tv [untitled] October 26, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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all right it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because we have got something to say i listen and i want to dedicate today as you said i read it to you addressing the piece written about r.t. by ben smith of politico he started off his hit piece with the opening lines the russian government propaganda station russia today sometimes does something resembling news reporting and sometimes offers something closer to ham handed soviet style hippies it's going to start off by inviting ben spencer to my program tell me what soviet style hippies i've managed to churn out because i consider what i do you hear it r.t. what mr smith would call real reporting and fact i regularly bring up topics and questions that ben smith and his friends in the mainstream media don't seem to care much about such as why democrats and republicans can't seem to agree on anything less it comes through extending the most dangerous provisions of the patriotic for which they're happy to come together in a show of unity or continuing to allow the military industrial complex to. always
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keep growing and i was also one of the only news programs to follow the occupy wall street movement from its first day on mr smith and his mainstream media cohorts were content to sit back and not the protesters as dirty hippies that is of course told story became too big for even then to ignore that just to name steele let's continue on this topic of real news reporting dive into the rest of this little jet he smith wanted to critique the story the reporter or he had done so he continued his real news reporting by things falling in this one in which reporters mispronounce virtually every proper noun and at one point refer to ronald rumsfeld . yes criticizing a non-native speakers of english accent that's the really hard hitting journalism that i look for politico because reporters accent is certainly what makes the story now the best part here is that he didn't even bother following up that cheap shot with any real critique of the report classy i'm not done with all of mr smith's real news reporting that he included in this blog post he also ended by saying the channel also occasionally gets mainstream commentators to appear in part because
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it's one of the few that pays reporters to appear now that part is just patently untrue we'd be alone or so don't pay for our gas our to america as a paper it's kept and i should know that the original pieces since been corrected after myself and my colleagues kindly informed mr smith there are a few does not in fact pay its gets to appear although i guess you could just found that out by making a phone call to in some real reporting so i think ben smith for correcting the error but let me suggest the next time you want to write a piece calling somebody else propaganda maybe you leave out making fun of people's accents and get the facts straight first after i thought that's what real news reporting was all about as if my rantings tonight would have war for you next week . also a big milestone for one of the most important and detrimental laws of the last decade the patriot act turns ten years old today enough not to happy to see since it was side it's fundamentally change the way that u.s. law enforcement office in the united states and its eroded protections to our civil
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liberties signed into law by george w. bush after the september eleventh attacks the patriot act reduced many of the restrictions against law enforcement when it came to tracking people via computer and telephone without warrants ease restrictions on foreign intelligence intelligence gathering and gave law enforcement more discretion when it came to detaining or deporting immigrants suspected of terrorist acts now is undoubtedly contributed to the heightened state of security has become the new normal here in the u.s. since two thousand and one and paved the way for huge increases in surveillance against americans now as much as the patriot act was marketed as a way to protect the united states from outside terrorist threats it's now become the legal justification for much of our domestic security apparatus against foreigners and american citizens alike if they were being used by law enforcement for drug investigations and other low level crimes which certainly cannot be classified as terrorist threats in fact recent data has shown that delayed notice search warrants have been used one thousand six hundred times for drug cases and only fifteen times for terrorism cases so it's
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a really safe doesn't you know over the years mounting evidence is also shown that law haven't done much in the name protecting us from foreign terrorist attacks it simply eroded our remaining civil liberties that stayed virtually untouched since it was signed back in two thousand and one and in fact president obama renewed three key provisions of the patriot act first the roving wiretap because it allows the f.b.i. to obtain a warrant from a secret intelligence court associated with the foreign intelligence surveillance act without providing details about how that suspicious person would be tracked there's also the lone wolf measure which allows law enforcement to obtain an eis a warrant without providing proof of the targeted person is a terror threat and lastly there is a business records provision which means that a five warrant. passed out for law enforcement to search through any type of personal records banking or medical without any proof of the targeted person engaging in terrorist activities that any of those seem constitutional to you and when those provisions are set to expire earlier this year sen rand paul was one of
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the few who spoke out against those elements and of course he was quickly accused of siding with terrorists. he refused to relent the government will be unable to fully pursue these leads that would increase the risk of a retaliatory it's still a strike against a whole month ability to deal to lease fatal blow. our russian response to a scurrilous accusation i've been accused of loaning to allow terrorists to have weapons to attack america can we not have a job date on a higher plane a debate over whether or not there should be some constitutional protections. and rand paul was certainly in the minority because those three provisions were renewed with a bipartisan vote who cares about the fourth amendment your right to privacy who cares about the whole concept of innocent until proven guilty now we live in such a heightened state of panic that our own government is going to break the rules all the time supposedly the name of safety so here to the patriot act
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a law that helps your government spy on you it's been quite a decade ten years of the necessary wide sweeping surveillance by the u.s. government against its own people. now the repeal of don't ask don't tell you could say that the u.s. military is undergoing some big changes progressing toward the modern age where they store far behind when it comes to a chaplain program and the role that religion plays in counseling on man's pleading for atheists happens to be accepted so that those without a religious background get the same services as everybody else so how hard a cultural battle is that and is the show that there is too much religion in our military or discussed as a case in torpey president of the military association of atheists and freethinkers case i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight please for having me now first start off by telling me why it is that you think that they need to have atheist chaplains right what is it that those who don't have a religious background who are christian are missing out on will for two hundred years the chaplains have been very focused on their mission to pray with troops in
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moderate chaplaincy in the modern military you have a diversity of religious based religious backgrounds and beliefs and conscience including atheists it chaplains just aren't resources on aren't trained to provide for what i'm doing is reaching out to those chaplains three thousand senior officers to help them to help the troops that they don't have any training about so now how many people would you say are in the military that are atheists or free thinkers as your organization is named well at least between ten thousand and thirty thousand depending on the most recent survey forty thousand of the most recent defense equal opportunity initiative survey identified you know that me so forty thousand that's number two behind all the christians put together the head of jews buddhists and muslims hindus and what i want to do is make sure that there's overt policies that say chaplains have to provide for those service members and to ensure that there's training so that they know how to properly provide for them but give us you know give us a hypothetical or just tell us i guess how it actually works when you're out in the
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field when you are in a war zone they can turn you down a chaplain can say that i won't provide counseling you know i can't help you out because because you're not a person of faith what happens is if i. you know jewish or mormon for example i'll go in and find probably a chaplain that's not my own faith they'll point me in the right direction maybe connect me with a chaplain that is there provide materials and draw from the training that they've had you know kind of world religions and diversity training to help me out and what i what i get if i'm an atheist or a humanist you know they might talk to me but they're going to talk to me without understanding what is science what scientific naturalism is about what human base raf rational ethics are about and they might say well you know you guys don't like to use the term religion so so well that's not really our thing you have to go to some other agency and that's what we want to get away from idea are you ok though where i mean you mentioned chaplains been around for what two hundred years in the military but do you think that i mean whatever happened to certain basics right when you talk about the separation between church and state why is it that our
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military even has a clergy essentially of its own well this that's really a concern that i think the chaplains need to recognise in order for them to stay relevant in a modern military they have to provide for all service members and in the past they could do that with just the protestants and the jews and now since nine hundred ninety they started at the muslims in the buddhists in the hindus they're doing a great job recognizing the diversity of their military so long it's as it's the the istic diversity what they haven't done is said ok we recognise that almost twenty five percent of the military is chose no religious preference they haven't recognized the number two demographic after christian is self identified atheists in order to stay relevant and to ensure that they can continue to receive the power in the influence and the monies that the chaplaincy has they need to provide for everyone equally and provide for them well but do you think that there is you know too much religion in our military because there have been a lot of stories you know there are organizations out there dedicated to trying to
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remove that because there are stories from men that might have been at certain bases you know or training them you know claim that they were forced to listen to some kind of a christmas outlier bryan singer. they feel like they're being forced into that they're in pressured people or people are rightfully concerned about spiritual fitness training for example where the military has decided that they want to teach people how to be spiritual and promote spirituality and what in this is an example of how they totally missed our demographic you know i might be able to do some mental gymnastics to understand how atheism can fit with spirituality but you know what that shouldn't have to happen i should be able to look in that training as an atheist or as humanist somebody with a naturalistic perspective and see things that are going to help might help me out because i don't what i see is privilege in priority for religious personnel and i feel ostracized and marginalized in the further it's of my duty say causes more harm than good and we when they don't ever reach out to atheists and humanists that are represented within the chain of command i mean so when you talk to troops these
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days and you may imagine there could be these attitudes where you feel like somebody else is privileged right or they get more attention i'm not a role do you think that religion plays in terms of the wars that we're fighting a proxy right fighting in muslim countries fighting against religious radicals and you have. a lot of conservative commentators in this country that will constantly try to push the idea that we are engaged in a religious war that this is christianity versus islam and so when you talk to troops is that something that's in the back of their minds here's what i hear so if i talk to the troops and they talk they hear people talking about christianity versus islam they say hey thanks a lot for really make and our friends in the middle east angry and making our enemies even angry what that is that's a recruiting call when they see bibles with special forces logos on them and when they see them when they see. and then when they see when they see the. and generals talking about how associated they are with their christian heritage
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and when they when they line that up too closely with a military mission then our enemies have recruiting power from that they say ok it is a religious war let's recruit the muslims against the christians and that's going to run anything but as a recruiting point do you think we're going to win this cultural battle yes yes i do but the power right now rests with the chaplains and i reached out to them they know i'm out here and what i'm wondering about is why is there a deafening silence from the chaplaincy about this so i hope they speak out without some official policy because i know they have it in their heart military you know has most advanced weaponry and machinery in the world but i guess in terms of policy is still the r.k. thank you so much for joining us next a lot of pressure. so the presidential candidate complains about the debate through hard times when are unhappy our. kind of hot debate dollars part of or a trial over dog was decided by a jury. into.
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a doodle to bring justice or. i have the right to know what my government's true if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize the as the charismatic. of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. easy to understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realized everything. you don't. charge is a big. i'm
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i did sign for tonight's tools i'm awarded tonight because of texas governor rick perry after announcing he was running for president in august he instantly became the g.o.p. star the front runner but thankfully that status didn't last very long and national polls right now he's fourth or fifth way behind her in cave mitt romney ron paul sometimes even you king rich so you know it's been a rough couple of weeks for the governor but this week his campaign decided to reset so he got air time for t.v. ads in several early voting states and he started do more t.v. interviews so last night he was asked what mistakes he's made so far in his presidential run and get a lot of his answer. well i don't think anybody's ever run the perfect campaign and actually. these debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates it's pretty hard to be able to sit and lay out your ideas and your
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concepts with a one minute response so you know if if if there was a mistake made it was probably ever doing one of the. ever doing one of the campaigns when all they're interested in is stirring it up between the candidates instead of really talking about the issues that are important words so rick perry think that it's a mistake to take part of the base i mean really great if you want to be president you need to be able to communicate with the american people this requires that you take part in debates be challenged on your views by both the moderator and your opponents and let's face it to be honest the questions your opponents they haven't really been all that challenging this year but every four years americans do you tune in to watch the debates see a different view and style of a leader that they just might elect as a career politician you should understand that it's a partner big boy pants not complaining you signed up to try out for the job nobody put a gun to your head and made you run for president and we all know the texas governor
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isn't really a skilled debater in fact he really thought that it. is it the mitt romney that was on the side of against the second amendment before he was for the second amendment was it was before he was before the social programs from the standpoint of he was for standing up for roe versus wade before he was against verse roe versus wade he was for race to the top he's. for obama care and now he's against it. sorry but i just never get they got to keep playing it but just because you're not good at debating doesn't mean that they don't have any value and that i'm not really sure why you so worry the candidates rick included have target dates and transcript of answers they cut it down to thirty seconds of talking points and they like it no matter what question again that is as they slip into their contrived message case in point rick perry at last
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week's debate the let me ask question governor heard every word fourteenth amendment allows and he's anybody a child that illegal immigrants who's born here is automatically american citizen should that change let me address herman's issue that i should rather you rather you have been rather yes a question and answer that i understand that you get asked questions i get answers like i want to and herman i mean talked about that's actually a response that is very good if you. see what i mean so the bottom line is he can't handle yourself on a stage with other candidates being out softball policy questions and you probably should just stay in texas running for president is the big leagues rick you've got to think on your feet you have to answer unscripted questions so that's why we're giving rick perry tonight's tool time award.
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our guys it's time for happy hour and joining me tonight is r t correspondent christine and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger at black by dot net thanks for joining guys i'm saluting really nice blues going on over there. colors so apparently. man boobs are in a really big issue at you tube with the total debate over whether man boobs should be something that has to be censored just the way that female boobs have few or not or whether they can hurt. or children's eyes and we're going to show you a clip of one that well i don't know i think it might form your opinion take a look. oh. oh oh. oh. oh. oh. oh i can't i'm right what's your take on i man boobs the weather weather there
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because they've moved so i think this is a good name for yoda show in you know classes in schools kids stay in school be healthy so you don't have to become like this guy he's obviously and lives are part of the problem with with man boobs those there's you know some people post videos because it depends on what medication they're taking it who's there you know their hormones and they just have bella and. i blame first of all seinfeld for the moods episode but the bottom line is the funny part of this article was that you guys are saying it's keeping them up at night trying to decide how long a man can be on t.v. before it's something italy they were so adamant about explaining how this is a major source of to bait for them and they wanted to make sure the public knew that this was something they took very seriously i thought that was interesting i think they should get back to thirteen year old girls complaining and singing about obama and leave the man boobs alone just let it go people well. you know the you
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tube and google people that night man boobs and now it's been you wish that's actually as. i said speaking of which but we earlier told you about the story about the blogger who was traveling who had a vibrator in her bag when she opened up her bag turns out that somebody from the t.s.a. had written out a little note get your freak on girl and now that's actually been animated because the story went so viral i think we have a clip take a look julie public was flying to dublin and checked one of her bags at newark airport. the bag was open for inspection by a t.s.a. agent found a vibrator and wrote a message to the. i mean it's now she's been more to lies i guess you could say animations but we actually ended up happening is the t.s.a. apparently fired the person they went look who was on the shift who did it they lost their job you think. that's of course that's a firing offense i mean come on that's a private issue and i think the funny part is they didn't leave
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a phone number so if you did go to the trouble of making a ridiculous comment like that leave your full interview man up. find out if it was a man or woman oh i just i guess i sexually harassed discriminated against and writing looks like a man who was in all the chatter. that is there i don't know i actually thought it was really funny and you know if that was me or one of my friends bags and i saw that on one hand you don't want to think that the people inspecting your bags are thinking about what you're wearing or what lingerie you brought or what sex toys for that matter you brought but apart from that i just thought it was funny i think that that person was probably trying to be funny i don't know if they quite deserve to get fired but they do deserve some just reaction because they need to separate their sense of comedy from what they're supposed to be doing something you separate their sense of comedy from realizing that people still want to think that they have some sort of privacy in the world to have a sense of comedy i mean it's not even. though the t.s.a.
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gets to grope you i was really you know how do you walk through this. just let us truly t.s.a. you know high quality body cavity searches something you know it was but let's move on to this next story which is absolutely ridiculous if you want to know where your taxpayer dollars are going to court battles that are just take a look at this one. the cornell sisters came to court with photos taken of kim and baxter and what they claimed was baxter's and scooped who take it dependable condo complex where they all live some photos even came from a camera the cornell's have mounted in their third floor window to keep an eye on the ground below they say kim didn't baxter's poop on purpose to make them angry. so do i this crack the only reason people obviously have nothing better to do with their time and their first sit there for three days with cameras mounted and watch every time the woman takes her dog out for a walk it proves to see if you. look at expert commentary the live you actually own
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the dog said she had poop we begin the car to bring in because baxter doesn't poop that big old bike he won the case yes he won the case and you know i'm guilty i'm a dog owner and it totally irks me when people don't clean up their dogs i always clean up my dogs sometimes i clean up other people's poop clearly there was an issue between these two. the i know that's weird about it like a hermit but i other people's dogs because there was lands that are whores is very real i mean just because you know you try to keep your neighborhood clean and all that but i think that there was clearly an issue between these two women it sounds like drama the fact that they were going around with cameras and if they were going to pick it up as evidence then why don't they just pick it up and let it go you know what i mean two sisters living together with cameras documenting this critics definitely craig's them to grieve you. really. have nothing better to do. let's move on to something else these are intelligent street signs and this is where farmington hills a suburb of detroit where it's going it's your home that's pretty dollars are being
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spent on something that could be cool it could be creepy take a look. you need to chill the streets these are digital and. we're going to be calculating the high profile this. under seems to be a key component to maximizing should make a weirdness through advertising coming up and road we are in for a street. system which to begin amber alerts drivers well. i what do you think is that cool or is it creepy you know how there's a wireless network inside the cold how sensors to monitor foot vehicle traffic can transmit all kinds of information for emergency routes probable blogger basically the poles have eyes. i mean that's what it seems like and that's a little weird who knows if you've got the same t.s.a. agent writing these funny you know it's also you know those type of people working and surveilling and watching what's going on i don't know where yeah i don't want to polls out there i only have one question how long before the neighborhood kids the little smarty pants is have to follow us are posting videos of may. they have
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beautiful. no matter how advanced our technology gets doesn't go. back to the oil pan moves in some kind of corner sort of make it up there it's a boy thanks for joining me tonight it's a big night so thanks for tuning and make sure you can back tomorrow and asparagus to be back on the show and i mean time to forget the fan of the writer still on facebook and follow us on twitter you missed any of tonight's there any other nights you can always catch it all that you tube dot com want to share with my interview as well as the show in its entirety and coming up that is the. download the official and see how many cation q i phone on called touch from the i choose our. lunch on see the light on the.
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