tv [untitled] October 28, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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colonel gadhafi son reportedly tries to arrange a surrender to the international criminal court's ruling western links the old regime could yet gets a very public airing. into the sarkozy says greece's year of membership was a mistake as a deal to avert a debt crisis is finalized with all hopes now pinned on asia. they want us to give in and work for them to promote the magic bullet can stoop to the journalists in georgia claim they're being bullied by a government that won't tolerate criticism some say it's become so bad that seeking asylum elsewhere. and restored to its former glory russia's legend ribose reopens in full nineteenth century splendor after a massive overhaul. seven hundred million dollars after years of delays scandal and embezzle mint charges russia's crown jewel. is finally set to reopen tonight.
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our top story in business russia's eighteen year were asked to join the world trade organization move closer to georgia practice with a proposal what benefits will russia get from joining the w.t. out. of the. international news in comments twenty four hours a day you're watching r.t. the late colonel gadhafi son and key right hand man saif al islam has reportedly crossed the border from the libyan desert in tunisia where it's believed he's trying to negotiate a surrender himself in to the international criminal court if he does eventually stand trial he could spill some of the secrets of the regime's murky dealings at the same government top of his father parties are for bennett what's. to stop.
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market f.p. was a man too much secrets which will supposedly he buried with him i think that there were tremendous sighs of relief all over a capital so in western europe this is somebody who cut all sorts of deals with the french but also the agreed issue and the italians and to a certain extent the americans as well i think they did not want him put on trial for any research and i am not messiter surprised that he was captured alive if you very quickly ended up there you could have is returned from diplomatic exile was spectacular hugs handshakes and kisses from the heads of countries which denounced him but that he's now silenced but the suspicion around those who laid out the welcome mat is far from buried i don't feel his great three seasons will. be. dealing with his constant and. we were way over seriously
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because that is also the situation was sufficient or probably grew up. in iraq you believe it was to wish they could see were their interests then british prime minister tony blair was instrumental in give them peace rehabilitation bringing him in from the cold in two thousand and seven the play didn't leave empty handed trade between them flourished so did a cozy relationship it was six more secret meetings off the player left off base his people denying they were about releasing the lockerbie bomber abdelbaset al mcgrath or britain would lose its lucrative libyan deals i regret myself enormously that gadhafi was put should he should have been said to the international criminal court put on trial and forced to all its questions for all the terrible things he did and if it davidge the contemporary world li's all previous regimes lead is tough and we need to go. it's dark day with.
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some details of the murky dealings have already emerged claiming the reputation of one of britain's leading universities the london school of economics agreed a contract with the gadhafi regime worth over two million pounds to educate hundreds its future civil servants and direct he was forced to resign and now the university of tripoli is demanding the money back french leader nicolas sarkozy was never shy in greeting the daffy even letting him pitches tend to nearly say palace apparently for bankrolling sarkozy's party to the presidency so says this man the one who could still tell all the cause he had never had sarkozy must give back the money he took from libya to finance his electoral campaign we funded it and we have all the details and are ready to reveal everything. saif al islam gadhafi son and key right hand man reportedly ready to surrender to the war crimes court saif
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is going to have low information and i think we're so used that tony blair intervened for and help him get his dodgy ph d. degree from the london school of economics when. perry was plagiarized has a lot of things that have gone on so you fogarty knows about saturday after he's wanted to answer for his own actions in libya is drawn out battle for control but it's what he could reveal about the diplomatic deals with his father is keeping the western power players sweating after bennett r.t. london. but libya's interim authorities will take on the full responsibility for security in the country starting on next month that's after the u.n. security council voted to end the no fly zone their latest campaign. we expect the nato council to act in accordance with this decision of the security council of the united nations and to suspend its operation at midnight of october thirty one
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so we hope. indeed a new chapter is being open. and the libyan people will be able to take advantage of the new situation to build a new libya they desire. well the plan proposed by russia comes off the code and off he was killed last week in his hometown of sirte nato which has been operating in the country since march as an accused of breaching the un mandate its initial goal was to protect civilians many people died on the airstrikes the end of the aerial campaign will mean more responsible internet leadership it must be a. country where much of the simply population is a. zero zero. now admitting it greece to the eurozone ten years ago was a mistake according to french president nicolas sarkozy who says the country provided false figures when it was allowed in he spoke after talks in brussels way even it is agreed
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a set of measures to deal with greek texts which measures include writing off fifty percent of pretax recapitalization of the european banks so they can look for some of the losses and expanding the bailout fund to one trillion a year it has been better than good in germany he's contributed to the protesters there spoke out against the plan which creates move it to these are actual pundits and kaiser report just says it will be done the research and even deeper trouble. it's a debt problem that they're going to cure by adding more debt that one trillion euros the president of the e.u. herman van rompuy has already said that they can leverage up to five trillion euros that will be and they whine and so they're trying to solve a debt problem with more debt you're guaranteeing economic collapse by adding more debt this is why this should should be stopped in the next couple of months years
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if you're going to be able to say that we stave off the task for two months but if you were truly interested in solving this problem greeks would default a hundred percent on their fraudulent debt they would contain their sovereignty. and banks will be forced to deal with the bad loans that they may mollycoddling banks why are we giving them one set of laws and everyone else has a separate set of laws is because the i.m.f. and their banking friends have taken a position above the sovereignty of any of these protesters they're not all like that officials and yet there are dictating terms of these these people these countries you're guaranteeing paulo bore financial catastrophe by letting these charlatans pose these theories that adding debt to a debt problem is going to increase the guilty that's insane. well to expand the bailout fund to a staggering one trillion euros he was hoping to attract investment from asia ahead of europe's rescue fund has visited china to try and persuade beijing to contribute
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to saving the currency talked about she says you know from the school of institutes for emerging market studies says the e.u. has no choice but to turn to asia for help. they want to increase the side of the pound next march so we have to think out they help i think it will be more of a time degree up or european market major export market for training of course china needs to worry about the possible default needs to make sure that if. we lose money because of this turbulence in in a new york in currency. well while europe is looking for assistance from asia there could also be a helping hand from russia it's actually a guardian for code which says moscow has its own plan to rescue the wrap up of the details on our website r.t. . us also online read about the reckless of five hundred thirteen people on board
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any rain airline pilot lands the plate without the front wheels that another teacher called. george likes to present an image as a fledgling democracy and a free and open society but persistent stories of state interference in the media changing that perception many journalists saying being good for it is not easy tom barton hears from one reporter who says the situation has become so bad seeking political asylum that. recently those who make the news in georgia have been becoming the news john doe not a touch willie the founder of an opposition t.v. station applied for french political asylum just days before nicolas sarkozy arrived on a visit but he was disappointed. i contacted the french embassy and i was sure my problem would be resolved quickly but i was mistaken they didn't make an
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appointment and i've had no news from them if they don't contact me in the near future i'm determined to go to other embassies. trilogy t.v. is a small station in the north of georgia john doe and his staff say it's mikhail saakashvili s government has pushed him to apply for asylum he says they're putting pressure on him because of his channel's criticism of policy and for showing the opposition views as well as those of the government but he is the we have to work in difficult conditions as we cannot get any comment at all from officials when a government official gives a press conference reporters from other channels are allowed inside to do their job but really to reporters are denied entry we are clearly being discriminated against . the georgian government strenuously denies the claims and others doubt his sincerity summer and john boehner their tax relief asylum request or publicize the stunt but at least serious insistent with jordan or chorus these are after him
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because because of what he has channel. and put in by the record in recent years he's not the only one in two thousand and nine the widow of former georgian president appealed to germany's angela merkel for asylum a numerous others have left the country korea letty has need of the resources nor the audience to seriously compete with large pro-government channels john doe's say's he's sure about the government's reasons. it's because we're an opposition station they want us to give in and work for them to promote their message but i can't stoop to that. and this is the symbolism of the frustration felt by mr nunn attash villi and his fellow opposition media a mock funeral lamenting as they put it the death of georgian free media. top bottom r.t. . to the head through the economic instability continues to spark the debate around
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the globe including major cities in the u.s. the tester's of the caring a peaceful yet robust response to the way the thing. because of these cracked elves only occupying the. us and on holy ground islamic studies classes in german schools are granted you the visions i got while there cultivating the conflict instead with details just ahead. a man who murdered a football fan in moscow triggering massive public unrest has been sentenced to twenty years behind bars and jury found presidential press officer guilty of the murder of the goldsmith read off last week sick eaters had nothing jailed for twenty three years gough shot dead last december on the suspects in an argument turned violent his murder squad massive race riots thousands gathered in central moscow and clashed with police. be anti
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corporate occupy wall street movement is organizing a general strike next week response to another round of police brutality during a rally in oakland california an iraq war veteran was badly injured when police cracked down on thousands of activists writing isn't going to tough enough as the latest on the protests that have been growing for the past five weeks. but we now have all of these giant tents that have popped up across the park liberty plaza as like to call it and that raises some interesting issues have spoken to at least three different protesters who now came out specifically because they were shocked to see this kind of level of crackdown in their own country for centrally nonviolent actions it has been sort of interesting to see how it's changed the nature of the protests here some of the organizers that have been here in new york from day one said that this sort of they do a lot of this nonviolent training where you know they ask people to stay calm and sort of make their get their message across without actually getting aggressive
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with the police and a lot of that they said went out the window last night where several hundred if not a thousand protesters marched across new york getting a little bit more aggressive with police shaking barricades in some cases pulling netting the infamous are internetting out of the police hands and what many protesters said to me is that they were really surprised by this sort of mild unusually mild response by the police force here because remember this is the same police force that pepper sprayed women in drove a scooter over a scooter over an attorney's leg and beat several protesters down the road here in the park is quite wary there isn't a mass sort of action plans along the line like so what we saw with the brooklyn bridge rally or times square but they're doing a lot of sort of defensive training because again as i mentioned the general mood here is that something is going to happen so i guess wednesday's you know the november second general strike would be a day to watch war but a lot of focus also later in november november seventeenth and twenty eighth mass
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rallies are planned not just here in new york or across the country and the world so we'll have to see how that plays out though is he sick of the office for the developments over the occupy wall street protests or the twitter page today to stun can stop it's not some sicko. but to germany where the government's attempts to unite different religious groups seem to be turning sour introducing islam classes and schools was meant to help educate nor muslims as artists are no reports the better seems to be turning a very different result. that's the typical german school but here this teacher is preaching hate christians who go to discos drink out gold and have a boyfriend they perform evil deeds christians and jews says believe in a cover on before it destroys your faces germany started islam classes in schools all sorts of think the religion spreads peace you won't find. a phrase
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a sentence of koran. tells the fuel bills you have to persecute. their members of other when you. find them hit them muslims of minutes because it's a full from suv tensions the relations between zero official census that made their communities i'm not saying it should real is a code of conduct in arab states where punishments can include i'm pretty sure and storing campaigners will muslim youths are trying to spread shari'a across europe they teach them that they bury a class of people. who have more rights than the nonbelievers and the nonbelievers can be treated like pigs and young muslim say how can. be higher then. that is not possible therefore we must install the sharia everywhere
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followers like reno christian parents he's converted to islam every muslim here must swap german laws for sure real he says and chop off hands store girl tourists and floor call him a sick sure germany's policy of islam is' asian may not be going to plan muslim students are leaving europe schools radicalized by their lessons this move by authorities is well meaning but it may instead be producing a general. of extremists who detest the west and the immigrant parties the sea surge in popularity in frankfurt almost hold for the residents of four and the free voters group is getting elected with this message for muslims integrate all leave our country nor young men but also young women. who were born in germany or go to the extremists government's efforts were made to
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heal conflict with germany's three million muslims but the experts say the country splitting apart it's a pro and anti islam camps the new bushell r.t. frankfurt. well coming up in just a few minutes and historic unveiling his world renowned show i think it reopens its doors and the excitement is a lavish restoration. pressures intercontinental ballistic missile boulevard has been successfully test launch from a submarine waters off the country's far east coast soccer every ten warheads is eight thousand kilometers designed to withstand nuclear blasts the fundamental question is. after a successful launch in june it was decided to put into mass production. buffer the preferred other leading from around the world. the first democratic
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elections in tunisia since the arab spring uprising with moderate islamists not a part of the problem is with preservatives ninety one hundred seventeen seats in the country's assembly which now has to draft a new constitution weeks things overthrew the target of a rally nine months ago a move that spots similar uprisings in neighboring countries like egypt and libya. thirteen year old boy has been rescued from under the decree of a collapsed building five days after half an earthquake against i'm talking rescue crews have been working around the clock to ice about least five hundred seventy people confirmed dead more than two thousand injured more. bangkok residents are bracing themselves for rising floodwaters coming in the next twenty four hours browsing the residence of pitching in to support the city's defenses as though this is the way they can to save their shops flooding in
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thailand has claimed three hundred sixty live since august since it was billions of dollars worth of damage was mentioning names trees but historic sites. but it's taken six years during which time there been plenty of delays drawbar and scandal but most goes historical show theater is fine the reopening today after a spectacular overhaul atienza katrina which are over has had a first look ahead of the picturing performance. the red and gold curtain will raise for the first time in six years ago legendary bolshoi theater revealing a restoration that ranks as the most meticulous and expensive in the theaters history and over seven hundred million dollars the restoration was directly supervised by the kremlin which sits nearby built in eighteen twenty five the theater of was almost destroyed by fire thirty years later it was bombed by the
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germans during world war two and was a political gathering place in saudia times restoration has been painstaking for many reasons the blinds were searched and meets shortly upon the closing of the theater in two thousand and five years on why cracks running through the walls of the building and foundations were used largely productive actually the bolshoi theater could collapse a moment when their side workers only electrical wiring was holding it up until the office of the president took control of the project management it was a mad house with different departments issuing competing directives and working at cross purposes prosecutors opened a criminal investigation for possible embezzlement saying the state had paid a contractor three times for the same work for a total of thirty one million dollars the presby are still officially visit the newly reopened peter on its first night will be the russian president german
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chancellor angela merkel and the hands of the law scholar theater the vienna state oprah and common garden pressures opening night tickets were available for the wealthy and well connected through the office of the president and others happy to watch oprah was long and with the cold the opening night gala concert will be shown on television screens and scold and prance of the run of a to restored bolshoi theater exit in the groucho. it will indeed but we'll also be broadcasting a gala reopening of muslims also appears in live well i website r t dot com miss performances to be a grand event. on the way all the latest from the high tech world in the technology update program social business news first when. it's twenty one twenty four past one o'clock here in moscow welcome to our business
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bulletin and our top story today russia appears to be one step closer to joining the world trade organization georgia the only country would still opposes russia's accession has agreed to new proposals from swiss mediators in the negotiations and russia says it will need some time to consider this with proposals arest law office of all it outlines the benefits for the country that the country likely to get after doing the world trade organization. one of the key benefits of russia's accession to w would be the ability to diversify its economy by exporting more goods and services abroad better not oil specifically this would refer to structures such as steel such as fertilizers chemicals but would also probably time refer to a. broader scope of sectors including i would cultural goods including perhaps. some of the high tech products that russia could offer as part of its modernization
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drive but another aspect that i think will be very important is russia's capability out for wu accession to forge alliances trade alliances across the globe. have a look at the markets now all is lower after the biggest weekly gain since february weighing on the sentiment of reports saying japanese industrial output phelan's number is expected for the decline in the crude price next week there are concerns the recent debt resolution effort by the european leaders might provide limited relief brant blend is trading at over one hundred eleven dollars. is that over ninety three dollars per hour the stock european market swing between small gains and losses after the previous sessions rally banking shares extend the strong gains from the previous session commerzbank gain two point six percent in frankfurt barclays up one point eight percent in london and create a core of being peppery about both up four percent in paris and here in russia
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markets are in the black where the odds he has over one half percent the my six is up over a half a percent this hour is the third day of gains for russians talks that are heading for their strongest closing level since september now let's take a closer look at some individual channels on the horizon this hour and if you major has all the rise with have king over two and a half percent banking stocks are also off with russia second largest lender to be around. two points point seven percent in the black and bucking the trend is metal mine at m.m. k. the company has posted a two hundred eighty six million dollars net loss in the first quarter of the year but that's according to russian accounting standards. and russia's biggest silver mine a polymath so has prices shares at the lower end of the initial range a head of it on the nikkei oh the price per share is being said at a round fourteen dollars being the whole company would be valued at five and a half billion dollars replacement is part of poly metals effort to get better
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access to foreign investors. well known disney is to become the largest foreign investor in the russian media market the company has agreed to buy a forty nine percent stake in the country's free to air television channel seven t.v. the deal is worth around three hundred million dollars seventeen he will be rebranded as the disney channel which will be able to reach seventy five percent of russia's audience disney is long been hoping to cash in on the russian t.v. market early had wanted to buy half of the country's holding media one controller that controls the thirty regional t.v. stations but the deal was blocked by russians as a monopoly service. and as our business operate for the south thanks for watching but stay with us for headline news coming.
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