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tv   [untitled]    October 31, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's come to didn't create through a bit that it may who can you trust no one who is in view with the global machinery to see where are we heading state controlled capitalism is called sakshi when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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thought about the big picture i'm sorry marvin coming up in this half hour despite two close calls of nuclear disaster in nebraska earlier this year plans to add new nuclear power plants in america are underway so where are the projects again your zones and our nation's corporations quiet off the ladder and greed and it starts with our nation's judicial system and fights they only take all explain why it's now time to occupy. ohio is about to get more nuclear power. lance apparently speaker of the house of
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representatives john boehner hasn't learned anything from the fukushima nuclear disaster in japan earlier this year he also hasn't learned anything from his own party's outrage over the manufactured soul indra's scandal you know the so-called scandal in which beaners wote for the federal government to be out there picking one company over another one type of energy source over another i think is wrong and quote only a few weeks after saying that baner is now taking one company over another and one energy source over another is pushing for a two billion dollar loan guarantee from the department of energy for a new nuclear plant you know course the companies seeking the loan is us the scene incorporated just so happened to give ten thousand bucks in campaign contributions to boehner since last year and yes the price is right joining me now to talk more about the dangers inherent in the proliferation of nuclear power here in the united states and what type of energy our nation should be promoting instead is kevin camp's radioactive waste watchdog at beyond nuclear kevin welcome back thanks tom
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great to have you with us how what kind of a hypocrite is john boehner being on this issue decrying turning into a scandal of their eyesight is he mostly carrying that water of you know holy cow solar power or subsidize it would he do that when he had no clear. ocracy is very deep on the republican side it's not painter just painter and i say it's murphy from pennsylvania it's up in from michigan and it's even ron paul from texas who one side of their mouth talk against energy loan guarantees things like solar but then on the other side of their mouth they're all for nuclear power loan guarantees in their home states or nationwide so in banners case in ohio this is your rhenium enrichment facility that's proposed in portsmouth ohio although there have been hense over the past couple years of actually building atomic reactors there and that's the form that these taxpayer backed loan guarantees taken the united states are your name in richmond or new atomic. actors i mean and you know to be fair
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about this i'm guessing that there are probably more than a few democrats who are pushing for these kind of things in their own states as well very true i mean that word from texas is a powerful democrat on the house energy committee actually took a position to the right of the tea party republican he was running against the last go around on this question of nuclear power loan guarantees and then same on the beat the tea party republican that person changed their position to match has to be in favor of nuclear loan guarantees which puts the onus the financial risk on the taxpayer the taxpayer has become the cosigners on the loan right these guys love the free market until it comes to nuclear power why i don't understand it it's because of the huge campaign contributions of the nuclear power industry also their lobbying prowess. so lender of versus the loan guarantees approved at the local georgia for two new reactors speaking of democrats president obama made the announcement i'm self an eight point three billion dollar loan guarantee this was
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february of two thousand and ten and for two new reactors in georgia that's fifteen times more money at stake than the cylinder so nobody's complaining about that because that industry is spreading money to both parties and that's the old nuclear industry the old boy one of the biggest players in town in terms of campaign contributions and then lobbying expenditures in a ten year period of time six hundred forty five million dollars in federal lobbying that's more than a million dollars a week that's the high already has. a bit of a nuclear problem it would david betsy atomic reactors toledo do i have a study davis that's the atomic tolls or. this atomic reactors now thirty four years old it's had a whole string of near misses with major disasters there was a three mile island meltdown precursor eighteen months before three mile island had its meltdown there was a steam generator in i mean at this davis basically no identical design to three mile island same exact. accident scenario began fortunately an operator had enough
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experience to recognize what was going on the one problem was they never communicated it to three mile island so eighteen months later the three mile island didn't know how to stop it is a mystery but they did that it started to got stopped they came very close to pave especially fortunately somebody caught it in time before it melted down like happened at three mile island there's been a whole string of these incidents most recently in two thousand and two a major corrosion hole in the lid of the cave especially reactor the closest thing to a disaster since three mile island more recently than that just in the last few weeks a crack in the seal building a part of the radiological containment rise that cracked well we don't know yet but they have drilled a huge hole in the thing to get the lid out this will be the third lid on this reactor the first would have the courage and hole in two thousand and two they knew it the second is now leaking boric acid as well as corroded they're going to replace it again but now they got a thirty foot long crack in the shield building this facility needs to be shut down
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it's thirty four years old it's going for a twenty year license extension they want to operate for sixty years there are thirty four years and they've had a whole string of near misses we're trying to stop them this is amazing. curious what's the latest on fukushima. well just last week a report by a consortium of european universities but with an american partner on the study has put out new figures they have again doubled the amount of radioactivity estimated to have been released now the levels in doubled since well since june first when they doubled it before so now we're talking quadruple what the tokyo electric power company admitted to earlier on back in march and april and what are these figures looking like we're looking at two and a half times the radioactive xenon one thirty three released by turn oval so in that sense it's worse than eternal and surnames of radioactive cesium one thirty seven they're still saying about forty percent of what was released by turn. so
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this again is a global catastrophe the response on the grounds in japan includes an occupation of the ministry of energy trade and industry in tokyo. by women from maxie if by women from fukushima two hundred women from fukushima began this occupation the sit down action on october twenty seventh and then on the thirtieth they called for women across japan and internationally to join them in this action. it's remarkable and in the minute we have left the impact on the united states we've not heard a single word early start not in the national media about any detection of radiation from fukushima here have we gotten any rain well certainly the fall out continues the releases from fukushima daiichi continue to annex so it's still it's still below a very yes there's a skating from unit three which evidence is mounting that it is severely damaged the primary containment structure appears to be damaged unit three as well the call
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from the woman on the ground in japan is to evacuate much broader areas because there are tens or hundreds of thousands of children in severely radioactively contaminated areas still and they're also calling for an end to nuclear power but here in the united states we should join them because we have twenty three identical twins purposely made a cheap they could have a bad day we're still receiving the fallout as you mentioned there's a question about even the oceanic currents and the seafood that is migrating from the japanese coast here salmon tuna water the contamination levels there and it's a shame that the obama administration has dismantled any post radiation monitoring we're doing very shallow radiation monitoring is it designed to miss what's there any we need to citizens over kevin thanks so much for being with us tonight thank you for having to see it here. with the few convenient campaign donations speaker boehner is more than happy to put aside political talking points and for the threat
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of nuclear meltdown in his own backyard maybe that's why i always appears to be glowing. just for. the good the bad and the very very good was surely ugly the good british prime minister david cameron well the leader of the u.k. may not know jack about economics we could learn a lot from him about human rights speaking to the b.b.c. cameron announced the u.k. would no longer give out foreign aid to nations that have laws that discriminate against homosexuals. or the premier aid to give us in the world saying that aid actually we want to see countries that receive all aid that hearing to propose human rights and that includes people treat gay and lesbian people should be out within the united states isn't receiving any aid from the u.k.
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because we've been cut off no time to join the other developed nations and realise is the twenty first century and gays are all of the same rights as everyone else the bell and called news broke today the republican front runner herman cain may have sexually harassed at least two women back in the ninety's but who does in culture think are the real bad guys in this story liberals it's outrageous the way liberals treat a black conservative this is another high tech lynching even the allegation who weren't so clarence thomas the supreme court you know that's right there's nothing liberals fear more than a black conservative ascalon ask michael steele and ask clarence thomas and newsflash liberals could care less about herman cain because he isn't actually running for president he's just trying to sell books like you with your feigned a treat of liberals and the very very ugly procket health killers a state certified gun safety instructor taxes and probably should be tried to be even own a gun because
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a radio ad recently letting everyone know that he only offers his gun safety training to evil who aren't muslims and aren't liberal. if you are a socialist liberal or voted for the current campaigner in chief please do not take this class you have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prayed decision as required under the law also if you are a non-christian arab or muslim i will not teach you the class once again with no shame i am a crack at killer thank you and god bless america yes this is the guy texas is interested in teaching gun safety to everyone someone who's ready. i don't think he will be ready to shoot at the first sight of a moslem but anyhow looks like maybe we found our new governor from texas and that's very nearly. crazy alert drunken driving you are it's halloween which means when people commit
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crimes easily ridiculous costumes as well in germany police pull over a man dressed in full yoga garb after he was allegedly involved in it run verily the force was not with the jet i master that night that is unless you consider the force to be a lot of hoops police released a statement on the incident noting that yoda had was given a blood test and had his license confiscated from him and then i happily jet i returned home on foot it appears the rate on the death star has been delayed indefinitely. so i million's a little which is goblins and goes to the streets in search of sweet treats but you know what this hollowing tradition is really all about after a break why everything you think you know they in fact.
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's great thought it through who can you trust no one. has imbue with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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or less here and. right we debut a new segment here in the big picture that has been a long time favorite on my radio show so you know sometimes you know what you know and sometimes you know what you don't know and sometimes as the firesign theater says everything you know is wrong and you know you think you you know you're right
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. it's. sure. you. get everything you know is wrong my expert guests challenge the conventional wisdom on the very things that most of us just assumed to be the truth even though we're never really stopping to think about the real story behind the accepted norm tonight kids all across the country are running around their neighborhoods dressed up in as many characters as they can imagine knocking on every door within walking distance to collect as much agony inducing candy as they can carry it is that what this holiday is not really all about you might be surprised to learn that everything you know about how are we joining me now to break down the real story about today is dr steven larson professor emeritus at the state university of new york and author of ten books including the shaman's doorway. dr larson steve welcome steve and welcome either tom it's good to hear your voice and her you got
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a great picture of my book. thank you what is the real meaning of hollow when stephen. well it is a holiday that christianity tried to abduct owes all saint's day because the catholic church had so many saints they needed a place to celebrate them but actually in many places around the planet. what is called now so when in the celtic cultures own or what is called be a deal is where those in the mexico and central america and parts of south america . was really way way pre-christian it was a in which people want to honor those who have passed and they needed a kind of a special holiday in the in the calendar in order to do that and that is halloween and whether it's not hollow i mean there's nothing how about it it's it's hallowed
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it's a sacred day this is there's a connection here to all saints day and and i'm wondering how many other cultures have this kind of a holiday. lots and lots of cultures have it there are many eastern cultures that routinely expect honor their ancestors and we only do it belatedly because of these pagan survivals christianity tried to kind of bring everything. it encountered in the lengths that various kinds of christian. let's say missionaries. and warriors conquered and turned them into christian holidays so it is hello to be in the sense of being all saints today but for the people who celebrated it it was the end of some mean so when sam is summer time and so it was the end of the summertime season the beginning of the six months of cold cold winter that's interesting while the
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grisly perfect. will the grisly paraphernalia there are a number of explanations prepared for example in mexico it was as take ritual and as we all know the aesthetics had kind of grisly religious rites that often human sacrifices so there are lots of skulls and bones around too to use in the celtic region animals were slaughtered on some way in because it was the beginning of the time where without refrigerators you could keep your meat for the winter and so all the animals that were sick or lame or couldn't make it through the winter were sacrificed on that time and the meat was put into a cold storage and the bones were thrown into the fire it's fascinating what is the specific appeal for kids and why the phrase trick or treat. that's
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a really interesting thing i think it has to do with the guys ng theme guys ng has to do with you effect and you might meet spirits on this night it is all souls night and in the european culture zone before they had go they didn't have any of unconcerned europe so the holder turnips and made goes into magical entrance of ellaline and. it will go out and it would trick or treat the idea of being something horrible is if you meet some spirits out there in the dark you could scare them as much as they can scare you it's sort of getting on an even footing getting on parity with things that might scare you and and the phrase trick or treat. trick or treat is the idea that the spirits themselves are kind of tricky and you might kind of take on near their particular. sort of
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guys yourself and trick somebody out. there and and can we find a deeper meaning or a way for adults to use the holidays to. i think it's a wonderful holiday for adults and we kind of miss it in all the costumes and the you know the american way of doing it is a sort of a hatchet in your head type of. how we but in the hell are we in celebrations we've been at the center for symbolic studies we. we have a beautiful little like a kiddie pool and people can like careers where they are he parted and cut them a little bit and float these candles on little bokes it's like deval in the indian culture is on there to the other ones yes i think you know and it's a time for reflection on the fact that we are standing on the shoulders of generations and we have to kind of honor and respect those generations that have
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had been there for us and we're now kind of remembering. remarkable. is you know i guess that would be the deeper meaning in the way the adults could use this holiday. in just you know that the half a minute or so we have left any final thoughts on holloway and how we might want to transfer on the holiday here and there. well you might see some of the masks that my wife for robin sent to you we do a mass workshop every january return a lot for about twenty five years and when people. sort of become one of the inner cast of characters that we all have and they. they find themselves in new they find other parts of themselves they haven't really met yet and so it's a celebration of the multiplicity of herself in a cast of characters that we all carry around with us. as for her you have in our drive her interest of campbell we're very much aware of this by the way. over
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thirty it was also joseph campbell's para nirvana the date on which he passed to the other world your mentor stephen dr stephen larson thanks so much for being with us tonight stephen great to talk to you tucker kurtz. with occupy wall street in full swing it's time to begin a new occupation of our nation's court system today we learned that corporations are spending millions and millions of dollars and meddling in judicial elections around the world and around the nation in fact a new report by the brennan center for justice the new york's university school of law and other independent judicial watch dogs finds that just three corporate
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lobbyist groups you know how chamber of commerce the business council of alabama and the illinois civil justice league have outspent the entire labor movement in judicial elections around the nation these words alone spent over three million dollars last year making sure the corporate friendly justices found their way on the benches everywhere that country. there's long been a debate over what kind of judges best run elected by the people as most state judges are are appointed by the president as most federal judges are for the truth is now the corporations are allowed to spend unlimited amounts in our elections both types of judges have been corrupted transformed from professional jurists into corporate shills because you they're elected directly in which case corporations don't huge amounts of money and election to decide which a judge will give them more favorable rulings and get that person elected or
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they're appointed and that approved by politicians who are elected by you guessed it that very same corporate money that means the branch of our government that was supposed to be the least politicized supposed to be free from any influence we had corporate were labor is now quickly becoming one of the most politicized branches this is especially troubling considering that the judiciary branch which was also supposed to be the least powerful branch of our government has emerged as the most powerful branch thanks to the eight hundred three marbury vs madison decision the supreme court can now strike down laws passed by congress and signed by the president at the whim of five justices who are unlikely and servian for life we saw the effects of the sweeping power of last year citizens united decision and we've seen the effects of this unfortunate corporate takeover of the high court every single time corporate personhood has been upheld by the judiciary even though no congress nor any president has signed off on any law giving corporations the same
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rights as people that's right no congress nor any president has ever passed a law saying that corporations are people only the supreme court has. so if occupy wall street really wants to find the culprit in corporate personhood it's time to stop start occupying courthouses around america and it's time to start focusing on one organization in particular the federalist society created in one thousand eight hundred two per the instructions of the palmetto a decade earlier the federalist society is one of the most influential yet least talked about organizations in the nation and is responsible for many of the far right wing decisions handed down by courts across america and federalist society now has over forty thousand members and operating budget of ten million dollars thanks to massive contributions by billionaires like the koch brothers and it has been one goal to infiltrate our nation's independent judiciary weeds conservative and libertarian ideology that means rolling back civil rights legislation rolling
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back reproductive rights for women rolling back pollution regulations rolling back labor protections and promoting corporate personhood and corporate immunity from prosecution for the five conservative supreme court justices sitting on the bench right now belong to the federalist society clarence thomas samuel alito antonin scalia and chief justice john roberts. former attorney general under george w. bush john ashcroft was a member of the federalist society former white house independent counsel kenneth starr the guy who spearheaded the clinton and impeachment investigations was a federalist society member as was ted olson the guy who ran bush's legal team and argued before the supreme court to stop the recount in florida back in the two thousand election sealing and stealing that presidential election for george w. bush and republican senator orrin hatch who used to be the chairman of the senate judiciary committee now as the number two member on that committee and oversaw the confirmation of several federalist society judges and he himself is
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a member of the federalist society just think of it as a massive right wing network of judges lawyers politicians and business leaders who fund them who unsatisfied with just using their monies to subvert congress and the white house as spent the last two decades gaining control of the judiciary as well which is all the more reason why we have to get corporate money out of politics because as long as corporations can spend unlimited amounts of money in our elections and we can replace lady justice is blind for with dollar bills rule in favor of the one percent over and over and over again it's time to occupy the courts. that's the big picture first night for more information stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com dot org and. also check out our two you tube channel or went to thom hartmann dot com also to tell arbonne dot com check out all the different ways you can send us feedback and don't forget the democracy begins when you get out there and get active occupies something. in your it will
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see it tomorrow. could you take free. free free. free.


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