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tv   [untitled]    October 27, 2011 6:01pm-6:31pm EDT

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and broadcasting live direct from the heart of moscow this is our team shawn thomas glad to have with us the u.n. security council has unanimously voted to end of the no fly zone over libya in four days and the nato led military campaign in the country this plan was proposed by russia last friday after colonel gadhafi to death nato security general anders fogh rasmussen hailed of the alliance as operation a great success that's despite thousands of civilians being killed during its campaign in libya are he's going to try to can has more details from washington d.c. . the u.n. security council voted unanimously to lift the no fly zone over libya effectively meaning to and nato operations there nato has been operating all this time under the u.n. security council mandate for march now with russia's initiative the council has voted to and that mandate and complete nato operations by the end of october as we heard from marcia's and voyage to the united nations nato is expected to fully comply with the resolution we expect the nato council to act in accordance with
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this decision of the this security council of the united nations and to suspend its operation at midnight. so we're told that indeed a new chapter is being opened in libya and the libyan people will be able to take advantage of the new situation to build a new libya they desire the vote comes at a time when the head of libya's transitional government asks nato to prolong its air missions through this ember and add military advisers on the ground the nato ministers had been scheduled to meet on wednesday in brussels to finalize the termination date of the operations but they abruptly postponed the meeting until friday presumably to weigh in on libyan interim government's request for an extension u.n. diplomats here were saying this latest resolution lifts the no fly zone is an end
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of a phase that raises questions as to what the next phase will be the ground as we know for the nato mission in libya have kept changing throughout the whole campaign from stopping a potential mess a korean leader to killing qaddafi nato has many times been accused of violating the u.n. mandate the announced goal was to protect civilians but scores of leading civilians died the nato strikes the country is in ruins now it's also brimming with weapons which is of great concern and danger not only for the libyans but for the whole of the international community and we know russia is now proposing a plan aimed at making could obvious military stockpiles secure a plan that will provide help prevent the smuggling of libyan weapons because it's just too much of a danger and for more on that here's my colleague and he said now we. the war is over but the weapons are fully loaded. human rights watch has expressed grave concern about leftover army in libya their
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number one fear where thought to hold ground to air which could in the wrong hands take down passenger aircraft it's through made so our nato allies in the region which these weapons have been flooding libya and also libya is quite a world country anyway the population has has quite a lot of light weapons in its possession and those light weapons are becoming a heavy burden on the national transitional council now relying on an army of former rebels for security that would try to control the benz i mean if there is somebody who has worked and we asked him if he has a thursday show for this we are not. checkpoints have been set up across tripoli to check that those carrying weapons have proper documentation and those who do have the paperwork are being called on by the national transition committee to return their arms the question now what if they don't and what does that mean for pulse gadhafi libya and its stability and now as
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you can see is being secured here everything is under control and the only word thing that we will make some weekend is a how to give back the weapons but we see something very different i asked this head commander what the plan is to disarm the population. i swear i don't know if you. see. it. at a makeshift arms collection center that covers one neighborhood in the capital we are shown this. these are the weapons people brought to me today not many. walk down one block in tripoli and you'll see twice as many firearms. so you know how many weapons there are in libya i think it's like have to have incident again i think everybody have
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a weapon some think the front of arms in the country could spell disaster ahead in the vacuum after gadaffi and post road fault chaos as groups fight out vicious battles for power. what you have now in libya is schools of armed factions who have no respect for each other and who have no respect for mates who actually either they've opportunistically used mates or to achieve some aims and nato has been foolish enough to go along with this so i think what we're going to see now is the intensification of the civil war between increasingly the factions which have overthrown with the gadhafi regime with many libyans not yet ready to say a farewell to arms the m.t.c. which could only be gadhafi with nato help is now asking the alliance to continue its mission a vivid indication of just how unstable the country is and he said now a r t tripoli. with libya declared it liberated and nato ordered to move on iraq the
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path to stability still lies ahead human rights activists want to know whether the price of the libyan people have to pay for a future without gadhafi is justified. it's a high human cost so this is a high price but we need to. take her with these things what i've been. building up against what's been going on in afghanistan these days and what's happened in libya it's an example of you know that they automatically care with the human situation or they are not taking care of their life or the people i think it's a high price and the high cost and the consequences of that it will continue for so long that's the case so this is what they call that humanitarian intervention it's not even within the region completely it's against the human and the material has really a real concern that the situation maybe will explode. libya i mean internally
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between the tribes between the different political groups. communities. and you can always find out lots more on what's going on in libya on our website including the ongoing hunt for the remnants of gadhafi regime. broken legs and other severe injuries the country's prime minister fears for his life saying the media is presenting his severe beating as a suicide attack. and u.s. troops may be moving out of iraq but the cia is staying behind find out why or to dot com. rain and cold and police crackdowns have not been enough to stop thousands of americans from protesting against what they say is corporate greed and financial injustice more than a thousand have been arrested since the protests began six weeks ago but as artie's more important i reports from new york the occupy wall street movement is as strong as ever. the landscape here in zuccotti park has changed quite
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a bit and that's because the optimists that have been living here sleeping here for the past six weeks have each had inside this park that's because it's been raining nonstop the temperatures have dropped significantly and it is pretty cold out here poles enough that you pretty much see your breath when you're talking despite the change in climate there's a good crowd here those that are participating in the occupy wall street movement those that are joining it it is relatively peaceful here right now this is following up quite a protest that took place when state believe they were a thousand or so activists took to the streets to show their support and solidarity with the occupy oakland protesters at least ten people were arrested here in new york city on wednesday evening but there are a lot of attention most of attention is being beat to what's taking place in
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oakland california as i was. watching these protesters but. filing their days ago. fired tear gas blasphemy and little bullets at the activists among the many protesters that were injured includes x. marine stopped to listen the twenty one year old was hospitalized in critical condition with a fractured skull he was hit in that by a police projectile and many marines now are up in arms are are taking to the internet very angry that a police officials in the united states are treated better in this way was as mentioned one of the many optimists that were peacefully protesting odd that suffered many injuries as police many say used the words against these occupy. up
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to this that we're just trying to exercise their right to free speech now the crowd in oakland california has gotten even larger since the crackdown by police and the occupy movement in new york city has negotiated sharing their supplies with the opposite busy to pull the lever in new york supplied he. said look this has been growing louder larger since it began to september seventeenth a lot of people believe that these athletes would not last as long as they are out to see that despite the weather despite the dropping temperatures they are still out here talking about. politics talking about what they call for three about the growing and getting wealthy be quality teachers or leave you asked
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and all the police caution with protesters many believe that it's just giving this movement this campaign more momentum and more support reporting from wall street or not. and the latest show of force by the police may have had an unexpected effect with solidarity protests springing up across the country joshua holland a san francisco based editor and senior writer at alter net says it was citizen media that helped put the spotlight on the issue. there was a study done in the spring which should show that mentions of unemployment and foreclosures and the kind of main street economic concerns had taken a back seat to discussions of the deficit and debt and the occupy wall street protests along with president obama's shift to talking about jobs has resulted in a dramatic change in the media landscape here more recent study found that this
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whole visit this whole distorts had shifted back to talking once again about you know unemployment that we have a very severe unemployment crisis student loan debt the types of things that really impact the middle class in the united states you know what we saw in oakland was instantly posted to you tube and it was captured with flip phones it's worth noting that none of. the kind of mainstream broadcasters really showed footage of that intil it already appeared on you tube so this is you know we see this in media at its at its finest you know i have covered these these protests in the bay area and every single time i go down to both occupy san francisco and occupy oakland the crowds are larger than they were the child before. european banks have agreed to write off fifty percent of the debt owed to them by greece it was decided during a marathon emergency summit in brussels where leaders made what many believe was
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the final attempt to save the euro zone the e.u. also promises to loan athens another one hundred billion euros while the ballooning the bailout fund is in line to expand it to a trillion euros a third component of the package is recapitalization of european banks so they can cope with possible losses the euro reached its highest level against the dollar in seven weeks following the agreement of johan van overtveldt who runs two of belgians leading business magazines believes that the latest measures are no medicine for the greek economy and eurozone leaders are just too afraid to face the truth. it's just buying time this is really not the bazooka everybody has been asking for i would describe it as a water pistol this of course prevents for the moment that we really get to a kind of a thing as coalition of the greek dept level which is now growing in the direction of hundred and eighty percent of g.d.p. but you cannot call this a structural resolution to the difference in greek problems they are
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a little bit afraid to really bite the bullet here because if you look at it closely there is only one solution for greece and the truth have been put on the table already several months ago that is for greece to leave the euro zone but that is a decision everybody's afraid of and what has for example not been discussed now but which is very much on the mind of several of the european leaders is that there is a huge problem brewing in portugal because this country is going down to greet the greek road quite rapidly now so if one does the action today on greece one immediately has to put a similar kind of action into operation with respect to board to go. in the aftermath of relief over the deals reached at brussels the figures are now being scrutinized by economists and experts to see if they add up one of them is artie's max kaiser who believes that global financial collapse is still on the cards with the e.u. just shuffling debt around the plan is to create
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a one trillion euro slush fund and to not write off fifty percent of great debts that misperception are simply going to move it around the fraudulent balance sheets that are being organized to operate together it's a debt problem that they're going to cure by adding more debt let's just have the terrorists run the world economy they're doing a fantastic job given more weapons of mass financial destruction give them more debt it's absurd you're guaranteeing global financial catastrophe by letting these charlatans pose these theories that adding debt to a debt problem is going to increase stability that's insane the kaiser report has the deep debt load down next hour right here on r t. while you leaders try to save the euro project ordinary greeks facing savage austerity cuts as a result have been forced to seek new measures to keep afloat in the crisis as our first reports bartering has returned as people find imaginative ways to help each
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other out in hard times. they say that time is money for a country where cash is now in short supply time has taken on a whole different value the time bank quick change want to services and sometimes they give a painting lessons for free but they take your for free also somebody else is teaching yoga the time banks just one of a growing number of service swapping alternatives that are providing people in greece another way to cope with the tough economic conditions services can include anything from language classes to babysitting all home cooked meals. for a country in crisis building social unity can prevail extremely hard crisis is a terrible thing in the create sphere it divides people from public sector workers from private sector workers it divides richer workers to poor workers immigrant
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workers from home workers the boss networks have been a great way of bringing together large groups of people the populous slogan here in greece now is no one's alone in the crisis organizations are arranging swap shops to exchange plays one town in greece is even started saying bharti currency it's huge huge everything we do without money like looking after people are making things by ourselves. nikki gives me and her friend alexandra he's also a member of the time bank and lesson one of the free services she provides and in exchange alexandra helps out with the gardening so the time is repaid it's an amazing way. of receiving finally by giving to the other. as many greeks struggle with wage cuts tax increases and with unemployment in the country now cripplingly high there's been huge interest in the time banks in boston networks this place is in the cave of materials it's no wonder really that
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this idea swapping gets in services has proven so popular it's building solidarity it's a time when the economic situation is extremely uncertain. it's not to respond to you cannot make crisis in the sense that it's going to overturn the terrible economic policies that are being posed by the troika it's giving people support to feel that they can do something with the tough economic times leaving many greeks feeling there is real value in projects like the time bank with the greek government drowning in debt these creative solutions are offering any support but encouragement to the people here which at a time of deep recession approving priceless commodity surf. athens. and more international news in brief for you this hour. at least eighteen
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people have died in a twin bomb attack in baghdad with twenty six injured in the explosion occurred in the north of the iraqi capital in the mainly shia district as in a previous attacks the second bomb went off at the scene of the first targeting police and rescuers there has been a resurgence of militant attacks in baghdad in recent weeks with the deadliest one killing twenty eight over two weeks ago. a prisoner swap deal has been carried out at the egypt israeli border twenty five objections have been freed from israel and repatriated after taba border crossing in exchange for a suspected u.s. israeli spy who was accused of espionage and the rest of them more than four months ago after volunteering at a refugee legal aid group in cairo during the revolver that overthrew hosni mubarak . after tension between the two countries had been rising recent months. tunisia's moderate islamist party has won the country's first democratic elections
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after the arab spring uprisings official results show that at one thousand nine hundred seats in the two hundred seventeen member of parliament with its nearest rival the secular congress for the republic winning thirty the party which was banned under the former regime says it wants to form a new government within a month over one hundred parties took part in the elections nine months after president is big ben ali was toppled in a revolt. next hour to talk to peter oborne a writer with the daily telegraph in london about the possibility of britain leaving the e.u. in the light of the current economic turmoil stay with us for that.
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i'm drawn by peter oborne chief political commentator for the daily telegraph and he just published a pamphlet entitled guilty men and muses to describe those trying to drag britain into the euro zone peter thanks for speaking to r.t. turn guilty man it was a term used to describe in the one hundred forty s. those who appease the nazis are you seriously comparing brussels and the eurozone to hitler's third reich that's not the comparison i'm making what that brilliant pamphlet short book my written by michael foot and what they were analyzing was afraid of policy in the one nine hundred thirty s. that's what it was a bug the procedure appeasement which led to the this moment here
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now what we have what we're trying to do in this part of that is to realize another failure of policy which is the attempt by the british governing elites to push britain into the euro and. we base exceeded in that period we would now be in the same situation as greece and there are absolutely destitute was. certainly italy and spain were utterly dependent on the whim of the international markets and the benevolence of the i.m.f. and of the european union so who are these men and why are they guilty the guilty man i'm delighted to name them i think it's important that we do name them a range tony blair the british prime minister time his close ally peter mandelson close friend of past gurn of the russian oligarchs ken clarke michael heseltine the conservative. politicians nick clegg the deputy prime minister danny
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alexander the show achieved actually the treasury many of them retain unbelievably very powerful positions in the british ruling elite a decade ago euro skeptics were hounded out of plan society label xenophobes racists fascists who was the effect on these people's lines it's very interesting just examine the sheer ruthlessness of the pro your movement at this time they were planning to hound out of jobs the people who were euro skeptics briefly who was the policy director of the institute directors a key. business organization and took it she took an anti euro largely she ended up losing her job and the. stories were spread that she was mad dislocated and they were tough they were ruthless the was a kind of greed for part of the supremes the top of the british establishment and the ideology of that was was was you know the european union and the euro captured
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the new labor party at the time it captured the lib dems at the time british foreign office was a major manifestation of this dogmatism disgracefully so the treasury of course did hold and gordon brown not publicly but behind the scenes did work to block block the euro what would you say is the most sinister aspect of brussels rise to power. it's in many ways the your opinion is such a facet incompetent organization that it's quite hard to take it seriously if you can't give it a cancer. can't. it's sort of fantastically retain ian it's sort of. on the other hand there is a ruthlessness to it and if you have a any sense of humanity or any sense of compassion what is happening with the euro now which is the imposition of a very dogmatic monetary policy on
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a whole set of diverse nations is horrific i mean the destruction of the greek economy greek businesses the creation of mass and unemployment in greece. is really horrendous and it comes from the dogma you have to have a single currency and a single monetary policy and economic policy across a very diverse continent gemini's just deepen exposure to euro zone losses even further and it seems like there's no turning back to they really think this is making economic sense here or is it more political face saving if you read the english mountain climbing guide mountain rescue it says turn back if conditions turn against you and applies to cross all sorts of things for intervention support generally iraqi venture that piece of advice might well be
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useful to put afghanistan but it also applies i think to the euro zone i mean the euro zone was an experiment the euro skeptics advised against it. but they've gone on ahead but it is not creating financial chaos it's creating the potential of a great financial cataclysm and it's also just wiping out industry it's across europe as an extraordinary pace a terrifying if the u.k. had joined the euro zone what would have happened would have been another greece i can tell you what would have happened if you joined it would have been even worse because we. we had a boob site anyway it would be bigger in the first we have had a small interest rates would have been less than they would otherwise would have been the first half of free. the first to cater the twenty first century and then they'd have been higher than we want to go afterwards so we did have a bigger booth and we had
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a bigger bost we wouldn't have been able to get some international markets we've now be we now be controlled by the i.m.f. taking orders from the e.c.b. . and by the end from brussels we would have lost the ability to control our economy we have lost seats project internationally it would have been a complete and total economic and political disaster if we had joined the euro ten years ago. thank you thank you very much. the official t. application. i pod touch from the. lights on the good. video on demand. smiling.
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and feeds with the palm of your. mind. brighten. song from fans to. start on t. . top news and commentary from around the world this is our team live from moscow i'm john thomas let's get a look at your headlines right now the u.n.
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security council approves a russian motion to end of the no fly zone over libya and the nato led military campaign but the country's new leaders face trying to run a country with a population arms to the teeth. yet more arrests in new york where anti wall street protesters encounter bruising tactics from police during a show of solidarity with oakland activists after an earlier crackdown critically injured u.s. war veteran. european leaders make banks write off half the greek debt they're owed and give another one hundred billion euro lifeline to the country after a marathon of brussels summit to save the single currency some experts say that the eurozone leaders haven't found a solution to the blocks crisis merely bind themselves some precious time. but up next why women worldwide head to bali seeking sun and sea but also dangerous seduction.


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