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tv   [untitled]    October 30, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the. latest news and the week's top stories on our team there's no farewell to arms it was gadhafi in libya as nato pulls out leaving the country's new leaders to tackle its heavily armed public security it's. america's occupy wall street this is growing police pressure to park on the spot dozens of arrests and during the break the weather conditions. and outbreaks of deadly fire between israel and gaza ballots as thousands returned to the streets of tel aviv to protest against disproportionate government spending in favor of the military.
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plus the curtains up on the legendary home of russia's finest valets and offer us support for better reopens in style after a capital for. six pm here in the russian capital this is sort of by midnight on monday nato will be out of post get off in libya but the regime it help to depart is left with a nationwide gun problem the late colonel's arsenal squandered during eight months of civil war and now those who were once united to defeat have are split over their agendas international observers say in fighting is already happening between former rebels who are armed to the tea parties and the somali reports now from libya. the war is over but the weapons are fully loaded. human rights watch has expressed grave concern about leftover armor in libya their
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number one fear warehouses thought to hold ground to air new found which could in the wrong hands take down passenger aircraft it's through made so our nato allies in the region which these weapons have been fighting libyan also libya is quite well on country anyway the population has has quite a lot of light weapons in his possession and those like my parents are becoming a heavy burden on the national transitional council now rely on an army of former rebels for security that we try to control the bends and we check if there's somebody has work and we ask him if he has a per se string for this we are not. talking. checkpoints have been set up across tripoli to check that those carrying weapons have proper documentation and those who do have the paperwork are being called on by the national transition committee to return their arms the question now is what if they
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don't and what does that mean up for pulse gadhafi in libya and its stability and now as you can see is the security here everything is under control and the only one would think that it will make some we can resume how to give back the weapons but we see something very different i asked the head commander what the plan is to disarm the population. i swear i don't know we learned a few. select you know the visuals that i think we have some of the c.d.i. manhood when the bottom line and a makeshift arms collection center that covers one neighborhood in the capital here something you want to do these are the weapons people brought to me today not many . down i want walking cheerfully he hikes as many higher. as you know how many weapons there are in libya i tend to say within
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a city of yeah i think everybody have. some think the fun of arms in the country could spell disaster ahead in the vacuum after good daffy post reports chaos as group find out this just rattled how. what you have now in libya is schools of armed factions who have no respect for each of the and who have no respect for nato actually either they've opportunistically used may fail to achieve some aims and nato has been foolish enough to go along with this so i think what we're going to see now is the intensification of the civil war between increasingly the factions which of overthrowing the gadhafi regime. and he's now a r.t. tripoli. libya's national transitional council which was never elected is now in power now some of its members are ex get off the loyalists and many of its fighters some links to al qaeda at least commentator car sorrow things libya has turned into
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a volatile country. people have way too much faith in the n t c which is quite obviously not in control of the situation on the ground in libya at the moment and in fact you can see the tension between the entities the command and some of the more islamist led groups on the ground and in fact if you see some of the fighters on the ground they have the characteristics of islamist fighters that had a long kind of history of from afghanistan onwards so this illusion that the entity has full control on the ground is not actually correct and i would say that the events that we are seeing them could be personal but that does put be the normal run of wars but maybe another party in libya could have presented their evolution of the assassination of the legitimate aspirations for change that is that and then in p.c. that still has a lot of former. associates and cronies within it so that's really the nub of the
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problem. well colonel gadhafi may be dead and buried but for some western leaders there are some skeletons that probably won't stay in the closet bill a dictator is most influential son that signals know how themselves over the war crimes court could spill the beans on how casual supporters help because cycles he came to power others back hours time on our team. syria's president is warning western nations that intervening in his country will cause an earthquake that will tear the middle east. britain's sunday telegraph newspaper but international involvement could turn his country into a mother afghanistan his comments follow the un chief leaders call for the repressions to end after a week after clashes claimed a reported fifty lives they are weeks also weighing in with strong criticism and will meet syrian officials later on sunday the u.s. who believes more than three thousand people have perished in the unrest since march but this is a syrian wider
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a democracy can bitterly show kilo things most people there don't want a military solution to the crisis. and we're against military intervention but it's a day to morrow or in ten years time even if the regime mr nigh late every one of us would still be against military intervention we fight for freedom and we don't want to add external slavery to our domestic law we don't want it to become a part of the struggle between the international and internal forces syrians are peaceful they want to progress under conditions of freedom and development and they don't want to turn into a concentration camp a political phonology country. brian becker from the u.s. based antiwar coalition and circle leaves that unlike libya syria is too strong for the allies to intervene and that's why the west wants to spark a civil war to bring about regime change. for using the same lingo the same scenario the syrian opposition is borrowing a page from the playbook for libya they know that they can come to power only with
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the advance with the support with the intervention to multiple means of the nato powers of the western powers and i think what we can tell the syrian people is look at what happened in libya the issue of a no fly zone sounds like a way to defend civilians it's really a way to begin the war to begin military operations against the syrian air force or air defenses i think the first out and this is the plan of the obama administration is not direct military intervention but to promote a civil war inside of syria i think they realize that the syrian government is substantially stronger militarily and within the arab world as compared to darfur but they can use the human beings who have grievances ballad or not to be the human materiel for a civil war and i think the u.s. government officials signaling the syrian opposition and the syrian president that
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they should learn the lesson of libya is a clear message begin a civil war they want to weaken syria first as a as a prelude to a more direct intervention for regime change. still to come this hour a hearty another outbreak of violence in the middle east we reported how a deadly exchange of fire between israel and gaza has overshadowed a peaceful past protest of government spending and television. and the whistle is blown over a week for weeks as the site is forced to suspend operations as a struggles to fight growing financial pressure. scorsone demonstrators supporting the occupy wall street movement have been arrested across the u.s. overnight riot police in denver moved detaining activists who refused to leave their camp earlier police used pepper spray to disperse the crowds meanwhile at least thirty people were arrested states of oregon tennessee and california after
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police went to change course curfews removing protesters along its own it was nature a threatening demas in new york after the city was hit by a seasonal snow blizzard however the activists say they're ready to withstand harsh weather conditions to make their point and the game if you took out reports from washington the occupy protesters are serious in their determination. the peace the nationwide movement that turned violent overnight in oakland. police attacked protesters with tear gas stun grenades. flash bombs and brother bullets we had been there for weeks. taking care of ourselves there's been no incidents with police and they came in one of the most terrifying shows of force that i've ever seen in my entire life and they came in and they either flushed everyone out of the camp or arrested them and then they began to systematically sample all of the tents cut them apart and this need people really really angry
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a former u.s. marine an iraqi war veteran was seriously injured by a tear gas canister the police guarded. footage of the wounded veteran and police brutality spread quickly shot. galvanizing the nation and the occupy movement across the country. google says the company received requests from local law enforcement agencies to remove you tube videos of police brutality they did not comply the stronger of forcible response five you stand was from the stronger the movement will get the larger the protests will become the protesters through these past six weeks of being careful not to taint their movements reputation with violence by and large most reports suggest that this movement has been almost entirely peaceful but some in the us media use the night of violence you know pledge to portray the protestors as radicals and more violence from the occupiers a lot of these people are professional educators a good number of these people are radicals no doubt about it you might ask how
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radical was this elderly woman in a wheelchair who was cured gassed by police or jasper father of two who's working on his ph d. at the university of california berkeley they you know they characterize you know the big. perspective of. the marginal and radical fringe in order to discredit it this moment really is about all americans it's not just about people that have a story we've been poor this is about now it's to the middle class that is starting to feel the impact of corporate greed that has run this country for so long as the movement grows bigger and more structured it's becoming harder to ignore the message of the campaigners who call themselves the ninety nine percent and protest against corporate crime and government complicity protesters hands marsh rooms throughout the country there will be more the movement is only expanding several weeks ago police crackdown on protesters with pepper spray this week it was tear
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gas and stun grenades protesters now want to hit big business where it hurts a general strike next week demanding banks and corporations shut down for a. day but will the police response be anyone more brutal crackdown i'm going to check our reporting from last r.t. over keeping a close eye on the protests that are hitting at the united states from coast to coast just ahead on live from or of our coverage. coming up. marching in harmony headed for you tube channel to check out the chance which the occupy protesters are using to rouse rallies across new.
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orleans today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule today. palestinian militants in gaza are calling for a cease fire with israel as an exchange of deadly far between the two sides has continued into a second day israeli air strikes have killed at least ten people they came in response to rocket attacks in the south of the country that left one person dead egypt had earlier brokered a sistar that now appears to have faltered it's the worst escalation of violence between israel and gaza in weeks the stories casting a shadow over the protests of government spending in tel aviv where thousands took to the streets of gaza based political analyst mahmoud thinks the israeli cabinet made a habit of trying to distract attention from problems now. the protesters in tel
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aviv there saying well it's not the gazan rockets that are directing their life it's their own government and its policies and the high living coast so there is a little bit of a worry is that the protests are. saying is somehow genuine accountability of their own government so that the now strategy every time they come out as the savior of the state of israel by instigating violence here if it does not happen in gaza there are settlements and. putting more settlements on the west bank if there is no settlement there is and was intensified intensification of the siege over gaza so there are the cycle of violence it's going on forever and it will likely continue as a an exit strategy for an attorney out on his government. well coming up in around fifteen minutes and israeli politician explains what's hampering a peace settlement between tel aviv and the coliseums and also so have for you this
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hour the goods are on their way. the russian space marshal says soften the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan and carrying tons of vital supplies to the international space station. e.u. leaders managed to strike a last minute deal on the euro zone crisis on thursday to try to save greece and avoid further collapse the banks of a bitter pill to swallow they ended up agreeing to write off fifty percent of what greece owes them after euro zone leaders decided to have a conference private sector debt to one hundred billion euros europe's emergency part of cash will also swell to one trillion euros now after the summit in brussels french president nicolas sarkozy said allowing greece's draw the euro was quote a mistake berlin based political economist dr marcus perth says extending the bailout is causing concern and would have driven me because people don't want to pay for others' mistakes. i have always held that germany sooner or later is going
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to wield the power to bring the continent to back to economic reason because we are in a phase of the euro agonizing and if so a certain cause of this agonizing you should bring it quickly to an end the money we have spent on greece is lost money and we know this i have said this in spring two thousand and ten we should have kept out of the euro zone from the very beginning of the crisis to stop contagion eighty five percent of the germans disapprove the government's bailout policy and sooner or later that massive popular opposition has to be faced by the jam tolerant they have to pay tribute to that they cannot go on pursuing a policy which has turned out to be failing. well the e.u. may have agreed how big the bailout basket should be but now it has to fill it with cash and to do with leaders are looking to china and some of the fun chief there to generate a bit of economic and there was a as a beijing is hardly jumping at the chance economists there believe china is
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treading carefully so it doesn't throw good money after bad. china will join the band of all the savior is god china will not be a white knight in this regard because china is not very satisfied satisfied with the. those that the austerity plan didn't come on right time and there are still the war between different stakeholders within us within this format. on the other hand the in the size of the slow pacing of the members of particularly those leading members in solving those issues so that really saves several taj a number of people in terms of their patients to come up with a rescue plan and then a few minutes to report from the most anticipated cultural event they're washing capital in here. the bolshoi is back but they've made you feel theatre
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lovers have been waiting for as those landmark theatre unveiled its first performance in sixty years after the massacre of purpose. russian cargo space ship a sourness way to the international space station delivering tons of supplies for the orbiting crew. so is rockets of a progress more fuel from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan it should reach the i assess if the live rich food fuel and other supplies for the three astronauts who are currently there are russian and american and japanese there's only half the normal crew right now after similar supply voltage will crash in august temporarily suspending flights says the end of naso shuttle program in july the soyuz is the only transportation of the space station. i'll get the back story of the so is missions as the space station is only like flight at r.t.
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dot com there's more there for you to discover as well these are the states fifty years ago the soviet satellite the most powerful explosion in human history flexing its thermonuclear muscles with a device it was never going to play the all you have to the recipe a section or more. also the pyramid returns of russia's most next morning with national parks the scheme that brought millions of their life savings in the ninety's is back but this time in ukraine and it's getting surprising number of investors the details at the small print r r r r t v dot com. the whistle blowing web site we call the extemporaneously suspended publications on monday in order to raise funds you are going to zation has been under heavy
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financial pressure after a boycott by finance giants of the bank of america these are and people they stop doing business with the sites after a long trail of secret u.s. diplomatic cables were made public the founder of the website julian assange claimed the freeze was illegal and promised to make take the matter to court and the president of the british national union of journalists obama called along says hitting out of wiki leaks will not deter others from publishing sensitive material . is actually being taken out side of any legal process i don't cite any international political agreements yet they seem to be ability to shut down a website that some governments find troubling. it's it's very unclear exactly what the motivations thought the power behind them and it is it's deeply unsettling because there were other very beginning of the situation questions about. attention members of the u.s. government had suggested. us companies like amazon which was the first take action
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wiki leaks that were. there may have been announced by individuals within the u.s. government so. i was one of the issues is there aren't really any rules regarding what companies can count or cannot do with their customers companies are generally entitled to reject customers if unfortunately this was forced we would see other sites seeking to do the same kind of thing and getting around the restrictions of. voters in the central asian nation of kyrgyzstan have finished casting their ballots in the first presidential election since the bloody uprising toppled former leader of last spring well counting now underway current interim leader it resulted by a vote will start later this year to make way for the winner out of the three main contenders of park runner is the country's former prime minister a wealthy businessman who promises to bring stability and prosperity to the nation the vote is seen as both a democratic milestone and a bible chester a prayer the country's dangerous north south divide in april last year at least
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nineteen people were killed in the capital in the address that al said bucky it led to massive ethnic clashes in the south of the country left more than four hundred people dead. and more of today's world news now and in pakistan six militants have been killed in a suspected drone attack pakistani officials say they think others around us aircraft fired missiles at a vehicle near the afghan border it happened in part of north waziristan which serves as a base for many taliban and al qaeda militants the u.s. has carried out many strikes in the area of recent years but officials never publicly acknowledged how the cia drone program in pakistan. presidential loyalist troops in yemen have reportedly shelled a petrol station killing at least four people most of them children dozens of others were injured in the attack north of the capital where local tribesmen now back and see regime protesters young was injured months of violence that's left more than seven hundred people dead and on the verge of civil war the u.s.
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pushing for president saleh to leave iran with the gulf states transition plan. his trillion prime minister has called for an end to the strikes which have seen all quantas flights grounded around the world the company says its planes will return to the skies if i mean version is the arbitration hearing ordered by government rules at the last real action was almost seventy thousand passengers have been affected and among those stranded were seventeen world leaders would be attending a commonwealth summit. of the legendary glamour of sars here opera and ballet has made a big comeback to the heart of the russian capital as the bolshoi theater reopened this week after years of renovation are going to show what's neat and to be exclusive grand relaunch about to find out whether the weights and the fortunes spread was worth it. just remained from scratch it seems hard to unseat. are jews in reality over seven hundred million dollars of
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state money and six years of work to bring back old people and send glory to russia's landmark leader even the president side. it's been a painstaking process going through this nightmare was not only to the u.s. companies but also the government construction whether it's. site workers were the first with the theater school to strap sang and oates to. a real truck driven onto the stage just showed the scale of renovation the theater underwent unesco has already taxed the works as unique the stage has doubled in size and not by growing wider the bolshoi has remained in its historic own troops
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but by growing underground i think it's absolutely wise choice to drive within the old old bruiser building that drives water as it without moving from order to build and modern looking it is definitely not kilo's of braided gold tons of crystal and hundreds of metres of silk woven by monks all setting the scene for some of the world's greatest beauties i think. there is. still right. here and. what is the word bolshoi associated with interest of full day is this a ballet. this a. this a chandelier. that credible friendly. and of course this is a rush to see the stage with all soul viewed symbols now removed came the last president of the us ceasar me heil gorbachev bela legend maya p.c.'s square as well
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as directives from the competition world class values including last scholar the vienna oprah and covent garden precious opening night tickets for the wealthy and well connected only are exclusively available for the president's office and for others copy to watch in the cittie autumn and the opening night show calico concert was displayed on giant t.v. screen. and as the curtain came down the cheers rabble from outside could be heard ringing inside be renovated restored. it's been a great show but art scene. and later we hear from inside israeli political circles on what stalling peace talks for the palestinians like so i'll be back in the headlights to stay with us.
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but if there's a strike or for that you are struggling with the i mean there's no i'm not going to
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get to the long range if you want to have sex go and have sex.


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