tv [untitled] October 27, 2011 3:30am-4:00am EDT
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welcome back let's take a look at the main stories we're covering for you today herriot pressure arrests avanti core protest is in new york as hundreds go on a march of solidarity for demonstrators in oakland a day earlier a rally in the california city was a quality dispersed writes quote susie rush grenades and tear gas. and office family plans to sue nato for breaking the u.n. mandate by striking a late colonel's convoy as it was trying to leak that says their balance has also been a drain on the flow of weapons of libyan streets many fear will lead to leave all of its. pressure on even leaders to take crisis solving steps finding its results and all night summits they reached a deal to write off off of greek debt because for the country another one hundred billion euro zone rescue those. are coming up next it's the kaiser report today
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looking at europe's continuing financial crisis and how some european is something using the cool. this is the kaiser report well we've done it again lost another viral global. bird ranks first there was g.i. bo then there was crash j.p. morgan by silver and now there is david cameron s t f you incredible this is gone global tell us more well first let's look at this headline here from nicholas our cozy tells david cameron shut up over the euro he bluntly told cameron apparently at some staged events for the eurozone crisis and he said you have lost a good opportunity to shut up and stop talking about the euro but i want to turn
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back to two months ago this little clip here that has been turned into a music video from kaiser report. that is a snappy turn and you know the thing about stacy herbert is that david cameron is just an easy guy to kick you know because he he has a look of the of us a positive or a dozen and he just mallows these platitudes of this and a dime claptrap down there the house of commons and you know he just hasn't big fish on the back of his shirt like on april fool's day like pick me get me this is begging to be kicked and how are these not clowns running the world and i have another headline here to show that every time these clowns meet they get into all
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sorts of buffoonery spat erupts between france italy over beliefs maggie e.c.b. seat well. apparently berlusconi. me i don't want to leave the e.c.v. even though they promised her cozy that if he supported mario draghi as the head of the e.c.b. that he could put one of his french buddies in there into one of these cushy civil servant jobs that get to dictate to the world what where our economic policies will be well apparently now this guy beneath maggie won't leave so anyway berlusconi ended up saying at a certain point i asked our cozy what should i do kill him. nice well you know i was rereading the currency wars point by james our records and he makes a fantastic james g. records yeah and he makes a fantastic point james g. records as i write yes i hear that the relationship between france and
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italy in the cross sovereign wealth bond. race to see who's the most vulnerable is between france and italy apparently france owns half a trillion in italian sovereign debt so as you see this on winding of the eurozone all these banks are collapsing in the euro zone because of their overextension by each others' debt in this huge ponzi scheme deceived daisy chain of fraud that one relationship if that blows that's really the most spectacular is the france italy well that's a good point max because they're fighting over who should be running the e.c. b. and the e.c.b. is the one pulling out on behalf of the taxpayers mostly of germany but all of europe that the bailout funds for the banks of certain countries favored countries so i guess maybe sarkozy in berlusconi are fighting over which banks which national banks what is it going to be b.m.p. perry about soc gen in france or is it going to be unit credit that gets the
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ultimate bailout from the f.s.f. yeah in a fine may digress again briefly i was listening to ben davies who's been a guest on our show he's being interviewed by eric king over there came world to us and he was talking about the or p. and facility this new fund there being there are ramping it up there inflating the balloon by creating this wrap around. insurance products which is similar to the model line insurance industry in the united states which famously blew up just before the two thousand and seven two thousand and eight crisis so what they're doing is they are creating another trollish multi tens of trillions probably hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of completely on payable insurance fake virtual insurance products that they are going to collateralize the one or two trillion in new credit facility and then call it's a that is good for twenty or thirty trillion based on the thirty trillion insurance
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that they just wrote. here here's thirty trillion in. surance that's about as valuables that is as we saw from the two thousand and seven of two thousand and eight period so this is a whole gram wrapped in a kind near a inserted into an illusion well it's all at the heart of it right now is greece of course and because we only have at the center look at this headline max is greece a failed state. and i want to answer that from riaa granny and this image here you see riot granny well i think she's saying no greece is not a failed state it's an occupy state because they're not asking this question about iceland are they now because iceland stood up to the bankers whereas greece is still being subjugated by the tyranny of the bankers and there's granny here who you see throwing rocks the police she's a good emblem for what the cops store for them and the politicians agrees as the
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things heat up in greece hopefully the banks and greece will completely collapse and this will be the only saving grace for greek sovereignty while this granny is throwing rocks at the police because not only has her pension from been depleted by the bankers in italy and france but joblessness is particularly hammering greek youth an astounding forty two percent of people between the ages of fifteen and twenty four are without work doubled the level from three years ago before the troika came to rescue the people of greece know they are consigning this whole generation to the dustbin of history basically they want to push him onto reservations this is the model they want to they hope that these people become drug addicts and kill themselves that's the. solution to the unemployment problem the final solution they were heard of before and you know you mentioned all of this fake debt and leverage that that is one of the solutions being offered up but in
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the article they say meanwhile worries are spiraling that greece may eventually default indeed some experts believe default is inevitable they've already default it and but they're maintaining an illusion that they have to fall to and they're using that time period between recognition and reality to impose austerity measures and to steal all the assets and is struggling sovereignty and then max also from greece this is from a football game this past weekend hash. underscore pan over from greece and you see this big banner hanging across there it says corrupt politicians ensconced parliament you will drown under the anger of the uprising so i was treated this stacy herbert you can treat me there oh oh you're trying to keep me on twitter and you throw your. own twitter so after the soccer game apparently the police started searching vehicles leaving the soccer stadium to find who posted this banner riot
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police also came in once they had identified the vehicle carrying the banner they started beating people randomly the police finally arrested the passengers of the vehicle carrying the banner without giving a reason for their arrest the hash tag means the banner in greek well this is an interesting development in the information war because they're using the mass media that does pay attention to a football game to put a subliminal message on the television which gets picked up by twitter that uses the hash tag nomenclature to communicate to the global mouses which then fed back into a police action so i see this as a very encouraging sign that's right now max i also started at the top of the show i mentioned khadafi being killed now here's some post mortem propaganda how convenient it is for him to be disposed of could also be worth more than bill gates warren buffett and carlos slim combined yes you ninety nine percent of america and
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nato are acting on your behalf getting rid of the top one first sense well this is where gadhafi got it wrong you know he should have simply opened a bank because the two hundred billion is to one capital this is the highest grade capital he could have and he could have leveraged up by tens of twenty times and created a bank facility large enough to vijay people are going to buy goldman sachs buy berkshire hathaway and fire all those drugs yeah but it's also propaganda because look. at this he's there saying according to the article most of the money of that two hundred billion was under the name of government institutions such as the central bank of libya the libyan investment authority the libyan foreign bank the libyan national oil corporation and the libya african investment portfolio so is national wealth that was a national institutions but they're adding it to his wealth yeah well that's correct and this is where again gadhafi could simply instead of allowing tony blair
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come in to advise them have to invest this money as he did which was the start of his downfall because he later true terrorist in the country tony blair he should have really just picked up a book by somebody who knows what they're talking about and figured out that he could a leverage the sovereign wealth fund of libya to ten to twenty times of size and taken over all these crooked banks in the west and you know basically done a leveraged buyout of the west that would've been great for africa here but this is the thing max is like we are run in the west by debt addicts because they're looking at this and saying oh my god could die off he had two hundred billion in cash that's thirty thousand per citizen well look at the us we have only debt per citizen is it any different that our military industrial complex and our financial industrial complex and our prison industrial complex and our drug war conflicts has added what is like three hundred thousand in debt per u.s. citizen that means their futures or are collateralized and sold already at least
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the libyan people can just chop off the head of their dictator and take the cash well stacey herbert just goes back to the war of savers versus speculators it daphne was a saver he had stuff he had cash he also let's be honest shariah law is favors. banking activity he had bans for riaa law and it's now been reintroduced by the national transition council really how did it make so much money it was just through the oil. they have light sweet crude why do you think. he had all yeah another gusher rial all right they're banning predatory lending they're banning usury and that's ultimately the conflict between libya muslim islam and the west is this propensity in islam not to give in to pose these games well and speaking of ponzi schemes. under colonel qadhafi they were partially occupied in libya by j.p. morgan and i want to show you this little video i made of a screen grab from j.p.
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morgan dot com this past weekend when you see here they were occupied by some shouting protest. with some funny little band was there yes well this movement which is you know come in the wake of the global insurrection against banker occupation the chapter in london occupy london is now merging or getting together with u.k. uncut to stage an event so you see now that they're starting to be exactly what i said must happen there needs to be economies of scale have to kick in these groups have to begin to figure out ways how they can act together to leverage their global presence ultimately they will all come together and they are in the occupying money of movement right somebody has started the occupy money paid with silver to beat the banks they're saying stop using dollars and you silver right all the occupy movements are heading toward occupy money and using silver instead thank you stacey or her pink humax say they're don't go away we'll be right back.
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also a rancher for nearly twenty years john perry barlow welcome to the kaiser report. all right. john perry barlow you were on cross talk recently this this way talking about occupy wall street but i want to follow up specifically on the group called anonymous not many people talk about their involvement but what do you think of anonymous as an activist group i think it's a very interesting and new form of activist groups i mean they are anonymous even though i have an awful lot of. discourse with them or if i haven't actually physically met any of them and at the same time i find that they are showing admirable restraint given who they are as far as i can tell and and how they feel about things i think they are
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a hugely supported force for the occupy movement and i think that they're ready willing and able to. punish the institutions that they i think legitimately feel are overreaching so far they haven't been engaging and this is the sorts of things that scare those institutions which would be one vandalism or order. completely unjustified assault all right john perry barlow we're seeing something i guess you could call it financial activism it's something new i think especially in this day of the internet and connectedness and the global economy and we're seeing it with things like people pulling money out of the bank we saw this in france a few months ago people again are talking about pulling money out of certain banks people are talking about we had a campaign crash j.p. morgan buy silver for example as a way to be capitalized a lot of the derivatives that make up the balance sheets of these banks it is financial activism is this something that the people of the occupy wall street who
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are certainly sitting there for the stock exchange do they have enough of a. grounding in how these things work to launch a financial campaign doesn't matter i guess my question is they're sitting there from the new york stock exchange so how do they leverage what they what they believe in to something that's going to affect the floor the new york stock exchange i mean look most of the people in the occupy movement are broke. in fact an awful lot of people are broken and if. the folks that are upset about the banks all withdrew their money it wouldn't change things a great deal what has to happen is that the people who are in the one percent have to develop an awareness of the unhealthiness of the current financial structure and start to make decisions with the money that they have that they've a mess and i think that's starting to happen i think i was writing on an airplane day before yesterday with a guy who is on the board of directors of one of the big pharma companies and you
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would think a natural enemy and he said something very interesting he said i i am very concerned about the concentration of wealth even though i'm part of the problem. and i don't know what to do about it from my position i feel like a single cell inside a tumor i mean one cancer cell can change the whole tumor i think of enough of those cancer cells to start to chain. the chamber then we can address this but the first order of business is that everybody start to understand the extent to which there is this plutocratic concentration so that we can collectively as a society do something about it that's never going to happen you know i worked on wall street for many years the mentality there is pathological and it's never going to give anything back and of course throughout history i'm not counting on their conscience counting on their sense of practicality i mean you know that if they start to feel like the banks are not safe. are not supported they're going to they're going to put their money someplace else they're going to change the things
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they do i'm not counting on their on there being anything with sociopaths down there now and understood but you know they faced with a similar circumstance as the past for example if they ghandi in india you know classically taking the poverty stricken indians who had no money but he figured out that if you could turn a boycott and do a strategic late you could take down an empire amar luther king similarly you boycott the bosses you change the dynamic of the political and economic what's going on in that region so that boycotters have no money then the psychopaths that run the show have no morals and i want some would also posit that they border on suicide banking where they are willing to kill themselves with their practices they can't even rely on them being rational in any sense of the word so what can the occupy movement do taking advantage of the economies of their size of their movement something along that boycott path that's going to push back in some
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meaningful way if you have any thoughts on this john i don't think we know that yet i mean one of the things that the occupy movement is is being wise and doing is not suddenly grabbing on to some ideological solution. for a problem we don't yet know how to solve the first order of business is that as many people and institutions as possible. recognize that it is a problem fundamentally an illness that what we have here is a cancer on the economy that has to get dealt with by everybody and then i think we can start to put in the fine grain correctives and regulatory measures and those kinds of things that will make a difference i mean i think it's a very difficult problem to solve but the first order of business as i say is to is to recognize that we have it in the first place in london it's just been reported that a one group u.k. uncut that's been very active in pushing back against predatory corporations in the u.k. is now joining forces with occupy london to launch a campaign do you see
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a future in having groups come together across the spectrum to increase their size oh absolutely i think one of the problems that we've got with the occupy movement right now is that it's somewhat monochromatic it's it's a little too young it's a little too long haired it's a little too academic in that in the humanities it's you know it doesn't have enough enough guys with with thick necks and broad broad arms it doesn't have enough of the the ordinary folks better in real trouble and one of the biggest things that has to happen the really important thing to that has to happen is we have to figure out some way to help the folks understand who are in that that you know what they call the fifty three percent the the lower middle class people who are paying taxes and are are actually directly serving the one percent and the concentration of wealth in their practices that it is not sufficient for
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them to just be above the bottom rung because i mean i think that the story that's been stopped so sold by fox and and other networks abroad is that you know the important thing is for you to keep the lower lower class below you and not have not to come up with a way. to spread the economic wealth throughout this is it's simply toxic for an economy to have this kind of concentration the whole infrastructure starts to fail and that's what's going on here very rapidly all right around party girl you're also on the board of directors of the electronic freedom front there and you one of the organizers of that this came around at about the same time as an explosion and open source software they clamored of efforts online where people were working together not for pay and not in any capitalist sense of the word but to create a better environment to create a better digital environment there was
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a self interest in creating a better environment against the opposing view of things which i guess you could say was more of the microsoft view of things but this open source tech mentality which is really digital really purely on line in nature can this spill over into the general economy in some way in people's day to day lives oh i think it already has in quite a few ways you know it's not a matter of not getting paid it's a matter of how you get paid and how you how you think of value the problem is that we have printed toward a society where value is only majored in the things that you can count. and primarily monetary things the internet got built by people who were willing to retrieve their value in a lot of more intangible ways and i wouldn't say that the open source movement was about not getting paid it was about getting paid in the environment but it was also
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about getting paid later for what you were doing for free today it's kind of like the way in which the grateful dead for whom i wrote songs for many years. recognized that if we gave our songs away that would be great marketing so we ended up you know for quite a while the most popular performing band in the united states in spite of the fact that we let everybody tape our cons. it's we essentially were inventing viral marketing you know music business the same thing applies in the open source movement in general ok so john perry barlow you wouldn't call yourself anti-capitalist at the grateful dead weight you so therefore why why do people call this movement anti-capitalist it doesn't seem to fit well i think the problem is that we have we have very loaded terms when we say capitalist or or say communist there are ways in which the internet the real economy of the internet has been communist like. from the very beginning but i wouldn't use that term just because
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it immediately summons up the soviet union in leninism install an ism and now ism and all of the misuses of marches and i actually think that there are at the heart of marxism. you will find the evolutionary processes that are actually coming to bear on the internet where property is increasingly considered the wrong way to to mediate human and economic interaction where we're people know that it's about service it's not about ownership and people recognize that they are the means of production themselves you know i think the things within the occupy movement and cultural manifestations out in the in the general population whether it's burning man or the festival culture where people of a younger generation are much more into sharing then they have been in the past much more into you know. recognizing that there are many values that can't be
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measured entirely monetary really and i think you know those evolutionary processes are slow but they are taking place capitalism is just the operation of a free market and i think that free markets are great but we've been selling this free market notion. in the united states anyway. as the be all the end all solution and it is i would say a natural system that works very well as long as it's a free market but the problem is that free markets only exist until you have monopolistic concentration that naturally comes out of a completely unregulated free market and then you don't have a free market anymore then the monopoly controls the market so what we have to do is to is to figure out ways to stop the monopoly so that the market actually is free right so if this is really about the very phrase itself too big to fail and applies a monopoly position and a concentration of wealth that's inconsistent with
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a free market approach so people who call this anti-capitalist are really missing the boat all right john perry barlow i'd like to go on but that's all the time we have thanks so much for being on the kaiser report happy to be here and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser a par with me max kaiser and stacey ebert our thanks i guess john perry barlow you want to follow me on twitter please do at twitter dot com slash max keiser or stacy herbert and the last stacy herbert or you can follow us on facebook at facebook dot com slash kaiser report and i just i mean email please do so at kaiser report at r t t v dot are you and so next time this is nice guys are saying.
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