tv [untitled] October 26, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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hello i'm charge of the washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture peaceful protesters were under siege in the streets of oakland last night as cops lobbed flash grenades fired tear gas canisters and shot rubber bullets into the crowds shocking street video and the latest developments from the occupy oakland movement in just a month and president obama offered his rescue plan for college students and graduates drowning in student loan debt so one of the republicans who. you need to know this battle ground zero for a second night in a row oakland police resorted to tear gas flash grenades and rubber bullets to bear
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to break up the patriotic americans who make up the occupy oakland movement late last night officers in riot gear violently confronted hundreds of occupy oakland atria it's in front of city hall and used a whole array of weapons to clear the crowd oakland police initially denied using flash grenades in this video you'll clearly see a crowd of demonstrators being hit by flash grenades and at one point when a group of people rushed to help someone injured by one of those grenades you'll see another one lobbed by cops into the crowd. of thousands.
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this is police violence pure and simple directly against nonviolent atria it's who are quite literally only exercising their first amendment right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances using the language of the first of them and here's another video of one man a marine veteran who was shot by police in the head with a good many rubber coated bullets that the oakland police fired into the crowd. that was. cool but had a lot of. shock. but you're right that's right. i don't think i think if that was not a clip from burma or around or as herman cain would say beki beki beki stan this
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was police suppression of political protest against american patriots peaceably assembled in a public area right here in the united states of america and the man you just saw believing out of the head is in critical condition in a hospital sedated and on a respirator and the police would not have been able to do this if it hadn't been authorized by like to civilian authorities like oakland's mayor and city council that i mentioned by the way that oakland's mayor is now facing a recall petition a crackdown against the occupy movement is getting more and more violent around the country this week police have attacked america american patriots in chicago atlanta albuquerque boston and several other cities for the latest on what happened last night in oakland joshua holland joins me now he's a writer and editor alternate dot org and has been covering the ongoing clashes in that city joshua welcome. thanks for having me tom thanks for joining us what's going on right now. well the protesters are going to reconvene in an hour and
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a half at the same spot where you saw that footage from last night i will be out there and we'll see what happens tonight ok the. open letter to the mayor of oakland quote of the norwegian peace researcher johan. would you find peace in these terms he said by peace we mean the capacity to transform conflicts with empathy without violence and creatively a never ending process the mare and the civilian a filleted authorities who ordered the police to do this totally fail at. keeping the peace. well i certainly think that way and you know we see in the aftermath of the incident there's a lot of finger pointing people try to say well it was the protesters that provoked it the police. did it you know deployed weapons without provocation you have these debates and i think that they miss the fact that before any incident happens on the
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street tactical and strategic decisions are made at a command level last night what i saw was again and again police repeatedly boxing and protesters responding to their peaceful first at first peaceful protest with very aggressive police tactics and what i think that that does is it denies them an outlet to let off some steam and it ratchets up the tension good crowd control should have the ultimate aim to do shoes tension not to increase it denies them the ability to leave in some cases are any reports of how many people were injured last night. i only heard reports three to five but i haven't been out to open today i'm going out in about an hour an hour i'll update you when i talk to the legal observers who seem to be the most put into to the latest reports any word of america's office. no i the mayor was in
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washington apparently on a trip there was somewhere that she ordered the about eviction of the can't specifically when she would be out of town she either has returned today or is returning and you know that there's a significant tension between the community and the mayor's office and that this operation is costing hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and over time there are hundreds riot police guarding this very small piece of public space in the meantime the city council is voting on a proposal tonight to shutter a number of schools so mayor quantum is not popular as you mentioned in the introduction there's a recall petition that's been filed against her that petition was an inspired by her diction of the occupy camp but one has to think that lingering resentment over that may help may help push it over time. i think you're absolutely right joshua
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holland alternate joshua thank you so much thanks for having me it's always a pleasure meanwhile in atlanta police cleared would have part in the middle of night in the sight of occupy atlanta for the last two weeks several people were arrested and it's still unclear why police stepped in to break up what had been a peaceful occupation for more than fifteen days and now there are reports coming out of baltimore the police and had to break up the three week old occupation in that city too so there seems to be a concerted effort by law enforcement around the nation to put an end to the occupy movement right now and they find some success with the rests of shutdowns but they won't find success trying to kill an idea and one of the biggest ideas coming out of the occupy movement deals with something called corporate personhood general assembly meetings across the nation have put any corporate personhood at the top of many of their lists of demands for example the occupy minneapolis movements general assembly agreed by absolute consensus. on october twenty second that quote resolved
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that the general assembly of occupied minnesota orders that congress introduce an amendment to the united states constitution to end corporate personhood effectively stating that corporations are not people and money is not speech by corporate personhood well also approved by consensus in minneapolis was this statement it is the opinion of the proposal present or that of all issues important to occupy in minnesota this is the most important because corporate influence on government ender's other progress we hope to make and it quote so why has this very clear proposal caught on like a wildfire among the occupy movement what are the consequences of corporate personhood and how exactly do we do away with it for that we turn to our new york studio with katrina vanden heuvel editor and publisher of the nation magazine and jay harris director of the we the people campaign katrina and jay welcome to you both thank you thanks thanks for joining us first off i've had callers in my radio show we're live on the air in san francisco and oakland on occlusion station there
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who say that there were children in the camp when it was tear gassed and raided i'm curious about your personal thoughts on the police violence opened. i think there needs to be investigation. as you were same time the right of peaceful free assembly by these nonviolent protesters in oakland and around the country and the more than fourteen hundred plus occupy encampments is critical and if we see more police brutality it will be to will fuel more anger in this country and what we need is that anger now to be channeled into things like fighting corporate personhood but the police brutality will move in very dangerous directions in my view for this country and it's needs to be investigated and i'm talking just to make the point that i mean i was at occupy oakland a couple weeks ago a clean orderly quiet you know as you put it earlier of citizens exercising their
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right to assimilate i mean this was not a group they need to be broken up violently. jay how did the we the people campaign . org start. well this actually grew out of a little rebellion that katrina and jim hightower and i. started really about a year ago. we brought together a group of. good folks earlier in the year or advocates journalists labor union folks various people would who have who recognize that the corporate power in general and citizens united decision specifically were enormous threats to any any pretense of democracy in this country and. basically we've got people campaign grew out of that meeting as you know somebody an idea that we could get.
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various parts of the progressive family calling together on a response to citizens united and you have a very specific budgetary it and i tom i was going to say you know at the nation immediately after that decision which we're coming on two years of we wrote an editorial called democracy in and we said with no quarter for sin a sin is cynicism or compromise this must be the battle of our times in the same way the amendment to end slavery the amendment to bring women's rights the vote women's. the right to vote as you know tom jane i we're talking about this you've been on this issue for many years but what this does is put our democracy at risk and we're seeing it sitting here today the super committee flooded with contributions we see it every day in our life because every issue we care about that would lead to civilize in advances is blocked is obstructed by the corporate money now just metastasizing through our system so the amendment strategy which you mentioned occupy minnesota is championing is critical it will be
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a long fight as jay and i know but we the people campaign dot org. it's committed and i think the occupy movements now have supercharged that issue in a way that is exciting to have said right i'm curious here take your. either of you actually the various suggestions out there you have you know the petition that people can sign on your website they're very clearly says corporations are people money isn't speech we need to we need to do something about this amend the constitution david cobb over move to a man as those specific language stripping corporate personhood on the other hand dylan ratigan or unless they want to preserve corporate power but limit campaign contributions and then on the third hand you've got tom lindsay in the community environmental legal defense fund sold off out there just basically having communities helping communities pass laws denying corporate power by the force of law any thoughts from either of you on on strategy or the best way to go or is is this principally designed to be educational let's get going. with this we the
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people. i think this is about getting going to keep american people know that that corporations have far more power than they do in the system that is on the front page of new york times today the recognition that essentially regular people don't have power and that's what's behind the occupy wall street so simply showing folks that there is a channel for change i think is the first step and then we can work out the details of mind which later could and i think there's also a set it there's a set of steps if i might even before the amendment strategy that we can and by the way not just as progressive as independents and conservatives because when that citizens united decision came down across the board trance partisan opposition and anger and concern about corporate power in this country but i do think that in the short run we need to fight for fair elections now for getting big money out of our politics small donations public financing and move to an amendment strategy that we
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know we're not naïve takes years but it is educating mobilizing organizing people around this country it wouldn't hurt i have to say because entrenched power needs strong demands and given very easily if the community did arrive on a strong clear amendment language strategy but for now i think it's organizing and educating as the right wing has done over these last decades to the detriment i think of our country yes and very successful fortune by katrina j. thank you both very much for being with us here and for the great work tom thanks for having us thank you i'll have more of core personality on the show and ideally take. i mean. what are republicans really doing jobs in our law. right after this break.
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. it's wednesday the night when i'm the lone liberal and go up against two conservative political commentators to debate the week's biggest story so far our panel tonight. if any on line editor of the weekly standard jane lines dean senior editor of the daily caller let's get started we talk about the violence in oakland . everybody is talking about snow and scott olsen two tours in iraq marine shot in the head with a rubber bullet on a respirator in critical condition in the hospital tonight is this any way to run a city but first let me just couple of the new the new promotion authority where they're implicitly saying that barack obama is a dictator comparing it to the process in egypt i personally don't think he is one think is a dictator i think he's is it is it is it is it is
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a democracy here and what you have are they were trying to retake from my understanding of the terrible situation which you just mentioned in iraq work that was now in critical condition it's horrible but from my understanding in a i think i don't we have enough details yet eastern is that they were by they were throwing bottles. oh look i did occupy d.c. i wouldn't consider these all you know if you don't think that those who are petitioning their government for redress of grievances are patriots throw according to the police they were throwing throwing bottles and you don't think the table who i'm sure all the research. the iraq to retake in in the in the governance of their nation are a fabulous people on the protest don't like america. i began there i'm talking to you there's where you video where they happen if you think you're going you're going to try that old canard some of our guard has been down there i mean is that it was used to clean up the coming out of frank nonce and its rider and that is the kind of stuff that was on the proletariat crabbing at the dictator i go to first of
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all i can't speak to the promise of the first one i've ever seen and i only saw the last half of it so i don't know what you're talking about but that said and whatever that may be that's these people know anybody who's engaged in the political process in the united states in my opinion is a very right i think they have every right in their pay to having people who show up and say you know i have a beef with the government and i want to participate i think they have every i think they have every right to do it their view to protest i have no problem with that i also happen to think that a good part of those protests there not all of them but i've talked to some i've seen videos of their answers were they what some people think north you can north korea is a paradise you know pretty likely daniel jane is the expert on the occupy wall so i have also been i've also seen the videos that there are obvious rampant anti semitism at some of these protests there is obviously at some of these protests it would be good and kind of supporters yells out who says we had has let me finish my statement it would be the right thing to do for some people who endorse the protests at least the at least say that those elements of the protest that are
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saying that are spewing into semitic are wrong and that bigotry should not be allowed movement with that said these people obviously they should be allowed to vote unanimously and bigotry let's look at you let's just say you condemn the interest had autism i am unaware of it oh. this is abuse certainly there's plenty of videos i saw you saw that was the parties we were sitting around and i'm going to look at these guys in the picture of barack obama and you're holding this and you're calling the tea party and it wasn't. no i wasn't who you are but a lot a lot of people are going and that's what you guys are sounding like i mean we were we were actually and i mean the vilified and months ago it was a couple of crazies was a bad idea and now you guys are doing i did let's not because it sounded like i did not get one of this out of this this whole event no doubt a perspective this is not a russian you got it was russian in a police state this is this what this is is a democratic mayor who is elected by the people suggest this is
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a police state if we did rise there was always a lot of it had these people have given their chance to. voice their opinions they were allowed to come back at other times at that time they weren't allowed to advance on to the public probably you are not personally shocked by this if you only knew that once people have and other times they have i'm not i don't know the details as your previous guests don't know the details are still coming out so i reserve judgment on the exact thing but i will say that these people have had ample opportunity to say to voice their discontent with the government so the frame and says ok and you know. for up to a should continue to have it in the end you can peacefully assemble and still daniel has decided that you know that ample opportunity and you wonder why he what you believe at least let me tell you what if you can't move public property you can't like move to the washington mall who says like i'm going to choose and i don't recall that because i just bash because that's how that's how public is it let me say that how you think and we became an independent republic let me say that
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if you compared earlier protests to this looks like something that happened in burma or no it's not in burma and they would be live bullets there'd be much more massacres this is nothing like that this would be they were marching back to violation of the law you are right violation of the law you are right and and and to to absolutely compare this with burma rand would be an oversight which i did however this is and i think this is just a very very strong in his look i think these people should have the right to protest and i don't. because of this are still coming out and hate this is a democratic mayor this is the left wing movement this is a. you know there's a mateo's or fewer be astounded by the number of people that i have calling on my radio show saying i'm a conservative i'm a tea partier i'm with these people i'm one of the ninety nine percent i mean it's just it is almost like ninety nine percent of the people are so. it seems that way any of mitt romney puts on the flip flop speaking to voters in ohio yesterday he
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did his support for senate bill five the senate bill five is a piece of legislation that john casey pushed through that basically strips ohio. union members of the right to collectively bargain and surround he comes in and he says oh you know that's not a good idea to collective bargaining should be just you know fine and then all of a sudden everybody goes nuts and then he comes back and he goes well i guess i support it's not a bill now. let's go to mitt romney he did the most charitable way to read it is this guy's dealing with a lot of issues he just didn't know about one particular referendum in ohio that it's virtually identical to the way it's the motion should want to stay here in the us now the legislation. narrative away and he wasn't exactly sure what what they were talking about so he reserved though he had the worst of it last june beth worst in june and fourth again today it was yesterday that he was unsure about it i mean it is calling it a flip flop as rick perry but rick perry is trying to beat him for the nomination.
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but i mean look he was there was just kind of gives bush in that reason stuck his foot in his mouth he has the right position now so they have what you have you guys were a question that i hope you'll answer with some small amount of candor because you know i've been unwilling to be critical of president obama on times that you've asked me this if mitt romney you know if we were talking two years ago on the field is wide open and nobody even knew would you be defending him as aggressively as as you i'm not going to get i didn't i say obvious contribution i was saying i was most charitable reading is that. the obvious the untrammeled reading is the one that you gave i don't know what's in his mind he you know i think he's got a i think he's doing this and i think he's been doing that for a long long time and i think what undermines him doing this by the way and putting his hand to the to the wind and seeing where it's that he was at a call center where they were calling to do worse that thing i mean obviously doing that would be him and we're seeing it right away and so it is because it gives you more than pression of
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a gaffe but i don't really know thinking what's it going to know what's going on. because filibustered president obama's jobs bill two weeks ago then they filibuster the bill that put four hundred thousand teachers cops and firefighters back on the job because they couldn't stomach a one half of one percent tax hike on people after they've made their first million being a pain you know after a penny on every dollar of the second million. so meanwhile president obama has unveiled his we can't really campaign and all the while the only thing republicans done basically is filibuster this according to moody's quote their republicans proposals quote will likely push the economy back into recession so how is crashing the economy a defensible position for you know one and a half percent here they wanted at one point at least half a percent here they wanted it one point five percent remember the health care bill that's what they wanted to put you know what was it three percent higher your bill clinton what he did it was a big lose jobs that brought us here but you keep at it if you keep adding percentages up that there is a limit to what you can drag people i mean you this is you can't just pay for
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everything by keep raising taxes when we have a long term and i don't know it's bill why don't we have a long term entitlements bill i mean one half of this president has gone or the president is going around the country and san francisco yesterday in denver earlier today he's going around the country and he's trying to say these are republican ideas or democratic ideas this is a bipartisan bill the only thing bipartisan about this bill is opposition to the bill what you can say the republican guy who does you've got one crazy democrat and you know some democrats and republicans lieberman is not a democrat. and republicans voted against that he only democrats voted for the bill the problem is that he's he's introducing policies that he once had out again if he votes he wants get downloads passes so he says that he previously said he would raise we shouldn't raise taxes in a recession he wants to raise taxes you guys are completely i think cynically that we try to stay mostly good or did we fail you. will will will leave that. according to a new report by the call you because we're getting screamed at me about time according
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to a new report by the college where average tuition at public universities is up eight percent over the last year it's going to four hundred percent since ronald reagan came in office ronald reagan the guy who when he was governor of california ended free college tuition that state the president is saying that he wants to give not a modest debt relief student loan debt relief to five point eight million students so do the republicans think as paul ryan and the paul ryans as i work three jobs i don't see any of it as he actually worked three jobs when i was in college or any other rondo's come from working class background he said i worked three jobs he wasn't just another little really good something to do with the military because we had absolutely no clue that it was a hard job if you did you would think that his people would put it on there every day you know the problem with bush saying to that woman who worked three jobs you know isn't that the all-american way you know the problem of giving colleges handouts like this the problem is not it's not that you know education is good that's a good thing the problem is that encourages universities to continue to raise their
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prices that's why a university can raise their prices easter said why the oldest in california they see in their free until ronald reagan hand down from one hundred years to get better is that what held grants the federal handouts continue to get bigger and so therefore the colleges can i get your wish and you know i get more ryan better at argument and it's not a message that he might also try to save but he might want to not everyone should go to college especially not everyone can go get an arts degree and then an upset but there is no like fine arts jobs after the restoration there when i quit alaska . this may not. the news for someone on our panel tonight the facts news and form is that liberals have officially started a war out of hollowing. it's an all out assault on how we in schools across the country are doing everything from banning costumes to removing the holiday because it may all feigned emigrants all right have we replaced commonsense political correctness joining us is daily caller senior editor janie feinstein good morning t.j. me thanks for having me all right now i must the two of us here i'm i think that
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kids should be allowed to wear their costumes on halloween to school. anyhow luckily we have our resident holiday were worker expert during jimmy wednesday to help us figure out what the next holiday fox news declares is under attack will be aside from the annual war on christmas which we cannot predict will it be a valentine's day liberals are trying to co-opt a holiday for same sex couples or be our day liberals are going overboard in their obsession with playing trees we need more parking lots or see columbus day can't liberals just let us honor a genocidal maniac without going all human rights when with the culture of oh let me let me say we're two boiled in the war and how we need to consider other fronts at this moment but to paraphrase which in churchill we will fight in the pumpkin patches we'll fight in the haunted houses we will fight in the zombie layers we will never surrender. but i'm not a pagan holiday defender i could do i could care less about we are i don't think we should declare war and my guess is the next holiday that they're going to declare
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war on is labor day a way to ronald reagan did in eighty one but it's already used to close. the end of the great to have you both here with us. coming up g.o.p. presidential candidate rick perry proposed the twenty twentieth's tax plan the republican version of heads i win tails you lose. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who made decisions. wouldn't break through pay for it if it made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary zeal where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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