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tv   [untitled]    October 30, 2011 2:01pm-2:31pm EDT

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round up of the top stories in the past seven days with me kevin owen and by midnight on monday nato will be out of post a good airfield libya but the regime it helped into power is left with a nationwide problem now the late colonel's weapons were plundered during eight months of civil war those who were once to work who were once united to defeat him a split over their agendas international observers say infighting is already happening between former rebels and they're armed to the teeth and he's in this and now reports from libya. the war is over but the weapons are fully loaded. human rights watch has expressed grave concern about leftover armor in libya their number one fear warehouses thought to hold ground to air missiles which could in the wrong hands take down passenger aircraft it's through made so our nato allies in the region which these weapons have been flooding libya and also libya is quite
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a world country anyway the population has has quite a lot of light weapons in its possession and those light weapons are becoming a heavy burden on the national transitional council now relying on an army of former rebels for security that would try to control the bends if there is somebody who has worked and we ask him if he has a third is a shoo in for this we are not. going to. checkpoints have been set up across tripoli to check that those carrying weapons have proper documentation and those who do have the paperwork are being called on by the national transition committee to return their arms the question now what if they don't and what does that mean for pulse gadhafi libya and its stability and now as you can see is being secured here everything is under control and the only word things that we will make some mechanism how to give back the weapons but we see something very different i
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asked the head commander what the plan is to disarm the population to be i swear i don't know if you look. at the home of the sea. and a makeshift arms collection center that covers one neighborhood in the capital we are showing. you these are the weapons people brought to me today not many. walk down one block in tripoli and you'll see twice as many firearms. so you know how many weapons there are maybe i think to slaughter to eventually yeah i think everybody have a weapon some think the fun of arms in the country could spell disaster ahead in the vacuum after good daffy impulse revolt chaos as gru find out this just battles
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for power. what you have now in libya is schools of armed factions who have no respect for each other and who have no respect for mates who actually either they've opportunistically used mates or to achieve some aims and nato has been foolish enough to go along with this so i think what we're going to see now is the intensification of the civil war between increasingly the factions which have overthrown the gadhafi regime. and you see now a r t tripoli. that is national transitional council which was never elected is now in power some of its members are ex gadhafi loyalists and many of its fighters have links to al qaeda middle east commentator colors shero things libya's turned into a volatile country now. people have way too much faith in the n t c which is quite obviously not in control of the situation on the ground in libya at the moment and in fact you can see the fanshen between the n t c command and some of the more
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islamist led groups on the ground in fact if you see some of the fighters on the ground they have the characteristics of islamic fighters that had a long kind of history of from afghanistan onwards so this is all jhon that the n.t.s.b. has full control on the ground is not actually correct and i would say that the events that we are seeing them could be personal friends that does could be the normal run of wars but maybe another party in libya could have the prevented that evolution of the aspirations of the village just amid a series of for a change better that and done that in t.c. that still has a lot of former gadhafi associates and cronies within it so that's really the nub of the problem. commentator cole sharon speaking to us will colonel gadhafi may be dead and buried but for some western leaders there are some skeletons that probably won't stay in the closet now because the late dictator influential son is signaling he'll hand himself over the war crimes court and could spill the beans on how
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libyan cash was courted to help nicolas sarkozy into power among others more of that in an hour's time. syria's president is warning western nations that intervening in his country will cause an earthquake that will tear the middle east but told britain's sunday telegraph newspaper that international involvement could turn his country into another afghanistan his comments follow the u.n. chief latest call for the repression is to end after a weekend clashes claimed a reported fifty lives the arab league's also weighing in with strong criticism of serge damascus to take the necessary measures to protect civilians the u.n. believes more than three thousand people have perished in the unrest since march but this isn't syrian writer and democracy campaigner michel kilo things most people there don't want a military solution to the crisis. we're against military intervention whether it's a date tomorrow or in ten years' time even if the regime is deny late every one of
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us would still be against military intervention we fight for freedom and we don't want to add external slavery to our domestic law we don't want it to become a part of the struggle between the international and internal forces syrians are peaceful they want to progress under conditions of freedom and development and they don't want to turn into a concentration camp a polygon for larger countries like brian becker from the u.s. based antiwar coalition believes that unlike libya syria is too strong for the alliance to intervene that's why the west wants to spark a civil war to bring about regime change. for using the same lingo the same scenario the syrian opposition is borrowing a page from the playbook for libya they know that they can come to power only with the advance with the support with the intervention through multiple means of the nato powers of the western powers and i think what we can tell the syrian people is
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look at what happened in libya the issue of a no fly zone sounds like go a way to defend civilians it's really a way to begin the war to begin military operations against the syrian air force or air defenses i think the first and this is the plan of the obama administration is not direct military intervention but to promote a civil war inside of syria i think they realize that the syrian government is substantially stronger militarily and within the arab world as compared to khadafi but they can use the human beings who have grievances valid or not to be the human material for a civil war and i think the u.s. government officials signaling the syrian opposition and the syrian president that they should learn the lesson of libya is a clear message begin the civil war they want to weaken syria first as a as a prelude to a more direct intervention for regime change so the coming out see this hour
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another outbreak of violence in the middle east we report on how the deadly exchange of fire between the well and has overshadowed a peaceful mass protest of government spending in tel aviv. schools demonstrators all supporting the occupy wall street movement have been arrested across the u.s. overnight riot police in denver moved in detaining activists who refused to leave the. police used pepper spray to disperse the crowds at least thirty people were arrested in the states of oregon tennessee and california after police went into in force curfews removing protesters belongings it was nature threatening demos in. the city was hit by an unseasonal snow blizzard however the activists say they are ready to withstand harsh weather conditions to make their point and as it is gone if you can reports now from washington your prior protest is a serious in the nation's. the peaceful nationwide movement that turned violent overnight in oakland. police attacked protesters with
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tear gas stun grenades. flash bombs and rubber bullets we had been there for weeks we had been taking care of ourselves there been no incidents with the police and they came in in one of the most terrifying shows of force that i've ever seen in my entire life and they came in and they either flushed everyone out of the camp or arrested them and then they began to systematically trample all of the tents cut them apart and this need people really really angry a former u.s. marine an iraqi war veteran was seriously injured by a tear gas canister that police fired had. footage of the wounded veteran and police brutality spread quickly the shock of it galvanizing the nation and the occupy movement across the country i r s google says the company received requests from local law enforcement agencies to remove you tube videos of police brutality they did not comply the stronger of forcible response five establishment the
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stronger the movement will get the larger the protests will become the protesters through these past six weeks of being careful not to taint the movement's reputation with violence by and large most reports suggest that this movement has been almost entirely peaceful but some in the u.s. media use the night of violence you know clinton to portray the protesters as radicals and more violence from the occupiers a lot of these people are professional agitators a good number of these people are radicals no doubt about it you might ask how radical was this elderly woman in a wheelchair who was tear gassed by police or jasper father of two who was working on his ph d. at the university of california berkeley you know they characterized you notes that . the perspective of the movement as marge. it all and radical fringe in order to discredit it this moment really is about all americans it's not just
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about people that make a story we've been poor this is about now it's true the middle class is starting to feel the impact of corporate greed that has run this country for so long as the movement grows bigger and more structured it's becoming harder to ignore the message of the campaigners who call themselves the ninety nine percent and protest against corporate crime and government complicity protesters tense march through and throughout the country there will be more the movement is only expanding several weeks ago police crackdown on protesters with pepper spray this week it was tear gas and stun grenades protesters now want to hit big business where it hurts a general strike next week demanding banks and corporations shut down for a day but will the police response be anyone more brutal crackdown i'm going to check our reporting for washing our teeth. well looking very close on those protests that are hitting the united states coast to coast head on line for more of our teams with.
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the money rather good night good money go to our you tube channel to check out the chance which the occupy protesters are using to rouse the rallies across new york. israeli airstrikes on gaza have killed at least ten palestinians in response to rocket attacks on the jewish state that left one dead that's the worst outbreak of violence in weeks following a successful prisoner swap deal between tel aviv and hamas. is the latest from israel for you. one of the concerns people have is that among the hundreds of palestinian prisoners who are still in these radio jails and who still need to be released as part of that prisoner exchange deal that saw one israeli soldier return to israel in exchange for more than a thousand palestinian prisoners many of the palestinian prisoners who still need
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to be released belong to the democratic front for the liberation of palestine and that is one of the more palestinian groups that has claimed responsibility for a number of these rockets that have been fired into israel in recent days so there are many people here saying that this does jeopardize that prisoner exchange deal and that it will be almost a convenient excuse for the israelis nor to release the hundreds of palestinian prisoners that it is still committed to release as part of the deal there were more than twenty thousand people that took to the streets of tel aviv they were not surprised by the violence they say that this is something that has happened in the past and it is the government's way of detracting attention away from domestic problems and certainly if you look at the international media coverage the international media was much more focused on what was happening in terms of security concerns and on israel's border with gaza and then on what was happening domestically here and this is exactly what protesters say they say that they want money to not be spent so much on the on the defense budget but for cuts they have
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to be made so that more money can be spent domestically and certainly this increase in violence and the government's response in terms of the fact that it is going to give gaza a harsh hand to tracks attention away from what people here say is the ongoing situation where they have very real demands that are more often than not overshadowed by the excuse of security concerns. staying with a court has sentenced a former israeli soldier to for a few years in prison for releasing classified military documents some of the league files detailed military officials approving the assassination of palestinians in the west bank but those claims oddly being investigated i spoke to a legal expert who says that undermines israeli law. in this case a whistle blower blew a loud and disturbing whistle the military is violating international law and the directive the israeli supreme court in carrying out assassinations in situations in which they are required to try to make an arrest and so the state attorney's office
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prosecuted the soldier but failed to seriously investigate the conduct revealed in those documents conduct with raises serious questions about rule of law in a democratic system that pattern of behavior of violating by the supreme court because of the supreme court said that if that said you must try to arrest is part of a pattern of practice within the israeli system and it's something that's very disturbing because when the army does not obey orders by the supreme court the supreme court is actually more reluctant to issue those orders because no court wants to issue orders that are going to be ignored and then of course you have a serious threat to the rule of law because in a democratic system the army is of course supposed to listen to what your system tells them tells them to do. leaders managed to strike a last minute deal on the eurozone debt crisis on thursday to try and save greece and avoid further collapse the banks have a bitter pill to swallow though they ended up agreeing to write off fifty percent of what greece owes them after eurozone leaders decided to have the country's private sector debt to one hundred billion euros europe submersion support of cash
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will also swell to one trillion euros after the summit in brussels french president nicolas sarkozy said allowing greece to join the euro was a quote mistake about overdeveloped who runs to belgium is leading business magazines leaves only a sticking plaster solution and greece needs amputating from the euro zone. it's just buying time this is really not the bazooka everybody has been asking for i would describe it as a water this of course prevents for the moment that we really get to a kind of. escalation of the greek debt level which is now growing in the direction of the eighty percent of g.d.p. but you cannot call this a structural resolution to the difference greek problems they are a little bit afraid to really bite the bullet here because if you look at it closely there is only one solution for greece and it should have been put on the table already several months ago that is for greece to leave the euro zone but that
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is a decision everybody's afraid of and what has for example not been discussed now but which is very much on the mind of several of the european leaders is that there is a huge problem brewing in portugal because this country is going down to greet the greek road quite rapidly now so if one does the action today on greece one immediately has to put a similar kind of action into operation with respect to portugal. the e.u. may have agreed on how big the bailout basket should be but now it's got to fill it with cash to do that leaders are looking to china and they sent the fun chief they said try to generate a bit of economic enthusiasm but beijing is hardly jumping at the chance it seems to be their believe china is treading carefully who doesn't throw good money after bad china will join the band of all the saviors but china will not be our white knight in this regard because china is not very satisfied
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satisfied with the fact that those that the austerity plan didn't come on the right time and there are still the war between different stakeholders with. within this format. on the other hand the indecisive and the slow pace in of their members particularly those leading members in solving those issues so that really see sever ties to number of people in terms of their patients to come up to the rescue plan if you go and see on our t.v. report from the most anticipated cultural event in the russian capital in years. the bolshoi back in the day millions of theater lovers had been waiting for as moscow's landmark theatre and build its first performance in sixty years after massive repurposed. and reporting of a landmark moment to a russian cargo ship is on its way to the international space station delivering
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tons of supplies for the orbiting crew two months after its predecessor crashed. there she goes a soyuz rocket says the progress module from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan they say should get the i assessed in three days delivered with food fuel and other supplies for the three astronauts who are currently up there that's the russian and american of the japanese is only half the normal crew there right now because a similar supply was crushed after blast off in august temporarily suspending all flights says the head of nasa is shuttle program in july the soyuz is indeed the only transport to the space station these days you get the backstory to the soyuz missions as the space station only lifeline on our website out there about it for you to discover these stories to. this day fifty years ago the soviets set off the most powerful explosion in human history flexing its there with nuclear muscles and
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the device it was never thankfully going to put your head to the russell pedia section to find more about that. also the pyramid with russia's most notorious financial ponzi scheme that robbed millions of life savings in russia back to the nine hundred ninety s. is back again this time it's targeting ukraine it's getting surprising number of investors interested to the details mccall's crucially that small print available about. voters in the central asian nation of the finnish casting their ballots in the first presidential election since a bloody uprising toppled former leader coming back to kiev last spring counting is now underway current interim leader roza otunbayeva will step down later this year to make way for the winner of the three main contenders the front runner is the
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country's prime minister a wealthy businessman who's promising to bring stability and prosperity the vote is seen as both a democratic milestone and of the. charms to repair the country's dangerous north south divide in april last year at least ninety people killed in the capital in the unrest that ousted by kiev it led to massive ethnic clashes in the south that left more than four hundred people dead. ten twenty two pm moscow time more today's world views in brief now the kenyan jets of southern somalia of gillett's killed at least twelve wounded over fifty they were targeting islamist rebels but somali officials claim those killed were in fact civilians including six children i would say the jets bombarded a militant base there under nearby refugee camp kenya sent troops into somalia in mid october to fight somali insurgents thought to be behind assaults on the border . residential loyalist troops in yemen have reportedly shelled a petrol station it's killed at least for most of them were children dozens of
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others were injured in the attack north of the capital where local tribesmen now back anti regime protesters yemen's enjoyed months of violence that's left more than seventeen hundred people dead so far the u.n. is pushing for president saleh to leave in line with the gulf states transition plan. a strain a long quote says in order to end the bitter union dispute immediately and get back in the air the flag carrier grounded its entire fleet straddling tens of thousands of passengers and threatening to lockout stuff taking industrial action but independent work tribunal over ruled the airline and the union should be flying again by monday afternoon or the long running row over pay and cuts is yet to be resolved. the legendary glamour of czarist opera ballet is made a very big comeback to the heart of the russian capital as the bolshoi theater reopened this week after years of renovation catarina groucho over was at the exclusive grand relaunch to find out whether it was worth the wait and indeed the fortune spent on it. just strewn made from
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scratch it seemed hard on paper but it appeared arduous in reality over seven hundred million dollars of state money and six years of work to bring back all people and send glory to russia's landmark theater even the president side with. the. it's been a painstaking process going through this nightmare was not only the theaters company but also the government on the side construction workers. site workers were the first to the theaters orchestra sang an ode to. a real truck driven on to the stage just showed the scale of renovation the theater underwent unesco has already taxed the works as unique the stage has doubled in
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size and not by growing wider the bolshoi has remained in its historic contours but by growing underground i think it's absolutely wise choice to drive budapest within the old into the building and try to modernize it without making it a modern building and modern looking it is definitely not kilo's of braided gold tons of crystal and hundreds of metres of silk woven by monks all setting the scene for some of the world's greatest beauties but. there is another. all right. here. is what is the word bolshoi associated with in the west of course they use this a ballet. this say. this a chandelier. that credible standard. and of course this is a rush to see the stage with old soviet symbols now removed came the last president
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of the us ceasar me heil gorbachev bela legend maya p.c. at sca as well as directives from the competition world class values including last scala the vienna oprah and covent garden precious opening night tickets for the wealthy and well connected only were exclusively available for the president's office and for others copy to watch in the sheet autumn and the opening night show gala concert was displayed on giant t.v. screens. and as the curtain came down the cheers rob will from outside could be heard ringing inside the renovated restored. exit in the groucho but art scene. had this we hear from inside israel's political circles to why peace feels as allusive as ever with the palestinians got up for you plus the something spoiled as well with dimitri and the top flight fight to win russia's
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premier league football i'm kevin owen here in moscow this is our team international. all.
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the movies. but i define it as
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a struggle for somebody of australia if you want to be out there so i'm not really going to see the film on screen if you want to have sex go and have sex. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the realm plus. we've done the future cupboard.
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the latest news in the week's top stories from our. libya. the country's new leaders to rein in the heavily armed public. from revealing all about western leave a shady dealings with ten. americans occupy wall street protesters resist growing police pressure despite the arrests of activists who refused to pack up and went. from the scene from the. legendary home of the. capital for six years and hundreds of millions of dollars later it's not sporting it's a regional artistic. break and deadly fire between israel and gaza has left at least eleven people dead its worst violence the weeks tens of thousands returned to the streets of tel aviv to protest against disproportionate government spending.


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