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tv   [untitled]    October 28, 2011 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT

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been dubbed by the occupy wall street movement here the scene of a tense standoff between city officials and protesters early on friday morning more than twenty uniformed police officers and fire department officials answered the encampments and demanded that the protesters turn over anything that may be considered a fire hazard citing safety concerns but all it will ever work on an old. point zero zero zero zero in the end approximately six generators power generators were seized by the police and several dozen canisters of fuel including a vegetable oil for cooking now preventing fires is of course a very reasonable concern when you're dealing with a densely packed ten city such as what occupy wall street or cody park has become but at the same time a lot of people here feel that this is also a convenient way for the city to essentially crackdown on the movements in a sort of backhanded manner as temperatures continue to plummet into freezing freezing degrees in fact the first snow fall is expected here and that could be the
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focus of coding hard over the weekend so a lot of protests are still that this is perhaps some sort of way for the city to freeze them out to try to dampen their results remain here no downtown new york security park was of course the scene of the original occupy wall street demonstration which started on september seventeenth and since then it's expired inspired similar movements all across the country in the world in fact from tokyo to chill wrong to as protesters continue to turn out into the streets protesting against economic inequality and what they say is corporate greed you know one of the chances you frequently hear here in the united states is we are the ninety nine percent a reference to the ninety nine percent of americans who are not in the same sort of economic beneficiary condition at the top one percent earners now this is a reference in fact to one of the recent economic reports that came out here in the u.s. citing that the top one percent of earners in the united states one adjusted for inflation and postdocs is actually solve their earnings. for
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a by an astounding two hundred and seventy five percent from one thousand nine hundred seventy nine to two thousand and seven further perpetrating this economic inequality and social inequality that a lot of people are simply not up with here in the united states of course artie's lucy coffee is following the developments of the occupy wall street protest on her twitter page get the latest and quickest updates. meanwhile the iraq war veteran who suffered serious head injuries during a police crackdown on protesters in oakland is awaiting surgery doctors say scott olsen is condition has improved but there's still a threat to his health the incident has sent shock waves across america with some war veterans saying police brutality violates basic human rights it's a peaceful protest and scott wasn't doing anything and it just blows my mind that his first amendment rights are just being violated that's why this event has been kind of a catalyst to a lot of change it make it's making a lot of people pay attention to the movement and we can only hope that this
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tragedy has brought light to the movement and i think scott will want people to be able to understand more about what we were like oh my initial reaction especially video that i had. was shock and disbelief scott olsen you know a patriot to this country and you know decided to go out and stand up for the people he chose to protect in iraq so to see you know the police had no disregard for him or his uniform was shocking you know unbelievable. it is thought colonel gadhafi is most influential son saif al islam has fled to and is looking to hand him over to the war crimes court prosecutors say that they are in talks to bring him in but what's keeping western leaders nervous is that safe could then spill the beans on the recent dodgy deals that they've made with his father ivor bennett explains. to some moammar gadhafi was a man too much secrets which will supposedly be buried with him i
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think that there were tremendous sighs of relief all over capitals in western europe this is somebody who cut all sorts of deals with the french but also the british and the italians and to a certain extent the americans as well i think they did not want him put on trial for any reason and i am not mostly just that surprised that he was captured alive if you very quickly ended up dead daffy's return from diplomatic exile was spectacular hugs handshakes and kisses from the heads of countries which denounced him good that he's now silenced but the suspicion around those who laid out the welcome mat is far from buried i don't feel as though his gritty. but the. dealing with him is constant and it. will go way
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over seriously because that this is also the situation was sufficient probably grew up there ironically it lead to a situation where big givers who were prove their innocence then british prime minister tony blair was instrumental in get to effie's rehabilitation bringing him in from the cold in two thousand and seven that play didn't lead empty handed trade between them flourished so did the cozy relationship there was six more secret meetings off to play left off base his people denying they were about releasing them look the boma abdel baset al mcgraw he or britain would lose its lucrative libyan deals i regret myself enormously that gadhafi was but should he should have been said to the international criminal court put all the trial and force to all it's a question through all the terrible things he did and if it davidge the contemporary world leaders or previous regimes leaders tough. we need to know. what he's done. with. some details of the murky dealings have already emerged
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claiming the reputation of one of britain's leading universities the london school of economics agreed a contract to get out the regime worth over two million pounds to educate hundreds of its future civil servants the director was forced to resign and now the university of tripoli is demanding the money back french leader nicolas sarkozy was never shy and greeting get daffy even letting him pitches tend to nearly say palace at parentline bankrolling sarkozy's path to the presidency so says this man the one who could still tell all that cause he had never had sarkozy must give back the money he took from libya to finance his electoral campaign we funded it and we have all the details and are ready to reveal everything. saif al islam gadhafi son and key right hand man reportedly ready to surrender to the war crimes court saif
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is going to have low information on now i think we're sorry if that tony blair intervened form to help him get his dodgy ph d. degree from the london school of economics one. degree or apparently was plagiarized there's a lot of things that have gone on so you feel gadhafi knows about saif gadhafi is wanted to answer for his own actions in libya is drawn out battle for control but it's what he could reveal about the diplomatic deals with his father is keeping the western power players sweating after bennett r.t. london. syrian opposition activists are urging protesters to rally for a no fly zone over the country thirty seven people were reportedly killed by security forces in friday's anti-government protests with u.n. figures suggesting over three thousand have died since troubles began seven months ago john graham a former diplomat at the u.s. embassy in libya believes the demands for a no fly zone are just a pretext for military intervention. they're not asking for a no fly zone or
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a reality any more than they were in libya they're asking for close air support because of a terribly different thing we all know what happened in libya we were nato in there to institute a no fly zone to protect civilians and very quickly within days the new should became one of regime change so when people call for a no fly zone in syria they're really calling for close air support as you know the syrian assad is not using his warplanes to kill the protesters he's using his army or some help from helicopters so what we work what might work in syria would be close air support which is a much more dodgy thing and it's much more difficult it's much more sophisticated and in many more and there are many reasons why it won't come to that and one of the biggest is sheer geography syria of course is a much more a nice country it is far smaller and so the possibility of civilian casualties in syria is enormously greater than it was in libya and that must be
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a serious concern for anyone thinking of music to to get of of lives. german chancellor angela merkel has told her party members it may take years to overcome the sovereign debt crisis in europe this echoes the french president's words after an emergency meeting in brussels where he said that letting greece join the euro was a mistake e.u. leaders decided on thursday to have greece's private sector debt to one hundred billion euros after banks agreed to write off fifty percent of what they are owed european banks must also have a bigger cash pile to guard against another crisis while the emergency bailout fund will be expanded to one trillion euros to hit that mark europe's hoping to attract investment from asia the bailout fund chief has been to china to persuade to beijing to contribute although officials there don't seem too keen one political scientist in paris told us that is because you're still in too much of a mess. if greece goes now i mean in economically greece is
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a very small country it's only two point five percent of the hanuman's are so europe could survive without greece but in terms of symbols it would be a disaster so they want to agree to keep greece within the euro zone and within europe but europe instead decided it's still short sighted because there's still a stereotype programs for everyone and it's not going to solve the crisis in the long term if you ask the chinese to save europe or you are the chinese to become the new financial gain money power so this is something very serious and the whole thing the pats upon not letting the central bank in europe function as a central bank the way it does in the u.s. in japan or even in britain so you've got all this you're not you don't have a central bank that can tell the markets we are in power we make decisions and at the same time you have a stereotype program so it's
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a very very bad recipe and asking china to help your first i don't think the chinese will do it with a treaty they're not going to throw good money after bad to save europe just because they love europe if the chinese helped it would be. good for their own event huge. well it has taken six years of refurbishment delays drama and scandal but moscow's legendary bolshoi theatre has finally bounced back into the limelight nearly two thousand people took their seats for an exclusive performance many more gathered outside to take a look as well r.t. sara for us was among. no one was going to miss out on the excitement of the ground . and they were able to watch the performances pull cost on to you big screen so everyone come outside to watch that everything marking a spectacular and well it's been a simply magical evening made all the most special of course because everyone was able to be involved it was sourced huge amount of people finding out we were
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speaking to some of the people in the crowd they were telling us just how special the bolshoi theatre is to the i think it's a simple yes draw for them so i'm choreographer on the. story respect. for. the pleasure to see this. alive yes i'm very them to be here during the opening call by showing the history of my country and it's the thrill of my life and i'm very sad i can participate in this everything has been a very special evening indeed they seem by to save you time and the polish it was a means of providing high culture to people at affordable prices everyone's extremely excited to see it back in dulce is once again taking to the stage and we've seen the film and sister night taking us through the ages of the bolshoi productions because productions fragments of productions from nine hundred fifty
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eight performance of prince ego to the more famous ones such as tyco speech swan lake what we saw the photos prima ballerina. taking to the stage breathtaking to watch it out in this beautiful as if slightly chilly evening in most everyone just really got to be involved in the fullness as well of course treading the boards for the first time in six years it's been a long time in the coming but certainly the way to the end of the evening on the big screen we had tributes from some of the late great performers of the bolshoi they were talking about the fear and trepidation for a performer of enter. but also the spectacular at the moment. tonight doubling and two was a fantastic stump for need faith in the post-race history the push his back is doing what it always did best and not capturing the imagination in the attention of people around the world. outside but you cut that in
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a grouch over was one of the lucky few to make it inside the bolshoi for the performance details how the grand theater made its way back to the forefront of russia's cultural stage. that's the current one topple the first time in six years it rebuild to have renovation that ranks as the most meticulous and expensive innovators a strange and was impressive because in the first place it was renovated according to the original vision of the czar's sofa the room on a dynasty all hammer and sickle emblems were replaced with the original symbol of tzarist russia the double headed to eagle that no detail was considered as to expensive or challenging and the least of those invited to come to russia to come to the bolshoi on this first night was very impressive among the guests was solved the whole goodbye chill for the has of the last scholar of theatre the vienna oprah house called in garden i was still not that if i don't have a here as shortly before the big gala concert started with hotel with tell an
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actress money could be lucci it was her first time at the bolshoi theater but not the first time in russia. so. here i sit. on your. bike to. see. the story. and see. the price i'm sure. the same time that i think here guys. i think that some people this is. a truly impressive red carpet event for russia and for russian theater lovers and you know as the curtain came down the cheers of bravo from outside could be heard ringing inside the renovated restored. obviously
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a wonderful moment for russia and i'm trying to tell us that's our news round up for this hour our weekend arts and leisure show moscow well is next. great. to. go.
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l.o.l. welcome to the podium in this week's episode we'll be exploring. the city has completely changed over the past two decades and today even the capital is transformed into a fairgrounds a bright lights. as we explore various. sites starting off here. after decades of appearing in. bright strong technicolor. every evening the russian capital changes dramatically as the city transforms itself into a brightly colored face around as the largest city in europe moscow is alive twenty four hours a day traffic jams at one am streets full of people late at night and restaurants and bars open around the clock. traffic changing the capital today is packed with
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bright billboards signs and illuminated buildings. to the. landmarks of the kremlin in the christ the savior cathedral the russian capital is well worth exploring it's not a visual feast. i like the fact that unlike many european cities moscow is lit up oh like loan the lights dunghill shortly after midnight even if you take a walk in the russian capital and three or four o'clock in the morning you'll still be able to see the nomination. in my opinion moscow is a little bit crazy in the daytime while at night the lights make it much more glamorous amazingly beautiful. famous imposing towers and bright stars the kremlin and neighboring red square is an image known to millions around the world illuminated landmarks would have a season present spectacular images visits his will never forget the area surrounding red square is also known for many other peaceful buildings too i just
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love this building the good apartment store it always alliance me. especially when lives. is just to located right on red square about. him it's one thing however wonderful it looks day i would not like but. the still. in a similar style to the great nineteenth century train stations of london in my opinion this illuminated building is one example of architecture that is more impressive at night from a distance i think it looks like it's made from gingerbread so you can see why it's a must have photographed. a few nights later and the twinkling lights of coombe switched off no they haven't forgot to pay the electricity bill one hundred fifteen sites to the bolshoi theater university building and many others are taking part in a special event called the second light. and international festival with
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a difference hundreds of technicians electricians and artists a working on the project with dynamic projections at the forefront of the idea it's an event to remember. especially as. a special jury consisting of arts and culture presenting the witness of the king and fools. marvel at the. capital. city is one of them the three hundred sixty degree panorama is something to be seen . but how is the image of. the look and feel of.
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these questions. chris christie you know you've been here. before you came here. i expected it to be very frustrating. if you were to give any tourist some advice about where to visit during the night.
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i think you should come to this hotel here you have to talk you can see the city downstairs it's very beautiful it's values amazing yes yes yes it's really great. i think you know just take a cap and ride around the city it's not so expensive to spend five hundred dollars that's approximately fifteen euros twenty dollars and take you right for the city and you would see it all things you know the one thing i've noticed about you know living in moscow over the past six years is its obsession with branding whether it be neon lights or huge billboards it's a problem here in moscow. it's a little bit too much so i think it's people overthrowing it i would prefer a little bit less. yeah you got much more you got much more lights much more
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advertising much more too much in your head good thing or bad stuff i think for me personally it's tiring because you get it's like this whole. tension you know you can't something from here something from there the whole day something flickering there you know it's too much and it makes me really tired. it's great to be a christian thank you good luck with all your policy projects here must go to the next i will look forward to thank you you. make some trouble in the southwest direction along the river located through the run through kooky park and the the santa if you want wonderful views of the city it might spring is the place to come also a well loved spot for wedding ceremonies dozens of seaven even food stalls welcomes townsend's it just has to come here every week while the views from the area aspire hills are just beautiful i think it shows some of the best images of the capital in the city seems so relaxed and calm from here in the distance the skyline you can
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make out the science academy to listen to the stadium the. city and the majority of famous skyscrapers of course. seventh largest of the. universe the building located right behind this. spectacular building was designed by architect. as opposed to the main building the tallest building in the world outside of new york city at the start of its construction. the central tower is two hundred forty meters school thirty six and in a total of three kilometers of corridor and five thousand rooms the celebration of moscow's eight hundred sixty fifth birthday the moscow state university building was transformed into a twenty five thousand five hundred square meter screen with a spectacular light show masterminded by david atkins the show which and to the guinness book of world records for being the world's largest ever show featured
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a flaming phoenix and innovative graphics depicted in the building structure. moving on and let's take a look at other ways we can explore the city lights the restaurant after the famous characters from the books on the roof is located on top of the central city tower business center it has a sensational glass roof and offers views of the litter kremlin historical area and other breathtaking sights. the history of the lights illuminations of the russian capital. lights. displays a. street a live in a she's. a house is a collection of photographs of. the city looked like at night centuries ago. and if you want to explore the city at night you can take part in
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a city game there are several projects including. take place in moscow. to find secret locations in the city after receiving clues. the internet the team which is the first to decipher and find all the spots to see the pockets. tonight. so i'm told offers highrise extraordinary excursions the sky is the one and only limits for curious tourists when you build a typical city ground level walking tools when i explore the capital from a different viewpoint. it all started with my interest in photography so i climbed up various structures to take pictures of interesting but first i discovered abandoned buildings radio television towers and then started climbing routes and decided to share the experience with other people. through the eighteenth century there was an informal ban on surpassing the height of the kremlin's tourist belltower and even today there is no unified set of regulations as to how shy new
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buildings can be. decidedly enjoying high life on a rooftop is becoming more popular the capital's panorama is alluring at night a city totally transformed into a sea of colored lights every year that blaze of light and confidence swells as a true symbol of growth and development moscow's is truly a heaven for those aiming higher than the sight seeing and as one of the most vibrant cities of europe you might well be dazzled by the desire to joining. what. side but unfortunately that's that's all we have left on this week's program about moscow by night i'll see you again at the same time next week from now begins around the russian capital and so that for me and the rest of the current bye bye now.
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very. dynamic. to do for a. month. six o'clock on a saturday morning here in moscow. two thirty g.m.t. . this is. out in the cold in new york city police.
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protesters authorities claim they may have. made it was said to end its military mission in libya while colonel gadhafi son is in talks with prosecutors that could see him blow the lid on deals with elian's country's. most powerful son saif. is looking to surrender himself the international criminal court where he is wanted for war crimes. following. that took six years of meticulous work to complete nearly two thousand lucky theatergoers enjoyed to be exclusive the opening night performance restoration. as possible with. replacing the soviet.


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