tv [untitled] October 31, 2011 2:01pm-2:31pm EDT
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international news and comment live from moscow this is r.t. with the twenty four hours a day the cultural arm of the united nations as accepted palestine as a fully fledged member it's the first time palestinians have achieved full status as a un body but you know sco will now pay for the decision with a loss of nearly a quarter of its funding which comes from the us what is daniel bushell explains. washington says the vote goes against its laws that against u.s. jurisdiction any organization and fund any organization that recognizes palestine as an independent state of. israel those opposed. to israel doesn't have much financial leverage the world. is like this one now the united states and israel all the guys and they break this washington but. it's decision. the european union states several e.u.
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states also voted against the palestinian bid for membership is the clearest sign so far of the palestine we'll find opposition from the un security council if it goes to the full full membership there is a meeting of the council next month and the us has signaled that it will oppose that and it will use its veto so if palestine does move towards that it seems that will be the final stumbling block for full palestinian membership of the un israel and the us in fact say that there should be any bilateral deal for israel and palestine must come to the negotiating table and find a conclusion between themselves but palestine says that israel is refusing to negotiate despite efforts from the middle east quartet now off to palestine applied for the un membership last month the quartet said israel and palestine should resume talks within a month now the month has now passed there has been no resuming of talks the main
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story in point is the palestine doesn't want to negotiate with israel as long as it continues building settlements on its land on the west bank which is palestinian territory even by international law now and israel has this continuing moment to build new settlements televisa says the core of the conflict is that palestinians just won't recognize israel and the violence has flared up again we can do that with israel and at least eleven people were killed. syria's president has told russian television the forces fighting his regime are armed and dangerous and putting civilians at risk a shot assad also said he's ready to work with the opposition parties that have emerged during the months of uprising against his government are these to cilia reports. strong words coming from syrian president bashar al assad to where the conflict this country's been going on for almost eight months now in that interview to the russian channel he did say that any attempt to destabilize the country will
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result in what he called an earthquake that will reverberate not just in the region but will have a global implications he also stressed that syria is most definitely not libya it's a different situation altogether and he did voice out what he at his government think is a real cause of the conflict in his country. today we have hundreds of soldiers police and security forces among the dead how were they killed during peaceful demonstrations or because some slogans being shown no they were shot and this means we're dealing with people we don't know whether the weapons reach syria from israel or in you know the state that possesses such weapons but there is evidence of mines and grenades that were put in place is packed with civilians this led to casualties in a number of cases the information obtained. of terrorists. into syria from neighboring states become pain was funded from abroad and we have a list of those who are responsible for this the government has tried to put forth some reforms and the president has said that they're planning parliamentary
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elections in february there are opposition voices such as the national coronation council which shot tries to bring together the different closing forces in syria they're saying that while they're very critical of the reforms they've put forth by the government saying it's not enough they're also wary of calling or door saying a so-called no fly zone because they do see this could just result in more bloodshed they don't want to see that in their country now the arab league of course has had been actively trying to find a solution as well trying to us speak with syrian officials they put forth a plan to president assad he said that he will be a willing to talk to all of the opposition voices including those formed during the conflict however these are words for now they want to see actually go shushan table and that's not to say that i mean there the external pressure is increasing that even if there's a lot of hesitation to. any form of foreign intervention our words coming from the western leaders as well as china and russia who as we know had vetoed that u.n. resolution calling for sanctions on syria all of them are calling for a dialogue for real results to see that the violence really stop and that's really
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the main focus right now of the pressure coming from the outside they just want the violence to stop. reporting that let's get some perspective now from an experience war correspondent joining me now in canada the syrian president claims the opposition forces of being funded from abroad is there any way to prove that. there's so little information coming out of syria because so few foreign reporters being allowed in there which is one of the problems with the fact that from the almost from the outset just like in libya these protesters did take up weapons and now we're seeing an increase in the actual violence between defected soldiers that are taking up arms and firing on on the syrian soldiers so it is now at that stage where it is now an armed rebellion people can no longer refer to them as protesters are being suppressed no country would allow an armed rebellion on the streets with some sort of action to curtail that you mentioned libya what sort of comparisons can be made with what's happening in syria now and what happened in the. well it's
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almost playing out the same way in every every case here we've got demonstrations on the streets showing that they're pro us i mean it that they're supporting the regime as we saw up until the almost the very end in tripoli with massive demonstrations people program the trying to show the world they've still got support against the rebels in many ways but the only difference here being that the international community is not rushing into it with the case of libya the minute they got the result was aleutian u.n. resolution they had aircraft in the air and they were already targeting. leadership targets inside tripoli and elsewhere so they were quick to respond here we got a lot of reluctance on the part of nato allies to make the same mistake if you will to get involved in this and of course they don't have the u.n. security council and yet it's a mistake well we're just hearing today that and as for has made a statement in libya during that campaign the nato campaign to a close saying it's a success so. if it was a success that couldn't be
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a success in syria. well again what yardstick he's using i'm not sure because again it's almost eight months of nato airpower an intervention arms in training for the for the libyan rebels to actually force and to to topple the gadhafi regime and then to capture and kill him so i mean if you look at the odds stacked against him obviously there was support for the gadhafi. regime i mean to the end and we have yet to see what's going to happen inside libya as these various factions the libyan factions that were only unified in terms of common purpose by their hatred for gadhafi you've got some pretty widespread different ideologies and different religious factions that are at play here libya this is poised to become a giant disaster so for them to claim victory right now maybe a little prematurely hoping that their senior people inside nato that look at this saying look before we can count this one as a victory we better look twice at syria before we get involved but you could say that nato has lifted the lid on those tensions in libya if that's the case and
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you're saying that this really could lead to a very very unstable situation that doesn't that give nato an obligation to continue with this mission that bearing in mind of course its original aim was to protect civilians. well a noble aim that it was yes but of course that involved in the end bombing other civilians but in the case of syria i mean it is as a side points out i mean a little bit of difference in terms of geographic fault lines and where he's positioned it would have potential to reverberate throughout the entire region which is very unstable right now iraq is not stable the americans are due to pull out within two months they're looking at relocating forces a decoy so they can still maintain some sort of. clout in the area. you turkey has launched incursions into northern iraq they've got the kurdish factions there's a kurdish minority inside syria as well i mean israel's on the border if you've got all kinds of things there now which would be very difficult to go in there and turn that into a less than volatile situation because syria is
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a vital geo political point there isn't it in all those countries you mention if that country lost its ability if assad was to go then that would have major implications on the region would it not. well at ease not using the some sort of bombast that we saw from former iraqi president saddam hussein was going to take on the world and you know the mother of all battles he's saying he's going to turn it into another afghanistan in other words no one's got any second thoughts about whether nato could force their way in but if you do fight your way in you're going to find are going to be fighting an insurgency for some time to come very interesting here we have to say thanks very much indeed scott taylor joining us live there from canada will correspondent thank you for your thoughts. we'll keep an eye wall street movement shows no signs of slowing in the u.s. is enters its seventh week schools and activists have been arrested across america for refusing to pack up their camps and russia has voiced concerns of the crackdown on the treatment to protest is by the u.s. authorities. global the way the occupy wall street protesters are handled is an
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ample illustration of double standards quite a number of our counterparts from western countries are pursuing we will never put up with a situation when our western partners who have the right to ask us questions refused to discuss their own problems which there are plenty and which keeps growing. the statement comes in response to building criticism from some western countries as russia moves towards its presidential election authorities in the us have tried to force various curfews over the weekend to prevent demonstrations from escalating further more than seventy protestors calling for political and economic changes have been arrested in the state of texas oregon and california and police in denver used pepper spray to disperse the crowds but the protesters are saying they are ready to withstand the pressure for more on this let's talk to james baldwin he's a founder of the americans to preserve the american dream and democracy website thanks for being with us live there in the states while the protests are entering a seventh week now yet the government and big business have so far failed to
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address their demands so they don't really care do they. it's like they're just not getting the message the american people have basically shown their resolve and this is been in the making for some time i predicted this cry about fifteen years ago that the american people can only handle so much of the first class i guess you'd say income inequality in america we're the land of the american dream and the middle class standard of living but we're under these situations we're seeing that this wonderful country has turned into a plutocracy of the rich for the rich by the rich they're all plans to organize a general strike later this week fairly ambitious plans you think that really is likely to happen does the movement really have that sort of national support.
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i hope that we've gotten enough attention amongst the general population of america the strike would be a feasible attempt to further gain traction and get this message out but the masses are trying to send to be a power a leave of america a general strike surely would make the economic situation even worse something that you're campaigning against. definitely i'm campaigning against that but we do have to send a message and sometimes you have to do. a maneuver that may not be considered in a burst of interest but just enough to get the attention that's needed to bring the proper addressing of verse plutocracy zation of america and the income inequality that's now before the middle class and the birth of the middle class in
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america certainly getting a lot of attention not necessarily because of the message but the way that the protestors have been handled by the police reports of alleged brutality from the police towards protesters what sort of message is that sending the way that the protestors have been dealt with by the authorities. it's basically sending a message that. we are as free of a population as free of a society as we thought we were basically a police presence can be used against the mass majority of the ninety nine percenters and that's something we do not like to see in the american society and it will have to be dealt with our guests on our level of the population how are going to deal with the police. blocking of our ideology of the american dream as it was founded in the constitution by our founding fathers and there has been
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some criticism that the movement is lacking some sort of cohesion one single message many people campaigning it about various issues that are affecting their lives but down to the economic situation obviously based on financial issues but still a varied amount of messages does that not perhaps possibly undermine the longevity of the cause that people might actually start to go a little weary of all of this and the message could lose its momentum. there's always a possibility of any movement but i think the fact that we've got basically occupied groups across the country and across the world this is not going to be just a passing trend in world society this is probably more for the long haul it's just it takes a lot of doing to you know to address these type of things and not to come across as just trends in ideology so i hope we are not going to
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see this just basically dry up and fall by the wayside we cannot allow that and the world cannot allow that for the sake of democracy and the american dream in america. j. baldwin president of americans to preserve the american dream of democracy talking to us live from miami thanks very much indeed for your time. the russian billionaire owner of chelsea football club remember the movie is appearing before a london court in connection with a five and a half billion dollar lawsuit being pursued by russian businessman buddies but as of ski the self. he claims his former associate illegally force him to hand over the money and now he wants it back artie's are the bennett reports of one of the most expensive disputes in history. well this is actually the first time that mr abbott was actually given evidence and spoken in this hearing despite it already going on for four weeks that's just to give you an idea of how long winded this
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whole process is and today was no different however it was fascinating. to hear him speak and to see this going on because he's a man who's one of the richest in the world with an estimated fourteen personal fortune of over ten billion pounds that he very rarely speak to the media if it all and yet today all of that intrigue and mystery suddenly evaporated as he was put on the spot and reduced to being just an ordinary member of the public basically he was visibly nervous he was shy shaking a little bit small in his words and there's a lot at stake here he's being sued by mr berezovsky for three point five billion pounds a third of his personal wealth mr berezovsky and him were the co-founders of the or company sit next to mr berezovsky alleges that he was blackmailed into selling his shares in that company for a fraction of their true value now in this cross-examination today that's just started as lawyers were focusing on details to really discredit mr abbott move which think we've heard allegations that he was involved in the arms business also
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allegations that he lied about his education so these details might not be key to the actual case it's an attempt by his lawyers to discredit mr abramovich both of them concealed behind this curtain of money and and mystery and this hearing is really been the peek behind that both men turn up to court in very shiny cars mr barrett mr b. is the bodyguards call him turning up in my bar mr a mr i promote it in a mercedes they're all both flanked by bodyguards translators lawyers that he's got a team of about fifteen now mr bures all skis clane what's central to his claim is based on their close relationship form a close relationship on speaking terms now he says they were very close friends he was his mentor and they were their business partners yet today released a statement denying that. part of the problem with actually establishing what exactly the deals were between these men because none of it was actually written
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down and this is a fact that doesn't seem to surprise or shock these men they take it as fact obviously and they say well that's just the way it was because this was after all ninety's russia. reporting there let's check some other international news in brief this hour in our world update a suicide bombing in the southern afghan city of kandahar has claimed at least four lives a truck laden with explosives was detonated near a u.n. aid agency checkpoint several people wounded in the blast in suing a gunfight between insurgents and the afghan civil suit curity forces the taliban has claimed responsibility. nato is set to wrap up its mission over libya by midnight on monday marking the official end to its military intervention responsibility for national security will be handed to the country's interim government will face is the difficult task of collecting helpless weapons and firearms from civilians weapons use became widespread during the eight months of civil war that ended with the violent death of libya's former leader moammar gadhafi. to yemen now and huge loss of rocked an air base outside the capital sanaa
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prompting authorities to shut the city's international airport officials say that explosive devices were planted inside twelve fighter jets not yet clear how insurgents managed to get access to the heavily guarded area humans capital has seen months of anti-government rallies with protesters demanding an end to decades of president sunday's room. at the new york trial of victor boot the russian businessman accused of international arms trafficking and supplying weapons to terrorists is close to a conclusion he was arrested in thailand in two thousand and eight after a sting operation by the u.s. and flown to new york to face trial our correspondent and the stars of chicken is following developments in new york. he was arrested in a sting operation conducted by the united states drug enforcement agency where special agents were posing as members of this group and trying to lure him into a business deal with them so that they could promptly arrest him now the prosecution says that should face from twenty five years to a life sentence behind bars whereas his lawyers see that the only thing i was doing
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was trying to sell two old cargo planes to these people and according to groups lawyer was perfectly aware that he was not exactly dealing with members of the group and we're expected to hear the verdict in the hours to come and this is something that could potentially make or break richard booch we have to remember that earlier in september in a similar case or another russian businessman was sentenced to twenty years behind bars basically the hunt for victor boot has been going on for roughly a decade before his arrest in thailand in two thousand and eight we know that u.s. agents have spent tens of millions of dollars in attempts to build this operation to rescue your boot while he was peacefully living in moscow actually and then catching him in thailand and bringing him over to the united states and what really seemed like a hollywood movie they snatched him away in the middle of the night from thailand where technically his legal documents still remain we have to remember that type
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courts found not guilty twice but still he was taken to the united states where he has been facing a trial for the last three weeks and the controversy started really a long time ago because this man was dubbed the merchant of death in the united states way before he was even taken here with even a hollywood film made about this man and the judge was even forced to make the jury sign a pledge that they would not look this man up on the internet because unfortunately for boot in the court of public opinion in the united states he's most likely already lost this case. coming up to twenty three minutes past the hour here in the russian capital i'll update you on today's headlines very shortly in the meantime kryten is next with the latest business needs. welcome to our business up at the south thanks for joining me the russian government is putting some numbers to the help it might offer the eurozone presidential aide archiver college says this could mean up to ten billion dollars
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for the debt fund this could be done through the i.m.f. and by bilateral agreements with individual countries michael as it is house. russia helping the eurozone makes both political and financial sense europe is russia's largest trading partner so ensuring its recovery could only be positive for this country's wellbeing will be no winners should the e.u. be fed to the wolves but it's not all financial all truism russia will be seeking some sort of reassurances as to the structural reforms in europe's most indebted nations also buying european bonds offers russia the prospect of diversifying its reserve holdings which are now dominated by u.s. treasuries on the downside money that does go through the aid is not available to the stance of home although economists suggest it is not enough to make a real dent in russia's plans i would still say you know we're talking about ten billion dollars which can be important in mind for maybe specific kountry and the
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european union's on but for russia to take into account the central bank reserves say about five hundred billion dollars where really talking about you know lamar in the financial decisions politically there's also majlis to be meet russia wants closer relations with western europe to coming to its rescue in its hour of need can only be to its credit something which may come in handy when discussions focus on matters closer to russia's heart such as energy relations. looking at the markets now all declines pairing the biggest monthly gain in more than two years futures slow as much as one point two percent after japan we can begin to guess the dollar main commodities priced in u.s. dollars less attractive to investors so market watchers expect a jump in crude prices to push gasoline. undermind amount of stocks in the u.s. are sharply lower with wall street relinquishing some of its recent rise banking stocks are falling broadly after the securities firm m.f. global filed for bankruptcy protection last week the company's debt was downgraded
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to junk status by ratings agencies among other lenders the bank of america and j.p. morgan stanley dropped more than four percent following declines in europe. now let's cross over to europe which closed in the red with a foot in the dax ending over three percent down banks and miners among the biggest decliners as commodity prices fell shares of hedge fund manager man group dropped four point nine percent world bank of scotland and lloyds banking group both lost over six percent. and here in russia stocks closed in the red for the first time in four days on monday crude oil and metals fell hurting the outlook for companies in the world's biggest energy exporter guinea coach miles are from alpha capital says investors are now in a profit taking mood. following a roll of the recent through four weeks when major markets one twenty to thirty degrees sound you know find ourselves in some correction so we think it is not true
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for continuation of a healthy market growth for us not to grow by five percent or so but we have seen some positive done and so in selected stocks in the russian market market is correct run all sorts of profit taking partially people just don't want to buy at such high levels. as our business affected us our journey forty five minutes from or half past six.
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historic day for palestine which is achieved its full first membership to a u.n. agency but recognition comes at a price with unesco losing nearly a quarter of its funding which the u.s. cut in response. back syria's president claims the protest campaign against his regime is being funded from abroad the west not to get involved and the head of nato has ruled out imposing a no fly zone over syria which some demonstrators in the country have been calling for. the clash of the russian tycoon two of the world's wealthiest men remember the movie. take their bitter dispute to a london court and spend no money on the fight but as his every move richard robbing him of five and a half billion dollars and wants it back. well as u.s. troops prepare to withdraw from iraq in december they leave behind a campaign that's cost the american taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars when next we talk to a middle east expert who says the u.s. .
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