tv [untitled] October 31, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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oh i'm sergeant in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture the nightmare on main street continues in sort of the police raids on occupy movements across the nation but despite police harassment and brutality along with old man winter people it's a glee face the movement is holding strong and now we're publicans can't use it again and while the war against the bankers on wall street intensifies there's another group in the one percent who are keeping a low profile while they profit off destruction or villa deep pockets pocketed c.e.o.'s just a few moments. you
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need to know this snow can put a stop to occupy wall street but more police raids can at least temporarily police arrested dozens of patriots over the weekend busting up occupations of austin asheville san diego and portland inventer were seventy eight people were arrested video shows police heavily armed and pointing guns at the patriots there are reports that supposedly non-lethal rubber bullets were fired into the crowd to break up the denver occupation a claim that this video seems to confirm. meanwhile in new york. us throughout. the
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hour us throughout the hour us meanwhile in new york and other cities were officials that allowed the occupations to continue patriots held steadfast despite plunging temperatures and snow in new york around one hundred patriots braved the elements after police officers confiscated their generators on friday morning before the east coast or swept through the city and in oakland where police violence gave a two time iraq war veteran grain damage last week patriots are planning something big for this week a citywide strike is scheduled for wednesday november second and patriots planned a march to the port of oakland the nation's youth to see the busiest port and shut it down occupy oakland is encouraging other occupations around the country to
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promote similar actions in their respective cities so with the narrative still nationwide strike looking like it's the next step in the occupy wall street movement is now becoming harder and harder for our lawmakers in particular republican lawmakers to ignore average american patriots who make up a ninety nine percent movement and their issues of income inequality and affect of america by banks toure's your offer is take as the anthony home author republican strategist and communications specialist anthony welcome back thanks for having me good to have you here eric cantor was really has been refusing to do public speeches but you know only and her audience is up until today and a group of people stood up and and i think that we were showing this maybe we're not in any case. are people sort of turn their backs to him today even. republicans now are being forced to talk about wealth inequality is a good thing i mean it was just like history about the debt well we've all democrats republicans independents talking about wealth inequality for some time
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maybe implicitly you know the demise of middle class i'm hearing about that for twenty years that technically is wealth inequality i don't particularly agree that the occupy wall street is specifically about wealth inequality but it's a good thing to have this is a question of course in the markets about if it's not about you know first it was all through is bad remember that was there was a commentary of the very beginning or sometimes it amalgamates it was that wall street represented the one percent and they'd been basically ripping off the other ninety nine percent i believe it's just the narrative as of late but fine i'll give it to you ok you know the top one percent controls forty two percent of all the wealth in america they've seen two hundred seventy five percent increase in their wealth since reagan came to office i mean thirty years of reaganomics is basically destroyed the middle class america as you point out is that appropriate that people stand up and say no no more people to see and say whatever they want i mean this is the fundamental and in a democracy the right to peacefully assemble period so let's just accept that on its face i heard you say a moment ago forty the top one percent control forty two percent of the wealth. it
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was forty two percent of the the wealth is what you say and they pay thirty six percent of the taxes yeah they are in there and over forty percent of the income and they pay thirty six percent of all taxes i don't know what it is your number is correct the number i gave a talk or a federal tax yes it's a federal income tax credit so bill gates i guarantee you is pain tiny tiny percentage of his federal income tax federal payroll tax compared to somebody who's working at wal-mart as a group and is paying a tiny fraction of his income in sales tax and all of those statements so you know it's to simply focus on the federal income tax is really quite deceptive and i don't think it's sept of at all if he actually very average working person making what you know who's making under fifty thousand fifty six thousand dollars here in the median household now is what forty six thousand other. the average individual wage is now twenty eight thousand which is almost half of what it was when reagan came in office average wages of drop because now we have some people in the household so i was understand flat out i mean you know as i said reaganomics is
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wipe us out those people are paying a much higher percentage of their income in total degree of that saying yes ok actually correct statement than. if i make ok a billion dollars a year the top one percent and fifty percent of all the stockings i mean i have to have you not read thomas payne i don't agree he's really really it was just a list of the top five percent of america five things very different from the top i misunderstand the top arrives pay making over one hundred fifty percent of all taxes for you know this is that if you present includes pretty much most you know like collar workers i mean that we've had this debate before let's kind of move through because i like to get on to way to the to your suggestion to your solution i like to hear we have less than half of them as you essentially roll back the reagan tax cuts and redistribute wealth there you go back to that if you look at the periods of the one nine hundred fifty s. the one nine hundred sixty s. the one nine hundred seventy s. in the one nine hundred eighty s. those were actually the the forty's fifty's sixty's and seventy's those four
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decades were the only four decades in the history of the united states where for four decades in a row you had average g.d.p. growth exceed three point two percent that was it and you're in there alone as your resolution the pozo towards your time period revolution had one hundred years you had it had so many different the oracle in those four decades you had the top tax rate on the others between ninety one and seventy five what rate do you want ninety one settle for what history shows and anthony i i guarantee go back and look at this and in fact i would place a bet on it with if you look history shows the united states that when you have taxes of both fifty percent on income over a million dollars you know the first million doesn't matter i hate it when you have income taxes above fifty percent you have a stable economy when it goes below fifty percent you end up with bubbles and crashes and you believe that because the because. people have cheap free money in the right number because it's at least fifty one badly ready to ask her what now go back to seventy four percent seventy four percent so no one is incentivized to make
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an extra dollar because seventy four cents out of every album that i was ordered to work so everyone's going to be a millionaire on one dollar that's your that's your tax code there is no and then you don't know what you know what that to observe what that did was it produced a nation where the every c.e.o. made thirty times when i was a man is growth we had so many other thing the average c.e.o. it's fundamentally unfair and no i deceive not only is that every dollar i make is gone the government after your first mill you know there's no reason to make anything over a million and therefore on this plane supply are considered to believe in what do you do that what you do you don't work no it's not working let me tell you what i did back it back in was so it is i had a bit before reagan's tax cuts i had a business where i was making enough money that my tech my income tax bracket was way above forty percent of my c.p.a. came to me and said you're crazy to take this kind of money out of your business you know you're paying most of it in taxes keep the business go really well as we learn from twelve employees we massively grew the business and i ended up making
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more money when i was seventy four percent tax rate of millionaires is going to increase job growth this year a battle that he did for four decades of it's just everyone who looks at that objectively and rationally knows it's absurd it had on its face and what's happening with these in the sixty's in the seventy's and eighty's they do year incentivizes anyone to get it did he not over i know you fellers having been one of those people i can tell you when your tax rate hits those kind of points you go you know ok i'll keep it in the past if i make a million dollars by april fifteenth of the year why would i ever work for the rest of the year well if you don't a lot of serial of your work and you go on your business shouldn't be doing it and figure out a. break you the occupy wall street movement isn't just about the one percent versus the ninety nine percent it's about what type of society really. you know there's a point in michael moore. movie his is a movie about how the health care system where he looks at the camera and says words to the effect of at some point we have to decide do we want to live in we
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society or of the society historically humans have chosen to live in a we society whether it's tribal people whether you go back to the bible i mean matthew twenty five the foundational concepts of christianity judaism you know it's restated matthew twenty five care for the homeless care for the you know the hungry feed the hungry was sick this is fundamental stuff thomas paine laid it out in his book agrarian justice he actually proposed a social security system promised pain in the seven hundred ninety s. when our country was first being found thomas paine the proposed social security proposed minimum wage proposed equivalent of unionization proposed that every person upon birth should have some basic fundamental amount of money allocated to them that they could use throughout their lives but there would be a decent retirement but it's really quite extraordinary most of the things that came along with the new deal thomas paine proposed and seventeen the occupy wall street movement for example the ultimate example of where we say free books free
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health care free food people working together and if you look at the republican budget you find the exact opposite the republican budget is all about a society me societies are called feudalism where the very very few own pretty much everything including all the property of the of the of the serfs it's kingdoms it's coke ville as in koch brothers this is the world that the libertarians and the right wingers want to bring us and frankly it's not the world that has historically been america and it's an america that i don't think anybody record. it's time for a deal of all your chance to tell us what you think there is that is question well snow or police raids put a stop to occupy wall street your choices are yes police are raiding protests all
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over the country or no it just makes them stronger a lot of the time arbonne are probably tell us what you think the pole will be open until tomorrow morning. coming up desire go to have the same rights as a fully adult human being this is city voters will take this issue to the polls next month and i'll debate the topic with my conservative guest right up there with . what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to create through get through to be made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary city where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question morning.
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says the occupy wall. movement began nearly a month and a half ago there's been more and more focus on the top one percent in america who exactly these people are who control nearly half of all the wealth in america and while the usual suspects of the banks there's on wall street people like j.p. morgan chase c.e.o. jamie dimon goldman sachs c.e.o.
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lloyd blankfein are bank of america c.e.o. brian moynihan all of whom make enormous multimillion dollar paychecks the real greed monsters on the one percent don't reside on wall street all need the top one one hundredth pub one percent of america's war profiteers who are making enormous bucks hurdling our nation in the wrong war after another people like northrop northrop grumman c.e.o.'s bush made more than twenty two million bucks last year and lockheed martin c.e.o. robert stevens and boeing c.e.o. james mcnerney both guys who collect a salary that would make bank stars green with envy the brave new foundation has just launched a new campaign to expose the one one hundredth of one percenters in america take a look at the c.e.o.'s of the biggest military contractors aren't there and. can.
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and and. these were industry c.e.o.'s use their companies massive lobbying. their gravy train rolling. in the c.e.o.'s businesses or drag on for decades while the rest of us pay for the right. care croad joins me now he is the political director of the brave new foundation welcome. thanks how are you. that thanks for joining us tonight what motivated brave new foundation to expose the one hundredth of one percenters well we want to people to understand who they're talking about when the talking about the one percent and we've got a large a campaign that will talk about that a pretty new coming up in the next couple of weeks but we thought that people would be really surprised you know used to taking like you said earlier of people like the head of goldman sachs or bank of america and they don't realize that the people
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who are behind the lobbying courses to keep us in wars longer than we need to be your to start wars you need to be in in the first place are making so much money that they're actually in the top one hundred one percent and if you look at the top ten of the pentagon's largest contractors that make the most money at the pentagon the c.e.o.'s of seven of those ten companies are in the top one hundredth of one percent and all of them are in the top one tenth of a percent of u.s. household incomes it's really egregious this this really very much is the military industrial complex that dwight eisenhower warned us about and it's one nine hundred sixty one farewell address how is it different from how it was before world war two . well there's one big difference i think it used to be embarrassed seen in america for politicians or the heads of these companies to talk about the economic impacts of war profiteering as a jobs program which it's not by the way but that used to be
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a slur to say you were doing political engineering when you put together a contract because it rightly carried with it the connotation that you're sticking these factories all over the country in an attempt to win business and in not to do the best chop of the federal government it's a win business in those districts and when an advocate from those congressional districts in congress that has totally changed in the last couple of decades in addition to the massive amounts that these companies been lobbying he injects little pieces of their business into each congressional district so they can basically blackmail a member of congress and say you've got to vote to approve this contract and you've got to become an advocate for congress we're going to run ads in your district so you're costing local jobs but that larger argument is false we've shown in our past videos that were costs and you can find them at work cost dot com that military spending is a jobs killer it compared to almost any other kind of spending and even compared to just regular old consumer spending what the jobs that are created by military
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spending are many many times fewer then the other kinds of you know just it's just kind of common sense that if you spend your money if you spend a million dollars building a bridge or a road that's going to serve a school that's going to serve the nation for decades if he's spent a building to drop it on somebody or some other country let's go on. the you know franklin roosevelt famously said during world war two that he would not allow there to be now one war millionaire as the result of what he referred to as the current difficulties and any put harry truman in charge of a senate committee to oversee the war contractors to make sure that literally not one war millionaire it was made out of world war two now we've got these war millionaires you know basically bragging about it live in a high you know fancy pants what has happened in the psyche of america. i mean can you imagine any president or any current politician giving a speech where they say not one more millionaire is going to be made as a result of this war i think that embarrassment that you're going to make money off
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what f.d.r. called this war disaster because it is a disaster it's not something that ever makes any society stronger it always is about tearing down. the idea that it's an embarrassment to run after it basically it's basically a gigantic version of what's called ambulance chasing right like can you imagine you know any politician standing up to that i think that has been the real change in the psyche here are these companies have been so effective at using the money that they mostly get from us right from the taxpayer almost all these companies and almost all of their money from taxpayer funded contracts they have been so effective at taking that money shoving it both into media campaigns and into lobbying and campaign donations and turning this system against us really they're taking that money and translate it into billions more in profits every year and they're spending on the campaign in lobbying investments they've basically done a great huge information ops on the american people so we now typically think of
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military spending on contractors as jobs programs which it's not we think of it as entrancing american business which it's not we've talked to lots of economists at the workhouse project and we've learned from them because military spending is sucking r. and d. and brain power out of civilian pursuits that are actually more productive we're actually hurting american competitiveness around the world and that's that's intolerable and we've got stop it how do we do that. well the first thing people can do is call the representative right now tell them that you want the deficit committee if they're going to make cuts to make cuts that will cost us the least charts and military spending since it's a job killer in general is where they've got hurt if they're going to cut something to cannot allow these other social programs that lead to more productive economic activity like social security and medicare to be cut at the expense of the military budget a second thing people can do is check on our side at work astarte com and on facebook at facebook dot com slash we're cos we're constantly putting out new videos that
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expose the point zero one percent but also the real damage that's being done to our country and get your friends and walk because like you said the psyche of the country right now is part of the problem and we've got to break through this propaganda spin there somehow military spending equates to economic activity it really doesn't gary thanks so much for being with us tonight thank you so very well said time to put the one one hundredth of one percent out of business or at least bring them down to the one percent any and our wars and bring our troops. in other news finally a question of personhood has made it on the ballot unfortunately we're not talking about corporate personhood we're talking about fetal person in a position about controlling the lives of women on on which both the taliban and fundamentalists and the catholic church agree the religious right has a new tactic to ban everything from abortion to birth control to in vitro
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fertilization and next month voters will hit the polls in mississippi to decide whether or not personhood rights should be granted to a cluster of cells right after fertilization if the ballot measure passes as most observers think it will than a zygote will have the same rights as the woman carrying it similar ballot measures are currently underway in wisconsin ohio florida and a slew of other states so what can a worms in such a redefinition of personhood open your offer her take on this is to issue a pall turning conservative commentator and author of the book the homeowners guide to surviving foreclosure they should welcome. hi welcome thanks tom thanks for having me on your show my pleasure so the moment a woman becomes pregnant the state can assign a lawyer to supervise her and make sure that she presents no risks to her zygote does this mean that we should put alarms into people's bedrooms to lawyers being in notified when women have sex. we're not saying that but this is really
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a good thing because medicine is changing there are a lot of women who are probably the good name in childbirth to pursue a career so this is going to help most women who are infertile and they have to rely upon the state to protect them just in case they have to hire a surrogate so medicine is changing we need to evolve the way we think you know your position of fetuses or even zygotes even fertilized eggs before implantation having the rights of a human being would allow for surrogate pregnancies but it would blow up in vitro fertilization because in vitro fertilization typically fertilized twenty or thirty aids you find a couple that are the most viable you implant them so after women become pregnant you know. just stop with that i mean what's wrong with in vitro for i realize you know the catholic church as an official position that they don't like in vitro
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fertilization the taliban is not all that fond of it but i think the average american thinks it's probably a reasonable thing and if it is i mean we do have to expand the we you know define things technology again is change in people are having kids and a much older age they are going to be reliant on the i do want to vitro fertilization. we are not trying to reach her first i think and we're trying to protect another group of people who will be coming out women who have very tentative ish is are finally going to be able to get for her and they need and i'm a tight ship and in vitro feral fertilization i'm sure you know this you know they'll take twenty or thirty eggs out of a woman and put them in a petri dish along with her husband's sperm until they're they're all fertilized and then they figure out which ones are going to implant the implant three or four sometimes if there's three or four implantations you know they'll abort a couple of those that were this is all like in the first week you know before
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they're even while they're still microscopic so that there's one baby that can grow to pregnancy by if your law is passed every single one of those fertilized eggs in the petri dish becomes a human being and is entitle to a lawyer to protect them and the power of the state literally having police show up and putting guns to the heads of the women or of the researchers saying you will not destroy that egg i mean right now every year in the united states hives a thousand of these are more down the drain you want to criminal but i think that's being too broad i think that if you've been to a party and it's a clinic you feel what women are going through to be able to preserve their eggs they're going to acupuncture as if then in hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to get pregnant and this is this is going to protect them i mean there are no you states even today that do not recognize that the circuit could take the child and the state does not have a law on the book that's going to protect the mother so there are going to get a lot of people who are going to be able to benefit from this bill to open our minds technologies change and we have to start changing the definition to cooperate
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the way technologies are you suggesting now if the moment that a woman becomes pregnant if that moment. and of course you might not even know that for weeks but if the moment a woman becomes pregnant her though those cells in her body that represent the fertilized egg now have a legal right to an attorney and the legal right for the state to protect them from the mother does that mean that as soon as women are diagnosed as being pregnant we should sort of putting detectors on them to puncture their skin and measure their blood alcohol to make sure that they're not drinking for example. ok so what about the fact that there are some women who are probably have been pregnant for older men they probably because they have oh you know they're older and then of course they have children who want to probably forced the child or the you know feet of not to inherit you know there's different things i'm just saying that things are becoming more complicated we're living longer than before we have women who are
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a good name and child birth so we do need to have a broad aspect of life by child is. going to help the society a person is going to helen is pregnant the police should follow around to make sure she doesn't jump on a trampoline i mean it's. for example a woman is experiencing a dangerous pregnancy and is five months pregnant there's a fifty fifty chance or fetus will survive delivery by as the section with an abortion she'll easily survive but if she has to deliver by c section there's a fifty fifty cent chance she will survive who should make that decision a surrogate who her journey on what about a circus has probably wanted to do drugs is it ok shouldn't we have a lawyer to protect the parents who gave the surrogate feed us to you jim do i just hear of you as what you want is your body the example i'm sure you do what you want you can have all the drugs you want go ahead drink it's fine it's fine you know we do have to recognize that there's a group of people that are going to rely upon death we. are going to monitor these
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women then as soon as they become pregnant and for the nine months of their pregnancy how are we going to monitor them to make sure that they don't use drugs and they don't drink alcohol. we're not saying that we're going to monitor them but i would think that a person who turned their. surrogate probably will figure out whether or not the person is doing drugs then they can get the course so how do we monitor the surrogate so so so if so if a married couple. have a surrogate if the man has sex with the surrogate and she's now carrying the baby that's going to be there couples should the police follow her around through her pregnancy. if it doesn't work that way when i send a man who's going to have sex with a surrogate it's more like they're going to have a procedure where there's a doctor involved the doctor the sperm donor you know what it's about would outlaw their personhood without while they're going to surrender and if they somehow we have to be able to preserve the right of a child if the surrogate is probably turn out not to be some buddy who should be
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carrying a child where you know drugs is involved but it's worse vice right he gets the truth sorry we have those laws in place no no no no this is this this is the new this is the new this is coming down most states are still not settled on these issues so that's one thing we need to broaden our horizon madison is change in so we have to be able to think different think outside the box we need to be able to evolve the way we think and this is a very very good bill it's going to benefit a lot of women who have to issue is and now they're going to be able to have the confidence they need in order to preserve you know bringing a child into this world ok. you know i honor your your best intentions i think this is the wrong way to do it but thank you for coming on the program for me and discussing thanks so much for having me thank you for coming up talk about cashing in on a favor speaker boehner is pushing the department of energy to back the phones of a new nuclear plant for a campaign contributor surprise.
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