tv [untitled] October 28, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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same brutality different location today a nasty tune out of music city as police in nashville arrest doesn't occupy wall street order but it doesn't stop here america's finest city experiencing some not so fine behavior the san diego police in riot gear pepper spraying peaceful protesters will have the latest from all the occupy wall street movement across the country. and as the movement grows the marines and military personnel and band together in support of their injured brother scott olsen and occupy wall street as a whole so with those who find a broad heading to the front lines at home will anything change. and she's a symbol of the american dream and today lady liberty turns one hundred twenty five years old but with mass protests economic inequality and deportations skyrocketing as the statue of liberty reached her statue of liberty of limitations we'll debate
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. here not starting businesses they're not buying cars they're not sorry it's not starting it's not speech instead they're paying off big debts this student debt surpasses the historic trillion dollar mark so rather than bailing out the banks should the u.s. government bail out a suffering generation. it's friday october twenty eighth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm christine frizz out there watching our team it is day forty two of the occupy wall street protests and each day brings some new video and some new ideas as well . this video taken just a short time ago today in new york city people chanting you got mail outside of
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city they apparently several of them wrote letters to citibank asking to have their money back many people today also dressed in costume as the fictional character robin hood robin hood m.o. of course from the rich and give that money to the poor who need it the most the robin hood protesters marched from bank to bank in an attempt to occupy the banks this has of course become a nationwide movement of protesters standing their ground despite threats by police to arrest them if they don't move but. this video here from nashville tennessee very early this morning protesters have been occupying legislative plaza there for about three weeks they were told they would need to evacuate by last night those who stayed as you can see here are moved from the area by police police concerns about safety after reports of fights and disruptions by homeless people occupiers they police intentionally stopped
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patrolling the area once the camp was set up leading to the increase in crime. protesters stood their ground in san diego you see police arresting someone right there in all more than forty people were arrested and people stood their ground again this video also taken from very early this morning. and this week of course marked by the situation in oakland california iraq war veteran scott olsen who you see standing here peacefully protesting just moments later scott was hit in the head now you see him being carried away severely injured taken to the hospital with a fractured skull sending shock waves through the world and in particular the military veterans community and as well as the occupy wall street movements take a look at this though this is video from last night and opened more than a thousand people came out with candles and signs holding vigil in honor of scott
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olsen we're told by the way that his condition has been upgraded from critical to fair but he will need brain surgery hospital officials say scott is awake and aware but on able to talk so that the injuries he sustained apparently took place near the speech center of his brain in some ways this incident has awakened a sleeping giant giant the military community in this country and who have band together in support of scott olsen one of those people is mathis sure row afghanistan war veteran and antiwar activist i spoke to him a short time ago and here is part of our conversation. there was shocking in horrifying and you know i immediately actually had a flashback to an event three years ago nearly to the day where another friend of mine nick morgan was also had a skull fractured by the police on the sidewalk peacefully protesting when they tried to clear an intersection. it's heartbreaking. especially
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to think that this young man when overseas twice and came back in one piece to a country in shambles he goes into the streets he's got a job he's got a house but he goes out to stand with the ninety nine percent and he's the first one brutalized and he was it's just it's very sad it's very shocking but it should demonstrate a clear point to all of us both this incident both the incident that happened with nick i recently wrote an op ed just yesterday on the huffington post that also references the bonus marchers who were world war one veterans. let me interrupt you real quick because i want to go back to you just for our viewers who don't know what you're talking about your friend who also had a fractured skull i think you're talking about the incident a few years ago outside of
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a debate that was about to happen between candidate barack obama and candidate john mccain i thought we were talking about. yes ma'am it was actually the last presidential debate between the two of them it was two thousand and eight and there was a large protest in new york out from hofstra university and there was a large group of citizens hundreds who were out seeking to have the people's agenda heard which is what they were calling it and there was a large group of us veterans there and we had planned an action we had written a letter to the moderators and the may end of the veterans be allowed into the debate to ask one question of each candidate and we marched to the front gates of hofstra where the debate was immediate of us were arrested and then the police the massacre of the police on horseback charged into the intersection to clear it of protesters and when protesters were trapped between a wall for their rear and the advancing horses they were trampled and there were
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veterans trampled in uniform and yes nick nick was was is my very dear friend and he almost lost his life that night and so when i saw these images of scott. immediately i had flashbacks to images of nick and you were also bringing up your last answer you were bringing up the bonus marchers the bonus army of course after world war one right here in washington d.c. they of course were promised bonuses and during the great depression they came. to washington to collect that money and it out camping out for several weeks and the army was sent in with horses and to set fire to the places that they were staying why is it that what you saw with scott olsen reminded you of that. well it reminds me that the united states stands ready to do violence against anybody especially its of its own citizens even if their veterans being
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a veteran makes absolutely no difference when it comes to being brutalized by the police demonstrating and protesting in this country and if as a lot of that friends who returned from their service who returned from iraq afghanistan when they leave whether it's the marine corps the army of the navy a lot of them go into jobs that involve some sort of security a lot of them become contractors but a lot of them become police officers i'm wondering what you think about this fact that there are vets friends protesting occupy wall street there are inevitably also that friends on the other side of the barricades in the police uniform that's absolutely true and in fact it's a very easy transition i would think generally from one violent arm of the u.s. state to another violent arm of the u.s. funded with the only difference between the cops and the military is the military is taught to do violence against people overseas the police are taught to do
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violence against people right here but i don't believe there is a culture to protect and serve the people. the police protect and serve the one percent they themselves may be the ninety nine percent but they protect and they serve the one percent they don't take their orders for months they take their orders from them and look it was just like when i was in the military and i was justifying the crimes i felt complicit them to me it was just a job as it is just a job you know i have got to make money like why is a cop out there giving orders to clear the intersection of protesters even of some of the maybe veterans you know he's thinking i don't want to maybe go beat this guy but it's just a job and i need to make money i need to make money to feed my family and what's wrong with feeding one's family right i mean so you know it's a twisted logic and i want to talk about sean hannity sean hannity is a host on fox news also has a radio show and was interviewing a protester a female protester who too and he told her that she does not believe in liberty or freedom because she's protesting because perhaps she doesn't believe in capitalism
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or whatever he was accusing her but we found this on you tim this is actually someone who asked a few other veterans like yourself to respond to sean hannity i want to show you what they said and i'll get your response. it's the biggest load. everybody here loves to see. is there anything you specifically would tell them that she was here saying. this military. other veterans map is clearly angry at this kind of rhetoric with you what do you think. well first thing i want to say is is the i honestly feel that freedom and liberty no longer have anything to do with the american way of life and that's a sad reality like i said that i've had to come home to freedom justice and the american way of life just don't go together anymore. that said we all love freedom and liberty and we want to make this
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a country where those values truly matter and they're not sort of bought paid for prepackaged and fed to us you know it's disgusting the kind of ideas these people serve sean hannity saying those those things then it's not just him i've read even going up into the violence that took place in oakland were scott was injured i've read things like the sooner the tear gas fire hoses and the dogs come out the better and so on and so forth these these comments come from people who claim to love liberty and it's insane you think how can one honestly believe in liberty and freedom yet in the same breath demand the violent removal of people from public space especially veterans and it's just one more example of why the status quo in this country does not reflect freedom and liberty anymore that was matheson row of war veteran an antiwar activist. so many protesters with occupy wall street say the
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country is simply on the wrong track and they've also started discussions about the extent to which so many feel imprisoned and how freedom is no longer a given in this country as today is the one hundred twenty fifth anniversary of the commemoration of the statue of liberty it is a symbol of freedom and opportunity in a country that calls itself the land of the free and home of the brave however people have a very different idea about what this actually means earlier i spoke to two people with two very different opinions on this seat molly president of last government and. an activist with the occupy wall street movement in new york just is making its way to other movements around the country right now and i showed them this map this shows that if land in this country was distributed the same way that wealth is distributed it would look like this the one percent owned owning the majority of it you see the ninety percent there at the bottom with very little here is their reaction to that. less and less with obamacare neutrality. power
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grabs the god while the ministrations conducting but by and large it is still a free country it was founded on the principles of limited government and less regulation less taxes less burdensome intrusion of the government and people's lives we're getting more and more away from the tea party movement is speaking to fixing it and returning us to a class to tional republican status but by and large i think if you open up all the borders ninety percent of the population in the world would be here. you know i'd agree with you on the point of our ability to express our freedoms i think that what i thought and is over trashing our freedoms are different what you would for instance net neutrality i'm a writer on a website if you were to get rid of maybe try and hand that power to govern the internet over to providers like rise in eighty if he had it all along if we had our one but there's really no problem but that's the thing if you were to take that and
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give them more power than they already have given what we're asking you keep the status quo. rather than i would rather not give the government more power so as we've seen in egypt of this in syria as we've seen in china as we've seen in north korea it's not the corporator the problem that it's very likely that when my. point my point being is that if we were to change the system that the internet is governed right now if we wouldn't do anything about it we would fundamentally change the entire way in a way that someone as myself who is not backed by corporate interests who doesn't have big powerful people watching my back my voice will get silence so i'm a strong supporter of net neutrality because how it all started since it's the same because the installer the right sort of wants to limit. let's say they want to. say they want to let me finish my question if they want to sounds my voice they can drive down the user should my traffic by limiting my ability to have easy webs and those laws exist to do that yes but why we get really annoyed. i didn't realize
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you're adding new laws that would not interested in right now you've been watching unimpeded without neutrality so by getting. there is no net neutrality you have that says there are certainly isn't and you tell a lawyer so what are you willing to murder. let's make this discussion a little less specific a little more pride if i want to put up an interesting map we found that shows the distribution of wealth in this country this shows that if land in this country was distributed the same way that wealth is it would look like that's the one percent owning a whole lot of it and ninety percent of the scene at the bottom of that country owning very little jesse this seems to me a one of these realities that people are protesting occupy wall street movements not just in new york but around the country do you think officials like that are saying you know my grandfather used to say never live alone as we're trying to figure and i think when you use these graphs he paints a very clear picture and i keep on the one that against capitalism i'm against crime and what we have right now is an unjust system that exploits human resources
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natural resources i mean literally the fact is that since the one nine hundred eighty s. wages have been totally stagnant or the world generally in this country has done to the wealthiest people in the system and the trickle down that we've been promised for thirty years has not taken place so i feel that we need to try a different track to give people the same opportunities are enjoyed by those who are given those opportunities on their own income as they know that says he says numbers don't necessarily lie i mean do you at least understand why some people are upset as they continue to see. misguided mr acted as government grows the gap between wealth and poor while fume poor grows because if you increase regulation if you prefer increased taxes but rich are already rich it doesn't hurt if you took every only bill gates made this year in taxes it wouldn't hurt him he'd still be rich but the people who are trying to become rich or woefully impeded by all. these additional regulations are impediments to new business start ups to new
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but the rich people can absorb those those those business costs so people who are trying to grow their businesses cannot so as government grows and it has grown exponentially over the last thirty years it was a good thing if you're one of the decisions that government has made it was the decision to extend the bush tax cuts when you do that and you know i added new taxes but extending tax cuts for the wealthiest americans and. job creators making maintain the same rate as under the last three years of bush however that has resulted in wealthy people getting much not very well running they earned their money last year or more of a year how last month i got something right or money did what about all the people who were earning their money were going to jobs and these large corporations the c.e.o.'s of which are earning more and more money are cutting people's jobs they're laying off workers what about they're going to come to work capitalists or some other people do get another job retrain themselves don't really have to meet all
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certainly. the ground there isn't a story of three brothers my best friend was a union ironworker when the economy class in two thousand and eight he was not able to find a job so he did exactly what you would suggest he retrain themselves into this new economy and study to be. technician emerged to work out his girlfriend is a professional as well she works there now you so you have a two income household now my best friend who sees people's lives thirteen dollars now they are struggling to figure out what they can afford this month went for food now for cabalistic system is working and regular what is the government system i consider a corporate assistance and i think it's a lot of favors to multinational corporations clearly so that all the math obama but i know you guys like. them and i think you understand i mean to say that it's socialism right now is the traction on this conversation and trying to it is socialism in what regards because that word that you very well the word yes. i was used in an honest man right that you guys use that you're taking money from evil
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ironically redistributed to people who don't that's a little thing that michelle and i don't mean president obama and it's insulting our you know the they are going to be here for them they didn't have an education about our wars right so you're basically saying if we tax people to fund these wars i'm glad i was honest the wars we're talking about it we're having a war is never less or less just you know in that late with this is the first time in american history that we've had warfare and cut taxes at the same time that's created a massive deficit nerd's i wasn't asked that we'd spend one of those that we spent less on both wars for the entire length of the war and we did only about the status as of the winner and it's absolute certain numbers don't lie the numbers don't lie but let's be honest health care versus ten years of record war you really can't compare the two so she says how they are all going broke even though the way the last bill has even been implemented many have a word about that because they couldn't make it work but many conservatives have taken this as an overreach of government i like i don't have health insurance because it is where the government where we weren't out there's a new government authority to run health care didn't george washington order that
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every able bodied and purchase firearms during the world one of the revolutionary war that's amanda wasn't it well that comment was critical and it was very constitutional where i've been i think he's right amanda an average iraqi political agamemnon for seeing anything nationally what about that and i'm sorry that immigrants that you are a visiting and taking part of the us that occupy wall street movement why is it that you and other people out there are fighting for i believe this is a fellow for economic justice i believe it's a fight for social justice the reality is i don't want to take away the ability from people who have those successes i don't want to take that away but so many millions of people are being denied being asked to share in a sacrifice for a disaster that they did not create and they're being denied these opportunities that we were promised i mean a lot of this argument is about broken promises that we were promised or security to see my grandparents had a government a government failure of really you guys throw that word a lot around but i'm not sure i'd be glad i was very private but my this guy. the other is going to be receiving store security if you're telling me that she's
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participating in a party's scheme i would rather go to bed now my mother your mother and in social security i think i was exonerated about the consequence of a wall street no one ever mentioned. to see on social security and out of social security i think a lot of people who receive social security not only now not your mother in the future but what about all these people the past few decades would disagree with you that it's a failure it works the money though is it a way for yes it's true for dollars and it could be true the guy is in there even the people that are older not working are not out on the streets a large metro area what are you going to present. for elderly americans has died. since nine hundred fifty had ninety percent tax rates on the world is one percent in the smallest of income inequality i mean look at it let's say we went back to. george was reagan social security and it was one point two percent of you and i have an honest debate with what you will notice where you have one more example of your president right now and it's going to go underwater. for one k.
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because. of the one i want to tell a story here she is their money disappear the government's question right now is something to raise the dollars and there has never been he will lead the rain again and i can see an interesting thing you know we talk about occupy wall street the way it's been covered by the media everyone seems to be covering it in different ways a lot of the mainstream media having their own opinions about people like you jesse i'm sure you know you've been called a thirty hippie un-american unpatriotic but i want to show something that a station in portland oregon put out this is the n.b.c. affiliate crime statistics that occupy wall street thank you people two hundred fifty angry people four hundred fifty not angry people and overthrowing toilets three i should mention the news director there apologized and said that this was a mistake that it wasn't supposed to be shown what do you think about that just say to me the chills was exactly the narrative that we hear i mean let's be honest and millions upon. people are suffering and what are we shrieking about deficits
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where's the jobs commission and i say in all honesty to those patriots who are conservative that it's very frustrating to me that they are derogatory against any government program but then when it's time to ask where the jobs are they know exactly who to scream at so let's discuss the fact that wall street everything is government or at what point do you guys ever blame a private industry for anything because you know it is one industry that's detrimental to america's future right now it's name one please and more than one like any one industry anyone over a big business government so i have noticed a problem for instance has a website called big government has gotten this way for other things they don't have a website called big banks they don't have a website called big health insurance or big industrial complex i mean literally this deflection to blame the government on every single thing is an attack on the manifestation of our democracy because we're not going to restore the public i hear that argument a lot you know as all the millions of voters go to a single i do it's a media stats thirty one percent of the occupy wall street people and while it is
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ok to abuse that is a lie poll i've actually research i've shown is i was yelling at people she wanted people so millions of americans are judged by two hundred people who participated and i hope i was very skewed it's got a particular wall street speaker quote violence will be necessary to achieve our goals i keep my lawsuit post-process are saying usa and they didn't abbreviate their anti jewish chance because chicago if you want to bring up a all jewish chance please put over twenty four on it i post your questions over twenty four hundred occupy wall street or its absence it's fact. i am. taking to our video i.q. but why don't you tube video twenty four hundred believes all people are racist you can't win on this as i feel your brain am twenty oh my golly you live twenty four and i go. by water people get arrested around one of the crime of exercise more than certain that has been arrested we have a lot of them great eyes on the web or the people who only thirty arrested for. some of those bad stats and there were seven hundred people arrested on the program . many of them we spoke i was interviewed they said the police actually escorted
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them and i was there and as far as using violence and thirty percent seen i just can't believe that number because only very. many and all the people participate in that hall it's our mind you can find it two hundred people bridge's me and i pull out of occupy wall to your storage researching this or that if you don't type in police blue you get in this very well not sure what you're doing all these are all going so. i don't have a computer from me are you guys it's hard to it's hard to pull these because i know it's just that you have been to several of them are going to you've seen differently but certainly see earth in you we have seen one or two or five people yelling racist lands and so. we're going to start recording there is that such a there's a reveal got there you have to consider all in the whole movement can't be judged by it so sad or whether we're out of time i'm so sad we judge a tea party very quickly if i was reacting just feeling graco thanks so much for coming to see the molly president of last government always an interesting
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discussion here and important when we should mention that needs to be had moving on now to an issue that is weighing on the shoulders and weighing down the bank accounts of so many young people in this country that from student loans president obama has pledged to help students and loan debt with a plan called pay as you earn but the problem remains for so many millions in this country that the decision to get a college degree is often too expensive are you correspondent liz wahl takes a closer look. they call it the american dream because you have to be asleep to believe a student debt is crushing the american dream for millions of students and college graduates if they stay in that eventually you'll have to kind of face it until then you kind of pretend it doesn't exist because if you did then it's it's a bit daunting vast majority of youth are unable to. pay for college and this year which hurts for the first time in the u.s. total student debt has surpassed one trillion dollars now more than the nation's credit card debt this as unemployment amongst college graduates is at an all time
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high president obama recently announced his plans to ease to loan debt we're going to make it easier for you to have one payment. at a better interest rate and this will cost it will cost taxpayers a dime but it will save you money and it will save time but his plan won't help millions of americans already drowning in debt and it excludes private loans which is where many students run into trouble due to their high interest rates move on dot org launched a petition's who eliminated student debt which has garnered over six hundred forty seven thousand signatures if you put more money. there. and that will create demand it will create economic growth and it will create jobs robert out obama says bailing out students rather than banks will stimulate the economy by putting more cash in the pockets of the educated middle class they're not starting businesses they're not buying cars they're not our houses are not starving.
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children in other developed countries getting a financial education isn't such a financial burden you have free tuition in france. public universities and when they do pay the price tag isn't as shocking as it is in the us twenty one countries in europe for which we have data. there's only four who have to wish and more than two hundred dollars compare that to an average of over eight thousand for public and over twenty eight thousand dollars for private u.s. colleges many cost much more the average schools are charging thirty five to forty five thousand dollars a year and we know myself personally i work at two universities and i net about. twenty eight thousand dollars a year and it's not getting better over the past two decades to asian has skyrocketed over four hundred percent this year alone apostle paul shot up over
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eight percent occupy wall street protesters camped out here and across the nation say this is yet another example of rising inequality with millions shackled to college debt for years and in many cases decades in washington artsy. and that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered go to our t.v. dot com slash usa or check out our youtube page youtube dot com slash r t america you can also follow me on twitter at frowsy i'll be right back here in a half hour i'm christine.
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