tv [untitled] October 28, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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give us work to complete your lee two thousand of the lucky few to go was a joy to be exclusive opening night performance restoration state as close to be original nineteenth century vision as possible with the czarist double headed eagle replacing the soviet hammer and sickle. does it for me but i'll be pushing things back over to our washington studio for the second part. of the show. all right it's time for tonight's told time award in tonight it goes to herman cain the pizza business mentor and want to be politician is the current g.o.p. presidential front runner for the twenty twelve nomination i wouldn't call him a real front runner is more like the flavor of the month just like michele bachmann and rick perry were before him and it's actually kind of easy to understand why some people would like and we have got the really catchy nine nine nine plan so simple and is actually pretty funny and charming and everybody loves
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a charmer while sense of humor is refreshing in a presidential candidate he can't let it fool you and you can actually listen to this man's answers on some questions he really does not know what he's talking about specially when it comes to foreign policy and i could not have been more apparent after this little comment i'm ready for the gotcha questions and they already started to come and when they ask me who's the president of you beki beki beki beki stan stan i'm going to say you know i don't know do you know me and i'm going to say how's that going to create one job. now of course late night comedians media like had a field day with his. back to stand stand comment even secretary of state hillary clinton had a little fun at herman's expense while she was in afghanistan which unfortunately probably only helped his cause the republican voters. go to the revote because. it's a. series of coke godfather's. good
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credit to the city so i guess you just put. i don't know the names of votes for these countries you know like there's still a question honestly. i really think a few things very clear here hamid karzai is the president of afghanistan that's one of those stand countries and i think that's one of them you're probably going to want to know a little more about considering you said you plan on keeping troops there for a while if elected but any republican candidate can say if they think troops should stay and still get away or pretending like they know what's going on you just say the words fighting terrorism and al qaida freedom and the base is going to forget all about the fact that their men and women are dying in a war that's unwinnable but now that herman is the front runner in the republican field he's going to have to answer some more expansive more complicated questions about his foreign policy views so apparently he's decided to go to school with him answer some softball questions last night from sean hannity on fox news. do you
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think i'm dumb enough not to study up on these issues i've been studying up all these issues for months i can now explain write a return to either report a better than be on the stand right of return because if you don't you get caught offguard you go to school when you learn. so having games been brushing up on his foreign policy credentials for months how noble of him after all he's only been running for an entire year now going to go on a limb here and say that he plans on running for president the united states you should probably have a pretty firm grasp on foreign policy before you declare brushing up for a few months during the campaign it's fine are going to do it now as part of his crash course in world politics the daily caller points that cain gets a one page daily summary of world events from his advisors one page don't knock yourself out herman now he's even gone so far as to hire a team of people to advise him on foreign policy sure sign that he is getting serious about the whole presidential race josh rogin over far foreign policy magazine took a look at his team found very pretty much falls in line with perry and romney
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supporting israel they're our greatest ally he is also a very strong advocate for maintaining defense spending surprise surprise he's also said that he would continue to work with allies that support u.s. policy and cut funding for countries that don't support u.s. policy so for now all we know is it came as assembled a pretty standard g.o.p. foreign policy team with pretty standard g.o.p. views and we don't know whole lot more than that i find that a little bit scary and the fact the man who's leading the poll is a literally learning about foreign policy as he goes on campaigning for a group of hawkish advisors that's not making me feel any better so for spending only a few months studying foreign policy we're giving herman cain tonight's tool time award. the sky. the mind hey come down. cameras will be shaking. right so tonight we've got a glimmer of hope and it deals with the big banks and someone surprise. move j.p.
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morgan chase citigroup u.s. bank p. and c. and key bank of all decided that they are not going to charge you a monthly fee to use your debit card j.p. morgan chase started testing a three dollars fee in parts of wisconsin and georgia in february but after a backlash from customers the bank scrapped the plans to roll at the feet of the rest of the u.s. and looks like these banks have decided for once to listen to customers unlike bank of america if you remember back in september the charlotte based bank announced it'll start charging a five dollar a month debit card fee starting next year so that's sixty dollars a year to use your own money now decision led to an outcry amongst consumers including an online petition they gathered one hundred and fifty three thousand signatures from irate customers keep in mind b. of a says that these fees are needed because the new regulations imposed by congress and the dodd frank reform bill and the c.e.o. of the bank dodged reporters for a week after the announcement which turned into a little bit of a p.r. nightmare. soon after you last for nearly a week we tracked down banks. and in washington what if you could answer the couple
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of questions for us and finally allowed us to ask you a few questions about that sixty three years spent american need that money. to stay on. the fuse we can grow the great service. so that it was a revenue for free it was the first room and it was wonderful relationship. that. now angry bank of america customers even shut down the bank website for a few days after that announcement so i think it's safe to say if the customers are still pissed and they should be in two thousand a b. of a received twenty five billion dollars in capital from the tarp funds just a year later b. of a came back for twenty billion more government money after receiving forty five billion dollars in the taxpayers reporting six point two billion in profits in the last quarter this is how the baker pays the taxpayers and save their ass seems like they're really struggling here the bank of america fee was such a disaster that even comedian and talk show host ellen generous a little fun at the bank's expense we want to hear your feedback so if you'd like
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to complain about the new five dollars service charge call the number on your screen it's five dollars for the first minute. to minute doctor automatically from your account. ok i would like to remind you that if you want to use your a.t.m. card it's still free to come into any branch and use one of our tellers however if you want to see it six dollars. one can only hope the bank of america is going to retreat on their absurd five dollar fee now the other banks are saying they're not going to charge their customers so if they don't have if they feel that they don't have to charge because of all those overbearing regulations then why does b. of a so tonight we do have a true glimmer of hope thanks to j.p. morgan chase citigroup u.s. bank p n c and teabag doing the right thing by their customers at least in an itty bitty tiny way by not charging them to use their own money perhaps the message of occupy wall street is finally starting to be heard. now here on the show we
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constantly talk about the government's expanding reach and abilities when it comes to monitoring just about everything whether it be through legislation that strongly relaxes rules on the need for warrants or secretive gag orders that for social media companies to hand over users' private info but it's time to think about all this applies to journalists and their abilities to keep their confidential sources say an op ed in the new york times christopher sigmoid argues that american journalists should assume that their communications are being monitored by their government and possibly other governments as well and that the safety of anonymous sources is going to depend not only on journalist at they built but on their computer skills as well and that for now wiki leaks might be a safer bet than any journalist out there let's find out more and how to change that and discuss this with me is christoffersen going fellow at the open society foundations and a doctoral candidate security informatics at indiana university christopher thing is so much for being here tonight thanks very much ok so you say that we have to assume that the government is monitoring communications if you're a journalist is that everything in terms of your text messages your phone calls all
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of e-mails even your skype conversations you might have this doesn't mean the government is monitoring you in real time you know all the time what it means though is that if you ever do anything that the government decides that they find interesting they forget they can get in by using the services provided by free company provided free by companies like google facebook twitter that are routinely saving this information by default we're sort of leaving this digital data trail behind and so when the government decides after the thought that you know they think you've done something interesting or they think you've spoken to a whistleblower they just call it the company's ask for the information and suddenly they know who the whistleblower is without ever forcing you to reveal it do you think the government is becoming more aggressive in that sense in terms of going after people going after whistleblowers trying to find their sources if you look at the case of james rising recently or obviously their reaction to wiki leaks we know just from information's been published this government this administration has been far more vigorous in going after whistleblowers than any previous administration so this is. you know normally you would think of the republicans as
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being in a really and see what's it going but president obama has really. not know the whole story held in anybody's back from going off to these guys. really what this means is if you are a journalist and you're contacting the source whistleblowers inside the administration or or anywhere you need to protect this information because the government will get it eventually and depends i guess was being put out there because we see you know we see the new york times we see many of the major publications in this country leak information all the time that they get from white house officials senior white house officials but it all depends on whether they want that information to be leaked to the public or not but so what do you suggest that we do in terms of changing that you know you mention that of course if somebody is studying journalism in school they don't have a computer security class journalism schools death and they need to be taking the initiative and teaching their students computer security skills now most universities have a computer science department does it seem like a perfect marriage bring some computer science professors over have them teach the journalism students you know maybe that you can even pos and journalism professor
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about the computer science department teach them how to blog but news organizations also need to take responsibility and protect their information for people who have already been through journalism school your organization for example all of your stuff resumes use g. mail at least when they communicate with me maybe you should be hosting your own e-mail service so that google one hundred where you're doing everybody all our secrets on t.v. there were a lot of. mail something that you know that i think a lot of people use or a lot of people use their personal e-mails and so you know what about organizations now that have been trying to implement their own wiki leaks style leaking things like the wall street journal of both the wall street journal and al-jazeera english both set up their own wiki leaks style platforms to encourage leakers when the wall street journal said there was a they had some initial stumbling they chose incorrectly encryption algorithms they were vulnerable to certain forms of interception and then their terms of service basically said that they could. and over your information to the government really
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whenever the government asked for it those organizations received criticism legitimate criticism and they've sort of learned from that but really what this tells you is that news organizations at least right now are not really equipped to be setting up these sites they don't have trained information security experts and house right they focus on what they're good at which is digging up dirt and publishing it but they really really need to go out and acquire this additional expertise because their information and their sources simply are not safe right now so in the meantime though you think that wiki leaks is probably the safest place for somebody to leak their information for a source to go to whatever you think of it people really do have different opinions about him he is a computer scientist he's a trained computer security expert and he and his volunteers have really built this stellar form for anonymous leaking no one no source is all we could be have been revealed based on anything that wiki leaks has done and in fact they still don't know about the redacted state department cables that got put out there you know you could say that what has had is a problem is their vulnerability in terms of the personal relationships people who
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have left the organization and then tried to hurt wiki leaks has protected its own sources the information that's come in has clearly leaked like a sieve once it's there but the infrastructure that they've set up has been put in place such that they don't know who is leaking things to them and they still don't know if manning was the person providing them with the cables they have built a system that provides zero information other than the documents that come in the door christiane thank you so much for joining us tonight and i think it's something that journalists and news organizations definitely need to start thinking more about i guess just don't like the government now because i'll be a little upset thank you. and we have to actually have our fireside friday and then happy hour couples monopoly game and then the bloodshed plaza taxes gun got an ad it says the obama supporters in followers of islam aren't welcomed back in just a month.
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raised a lot of questions about the direction in which this country is headed and the focal point from which to try and draw some answers come to conclusions or just hope or fear for what the future might bring was oakland california we reported to you all week on clashes between protesters of the occupy movement and the police in the area and it wasn't just one police force or one department and you see on monday night or even more accurately very early tuesday morning hundreds of police from ten different agencies came out and they came to clear out the occupiers and they did so with force with flash grenades with tear gas and with rubber bullets down the crowds came back the next day the police used force again more flash grenades more tear gas and more arrests and the second night that resulted in iraq war veteran twenty four year old marine named scott olsen being hit in the head with a tear gas canister a close range on the third day when thousands of people came out to take the plaza in front of oakland city hall that united by olson's tragedy they want the police
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backed off the occupiers took back the plaza and at that point the whole country people around the world including those that scott served with in iraq are watching now it's hard to tell if that victory is just a battle won that day or whether this represents a significant shift in the way the author already is the way the political leaders are going to start to respond already oakland's mayor jean quan has tried to play both sides first supporting the actions of the police then supporting the occupiers then only sending a recorded message after promising to come by the general assembly in person to hear the people's concerns and then visiting scott olsen in the hospital to show that she cared we'll see at the root of the issue here is something much bigger than just these last few days in oakland after all the occupy movement is in cities all across the country those in zuccotti park are still the original occupiers the closest to wall street the crux of power that they see as the most corrupt but oakland as are mind us of just how far removed average americans are from those who influence our country the ones. pay our politicians the ones that walk down the
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halls of congress oakland has reminded us of just how scared the elites are of the people and of people power and how far they'll go to try and suppress it you tell me and the police in oakland california really need their own tanks do they need to don riot gear pelt rubber bullets waves of tear gas of people that are exercising their rights making their voices heard in the last way that they feel is possible and one of the most fundamental ways that should be protected by the constitution is the freedom of speech is the freedom of assembly freedoms that we now need to request a permit to enjoy what's happened here that's not the way that america should be it shouldn't feel like those who have sworn to serve and protect the people are against them and treating them like enemy combatants we have a military it's the biggest of the best funded in the world but our police force resembles that military more and more every day from the tactics they use the weapons are machines that they immediately fall back on and they're using it against their own people now i don't blame every single police officer out there for doing their job let's not forget these people are the ninety nine percent too i
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do wish they would realize who they're getting their orders from whose interests those orders serve as serves those at the top the ones that want to shield themselves from the red state untouchable and their tower that protects the greed in the corruption that goes on inside justice means nothing in the halls of power and that's what needs to change now to the occupiers outside so many americans want to change but convincing them that it can be done outside the political system that's been bought that keeps going through the same cycles year in and year out that's the difficult part especially when they know that there's going to be a militarized police force waiting for them once they step outside so i hope that americans stand up and do it peacefully i hope the police stand down when they know that it's right to do so and i hope that fairness justice opportunity can all be restored.
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all right guys time for happy hour and joining me this evening are two producer jenny church and alex sites all the system editor for think progress dot org thank you for joining me. so just take a listen to this radio ad it comes from texas behind it's a story about two hours north west of austin and this is a guy who's a gun instructor but he has some very distinct rules as to who he will take in or give business to take a listen. if you are a socialist liberal and or voted for the current campaigner in chief please do not take this class you have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under the law and didn't stop there also if you are a non-christian arab or muslim i will not teach you the class once again with no shame i am a crack at color thank you and god bless america. keller the no shame is the heart is what i love the best is like i don't care i know this is wrong but i just said
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it. exercising his rights as a private business owner of rescue service i love like the brazenness and he was of his i just like a muslim shows up and he's like no i want to serve you but he's actually going to spend his hard earned money to run a radio ad and tell the world that he is not going to serve mostly he just doesn't want them in the vicinity he doesn't want them showing up and asking so he's taking care of that don't you worry and i really really love to that it's the liberals he's concerned about i have to say i've been really concerned about a liberal gun uprising for a while now so i'm really really happy that he's nothing that yet is like a problem that didn't exist that he took care. of america. that's my buddy all right let's move on to the next story this one it is this was not so funny you know some people really need to take a chill pill when they play games but i guess that this is. you know capitalism
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does two years of things like that a woman stabbed a man this is a sixty year old woman who lives in new mexico and she was drinking and playing nice game of monopoly with her grandson and her boyfriend put the grandson to bed and then thought the boyfriend is cheating and so she. hit him over the head with a bottle and then stabbed him repeatedly with a kitchen knife. would you ever do that over a monopoly game because that is cheating well i might do that because monopoly is so unbelievably boring that i want to play more and if someone is pressuring me i might lose it i don't know i totally disagree i love monopoly and i can understand after those games that last like a day where you're like you know you see the board took a picture of it's of a new enemy the pieces and the next day you come back somebody is shooting like this a little too far but i can i can understand it really gets your blood boiling the sixty year old woman i was a not expecting that the guy is ok he's in stable condition he was covered in cuts to his head and his wrist and was hospitalized and they found him under the porch
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covered in blood this is really. her i was in her i think she was hiding right here to the right that's wrong like i gave it to you and she said no she said yes i. tell him no no get out of jail free card tell her. i mean we just need this woman to go in and take care of wall street and everything would be all right. out. protest everybody. now this story just warms my heart i think everybody remembers the movie dog millionaire if knowledge to give you a little clip. that we should still be. close. to the show it's a touch. ok so that was just a movie. that was hollywood and you know the dorky looking guy actually dates the
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hot actress in real life and so things are good for him but this happened for real in india. sushil kumar the poor son of a farm laborer won over a million dollars this week on who wants to be a millionaire in india and before that he was making one hundred twenty dollars a month. that strikes me as a lot in india am i crazy he was a government computer computer operator so you know he actually had but he was obviously came from a very poor farming family he actually is a government computer operator like i said so perhaps in india i mean i'm not incredibly i don't i don't i honestly versed in terms of what the average wages are there i mean this is it's a really heartwarming story but i feel like all the media coverage about like the slumdog millionaire thing i couldn't help but think like if this wasn't in india what happened to be an indian guy he wasn't like oh he was a he had a job he was making like if you're going to greece and i know you just it was in your words not mine. so you know he would be compared to slumdog millionaire well
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i'm just glad that someone you know who deserved a lock actually got it this time instead of the stupid air of mary at the lottery like happens here i don't even care of the mary out empire won the lottery i'd like to look at some here buy lottery tickets are there an air to call that a lottery ticket from you are just the reverse and that's what i say sorry i just want to. know ok i'm sure that there is somebody that lives on a dollar a day in india who probably going to use this more than a guy that makes one hundred twenty dollars a month but still nice heartwarming story the last one there is just another ad in the d.n.c. attacking mitt romney for being a flip flop or take a look at what you're going to question. which is to collect a question ten percent. and it's just a question. i'm running for office for pete's sake. i mean it's i don't know if that's actually going to
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convince anybody that you know i mean they're republican establishment is already at this point having to put their cars behind mitt romney because unfortunately don't really have any other options but you know he's he's a major flip flopper. so you just can't make ads fast enough to keep up with mitt romney's flip flopping like this ad is already out of date because today my colleague brad johnson called mitt romney flip flopping on climate change now saying that it's doesn't believe in climate science so it's like this guy does want to be president so bad he'll take whatever position is popular that particular moment but you're playing king became super popular when do you see him like playing king over all the landmarks in iowa new hampshire well i would really frightening to me about this is that just means that perry is now going to have to come back and do one of those before he was after and i and it's really really. gets more complicated for perry but i mean it's going to sit out you know a lot of the debates now so we will start seeing smoke like coming from here. are
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going to get a rabbit out of the things for joining me tonight have a good weekend that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure to come back on monday for our carry hala we know in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the nice or any other night you know it's catching on you tube dot com slash the i want to show you'll find the interviews as well as the show if i'm tired. will come to the joining us on a trip to a magical land where pesticides are just trouble anymore for school children to live and learn without ever opening a paper book for einstein's theory and the laws of physics no longer apply and we're big can always be bigger don't be afraid to take my hand and enjoy the ride
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on technology update here on r.g.p. . download the official anti application to your ipod touch from the dumpster. like on the go. video on demand. broadcasts and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. machine on the dot com. american anti capitalism protesters are stripped of their main power supply and left out in the cold but see their ranks both good by marines and the national guard. a conflict of interests germany's nationalist movement takes me crucially
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hard line against the country's immigrant population the fears the trend could cause even deeper social divisions. and a man who robbed millions of people of their life savings back in the one nine hundred ninety s. has come up with another financial state once again promising ukrainians with wealth beyond their imagination. and are you watching our tail welcome to the program now hundreds of occupy wall street activists will have to battle plummeting temperatures alongside corporate greed without any power supply new york authorities have confiscated generators and fuel from their camp in the manhattan citing fire safety concerns. has the latest. from here in zuccotti park liberty.
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