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tv   [untitled]    October 31, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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it's a rocky horror police show frightening scenes break out between denver law enforcement and occupy wall street protesters so from the use of police baton to pepper spray even brought aboard what will be next police tactics against peaceful protesters. judgement day is postpone for victor boot of the u.s. courts hold his fate in their hands for at least another day we have already been coined margins of death by mainstream media there's a question is a fair trial ever even possible. and it's seven billion and counting this as the earth's population has record high so what the world busting at the seams of
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resources struck them both to look at an alternative energy option for our world. but some scientists say the answer could lie in the periodic table of elements the safer greener more abundant solution to nuclear energy so will the hammer of thor even come down as the stronger option for them to go green. it is monday october thirty first eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine freeze out there watching our team. well let's take a look at the new developments in the occupy wall street movement that have now moved well beyond wall street to main streets around the entire country in light of recent events much of the focus has shifted to the role of police and the way many officers have opted to balance their desire to keep the peace with the protesters desire to occupy parks and spaces in various cities over the weekend it was denver
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colorado where things heated up quite a bit. this video is from saturday and things got especially heated after protesters tried to put up tents outside the capitol there denver police intent on dismantling the occupy wall street camp use tear gas for taunts and pepper balls which seem to be a look more painful than most people think as you can see there now this follows what turned out what to be a very violent weekend oakland california when tear gas and non-lethal projectiles were also used to clear. and the critically injuring a man got also a lot more veteran he was standing peacefully you see him there he was hit in the head. let's go to new york city where not only wall occupy wall street started but also where some of the first incidents of clashes with police came out of this video you may remember from the early weeks of the protest police using pepper
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spray as well as their batons this was followed a few days later by about seven hundred people arrested on the brooklyn bridge so let's talk about all of this in the context of a few questions first what is going on here second are these tactics necessary and are they working and finally what other tactics will be on the horizon to answer those questions i spoke to film a critic of crawford is with copwatch to start things off i asked him to tell me what kind of different police tactics he's starting to see on the ground at different occupy wall street protests take a listen. until last week it was unconfirmed i mean you know. earth from the beginning what we noticed was a lot of people that were interested in videotaping or interested in in acts of violence there really had no ground in the movement they were participating in meetings. they really were fairly disconnected. as time passed
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we had that rate this week and a few people that i had videotaped will last week it turned out were in uniform as police officers so i put that together and put it online yesterday and within a few hours it went viral when i was in a lot of what i thought i did see a video and it seems like what you have there is audio of you know police officers from two thousand and three i believe talking about the need to be prepared in the future for when things happen to talk a little bit about exactly what is going on with with occupy oakland ok well as you all know we were rated this week and when we really met that evening were tear gassed for several hours by o.b.d. in violation of the use of course policies. i would say right
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now we're stronger than ever because more and more people are showing up every night. areas than reoccupied we there is trying to do something. but you know the movement right now is really figuring out what we want and i think there's a lot of autonomy from her so yeah it certainly a change of tone from mayor kline i know at first she talked a little bit about you know giving police a court several days ago for their efforts and certainly that changed after what happened what we saw with scott olsen him being severely critically injured she says she has taken back her word then said you know police presence should be much less than it is i did see pictures today of people that are really occupying in the park but it's really interesting and talk to me about this i know that you're in california but when we interviewed
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a few days after those brooklyn bridge arrests several weeks ago in new york a lot of people there told us they were sort of led on to the brooklyn bridge i mean not that they were going but police let them go on the bridge they didn't know that if they went on they would be arrested and it wasn't until they went on there that they were arrested i mean is this a common tactic yes yes absolutely it is and wow you know we need to be vigilant to please provide consumers and will traders we also have to be wary of snitches and informants because we already have proof from that night with the police with tear gas and those of unknown woman that was outed in the oscar grant movement movement in which a young man was shot about five or recently years ago and it was captured on videotape so we've got provide tours in the streets that are even being funded they're directed by the police and we need to be aware of that and as you stated earlier our now acting chief of police in two thousand and three stated in its recorded on my video that they need to. of infiltrators from the get go and they
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take leadership positions well in that case where he was talking about they actually had police get into the movement and become elected and leaders and so the police do the desire to have decision making in this process they have desire to shut this down and so they're going to use any means necessary while the city is a stand off approach for the most part that does not mean that there are agents within our group trying to destroy so really interesting and i know we've done numerous stories from around this country i know the laws are very different depending on what state you're in but there are a lot of laws against taking video of police on duty talk to me about how you think these laws came into place and what the impact of that meant well. very a lot of these laws i think you're referring to and maybe the wiretapping laws in
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which you in certain states you can't record somebody without them knowing however the use of only really been enforced over the last couple years since the nation in the world is the common cold and understand that these are public officials there they're operating in public and if it would be stopping members of the public we not only have the right that videotape them but we should be and we also graham movement really made a lot of people here step up and i think that you know these cases that we're seeing is the police try to stop people from having the right and the ability to document what they're doing their police their public officials we have the right and we don't have the right you know we're not giving them the magazines but jacob i think what a lot of people might say to you though is there are a few bad apples there are a few police who definitely overstepped their bounds a for the most part a lot of them that the majority of them really take their jobs seriously in terms of keeping people safe in terms of keeping their communities safe why is it that
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you are so intent on exposing all the bad apples then you know i'm wondering what you would say to people who say you're making it seem like this is a much larger problem than a dense i'm sitting here right now with four pages of servile killings in oakland over the last ten years i can show you where we don't have the time but several of these officers were not only promoted but they were put in other positions of power where they have the ability to cover up younger officers that are involved in shootings and killings so what we have is if you kill in oakland on the local police department if you were killed you're more likely to be promoted and you're more likely to be in a position of power to be able to protect others and mind you during that night when they tear gas at us that came from a direct order from the top you want to talk about a few bad apples he's got a you and they're running things so i don't really care about what people can say about that because at the end of the day if a cop says. do this and their supervisor i'm just doing my job it will be
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a ninety thousand dollars bottom line get in the streets just do their job and as you can see to do it all is well really really interesting stuff that you're doing and that you're documenting keep us posted on the different kinds of things that you see because we really want to put it out there make sure people are aware that this is going on filmmaker with cox watch jacob crawford thank you i want to talk now about the trial of victor boot not forty four year old russian businessman accused of being an international weapons dealer now both have been charged with conspiring to kill american nationals conspiring to kill american officers and employees conspiring to use an acquirer in the aircraft missiles and conspiring to provide material support to the fark rebels in colombia south america he has been ignored by much of the mainstream media the merchants of death victor boot remains he is innocent stating his business with sales and services in the shipping industry you might remember he was arrested in a u.s.
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drug enforcement administration sting operation in bangkok thailand back in two thousand and eight he was extradited to the united states for trial over the objections of russia and now a jury is in the process of deciding his fate earlier i spoke to r.c. correspondent on stasia churkin to she has been monitoring this case and has the very latest on the trial. recently what was scheduled to take place today was the prosecution to make a final statement before the jury gets together to decide on a verdict afterwards followed by a speech from the defense apparently they didn't have enough time to get this done in the so far seven hours that they were gathered in court for so we are expecting this to finalize tomorrow although the jury will get together tomorrow it's not exactly clear their verdict decision making process could take up from minutes to several hours to even several days so we're going to have to wait and see exactly how soon they're going to make up their mind so just that we're clear here so closing arguments have been made for the both for both sides but we're still
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waiting for additional statements about what you're telling me no closing closing arguments have been made by the defense and they're now expected to be made by the prosecution tomorrow after which the jury will get together to make a decision you got it is unfair do you want to talk about some of the history of this case just give our viewers a refresher course in terms of how this all shook down this has been going on for several years now and talk a little bit too about some of the controversial elements of this. well you know christine this is definitely been a pretty crazy case because apart from the details that you so wonderfully outlined in the introduction of the story we have to keep in mind that the u.s. officials have been chasing around and have been on the hunt for him for pretty much a decade this started about ten years ago when it was peacefully living in moscow the u.s. officials started pumping tens of millions of dollars into setting up this sting
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operation to hunt down because we have to keep in mind of course that when he was arrested in thailand in two thousand and eight and is now being charged with conspiring to cooperate with the fark rebels which are deemed terrorist by the united states and not by the united nations russia or thailand by the way the people he was dealing with were actually covert special agents and not. group members by any means so that's sort of one of the things that's been reason eyebrows in this case that of course the fact that he was really snatched away by the u.s. in the middle of the night like in a hollywood movie from thailand to the u.s. even though thai courts found him not guilty twice and his papers continued to separately still remain in thailand so the way he was brought here and basically you know hunted down for so long it's really unclear why the u.s. would spend tens of millions of dollars on this one man and i know this case has been one of q are three major cases that we've been focused on another one is that constantine yarn. talk
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a little bit about you know the two cases and some of the main points here going on here. you know. it was a great example to bring up because he was sentenced to twenty years behind bars this september a man who was also snatched up from a third country a russian citizen brought onto u.s. soil where particularly had never even stepped foot on u.s. soil before that incidence so certainly that case of precedence where it became clear that the united states is not planning to really refrain from sentencing foreign citizens on its soil regardless of whether or not they've been on u.s. territory and we know this is of course not exclusive example but in russia's case this is certainly a great precedent in modern u.s. russian history and with this case we're certainly not going to we didn't see whether or not this becomes a similar scenario and just finally in the south i know i've been reading in
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a lot of different places all over the web today things that basically eventually say there's no way victor group will not be found guilty talk a little bit about that and why people are so sure that this case has already been decided. well you know this is actually one of the most interesting points of this case because many believe that people have been following this case is that his guilt has been decided by the court of public opinion a very very long time ago because like i mentioned earlier for a decade this man was searched for hollywood movies presenting him as a villain were made the mainstream media in the united states legal to the merchant of death we before he even you know his trial even started so certainly it's going to be very hard for you know even though the judge made the jury signed a pledge saying they will not be googling this man around trying to find out more about who he is but that hasn't probably made the jury of refrain from watching television and movies from which they would certainly know about the united states
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see this man as an enemy very interesting stuff our team correspondent on the stasi in turkey to keep her eyes on the victor boot case for us thanks so much well planet earth reached a milestone today the global population has now reached seven million people there's a picture of danica make a macho she was born in manila philippines in a crowded government run hospital she was chosen by the united nations as the symbolic seven billionth baby and she represents a reality for everyone on earth babies continue to be born at a rapid rate on a planet that itself is not getting any bigger and this has a lot of questions about the need for people to rethink how they live what resources they use and talk about that more in a bit but it's also sparked some insight on the desire to think about leaving the planet altogether and so book for other planets to call home argues peter oliver explores that idea and this report. so when next mercury too hot.
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too cold mars mass will do nicely as the population of earth passes the seven billion mark some of suggested the red planet as a replacement for our current blue one however these times of tightening purse strings the cost of going to mars could be a problem in the not so a one man expedition to mars and back would cost it is safe to say over three billion dollars preparing for these flights would cost about thirty or fifty times more than a two way ticket in other words we're talking about colossal expenses regardless of the price those who have been into space say the time is right for mankind to yet again boldly go where no one has gone before everybody realizes that it's time to reach out and explore the universe beyond low earth orbit we have for many years just for ten years at least we have been on the international space station in
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north orbit very close and we haven't been somewhere else or with people since the lunar landings which ended back in one nine hundred seventy two there's no shortage of take kids to be the first to set foot on mars and potential red planet trailblazers have started their training young surgeon is still just a teenager but he's putting in the hard yards in the hope that he can help create a potential new home for humanity millions of kilometers away not mars i want to be the first to travel to mars and to other planets as well of jupiter saturn they say you can leave there in future we're still a long way from science fiction becoming science fact with human setting up home on the surface of mars even if we put the huge cost of a martian settlement to one side there are some serious hurdles to be overcome not least we have no idea if life existed there previously and if it did whether whatever killed it off could be dangerous to us. why should we even think about
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finding a new home. that's resources are finite therefore we will eventually have to either restrain population and production growth risking losing both or we find a foothold on the planet no matter how much it cost us with the retirements of nasa space shuttle the only way for people to get into space at the minute is the russian soyuz rocket currently with the science available our chances of a global relocation anytime soon a pretty much zero however took to weigh in central moscow the mars five hundred project is simulating the effects a mission to mars would have on a crew and search of a new home. there is one obvious reason why the experiment has been so popular the world is still a place for dreamers who dream of exciting projects that unite people international projects. is not old enough as it stands we might have to learn to deal with the soaring global population and young surrogate will keep on training hard and the
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hope that he can do it for the dream as usual of a party. well in the meantime then let's talk about what's going on here back on earth where resources that are growing are growing more scarce and economists scientists even politicians suggest that we could be reaching our breaking point i want to put up some numbers for you i think it's important to show just how fast the world population has been growing so in one in eighteen zero for just a little more than two hundred years ago that's when we reached one billion people it was another century in one thousand twenty seven before it hit two billion people then things started to move really fast three billion people in one nine hundred fifty nine four billion in one nine hundred seventy four five billion in one thousand nine hundred seventy six billion in one thousand nine hundred eight and now seven billion people at this rate united nations estimates we will hit eight billion in less than twenty years by twenty twenty five and ten billion by
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two thousand and eighty three to dig deeper into the implications of this earlier i spoke to the vice president for energy and climate after united nations foundation reduction i asked him to tell me how do concern these numbers really are as we had with mine. i think you can't have continued growth at this rate and not just put huge streams on the planet's resources but as women get more economic power and more power within their families they tend to limit their families and so the best that we can do to limit their growth is to make people more economically able so when you say as women start to gain more power gain more equality certainly that's happening in this country not not the case in a lot of other countries but is this just sort of an awareness and terms of family planning and that type of thing or. you know what is it actually a result of well usually it means economic empowerment and i do think it's happening all over the world including developing countries as women make money
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they tend to keep the money within the family they tend to take more charge of the planning of the family and so this leads to smaller families and it leads to better economic conditions for the family so you're saying we shouldn't then be overly concerned about overpopulation i think that we want to give women the tools to decide how big their family should be and so if that means accept access to contraceptives they should have that but i think that in the wrong term economic empowerment is going to do more to stabilize the world's population that's why rich countries have plateaued on their population i want to talk to you now about resources certainly this is a major issue as the go ahead i think go forward what do you see as the biggest challenge in terms of dwindling resources well as these billions get added to population they put more strain everybody wants more more more for what's really
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remarkable is that the o.e.c.d. the rich countries have calculated that over the next twenty years three billion more people will join the middle class they're going. more cars they're going to work refrigerators they're going air conditioners and that's going to put huge pressure on the planet's resources so it's not just more people coming into this world it's the fact that a lot of those people are not in fact going to be living in huts with no electricity it's really interesting to think about that because right now it seems at least in this country we're going through a time where more and more people are moving from the little middle class down back into the lower classes at the inequality gap grows but you're of course talking on a global scale is that right of course in this country what most people would consider lower class would be a rich person going through free so if you think about in china and india people who've been in really extreme poverty are now buying cars they have jobs they have
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apartments they have houses. so you're talking about people moving into these different classes about relying on more and more energy what about an issue that we've seen just over the last few years and that is the food prices continuing to go up how big of an issue do you think this is well some prizes are correlated to a remarkable degree to the price of oil because when i was such an important aspect of agriculture i think that you will see you know as you see the explosive growth in demand for cars in china for example we're going to see continued upward pressure on the price of oil and that's going to continue to put pressure on the price of food as well as speaking of oil i mean right now it's one eleven there are plenty of alternative forms of energy that we know about from solar power to wind power for a brief stint there was a phase when electric cars were being developed but for a lot of reasons and i think there are a lot of reasons but one of one of which many people would say is that the oil
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companies in this country in this world are extremely powerful and seem to sort of . not be in favor of other types of energy competing with them. how. likely is it that other alternative forms of energy will be able to be developed in a world where the oil companies have so much power and don't want to see these other forms developed i mean do you think that's an issue i think it's a huge issue trying to compete with an existing rotor of like oil which after all has to be right ninety seven percent of the transportation workers so you're bringing in new product to compete with that you have a huge obstacle to overcome but i do think through. this is to work mostly to electricity it will be a door fuel vehicle so it may use gasoline or bio fuels in addition to electricity but i think that inevitably because of environmental concerns the world will shift
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toward electric vehicles so we have seen a lot more hybrid of a lot fewer hummers being sold interesting interesting things to think about as we do have to assassinate and billion mark in our population thanks so much that vice president for energy and climate of united nations foundation we'd catch up with you and as the world population is on the rise so too is the demand for energy but what if there was a form of nuclear energy that was safe and there was plenty of it while science was a researching a source that could be all of these things it's called for e r c correspondent lizzie takes a look at the oreo and why despite its touted benefits not everyone is on board yet . president obama has vowed to transition america to alternative energy in america run solely on fossil fuels should not be the vision we have for our children and our grandchildren solar winds vial mass have been touted as more
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viable energy sources the disaster in japan served as an example of the serious dangers associated with nuclear power plants by all of a sudden they raise this level to the highest level the levels of. shake but why. if there is a nuclear energy source that is safe green and have bonded some say thore out is that source light bridge based in virginia is now testing this next generation nuclear fuel in russia south gray is the c.e.o. of the company it dramatically reduces the amount of waste it comes out of the reactor reduces the toxicity of the waste coming out of the reactor and doesn't produce any weapons usable materials and it's estimated that the oriel is three times more abundant than you're raining out in the element currently using nuclear plants and scientists say there's so much of it that it can produce more energy than all the world's oil coal and your rainy combined sounds like the alternative energy source the world needs but despite its advantages nuclear experts say
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politics and corporate interests may be getting in the way that those who. mean that it's going to be picked up by the utilities an improvement. they don't know what could put economics and the environmental benefit cochrane says the u.s. needs to change its energy policy is in order to make the oriana more attractive to businesses they would have to have a different three structure than the current ones to encourage. the development of foreign. nations everywhere are racing to develop new ways to produce and use energy well i think in the coming years we'll start to see more capacity more results more industry interest i think most of the industry interested in using it for human reactors is from outside the u.s. and with testing underway in russia china and india the united states may lose the
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race and find itself behind a car when it comes to energy innovation and the jobs it will create are launching said liz wall arts. well that's going to do it for now but for more on the stories we covered go to our t. dot com slash usa are check out our you tube page at youtube dot com slash r.t. america you can also follow me on twitter on friday i hope you have a great night.


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