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tv   [untitled]    October 28, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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nine thirty pm friday night twenty years of october here in moscow very good to have you but this is a big night in central moscow because the bolshoi is back moscow's landmark fair is finally reopened so your first ground performance in six years following its massive refer bushman that performance is still on the way tonight. also happening as nato parts of libya mission that helped kill colonel gadhafi is key son could mother whistle on the deal the west wants to bury you think it's his day in court international prosecutors say they're holding indirect talks himself on islam and possibly surrendering to the way he's wanted from blue cross. and then in greece join the euro was a mistake the french president doesn't hold back on his illegal u. colleagues after leaders sign off another massive rescue europe's now turning to asia for a cash kick start with the bailout fund put it in china to try to ask for help to
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save. go back to that's a big story of the hour going to be iconic bolshoi theater to this grand reopening state was no mean feat pushed engineering budgets and patients to the limit technology update now tells us how they did it as well as bringing us up to date on the rest of this month's other eye opening innovations to enjoy. hello and welcome just as the leaves here are starting to change color we on technology update are changing things around as well in this episode we'll be highlighting some of the biggest developments in russian science and technology from just the past few weeks. our first stop this month takes us to the annual
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forum hosted by russo yanno russia's leading demo technology company and many of its partners are showing off all the latest developments both big and small i just gathering in moscow at the end of october there are new products ranging from a nano printer that can create images on water to the newest innovations in nano medicine and cutting edge energy production there's even a friendly robot to answer all the participants questions as well as the so-called futurist or fully equipped with. bring us one step closer to world free from long checkout lines there's plenty to please the eye here at the roof nanotech forum but for us the star of the show is this much hyped plastic logic one hundred company execs hope that this winter device will eventually replace traditional school textbooks this sixteen ounce device can replace a few steps of text as will soon tire libraries worth of books several regional governments have already started trials in schools around russia. as in the midst.
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of this project with. original the company was faulty and can bridge. building the first. place to create grants for and. given with. a new project from russia the purpose of which is to create a new or. regions. suitable for this so this will be the largest. in the world. because there was this reader. will also suggest production of the horses. but until that plant is counted running the new devices will be built here at plastic the largest existing production facility certainly the most important
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breakthrough this electronic reader is it's under breakable plastic backplane provisionally electronic books and tablets are fitted with a glass back screen which approach a break in relatively easily the first generation of printable displays have been made from stainless steel oil companies so-called plastic paper technology this electronic book is lighter and more durable than ever. and one of the possibilities for using this in the classroom reader has some benefits of paper for example you can. come to. the whole social groups or you can double you in the home library if you knew this but you could do worse books for six and so it's great so this is the we are such other advantages that you come and of course there has been some criticism that a black and white display may not be the best to use for school textbooks you know for something like the history of art in a black and white isn't the best and what do you think about that it's
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a question of course print is not the best option and the case of some subjects like biology or it would be but the who of course grimaced in the book and was this is different. and so on of the question of them ok sophistication we understood that there was just from this group a because in this case the screen can complete paper. which means a much easier to read and so much more so for the eyes for school. boy or a school girl or poor it is the west the roost nano isn't the only russian company coming out with an innovative new digital leader. given the fact of the country is home to one of the most literate added leading populations the market for more traditional that product books is certainly an attractive one on the moscow metro you're sure to find one of your fellow passengers putting open his or her trusty reader and in russia there's a good chance that one of them was made by wexler the common company offers
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traditional readers with cheaper but breakable glass backstreet it's about to launch its old belief but little with the latest plastic backplane technology and considering where the consumer markets heading this little reader could make a big splash what's the future of the e-books market in your opinion. first of all it's a growing market it's the fastest growing segments in the i.t. industry with a hundred percent annual increase over the last three years and this year alone we expect more than a million e-book devices to be sold in russia in terms of trends flexibility is definitely the one and we will continue to produce flexible displays that. will be used in educational institutions there for the displays large not compact because it needs to comply with standards when you couple that with compact them we are all for a genuinely compact tree journal which has
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a flexible body as well as display. was our target audience is a broad one any kind of consumer can use it. as will be for sale for everyone. but that's. what the market seems to have spoken regarding general the readers there's no shortage of different approaches to integrating digital technology in the classroom the latest trend here seems to be high tech tablets which a range from the expensive name brands to the remarkably cheap. in recent weeks there's been one piece of news in the world of science that has the potential to change how we understand just about everything around us and it seems from our. little faster than light could this be the biggest development in physics since einstein's day well it's all relative. here into russian scientists are
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doing their part to find out if that little particle actually does go as fast as it appears but these tiny particles lack in size they make up for with their potential to explain things yet unknown. neutrinos play a crucial role in the theory of the evolution of the universe. because. certain stages this particle could become the main vehicle for transporting energy from an object. now there still not completely understood much of what we do know about neutrinos comes from this research center here the laboratory for nuclear problems back in the mid one nine hundred fifty s. italian. moved to do the research neutrinos during his life he was responsible for some of the biggest fear medical breakthroughs in the field of neutrino physics as a result. has remained at the center of the discipline to this very day.
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our laboratory takes part in many international experiments that involve studying. the work on discovering and measuring new yet known characteristics. or one of the . heavy lifting is done at institutes in russia in france none of their work would be possible without the european organization for nuclear research from the facilities underground here billions and billions of particles are created several times a day using the super proton synchrotron the accelerator protons are sent along a tunnel where many turn into moon wanted neutrinos particles are then focussed into a beam that since them through the earth directed at the detector seven hundred thirty kilometers away the thirteen hundred ton detector in italy is made up of one
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hundred fifty thousand bricks of a motion film plates the unexpected discovery about neutrino speed may have grabbed the headlines but it's actually just a side experiment under most circumstances neutrinos travel in a straight line and when they break down and observable lepton and a few other particles the crucial thing here is that the wanted breaks off straight from the path of the neutrino in two thousand and ten however they finally saw what they were looking for. educate them. to say that i'm the one left appears not directly from the path of the one of the tree no that little gap or keep the physicists at opera believe show that i'm a one of the trio oscillated into a towel on that one which then gave rise to a towel lepton vindicate into the moon want to talk among other things this is important for understanding of the fundamental basis of our existence as fairly mysterious that the universe is evolved in this way i mean that the reason mass and
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almost no answer neutrino physics could give us a clue and help to explain this fact so long as the neutrino remains so important and so mysterious physicists like those here and now will keep toiling away trying to peel back our ignorant sliver ply sliver for the time being these scientists have more than enough on their plate whether it be trying to find further evidence of neutrino oscillation or checking and double checking the surprising results of the grand sasso if these neutrinos are found to be able to break the universal speed limit it could lead to a major rethinking a linear aspect of modern physics. dependent experiments proving that neutrino speed is faster than the speed of light or us revolutionize our conception of the world action out everything was based on this sumption of the speed of light is the talk to last and see that nature has devised to communicate a signal that it's difficult to predict how science will change. but the main thing
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to do now is to make sure the initial results have been correct. but leaving all that high minded particle physics stuff behind for now we've come back down to earth. and we're focusing on an innovative russian solution to the problem of pesticide related pollution. or more closely associated with industrial agriculture in pig farming pesticides are just as much of a threat in cities and that's what a group of russian environmentalist got together to highlight here in gorky park in the middle of september all the new soil is a product developed right here in russia these green advocates hope to breathe new life into one's tainted ground in more ways than one. among so they faxed the substance that's the level of toxic elements in the soil and at the same time plant
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growth it can be used for seize treatment but shoots emerging much earlier it produces a general wholesome the fact that balances out the soil when we conduct our cleanup operations we take samples to identify contaminants and concentration levels and then make the right dose and application right the science behind this product didn't appear overnight russian biologists ten years developing the right bacteria strain that would attack a wide range of harmful pesticides the same time affective against. the effort to come up with the right science was spearheaded here at moscow state university those responsible for this breakthrough product. have received more. than a single powder with water activates the destructor bacteria and would apply to. the attacks the remaining effects of harmful pesticides in a matter of weeks ninety eight percent of the remnants of poisons are gone.
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quite complicated applying it to your lawn is surprisingly simple. and now we're sprinkling a special solution over the contaminated plot of land it's a biological consisting of activated cells of strains of bacteria destructors it's been designed to destroy pesticides this pesticide type. is now on the un list of toxic contaminants that are banned from use base here russia ratified the u.n. sponsored stock on convention on persistent organic pollutants under the treaty there's a list of twenty substances that are considered hazardous and now a genocide kills about eight hundred nine thousand of them in russia some two hundred thousand tons of pesticides are still stored especially refuse dumps almost the same amount as buried under the ground in many russian regions the roster for region out-i region moscow region and of our own history could. undermine our people aware of the risks of using pesticides we see that people are not
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indifferent that they want to make a difference and i believe it will soon become more popular as interest in a greener planet grows by all russia will be there to help foster such beliefs at their office in moscow they're trying to raise awareness actually using social networking sites maybe even craze a comic to bring their message to a wider younger audience and this miniature graphic novel little league greek is warned of the dangers of pesticides which leads her to a life of science to try and break her hold on earth of course her efforts run up against powerful forces determined to stop her and all her green activists dreaming of a planet free from dangerous pesticides wreck the project philosophy is based on very simple things that every person can understand it's only a joint effort to help us restore the environmental balance on the planet thanks to bio russia and phenolics places such as gorky park and moscow state universities but telecom gardens are becoming cleaner and cleaner greener awareness is on the rise in russia but lately there's been something else on
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a lot of people's minds. the talk of the town lately here in moscow has been that of the bolshoi theater is grand reopening the russian engineers responsible for this massive undertaking have leaned on the latest technology to make this world renowned performance help bigger and better than ever. after six long years of waiting russia's most famous theater is opening its doors to the public again at the end of october despite some early setbacks both engineers and our deserves have been working around the clock to get moscow's iconic theatre ready in time for its much anticipated reopening crystal chandelier zur glistening again the interior is more respondent than it's ever been when visitors come in for their first look they're sure to be amazed by all the work
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that's gone into the renovation and those concerns the biggest of tasks down to the smallest detail those behind all the changes are certain that thanks to both ancient methods and new technology seeing a show at the new poll showing would be like nothing you've ever experienced before you kooks have been vastly improved and noble innovations in theater technology will allow directors to do things only dreamed of until now sure this place upgrade is what everyone's talking about now but it certainly hasn't been the bolshoi's first facelift the original theatre called the bolshoi imperial burned down in eighteen zero five twenty years later the bolshoi patrol was built in its place the theater got its distinctive main facade and named after rid of ations ahead of the coronation of alexander the second the current restoration work is to correct damage done over the previous eighty years. were underway back in two thousand and five well the project was ambitious enough to start with nobody had any idea just
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how big of a job ahead once they got down to business it was discovered that the damage to the theater was much greater than previously thought. cracks were discovered in the walls and the buildings foundation had been reduced to mere rubble engineers say the building was seventy five percent unstable. the beginning none of the builders or restorers had an idea of the amount of work that eventually needed to be done that's because they got the opportunity to assess the state of the walls in the foundation only in two thousand and five after the theater had been closed the walls were about to collapse and it was decided to put the building on a thousand piles of steel pillars that held it up in the air the builders had to remove the remaining foundation blocks piece by piece the substructure wasn't capable of holding the building anymore it was in such a critical condition that the theater would have easily collapsed the replacement of the substructure took three years it was then apparent that the problems could have been solved by implementing complex engineering projects. in two thousand and
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nine suman group became the largest shareholder in the firm responsible for the massive project soon as the main task was to sort through all the problems that had arisen and get work back on schedule based on the progress from the past few years it's clear the company was more than up to the task easy statues have been restored to their original chlorine the famous a polished quadriga that adjoins the entrance was repaired for the first time in over one hundred years fifty years historic bells were given new luster thirty five of them including one dating back to the early sixteen hundreds were posted back up to the theaters unparalleled belltower. massive amounts of gold was put in place by skilled russian artisans specially trained experts were brought in from all over the country to apply over three thousand square feet of gold leaf giving the interior a certain shimmer zero but last decades ago the gilding was late using
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a particularly russian tactic dating back to medieval times involving a white clay and get this vodka the bolshoi it was made over from with nothing left untouched the final project demanded tons of metal stone rebar and concrete to put the whole building back on firm footing. but the renovations weren't just concrete and steel. after years of neglect beautiful fabrics that were once the pride of the bolshoi had to be replaced the size the glimmering gold leaf throughout the most noticeable update is the redone plush interior here in the renamed coral hall employer cloth panels had been badly damaged over the years major work was needed to give these textiles a new lease on life. however some fabric items had to be completely remade from scratch for the biggest of these jobs the bolshoi looked about four hundred miles southeast of moscow a historic russian textile company was tasked with the gargantuan feat of totally
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recreating one of the bolshoi's most prized possessions as a source of textile mill in the fields or regions skilled workers but their know how and you need machinery to the test they might not employ the absolute latest technology they lose here are naturalised in their ability to produce large scale high quality bricks all one hundred fifty years of the mills experience were needed to totally reconstruct one of the grandest objects of the theater because right to segall a curtain and that was a task only source project liberace. to be a bring it up or it was initially the bush i see it is at the following requirements for tension contract is a separate catch the twenty thousand reasons why we should not contain any scenes we took part in the tent it was also a german company among the competitors who offered a fabric made of two pieces but stitched together by some hidden in conspicuous theme and the bolshoi theater that we refused saying it had to be
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a single fabric of top notch quality without any savings the other reasoning on the tender is that this is a unique type of aluminum and the six of them made in the world and only two is still up and running one here in sodas and the other in the us. thanks to the know how and machinery here in sourced the fifteen hundred pound gol. well proudly welcome spectators to the theater for the first time since eight hundred ninety six . which depicts the triumphant arrival of medieval military leaders media and has had to be taken down over a century ago due to wear and tear ours is remaking the ethnic curtain and nothing more than two surviving documents of the original should go off of one was an archival photograph the other hand painted edging dating back to eight hundred fifty nine artist labors on the curtain only possible because of the skill textile workers. have to be works by hand even the slightest mistake means that machines
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have to be shut down and work has to be done to correct the error of this beautifully redone curtain is one improvement that will be apparent to everyone in the audience while it may not be evident straight away out here on the back side of the theater is actually an integral part of what is easily the bolshoi the biggest new technological improvement the innovation starts out on the streets of the northern facade of the theater from here specially designed trucks can bring all the necessary stage equipment including seem decorations lifts are able to move the heavy loads back and forth between storage and the backstage area individually mechanize sections of the four music every part of the stage can be adjusted to fit the director's needs a movable force easily get the props and prepared sets to the front with the need to be and the orchestra pit can also be adapted to allow for new pieces like those
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from wagner to be performed for the very first time new lighting and curtain apparatus have been installed bringing the bolshoi to the forefront of theater production in terms of both technology and size. contemporary architecture standards suggest to theaters production space must be four times larger than the space. i mean there are makeup and storage rooms and other backstage facilities. such proportions are required for a theater to be able to stage twenty first century performances to stay at the cutting edge of theater related technologies because in fact before the bolshoi theater closed in two thousand and five this proportion had been one to one it's now the reconstructed theater will both the one to four proportionately what made this possible first and foremost it's due to the unique engineering that's all the theater expand the detail. now when walking across to the square you should always
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keep in mind that you are treading on the roof of a six story building and twenty point five meters deep under your feet an orchestra is having a rehearsal or a chamber concert is underway through. this hidden gym is i'm literally right under the noses of people on the square in front of the theater the now named beethoven hall is completely new space against the bolshoi's performers not only an additional place to rehearse but a totally new states to host concerts thanks to new innovations and powerful motor driven jacks there is no limit to what this hall can allow from or the chain of the drawing consists of linked plates it's a so-called leaf chain connected by axles. each plate is linked to the other by two axles the third axle well you can have a look from this angle functions as the log for the plates. and when passing through the gear units the leaf chain can change its position from
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vertical to horizontal there's a metal unit inside where it can collapse inserts a thin line. this is a great tool to be used for tiny spaces and you don't need to drill any hole. the platforms work starts actually here you turn the engines on the first one behind me and the second up front over there. they start some work similar saying it's lee and through a system of gearboxes and dr shah through the transfer the torque to all the chains which begin to go up all at the same time. in this unique space those gears in chains will power five separate or segments which in each be raised and lowered is needed this newfound flexibility allows the bolshoi to accommodate a large orchestra a cool amphitheater or numerous rows of seats masterfully combining beauty and utility now with everything in place this and all the other stages are ready to
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host any number of events like never before the bolshoi has the ability to change things around to fit the exact requirements of each performance and that would give even the most seasoned theater fans a new reason to head to a show so we'll see you next time and until then enjoy the ride. mission free cretaceous three construction history the main challenge three. three stooges three. young freemont just plug in video for your media project to stream media to our.
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