it's sense of an important message to other leaders in the region when i tell you that these are big papers very not very original just
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like saddam hussein caught amid a whole new market he was a bad guy although many of us would argue how bad he was for them considering what they don't feel don't see the welfare rights but in the eye of the west audience as presented by the media he was the ultimate evil it's a demonization every step of the way against gadhafi in the media today always one one man becomes a justification one leader of a country becomes a justification for destroying an entire country. for a few days the media savored the bloody music. and laughed at similarities between his character in the beach and out of saddam hussein all the cheering about could all his killing in the eye of the public effectively or grazes bad taste after the nato campaign no mention of killed in nato strikes numb nuts talk about the structure in the country caused by those strikes conduct his killing is presented
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as a triumph a triumph which can create a perception that somehow it's perfectly ok to invade a country and help its leader be lynched but if it's presented as such a success doesn't become more tempting to try the same methods somewhere else i'm going to check our reporting from washington archy. well the role of the alliance and develop these death is also the topic of debate for people as well in his yes the latest edition of cross talk is a preview of what's coming your way throughout the day. i just don't think there's any sign that there's a war crime involved here i don't think it's murder i think it's it's part of an ugly process that we call war the murder was in the ambulance so far as i can tell by young libyans and you know maybe he should be he should be held responsible for that but i just don't think that the attack on the convoy here in the city also
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they should never lose this was the drug the american drone plane that attacked his convoy alongside the french were warplanes and peace to do so really this was a joint french nato u.s. and murder could r.p. the fact that he was technically alive as he got out as he scrambled out of his convoy hardly negates the role of the united states in his murderous. solution to the european debt crisis promised by even leaders in serious jeopardy so after a key meeting of ministers for the need this summit on wednesday was cancelled many now doubt that the heads of state will be able to come up with a rescue package on their own and hopes for political way out of the crisis of
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fading some of my the inspiration elsewhere starting center first reports. as the talks continue to try to buy a resolution for the financial crisis if it lets the people who are cutting through the political rhetoric and telling it how it really is. meet soul sister and the greek he's political rap lyrics have been striking a chord with people about the causes of the loss of the future and. the replay of the protests and the squares the situation in greece is really tough everything is reversed from what we used to annoy a few years ago we use our own lyrics to show how we perceive things that are happening in our society. was performing in unison may come naturally to the greek you're using leaders have increasingly been failing to sing
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from the same page you can take twenty seven different countries with twenty one different languages all with a road different histories and different forms of government you cannot take them and force them into one unitary forward government and the european project actually is dying as we look at it as the battle continues to come up with a risky plan for the e.u. talks to be marred by bickering amongst the member states. we now have the greeks abusing the germans they now bernie you flags openly with swastikas drawn on them and we have the germans slagging off the greeks as being lazy and useless and the irony of this project is far from us all becoming friends together in this new european house actually we're beginning to argue becca in the most extraordinary way. this week struggle to do with the stairs he measures including cuts to jobs
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wages and pensions criticism the streets claim is in paris brussels in athens it's a blame i think it's who gains needs and the people all the politicians have to speak it's other nobody. that's the big problem that's the big problem. everybody do everything he wanted from his party the left. and nobody here they're people this is your this is this this is as major political decisions and talks continue to take place behind closed doors some system of determined to take the discussion back to the streets. in most of us if we get our message across to people and help them understand we feel we've succeeded in something we don't know where the situation is going you know why this started but we don't know where and . fantasy you're using quite is mumbles on e.u.
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leaders assertions that they can find a solution has left them standing some like a broken record. r t. the u.k. parliament voting against a proposal to hold a referendum on the even european union they remain strong and sentiments in the country conservative party m.p. the other stars well told r.t. but even structure doesn't fit the global financial environment any more. i mean if you're coming up next now. the european union nine hundred fifty s. political structure it's an architecture for a modern continent when we joined the european union or what became the european union in the early one nine hundred seventy s. western europe at that time accounted for thirty six percent of global g.d.p. gave the european continent accounts for far less than that by twenty twenty it would account for a mere fifteen percent of global g.d.p.
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we joined what we thought was a prosperous trade bloc it turns out we shackled ourselves to a corpse i think we're better off. u.s. lawmakers are calling for the white house to punish china for what they call predatory trade tactics they claim beijing is keeping its currency no to boost its exports making u.s. exports to china are expensive and u.s. senate passed a bill that impose tariffs on chinese products well for more on this story a joint beijing based journalist. thank you for joining us here on our team now firstly do you think washington's accusations are justified is. justified and some sense by some estimates try to nine in china the increase in china's manufacturing center sector has cost the u.s. three million jobs and partly that's due to the fact that the remedy is controlled . maybe has been allowed to appreciate it pretty twenty percent since two thousand
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and five but lawmakers say that's simply not enough. well there are calls among american or makers to start currency wars and use other tactics against china do you think they will knowing that china strongly opposes such moves. well you know i mean there's a lot of back and forth right now between lawmakers as you said this legislation this bill passed the senate earlier this month and now there are similar legislation being proposed in the house. but the house speaker john boehner is cautions it is against this legislation so far and he says that it may start a trade war he also says as well as the house majority leader eric cantor that they need input from the white house in this legislation so far administration officials are also equivocal they're also had they say that while they are going to be needs to appreciate that the legislation passed by the senate violates the rules so i think. i think lawmakers while they want to appeal to their base and they want to
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appeal to voters who are who feel disenfranchised and who feel that i cannot examine turn at the same time they don't want to start a trade war with china and not potential is very real when indeed once all the long term consequences of that happened you think the trade war your opinion. textually potentially a chinese newspaper say that when they've written about the legislation that that's passed the senate they have spoken and i have used the words trade war and that it's possible and of course such a such a bill if it were possible were going to get through the house and the. legislation by the president which that's a long road ahead if that all were to happen then but it would heighten tensions at a time precisely a time when china the united states and russia the world need to work together to solve this economic crisis but i think no matter what happens in the house in the senate china is going to focus on its internal problems in the months ahead china's economy is already slowing down some economists say that china is headed for
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a hard landing and if that china's economy slows down too much in the months ahead they will stop an evaluation of r. and b. they want to allow it to appreciate and will take other measures so i think china no matter what the united states does china is going to focus on its own economy and what it needs to do to keep its economy growing if you mention economies of course the u.s. gets closer could keep taking really as the country struggles to reduce its deficits could be seen as an attempt to blame someone else for the economic situation in the. they. are for sure. i mean this is me mistakes of its own of course trade in terms of deregulation of financial industry in terms of a huge amount of debt as you mentioned and also the united states is facing a problem but every country is which is globalization and that isn't china's fault china's not not the only problem here but at the same time according to some some numbers. that more than three million jobs have been lost manufacturing jobs in the
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united states since one nine hundred ninety and that's partly due to globalization but it's also due to china's state run companies china's control of its currency and how these measures which many assets both in europe in the united states would be considered unfair trade practices ok ahead and. journalists are based in beijing or thank you for that like naughty. us who used to see new weapons in iraq that caused increases in cancer and congenital illnesses and innocent civilians that's according to a new international study their search has found that the use of your brain human which the american forces in the infamous battle for the agents of thousand and four was much wider than previously thought. and christopher busby one of the authors of the report may find some of the images in this disturbing. we found it stronger than really high levels of cancer very high levels of birth defects and we
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also find a wreck a change in the sex ratio in the ratio of boys to girls which appeared to begin after the battle of fallujah in two thousand and four well in the latest study what we did was we looked in the hair of trying to thought of mothers and twenty five fathers of children with congenital anomalies what we did find was a high level of uranium it was not from depleted uranium it was actually slightly enrich uranium and it led us to believe that military systems use a whole new set of weapons which contain a little produce enrich uranium for various reasons which are not entirely sure about secret weapon and we and it does cause these indiscriminate effects on populations which are really quite horrifying and poison the genetic integrity of the whole area where they are used and possibly travel around the globe also there's been a tremendous cover up of the use of this stuff because the people who are using are perfectly aware that it's a kind of poison gas that has a delayed effect now you're not allowed to use boys and girls is in modern warfare
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and all sorts of conventions and it is easy to argue in court that this is a kind of poison gas it has indiscriminate effects these effects are not immediately apparent but they're much more terrifying for that because they echo down the whole generations of the people who have been exposed and these are not people who are competent these are people who are non-confidence who live in the area but also the troops themselves i mean we know that the americans of gulf war veterans have got a high level of congenital malformation is in their own children but the urine measurements that have been made on them so no depleted uranium so the idea that these congenital malformation have been caused by uranium has been discounted and this needs to be revisited. welcome back on to our web site plenty more in our top stories also in store for you right now kring of the cold cash on sales and eight billion dollars and the best ever city is not a fictional climate in the arctic thus. giving you a first. look at moscow's and lavishly refurbished the bolshoi theatre two days
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before its grand the opening sets and other picture is that r.t.d. out. up to eighty five people have been arrested in the us city of oakland after they refused to take down their tents as part of the occupy wall street protest police went to the city center site and fired tear gas and rounds of rubber bullets before removing dozens of demonstrators reckon the campaign against corporate greed has been going on for more than six weeks now attracting increasing numbers of people as and say choking reports. from riches to rags an american fairy tale gone sour eric smith walks by a luxurious manhattan hotel chef here for six years he worked out posh meals for
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the rich and famous and we did banquets for five thousand. we did parties for the past three presidents there are some really high end stuff the recession changed everything today eric is jobless and broke after being laid off right now collecting unemployment which is. about three months he's been greedy and said changed to we worked with a lot of high and. now it's lettuce and tomatoes for simple vegetable broth in a brooklyn soup kitchen where he volunteers as one of the cooks for occupy wall street. and a thirty eight year old detroit native dreams of starting his own business a taco truck but doesn't have the money you know it's time to struggle. and yet he has made me think about how other people are struggling even more than most of the realisation that one in six americans are living in poverty i didn't work. out because lead eric to the occupy wall street protests calling for change i've
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seen it go from bad to worse to even worse and it's really happening all over the country the food he and other volunteers cook at the soup kitchen there's everybody in the revolution. gets delivered to the protesters who spend day and night camping out our eric also sleeps here at the end of the night when there's a mass of people here i'll go to the comfort zone and find myself a sleeping bag right on the ground usually even though the chef is penniless in this revolution he says he's been waiting for it his entire life cooking for rich back cats in manhattan and trying to get their food out as fast as possible and make sure it's all perfect from the. floor and the redskins are separated and. i always felt that. this was this is something that's really good for the philippines and even though life is tougher than ever before eric says he would not choose to be anywhere else but here relatively well off the flat out wrong is not an
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exceptional biography out in the west these days eric story is one of millions but he is one of only hundreds that have found their way from here so far to see a church in our heart see through your. book or videos from protests against economic inequality across the globe are available on the you tube channel. that's it shocked by all these correspondents as well as activists by logging on to you tube dot com slash. course you can also find many other systems. the news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day.
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but a quick look at some of the international stories now for you but all of the so called the deadly earthquake in turkey blamed for sparking a riot in the prison instance if you know inmates reportedly set fire to the jail because authorities refused to their them out some of the prisons over a plot of a skate we came as the turkish government requested for an eight shots of thousands of homeless families three days off at the quake left four hundred fifty people doing it. an explosion in the western swiss city of red on those plans left one person dead and fourteen injured at last struck the fourth floor of an apartment block in the city center and eight of the wounded were taken to hospital for treatment they say they're still trying to determine the cause of the explosion . central america is bracing itself one hundred. stronger up the caribbean coast threatening to sweep three main tourist resorts in exeter and salvador forecasters say the storm system is lucky to bring about winds of two
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hundred pounds and it comes after heavy rains caused severe flooding in the region the people in it and causing billions of dollars of damage. that's joined corrina now from the business news. hello and welcome to our business out there is our dozens of business going from finland are nascar looking for deals with local companies they see opportunities in this country and every year at least six new had a crisis trying to club despite investors running for cover go green some are still looking for gems in rust because they think the crisis is handled well. but the end of the day even though all comes from duct work bullshit be done and actually russia recovered we put to europe for example you. might also look like they should be the current situation i think that the growth rate was they clearly high in
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russia for jumping into your. natural gas monopoly gas problem and pay out record dividends this year the energy giant could pay up to six billion dollars twice as much as the amount paid a year ago it would be a record high for gas from a cash payout of that amount would move the company into the same league as russia's leader and dividend payment tank a d.p. joint venture between tanking and global oil major b.p. paid out six billion dollars in dividends posture. but certain markets now was trading close to a twelve week prices rose as much as point four percent ahead of the summit of national leaders aimed at tackling europe's debt crisis also american petroleum institute reported that crude stockpiles are climbing in the u.s. as the world's biggest consumer of a commodity. and anxiety about the european debt crisis is weighing on asia's major stock markets on wednesday depends making it hangs up both lower with sydney and
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shanghai breaching positive territory overnight losses for the us dollar sent it to a new post second world war low against again the strong yen is hitting exporters sharp operation on the a bull losing two percent. less than an hour ahead of the opening bell here in moscow russian markets closed in the red on tuesday with investors waiting for the outcome of this e.u. saw that the audience and in all the fifteen hundred points level one was exposed around one point four percent. and come monday from a great investment bank names all the factors that may drive the markets apart from the e.u. meeting later in the day. i had of us take important us numbers on thursday and the market will have an eye on its actions we're asking for more so that best you know decent set of numbers a pick up from you know from the second quarter if any reasonable news flowed from europe. that were good news and i would be very supportive there is no clearly
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a magical land where pesticides are the problem anymore for school children to live and learn without ever opening the paper book or einstein's theory and the laws of physics no longer apply and were big can always be figured will be afraid to take my hand and enjoy the ride on technology update here on r.g.p. . that. was. a very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on wall street since they are. ladies and gentlemen the chance is to get a book or examine the status of the human experiments given single. weeks you will proclaim this rap music in which it goes to the movies lately trying to censor global economy and it's all came slings us financial templates the responsibility
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to maintain our confidence in monkeys and. to be seen trade imbalances recession look even the nations close to collapsing of subprime loans will close. to fail circulate again feeling like thing is us crash. feeling. just like all the buses and streets behind construction he'll just programs increase the total economy.
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