tv [untitled] October 28, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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tonight the bolshoi is back it's the moment millions of fear it's a lovers have been waiting for as moscow's landmark theater avails its first performance in six years after a massive refer to. whether the film to be played on the big screen. crowds of people have been able to take part in the excitement of the. also this hour as nato packs up its libya mission to help kill colonel gadhafi his key son could blow the whistle on deals the west wants to bury if he gets his day off. and letting greece in was a mistake the french president doesn't hold back on his beleaguered colleague leaders sign off another massive rescue here. russian stocks see their best week in two years with the r.t.s. up ten and a half percent over five sessions but analysts tell business starting this rally could be short lived more lives sometimes you know.
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his nine pm friday night here in moscow you're watching r t international with me kevin no it's very good to have your company and first tonight it's taken six years of refer big delays drama and scandal but moscow's legendary bolshoi theatre is finally back into the limelight tonight. over is inside the bolshoi for. the tickets for the first free opening gala concert or exclusively available only through the office of the russian president so no tickets were on sale for these big night and we were of course happy to be among the few to see the new only reopen restored bolshoi theater from inside to see all its beliefs and glamour and its truly impressive as russia's landmark theatre has been renovated according to
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the original vision off the charts cameron sickles across the theatre were placed with a regional and glimpse of the room on a venus street well the main ample of the double headed eagle is above the jars box on b.'s big night is the russian president who is watching the opening night gala concert from those seats and the red and gold kard raised for the first time in six years and it has revealed renovation which was very expensive it cost over seven hundred million dollars it was supervised and sponsored by the russian state you provided by the kremlin think it is a diary sprint. it was anything as a sorry if you spread the leverage culture of all those things we can share. as much with as criminal anything goes with the windows. so i really think it's a it's a wise decision not to hold back but to do the best possible of the big group and
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geller features oprah great such as not only this a new tree for a stove ski as well as the principal soloists and dancers of the bolshoi ballet including the pilot or sick over at the gallo prison the history of the main bolshoi theatre through the ages and it will feature excerpts as staged by the best choreographers and directors of the bolshoi theatre and the list of those invited on these big night is also very impressive among the guests are mikhail gorbachev we also saw vice president oprah zille here has all the less colored peters. the piano or covent garden we were lucky to catch up with a few of those celebrities invited to the opening night at the bolshoi theater among them telling actress money could illusion here's what she had to say when her first impression from her first visit to the bullshit.
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you. like to. see her. soon. and see. the rush to. see the time. the year. i think some. people this is. a truly impressive red carpet event for russian theatre lovers and it's no surprise that hundred of years hundred of guests about ready to watch the opening night gala concert in the cold which is broadcast live now in china television screens installed outside of the renovated restored bolshoi theater. culture which over inside the theater for us was go outside into the grand facades or to sara first among the crowds this chilly also
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night tell us what's happening out. millions of fear for lovers who didn't get a ticket to the show being catered for that. well the crowds are still gathered here outside the closely. watching bonuses on the big screen there it's really a magical evening as we've heard the out first thing is a was the ballet dancers take to the stage we've had a lot of the productions that were put on throughout the bolshoi history from the nine hundred fifty eight production of prince eagle the more recent ones the two thousand and one production. it was a fragment of got performance a song like the swan lake and it was just a less magical watching out out here and if i had all the most special actually because last guest list inside the big opening night no one wanted to miss out so this has been six years since the bolshoi is a friend it's conference tonight i'm going to take to the stage again and it's been
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really wonderful having members of the public able to join in the magic of the evening we've been speaking to some of them about just what the bolshoi means for that. i think it's a simple yes role for them so i'm corey grow from the time go so i respect so much of this kind of. the pleasure to see this. alive again yes i'm very happy to be here during the opening by showing my country and it's the thrill of my life and i'm very safe here so if i can participate in this. the boys both really really does have a very special place in people's hearts are steeped in history and they sing back to say good times what the poster if it was able to do is provide this high culture . affordable prices that everyone is given access to the general public really over
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the ages to watch these beautiful performances and i absolutely spectacular opening night tonight as we watch the prima ballerina take the stage to see a lot of stuff out of the pink ballerina wrote the post with big a stunning performance in swan lake that we watched a number of you have a full this is what is really being exactly spectacular at the moment we can hear all me but big screen here we're seeing some of the tricky from the late great people who took to the stage for mcdonald's is in the directors and they all say much of the same thing about just how special the bolshoi this state. and how magical it is that that moment that they say. is the day. they still. really very very excited because once again look we once again seeing more of these groundbreaking people in the post down. by the market. while they were in the past. or right sarah ferguson simpering something
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there in a very big night there in central moscow updating us from outside the bolshoi. just let you know as well as backstage and on the ground to bring you the story of the polls show its biggest have a facelift the production to revive russia's most famous. statement through a mix of artistic engineering excellence how technology they show. is done right here in about twenty minutes time tonight. the legacy that survived the russian revolution. the bolshoi is by looking moos splendid than the. grand the core of czarist times this does bring the audience again after a six year rethink. the way the resurrection of the
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ball showing. on a t.v. . program coming up for you know the french president is going for greece saying letting the beleaguered country join the euro was a mistake speaking of the emergency brussels summit nicolas sarkozy said greek membership of the currency clubs pushed europe to the brink the leaders decided thursday to have greece's private sector debt one hundred billion euros of banks agree to write off fifty percent of what they're owed european banks must also have a bigger cash pile for guard against any further crisis while the emergency parallel. fund will be expanded to one trillion euros to get there europe's hoping to attract investment from asia the bailout fund chiefs persuaded china as god rather to china to try to persuade beijing to chip in right across live to france now taught lies to a political science professor from where paris question averse the professor girl are thanks for taking the time he could see some barely must distain towards greece
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from your very own president sarkozy saying greece got in on false figures well i got a minute since france is one of the top two hero guardianship had to check the books properly in the first place does beg the question a bit then it well you know clearly it's quite true the books were cooked when greece. they were cooked by the government of the time and also by goldman sachs which helped the greeks actually it true nature deficit but if sarkozy said this it's also also the political domestic political reasons you know he wants to sure that this happened before he was president so it's not responsible and one has to add that italy of course it is a member of the e.u. when it was only the europe of six countries in one thousand nine hundred six italy also cooked the books with the help of another american morgan so it's a complex phenomenon some countries do cook the books. and. it's not checked and
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the level of europe there are not above the sponsibility is that. hindsight's always great isn't it but you know the chickens are coming home to roost as far as greece is concerned is focusing on greece if it got in on the lie then why give it any more money why not just let it cut loose one why throw good money after bad is the next obvious question i guess. yeah that's a very good question because you know after greece they could be italy or portugal and greece goes now i mean in economically greece is a very small country it's only two point five percent of the enemy in time so europe could survive without greece but in terms of symbols it would be a disaster so they want to agree to keep greece within the euro zone and within europe but. he said it is still short sighted because it's still a stereotype programs for everyone and it's not going to solve the crisis in the long term not just for greece as even the debt was reduced but it was sad probably
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the problems will not be so solved by further seriously packages seems to groove they still see the rate increases junk aren't they so i guess as far as you're concerned it is propping up greece again on that life support machine. it sounds like it is but you know the deficit is still one hundred twenty percent of its g.d.p. so it's enormous and at the same time europeans are saying take your belt and your belts it's not going to work. so it's not like support if europe goes on a this in a few months there will be another crisis another need for intervention and no real solution was what is tightening belts is also going to happen and of course the e.u. plans to expand their emergency fund so they want a one trillion euros is lobbying the chinese for some of its cash he said china will be interested in saving europe. well actually symbolically if you ask the
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chinese to see europe you ask the chinese to become the new and ensure e.g. money power so this is something very serious and the whole thing the plan not letting the central bank in europe function as a central bank but we know it's in the us in japan or even in britain so you've got all this not you don't have a central bank they can tell their markets we are in. we need decisions and at the same time you have a stereotype program so it's a very very bad recipe and asking china to count your first i don't think the chinese will do. they're not going to throw good money back to save europe just because they love europe if the chinese helped the. cause for their advantage there's always payback is there i mean it's it's ironic i guess isn't it if beijing does provide a lifeline of some kind of putting how much it buys into it it would have more
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influence over europe europeans have longer worry them they about surrendering sovereignty to brussels soon they could be answering to beijing. yes exactly you know. it's ludicrous on one level. but then you know if you look at the u.s. the u.s. is also involved in. china and it does not take the measures not financial measures but only protectionist measures to played against the end of value currency china it's as if the u.s. and europe were organizing the transition to chinese. professor here to learn from paris west university thank you being on the program tonight and give us your views on it thank you now coming up later in the program here on our team tonight we report on russia's wealthiest and most wanted woman and why interpol could be asked to track down the wife of this crazy ex mayor of moscow
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. next. georgia works hard to maintain a positive image of a country that welcomes free speech an open mind but that's not the experience of local media there many of whom think the hand on the shoulder was saying the wrong things tom barton reports. recently those from make the news in georgia have been becoming the news john doe no touch with the founder of an opposition t.v. station applied for french political asylum just days before nicolas sarkozy arrived on a visit but he was disappointed. i contacted the french embassy and i was sure my problem would be resolved quickly but i was mistaken they didn't make an appointment and i've had no news from them if they don't contact me in the near future i'm determined to go to other embassies. three alessi t.v. is a small station in the north of georgia john doe and his staff say it's mikhail saakashvili
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government has pushed him to apply for asylum he says they're putting pressure on him because of his channels criticism of policy and for showing opposition views as well as those of the government or the body of the family we have to work on difficult conditions as we cannot get any comment at all from officials when a government official gives a press conference reporters from other channels are allowed inside to do their job or to later reporters are denied entry where clearly being discriminated against. the georgian government strenuously denies the claims and others doubt his sincerity sun browned on bono attash believes asylum requests are published that he stands but serious insisted the georgian authorities are after him just because of what channel. i'm talking why the record in recent years is not the only one in two thousand and nine the widow of a former georgian president appealed to germany's angela merkel for asylum and
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numerous others have left the country priya lets he has need of the resources nor the audience to seriously compete with large pro-government channels but john doe's say's he's sure about the government's reasons. for them. because we're an opposition station they want us to give in and work for them to promote their message but i can't stoop to that. and this is the symbolism of the frustration felt by mr nunn attash villi and his fellow opposition media a mock funeral the mentoring as they put it the death of georgian free media. r.t. . the key suspects have been charged in the murder case of russian journalist anna politkovskaya miley. was charged on friday with being one of the reporters killers investigators allege she was part of a group contracted to kill the journalist in july two thousand and six and was promised a reward for the murder suspect denies the charges. it was linked to her work as an
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investigative journalist she was shot in october two thousand and six. russia's richest woman could end up on the world's most wanted list and interpol could be us to bring her in for questioning about how she got it billions a little bit cyrano is the wife of disgraced moscow mayor your english go off for investigators want to talk to him too and they threatening his arrest if he doesn't turn up has gone off that he tells. putting to forbes in two thousand and ten he and about in there was the world's third richest woman her estimated total wealth was around three billion u.s. dollars her former company in fact go to go on some of the most attractive construction projects in the city one billion about to this husband t.v. let's go through was moscow's near impressive and attractive projects like this entirely new residential block in the city but it seems and now these these of glory are going to the past since both even the most good in the end getting are
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wanted for questioning in connection with a very high profile embezzlement case the story was. the bank of moscow received around half a billion euros dollars from the city's budget this was at the peak of the economic crisis and it gave a long war over four hundred million years to a small unknown company shortly after this deal about the same amount of money appeared on union about us personal bank account at the moment because bill is outside of russia and back to the field to show at the questioning sessions in february and march and in april and now authorities say that he may get interpol involved in the situation to get here in moscow for questioning in amman jordan is currently reported to be in london you do look schools in austria they've been informing the authorities that they can't show at these questions sessions because
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of that through their representatives to the authorities say this still doesn't make it legal according to the latest reports from you people scoffs lawyer he is planning to attend questioning session on the fifteenth of november here in moscow . also around the world tonight she was your first troubles erupted after the country's first democratic election results troops fired into the air and used tear gas to disperse angry crowds of one party's willing candidates were disqualified they gathered in the town that sparked should mizzy is uprising which then set off a chain of revolts across the arab world the islamist party another secured forty one percent of parliamentary seats there. floodwaters creeping closer to the central bangkok tonight with officials desperate for innovative ways to try to hold back the worst girl you should get kate capital's already undergoing a mass evacuation ahead of this weekend seasonal high tide as well as water heading down from the country's flood drenched plains disasters claimed over three hundred
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seventy lives now since august it's affected millions of others. syrian security forces a clash with anti-government activists it's left thirty seven people reportedly dead people headed on to the streets after friday prayers to again demonstrate against president assad's regime syrian opposition figures are now calling for a protective no fly zone in the country the u.n. estimates that months of government crackdowns they have killed three thousand people now. germans have been taught lessons about islam in school as part of the government's drive to integrate religious communities and it was meant to educate about was new life but it's actually having an adverse effect turning people towards extremism as our correspondent daniel bushell reports it's another cultural division splitting the country. that's a typical german school but here this teacher is preaching hate christians who go to discos drink alcohol and have a boyfriend they perform evil deeds christians and jews says believe in the
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qur'an before it destroys your faces germany started islam classes in schools all sorts of think the religion spreads peace you won't find. the phrase a sentence of koran. as you have to persecute. their members of other allegiances when you. find them hit them it's muslims admits the close is a fall from suv tensions the relations between zero officials and this that may come in it is i'm not saying it should really is a code of conduct in arab states where punishments can include i'm pretty sure and stoning campaigners war muslim youths are trying to spread shari'a across europe they teach them that they bury a class of people. with more rights than the nonbelievers and the nonbelievers can
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be treated like pigs and young muslim i'll say how can german law be higher then. that is not possible therefore we must inform the sharia everywhere followers like perino the christian parents he's converted to islam every muslim here must swap german laws for sure rio he says chop off hands stone adulterers and floor homosexuals germany's policy of islam is' asian may not be going to plan muslim students are leaving europe schools radicalized by their lessons this move by authorities is well meaning but it may be producing a general. of its truest to detest the west and the immigrant parties the sea surge in popularity in frankfurt almost holds the residents of foreign the free voters group is getting elected with this message for muslims integrate well leave our
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country more young men but also young women. which were. born in germany go to the extremists government puts women to heel conflict with germany's three million muslims but experts say the contrary splitting apart it's a pro and anti islam camps bushell r.t. frankfurt's. if you miss a night technology update shows us how the bolshoi theatre is our big story of the night transformed from historic relic to the twenty first century centerpiece of the day that's often caught up on the latest business news next week three. of those you know marketing business starting moscow as climbed a few places in the league of the world's financial centers but it's still languishing mid table in order to promote the capital to the top of the division
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the government has called on the help of specialist advisers as that america reports. top investment bankers have been made saying president it's better to share there is fire so how to turn moscow into international financial center most agree that russia is fundamentally attractive the state top economy is relatively healthy and a government that is not being compared to the european and american levels but investors unanimously agreed that the biggest problem is lloyd for cement and a lack of trust in the system the rule of law. here is so we're. perceived as being too lax. yet it is just heard. from all over the world medvedev reminded investors that the steps were being taken he highlighted the merger of russia's two main stock exchanges the r.t.s. and to my six and creation of
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a unified seclusive depository system which will make trading more transparent and weaker your group responsible for the project says the financial services in moscow may be brought up to the international standards in about three years lot of reorganizing the city's infrastructure to speed up traffic and make life more convenient for businesses is a longer process which may take off today take a. harmless take a look at the markets shares in europe are moving between gains and losses on friday off days a rally banks did show strong performance in the morning but they reversed by the close a lloyds is loser in london down five point two percent commerce bank is four point three percent lower in frankfurt here in russia the markets saw the best week in two years and ended on a positive note the obvious overall gains ten and a half percent in five sessions the my sixty five and a half percent higher that's because of the strengthening ruble the for the
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difference let's take a look at how shares were performing. on the my sex most energy majors were up with was never gaining one and a half the sense that the clothes morals nickel down two percent as the company missed the deadline for a share buyback and russia's top lenders burbank is down a notch the company's head said the bank would be ready for the privatization of seven point six percent of its shares if the share price reaches around one hundred . disney is to become the largest foreign investor in the russian media markets the company has agreed to buy a forty nine percent stake in the country's free to air television channel seventeen the deal is worth around three hundred million dollars seventeen will be rebranded as the disney channel which will be able to reach seventy five percent of russia's williams disney has long been hoping to cash in on the russian t.v. market early wanted to buy half of the country's holding media one which controls thirty regional t.v. stations however that deal was blocked by russia's anti monopoly service kind of
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just seems. odd. to. smoke coming through the furnace punish trip to a magical land where pesticides are just clobbered anymore for school children to live and learn without ever opening the paper book for einstein's theories and the laws of physics no longer apply and we're big can't always be bigger still be afraid to keep my head and enjoy the ride concept knowledge young safe here on r.g.p. .
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