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tv   [untitled]    October 26, 2011 12:31pm-1:01pm EDT

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the band. i'm in manchester with douglas cause well he's a conservative members of parliament he said the political system in this country is broken and in urgent need of reforms he's also a renowned euro skeptic douglas carswell thanks for talking to us we use this catch all term euro skeptic what does that mean old style euro skepticism in this country used to be about trying to take this country back it used to be an inherently conservative movement that was about trying to take us back to a sort of one nine hundred fifty s. status quo i don't have much truck with that at all i mean you're a skeptic because i want change and i want to really change the way this country is run i think fundamentally europe is in the mess that she is today because she's trying to do too much by conscious deliberate design or currency is a mess because it's a product of conscious design agricultural policy have fisheries policy trade policy you know we need to let go and we need to allow the different parts of the
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european continent to do what suits them best incidentally i would say that that's why the european continent grew to global prominence in the first place it's precisely because we never had the political centralization that russia had but china had the mogul empire had that the ottomans had that europe was allowed to prosper in the first place so we need a decentralized europe and i'm afraid i think that means rejecting the whole e.u. project completely so you think that person should leave the correct we should have an in out referendum and i would vote for us to come out of the european union the european union a nine hundred fifty s. political structure it's an outdated architecture for a modern continent. when we joined the european union or what became the european union in the early one nine hundred seventy s. western europe at that time accounted for thirty six percent of global g.d.p. today the european continent accounts for far less than that by twenty twenty it
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will account for a mere fifteen percent of global g.d.p. we joined what we thought. was a prosperous trade block it turns out we shackled ourselves to a corpse i think we're better off out and you talk about an in out referendum but isn't there a middle way where we have a trade relationship with europe that without any of the politics involved in effect if we had a new referendum and most people voted for us to leave the european project as it is we know that your opinion and mass would still be there we would still have people with whom we want to be good neighbors personally i would like us to continue to have the free trade and the free movement of people between our countries we would still have to cooperate but i think that can best be done through bilateral structures or by ad hoc arrangements. i would personally like us to to stop being rather grudging tenants in the european.
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apartment and become good neighbors to the european countries that are next to us we need good relations with continental europe but we're not getting them by being in this one nine hundred fifty s. apartment block despite the fact that u.k. didn't actually join the euro zone and british taxpayers are still covering the currency to the tune of billions of pounds is that wrong it's absolutely wrong you know we have found ourselves in the ludicrous position of having to bail out a currency that we chose not to join and i think it's wrong for us to have increased british liabilities to over twenty billion to prop up a currency that i think needs to be allowed to break up. within europe within recent years we have allowed new currencies to be created when slovakia broke away from the czech republic they did so very simply by creating a new currency when argentina had pegged her currency to the u.s. dollar turned out to be a disastrous mistake brought about by politicians and when is ours when eventually
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they had to break that link they were able to devalue their currency default on their debts and start again and as a result of that both slovakia and argentina are doing pretty well that i think is the answer for for greece or portugal for ireland probably for spain and italy another way perhaps of looking at it is that maybe the german center of the euro zone should be allowed to establish its own currency whichever way you look at it it involves breaking up the euro and greece is recently said admitted really that it's not going to be able to meet its debt obligations certainly for the next year and possibly two years and current circumstances how much the british banks stand to lose in greece portugal and ireland well british banks are liable for quite a lot of money billions of pounds at least that used to be regarded as quite a lot of money until our government started printing it but it is the case the british banks are going to take a hit and they're going to take a hit not because of some abstract problem in the euro saying they're going to take
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a hit because their investment team's on their fixed income debt bought greek and portuguese and other government debt but they regard it as fixed income but turned out to be a really bad investment now when my constituents buy shares in a company that's badly run and lose money the government doesn't step in and underwrite their loss so i'm very very concerned that taxpayers in my constituency will be asked to bail out banks that brought this upon themselves now if if it is the case that we are going to have to prop up some of these banks because these banks have been so badly run such victims of their own greed that unless we do so our economy will disintegrate then then at least let's prop up. the banks here in britain let's not channel of all the money all the way of athens values been of a third party countries is the problem really is that we don't want to allow banks in this country to face the consequences of their own fiscal folly then let's address that here in this country rather than channeling money through third party countries but it's all very well to say british money to bail out british banks
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that where we're operating within a block a person is not not an isolated place yes of course there is a large degree of interdependence in the global economy and a good thing too but the idea that. simply because if banks if there is a default in the euro zone british banks will take it therefore we've got to keep on signing a blank check that's absurd and think think through the logic of that you know ever since the bailout started eighteen months ago every single bailout has increased the amount of debt greece portugal and ireland well perhaps are is an exception but greece and portugal certainly have more debt today than they had when the bailouts began at what point do we realize that these bailouts are not helping these the first bailouts in history that are scooping and ladling water into the boat eventually they're going to think it is sort of flowing and almost an isolationist line here how does that tally with for example britain going into libya i mean
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isn't it sort of isolationism on the one hand and expansionism on the other on the contrary if you think that what i said was isolationist i probably didn't make myself very clear i want britain to be a truly global player and not locked in a small room in the north west coast of europe doing everything with two or three other countries i want us to be truly global players it's right that we're global players by virtue of locking ourselves in the diplomatic room with europe i think we have less influence than we would have britain after all has countries around the world that were once in effect offshoots of britain australia new zealand even india the rising power of india has a common. system in a parliamentary system like we have so much in common with the world why are we shutting ourselves away from it it is the european project that is making us into an isolationist and this go on so about politics more generally is britain broken as the prime minister says well our political system i think has broken our
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political system i think in effect what we have is an eighteenth or nineteenth century system of parliamentary democracy trying to hold to account a twenty first century size government it doesn't work it doesn't work. well in the interest of the taxpayer or in the interests of getting the best public policy again and again and again people vote for something it's not delivered and the people that they vote for end up simply providing excuses as to why it doesn't happen i think we need more direct democracy we need instead of delegating decision making to politicians who then delegate power to the whitehall elites in the mandarins we need direct democracy so that people can choose things for themselves and in this country my grandfather's generation used to have food rationing what they had in their larder at home in their kitchen was given to them by government you know those days are gone and a good thing two people can now choose for themselves what they eat they can choose
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for themselves where they go on holiday they can choose themselves the clothes they wear why can't we have a little bit more choice about the public policy in which we dress ourselves as well as from the outside the situation in the u.k. looks pretty dire we've got corruption in the media media's close links to u.k. politics particularly the conservative party these old boys' network the political system that is very slow to reform itself what kind of message saying that sends to people who are losing their jobs and suffering from state cutbacks you're absolutely right britain has had a series of crises with the elites and we've seen from the m.p.'s expenses scandal from the hacking inquiry and the close collusion allegedly between senior police officers and the media the banking crisis we've seen a series of crises where the political elite has got it wrong what do all these crises have in common number one they were all unaccountable concentrations of power now what's extraordinary is that the age of digital democracy the age of the
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internet allowed us to see what m.p.'s were doing with public money it allowed the whole thing to come out it allows people to hold to account the rich and the powerful not just in this country but throughout the world so you know i think in a sense although these crises. abbat they show which way the wind is blowing we're going to have more openness in government unaccountable concentrations of power whether they exist in banking the media or politics are going to be broken open everything that the internet touches it opens up it opens up to greater accountability that's going to happen in politics and a very good thing too now politicians minor like it political parties might lose market share to new entrants in politics there may be more competition to decide who gets to be our politicians but this is a good thing direct democracy is good and what is preventing you from pushing through the political reforms that you say clearly does well i would like us to have gone much further in opening up the political system in britain to choice and accountability you might say we need our own version of glasnost we need to make
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sure that the people in westminster are vulnerable to the wishes and the will of the people in a way that they're not we need openness we've gone some way to delivering that but we've not gone far enough and i think the reason why we've not gone far enough is bluntly because it suits the political class to carry on with some of the unsatisfactorily things we we have at the moment we promised that we would allow the voters the power to recall. their own politicians they have it in california they have it in many american countries in fact most of your viewers i'm sure can be recalled from their line of work pretty much any day of the week yet politicians you can't sack them for five years and in safe constituencies even longer i would like to allow the people to directly hire and fire the political plus some changes to be made to make things better but not nearly enough and no prizes for guessing why that is doubtless because well thank you very much thank you.
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the air. brighton. sung from phones to. nice friends down tante. will come to the joining us on a trip to a magical land where pesticides are just trouble anymore for school children to live and learn without ever opening a paper book. the laws of physics no longer apply and we're big can always
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be bigger still be afraid to take my hand and enjoy the ride on technology update here on r.g.p. . more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images for world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are today. headlines tonight from see the cheers and cheers over a gruesome death of the western media coverage of kidnappings killing his family wants war crimes charges laid to take his most prominent son saif al islam also go on trial he's reportedly ready to surrender to no. fresh clashes as the anti wall
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street protests spread police in oakland california to tape nearly one hundred activists and chased the rest off with tear gas and nonlethal round. the reserves fate hangs in the balance as e.u. leaders try to stop squabbling and cervical solution instead you could see the pink is planned yet to tackle its going away finances the summit underway now and opens on a high note to germany massive expansion the bailout for. support of the moscow times thanks for being with us richard he's got the latest sports. hello welcome to suppose they great to have you with us start with the headlines. saloon maria sharapova it was one of the over the last when much is. the feeds championships for the top russian. for tens of thousands are
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expected to come and see her say the formula one grand prix in the libyan city of sochi race is to delete the track. corruption crusade fee for open cases and stop over ten football officials bribery scandal song keeps rocking the school's governing body. of russia's leading tennis ladies' maria sharapova as one of the over looking to bounce back from the opening defeats at the year ending championships in istanbul turkey two thousand and four when i was taken on the french open champion mali of china. current school five five in the russian is in dire need of a win she has to keep her chances realistically alive. getting back to the top of the rankings in the world of the tournament needs at least reach before an all out and seek one does not speak earlier on the world number for the story of her
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campaign office in a russian cruise control straight as some stars are clicked into straight sets the pleats on on tuesday. meanwhile children dane was not skiing or playing it was one of the over the late march over his bringing up the rear of the moments in the red group that was going to hit the kmita in straight sets on tuesday but the group's provisional leader. well the organizers of the russian drum pre-sale very expecting are. eighty thousand fans to attend the race in salt shame of russian motor sport fanatics though will have to wait another three years until the race takes place those two to be held in two thousand and fourteen at the limpid park which will also be used for the sochi winter olympics earlier in the year in the region of two hundred million dollars or he spends on making racetrack organizers are expected expecting plenty of spectators to turn out to watch the
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russian motors holds biggest ever event. that augusta planned in that around eighty thousand spectators will attend the race motor sports isn't that popular in russia at the moment though we're sure this will change and in the future we can add more stones to let more fans watch the grand prix if there is the demand. boxing and rushes the liberty of his income for the mood of next week's non-title cruiserweight bounce against james toney the two fighters held a joint media conference in the russian capital. over the november with the american more than happy to pose for press oh tony's entrance couldn't compete with that of his opponents with a video of arriving by helicopter all inside his trainer legendary course zoom. on that if it is a cruiserweight divisions number one contender for the u.p.a. belts. it's confident he will have too much his american opponent.
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which i don't want to be rude so we won't hear any insults or me with all due respect to trainability i'm a good samaritan and we will win and it's going to be we'll deserved to be but the football now and feed launch probes into another ten caribbean officials as the bribery scandal continues to rock the sport's governing body committee why being the investigation which already resulted in a live band of the top executive mohamed bin hammam the former presidents of the asian football confederation have been in the running over the presidency of the year but because ari was charged with offering bribes for votes and the race he has been found guilty and heavy penalty in july and a separate incident warner also stepped down as vice president in june to allegations he asked for money in return for votes england's two thousand and eighteen world cup bid. examines decision strike a cost havers is frightening to sue the club's manager roberto mancini said as was
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fined a one million dollars often and cheney accused the argentine refusing to come off the bench in a game against boy munich last september an internal investigation by man city managers claims that tethers maintains he only refused to warm up. and is now considering suing mancini for defamation ters has a fortnight's appeal to the club's board against the charge and it but fails he could take the matter to a premier league tribunals. meanwhile munched united have avoided further humiliation six one drubbing at the hands of manchester city at the weekend last night they got a free know when to side all the shots in the forefront of a calming cup but not at making eleven changes to the side for this game a timely recreation round the head after a quarter of an hour one to want to swim and tom cleverley setting up a bottle for the first second just before half time bottle this time sliding the
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ball. michael owen made absolutely no mistake. and antonio valencia saved the best to last. because the strike are inside the box wrapping up when united banishing sunday's blues with a place in the last eight. also in the quarter finals championship sides cardiff and crystal palace and also also russia strive andreea sharman scoring one and setting up. against bolton was also a stopper also as new signing other chamberlain eighteen year old has brought for twelve million pounds from southampton coach johnson venter believes he can handle the pressure of being a young star he. is a good example in trying to ward called the. he's a good example who goes through was contracted very rewarding career creatures with
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. controlling to do from very early and both were. examples for fortune born in. meanwhile on g.'s strike some reports of be on the long list of world footballer of the year award and cameron star is among the fifty players receiving minolta along with ten from also low enough when i will be announced on the camera for. the switch to on she marched along over the scrum into the school. in one season. in asides for a free defeat. the weekend i started to enjoy the rest of the strikes from the russian premier league his goals below.
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the surface.
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live. live. live live live . live live.
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live. live . live live live. live live. well
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let's say the web is coming up next and i'm kevin will be here what will the headlines. but i do but i still strive for somalia australia. new zealand no we thank you so you get to the man yeah if you want to have sex go and have sex.
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wealthy british style.
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market. find out what's really happening to the global economy stronger the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports . will. review the latest in science technology from. the future. to the eurozone is in the balance as e.u. leaders try to stop squabbling and solution instead which could see the biggest yet to tackle its runaway finances. now on a high note after news of germany's approved a massive expansion of the e.u.
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bailout more on that. also. from. fresh clashes on the wall street protests spread police in oakland california to tell you nearly one hundred activists chased the rest. reportedly ready to surrender the war crimes court while the dead relatives want to see nato at the hague. in business tiny particles with a big future russian beds big box on nanotechnology to modernize and love us supplied more on this coming up in twenty five.


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